A Scientific Breakthrough

Story by GreySummers on SoFurry

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Request from anonymous.

Lying back and nestling into her couch, Cate picked up an old book and scanned through the small text. The little lynx quickly lost herself in the words and her soft blankets. Eventually, she gave up on company for the evening. But she had grown used to it, her boyfriend staying late or even sleeping at the labs. The rest of the world fading away, her attention was ensnared entirely by her book.

After an unknown time, a clawed finger curled over the top of her book and gently pulled it back. She gasped slightly, her boyfriend, Teon smiling coyly beyond the barrier. "Ha, when did you get here?" she asked, hugging the dark-grey wolf before her. The lights were dimmed slightly, and he still wore his work clothes. She wondered when he had arrived, hearing nothing until then. But this was no surprise, when absorbed in her reading, one could rob the place and she would be none the wiser.

"Just a minute ago, good to see you waiting for me," he chuckled, the large wolf tapping his nose against hers.

Her own nostrils flared as a worrying scent graced them. "Where were you?" she asked nervously. Very slight, but her sensitive nose caught a hint of flowery perfume.

"The lab, as always," he answered, putting a hand around her and lying back beside her. This did little to assuage her fears, as she knew none of his coworkers. Although she had suspected him of unfaithfulness for some time, she had no evidence and wanted not to find any. Too meek to confront him, and not confident enough to look for another, she set the question aside and snuggled with him. "We finally finished it," he said, beaming proudly.

"Really? Then we should celebrate!" Cate suggested excitedly, mercifully distracted. Standing she walked over to the kitchen, fetching an unopened bottle of wine and two glasses. Walking away, she felt his gaze on her, the attention providing some helpful confidence. "What happened?" she asked, knowing little about his work.

"We finally found a way to program it," Teon stated, tail wagging slightly as he accepted the glass. From previous descriptions, she knew they were creating some sort of polymer which could bind to organic compounds. What this really meant was beyond her, but it certainly interested him. Noticing her confusion, put a hand around her and continued his explanation. "The polymer. We always knew it could bond, just never had a way to make this useful. All it did was replace or stick to meat when activated. Could be used for medicine, even biological enhancement, but the stuff just wouldn't do what we needed. Finally, with no lack of help from myself, we found a way to give it commands, even separate after making its alterations," he explained, excited by the science and pulling her close. "By using organic compounds and pheromones, we can give the polymer basic commands. Not a mind per say, but a goal, wants. Just finished testing today, even made a few, 'specialized' samples."

Seeing his glass untouched, she took his hand and pulled him to his feet. "Let's go out and celebrate. Not every day you have a breakthrough."

Without standing, he placed his glass to the side and pulled her back over. "Actually dear, what if we celebrated here?" he asked, his voice low as he flexed beneath his shirt. She fell onto him, their moist noses touching as their breath turned hot. She kissed him as he pulled her underwear down. "Take that as a yes," he joked, running claws through her soft fur. She giggled, hands on his muscular chest as her short tail raised.

With the stress of the job, he had been terribly distant over the last weeks. This was a welcomed change, even if a persistent fear nagged at her mind. He turned her over, adjusting his pants as she unbuttoned. She beamed and adjusted herself, but strangely, he reached into the pocket of his pants rather than removing them.

"Actually, what if we tried something a little different?" Teon offered, fiddling with something in his pocket, his pants tenting on his front.

"Well... I, um," Cate stammered apprehensively. She was far from an adventurous sort and her first instinct was to turn it down immediately. However, she was happy to have Teon back after he had been very distant with her for so long. "O-, Ok," she murmured nervously.

With a coy smile, he produced a small glass container from his pocket. Closed with a complicated metal seal, it contained what looked like a black marble half the size and the same shape of an egg. "Don't you worry," he comforted, leaning over her and rubbing her folds with the joints of his fingers. A quivering sigh escaped her, and she arched her back slightly, closing her eyes and moaning as he worked her with his expert fingers.

Snapping her from this state, Cate felt something cold and smooth press against her mound. Lifting her head, he saw him pressing the little, black egg into her. Flinching and instinctually attempting to close her legs, Teon blocked her knees from closing and finished inserting it into her.

"The hell is that?" she demanded worriedly, feeling the small marble sink into her.

He gave no answer, leaning in and silencing her with a deep kiss. His pants pulled down, he slowly thrust into her, his hot member pushing the egg further within her. Tingling with pleasure, but confused and worried, she raised her hands and pushed him away. Putting a hand on her stomach, she whimpered as the pressure within her seemed to rise and build. It seemed to move on its own accord, crawling slowly deeper and making her shiver with pleasure. She looked up to him with fear as she doubled over, feeling it press through her cervix.

"As I said, we can give the polymer commands now. Program in alterations," he said, hints of pride and anticipation. She attempted to rise, clutching her shoulders defensively. Chuckling predatorily, he put a hand on her shoulder and pushed her back down. "Just trying out a new design. This will be great fun for us both, a real celebration."

"Please, Teon just-, oh..." Cate began, doubling over as her innards felt to churn and swell.

He scratched behind her ear patronizingly, his long muzzle brushing through the fur on her head. She wanted to fight back, to claw at him, but the sensation worsened. It felt rather good, but strange above all else, like a growing mass of serpents writhing within her.

Managing to stand, she took only a step towards the door. Falling to her knees, she felt the sensation spread downward, turning her stomach but also filling her with pleasure. "You said you could separate it, please," she stammered, looking up to him pleadingly.

"Please, I didn't bring any of that solvent with me. Once we're done, I'll consider it," he sneered. She gasped, feeling the warmth spread outward, almost as if she had wet herself. Shuddering as she looked down, she saw what looked like a flat tendril reaching from her opening and reaching up her stomach. "There we are," he chuckled. With a shaking paw, she clawed at the black tendril, finding it sealed to her skin, but the scent of latex emanating from her waist.

Panicking, she tore at it, only managing to make her normal flesh bleed. To her horror, several other tendrils emerged from within her, wetly sealing to her thighs and stomach, dissolving the fur beneath it.

More and more of the black tentacles escaped her, each making her shiver slightly from the alien pleasure. Hastening their growth, they emerged quickly, converting her innards and skin as they coated her waist. The rubber flesh far more sensitive, she fell to her hands and moaned in ecstasy. The tendrils wrapped and curled further around her, several probing deep into her rear. Once inside, they only seemed to expand, rapidly converting her organs into more of the black goo. "This is a special serum. Going to make you into a perfect woman," he cooed into her ear, leaning down to grab her breast as the bindings reached up her torso.

Looking down, Cate saw the completely encasing her legs and reaching up to her armpits. All her flesh becoming smooth, featureless, shiny, and flexible. She pressed at her changing self, her rubbery skin stretching easily, so sensitive that the touch alone shortening her breath with delight.

This proved a mistake, several strands latching onto her fingers and making their way up her arms. Coating her face, she clamped her jaw as they covered her eyes and entered her ears. Sealed completely within the rubbery darkness, she whimpered pitifully, as a force dragged at her feline muzzle. She resisted, but the force soon proved too much. Her muscles fatigued, her mouth was pried open and the tendrils swiftly dove in. She gagged and retched, but the tendrils held her open and spread their cool touch down her throat and into her stomach.

For a time, Cate stayed in darkness, hearing only muffled sounds as the cool bliss engulfed her every cell. Like her ears popping with pressure, her hearing returned, and light flooded her vision. Staring down, she saw her body sleek and featureless, shimmering in the dim light. Her senses worked fine, though the heavy scent of latex carried on her every breath. Breasts pressed tight against her chest, tail thin without fur. Her bones remained, still solid, but now black and slightly flexible. She looked questioningly to Teon.

"Now for some finishing touches. And a little reconditioning," he chuckled proudly, tapping her forehead and beaming happily.

She attempted to run, but her limbs disobeyed her. As if a puppet on strings, her body moved of its own accord. Back straight, she was forced to kneel, knees parted, head tilted slightly back, and arms bound behind her back. A churning stored within her, her features shifting to match the desires programmed into the black goo.

Cate's waist filled out, chest flattening, and skin beginning to take sharper form. Teon looked at her with confusion, the changes not following as he expected. She too was surprised, dreading her shift into his toy, but saw muscles beginning to form beneath her skin as her figure turned more masculine. Legs and arm hardening and strengthening, she whimpered as she grew taller and wider. Her breasts flattened and stretched into powerful pectorals, six abs defining themselves against her stomach. She coughed as a lump formed on her throat, closing her eyes as the bones in her face shifted uncomfortably.

Groaning, she felt the tendrils within her shifting and extending once again. Rather than crawling up her body, they extended out from her mound. She moaned as her feminine organs became liquid pleasure, slowly flowing towards her forming member. With a loud slurp, his sizable penis took shape, a scrotum and balls revealing themselves below it. A shuddering sigh escaped her throat as the pressure faded, and her body completely formed into that of a powerful male.

"No no no," Teon muttered, pacing around her in a panic. "Did I take the wrong one, or does it not react the way I expected," she murmured, lost in his own thoughts.

A feline hiss sounded from his mouth as Cate, (though the name no longer suited him) felt his movement returning. Brain merging with the latex, new hormones coursing through his blood, he felt a great anger welling from his hatred for his former boyfriend. Lashing out, he knocked Teon to the ground, feeling newfound strength coursing through his powerful arms and claws.

"H- h- hey Cate, sweetie. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. Just hold on, I can fix this if you j- just-," Teon stammered fearfully. On stiff limbs, Cane (as he had come to think of himself) rose to his feet, far tall as he flexed his claws.

Smelling the air, the powerful lynx scented the residual pheromones from earlier. New instincts flooded his mind, cock hardening as he relished the new sensations. Looking down upon the fumbling Teon, Cane felt a different desire taking root. He felt new urges, pure want and power flooding his mind as he hungered for the prey.

Teon noticed the look in Cane's eye, yelping and running for the door. Cane would not allow revenge to escape so easily, pouncing and pinning the smaller Teon to the ground. "Please, Cate, I can-," he began, silenced immediately as Cane gripped Teon's lupine muzzle, latex sticking to and sealing his snout with only a small opening to breathe. His shirt and fur dissolved quickly as liquid latex sept from Cane's flesh and coated his own.

Lust flooding his mind, Cane tore away Teon's pants, positioning him for some new fun. Teon whimpered pitifully, latex seeping over his flesh as he felt a hot point prodding his rear. Cane grinned, blood boiling as sated his hunger and thrust forward, pulling his lover close with powerful paws. A muffled wail escaping Teon's muzzle, the large member stretched his rear.

Closing his eyes in bliss, Cane rocked his hips against Teon, his barbed member coating his innards with black latex. With new parts, it felt like his first time again, a tight, slicked body rubbing up and down his member. Teon resisted at first but his suit was of Cane, and his to control. His new flesh bound him, holding him and increasing his sensitivity, as he yipped with each painful thrust.

Cane felt his balls tightening against him, heart racing and thrill and pleasure flooded his mind. He recognized a shifting note in the whines of his lover. Completely coated and converted, the near featureless, rubber wolf felt submissive instincts taking hold as his hypersensitive body tingled with bliss. Cane reached around and pressed against his beta's throbbing, dripping member. Teon groaned as his rod merged with his body, becoming a vague lump.

Motion shifting into swift slaps, Cane came over the edge, a bolt of thunder shooting through him as hot rubber filled Teon's rear. Thrusting slowly a few last times as his balls churned, and his seed emptied. Teon moaned loudly in protest, pleasure welling within him, sending him to the edge, but never bringing him over. Jaw still sealed shut, he whined pleadingly, excitement fading, and climax denied.

Black fluids spilled from his plaything's rear as Cane pulled out. Elastic, Teon's abused rear shifted back, good as new. His bound state loosening, Teon glanced about, whimpering pleadingly to his master. Cane pet him patronizingly, chuckling as his pet rubbed his crotch, chasing a fading, impossible orgasm. Perhaps he would eventually reward him, but not yet.

Basking in the afterglow of his unfamiliar pleasure, Cane back. The mute and now smaller Teon sat next to him. Thoughts of resistance or fleeing faded from Teon's mind as a submissive, obedient nature set in.

As his pulse slowed, Cane glanced at his still moist cock, then to the door. An appetite grew within him and he looked to the door, wanting to take more pets for himself.

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