Lion Around

Story by Shale_the_Smiler on SoFurry

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Shenzi grows bored with spending the dry season lurking about the elephant's graveyard with her doofus brothers and decides to go for a run. Turns out, that was what she needed.

Disclaimer: all Lion King characters are property of Disney.

"I'm bored", announced Shenzi, planting her hands on her knees and heaving herself up from her rock.

Not that there was anybody to listen. During this season the clan was scattered about, keeping low and not stirring up trouble after the cluster fuck with Scar. It was just her and her brothers for now, still camped out in the elephant graveyard. Not enough of them for the lions to get worked up over despite all their Circle of Life crap, still enough to make ends meet.

Speaking of her brothers, the doofuses were rolling over the dusty ground in the shadow of a dead pachyderm. Their fierce growls echoed off the rocky canyon walls as they batted at each other, each still gripping a end of wildebeest leg bone that hadn't been picked clean between their jaws. Watching them scrap, Shenzi just shook her head and planted her hands on her hips. Sometimes being the only girl in the family was hard, even if it did help make it clear which one of them was in charge.

Finally the meaty morsel could take no more and splintered under the pressure. Banzai and Ed fell apart, each still clinging to a hunk of bone as they fell on their asses. The lack of dignity didn't bother Ed, who happily began gnawing away as he rolled on his back on the dusty ground. Banzai at least picked himself back up and made an effort to brush his dusty hide before sinking his teeth into the leg and tearing off a strip of flesh. "So go have some fun" he said, mouth full and arching an eyebrow.

Shenzi rolled her eyes. "Just like that, hmm?"

"Hey, you're the boss here. You don't need me to tell you how to have fun." Banzai grinned and arched an eyebrow. "Unless you'd rather have company" he added, letting his eyes flick along her frame. Of course he had to duck to avoid getting swatted in the head for it.

"Pig!" Shenzi scolded him, but more by reflex than anything else. It wasn't uncommon for siblings to screw in the wild. She and Banzai and Ed had been together since they were cubs after all. They'd had each other's backs when they were little and shared every victory and defeat. Of course they'd fucked together. When you were closer than siblings, it just felt natural. And besides, it wasn't like how those lions carried on... "Keep hold of your dick Banzai."

"Oh believe me, I am" Banzai snarked, tearing off another strip of wildebeest. "I have to since you're the only girl around here these days. When are you calling the others back?"

"When the rainy season comes" Shenzi said absently. Of course Banzai knew that and he knew why. The prey species would congregate and there'd be bigger concentrations of protein for a large clan of hyenas like her own to feed from. Circle of Life and all that. No matter what those stuck up kitty cats thought, they were a part of it too. Huffing, she brushed her thick mane back from her face and glanced over at Ed. Her more deranged brother was grinning inanely and giggling under his breath as he followed the conversation. "I think I will go out anyway. If I spend another day cooped up in here with you guys I'll crack up." Now THAT got Ed laughing and rocking back and forth, as if to say 'Too late big sis!'

"Smartass..." Shenzi had muttered to herself, hefting her heavy bone club and stalked from their lair, leaving her giggling brothers to their devices. She'd needed some space. And so here she was, loping across the savannah.

Already she felt her spirits lifting. The weather was gorgeous. Bright. Warm. The sun beat down on her spotted hide while the nice breeze cooled her bare flesh. Dressed for the occasion, in a worn but serviceable leather loin cloth to keep her crotch protected and a leather wrap that kept her hefty chest from bouncing with every step, the muscular woman just took the time to enjoy the experience. Her black lips curved back in a big toothy grin as she squinted against the wind and picked up the pace just because she could. Ahhh...she'd missed this! This was MUCH better than skulking in the bone yard, waiting to get bored and horny enough to screw her brothers again!

Her foot paws kicked up dust as she sped across the plains. A herd of gazelles strolled on by, nearly crossing her path as they chattered with each other. The lead male spotted her and let out an alarmed cry that set the whole lot stumbling back on themselves. Shenzi laughed to see it and shot the lead male a wink as she raced on by. His panicked expression amused her greatly, and the spotted hyena kept racing on.

Other prey animals ambled about their business, many keeping a wary eye on her but reacting with less alarm. If Shenzi were out on a hunt she'd have brought her brothers along. Hunting on your own was much more bothersome. But doable. A challenge. Slowing her pace as she came to a partially dried river, Shenzi peered up and down the banks, scanning the herds and beasts that came down to drink. In the hot season it was partially dried up, so forced camaraderie was the rule. Still there were always a few that wanted nothing to do with the others. Some animals were just pricks after all. These loners were always the ones easiest to pick off since they separated from their herd.

Shenzi's yellow eyes narrowed and her teeth bared in another wicked grin. Ahhh, there was one right now. A handsome zebra stallion. Tall, muscular, wielding a big stone axe that rested against his shoulder, but young. He just loitered about, a few dozen yards from the edge of the river like he was considering if he was really thirsty or not. Probably lost a fight to the lead stallion in his herd and got kicked out. And now he had no back up. Dumbass.

Resting her back against the trunk of an acacia, Shenzi watched the young stallion from the shade and wondered idly if she felt like dragging him down, whether to eat or just to terrorise him. He didn't even realise she was here yet! Or did he? His ears were twitching and his snout lifted to the air, sniffing. But the wind was the wrong direction for-

Both of them sensed it at the same time the second before the lioness burst from the long grasses. "GOTCHA BIG GUY!!!" she roared as she leapt in the air, hefting a long spear and swinging it down towards him. But young as he was, the stallion was a fast sucker and swung hard and sharp. His axe cracked into the haft of the spear, snapping it in two. His free hand swung up and slammed a balled fist into the lioness' gut and even Shenzi winced in sympathy. The other female made a 'whuff' sound and crumpled to the ground, curling in on herself. And just like that it was over, all the fight knocked out of her.

Making a split decision, Shenzi leaned forward and rested her club across her shoulder as she began to saunter her way on over. Other herbivores were turning to see what had happened and a few were even clapping. Circle of Life, after all. A few zebra mares were even eyeing the young stallion appreciatively and the unexpected hero was positively preening at the attention. He didn't notice the approaching hyena until she was almost on top of him, and when he did he stumbled back, holding his axe out between them.

Shenzi just chuckled and waved a hand idly at him. "Relax big guy. I'm here for her." She gestured at the lioness, groaning in pain on the ground.

"Oh yeah?" The stallion eyed her suspiciously, watching the big, brawny female as she knelt beside the stricken feline. "You're not going to shank me in the back or anything, right?"

"Not this time." Chuckling to herself, Shenzi hoisted the lioness up onto her shoulder. Feeling the other female shiver and make noises of protest, she flashed a grin at the zebra. "Go on. Have some fun. I bet the one with the green eyes will really lift her tail for you."

"Uh..." He turned back to eye the mares, settling on one particularly intrigued looking female, and any concern that he felt for the lioness faded away. "Yeah. Yeah, whatever you say." Boys, Shenzi thought. So easily distracted. Leaving the stallion to his interests, she planted a hand on her prey's backside and dashed off again, leaving the river behind.

This time she only went for a kilometer or so. She was looking for a suitable place with some decent shade, and she found it around another acacia with shrubs sprouted around it. Non-too gently, Shenzi flopped her prize on the ground and squatted on her haunches beside her, studying the girl as she groaned and began to sit up.

Right off the bat, the lioness struck Shenzi as odd. She was lean to the point of being skinny, like she didn't get enough to eat regularly. Her yellow eyes were sunken and her fur was unkempt. She was clearly still pretty young though, out of cubhood but an inexperienced solo huntress. All angles and sharp points, the only concession to femininity being a scattering of freckles across her muzzle. Not exactly the model of a high and mighty lioness, queen of the savannah and top of the Circle of Life.

"Heh." Shenzi grinned, her black lips peeling back over wicked teeth. "Not having the best day, are you?"

The lioness met her eyes for just a second before she tried to bolt. Throwing herself to the side she scrambled away on all fours, trying to rise to her feet so that she could sprint, but Shenzi was faster and the hyena threw herself on top the lioness. For a few moments the two growled and snarled at each other as they rolled around in the dirt, grappling at close ranges. Sharp punches were exchanged, claws dug into skin, and when it was over and done the muscular hyena straddled the lioness' back, one of her arms twisted up behind her as she gripped her hair and ground her face into the dirt.

There was still fight in the lioness bitch and she snarled and snapped up at the hyena, but she'd gotten a good four across the face, slicing open Shenzi's cheek. Marring her tan fur and her spots with a sting and a trickle of blood. And Shenzi HATED when someone messed up her face. So with four bright red lines ripped across her cheek, she growled deeper and yanked the lioness' head up by the hair, only to slam it down into the ground. Once, twice, three times and a loud crack sounded as the other female's nose broke under the assault. The lioness stopped growling and started whining, and only then did Shenzi pause. Huffing and growling, she kept her teeth bared while glaring at the feline. Yep, her nose was good and broken, blood trickling lightly from her nostrils. The sight made the larger woman grin.

"So what's your name?" Shenzi growled. Dazed looking, her ears folded back, the lioness peered back over her shoulder uncomprehendingly. She started to get it when the hyena twisted her arm up painfully and she began to yowl.

"Ahhhh!!! Vitani!" she screamed. "It's Vitani! Fuck, stop that!"

"Vitani." Shenzi chuckled to herself and licked her teeth. "Alright Vitani. Here's what's going to happen." Releasing her arm, she grabbed the young lioness' leather top and heaved. The muscles in her arms flexed and the tough material tore apart in her grip. Vitani yelped as her tits were suddenly freed and Shenzi had to grab her firmly by the hair to remind her of her broken nose lest she get any ideas. "You're going to keep me entertained for an hour or two. And then I'm going to head on home and deal with my doofus brothers some more, and you can head on back to whatever hole you crawled out of and try to pretend you weren't my chew toy for the day. Mmkay?"

The lioness, Vitani turned and glared back over her shoulder, her broken nose drooling blood. Snorting noisily she spat, then snarled out "I'm going to claw out your eyes!"

Shenzi rolled her eyes. "Well then" she murred, resuming her grip on the uppity feline's arm, "No foreplay for you!" The muscular hyena twisted hard. The flesh beneath her resisted at first but soon enough a crack reached Shenzi's ears and the lioness' shoulder separated. Oh how she screamed... The older female took a moment to savour the sound, showing her teeth and grinning wide. Then she casually set the bone back against the socket, waited for five seconds, and slammed Vitani's shoulder against the ground. That drew another scream from the battered lioness and effectively killed the fight in her. Satisfied, Shenzi let the arm flop to the ground and began disrobing herself.

Vitani groaned in agony, clutching at the ground with her good arm. Blood drooled from her broken nose and she snorted noisily, gripping the dirt and pushing herself up onto her knees. Her arm was wobbly with pain but she managed to hold herself up and start to crawl awkwardly away. Shit, she knew what was coming if she didn't...

Something flopped over her face. Something warm that felt like leather and smelled musky and aggressive. It covered her vision and the lioness paused just long enough to shake her head and knock it free. It took too long. Shenzi's loin cloth fell from her face and the bulky hyena grabbed her prey by the hips, dragging her back forcefully. Vitani's hand skidded out from under her and she collapsed with a sob, her hindquarters hiked up and feeling... "No...don't!" she cried out, panicking some when the hyena's anatomy shoved up crudely against her exposed sex. She'd heard that hyena bitches were all born with cocks...she hadn't really believed it though! She shivered in disgust, gritting her teeth. "Filthy dog...! Don't you fucking dare!"

"Dare what, this?" Shenzi dug her nails into Vitani's hips and aligned her pseudo cock against the lioness' folds, giving her a second to scream her denials before she yanked hard and forced herself inside of her. Her teeth bared in a wicked grin as Vitani went rigid and screamed, huffing hotly. "Ooooh! Fucking tight!" She laughed as she tugged harder, forcing more of herself inside the wonderfully tight folds. Not so wet, but that was fine. This wasn't about the little bitch's pleasure anyway. "Damn girl, your lion must be a lazy bum...if you were my little bitch, there's no way I'd let you get this tight." Licking her teeth, she bore down and thrust, sheathing the rest of her faux cock inside her prey. "Mmm, you're not one of Mufasa's pretty boy Simba that lazy? Or" she added, leaning over to bite at one of her ears, "He just can't get it up, huh?"

When she got no answer Shenzi cocked her head and arched an eyebrow. The lioness had gone quiet. Her body trembled and her breath came in short, sharp gasps. Trying to keep from sobbing? The hyena snorted. "Alright, fine. Just lie there and cry if you're so eager to be the bitch" she scoffed, planting her hands on Vitani's hips. "It's all the same to me. You're not the first lioness I've jumped alone." Gripping the younger female's hips tightly, Shenzi slowly rolled her hips and growled...her bitch flexed instinctively underneath her. " may be the tightest though" she had to add with a big, smug smirk.

Pulling back, she thrust home inside again and Vitani couldn't help a yowl of pain. She tried to bite it back...tried to picture what she was going to do to this mutant... But her body was turning on her. As the spotted hyena built up into a rhythm, hard and rough but fairly steady, her folds grew used to the invasion. And before too long she felt her body getting wet. And so did her rapist. The strange hyena chuckled in Vitani's ear, her teeth clacking in the corner of her sight. "Well well well" she murred knowingly.

"Sh-shut up!" Vitani shot back, bristling. "I don't like this! Mmph!"

Shenzi answered her with a particular thrust that ground directly into Vitani's g-spot. "Right" she drawled.

"Fuck you!!!" the lioness squealed and dug her claws at the ground. The worst part wasn't that it hurt. It was that the more the big bitch thrust inside of her, hips slapping against her ass and nails digging into her flanks, the more the pain went away...and the more her treacherous body responded. Biting her lip Vitani fought back an unwilling moan after a particularly rough thrust. And when Shenzi reached around her to grab hold of her breasts her nipples were rock hard against the hyena's fingers. "Mmph! I'm going to...tell my pride about this!" she threatened. "They'll tear you apart while I watch!"

Shenzi responded by pinching the girl's nipples between thumbs and forefingers and giving them a sharp twist. "Hmm...right" she drawled and grinned wide. Smooshing Vitani's breasts together, she coaxed a squeal from the little bitch beneath her. "You know...for hating it so sure got wet in a hurry." Grinning wide and toothily, the hyena rocked her hips slowly. "Oh yeah!" Shenzi positively moaned and arched her back, feeling that tight little kitty bitch squeeze tight by reflex. "You definitely like this..."

Something seemed to just run right out of Vitani then. All the defiance and cursing and impotent threats trailed off into ashamed whimpers. Pressing her face into the dust, she closed her eyes and just waited for it to be over, trying not to cry. And trying to ignore the heat inside of her, the sounds of Shenzi's grunting and the feel of muscular thighs slapping her backside as she was raped. Bred. Taken like a whore. Shenzi would not be ignored though, and soon she shifted position slightly. The cunning hyena knew just how lionesses liked it...the prideful bitches were so smug, so dainty. Until you pinned them down and made them scream! And when she drove into Vitani she felt the lioness' body respond. Squeezing her tight. Swallowing her faux cock and growing hot and wet. The tawny bitch didn't moan. That was alright though. Shenzi was getting what she wanted!

Vitani wasn't sure how long it lasted. Her mind just...went away for a while as she lay there in the dust. A slave to her body's desires and the hyena who stoked them. But one thing was for sure...she could feel the heat burning inside of her. It got stronger with every thrust and spread all through her body until she was burning up. And eventually her body betrayed her, reacting instinctively and pressing back. Flexing around the hyena's faux cock. An unwilling moan escaping her lips. And a shudder running through her lanky body.

"Mmm...hehe." Shenzi grinned wide. Leaning over her bitch, the larger woman pushed her breasts into Vitani's back and slowly dragged her tongue over the shell of an ear. "That's it...just let it happen. It'll all be over soon." Raising a hand,, she brought it down sharply on the lioness' backside, drawing a yelp from her lips. Another smack followed, and then another. And soon the hyena was beating Vitani' ass mercilessly while raping her unwilling...but still so wet cunt. Her cheeks burned in humiliation, but she couldn't help it as her whines and whimper and reluctant moans grew louder.

"You could always just give in." The hyena cackled as she lay there, sheathed in Vitani's body and rolling her hips ever so slowly. "Think about it. Mmm...your doesn't treat you very well, does it? I can tell..." She ran her hands slowly along the lioness' sides, caressing her slender, rangy body. Almost too slender. Shenzi had seen it before in lions who fell out of favour with the pride king and his queen. Last to feed, targets of abuse. They got skinny. "What was it?" she mused while nuzzling the bitch's neck. "Turned down the big bad male? Rejected a betrothal? Something like that. Something that made you the pride bitch. Heh." Shenzi slowly dragged her tongue over the girl's neck, caressing her nape. Reaching beneath her, she squeezed the girl's breasts and growled into her ear. "Whatever the case, they don't treat you like you deserve, do they?" A roll of her hips and a short, sharp thrust drew a gasp from the lioness. "Now that's a crying shame... I always treat my bitches right. Food. Shelter. Comfort. And all they have to do is...well...I think you know." Shenzi smirked and opened wide, biting down hard on the back of Vitani's neck. Teeth gripping hard and holding her in place as her hands went back to her hips and she began thrusting hard.

Fallen in the depths of her mind, Vitani nonetheless cried pain? Pleasure? She didn't know anymore... Her body was reacting by instinct and head spread all through her, from her sensitive nipples to her burning hot cunny that shuddered and gushed around the hyena freak's faux cock. It was too much for her...her inner muscles gripped her tight and...milked hard as the pleasure exploded in her mind. And suddenly the shame and humiliation of being taken and fucked like a common whore by an inbred bitch like this just seemed so unimportant compared to the bright burning fire that surged all throughout her body. Her hands gripped the ground and for a moment she pushed back against her rapist, meeting her thrusts mindlessly. Her body looking to drag that hot afterglow out as much as she could...her ears folding back flat as the hyena thrust inside of her once, twice, three more times and then... Release. Shenzi's eyes rolled back, her muscular body tensed and she slammed home one last time inside Vitani as she came.

For a while after they hit their peak there was nothing...Vitani shuddered and nosed the dry ground weakly as Shenzi growled and huffed, basking in the afterglow. The pair lay there, connected in the most intimate way while the hot savannah sun baked around them. The lioness slowly came back to herself, her eyes watering as what happened sank in. The spotted hyena smirked smugly to herself and arched her back, stretching her body and working the kinks out of her back.

"Mmm... There we go..." she growled, hands loosening their hold and running slowly over the lioness' sides. "You're pretty good, you know. Whatever big dumb lion wouldn't fuck you is missing out." Grinning wide, she settled her hands on the younger woman's hips and began to pull back with a wet sound of flesh on wet flesh. "Ohhh...but that's fine. More of you for me then."

"Uh..." Vitani shook her head some, fighting back through the fog. She felt the hot wind on her exposed body and the femme juices drooling down the backs of her thighs and shuddered. Her body ached. And she blushed in shame and pain. Even if it...didn't feel THAT bad...

Her ears folded back and she gazed dully at the ground as the hyena circled her slowly until she loomed before her. Silently hoping that she would just leave her. Biting her lip as a hand took hold of her tawny head fur and slowly raised her up, tilting her head back until she was peering up at the leering carnivore.

"Mmm..." Shenzi kept a firm grip on Vitani with one hand while she brushed her mane from her face, licking her lips as she smirked. Studying her eyes, wide with fear and unwanted desire. Her cheeks, lean with freckles, a blush decorating her fur. Her nose, thoroughly busted as it was. "You really are too cute, you know that?" The older woman growled and pulled her closer, her faux cock bopping the lioness on the muzzle. "Unappreciated in whatever pride you call family. So! I'm gonna do you a favour!" Shenzi slapped her firmly across the cheek, and when Vitani opened her mouth to gasp she shoved her cock firmly between her lips and into her mouth, silencing her.

Right away the hyena curled her toes and cackled, pulling her in close and thrusting firmly into her mouth. "So very nice" she murmured, feeling her bitch sputter and huff and try to spit her out. "Here's the deal. Once I'm done with you...done screwing your brains out...fucking you everywhere...and making you feel like you're something more than a low tier lioness in some outcast pride who's always waiting for The Man to look her way...I'll let you go." Shenzi grinned and ran her fingers through Vitani's hair, a gentle touch compared to the way she thrust into her mouth. "We can pretend this never happened at all. But..." And here she pulled out, her faux cock sliding free and allowing the lioness to breathe freely once again. Resting her length on top of her muzzle, Shenzi licked her lips and continued. "But you're always going to remember that you got off. That you liked it. You were my play thing first. And if you ever want to feel that good again, can always ask." She winked and smirked. "I'm not that hard to find after all. Just look for the elephant graveyard and you're on the right track."

Vitani...didn't answer her. In fact she just didn't speak at all. Her ears folded back and her eyes crossed, settling on the member than rested on her snout. A couple small tears were beaded in the corners of her eyes. Quietly she panted, Shenzi's words ringing in her ears. Mulling over her wretched mother. The lair with its darkness and dank. Its lack of food and the furious competition for what there was. And her body had...liked it. Hadn't she?

The lioness focused her thought on the hyena's faux cock as it bobbed before her face. She stared at it in silence. Leaning forward, she pressed her lip clumsily to the tip and sucked the larger woman into her mouth. Her ear fluttered at the pleased growl Shenzi made...a big part of her burned with shame. But the rest of her burned with something else altogether. Closing her eyes, she blushed as Shenzi set a hand on her head, feeding more faux cock into her mouth. She didn't need to say it. Her body had let her know already that she was the hyena's toy.

But as she tasted Shenzi's cock, Vitani had to wonder, what was so wrong with that?

On the Hunt

Disclaimer: any similarities actual people or events are entirely coincidental. All characters are privately owned. And constructive criticism is always welcome! Jasper loved night clubs. The sights. The sounds. The smells. The flashing lights and...

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The Man Who Would Not Kneel

Disclaimer: any similarities with real life people or events is entirely coincidental. All characters are privately owned. And constructive criticism is always welcome! Soichiro Daisuke sat alone at his desk, listening with half an ear to the sounds...

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