Getting Some Tail Story

Story by Zeeme on SoFurry

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#9 of Art

Here is the story I posted with the satyr tf sequence done by Capras

Hope you all enjoy!


Getting Some Tail

Zeeme took in a deep breath as he looked out from the park bench he was sitting on. It was early in the morning, far before any early risers or dog owners were out for their daily run through the park. The sun had only just begun to peek out from the horizon, its light just barely grazing across the buildings and high-rises that surrounded this little slice of nature that had been set aside in the hustle and bustle of the big city.

Zeeme, with his blonde hair glinting slightly in the yellow light of the sunrise, let his eyes glance left and right of him before leaning back to peer behind him. At this hour he was truly alone, with only the sounds of birds chirping to make him feel like he had any form of company.

But that was just what he wanted...

He had been scoping out this spot for the past few days and found that it was in a bit of a visual blind spot. There was no clear line of sight to the city streets and a large canopy tree blocking out any on-lookers from the buildings above. The sidewalks twisted and wound across the park in a dizzying pattern as well to give him plenty of warning should anyone arrive. It was practically perfect, with no one to bother him and with no cameras to make him fear of being caught he could do just what he had been carefully planning to do.

Zeeme took another breath as he reached down and slid down his pants, his body shivering with nervousness and excitement as he exposed his hard cock to the crisp morning air. His shaft was rock hard and already beginning to leak a small bead of precum. With his cock throbbing in anticipation for what was to come, Zeeme gave the area one final look around before finally reaching down and grabbing hold of his modest shaft.

Slowly he began to beat his meat, his eyes constantly darting around the area for any signs of life while the thrill of potentially getting caught fuelled his lusts. He had been a bit voyeuristic in the past, jerking off in locker rooms and public bathrooms, but this was definitely a bolt attempt. In a situation like this he wasn't bound to hold out for long, but that was what he wanted. With a fast and hard wave to ride he let out a moan as he started to pick up the pace. With his orgasm rapidly approaching and his mind filling with thrill of possibly being caught, or better yet, having some stranger walk up and join in with him, he failed to notice a shadow approaching from behind.

Lost in his own moment, the air surrounding him started to shimmer. The smell of fresh hay and a slight twang of musk suddenly hit Zeeme's nostrils, but he didn't pay it much mind. He was getting so close that he could almost feel it...

But suddenly, from out of nowhere a slightly pudgy hand stretched out from behind him and reached down to pinch his right nipple.

The sudden shock and strange pleasure hit Zeeme and he let out a surprised cry, his cock throbbing in his hand as he let loose his payload onto the dew-covered grass. Zeeme was dumbstruck for a few moments after while his cock continued to fire, but even after such a great orgasm his instincts managed to tell him to turn back to see just where the hand had come from that had sent him over the edge.

Looking back at him was a strange looking man smiling a goofy grin. His teeth appeared slightly bucked and his hair was a golden sandy brown. But his most striking feature were the pair of long brown ears that crowned the top of his head.

As the realization struck him Zeeme's eyes opened wide in shock and he let out a gasp before he quickly scrambled down and reached for his pants. As he fumbled with the fabric the creature behind him let out a laugh as he walked out from behind the bench with his hands to his side.

"I was only trying to give you a hand. But it looks like you could use a few more! Hehe-haww!" the creature said with a chuckle as he watched the human frantically struggle with his clothes.

His pants only halfway up his legs and his cock still semi-hard, Zeeme turned to his "helper" to decide if it would be best to either beg for his silence or tell him off, but as he finally saw the creature in his full-form the words stuck in his throat.

The person, if that could be the best way of describing him, looked human. However, he seemed almost like one of the satyrs he had learned about in one of his western civilization classes.

Although not quite how he had seen them depicted before.

From the waist down the man had brown fur, with a lighter tone lining the inside part of his legs. His legs where shaped like those of a horse, with a curved gait that supported his round frame and round butt. Like a horse, he also had a pair of shiny black hooves rather than feet, but behind him dangled a long and ropey tail that was topped with a length of brown fur.


The creature frowned slightly and took a step forward.

"I have a name actually." He said, slightly annoyed.

Zeeme blinked, not realising he had let go of his pants and let them slide back down his legs in his shocked state.

"Oh, I'm...I'm sorry? And you are?" Zeeme asked, his manners instinctively kicking in.

The satyr's expression flashed back to his warm and goofy grin.

"That's better. I'm Donny, and before you ask, yes, I am a satyr. Although not in the traditional sense."

Zeeme nodded, his eyes still wide as he took in Donny's form for the second time.

He had always thought of satyrs as goat-like. His build was like how he always imagined the mythical creatures, but that was where the similarities ended. Although one thing did ring true, Donny was completely naked, and his black, almost human shaped cock was standing at full attention.

It seemed that the truth about satyrs being very virile creatures was true. But Donny seemed to be some sort of strange horse sub-species...or perhaps even a donkey.

"You're a brave one, aren't you?" Donny suddenly asked as the friendly donkey gave Zeeme lengthy view of his exposed form.

Zeeme flinched at the satyrs ogling and he instinctively went back down the reach for his pants.

Donny made a slightly braying giggle as he raised up his hand to gesture Zeeme to stop.

"Its alright, no one can see us right now. Comes with being a satyr. Privacy is something we value, especially when we are trying to have a little fun." Donny said with a grin.

Zeeme blinked and looked around. It seemed like the air was slightly distorted, maybe even a bit warped. Yet he could still see everything around him. It was just then that a jogger came running from one of the paths nearby. It was an overweight man, with earbuds in his ears and his body soaked in sweat. He huffed and puffed as he passed by Donny and him, but he didn't seem to notice they were there.

Zeeme watched, flabbergasted as another person then showed up, completely oblivious to their presence as they rushed toward the bench that he had just been sitting on. They even started to stretch before taking a sip of the water bottle they had tightly gripped in their hands.

And once again, they didn't seem to notice them there.

"Am I dead?" Zeeme asked suddenly.

Donny smirked and walked forward, his hand reached down and grabbed hold of Zeeme's before forcing it into his crotch. Zeeme suddenly then felt the warmth of the Satyrs dick in his hand and the blood flowing through it. He pulled back out of reflex, but the musky stench of the satyr's cock still lingered.

"So, proof enough for you?" Donny said with a smile, reaching down and idly rubbing his member.

Zeeme looked at his hand and nodded, before Donny once again came towards him, bridging the gap between them as he leaned forward and whispered into his ear.

"Good, now I was watching you for a while and I liked what I see. So, I have an offer for you. Wanna do something a little wilder than just jerk off in the park?" Donny said seductively.

Zeeme shivered, his cock beginning to harden once more at the prospect of being able to get it on in public with no consequences. But some rational side of his brain began to cry out and ask if he could really do it with someone...not human?

Donny smiled and stepped away as Zeeme contemplated going through with it. Nearby there was an old stone wall that runners used in leu of the bench that had been there for quite some time. Donny slowly walked towards it, his tail swishing back and forth before he leaned over and presented his ass to the human. Zeeme looked at the round rump that the satyr possessed, and he couldn't help but admire the satyrs inviting looking black hole. The area around the park then slowly started to liven up, joggers and pet owners started to walk down the path with no regard for the two of them, even as Donny presented himself for the world to see. Zeeme's lower brain was beginning to win in the argument on either or not they should or should not go through with it.

Until finally he said his response.

"Fuck it, why not?"

Realising he could not be seen, Zeeme stripped off the remainder of his clothing and set it on the grass nearby. With his slightly tanned skin exposed, he could not help but shiver slightly in the cool air, but the heat coming from his crotch was more than enough to drive him forward. Climbing up the slight incline, Zeeme tentatively placed a hand on one of the cheeks of Donny's furry rump.

His fur was soft and clean, almost like a blanket that would keep Donny warm in the colder weathers while still being light enough so that he wouldn't overheat in the summer. Seeing him from behind for the first time, Zeeme realized that Donny really was like a donkey, with his hair reached down to his back and turning dark to form a small mane that ran down the middle of his human back.

"So, you're not like a normal satyr...your more like a...donkey satyr?" Zeeme casually asked.

Donny giggled and turned his head to the side to look up at Zeeme.

"You going to keep thinking about this kind of stuff, or are you going to fuck me?" Donny asked with a sly grin.

"Point taken..." Zeeme responded as he smiled slightly.

Not wanting to miss out on such a chance, Zeeme started to explore even more of the Donkey-Satyrs form. Although he was a little on the heavy side, his body and fur felt soft and inviting. Leaning down Zeeme spread Donny's cheeks to expose his hole. The inner lining was similar to that of a human's entrance, although much darker to match the rest of his equine body. With no lube on hand, Zeeme felt that this first act would be the best thing to get the frisky jack ready for whatever they had planned.

Leaning forward, Zeeme gave the puckered hole of the satyr a long lick. Donny shivered in response and let out a slightly braying moan.

"'re not bad..." Donny said as his grip tightened on the wall he was leaning on.

The satyr pushed back slightly, clearly wanting more as Zeeme's face was soon sandwiched between the donkey's soft cheeks. Not one to disappoint, Zeeme gave the satyrs taint another lick, swirling his tongue around the rim of Donny's hole and covering it in saliva. He tasted of musk and sweat, with his furry ass rubbing against his cheeks with surprisingly soft fur.

As Zeeme continued to prepare the satyr for what was to come, Donny released one hand from the wall and reached down to jerk off his blackened member. Having already been at full mast, it wasn't long until he was leaking precum onto the grass below as he occasionally thrust back into Zeeme's waiting face.

Eventually Zeeme reluctantly pulled himself from Donny's ass so that he could explore the satyr even further. He took in the sights of Donny's hairy legs that ended in two solid hooves, as well as the long tail that crowned the cheeks that he had been salivating over for the past two minutes. But what truly caught his eye were the two brown furry orbs that dangled beneath his legs.

Being the size of two large eggs, Zeeme assumed that Donny could really make quite a mess if he ever got really excited and being in such a rare opportunity inspired him to see just how much the satyr could really produce. He gently reached over and started to fondle Donny's large orbs, teasing and squeezing them gently much to the delight of the satyr. Reaching a bit more forward, he even took the chance to grab hold of the satyr's member and give it a friendly stroke.

"Oh Hawww...your teasing me..." Said Donny with a goofy grin as he let out another moan.

"Satyrs aren't the only ones who can be a bit mischievous..." Zeeme replied as he reached back to give Donny's orbs another light squeeze.

But what the Satyr did ring true to him somewhat. There has been enough foreplay for now, and he was eager to get on to the main action. Standing up and pushing Donny's back down slightly to make him raise his ass to him, Zeeme readied his throbbing hard member as he started to slap it on Donny's rump before aiming for his prize.

It didn't take much effort to get in, Donny's hole stuck out much more than a normal human, especially with his tail to help guide the way. As he slid in to the donkey-satyrs hole, he felt little resistance and a lot of warmth. Donny clearly was used to taking some-things much bigger than he was.

But then, as he pressed his cock halfway-in, Donny flexed his anal muscles and suddenly he didn't feel as loose as he had before. Donny now had a bit of resistance to his ass, to a point where it felt tight, but not too tight as to slow Zeeme down. The human shivered as he felt his cock wrapped in the warmth of Donny's hole and he instinctively bucked forward, pushing his entire cock into Donny in one go.

"Mmmm..." Donny said contently.

"Oh, sorry was I going to fast?" Zeeme asked.

Donny giggled and shook his head.

"Trust me, your fine. Now give me all you got buddy. I want to see what you can really do."

Zeeme nodded and slowly pulled out before pushing back in. Donny's ass was firm and soft but offered just the right amount of resistance that let his cock feel every corner of his insides that he could reach. In and out, he slowly picked up the pace with Donny letting out the occasional moan as he hilted into his round furry ass.

Soon though Zeeme realized that this Satyr needed more if he was ever going to please him. Not wanting him to grow bored and leave him naked and exposed in the park, Zeeme stepped it up a big and grabbed hold of Donny's tail.

Zeeme pulled Donny's tail roughly, exciting a moan from the Satyr as he began brutally pummelling Donny's hole. Donny really seemed to enjoy that as he let out a hum of pleasure while the human began to act more dominant. Zeeme started to grunt and groan, cursing and growling as he fucked Donny with wild abandon. Donny could feel the passion behind his thrusts, and the human's lust was only amplified by the act of doing it out in a public area. The satyr had pegged this guy was an exhibitionist through and through, but this had to be the first time he had ever done it with a potential audience. Taking hold of his own blackened member he began jerking off again, feeling his own load approach as the human reached his limits.

"Oh shit...oh shit..." Zeeme started to groan.

Donny felt the humans cock begin to throb inside of him. And he knew that he was getting close.

Zeeme however could barely hold on. After he had decided to be a little rough with the Satyr his fantasies of being able to do it in public with a hot guy flooded his mind. But rather than it being some well-muscled jogger, this time he began to imagine Satyrs just like Donny. With their furry bodies surrounding them with their primal scents and hard muscles, this fantasy was unlike any he had ever imagined before. It drove him into a frenzy he never wanted to end, but his body would give out soon even if he liked it or not. So, he road the waves of his pleasure again and again until he felt them reach their zenith. And with one final flash of pure ecstasy Zeeme let out a cry.


Zeeme spent his load deep into the satyr's rump. But something instinctually drove him to add a little something more. After a few more pumps he pulled out and finished expending his load all over Donny's furry and plump ass. Covering the satyr's hole in his spent seed and sweat.

Donny soon finished after, letting out a satisfied grunt as his cock sprayed its load all over the exposed wall he had been leaning on, covering it in a slightly yellow and thicker load.

Zeeme gasped, his body covered in sweat as he realized just how much he had exerted himself. But part of him did not want to let go. The soft, warm feeling of the satyr's ass was not something he was willing to part with so easily.

But then, it was suddenly taken from him as Donny stood back up and faced him with a smile on his face.

"That was fun, we should do it again sometime!"

And then, without another word the satyr lept over the wall and walked towards the bushes, his hole still glistening from Zeeme's spent load and his own cock beginning to soften.

Zeeme blinked and watched as Donny disappeared into the nearby woods. Part of him wanted to ask him for a way of contacting him, or maybe even ask to help him get off as well. But his body was thoroughly spent. With little energy left, Zeeme sat down where he had stood and let out a sigh.

"That...was incredible..."

As Zeeme sat and basked in the afterglow of an incredible fuck, he failed to notice that something very strange was beginning to happen to his body. At the temples of his head, two small nubs began to form. Those nubs then began to grow painlessly as they formed two points, growing longer and harder by the second as Zeeme began to sport a tiny pair of horns. Down on his feet however, an even stranger change began to occur as his middle toe suddenly swelled in size and his other toes began to shrink. A dark black nail quickly began to swallow his enlarged toe, and soon started to consume the rest of the nearby digits. All the while a thin coating of brown fur began to cover his forearms and legs. Like the hair on his head, his forearms turned a golden blonde, growing longer and thicker than any normal person would ever sport in their lifetime. Inversely, his legs where slowly being consumed by a darker, tan fur that covered him completely from the waist down.

All Zeeme could feel was a slight warmth on his head and in the tips of his toes as the changes rapidly consumed his body. His ears rapidly began to lengthen and grow into tall points that were framed by the horns that were rounding his head like a powerful ram. It was only when he started to feel a pressure coming from the base of his spine did he actual realize that anything was amiss.

"What the...?" he said to himself as he looked down at his body and finally noticed the strange transformation it was currently going through.

His slightly rounded belly was no longer there. The baby fat he had held onto for so long had melted away to reveal a toned and muscular chest that was dusted with a healthy coating of blonde hair. But that was only the first surprise as he realized just how mutated and changed his legs now looked, with his toes now almost completely gone as they were swallowed up by his growing hooves.

But then, another change rocked his body that took his full attention.

Down at his groin, his cock started to stir. The base of his member was surrounded by a leathery fold of skin, and his shaft was quickly turning black as coal. The flesh of his cock was also changing as well, growing longer and thicker at a breakneck pace as a thick medial ring grew at the mid-way point of his changing shaft. Finally, to top it all off, his mushroom shaped tip flattened into a wide flare, subtracting some of the shaft's length, which was quickly compensated as it grew yet another three inches.

Zeeme could only watch in awed shock as his legs turned to the same shape as Donny's, bent at a unique angle that would support his larger frame and much wider ass. An ass that was now crowned with a long, golden tail that looked as if it belonged more on a horse than on any Satyr.

Eventually the changes stopped. Zeeme slowly managed to pull himself to his feet, or hooves as would be more appropriate.

Zeeme began exploring his changed body, from the new horns he spotted atop his head, to his firm and muscular ass and all the way down to his thick and solid hooves.

He didn't know how, he didn't know why, but he knew that the cause of this could have only been from one thing. And it would seem that perhaps maybe fucking a Satyr might have had some un-intended consequences that he never would have imagined.

Throwing caution to the wind and smiling, Zeeme took his larger cock in his hand and began rubbing his new equine member with giddy excitement.

"Hell yes! This is gonna be awesome!" he cried out as his new member began to drizzle the ground with a fresh spray of precum.

His body felt like it was firing on all cylinders even after getting off twice within the same hour. His newly equine member ached for release and he was more than happy to give in to his new urges. Taking stock of his surroundings, he could still see the slightly distorted air around him. Whatever magic that Donny had used was still in effect, and likely had carried over to him. This left him with an idea, one that he could hardly pass up as he watched a muscular runner approach the bench he had been sitting on just a few feet away.

The man was very well sculpted, with a heavy and powerful chest that he exposed to the free air with no shame in his stance. Wearing only a pair of tightly fitting and short-cut shorts, the man seemed like a bodybuilder, or perhaps even a model. His right arm was covered with a tribal tattoo and his head was shaven, giving him a masculine and serious expression. But his smile he bore from his runners high betrayed a much goofier and laid-back attitude than one might expect. Covered in sweat and gasping for breath, he sat down and took a swig from the sports bottle he had carried with him and decided to rest. Zeeme saw him as the perfect prey as he stepped a few feet forward.

With the runner unable to see or hear him, Zeeme stood next to him and started to jerk off his cock with both hands. The trill of doing such a lewd sex act in full view, next to such a sexy stud of a man was intoxicating. He could barely contain himself as he let his member leak a river of precum onto the grass below until finally he could take it no more.

"Nnnneigh...fuck!" Zeeme swore as his member shot out a much thicker looking load across the park bench, coating the side that the runner had not been sitting on with several streaks of his seed.

The runner however, didn't notice a thing.

Well, except for the stray shot that had landed on his hand.

Zeeme froze as the runner twitched slightly in response, his brain still in the throes of afterglow as he watched the runner examine his hand briefly.

"Fucking pigeons..." he said as he shook his hand free of the remaining "goo" that had landed on him.

The runner then quickly got up, placed his ear-buds back into his ears, and took off running once more.

Zeeme only stood there in shock, realizing just what he might have just done.

But before he could think any further, the runner suddenly came to a stop.

Having only made it a few feet away, the runner seemed annoyed by some new development that he couldn't figure out. His hand brushed the top of his head curiously, but he couldn't seem to find just whatever it was that was bothering him. But it was then that Zeeme spotted the signs of two nubs appearing on top of the muscular runner's head.

Zeeme's cock began to stir again as he could see the fur begin to sprout across the runners exposed legs.

"I think I'm going to like this new life..." Zeeme said with a grin.