
Story by Faerydust16 on SoFurry

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#2 of Stardust

Wanting to delve a little into fantasy this time. Some lesbian/bisexual encounters, bdsm themes and a little bit of our favorite taboos.

Deep space. It's quiet. Only the hum of the circuit board broke the silence as Captain Zmara Alexander floated in front of the windows, her eyes closed to the beautiful stars before her. They were humming along towards a star system she hated, filled with humans. The thought made her cringe, having set off for deep space just to get away from the judgment and the ridicule.

Alex opened her eyes and glanced at the panel just a few feet below her, glaring at it as the lightyears dropped, more rapidly than she wanted. If only she could get away with it, the brown-haired beauty wouldn't even stop here. But the Federation had called, and no one ignored their calls. Those green eyes narrowed as she inwardly cursed, rubbing her flat belly and calculating the time. Not long enough to play with one of her pets, so instead she closed her eyes again.

"Alex, Captain Alexander." The panel chirped at her, pulling her from her dreams. Tgorth was stroking her thighs, one tentacle buried deep in her snatch. She moaned, petting the Tzernmian, a small six tentacled beast. They resembled Pomeranians, four legs, pointed ears, but where they were fluffy the Tzernmian had smooth scales. They normally used their tentacles for mating, something Alex took great interest in.

"Captain Alexander." Came the panel again, her AI named Roxanne. She tsked at Alex, the clothed AI forming to stand proper in the middle of the ship. Though a small cruiser, it was decently sized for what she did. Bounty hunting. Tgorth stroked her walls, prodding at her cervix with that tentacle, priming her for his seed again. The end of that tentacle was secreting a powerful aphrodisiac, making her nipples harden even though it was warm in the zero-gravity room.

"Captain, you should get clothed, stop playing with Tgorth and prepare to dock in bay 6, fifteen minutes." Alex sighed and felt herself drifting to the floor, though she didn't want to. It was a slow acclimation back to gravity as Roxanne adjusted it, Tgorth whimpering at her foot. A tentacle tentatively reached up to suckle her nipple, making her squirm, leaning heavily against the glass wall. He took advantage of her slight weakness, taking her other nipple with the third tentacle. The other three would be working on moving her to her knees, ripe for the seed.

Alex worked her way to her feet, though it felt amazing and slowly removed the tentacles from her nipples, then the one from inside her. Tgorth whined but retreated, darting back down the hall to her sleeping quarters. The door slid soundlessly shut behind him while she slid to her knees, juices running down her thighs as she shuddered, trying to get ahold of herself. The aphrodisiac was nothing to laugh at, having been a victim of it the first night she took him home.

"Captain, five minutes." The station loomed in the distance, a blot against the stars. Alex struggled to her feet, dragging herself to her room to put on clothes. The standard gray jumper would work, covering also her state of arousal. When she came out they had docked, but she was more composed, even though her clit ached furiously. The jumper fit her like a glove with no clothes between, rubbing her into a near frenzy before the bay door opened.

"ALEXANDER!" Alex snapped out of her reverie and suffering, standing straight before the control panel to receive the federation officers before her.

"Yes Sir?" She saluted the Wolf, Dragon, Human, and Vampire representatives, though they weren't called that. Just affectionate nicknames for the generals of each race, though human she would have called dogs.

"You were summoned to carry some cargo for the Federation." General Thomas Barr, the human representative, spoke with authority. Though he sounded big, he would fold if she pushed it. He'd been the reason she'd been allowed to roam space freely up until now, having had her last assignment years ago.

"It's nothing major." Fang, though his real Gzuron name was something guttural, added his thoughts to the mix. His nose had picked up on her arousal, hiding it behind his clawed hands and loose fitting clothes. Since his race were shapeshifters, they tended to wear garments they could slip off in a hurry. Ones that tore easily if need be, she had learned in her first year in space how easily that was.

Those golden eyes locked with her own, giving her a knowing look behind that grey furred face. Scary looking, the Gzuron were anthropomorphic wolves, having evolved from their version of canines instead of apes like humans.

His black and grey tail swished behind him as he grinned at her, though it only looked to the others like he was scowling. Alex averted her eyes and looked to the other representatives. Shang-Li was a dragon anthropomorphic, though currently he was pretending to be human. The only way to tell were his eyes, too green to pass for human, slit pupils instead of round. Otherwise he looked more human than General Barr, while she didn't, not anymore. That ferocity from her lifestyle in deep space had changed her, made her more than human.

Marcus Darkcloud smiled at her, though his ancient red eyes were as cold as his pale skin that hadn't aged in hundred of years. He was the Vampir representative, taking in everything around him with that stillness that made Alex restless. Neither he nor Shang-Li spoke, though they listened intently to every word as General Barr continued.

"We need to get this cargo moving as soon as possible Alexander. You have ninety-six hours until it expires, so we have little time to brief you." Alex raised a brow but kept quiet as Fang chimed in, taking a step forward out of line.

"I will brief her on the specifics, gentlemen." Shang-Li spoke, cutting off Fang firmly with a dark glare before he could speak. Fang looked at the dragon with a little more than irritation before he, General Barr and Marcus exited her craft.

Alex felt her heart drop as her chance to ease the ache between her thighs disappeared through the doorway to load the cargo. She would bet they wouldn't touch the cargo themselves, instead ordering someone else to do it. Shang-Li smiled at her while she was lost in thought, closing the distance just enough so he wouldn't have to raise his voice to speak.

"Zmara Alexander. You will be taking on this endeavor for the four races as a sign of good will from the humans, sharing their knowledge with the other three races. Therefore, the ninety-six-hour window is crucial, because you will be carrying live cargo. Each race will receive the cargo and refuel your ship before you take off again, but do not delay. If the last race does not receive the cargo before the window is closed, a war is likely to start. One your kind has not seen this lifetime." His eyes flashed for just a moment, as if daring her to fail this mission. But she only tensed, knowing better than to speak against him.

"Good, you understand then. Please accept this as a gift of good faith in your abilities." Shang-Li closed the distance, standing close enough she could smell him. Juniper berries, pine, some earth smells, things that made her think back to her days on Rover 5. She was young running through the forest, climbing trees that climbed miles into the clear sky.

Something touched her calf, whimpering at her feet while she knelt with her mouth open, something in her mouth. Alex looked up at Shang-Li, his hand on the back of her head. Her hair was tangled in his fingers, holding her fast, those hips thrusting against her lips slowly. She blinked, her first experience with a Gzuron playingS out in front of her.

Shang-Li continued to work her willing tongue, letting her be between two worlds. The one where her body ached, the other where she was scared out of her mind.

Alex stowed away on a Gzuron ship leaving Rover 5, hidden in a crate full of furs and just barely old enough in human time to leave home. With no one else to take care of her, Alex took the only option she could, realizing only too late it was not a human ship.

"Shriek, calm down. I know you can barely contain yourself but don't stir the rest of them into a frenzy again." Alex peaked out from the crate of furs, catching the blur of gray fur stripping down.

"I can't wait Maulfang." A female voice whined, leaning over a crate nearby. Alex caught a full view of her backside, pink and wet when her feline tail moved up over her back.

"I can't say no to a lady in need." Maulfang growled, positioning his gray and white self behind Shriek. Alex was in the perfect position to see him enter her, something she couldn't seem to look away from.

"Thank you..." Shriek purred as Maulfang buried himself into her, pinning her to the crates. He wasn't gentle as he took her, burying himself repeatedly inside of her. She earned her name though, shrieking and yelling as he brought her to climax while Alex watched, the pair unaware of her for the moment.