A wolf in the frat - 9 - Embrace

Story by Reaping on SoFurry

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#10 of A wolf in the frat

Synopsis: When your whole world is crumbling down to ashes and your dreams vanish in the wind, what should you do? Embrace your fate! ...or should you?

Hello guys! Ninth chapter is there! Had a little help from my friend Draegon1993 for the advices and writing for some parts this chapter, thanks man! Still trying to recover from a few health issues and to balance writing and working with a busy schedule, what a sport!

Make sure you read the previous chapters, starting with the Prologue, before reading any further! Or do as you wish! Like I said before, I'm not your parent!

We are getting closer and closer to the finishing line, beloved readers! Feel free to comment and let us know whether you like it or not!

A wolf in the frat - Chapter 9 - Embrace

By Reaping and Draegon1993

Jason dove into an abyssal chasm. Surrounded by the darkness of his closed eyes, he felt something taking a grasp on his being, on his very core. Masturbating with his right hand, he was unable to stop as he fell deeper in the delirium that Michael and the other werewolves before him have fallen into.

"Infect the uninfected! Complete the incomplete! Spread it, the lycanthropy! Embrace, to us, then serve!" The voice repeated over Jason's shoulder like an imaginary demon.

"No! Stop it!" Jason pleaded, trashing his head and left arm around, dropping to his knees once again. "This isn't me! This isn't what I want to be! I want... to be a musician!"

"Life isn't about what you want to be. It's about what you're meant to become!"

"I... I just want... to be happy... and loved..." Jason cried, his muzzle keeping on pushing out of his face.

There was silence. The nagging corrupted voice went from malicious to comforting.

"You are loved, Jason. There are people who love you, Jason."

The student sniffed, shaking. In his hand, he could feel his dick hardening further... but also changing shape. He kept his eyes closed, thinking about his parents, his friends, his classmates. Memories of Leon and Eric came to his mind, then memories of Kevin and Andrei. Finally, his thoughts turned to Michael. This last one had stolen his heart. Jason wanted nothing more than to be with him... to be loved by him... and to be happy with him. Jason's golden eyes flung opened. An inhuman growl escaped his throat and his body convulsed with his orgasm, forcing him through the last stage of his transformation.

Cum shot out of his oversized reddening cock. Each spurt made it grow a bit larger, longer, leaving humanhood for wolfhood. As the unending orgasm came to a slow, the cum simply gushing out of the pointed tip of his red spire, Jason panted, any bits of humanity left within him dying out. Relentless, the werewolf could go at it again, even fertilizing the very earth under his paws if he must, to achieve another mind-blowing orgasm. A friendly tap on his shoulder took him out of his feral stupor. Behind him stood a tall brown humanoid wolf.

"Who... are you?" Jason asked, his wording difficult to express with his changed anatomy.

"Drake. Michael's infector."

This wasn't the same voice as he heard earlier, but Jason shrugged it off.

"What... do you want from me? From us?"

"Nothing. I am only an Envoy from the creator, our father to us all."

Jason, forced himself to stand... and realized the the apparently tall werewolf was actually shorter than him. His new grey fur was dark but with silver-like hair brightening the drab coat. Drake gasped a little, admiring the specimen before his eyes. A soft whimper escaped his muzzle and the red tip of his cock peeked out of his sheath. Over eight feet tall, Jason had grown into a gigantic beast like he's rarely seen. The big fat crimson log of drippy flesh that poked out of the giant's sheath was still throbbing.

"Where's... Michael?" Jason bellowed.

"He's left for our father. You've left him hurt."

"Show me the way to that 'father' of yours. I've got a few things I'd like to say to him."

** ~~~~~ **

Eric let out a sigh of relief as he slammed the door behind him, finally back in the safety of his dorm room. He tugged off his overly tight undershirt and threw it onto the floor alongside his jacket, not caring about making a mess, then he made his way to his bed. Eric flopped down and with a grunt of minor annoyance he hooked the waistband of his sweatpants and began to peel them off of him, a newfound tightness around his muscled legs making the action awkward. As he tossed his sodden trousers off to the side, his eyes were drawn to his crotch and widened intensely. Finally, he was seeing his fat sheath and huge furred balls.

His nostrils flared as his own heady musk hit him full force. Each inhale of musk made Eric moan and grow more and more aroused. His cock rapidly slipped from his sheath and swelled to its new full ten inch length. He cautiously grasped his cock with both hands, barely able to wrap fully around its girth, moaning as a jolt of pleasure ran through his body. He marvelled at his altered cock and balls, shocked but aroused at how large they had gotten, any thoughts of it being abnormal suppressed by its intoxicating muskiness as it filled his lungs.

Precum oozed from his cock like a broken faucet as he sped up his strokes. Savouring the intense pleasure radiating from his thick canine cock, Eric pulled one hand off his cock and lapped at it. His tongue gathered up every drop of precum before he returned it to his achingly hard cock. Clouded with blameless lust, a perverse train of thoughts forced a sudden wolfish grin on Eric's face. Like he did not have full control on his thoughts and actions, a lusty idea formed on his mind and within moments he was upside down on the bed. Adopting this position, his cock dripped an almost constant flow of precum into his gaping mouth. He moaned as his stroking hands unavoidably mashed against his swelling knot, causing a larger spurt of precum to fire out and hit his forehead.

Eric eagerly lapped up every drop of precum he could as it dribbled down, savouring the musky flavor that spread across his tongue like an addict. The taste had a bit of familiarity to it, like he was already used to it somehow, without even knowing why. Eric groaned in need as his balls began to bloat before his very eyes, churning with potent seed, growing bigger and sagging heavier in their sack. Each pulse of growth brought him closer to the edge. In a last effort to suppress the incoming orgasm to last the pleasurable feeling longer, he gripped the swollen base, the fat knot. Eric cried in bliss and came with a shudder of pleasure, his load firing all over his face and plump chest.

He continued to hold his swollen knot in a death grip as he came, cum firing continuously onto his face, some into his gaping mouth. For what seemed like hours Eric continued to ejaculate, never letting up on his self-caring ministrations, gulping down every bit of cum he could. Eventually, his orgasm came to an end. Releasing the death-grip he had on his cock, the spent teen spread out on the cum soaked sheets of his bed. The hair on his back and shoulders thickened a little more as it tangled and stuck in the sticky substance.

"Fuuuuck... that was amazing!" He groaned aloud, going to lick the remaining cum off his fingers.

As he watched his cock retreat back into its sheath, Eric's mind came to a stop. What just happened? He looked at the cum-covered hand he was licking hungrily. What was he doing? He's never did that before and a guilt dawned on him for committing such a... perverse act. While he'd have expressed disdain previously, he simply shrugged it off and blamed it on his tremendous hunger. As if on cue, Eric's stomach suddenly growled, causing him to glance down and chortle.

"Guess I gotta fuel all this muscle somehow." He commented aloud, idly wiping the excess of cum from his hands on the bed sheets. "I think it's time for some lunch."

Clambering up from the mattress Eric glanced down behind him, feeling his tail begin to wag. With a wry grin, he realized it had gotten bigger after this fap session. He wiggled his ass back and forth for a few seconds in experiment, somehow enjoying the feeling of his tail wagging. His stomach growled again and he realized with a small start that he should really go get some food. With an accomplice glance back at his tail, he went over to his dresser, only remembering then that his clothes were still soaked wet with supposedly beer. A part of his mind enticed him to wear them anyway, but his rational thoughts got the better of him.

Eric turned back to the clothes he discarded when he entered his room. However, with the long appendage that wagged to and fro behind him, he couldn't just wear sweats that would make his tail obvious to anyone. Thus, Eric looked for another set of trousers he could wear in the drawers. He eventually found a pair of shorts at the bottom of the pile that didn't seem to be soaked in liquids.

With a peculiar maneuver, Eric eventually succeeded to put on the shorts and trap his backside appendage in them without hanging past the hem. Looking down at his ass, he nodded, satisfied that his tail was stuck within his shorts and wouldn't be able to move enough to attract attention. However, the moment he glanced down at his crotch he retained a sizeable bulge, one big enough to certainly attract attention if he would get hard.

"Fuck it, if people want to look they can, I'm not gonna bother to hide it." He grumbled to himself in defeat and hurried by his growling tank of a stomach.

Pulling on the same undershirt as previously, Eric immediately noticed the tightness. His musclegut filled much of the available room and then some, a lining of skin seen below the bottom of it. A little self-conscious, and avoid anyone to look at his swollen middle pushing out of the undershirt, Eric compelled to put back his blazer as well. Just as previously, his broad muscled shoulders making the seams strain dangerously. He flexed slightly as a test and a soft popping of the seams came to his ears, although he didn't feel any ripping. He gave a mental shrug and zipped the front of the jacket, with some difficulty, his taut bulging gut filling it to maximal capacity. Quickly double checking his tail situation, Eric gave a nod and headed to get his much needed lunch.

** ~~~~~ **

The two beasts running into the woods slowed to a stop. In the air, they could perceive the scent of a creature. Drake threw a smirk at his companion. It was the scent of a prey. Jason showed him a perverse grin himself. Both red cocks peeked out from the sheaths. Quietly, Drake sneaked his way through the bushes and trees, lowering himself to all fours. Jason followed suit, his cock easing out further as he caught the sight of the brown-furred werewolf's pucker.

The beast Jason became walked closer to his fellow werewolf and he was about to mount him and plunge his almost foot-and-a-half wolf dick inside his ass when his eyes fixated the source of the scent. By a stream, a cyclist wearing spandex clothes was taking a break from his ride in the woods. He sat on a nearby rock, doing something on his cell phone, probably texting.

Drake was about to attack first when Jason put a firm paw on his shoulder, locking him in place. The brown werewolf turned around, baffled at his fellow's reaction. Jason looked down on him with a severe look, than gestured him the cyclist's left side of the trail. Drake grinned and understood. The beasts parted ways.

The bigger werewolf walked out of the path, blocking the path from the human's right side. Too engulfed on his phone, the neglectful trekker failed to notice the grey beast closing in on him... until Jason let out a playful growl. From that moment, the cyclist startled and turned around. A scream escaped his mouth as he witnessed the presence of this gigantic beast. However, it didn't run or jump toward him. It was simply shortening the distance between them. The afraid man went for his bicycle and proceeded to make the escape of his life. With his adrenaline through the roof, he failed to notice that the humanoid monster behind him didn't even pursue him.

He was about to feel relief when another beast jumped out from behind a tree right in front of him. He let out a scream, trying to bifurcate, but his balance fell off. He was about to crash to the ground when the brow-furred beast grabbed him before he hit the ground with his bicycle. Despite the screams and protests of the human, the werewolf simply laughed at his face. The grey monster joined his fellow, the screams and pleads of the man only increasing in intensity.

"No! Lemme go! Please! Don't kill me! Don't eat me!"

The two non-talkative beasts let the man's cries of desperation lose themselves in the void of the forest's air. Their prey's breathing was ragged and tears ran down his face as the interminable wait for his fate was prolonged by the two still monsters. He trashed around, kicking air, trying to hit the beasts that ambushed him. Drake shot a grin at his pal, who looked at the man with a mix of need yet discomfort. The brown werewolf recognized the look: somehow, the deeply-buried Jason seemed to struggle on controlling the beast's actions.

"Infect the uninfected!" Drake growled at Jason over the man's complaints.

Drake put the man to the ground on his feet, then forced him on all fours between his legs, dropping on his furry ass in the meantime. The trekker whimpered, sounded from the rough ministration, his head forced against the red pecker that slipped out more and more from Drake's sheath against his face. The sitting werewolf threw a malicious glance at his buddy, who was standing still, uneasy.

"C'mon, Jason! Let's have some fun!"

"N- no! Please..." The human sobbed as the monstrous cock was shoved down his throat.

"You gotta feel this, Jason! Feel... auuughhh... how it feels good... to infect someone!"

Jason's stance was getting unstable as his core tried reasserting itself on the beast... however, asserting himself only resulted on making the beast assert itself over him, feeding on his emotions and demeanour to unleash it differently. Jason's muzzle stretched into a perverse smile as his erection jutted out of his sheath.

"C'mon, Jason! I'm letting you fuck his ass! Let's infect him together!"

A loud bark escaped Jason's oversized throat, echoing into a maniacal laughter. He got closer to his cheering fellow, then dropped to his knees. The compression shorts of the cyclist did a good job exposing his muscled legs through the stretchy material. With his claws, Jason ripped a hole on the back of the shorts. The human tried screaming, but Drake's cock was so deeply shoved down his throat he could do anything but try shaking his way away... which of course didn't work as his body was kept in place by the two enormous monsters. Jason's clawed hands held tightly on the human's hips, locking him in place. The pointed tip of his virgin cock was spraying precum like crazy, anticipating his first fuck ever. Like it was conceived for it, the tip of the penis found the tightly closed hole of the cyclist and slipped to its centre... and pressed... and pressed. Jason's head stretched back as a new world opened up before him, a world far different from what he discovered when Leon sucked him. For a moment, he couldn't hear anything like he became deaf. The elevating noises and agitation of the human were unbeknownst to him as he filled his bowels with slick lubricating precum that only eased the passage of his giant cock in.

Jason's core was screaming. He didn't want what was happening, but his body moved on autopilot, driven by these new feral instincts. As much as he didn't want it though, he couldn't deny how good it felt to actually fuck some guy's ass... but NO. He couldn't keep going at it! He'd tear that man's guts apart if he did. Coercing his beastly body to at least diminish the staggering rhythm of his hips, he actually managed to brake the animal's impulsivity. While unable to take full control, Jason's shattered mind stayed optimist that he could have an incidence on his instinctive autopilot, no matter how small his incidence was.

Too basked in pleasure, Drake failed to notice his fellow buddy actually fucked slower and didn't plunge his dick all the way in. Drake howled happily and filled the human's stomach with infectious cum. Since his penis was too large and long to properly fit in the man's mouth, he was unable to shove his inflating knot in for the orgasm. In similarity, Jason managed to keep his knot out of the human to avoid it tearing the poor trekker's ass apart. The wave of bliss that hit him as he orgasmed was so strong that Jason almost gave in to shove all of his sixteen incher inside of their victim.

Jason actually fell on top of the cum-bloated human in the afterglow, momentarily spent. Drake pulled his cock out of the human's mouth, some cum suctioning out in the meantime and flying to the ground. He cussed and whined and cried, trying to catch his breath, even throwing up some of the cum excess that overfilled his stomach to the brim. Already, stubble was coating the guy's cheeks. Drake smirked and stood, stretching up like he was waking up from a nap. Jason looked up at the fellow beast. Now that he's just orgasmed, his mind defogged a little and he could faintly take control of his body, although not completely. In a comforting manner, he rubbed the unfortunate guy's back.

"I'm sorry." He bellowed softly, standing back up and pulling out.

Drake shot him a quizzical look.

"Already attached?"

Jason glared at the smaller brown werewolf. He did not approve this beast's behaviour about infecting others, but it felt so good that he couldn't even stop himself from doing it. Then, the thought of Michael resurfaced on his mind.

"Michael." He ordered his werewolf pal with little consideration for the infector.

** ~~~~~ **

The squeaking springs of Charles' bed rocked to and fro under the intense morning fuck. After a copious breakfast that consisted of waffles, scrambled eggs and bacon, Charles had presented Tim his collection of dildos, plugs and cock wearables.

"To be honest, I don't show these to everyone I hook up with, but since you're into this kind of thing, I figured I'd show you a little bit!" Charles had explained to him with glee, like a kid showing his prized Pokemon card collection to a friend.

Even though Tim definitely did perceive this as disgusting at first, an odd sense of attraction toward these had compelled him to look without retorting anything disparaging. He even started to chub a little bit when Charles presented him a silicone wearable that looked like a deformed dick, which urged him for another fucking session.

"Cool." Tim had platonically muttered, giving a last glance at the collection.

"Say, wanna show me the wearable you had last night? I'm kinda intrigued."

"How about I tie you to the bed and make you feel it instead?"

Because of his sore wrists from the previous night fuck, Charles insisted not to be handcuffed again. Reluctantly, Tim let him be, but insisted to fuck doggy-style to prevent the bottom from staring at his deformed dick. It had been a few minutes into the primal act of sex already that Tim was approaching very quickly.

"Whoah! Slow down, dude!" Charles moaned, the intensity of the thrusts irritating up a bit.

Tim pressed the bottom's head down and growled.

"It's sir, you fucking bitch!"

Suddenly, the phone on the nightstand started ringing. In a trying manner, Charles turned his head toward the object, telling his date to stop moving and making noise. It was the job's ringtone. It was not usual for his superiors at work to call him like that on his day off, unless they needed backup.

"Can... you please stop for a moment, Tim?" Charles begged.

"I'm... I'm too close..."

"Tim, it's..."

"Answer your call, whatever... just, let me... fuck..."

"Just... keep it down..." Charles moaned, trying to see through the haze of his lust, and pressed on the dial digital button. "Charles McCoy here. What... what is it?"

"Hello, Charles, this is Shawn. I hope I'm not interrupting you?"

"No... of course not..." He said, making his best to suppress a pleasure moan from reaching on of his superiors' ears.

"Listen, we've got another victim right and we're short on crew. Would you mind punching in for a few hours?"

"Whe... when?"

"As soon as you can. Are you alright? You're not sick, are you?"

"I'm... I'm fine! I'll be there... there..."

Charles gasped and lost it, feeling of the inflated knot forced and wedged inside of his abused hole as it fired away inside him.

"In thirty minutes!" Charles muttered, signalling off as Tim's orgasmic groans elevated in the room.

The filling of his ass was all it took for Charles' penis to shoot its load all over his bed, handsfree yet again. As the afterglow slowly eased away, the bottom laughed it off, although a bit forced as he feared the dayshift chief might have perceived what he was up to. As his fog of lust dissipated, Charles felt a slight pain to his sides, notably where Tim's fingers were holding him tightly. When the grip loosened a little, a slightly wet sound was heard as Tim tried pulling out free from the tight ass without even telling his sexual partner.

"Ugh... c'mon, let my cock go!" Tim groaned, careless.

"You... you should have put more lube, Tim. Give me time to stretch a little..."

"Fuckin' fag freak..." Tim muttered between his gritted teeth.

"What did you say?"

While Charles did not understand the top's grumbling, Tim attempted once again at pulling himself out of his sex partner.

"Wait up, man, it... AUUGHH!" The bottom cried out in pain as his sex partner managed to force the knot out of his ass. "That hurt!"

Tim grunted, still sensitive down there, then shrugged it off. Yet again, the condom he's put on his deformed dick had broken, so he pulled the rubber scraps away and threw them in the trash can by his hookup's bed. While Charles stayed on the bed, his sore ass still heating up from the sharp withdrawal. Tim shoved his penis back in his slacks before Charles could see it and headed for the door.

"Wait! Where are you going?"

"Not your business. Plus, you're leaving for work anyway."

"But... you can't leave like that! And you said I'd see your..."

"Whatever, fag. Gotta go."

Without any other word, Tim left the apartment.

"What... an asshole..." Charles groaned in annoyance.

** ~~~~~ **

Eric couldn't help but drool slightly at the sight of his stacked tray of food. It was covered in various meats, from chicken strips to hamburgers to ribs, all of them steaming slightly in the cool cafeteria air. Noticing the strange glances he was getting from the few others in the cafeteria, Eric went to the furthest table in the corner near the exit, determined to get his fill without being bothered as it was empty.

Having barely sat down Eric began to dig in, groaning as he began to sate his bottomless hunger. The gravy, the meat juices, the spices... it felt divine. Like he was a black hole, he absorbed everything in sight. With each bite of food, his gut swelled and his muscle bulk firmed as energy dissipated through his body. Already, the seams of his clothing grew more strained, a few stitches popping around his bulging shoulders. As part of the energy from his growth seemed to go straight to his crotch, a lusty haze quickly clouded Eric's mind. His expression turned blank as he succumbed to the pleasure. Heat filled his already huge balls as they swelled fuller, ready to be emptied into a mate, filling and straining the crotch of his trousers.

His throbbing canine cock slipped from its sheath, already dribbling a steady flow of precum as it extended out further. He grunted in a mix of pain and pleasure as the shorts got far too tight incredibly fast, his tail trying to wag even faster, anticipating the destruction of the clothes. Without stopping his feast, Eric reached down and popped the button on his shorts, his swelling cock forcing the zipper open as it slid out into the open air beneath the table, the dribbling precum quickly beginning to form a puddle on the floor.

As his balls swelled more and more all the remaining room within his trouser was rapidly filled beyond capacity. Eric swallowed a bite of his burger, sauce dripping on his blazer, and slipped both hands down and pulled his precum slick balls out of his pants, letting out a soft moan of relief as the pressure on his honeydew melon sized balls abated.

Idly yet tentatively, he gave his throbbing canine cock a few good strokes, slicking the entirety of his red cock with precum. A musk elevated slightly in the cafeteria and an even more powerful wave of heat washed over Eric's entire body. With each stroke, his nails grew out longer, the keratin darkening and toughening as they formed into short but wicked claws. His stomach growled loudly, forcing his mind to focus back onto the food fuelling his growth.

Prying his hand away from his oozing member, Eric shovelled more of his meal into his mouth, rapidly munching his way through his food. Every bite and gulp fuelled his size to increase further, his back flaring out wider, forcing the blazer to actually tear and the zipper to break little by little. His already large muscles swelled larger while his taut gut rounded further. Unbeknownst to Eric, his teeth began to change, growing sharper and more befitting a carnivore.

Unable to contain his growing bulk, the seams of his jacket began to shred open right under the armpits, forced to relieve the growing pressure and as Eric swallowed the last of his food his growth reached its apex, forcing his trousers to split halfway up the thighs and the zipper of his blazer to completely break apart and expose the ill-fitting undershirt over the expanse of his large musclegut. As the pressure of his clothes was released, the pressure within his balls released as well, his orgasm practically flooring him. Gouts of cum fired up against the underside of the table, rebounding off of it onto the floor and his crotch.

Biting his lower lip to keep from moaning aloud Eric grasped his swollen knot with his left hand covered in food, his orgasm seemingly endless as it soaked everything under the table. After a few minutes of cumming, his orgasm slowed to a trickle before stopping. Eric panted like a hound from the pleasure of it all. As his head cleared slightly he looked around, relieved but terrified from what he's just done. However, as odd as it was, some part of him was also a little disappointed that no one had witnessed his lusty situation.

With an embarrassed but furtive glance, Eric stood up, his fat sheath and balls in plain view, no longer able to fit in his pants. He looked down at the mess of his cum soaked junk and pants and gasped, realizing there was nothing he could do. Flushing red with awkwardness, he quickly made his way to the exit door, using his tray to hide his flopping junk as he made his way out as fast as he could, back to his dorm.

** ~~~~~ **

Charles hurried down the staircase of the building. He said he'd get to work soon but his still achingly hard dick had taken him more time than he thought it would while taking a shower. He went for his sport car, unlocking the doors with his remote starter. He eased himself inside, feeling a little odd doing so as it felt like the driver seat was pulled too close to the steering wheel. He felt hot, but he shrugged it off, pulling down the windows of his car to recycle the ventilate the air inside.

Since it was midday and that there was no rush hour, he opted to take the highway instead of driving through the narrow boulevards of Fieldvalley town. He felt an odd straining sensation from his police uniform, like he hadn't adjusted it comfortably before leaving his apartment. After all, he left quickly. As he drove, he tried changing his stance or to loosen up his belt, but it didn't seem to change the suffocating sensation he felt choked with. Pulling out of the highway by the next exit, Charles parked by the first parking he got to.

Desperately, he pulled at the collar of his uniform, trying to undo the top button of his black shirt. Out of control, the first button torn free. Charles groaned in slight annoyance and kept himself from breaking any other buttons, forcing himself to calm down. After half of the buttons were undone, the man growled and trashed his head back. His skin fluttered blotchy red, as if it was exerting an allergic reaction.

"What the hell's... happening to me?!" Charles moaned, unaware that the stubble he didn't take time to shave this morning was thickening even more, short into a short dark brown beard.

His hands grasped around the steering wheel tightly, the nails toughening and pointing just a little, piercing into the wheel. The hair that adorned his chest thickened a little as well, spreading outward and growing much denser around his hard nipples. As much as he felt disconcerted by what was happening to him, Charles couldn't help but feel the boner he neglected in the shower earlier coming back with a vengeance. It was like he was back in his teenage years when he was so horny that he was growing a very demanding boner every now and then. However, he couldn't cave in and take care of it. First, he was in public. Second, he was expected at work. Concealing the oddity of this undying boner, Charles forced himself to overpass this overwhelming heat that struck him and to get in control of his car again, unaware that with each breath his chest stuck out a little bigger.

While driving, he couldn't help but wonder what it'd feel like to just, just for a moment, pull his cock free. Awkwardly, he managed to undo his belt, then the button, then the zipper of his pants. He shouldn't be doing this... he was the figure of authority for fuck's sake! However, there was also something enticing in rebelling against the authority... against himself. As decadent as it seemed, like a Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde concept, like a battle of wits and demons, Charles' hand wrapped tightly around his erection... and started jacking it off, up and down.

The cop barely focused on the road, too lost into pleasure. At some point, he had to stop his car again as the pace of his masturbation grew too pleasurable to bear while driving. Stopping in a back alley, Charles finally brought both of his hands to his shaft to masturbate. The hair on his hands thickened a little as he pleasured himself and so did the ones around his crotch area. Getting more and more into it, he failed to realize that his uniform grew more constraining, especially around his blazing arms. Heat made him sweat like he was working out and his muscles grew sore before strengthening, literally inflating. What was a fitting uniform two days ago on the job had become snug, so tight that it was getting slightly uncomfortable.

Even the shoes he wore were getting constricting, pinching at his toes like he's accidentally put the shoes he wore to High School rather than for the job. With a powerful growl, Charles' body tensed, straining and splitting a little the seams of his shirt as jets of sperm erupted from his newly increased penis. Once the seven incher was satiated and sore, the police officer blushed, realizing what just happened. Fortunately, he came on the wheel rather than on his police uniform. Using an old sweater left on the backseat of his car, Charles cleaned up the mess he's just made, surprised to see how much he's actually shot. With his head clearer, he shook it, chasing the thoughts of having jacked off in his car on the way to work, then turned the ignition on, resuming his drive. Now, he was sure he'd be a bit late.

** ~~~~~ **

Eric's successfully returned to his room with making any commotion. Many people gave him second glances as he tried hiding his flopping junk as best as he could with his hands. Since the pants barely held on his swollen tree trunk-sized legs, he used his thick hands and a cafeteria tray to hide the dripping pole from being noticed by the students. If anyone had looked closely, they would have noticed that with every few steps, Eric's bobbing cock dripped a few cum droplets, thus forming a path behind him for anyone who'd follow the gross trail.

Inside the intimacy of his room, Eric panted heavily, his breathing difficult. His sweaty back against the door, he stayed there for a moment, closing his eyes and recollecting himself. First, he made a fool of himself during class. Now, he did it again in the cafeteria. What was going on with him? Eric threw the food tray by the side, letting it clatter against the wooden floor of the room. He gently pushed his still erected pole with his hands, like he was trying to hide it from his sight, but there was little he could do, especially since it's grown in class AND at the cafeteria. He literally sported a monster-cock now... and the concealed tail in his pants only wagged harder.

The student pulled the trousers down, trying to free his cramped legs from their prison. Once to the ground, Eric proceeded on undoing the ropes that tightened his fluffy tail against his thigh. Freeing the new appendage made it wagging to and fro ferociously, like it unraveled its discontentment for being trapped. It was long. It was thick. Eric feared it would have rivalled with the previous size of his legs. He walked toward the mirror-door of the closet and realized how much he's changed. The blazer he's worn since football practice had its zipper broken and exposed the taut bulging gut that pushed out like a muscled globe in front of him. The undershirt he's worn since the morning wasn't coming close to fit, not even reaching his midriff anymore. Red and brown hair tangled all across his spherical middle, the hair so thick he could have passed for someone much older than eighteen years old. Even the beard on his chin and the hair waving down past his shoulders had grown out longer and messier. Crumbs food and bits of sauces soiled his fiery mane. Even his clothes had food stains and his clawed hands were glistening and dirty with bodily fluids and food residues.

"Bro..." He mumbled to himself in the mirror like he was talking to someone else.

Actually, the man looking back at him on the reflective surface didn't look like him at all except from the same red hair colour he grew used to see everyday on him. Lost in his reflection, he almost failed to notice his phone vibrating in the pants he just dropped. Hearing out the faint notification with his newly increased hearing, he remembered the message he received earlier from his online friends. They were about to start the Raid soon.

Making himself comfortable, Eric dropped his blazer to the ground. The moment he attempted to get rid of his undershirt, he accidentally ripped it off while taking it over his head. Eric threw one last glance at himself in the mirror. Gone was the small yet chubby redhead he was only a few days prior. Now, a towering bulky furry redhead with an inhuman dick looked back at him. As much as he wanted to be frightened by the changes, he couldn't help but marvel at them and wonder if they were even done.

Shaking his head, he walked back to his computer station and dropped his fat ass on his leather chair. He couldn't help but wince a little as his wider stance barely fit between the armrests of the creaking furniture. Even his point of view had changed. When sitting on his fleshier ass, he figured he had to lower the seat a little to be comfortable looking at his computer screens... or simply to fit his immense jutting knees under the desk. Perhaps he should invest in buying a bigger computer desk soon. Logging on his online game account, he put his headset on top of his head only to find it fitting oddly on ears. After all, his ears had changes and grown a little bigger, pointed like an elf almost.

While the game ran on his main screen, Eric logged onto his Guild voice chat channel on his second screen. Again, he was the last to log on.

"About time you got here, Fat_Tanker99!" One of the guys shot at him playfully. "Are we all set?"

One by one, the members for the Raid all answered. While the loading screen made them wait, Eric heard the guys chatting in the background, eager to try this new Raid they've waited to try for a while. The footballer went for a non-empty beer can on the edge of the desk. He had made a pig of himself at the cafeteria, piling on meat on meat, but the saltiness of the food was finally get out to him, making him thirsty. Thus, Eric went to gulp down some of the beer... only to find it tasted even stronger and bitter than the previous ones he had this week. Perhaps leaving it for so long in the open had altered its taste. Shrugging off, he downed it all, noticing how thick it was when it slipped down his throat.

The loading screen gave place to the scenery of a swamp. Eric dropped down the can and moved his chair-on-wheels to the desk, putting his firm large feet comfortably on the lower shelf of the station. He moved his large bellied character toward the front of the group, adopting his role of tank and getting all the agro he could from the mobs that were coming for them. Dead-looking trees spawned to life, zombie-like monsters came out of the murky waters and goblin-like creatures came to them brandishing weapons. While the enemies encircled him, the DPS used the diversion to attack the increasy army surrounding the Tanks of the group, eliminating them quickly as Healers made sure to keep the Tanks' life as full as possible. The mobs didn't stand much of a chance, soon all vanishing and leaving various loots behind them as they did.

The fighting wasn't as hard as Eric thought it would be. He's previously heard rumours regarding this Raid to be quite hard on the first try, but this first fight didn't phase him out much. He licked his lips in perspiration, unaware that the red mustache above his lips was thickening and dropping over his plump moist lips. The group on screen moved like a swarm of barbarian crusaders destroying everything on its path. Making their way into the foggy fen, they eventually made it to an old abandoned looking tower.

"Here we come, Rapunzel!" A member of the voice chat joked, a few people snickering or calling him a dumbass in a teasing way.

As they approached the derelict tower, a cinematic was showed to them. A spooky voice threatened them to leave immediately. Other people on the chat made "Ooo" and "Aaa" in a mocking way. Thunder roared through the dark clouded skies and, suddenly, puppets came down the tower, held with electric blue cables that seemed to bring them to life. The cinematic stopped and the Raid members took control of their avatars once again. Eric threw himself first without thinking, only to realize that his life went maximal to critical low in an instant. A healer cast a recovering spell on him immediately. The puppets were floating in the air and it was impossible for Eric to take the agro at first since his character was more of a melee fighter.

Cussing through his gritted sharper teeth, Eric failed to realize their slow growth as his clawed fingers clattered on the keyboard. While he did his best to throw jars of alcohol to these new foes in hope of agroing them toward him. It worked a little, but a few of his DPS fellows were soon eliminated as their life gauge and defence weren't up to par with the oversized dummies. Eric could help but realize his fat fingers were having a hard time to press on the right keys, like he was attempting to use a keyboard befitting a child's hands. However, the truth was his hands were just so thick it was making the thing look small. Plus, the claws that jutted out of his nails only contributed to press other keys or scratch the board.

After a hard fight where a few DPS and the other Tank were killed, the puppets died out and the dead fellow could be brought back to life. The doors to the tower opened and the raiders rushed inside like eager ants entering their nest. Once inside, Eric noticed the tower was actually one big room with stairs going up along the walls clockwise. Another group of enemies waited for them inside the room whose doors closed brutally behind the raiders. Quickly, they took care of the mobs and then could head for the next upper floor as the enchantment blocking the stairs disappeared. On the next floor, they were greeted by another horde of monsters. While they were more numerous and difficult to defeat than the previous ones, the job was fast done and they headed for the next upper floor... to face the same situation again.

Eric yawned. A few of the guys on the voice chat commented on the redundancy of the tower scheme and he agreed. Plus, they were not that hard to defeat. It was just a painfully long and repeating task... however, that was not painfully long. At the same time, Eric's tremendous erection jumped out of his sheath, its base rubbing against the underside of his taut gut while the spear pointed forward like a fat red arrow. The teenager groaned, wishing he could only focus on the game, but the longs of the raid were boring him already, making it difficult for him to ignore the insister boner jutting out of his groin.

On his second screen, Eric opened a new tab on his internet browser for his favourite porn site. A video of a tall buff guy fucking a petite svelte woman was the first suggestion on the home page. The horny teenager selected the video and opened it in a second tab, making sure he maintained the fight on his main screen.

Absently, he kept playing and doing his part while looking at the porn running on the next screen. Using his mouse numbers on its side, it actually permitted him to use only his right hand to play while he used his second dinner plate sized hand to masturbate without shame under the desk. However, it dawned on him that he grew as bored with the porn video as the Raid running under his eyes. As the video ended, Eric went for another one where a guy with a thick cock shoved it inside some cunt. This one focused less on the girl's boobs and her face, focussing mostly on the penetration of such a thick penis inside her tight pussy. Unbeknownst to him, Eric wasn't turned on by the straight sex displayed before his eyes, but the sheer act of penetration and pleasure it would give to a big thick cock.

"I'm bigger than his." He mumbled.

"What did you say?" A guy from the voice chat asked at Eric, who blushed and realized he was still on chat with his raiding fellows.

"Huh... Nothing... Just thinking aloud." Eric replied.

They were at who-knew-which-floor when a new challenge awaited the raiders: a boss. Eric tried to position himself comfortably in his chair, but an annoying sensation of struggle hit his sides. Without him knowing, his sides were digging into the armrests of the chair as he grew slightly bigger. The unquenchable thirst hit him again and Eric looked back on the desk for any beer cans left. He found one behind his second screen, one he thought he emptied a day or two ago, but he was surprised to find it half full. In a needy manner, he quickly gulped it down, find it definitely stronger and thicker than the rest of his beers. Still, it did a good job to quench his thirst, even if momentarily.

Getting back at it, Eric focussed on taking all the agro he could from the boss and its minions... while clicking on another video in the suggestion list. He was surprised when he realized that this video presented the same big dicked guy but instead of shoving his outrageous organ inside some girl's privates, it was a guy's hairy ass. His previously needy yet half-erected cock suddenly hardened to full mast. Even the moans he heard via his headset sounded manly and deep, leaving no doubt that gay sex was occurring.

"Fuck yeah..." Eric unconsciously moaned as his jacking pace increased and less attention was focused on the raid with his peers.

"Fat_Tanker99! Watch out! You're standing in fire!" One of the guys on the chat shot at the jacking footballer.

"Huh... oh... right..." Eric muttered, moving his Tank character out of the deadly fires casted by the boss.

It seemed like hours had gone since the beginning of the Raid and Eric was bored from it. The sole thought that occurred to him at that moment was to get off. His eyes changed further to a yellow colour while the red facial hair over his face spread more, taking a slightly darker tint, almost brown. The hand holding onto the mouse tightened, the palm reforming, distending as they fingers cracked and lengthened. While he did drop his seat a couple inches when he started raiding, it felt as if it wasn't as low as earlier, having to look just slightly down at the computer screens now. Fuck, he was getting close already. He could feel his knot inflating against the underside of his strong musclegut.

The boss' HP was dropping low. They couldn't miss it. The afternoon was already coming close to an end for Eric, but most of the people in his guild were from Europe, where a part of his family lived actually. While his dad was a North-American, his mother was from England and he went to Europe at least once a year to visit his mother's side of the family. It was one of his cousin Andrew that actually got him into gaming online as a mean to keep in touch. While Andrew didn't game as much as he used to, he introduced Eric to his online friends and now Eric joined them more than weekly in their gaming sprees.

Eric's masturbation movement were quickening, his breathing growing ragged. People cheered over the voice chat that the boss' life was almost out. A few of the DPS had died already, but they couldn't stop it now. They've gone that far already, they couldn't give up. Another video from Eric's suggestion list showed two handsome guys fucking overtly in the opened and, with his adrenaline and lust capping off, he opened it up. The sounds of moaning and groaning filled his ears as they morphed further upward, slowly slipping off his headset. A loud complaint from the chair resounded under Eric's ass as his red hair-covered back flared, the armrests digging into his widening sides. The jacking pace kept increasing. Eric didn't care anymore whether the people via the voice chat could hear him pant and gasp and masturbate. Claws jutted out of his toe nails, digging into the wooden shelf they rested onto. The feet enlarged, becoming heavier, hairier.

Eric's knees hit the underside of his desk.

"C'mon! C'mon!" He groaned, multitasking, trying to do everything at once.

One percent HP remained. The other tank died. Almost half of the raiders were dead. The healers were all on him, trying to keep the remaining Tank alive. Eric growled like a beast, feeling all of his muscles clenching, inflating like he was confronting this boss himself face to face. Sweat oozed out of his pores, sticking him to the leather of the now undersized chair. The wood of his computer station creaked as his incredibly wide size 16s pressed down against the bottom while his knees pressed against the top, squeezing him. The mouse in his hands creaked, cracks splitting the plastic.

Eric's eyes were so focused on the screen he failed to realize that he was gaining height. Just as the final blow was given against the boss, cries of joy roared through Eric's headset from his fellow raiders. The footballer expressed his joy by letting out a loud howl as his orgasm hit him, spraying his semen all over the wall behind his computer station. His wagging tail behind him grew tensed as his whole body welcomed this victory and powerful orgasm with a solid growth spurt. With a gasp, Eric felt his knees lurch upward, dislodging the top panel of his desk from the side wooden panels. This resulted in overthrowing the station contents. The computer screens, the keyboard and the mouse, along with the numerous empty beer cans and dishes that piled on the desk toppled to the floor in a disastrous clattering of the fragile objects. The screens cracked and shut down. Cables pulled apart and broke. Dishes clattered in a pieces. At the same time, Eric's big feet broke through the lowest shelf and his claws now damaged the floor.

Eric groaned in blind pleasure as his legs spread, forcing the armrests of his chair to break as well until his legs were spread wide enough to tear down the side panels of his collapsing computer desk. His pillar-sized calves hit the tower of his computer and reversed it to the side before dropping off its shelf to join the other broken items on the ground. Sparks of electricity shot out of the broken electronic objects. Still backing in the bliss of his undying orgasm, Eric failed to realize he was actually covering his derisory material in his potent spunk. Suddenly, a loud frightening snapping sound pulled Eric out of his blissfulness as he felt like he was falling down. Actually, the leather chair under his too large butt had suffered enough and was dropping down, taking its seater with it. Falling on his back, Eric looked up at the ceiling absently with his legs sprawled in the air, his cum now painting him all over with his infectious essence. As the orgasm finally ebbed down and Eric's mind got clearer, he realized that he was laying on the ground in a puddle of his own semen.

"What... happened..." He muttered to himself.

He expected to hear someone reply, but no answer came to his semi-wolfish ears. He tried moving himself around, to stand up from the mess he was basking in. Once he manage to stand, he realized in horror what happened to his gaming station. The desk, the chair, computer, the screens... everything was scrapped and covered in an inhuman amount of cum. As much as he wanted to exert his rage for the loss of his equipment, a part of Eric was too shocked to attempt anything. A part of him nagged on his mind, telling him that he didn't need any of this electronic stuff. Looking around the apartment, Eric not only realized that he had destroyed what he held dearest to, but that he towered over everything else. Over a foot taller than he used to be, he even looked slightly down at the doors.

In awe, he glanced at himself in the closet mirror. With the lust gone he finally realized the gravity of the situation. Apparently, he had changed into... a sort of wolfman. His facial hair crept so high on his chubby cheeks that it almost reached his beastly eyes. He even had an inhuman-shaped red dick dangling partly out of a thick sheath, looking close to an average guy's arm in size above the set of his melon-sized balls. His muscles had blown up and even his gut seemed to have solidified and bulged out like a spherical globe. He was so wide that he could overshadow a door without even trying. Actually, he looked like a monster on steroids. Then he realized what the football coach had told Leon for looking like he was taking drugs. Did he take drugs without knowing? Was it the food at the cafeteria? As questions ran one after the other on his mind, Eric's thirst came back. Only then he realized.

"The beer..."

Eric averted his eyes from his reflection and went for a can of beer that stood by the nightstand. The beers... they were all opened up. Did Leon put drugs in his beer with him knowing? An anxious rage grew within him. He brought one of the unfinished beer cans to his increased nose and took a sniffed. Immediately, blood gorged itself into his prick and Eric had to suppress the incoming boner by focusing on the smell. It smelled... like Leon. Eric let out a moan and despite his will to control himself, he downed the beer to the last drop. Trembling, he felt his free hand move to his already hard shaft to rub its length. Eric finally realized it: the beer, it tasted like semen.

"Leon's... cum?" He pondered.

A strong pain hit his middle. Like he was starving, Eric heard his stomach growl in hunger. He looked around the small apartment and looked for any beer leftovers. He shouldn't do it. He should be mad, or at least quizzical, at Leon for what was happening. Still, like a drug-addict looking for the substance he craved, his body moved on autopilot. He found a few more beers, all of them opened and having Leon's musk emanating from them. With a groan, Eric went for them and downed them one after the other, wanting nothing else than satiating this profound hunger.

** ~~~~~ **

The victim of the incident was a young male, twenty-two years old, who testified having been sexually assaulted by two beasts on his cycling routine. Dayshift Chief Shawn Jackson was already on one of the forest trail entrances with his crew when Officer McCoy arrived. Just as he joined the perimeter, another car arrived: Doctor Mary's. The CSI expert walked out of her vehicle, followed closely by her pupil Massi. The thick pair of sunglasses on her face looked out of place, too thick for her thin wrinkly face. Her face was stern, like she was disrupted at an unfortunate time.

"Good day, Chief Jackson." She greeted coldly. "Where's the Crime Scene?"

"Right this way, Doctor."

Just as he was about to lead the way, he caught a look of Charles and mentioned him to join them.

"The woods ain't safe anymore. If that's where the beasts lurk, we gotta be careful and ready to shoot." Shawn said darkly.

"I imagine Terrence is off-duty right, now. Am I right?" The sole woman blatantly said, to Shawn's annoyance.

"Yes, he is off-duty."

Elizabeth sighed, but gave a quick look at the young officer with them.

"You are Terrence's partner, right?"

"Yes. Partner like... cop partners, not the other... kind of partners..." Charles blushed, embarrassed from his rebuking.

Doctor Mary gave him a genuine smile, but broke their gaze as they headed for the Crime Scene. Once they've arrived where the action happened, the Doctor kneeled next to a seemingly thick puddle of white goo.

"Again..." She murmured to herself.

While Chief Shawn hadn't heard her, Charles did and walked closer to her, kneeling down next to her.

"Again what?" He dared to ask.

The older woman turned at him briefly before looking for something in her working briefcase.

"We've found those same fluids back in Fieldvalley College's gym and at The DanceClub, where both of the attacks occurred." She explained, retrieving a small object to sample the evidence for later analysis. "It's seminal fluid."

Charles gasped. Looking down at the thick puddle, he almost felt compelled to bow down and slurp at it. The cop shook his head in negatives pushing the thought away. He was on the job and as much as he had a kinkier side, he knew how and when to draw the line. As he walked away from the woman, the event of what happened with Leon at the station came back to his mind. This new victim was also raped by those monsters. Horror drew on the cop's face. He went back to Elizabeth.

"Doctor Mary! Is it possible that the seminal fluids play a role in the victim's behaviours?"

The woman looked at him with a quizzical expression.

"What do you mean, Officer?"

"I brought two victims for interrogation at the station and both of them showed odd behaviours... and possibly physical changes."

His tone turned dark and Elizabeth frowned.

"How would that be... possible?" She muttered, looking down at her samples. "In my analysis, there were no trace of drugs that could possibly induce physical changes..."

Charles wasn't good with biology. He just wasn't. Still, he felt discouragement after what the Doctor said.

"However, there's something unusual with the DNA found in the fluids. Let me simplify it for you, Officer. There's some kind of virus that attaches itself to the DNA and modify the code. The consequence is that the DNA changes overtime and that it's practically impossible to track down whose DNA it is in the first place, let alone comparing the DNA to a human database."

Charles' tone grew livid upon hearing that.

"I tried to isolate the 'virus code' and inject it in lab rats to see how they'd react to it..."

"Aaaaand?!" Charles asked, fearing what she would say next.

Suddenly, the Day Chief called Charles. Elizabeth returned to her tasks with her quiet lab assistant while the young officer left for his superior.

"We've found a car by the road, not too far from him."

"So? What is it chief?"

The man's expression was dark, like he was going to share bad news.

"It's the guy's Terrence interrogated the night of the outbreak at the college. Michael Singleton's roommate, Jason Kelly."

** ~~~~~ **

Leon whistled in glee as he headed back to his room. The fuck with Corvus in the gym showers had not left him satiated but only hungry for more. His tantrum regarding the football crew for kicking him out was the last straw for him to put his revenge on gears. The wolf in sheep clothes, or rather the werewolf in human clothes, walked toward the football coach's office. The door was close but, from what his overdeveloped hearing perceived, he hypothesized the man was there. Leon grinned and knocked on the door.

He waited for a moment, until the door opened. The grumbling man was suddenly taken aback upon seeing the towering youngster in front of him. His thick eyebrows frowned.

"Lester? Is... is that you?"

There was no fright in the coach's voice, only disbelief. Leon smirked.

"Aye, Coach, it's me. Mind if A' come in?"

"Sorry, sonny. I'm busy grading tests for a class." He muttered, still incredulous that the previously jacked runner turned into a towering bodybuilding machine... that reminded him of Michael Singleton before his disappearance.

"A' just wanted to chat a li'l bit. Won't take long, Coach."

The surly man groaned and walked out of Leon's way to let him through. The student actually had to bend down a little and turn sideways to get under the doorframe. Just then, Coach Alvin realized the freshman was walking barefoot. It was not uncommon to see students walking shirtless, but barefoot was a new one. Furthermore, Leon depicted a body that testified masculinity. The very light blond hair that covered his body was so thick Leon could have passed for someone the coach's age.

Cockily, Leon walked inside the office like the very first time he entered the room with Eric to show his determination and appreciation to the coach to integrate the football team. The student dropped on the chair in front of the coach's desk, his legs spread as best as the metallic armrests let him, the shorts he wore obviously straining to keep his private parts clustered in. The older man went to his own chair and sat down.

"So, what is it, Lester? Have you checked yourself for drugs?"

"A' went to the police station last weekend for the incident in the gym. Apparently, A' have no drugs detected in mah bloodstream."

Leon waited for the coach to have an anger outburst just like he had when he went on the field on Wednesday morning. Instead, the coach laid back against his backrest and let out a sigh.

"Look, Lester... I don't judge you if you take drugs or anything, but I need proof that no drugs are detected in your bloodstream. I don't mind taking you back on my team as long as no drugs are detectable when we play against other teams."

"But they said..."

"I need more than words, Lester." The coach insisted. "Let's say I believe you, that I take your word for true... I still need a paper, a proof, stating so because you'll get tested when we compete."

Leon wanted nothing more than to drop his shorts and show the ridiculously big appendage between his legs to the coach, asking him if taking drugs would gift him with such a piece of equipment. However, he refrained doing so because his dick ACTUALLY wasn't human-looking anymore and would probably just cause him more trouble. The thought of taking his dick out was enough to make him pop the beginning of a boner, though. Leon bit his lower lip.

Like an imaginary voice inside his head, something told him he should infect ("infect?") the coach. More of his penis jutted out of his tight shorts, making the bulge grow more obvious. Fortunately, the coach's cellphone rang on the desk and the man excused himself for a moment. As Alvin took in the call, he turned his chair around, facing away from the student a moment. Leon grinned. He quietly unbuttoned his shorts and pulled his leaking dick out of the clothes. His ministrations were unbeknownst to the coach. Everything was going easier than planned. Leon extended one of his long arms and took the water bottle on the coach's desk. He brought it to his cock and smeared a few drops of his infectious precum inside the recipient.

Quickly, he put the object back on the desk and shoved the inhuman cock inside his shorts... which wouldn't close now. Leon gasped and had to retain a moan. He was growing so horny again, but his hearing perceived that the call was coming to an end. Clumsily, he sprung to his feet and headed for the door. The noise alerted the coach who turned toward the leaving student, but he didn't have the time to catch Leon trying to shove his hard-on inside his trousers. The teacher frowned, then sighed, ending the call. He was about to continue grading the tests of his students but, first, he took a mouthful of his drink before working any further.

Leon was beyond happy, he was in ecstasy. He whistled once again as he headed for his dorm room. He actually wondered what Eric would be up to and if he were in their room. That thought alone made him spurt a wad of precum that dripped on the floor. Fuck. He was leaking so much that there was an apparent lining of precum droplets as he walked. He came to wonder if trying to put on shorts was a good idea after all as only part of his hard eleven incher was stuffed in, the red tip pushing out. On his way, the teen felt a discomfort at his feet. While the he had trimmed the nails earlier to make the claws less apparent, they had grown back already and an odd puffy feeling under his feet made him wonder why it made his heels have a hard time touching the floor with each further steps.

The changing man passed in front of a group of students chatting and laughing. However, the sounds stopped to give place to gasps. Leon smirked. Without looking at them, he knew they had their eyes on him. Another fat gush of precum oozed out of his dick and hit the floor. He passed a few more students, each time seeming like they were shrinking a little to him. The six-foot-ten titan had indeed grown to seven feet tall and was pushing seven feet one by now. A loud popping sound and a weariness hit his jaw. He was about to groan, only to realize his nose seemed to push very slightly forward, his face starting to elongate into a muzzle. A mocking and booming laugh came out of his lips. Leon realized he was becoming a beast like Michael did. While he would have been afraid and resilient before, he simply welcomed it as his corrupted mind took it as a blessing rather than a curse.

Still incomplete, the werewolf finally arrived to the door of his room, used his key and entered.

The first thing that came to him was a powerful wave of musk. Ducking and squeezing himself to get inside the small dimmed room, he realized that semen was everywhere. The beds were coated in it, the remains of Eric's gaming station were as well, even the furniture and the consoles were. Before the tall mirror of the closet, a large and almost furry figure was sitting, moaning and obviously masturbating. Leon closed the door behind him and quietly approached the perverted thing jacking off in front of the mirror. Unable to stop himself, Leon freed the trapped cock and balls from the stolen shorts. Some ripping sounds were heard, but he was too deep into lust to care about them anyway.

"Eric?" Leon asked, jacking off as well behind the masturbator, standing taller than the mirror itself.

The large creature on the ground groaned, its cock spewing fluids like an interminable geyser. Behind it, a large fluffy tail wagged upon hearing the name. Leon licked the darkening lips of his half-formed muzzle. He walked closer to the sitting beast until his own dick rested on its large bulky shoulders, dripping all over the red-brownish fur.

"Fuck... Can't stop... myself..." The beast moaned on the flooded floor.

The two masturbators kept going at it, looking at themselves in the mirror, looking how far they have gone from their previous human bodies, how much they became corrupted.

"We're... fuckin' monsters..." Eric muttered.

"Just gotta embrace it, matey." Leon comforted, putting his free hand on Eric's left shoulder, massaging it firmly to appease his tormented roommate.

"Can't believe I fuckin' broke my station... and that I don't even care..."

"Aye... A'll probably never make it to football anymore looking like that..." Leon sympathized. "But A' don' care anymore either, matey..."

"Why's that, bro?"

Leon dropped to the ground, sitting in the messy cum flood right next to his roommate. Even the mirror had some splatters of semen on it, but they could still see each other on the reflective surface, as if they were watching a movie.

"Cause A've got ya here with me, matey." Leon replied, extending his arm and taking the incredibly fat cock of his fat friend, jacking him off.

"Bro... I'm no homo..." Eric moaned, but he never stopped his friend's ministrations.

"Aye... me neither, mate."

After a few strokes from Leon, Eric reached for his buddy's privates and proceeded to jack him as well. They mutually masturbated each other for a while, their bodily fluids tangling in their growing fur coats and puddling in an increasing puddle on the floor.

"Fuckin' hell, mate... you're hella thick..." Leon commented, images of shoving the dick inside his ass filling his mind, wondering how big his know would even be.

"Gotta have something bigger, huh? Looks like you're still taller than me."

"Well, ya're still fatter than me."

"Fuck you." Eric chortled, removing his grip from Leon's cock and pushing him away playfully.

As Leon fell to his sides, his grip on Eric's cock tightened and the bulky student fell on top of him.

"How's it feel to be squashed under an offensive lineman, huh?" Eric teased.

"Hmm... I could get used to it..." Leon lustfully replied.

The two roommates burst into laughter. After the laughs ebbed down and that the two roommates looked into each others' yellow eyes, an intense frailty overwhelmed them... and before they could say anything, the two students pressed their lips together and kissed passionately. Hours seemed to pass by. Eric eventually move away from Leon, who adopted an all-four position, offering his hungry pucker to the bulky werewolf. Eric gasped, unsure whether he should give into lust with a male, but his lust-addled brain rejected his heterosexuality like an outdated statement. He pressed the fat yet narrow tip of his pecker, shoving inch after inch into the already wet hole.

"How come you've got a... muzzle, bro?" Eric asked Leon in bizarre awe.

"How come ya've got a tail, huh, matey?" Leon asked back.

"Good point, bro."

The men laughed it off shortly before Eric shoved forcefully his entire cock inside Leon. The bottom moaned like a slut upon this sharp yet orgasmic intrusion. Eric tried stopping himself, but, from the moment he penetrated his friend, he lost control over his body. Leon felt the firm musclegut of his roommate press down against his lower back, reminding him how large of stature the top was. Little by little, as Eric's precum filled his needy bowels, Leon could feel something protruding out right above his ass. He panted in delight, knowing what it was: a tail.

At the same time, Eric groaned in bliss as he watched down Leon's body. While Leon actually was bigger than an avid bodybuilder size-wise, Eric's width and bulk dominated his even if he was shorter. Looking down at his friend's back, he watched the hair thickening and adopting the look of a literal white-creamed fur-coat. He felt the growing tail of his buddy pressing against his taut gut piling inches after inches, then foot after foot. Eric's jaw gave out and snapped, slowly pushing out as his head reformed, taking an animalistic shape. The ears completed their ascension as wolfish ones on top of his head as his muzzle completed its growth upfront, the tongue hanging out goofily as his brain could barely process what was happening.

Meanwhile, Leon's own muzzle kept pushing out. While he held himself against a bed for support, he managed to free one of his hands and bring it to his crotch to rub the length of his growing fuckstick. The two men growled and groaned, their mating sounds growing bestial as their throats enlarged, giving little place for speaking. As the last bits of transformation overtook their bodies, pawpads formed on the palms of their hands and feet. Moreover, their barely human-looking feet started elongating and widening once more as they adopted a digitigrade stance, their gigantic deadly claws scraping and ruining furthermore the flooded floorboards.

The instant Eric's cum fired off his cock and filled Leon's insides, a knot rivalling the size of any dildos inflated and wedged itself inside the bottom. The melon-sized balls of the top filled his friend to maximal capacity, then beyond. Leon grunted and howled in pleasure as he bloated slightly from the amount of infectious seed that was poured into him, his own cock and knot inflated as he flooded the room some more. The pair of werewolves underwent a slight growth spurt again, stabilizing them around seven feet and a half each, with Leon just slightly taller than Eric. In a passionate act of sex, perhaps even love, Eric went down on Leon's shoulder and bit him happily, his tail raised high and wagging softly.

While momentarily spent and basking in afterglow, the lovers heard a faint whisper in the air.

"Come. Come to me. Come.

And give in, proud beast.

Give in to the beast.

Resistance is vain.

Follow your instincts.

Hear the whispers of the wind.

Answer the Calling.

Your father, you must come to.

Infect the uninfected.

Complete the incomplete.

Spread it, the lycanthropy.

Embrace, to us, then serve."

Grins stretched on their muzzles. Their cocks hardened anew, ready for another go. The Calling was on them and they had a task to do... but before, they could just have another fuck.