Jeremy 081; Washboard

Story by Kyrugii on SoFurry

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Jeremy seals the deal for the new space for the Bureau.

Jeremy closed the front door and as he crossed to the bathroom stripped his clothes off. Stepping into the shower he leaned against the wall letting the water rain down his body. Alex had stepped up the intensity of his training sessions that morning. It had taken Jeremy nearly five minutes to understand.

He sighed at the feel of the hot water soothing his sore muscles. His trainer had convinced him the previous week to adjust his schedule to come in weekday mornings instead of the two days over the weekends. Alex had explained his thinking at the end of the session.

Jeremy had once asked about the possible difference between dominants and normal people in the proportionate strength of their muscle. He'd gotten a vague answer then but that morning Alex had chosen to further explain. It was his belief through experience that dominants could strengthen themselves far beyond what it was possible for normal people. It took hard work and constant focus. He asserted that the five or so years of The Need were the best times for this type of training. This was when his body was pushing the limits of it potential.

Jeremy faced a very long and grueling five years.

Shutting the water off he stepped out. As he dried his fur he looked at himself. He had hours to himself that afternoon. It was tempting to play with PATOMES but then he'd loose the benefits of recovering from the intense training he'd just endured. He could save his profile before playing and still gain the benefits of his workout, but he'd wait. There would be time over the upcoming weekend.

Padding into his bedroom he sat on the edge of the bed going over the schedule for the afternoon. He was left with nothing to do until it was time to make the call to the leasing agent for the office space they wanted for the Bureau. He would have to juggle several different things over the next few years. His training with Alex's Elkins, he wanted to continue and could go first thing in the morning. The Bureau would take most of his daylight hours. His evenings would be taken up at The Thirteenth floor. It looked to be much like his final years at the academy for the foreseeable future. Playing with PATOMES would have to take a backseat.

Dressed in shorts and a shirt he went out and sat at the kitchen island countertop and started reading the source material Jackson had sent him.

Sam came in breaking his concentration. His brother smiled at him as he crossed to the kitchen. "Hungry?"

Shaking his head Jeremy replied "No. Just working on something." Looking up as Sam opened the fridge he watched as he took out some leftovers and heated it up in the microwave.

Sam leaned against the counter next to the sink and as they made eye contact asked "Have you seen the latest?"

"What?" Jeremy asked half bracing himself for bad news.

Sam walked out to the living room and picked up the remote to turn the television on. Jeremy turned in his seat to watch as Sam changed the channel to the news. He watched the live report still going as his jaw dropped.

"What the fuck are they doing?" Jeremy asked mostly to himself. His thoughts were on the two rats that he'd talked with weeks ago.

"They've been marching through the park all day." Sam answered.

The news of the day was of thousands of rats marching in Center Park. Signs and banners were being displayed by many of the marchers. Jeremy read a sampling of them with growing dismay. It was obvious that rats had taken to the park with the objective of ending them being targeted for discrimination. They both watched for several minutes. The commentator stated that there was no spokesperson and speculated much as Jeremy could have already guessed by the signs.

His actions as his Dominic persona had started things off but he'd never thought it would have gotten anywhere near this point. He wondered what the police reaction would be. It had been decades since any civil disturbance of this size had taken place. Jeremy guessed they didn't have the numbers to handle a demonstration of this size. The two rats would have known as well and had planned with that in mind.

With the police likely to be somewhat ineffective the rats would have the run of the parks until they were satisfied, or a leader emerged and put a stop to it. Their plan seemed to be made with at least one goal of forcing Dominic to making an appearance. He'd be exposed to the police if he did. There was also someone that would feel even more exposed at the news.

He pulled his phone out and dialed. "Allen. I just heard what's going on. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, thanks for calling but Detective Jenkins stopped by this morning just as a precaution."

"Stopped by? Isn't he there now?"

Allen paused while Jeremy could hear movement in the background. "No. I still think its best if I face this alone. Besides, if Dominic is orchestrating today's demonstration he's busy with other things. I actually feel safer now than I have in weeks."

"Damn Allen, thats, don't ever let anyone tell you you don't have any guts." the cat's comment had given him an idea.

"Thanks Jeremy. That means a lot coming from you."

"You're welcome. Remember, my offer of help is still open."

"Thanks again, Jeremy. I'm glad to have you as a friend."

Jeremy felt a slight pang of guilt in having the cheetah dancing on the end of a string. "I'm sure this will all blow over soon." He looked at Sam as his brother stepped in front of him with an intensely curious expression.

"I hope you're right." Allen said his tone of voice let Jeremy know he had little belief that it would.

Jeremy started to wonder if the cat had given up. "You've got more resources than you think, trust me."

Allen stayed silent. Jeremy heard movement on the other side of the line again. "Well, thanks for calling Jeremy. I appreciate the help you've given me."

Jeremy stared at his phone after the cheetah ended the call. He wondered if he had someone with him. The sounds he'd heard didn't sound like Allen and made them.

"So, who was that?" Sam asked.

Jeremy looked at his brother. "A friend that's got himself caught up in all this." He answered gesturing at the television.

Sam glanced at the news reports and back. "No shit. Sounded like he was in trouble."

"He should be okay. The cops are doing everything they can."

Sam rolled his eyes. "Cops. If they could help anyone they'd have stopped this by now."

"This is all just an overreaction. There's no reason for them to add to it." Jeremy said realizing as he defended the police that he just might have pinpointed their motivation for not acting. His brother didn't seem to accept the explanation. "Anyway, there's nothing we can do."

"True. Its just that it seems this isn't the way to get people to see things the way they seem to want."

Jeremy looked at his brother. "What would you have them do?"

Sam looked over to him from the television. Shrugging he answered "I don't know, but this is just going to invite a backlash."

Jeremy looked at the television. "I thought so too."

Sam looked up at his statement. "Just how much do you know about this."

Jeremy looked at his brother and sighed. "This is strictly confidential, not even father can know." After a nod of acceptance from Sam he continued. "I helped someone get in contact with police detectives about the activities of a rat that might be leading this. No one expected this though."

"Nothing like that has happened for so long, is it any wonder?"

Jeremy watched the events coming over the television with his brother for a time. He watched the time and mid afternoon he used the remote to turn the sound down.

Sitting at the kitchen island he called the leasing agent. Their conversation was short and to the point. Jeremy detailed their counteroffer for the space. The agent promised to get back to him with the owner's answer shortly. He kept his seat at the island and gestured for Sam to increase the volume back up.

Twenty minutes later the agent called him back. The owner's counter was just dollars from their offer. Jeremy pushed back, splitting the difference and asking for an immediate occupancy and further concessions to sweeten the deal for the Bureau. The tiger agreed conditionally as long as the owner agreed once he talked with them. To put further pressure on the tiger Jeremy asked for an answer within the hour.

He got the call back in only ten minutes. He smiled at the condition that he come to the building and sign a statement of intent before close of business. Further paperwork would follow after everything was reviewed by lawyers for both parties. Looking at the time he had ninety seven minutes. He agreed and ended the call. Standing with a grin he looked at his brother.

Sam had been able to listen in on his side of the negotiation and was smiling back at him. "My brother, the mogul."

Jeremy chuckled and said "Gotta go. I have to sign today or start all over again." He called Jackson as he left the apartment. By the time he got to the new building for the Bureau he'd gotten approval to go ahead with the deal from everyone. The process of signing the agreement took Jeremy well past closing. The tiger and his coyote supervisor were all smiles despite having to stay and go through everything. Jeremy scanned everything as quickly as he could but there was a good deal of paperwork just for a provisional agreement.

It was full dark by the time the tiger escorted him from the building. Considering the hour he was satisfied with a verbal agreement to meet with building maintenance the next morning for the keys and alarm access codes. With the tiger's work also completed he walked with Jeremy toward the nearest subway.

Once Lenny was off the clock as he called it he was perfectly pleasant. Jeremy smiled at his change. He'd been shrewd and tough in negotiations but now was friendly with promises of being as helpful as he could be. Jeremy had seen the act before in leasing his apartment but the tiger had it down to a science. They parted ways for the night leaving Jeremy to make his own way home.

He planned to stay only a few minutes. Just enough time to collect a few things and head to his appointment at The Thirteenth Floor. Sam was on the couch still watching the news. The demonstrations in the park were winding down now that it had gotten dark. From the footage it looked like there were less than a hundred rats lingering on the park. Even then they looked to be wandering aimlessly with nothing to do. The talking heads were speculating with enthusiasm that they might be back the next day.

Jeremy said his goodnights to his brother as he went out. Sam had started scheduling most of his appointments during the day shift.

Jeremy had a comfortable and well established routine at The Floor. He came in and checked over everything in his studio making sure he had all the supplies needed for the sessions scheduled. His client was even ten minutes early. He made his way to reception smiling to himself in anticipation.

Judy was staffing the desk when he stepped out and turned to watch him. He paused and looked at the single client sitting on the couch. Jeremy looked at the squirrel eye ridges raise in question.

"Jeremy, meet Miss Moran, she's your next client for the night." Judy said with a grin.

The rabbit stood looking at Jeremy. She seemed as surprised as he did. Even standing the female barely topped his waistline. He stepped over to tower over the female. He was almost certain he was being pranked.

She stared up at him. Her ears were folded back and drooped down the back of her head. In looking down to meet her eyes his chin was nestled between the open halves of his shirt collar. Jeremy watched as her eyes traveled over him. Her head shifted lower as she looked him over and her eyes rested on the bulge showing his size. She was nose to sheath to him and staring in obvious amazement.

"Miss Moran, what will it be for tonight?" Jeremy asked extending his paw out to her.

"Vera, please. I'd like to have the full service." The rabbit said looking back up to him eyes wide but certainty in her voice.

Jeremy smiled. "Very well." He couldn't put his hand on her arm without leaning over an amount that would be condescending. Instead he simply rested a paw on her opposite shoulder and guided her toward the door to his studio. He glanced at Judy in passing. The squirrel was resting her chin in her palm and hiding what he knew to be a smirk behind a paw.

In his studio he guided Vera to the massage table. She stood looking at the table that was set at shoulder level to the rabbit.

"Allow me." Jeremy said as he leaned down and readied to lift the female up to the table.

"Oh, yes, please." she said.

Jeremy lifted her to the table and felt her paws rest on his arms just past his wrists. Setting her on the table he was forced to pause as she kept her paws on him and squeezed his arms in an effort to probe his muscle. Once she started settling herself on the table Jeremy was free to begin. Jeremy started the massage at her feet and listened to the rabbit as she started chatting.

He was surprised at her assertion that she was a regular client of Jake. His ears folded back at the description of what the male usually did for her. He understood how a rabbit could be satisfied by a dominant more than three times her size. He'd never heard about the technique Jake employed on the rabbit. He finished the rabbit's massage with her still gushing about how delightful she found dominants.

Jeremy's paws slid down to her chest as he maintained eye contact with her. He leaned over and licked at her left breast. He felt one of her paws rest on the back of his head and after a few seconds pushed him toward the other side of her chest. Looking up at her without lifting his head her smile let him know this was what she wanted.

Following her cues Jeremy slowly made his way to her crotch. In moments she was squirming under the ministrations of his tongue. Soon he had both paws on her breasts and was being guided by her own paws on top of his. With her smaller size the position was far less awkward as Jeremy had thought when she had described her desire. Below, his tongue delved into her depths plunging ever deeper the more she thrust up at him. Using his body to shift up and down over the much smaller rabbit Jeremy simulated the motions of the real thing. Judging by the sudden flux of fluids into her sex she came at least twice before she pushed his paws away from her chest.

Seeing her eager smile Jeremy lifted her from the massage table and carried her to the bed. They were not even halfway to the bed when Vera slid an arm between their bodies to grope at Jeremy's rock hard erection. At the bed he was surprised as she stood and presented her back to him. After hearing her discourse on how she liked dominants he understood. Pulling his robe off he stepped up and thrust himself down between her legs.

Instantly she was thrusting back against him. Squeezing her thighs around his thick length she started her rhythmic thrusting. Jeremy felt uninhibited by the technique. With both paws on her hips he let himself thrust to his fullest. Her moans and chirrs encouraged him to even greater energy. He grinned at the feel of her paws on his shaft. There was more than enough of him sliding out from in front of her thighs for her to manipulate.

Her paws gripped him firmly guiding his thick cock against her clit. From his thrusting she was cumming again in no time. He continued, feeling her warm fluids begin to soak into the velvety fur of his ballsack. He now understood how his cock chevrons could overstimulate a female. She was pulling him against her clit with all her strength. Jeremy could feel each of his cock chevrons grinding against her most sensitive spot. As Vera recovered from her latest climax she pushed his cock harder against herself as he continued thrusting through her legs.

She was standing on the mattress with him thrusting between her legs. He could feel her spade like tail bounce into his crotch just above his root. The once soft but now soaked fur of her belly tickled him still. It struck him that his head was still a full foot above hers. Jeremy brought one paw up to Vera's head and leaning down kissed her. Without missing a stroke she stretched up to him and energetically joined in the kiss. At the not so subtle display of his size he felt himself pulse larger. Seconds later he was firing his seed out in front of the rabbit. She pulled away from their kiss and leaning down easily wrapped her mouth around his tip.

He slowed expecting himself to soften but with the rabbit still stroking him for all she was worth he surprisingly remained hard. Wondering at the surprising event Jeremy sped back up and continued thrusting through the rabbit's legs.

She stood back up and continued as well. "Oh yes, even better. Jake's rarely able to stay up."

Jeremy took her ear between his teeth as she kept grinding his cock chevrons against herself. He was delirious with sensation. He felt harder than ever. Vera started reaching down to lick at him on the close upward approach part of his stroke. Her paws gripped him harder still as she straddled him. She was sliding on his shaft, almost resting half her weight on him now.

The rabbit continued an almost endless monolog of expletives and encouragement. At the slightest suggestion she flat out refused any change of position. If this was what dominant need was like he was all for it, although he'd have to get a certain vital body part in condition. He was able to withstand for another ten minutes before he climaxed again.

He was almost relieved when his cock softened. Vera had gotten eager enough that she was almost abusing him against her clit. Once he stepped back from the mattress she collapsed on his bed facedown in the cooling threads of his spunk. It took the female almost a minute to recover her strength and climb back to her feet. Jeremy waited and still had to look down to face the rabbit standing on his bed.

They showered together as Jeremy cleaned Vera. The rabbit's wet fur under his paws felt far softer than any he'd ever known. Her firm body was also sending sensual signals that threatened to cause his cock to emerge all over again. His sheath was far plumper than normal forcing him to focus a good part of his attention to keep his ring muscle tight. Vera smiled and pulled Jeremy down to kiss him several times. The subtle pressure within his sheath was exquisite.

As she left Vera speculated he'd have more of his calendar free than Jake. He sought out Jenna but she was for once not on The Floor. He'd have to ask her the questions that had come to mind another day.

* * * *

Going to hold off a bit on the post chapter blurb in order to synchronize them. Patreons, among other things, get to see chapters a week early. I'm not going to try to keep track of what is published where and when. So in the future if theres something that comes up from a Patreon I'm just going to add it to the after blurb. Yeah, lucky you.