Boomers Chapter 1 {WIP Rough Draft}

Story by Xanhawk on SoFurry

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"Someone? Please help." A young cub sat in the middle of a raging inferno as his house collapsed around him. The heat and smoke hurt his eyes and his nose. All around was a fiery hell. Scared and confused the male cub curled up on the floor. His cries were drowned out by the roar of the flames.


The boy's ears perked up.


A voice sounded from somewhere in the inferno.

"Xander! Hey you in there?"

The cub rose his head and looked around. He tried to call out for the voice but choked on smoke instead. He whimpered to himself. All kinds of thoughts ran through his head. Was he going to die? Where were his parents? What happened to his sister? Why was this happening to him?

He heard a cracking sound and quickly looked up in time to see the support beam above gave way and came crashing down.

Xander bolted upright, sweat causing his fur to stick to his body. He threw the covers off his body, rolled off the bed and started to vomit on the floor just as his roommate entered his room.

"Ah geez, great. Thanks Xander, that is what I wanted to see right after eating breakfast."

The hybrid looked over his shoulder and growled at the goat. "Good morning to you too Montague.

Montague frowned. "Dude, fuck you! Ya know I hate that name. Call me Morg or I'll give ya another black eye."

Xander knew how much the Goat hated his real name. Montague Morgan Mortis. Morg was his assumed name that he preferred everyone to call him. Though the two act rough with each other, they are the closest friends either has, and both share the same scarred past.

"So it was the nightmare again?" Morg had made his way over to Xander's side and started to help him to his feet. The one where your house was on fire?


"Dude go see a fucking shrink."


"Why the fuck not?" Morg had placed Xander back on the bed and got a good look at his face. They both knew Xander wasn't going to say anything about that incident to anyone other than himself and Xander's sister Clarissa. The three were the only survivors from their entire neighborhood after the meteor storm nine years ago. For the last four days, Xander has had to relive the nightmare. Morg had the same nightmares, but his weren't as bad as Xanders. It was a miracle that the three were even still alive.

"Well what ever dude. Get dressed. You sister will be here to pick you up for your classes in 30 mins."

Xander didn't even look at Morg until he was halfway out the door. "Do you think it's a sign? All three of us suddenly reliving the past? This isn't normal even for trauma cases."

"Shut up. Get ready for class." Morg slammed the door behind him as he left.

Both of them sighed. They both felt uneasy. Rumors were going around, not just the city that they lived in, but all around the world. There were other survivors to the meteor storm that hit the planet besides them. These rumors said that the other survivors had become freaks of nature. Able to wield "powers" and were terrorizing the areas after they discovered what they could do. Normal police couldn't do anything against them. Not even the government stood much of a chance against some of the "Boomers" as they were being called now. Not until a group of Boomers sold themselves to the government to catch and sometimes kill other boomers.

Xander shook the thoughts from his head and started to get ready for another normal day of college. All three went to Trinity Marks College. It was a local university and easy for the three to get to. Was the best choice for them to make. Clarissa was now a Senior, Morg a Sophomore, and Xander was in his second semester of his freshman year.

Xander waited by the door for his sister. Hearing the truck horn outside he ran out the door and down to the truck waiting for him. She smiled when she saw him, and he smiled back. Xander's blue fur shined in the sunlight as he hopped into the bed of her truck and tapped the roof of the cab. As soon as he finished, he braced himself as his sister floored it. She sped through the parking lot to Xander and Morg's Apartment complex and onto the highway towards the school.

Clarissa adjusted her driver side mirror to see Xander leaning against the air current that threatened to push him off the truck.

"How was you night last night? Got any cute girls' phone numbers? Or guys for that matter? You know you have to share if you find a real hottie."

Xander chuckled. "Naw. Didn't like what was available on either side. Too preppy. Never going to a Sorority party again. Morg acted like he was literally dying there. What was it with the preppy gangsta wannabees and their music?"

She shrugged. "I dunno. Fuck one and tell me what you find out."

Xander flipped her off and she returned the gesture.

When they finally reached the school's parking lot, Xander jumped out of the truck bed and hugged his sister once she was out of the truck. Xander and his sister weren't related by birth, only by marriage. She, like Xander, was a halfbreed, though her breed made a hell of a lot more sense than Xander's. She was a Liger, he was a Wolvion. Her dad married his mom when he was two, so they grew up close as normal siblings should.

The one thing they both hated was when others made fun of their fur color. Both had natural "Unnatural" colors. Xander was blue while Clarissa was jade green. Their parents didn't know why their fur color came out that way, but it didn't bother them.

Xander released the hug and ran to his first class. Leaving his sister by her truck.

The first two classes went by without much trouble. Today was a very normal day. Same teachers, same class schedule, same class material. Same boring day. The only things that got Xander through the day was a cute little fox/bunny hybrid that he kept eyeing. They shared two classes together, the very first two to Xander's disdain.

When the class ended, Xander started to make a move to ask the other hybrid on a date later that week, but got cut off by a very large wall of fur and muscle. The fox/bunny managed to slip away before Xander could get a chance to ask for his number. Sighing he just left the room and made his way to the commons area for something to eat.

Morg and Clarissa were sitting at their group's table, waiting for Xander to get done with class. The lunch room was crowding faster than it was emptying out. Morg started to light his cigarette, but was cut off by a quick swipe of Clarissa's paw.

"Not inside. You want to get us thrown out again?"

Morg sat there with his mouth open, intending to say something smart, but remembered that led to a kick to his nuts and quickly shut his mouth. "Right, sorry. My bad. I forgot."

Both sat there for a few more minutes. Morg hummed to himself a new song he heard on the radio while Clarissa was starting on her home assignment for one of her classes. Both stopped when they heard a tray fall to the floor.

"Get the fuck out of my way pipsqueak."

A tall bull stood in front of a small Dachshund. Neither Morg, nor Clarissa had seen the dog before which was odd considering only regulars knew about this diner. That and you have to have been invited by another regular to get in. No one walks in alone either.

The smaller dog smiled. "The big bad bovine can't take a little push?" The Dachshund had a very cocky smile. The Bull was one of the line backs for the Football team and looked like he could snap the dog in half with one punch.

"You are an annoying little fucker aren'tcha? Guess we'll have to teach you some manners. You should go around and slap food trays from other people's hands."

The dog's smile didn't disappear and he slowly started to close his eyes. "Come at me if you have the balls cowboy. But the only lesson that will be taught is not to judge someone by their appearance."

The bull balled his fist and swung at the dog's muzzle. Before he even got close, the bull lit on fire and crumpled down in pain. Fire erupted all around the diner as furs started to scream and run about. Most were lit on fire and fell just as the bull did. Finally one female screamed the one word that had everyone heading for the door. "Boomer!"

Morg tipped their table over. He pulled Clarissa behind it as other furs ran for the door only to be hit by the flames. The dog laughed in the center of all the panic. Soon the diner was coming down around them and the dog was gone. Fire trucks and police cars were starting to show up, but they couldn't douse the flames. Morg and Clarissa knelt behind the table wondering what the hell was going on.