Calm Waters Chapter Three

Story by CherryBlossomSystem on SoFurry

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Calm Waters Chapter Three

As I ran I fished my phone out of my pocket. Though the matter was urgent considering all that happened...I don't know if Jack would believe me. And while I could use the reassurance that I didn't just kill someone back in the basement I had a snake in wolf's clothing to deal with.

I also had classes tomorrow. Classes that I was paying a pretty penny for and couldn't afford to fail. So as I ran I found myself looking to the final contact in my phone. Major...I knew I could count on. But did it really warrant contacting the wolf in question?

As I mused to myself I noticed I was approaching my dorm building. Though I also began to notice that as I moved further inside my fox form began to slowly fade. By the time I was at my dorm room door I was back in my human form.

Which needless to say caused quite a stir as the campus wasn't exactly deserted. In fact I'm sure I was drawing the eye of ever fur there. However I acted as if they were beneath my notice as I used my card key to get into the entrance. I needed a room of campus and if I knew Major he would at the very least be able to get me that despite the distance between us currently.

Now don't misunderstand me. I was not just going to use the wolf's connections to get a safe place to stay and then forget about him. That's not in my nature. however right now I would take his embrace and sweet kiss over anything else. However I realize that reality would probably not allow this to happen quickly if at all. Thankfully Mark wasn't in the room so I quickly grabbed everything I had and threw it in my bag. I slipped it on and I was out of that dorm room after twenty minutes.

When I stepped outside I felt rather than saw someone reaching towards me. I reacted by instinct side stepping and slapping away the paw. Whether they were being friendly or not I'll never know.

I was still weary from my earlier altercation, so as I turned around my hands were up in a defensive manner.Whoever this was they backed off with raised paws but I still didn't relax.

"Who are you?" I asked and they snorted as if I should automatically know. "I'm the dorm representative and there have been reports that you've been disturbing the peace and been quite unruly. I couldn't help it. My jaw fell open in complete shock.

Quite a few minuets passed and the representative smirked "Nothing to say for yourself before I enact discipline?" THAT made me close my mouth. "So coming back from a shower...getting grabbed and trussed up while no body in this building or outside does a damn thing and then escaping and making my way back is being unruly?" I finally managed to say. My voice was quite but unmistakably dangerous.

For those around the human at this point they thought he was suddenly wearing very interesting contacts. For him in question though the only thing he noticed is that the world had turned pink to his gaze.

"You were once human. All of you. And yet you sit here and parade around your difference when you forget that without your intelligence which is undeniably a human trait you are nothing more than a slathering beast."

As he finished speaking he waited to see what effect his words would have. Like anyone when confronted with such a tone the wolf in question in front of him either had the choice of letting it go and walking away or puffing up like a balloon then attacking.

"I will only say this once so I suggest that you listen. You will let me walk out of here peacefully without an escort and will take no further action against me. There are two reasons why you will do this. One if you so much as reach for me stronger or not you will hit the ground. Then anyone after you that so much as attempts to do such will go down as well and they will stay there permanently. With the people in this room as my witnesses they will state I gave you every opportunity to let me leave peacefully. And if they are unwilling to testify there are cameras here. Ones that record video and Audio. So my words will not go unheard. The second reason is that I will make sure you are personally responsible for all the medical and property damage debt that will result of this. "

When he stopped speaking he once more tensed up his arms in preparation of a fight. Surprisingly instead of the incoming fight the human expected he was allowed to step through the crowd. He left quickly the crowd still parted like the Read Sea for a certain biblical figure.

Once outside I found myself relaxing and as I went to leave the campus I found myself I passed one of the frat houses. "Hey Pinky!" called a sudden voice and I froze. As you can guess that was a common way to refer to humans but the tone held not malice or anything of the sort. Still...I was on edge as I turned towards the sound and saw A wolf dressed in a blue outfit with some saying on it. I was to far away to make it out properly. The house behind him was Alpha Phi. While it was usually a kind of low key frat a few of the extreme branches did run like an actual pack.

The wolf in question began to approach me as I stood where I was wondering exactly what was going on. He seemed in decent enough shape from afar. That was only reinforced as he got closer. Unfortunately for him and my libido I was still wound up from recent events.

A flip of my wrist and both swords were in my hands. Though the backlash made me severely grit my teeth and I felt my balance waver before I was able to stabilize myself. The swords went into my belt though since they didn't seem to be coming closer for a fight.

"You alright man?" the wolf asked seemingly friendly enough though the stripes of blue through their fur were very eye catching i had to admit. "I've had...a very very trying day and for my own safety I can't remain in my dorm room. " I replied not sure why I decided to be honest right now.

"I'm Cade. That's a very nice cosplay though I'm sorry your first day doesn't seem to be going well. If your willing you could bunk with me for tonight." he offered and I considered the option. It would stop me from worrying Major and I did desperately need the time to get some rest to recharge my body.

"Well alright. My name's Naki." I replied offering him my hand which he took in his paw and shook. He remembered to be gentle too. Hmmm. Seems like he had experience with humans at least being gentle with them.

I let Cade lead me to the frat house though I did voice one concern. "How do we make sure that no one will be attempting to take me somewhere i don't want to go... like your Alpha for instance."

"What do you mean?" asked Cade honestly looking down at me. "From what I remember of your brotherhood it's run like an actual pack. Therefore the Alpha or leader should they make a request of have to obey or be thrown out. Am I right?" I replied returning his gaze with my own level one.

"Well no your not wrong but just because they are the Alpha doesn't mean they are necessarily a bastard." he replied with a slight grin to me. Which i admit helped me to relax. "Derrick is the Alpha here and beyond keeping the noise level down at parties with force if necessary he's pretty laid back." responded Cade.

I tried to keep myself relaxed as we moved further along and actually entered into the frat house. When we entered I was surprised that it was quite clean. Someone was cooking in the kitchen which based on my perception seemed to be quite larger than normal. That being said it too looked clean an orderly. Even though my senses were duller as a human no lingering odors coated the air that I could tell which meant they kept this place well maintained though the smells of the sizzling meat and unless I was mistaken spaghetti sauce was mouth watering.

"Bringing someone over to spend the night?" asked the cook as the light brown wolf had his back turned to us as he worked on the food. "I am. This is...actually what did you say your name was again?" Cade asked me looking apologetic. "I'm Naki. Pleasure to meet your acquaintance. " I replied smiling at the wolf at my side. "Unless I'm mistaken that voice is human." said the cook turning to look at me.

I waited patiently noting the usual sniffing that came when a Wolf met a new person. I smiled softly. "You know if you wanted to smell me that badly you could have asked for an old sock." i remarked playful and the wolf chuckled. "I'm Kevin and I do most of the cooking around here. But It's nice to see a human dare to brave the dangers of the big bad wolves." he replied an easy smile on his face as well.

He gestured me over since he couldn't quite leave the stove. I moved over to stand at the bar that ran across the front of the kitchen. "So now that your closer what brings you here with Cade?" he asked his back to me as I noted for the first time that he was wearing an apron. Which I admit was silly of me not to notice the draw string on his back. But now that I was closer it definitely stood out. "I needed a place to lay my head and Cade so graciously offered." I replied honestly as I rested my arms on the countertop.

Kevin snickered. "Not like that you dirty minded wolf." remarked Cade as he came up which I admit made me blush as I realized the innuendo that had just occurred.

"Well if your able to stay awake long enough supper is in an hour." remarked Kevin as he continued on the meal. I nodded "Alright. Hope to see you then." I turned and pushed away from the bar lightly offering my hand to Cade who took it. "So to my room so you can at the very least unpack your stuff?" he asked and I nodded.

He led me around a corner and up a set of stairs. "Please tell me their aren't like 90 flights of stairs" i remarked as we started climbing. "No there is only 85." replied Cade and as I looked over at him to see if he was serious he smirked and I laughed as I followed him shifting my hold onto my bags as we went further up. "I can carry some of that if you'd like." he told me as we moved up past the second floor. We passed a few people on our assent but no one seemed to pay us much mind beyond nodding to Cade.

We turned a final corner and began to walk down a hall. I admit due to the physical exertions of my day I was very much starting to slow down. Hell it was hard to beleive this was all still the same day.

I couldn't help my yawn and I felt myself leaning as he walked down the hall. Either way Cade was kind enough to put an arm around me. Something that made me unconsciously lean further into him which in turn lead the wolf to take more of my weight. "You ok Naki?" he asked stopping and looking down at me in concern. "Soooo sleepy." I murmured trying to force myself to wake up and keep moving...and it wasn't working either. "You do like kinda tired. Are you sure you can make it ot the room? Naki?" the last part was because the warmth from the other's arm was making me very much drowsy. I slowly blinked and shook my head. "If we get there quickly yes. Otherwise I'm gonna fall asleep on your arm." The wolf smiled softly and before I knew it I was being carried in his arms. I couldn't even care enough to make a fuss instead I snuggled deeper into the warmth and I let my mind go feeling safe as I drifted off.


Well the poor guy seemed to be already gone the instant I picked him up. I stopped to adjust my hold as he still seemed to be holding on tight to his things despite being asleep. His face was peaceful but I couldn't help but wonder what had occurred to him today. At any rate as I walked down the hall I passed a few doors one which even had some loud music going by wolf standards and he didn't so much as stir. At my room I carefully set him onto the bed and I watched as he nuzzled the pillow but when my paw reached towards his things he seemed to become almost instantly more awake.

"Relax Naki. Your in my room and you need your rest. I'm just going to put your things on the foot of the bed on the ground and you can get your sleep. I'll lock the door and leave you in peace." The human struggled to be saying something. "I...don't want to keep you from your room." Poor thing was exhausted and he was worried about keeping me from sleeping. "Your not. Besides we will be sharing the bed later. Get your rest." I grabbed his stuff and set it down then quietly stepped out. He was out before I closed the door.

I went back down the hall after locking my door intending to chill out in the game room for a few hours. I needed to work on my rankings on my favorite MMO anyway Though as I sat down to boot up the computer to start playing I couldn't help but find my mind drawn to the little human now asleep in my room.

I did attempt to start up the game but with my focus slipping I knew I would do poorly so in the end I closed the program and stepped away from the computer.

I wandered to the kitchen knowing that Kevin was usually worth a good talk. "No early scraps. You know that Cade." said the chef as I approached. "Not after them. I wanted your company." I replied instead. That made his ears perk up and twitch in my direction. "Does it concern our newest guest?" he asked as he dropped some onions into the pot.

"Yes. He seemed to be having a bad time today. Even when I met him he was on guard and his words carefull. I don't even think the name he gave us was his real one. " I replied with a puzzled sigh.

"To be fair it isn't our place to be digging through his past so long as he hasn't committed any crime he's safe to stay here. You know that." said Kevin his voice going a bit firm at the end in gentle warning.

I tilted my head at my fellow wolf. "Getting wisdom in your elder years?" I asked teasingly. He chuckled before moving to stir his pot. "I'm only one year older than you." he replied before he put the lid on the pot and let it sit. "That just needs to cook down for another hour then supper will be ready for the group."

I nodded my stomach rumbling in warning which made me blush slightly. "Seen Derrick?" I asked curiously "yeah Check his room. Gonna mention the new arrival?" I nodded and rose from the stool to head back up stairs to the 5th floor.

The walk seemed to pass quickly though I did stop and nod to a few people along the one. One in particular was my best friend Logan . Though we didn't really talk he just groped me as I passed by. I barely managed to keep my face straight as I kept walking by. I knew what that meant and I couldn't help but feel my cock twitch within my pants as I continued up to Derrick's room.

Once there I took a moment to compose myself before I knocked on Derrick's door. "One moment!" came his gravelly voice before the burly wolf opened the door.

"Cade. What's up?" he asked shifting his massive frame from the door to offer me his paw. I took it and replied "Got a guest I want to register." He nodded and moved into his room. I followed after him the room seeming much to small with the muscled wolf's big frame taking up so much space. Not to say that he was fat quite the opposite and I got to admit he was nice to look at even if he was as straight as an arrow.

He snapped his fingers which caught my attention. "Eyes up here Blue" he said with a slight grin which made me blush and chuckle. He had the registry in his paws. "Name?" he asked grabbing a pen.

"Naki." he wrote that down and glanced back at me. "Age I would guess as 22, Male, and as far as sexuality goes...I'd say Gay." I replied without him having to prompt me further. He wrote for several moments before adding "Anything else?" "Yeah he's human." I replied and Derrick made a note of such.

"That it?" he asked me. "yep." I replied with a smile. "Well then go chase down Logan's tail. I can guess that's who made you horny." he replied making a "shoo" motion at me. I blushed but didn't hesitate to leave and head towards my friends room.

While Logan and I were not dating we did have quite a healthy friends with benefits situation going on.We were both healthy and got tested regulary but since we only got into the sack with each other it wasn't really an issue.

Once at his door I knocked and after I was inside and the door locked behind me Logan pulled me into a deep kiss with a rumbling growl. I gently ran my paws over the black furred wolf as I kissed him back.

Our toungue wrestled and a soft moan broke from each of us as we continued the kiss lost in the sensual duel of tongues for the moment. Eventually though we both seperated panting lightly and looking at the other. Though I wasn't exactly short being about 6ft 3 inches tall Logan was an extra 2 inches than taller than me so while I did have to look up to him it was never in such a way that it made me feel inferior.

He gently rested his paws on my chest smiling softly down at me before he moved to take off my shirt and I raised my arms to help in such. Once it was off Logan held my arms up with his paw and nuzzled into my pits which made me laugh as it tickled though I knew he was being appreciative of my musk. I freed my arm and wrapped it around him making him be forced into the depths of my pit. Which I could tell he enjoyed due to his slowly wagging tail as he breathed deep.

After a few moments I let him free and he moved back to stand in front of me though there was alot of lust in those purple eyes. I smiled quietly glad to know he still desired me so deeply.

Soon my paws were under Logan's shirt and I rubed his chest murring soft as I enjoyed how nice his body felt underneath. He took a step back after a bit and took off his own shirt.

We came together once more hugging with a soft deep rumble from us both though Logan's was deeper than mine. He gently grabbed my ass and I chuckled as I did the same with him.

Our paws met up again before he made the first move taking ahold of my botton to my pants then popping it before slowly sliding the zipper down. I moved to step out of them as he pulled them down and once more he burried his snout into the fabric surrounding my crotch inhaling appreciatively.

I shivered with desire the cloth of my red boxers straining mighty against my escaping and throbbing wolf cock. Logan gave me a soft smirk before reaching up and freeing my cock. I gasped in need as my cock hit the lust filled air though I didn't have to wait long before my cock was encased in the warm tunnel of Logan's muzzle.

I didn't thrust into it though I wanted too. Instead i gently pet the wolf 's head while panting soft little moans of pleasure threading in between my teeth as I lost track of time just enjoying the pleasure Logan gave me.

My cock pulsed appreciatively as my fellow wolf worked his magic but as he continued I felt the desire to return the favor getting stronger. So with a bit of exertion I turned Logan until I had easier access to his cock and breathed appreciative of his musk before I moved to slipped him into my maw murring softly.

Logan grunted appreciatively as I sucked on his length dipping my toungue into his sheath to tease out the aching wolf meat. Logan's cock within moments eagerly pressed into my muzzle sliding down my tongue to rest at the opening of my throat. I took a breath then pushed myself down gagging slightly as the cock pushed into my throat and I focused on breathing through my nose as I continued.

As it traveled deeper into my throat the tight tunnel gave the invading member a loving squeeze as I continued to pleasure Logan continuing to bob up and down on his length. Squeezing under his knot as I continued to work his cock.

Logan wouldn't last much longer if the trembles I were feeling in my throat were any indication. I wrapped my tongue more firmly around him as I began to suck firmer.

The knot pulsed then I was soon swallowing down the thick load of my fellow wolf. I took every drop and as he eased from my throat I gave the head a soft kiss.

Logan grunted before lightly fingering my ass as he sucked me off. He was sensitive now do to his own orgasm but at least he was sweet enough to make sure I got off. And with the added touched under my tail he would soon be getting his own creamy treat.

The minuets that passed seemed to be as if I were in eternal bliss before I felt the usual signs. I growled a warning to Logan but he didn't pull back only sucking more firmly as I shot my load deep into his warm and welcoming muzzle.

When I finished we both laid there enjoying our afterglow. However it didn't get a chance to last long a s some rude sou decided to knock on the door after a few mins. "Supper is ready you two." said Derrick as he continued down the hall. I blushed softly but moved to get dressed curious as to whether our human companion would be joining us.