Cat vore/sex

Story by Imnotfurry on SoFurry

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Not all mine! Was partially taken from an old book I used to like a lot but never ended the way I wanted.

I struggled to breathe. My chest ached. My head started to spin. Me and Marisa had been walking in the forest when suddenly a bright light had flashed in front of us and the next moment everything had gone black. I slowly got onto my hands and knees, immediately looking around for my sister Marisa. She was just a few feet to my left, also groggily getting up from the flash. I fully opened my eyes and got my first good look at my surroundings, everything was giant. The grass was 4 feet tall, the trees looked like massive skyscraper and just to one side was a huge patch of mud, the size of a football stadium. Marisa got to her feet and looked at me, her face conveying just how scared she was. Why is everything huge?Was all she could say before a thunderous noise sounded behind us, we both looked back but could bar,eye make anything out over the huge jungle of weeds and odd giant patch of wild grass. The thunder continued, getting louder and louder until something began to emerge from the dense vegetation, first a black face, clearly a cats came through, the cat was easily 30 feet tall and looked right at us as soon as it cleared the plants, this cat was quickly followed by a slightly larger ginger cat, both with there eyes set on us they began to advance again. Me and Marisa both looked at each other and then began to run, the thunderous footsteps making the ground rumble with every step, we didnt care where we where running and just full on sprinted in the opposite direction, the cats where surprisingly slow, clearly not in a chasing mood. I looked down and noticed we where almost ankle deep in mud as we helplessly began to slow down, the massive cats not far behind now, Marissa glanced at me before falling face first in the mud, I screamed and attempted to stop but in turn fell as well. The massive animals stopped just ten feet away from us, Then the cats pulled back their lips in a terrifying hisS, the huge black one stepping toward me and bending down, I turned and tried to squirm and wriggle away. But I couldnt move as mud splashed over my face. Then I felt teeth clamp shut on the back of my sweatshirt. Sputtering, gasping for breath, I felt myself lifted up. My boots made a popping sound as they were pulled from the mud. I felt the cats hot breath on my neck and the back of my head. The teeth held me firmly, plucking me up, up out of the mud Whoooooa! I finally found my voice. The cat dangled me high in the air. My arms and legs thrashed wildly. The cat tossed its head, swinging me from side to side. Helllp! Ohhh, help! I heard my sisters cry from nearby. I turned and saw her hoisted up by the other cat, hoisted high in the air, the catS jaws clamped tightly on the back of Marissas sweatshirt. I tried to call out to Marissa. But a burst of hot cat breath nearly suffocated me. I felt myself being lifted even higher as the cat rose up on its hind legs. A paw swung up and batted my side. The other paw batted me the other way. Does it think Im a cat toy? I wondered. I didnt have time to think about it. I twisted dizzily as the cat played with me, batting me from side to side. Then,

suddenly, I found myself being lowered. The jaws opened. I was falling now. Into the mud?

No. I landed hard on my back on the compacted grass. So hard, I bounced. Pain shot through my body. I ignored it and scrambled to my feet. My heart pounding, my whole body shaking, I tried to run. But the cat grabbed me up again, its jaws closing around my right shoulder.

As I sailed back up into the air, I saw Marissa falling through the air. I heard her cry out as she hit the ground. And then I saw the other black cat bend its head, open its jaws, and drag Marissa up in the air again. Up and then down. My body slammed hard on the ground, I gasped and struggled to my hands and knees. In time to be picked up again and dangled over the ground. Marissa and I both hung over the mud. Then once more, we were dropped to the floor. Ow! I bounced hard. Stared up as the cat lowered its massive head to pick me

up again. What are they doing? Marissa screeched. Why are they doing this? I know what theyre doing. Theyre doing what cats always do! I cried, feeling cold horror run down my body. Theyre playing with their food, Whooooaaa! My stomach lurched as I felt myself being swooped up into the air again. A black cats paw swiped at me and sent me swinging. They-theyre going to eat us? Marissa called. We must look like mice to them! I shouted back.

And then I had an idea. The cat tossed its head and sent me flying. It caught me between its enormous paws. The paws squeezed my middle so hard, I thought my head might pop off!

But as I struggled to breathe, my idea gave me hope. Do I have time? I wondered. Can I do itbefore this cat swallows me whole? The cat tossed me up again, then caught me between its teeth. Pain shot down my back. My whole body tingled and ached. With a groan, I twisted my body. I reached behind me and struggled to grab my backpack. If I can unzip it, I thought, maybe I can reach the beef jerky I stuffed inside. And maybe I can throw it to one side so the cats go after that.And then maybe Marissa and I can escape. Maybe, maybe, maybe.

But I had to try something. Or else, in a few seconds, Marissa and I would be cat chow.

The cats tongue swept over the back of my neck. I cried out in pain. The tongue felt as rough as sandpaper! Hot cat breath stung my neck. I grabbed the backpack with one hand and started to tug it around to my chest. But the cat opened its jaws. The rough tongue bumped me from behind. And I went flying back to the ground. I landed hard on my hands and knees. Pain shot through me once again. I felt like collapsing in the dirt. But I knew I couldnt give up.

The cat leaned over me, hissing each breath. Yellow eyes gleamed down at me hungrily.

Ignoring the pain, I grabbed the backpack. I pulled the straps off my shoulder. Then I swung the pack around to my chest and gripped it tightly with both hands. Got to get the beef, I murmured out loud. My hands were trembling so hard, I couldnt work the zipper. Aaaaagh! I let out a frustrated cry just as the cat swooped me up in its jaws again. I tried to call out to Marissa. I wanted to tell her to hold on. That I had a plan. High in the air, I gripped the backpack with my right hand. Reached for the zipper with my left. Please. Please! I prayed silently. Let me get the beef jerky. My only chance, I muttered, struggling with the backpack zipper. My only chance... A burst of hot cat breath made me shudder. Once again I felt the dry, scratchy tongue scrape the back of my neck. Yessss! I shouted as I finally pulled the zipper and opened the backpack. Yessss! I shot my hand excitedly into the backpack. I felt the rubbery wrapper inside. I started to wrap my fingers around the opening... But the cat swung me hard. Tossed back its head and flung me into the air. Noooooo! I let out a long wail and felt the backpack fly out of my hands. Noooooo!I frantically grabbed at it. Grabbed with both hands. Missed. Then I tried to snare it on my foot. Noooooo! I watched the backpack sail to the ground. It bounced once. Twice. Then lay in the dirt near the shore.

The cat caught me in its teeth. I felt the sharp points dig into my skin. Then the jaws opened. And I started to slide. Down the scratchy tongue. Down, down into the cats cavern of a mouth.

Sorry, Marissa, I murmured in my panic. We are doomed. The ground disappeared from view as I slid further down the cat?s rough tongue. On my stomach, I reached out with both hands. And grabbed the two curved eyeteeth. They felt warm and sticky in my hands.

With a hard tug, I pulled myself part of the way up. I crawled a little way on the tongue. Then I gave another tug, and my head poked out from the cats open mouth.

I searched for Marissa, but I couldnt see her. Had she already been swallowed? Beneath me, the tongue bucked and curled. The cat was trying to force me down. But I held tightly onto the eyeteeth. Then The cat chomped its teeth together. I cried out in pain, and my hands slid off the eyeteeth.The tongue rolled beneath me. I started to slide again. The mouth closed over me, shutting me in darkness. Ohhhh. So hot and wet inside. So hard to breathe. I heard low gurgling and growling below me in the cats stomach. No! I cried. No no no no! My voice sounded tiny and muffled inside the cats mouth. Then there was a lurching feeling and the whole cavern closed in, the scratchy tongue pressed me tight against the roof of its mouth as the cat holding me moved somewhere. Rancid saliva pooled around my head and forced me to breath more of the horrid breath. Then the cat slightly opened its mouth and I crawled forward, only getting slightly past its teeth before the thick lips closed around my neck. The cat had mounted the ginger cat, I had a clear view of the ginger cats head and back as the massive black cat began to thrust. I felt a massive pressure on my body as the black cat began to suck on my body, the thick lips beginning to almost strangle me as it continued to toy with me. Merrisa!I screamed, she must be somewhere I thought. Then the ginger cat looked straight up and swallowed loudly. No!I cried before the massive black cat pinched its lips together, crushing my neck in its grip. The huge pool of saliva that I could feel my body sloshing around in as the cat thrust forward again and again was getting big, the cats head then bobbed down and I was released along with a huge amount of cat spit onto the ginger cats back. I whimpered and tried to squirm as the nasty salivas smell penetrated my nose and nearly made me vomit, the sticky liquid drenching my clothes and slicking both my hair and the ginger cats hair too. Then I started to slide back and forth as the black cat resumed its sex, I slid all the way to the ginger cats tail where I held on for dear life, my legs dangling over its ass as I was flung around while it was fucked. Thick black fur slammed into me again and again as the black cat began to get closer to its climax, both cats particle creaming at this point. Then I was crushed by the black cat in a much harder than usual thrust, my wet sticky body momentarily sticking to its fur as it wrenched me from my grip on the tail of its partner, nooo! I screamed as I fell and landed on its fiery hot penis, the bright red skin nearly burned me as the black cat prepared to thrust again, I tried to brace for the immense impact as I was slammed into the female cats vagina, after being plunged inwards I expected to be able to be pulled out but that never came, suddenly the immense heat and tight slick walls collapsed inwards and I was drowned in the two cats liquids, they had both climaxed with me inside and I had died a horrible death as well as Marisa who had been swallowed by the ginger cat.