Meet Me at the Wedding 2 (Patreon)

Story by huskyhuskyhusky on SoFurry

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#20 of Meet Me 2 (Patreon)


This is the first 1k words for the full story that is located on my Patreon. This is meant as a preview for the full story and the tags listed are representative of the fetishes found in the story's entirety

Awesome art by:

Erica is bored at home and find that she is having some trouble working. She hopes that some attention from Rodger will change that.

Read the first chapter here:

Read the full story here:

Erica had often long dreamed what her wedding would be like from a very young age. More so she thought of what the reception would be like and even the honeymoon. To her surprise and satisfaction everything had gone like she had wanted almost down to the most minute detail. She was amazed by that, being that planning a dream wedding wasn't exactly an uncommon thing to do for young girls, but it was rare that everything would come to fruition.

The one thing that she hadn't quite accounted for was the fact that she wasn't really in love with her husband. She knew that at one point she had been, but she was certain that it was no longer the case. And while she had lots of fun and memorable experiences on her honeymoon, none of them came from her husband but more so from his best man.

Just the thought of Rodger made a lightning bolt strike the snow leopard's panties and she paused in her chore of folding laundry to relish the thought of him. She bit her lip and shivered and she glanced over at the clock to see that it was inching closer to three o' clock in the afternoon. She had been busy with things around the house that she hardly got any of her own work done and had been occupying herself with just doing other stuff. By this point the house was pretty much spotless and hardly a dish was out of place. It was getting to the point that she needed to sit down and do some writing.

Writer's block was a thing that she struggled with often, which was a bitch because that did nothing to stave off deadlines for her novels and short stories. She sighed as she put away the last folded shirt of her husband's and then looked over at her computer desk where her flat screen monitor was displaying a colorful screen saver.

She huffed another sigh and went over to it and leaned over her office chair to toggle the mouse. The screen flicked over to her open word document that had the beginnings of a new chapter started for her second novel. The more she stared at the white screen and black text the more disinterested she became. She didn't know how long she had been standing there and just staring blankly at the computer, but the sound of her phone chiming snapped her out of it.

She reached into her pocket and pulled it to see that she had a new text message waiting from Rodger. She opened it quickly.

Rodger: Hey. What's up?

She began to quickly respond.

Erica: Just procrastinating work.

Rodger: Anything I can do to help?

Erica grinned at the offer and bit her lip. She balanced her phone on the back of her chair and went quickly to work undoing her pants and pushing them down to her knees, along with her panties. She grabbed her phone again and set her phone to take a picture before pointing the camera right at the front of her pussy she napped a quick pic. She sent it to him with the message: "Yeah, come over and fuck this before Ethan gets home. Might cure my writer's block."

There came the swift response of: "I'm on my way."

Erica giggled to herself before she pulled her bottoms completely off and meandered out of her bedroom and down the stairs. She and her husband had a nice big house that was pretty well isolated in the suburbs of their city. Rodger lived alone in an apartment about a ten minute drive away which only added to the dire nature of what they were about to do. Ethan was set to be home in an hour, and so they had to fuck quickly before then.

She laughed at the thought of getting fucked quickly. She was used to Ethan lasting maybe five minutes or so, to the point that she would need to either finish herself off with a vibrator or start having already cum. Rodger on the other hand was a master of getting her in just the right place and he could pace himself to go for at least thirty minutes.

She'd have to make her intentions known when he got there, though she was sure that he knew about the time and about when Ethan would be getting home. She went over to sit on their couch in the living room and watched out the large South facing window for the pit bull's truck. In the meantime she brought a paw down to her pussy and began to gently stroke over her erect clit, getting her engine revved up and warm to start things off as soon as he walked in the door.

She had begun to trace her finger up and down her slit by the time that he came rolling to a stop in front of her house. She grinned to herself as she saw him hop out and make like he was casually walking up to her front door but she could see that he was being pretty quick about it. The need to maintain a facade for the neighbors was key, she couldn't have any speculation going on among them about what was happening. Erica got up and went to the door right away and as soon as he knocked she flung it open and yanked him in by the front of his shirt.

Rodger stumbled a bit but the snow leopard kept a firm grasp. She turned him around and pushed her front against his while forcing their lips to meet while his back braced against the near wall. The dog's paws came up and held her by the shoulders as he kissed her back, their tongues immediately brushing against each other in a very forceful way that had them silent for a couple minutes. During this time Erica reached out with her leg and kicked the door shut.

Read the full chapter here: