Mare Dominatus

Story by Kinx Commissions on SoFurry

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#2 of Latex Corruption

Goat Grrl Alpha and her lover, Goat Grrl Beta, are enjoying their new rubber-anthro lives. They both have successful new careers s exotic video game streamers and as erotic cam girls for those with fetishistic tastes. But now Alpha desires to take it all one step further and embrace someone else into their new-found appreciation for latex and brainwashing. Someone like...Beta's former work colleague and friend, whom she most certainly lusted after and knew all too well that the feeling was mutual...

This was a lot of (hot!) fun to go back and re-edit to bring up to contemporary standards of writing. There's a third story to conclude the 'Goat Grrl arc' of a series of commissioned stories that became part of a shared 'IT&M' world, and I'll be uploading that this weekend.

(Overhauled again 10/08/19 for continued grammatical improvement)

Written Fiction (c) Jinx Curi / Kinx Commissions

Commissioned by a-lycotonum

This is a continuation of 'Ram Drive'. Click here to read the first installment if you haven't already done so!

Money talks, Morality walks, and memory is short.

Goat Grrl Alpha smiled to herself as she watched the beaming IT&M rep announce their third new range of anthropomorphic latex suits in as many months. She crossed one hoofed leg over the other and stretched, letting out a whinnying bray of pleasure as tension was relieved. The glossy latex encasing her subsumed organic body creaked as she adjusted her posture. Leaning forward in her seat, the rubberised anthro-goat rested her bovine chin elegantly upon a balled fist and ran appreciative eye over the newest--and most popular--creation from the techno-magical conglomerate. Industrial Technology & Magic had weathered the fallout from what had been termed the 'living latex scandal' with remarkable fortitude. Oh, they had been fined heavily as a sop to those affected, as with many corporations that had fallen prey to a public scandal, IT&M came out relatively unscathed; bribery, smear campaigns, and liberal false promises played their part. Within a month it was old news, completely forgotten by the public at large. The popularity of their products had once began increasing at a steady rate.

In that time, what had once been the human male Todd had come to truly appreciate her new form. The last vestiges of her old personality had been wiped away by continued programming from the suit's arcane algorithms. In its place, a new and far more suitable one had been constructed and implanted in her mind, one that befitted an exotically sexual creature such as she. The process had also proceeded nicely for Goat Grrl Beta, her girlfriend. Karen had been transformed into near-twin of the latex goat, and she also found that she relished the pleasures that the new rubber form brought to her. The nascent fetish for latex catsuits had been warped and amplified into something deep.

Now Alpha was ready for them to move onto the next stage.

She waved a glossy hand toward the enchanted light-globe gently bobbing behind her and signalled for it to increase illumination. Turning back to her laptop, she brought up her bank account details and double-checked that the latest payment from 'Exotic Exhibitions' had been deposited. She and Beta had found new and far more satisfying employment recording and putting on live sex shows, in addition to the live-streaming of video games for those with more _unusual_appetites in their hosts. The fact that she and Beta no longer needed to eat also helped with their living expenses, though that did not stop them from enjoying such simple pleasures as they desired them.

Yes, she had just enough.

Alpha opened her browser and clicked her bookmark for the IT&M online store. The emotion engines built into her goat-like muzzle drew her lips back into a smile as she filled in the details for her purchase and hit submit. The voucher code that the subliminal algorithms had whispered into her thoughts meant that she received a hefty discount--certainly an unexpected boon. The long inverted ears crowning her head flickered as she considered the code again and idly wondered if it was some manner of reward system for return customers. Satisfied with that answer she pushed further curiosity away from her thoughts. The whispering voice of the algorithm agreed wholeheartedly and induced a burst of rewarding lustful desire within her--it encouraged satisfaction with the answers it provided. Alpha felt the pliant semi-liquid folds that lay between her thighs begin to quiver and flutter; a tremble ran through her at the sensation of pleasurable heat washing over her. She looked over her shoulder towards their bedroom, where Goat Grrl was putting on a particularly raunchy show for the seedy online network that had all too eagerly accepted them as 'exotic hosts'. She hesitated from disturbing her lover for only a shred as an ember of professional courtesy asserted itself--but only for a moment. She bit down on her lower lip and moderated the needy feminine bray that left her lips into a husky hiss as the need for sex became all the more irresistible. She then snorted in derisive amusement and grinned as a key realisation dawned upon her: if anything, suddenly jumping her mate's bones live on camera would only increase ratings.

Win win.

"Remember that friend of yours that you wanted us to have some fun with?"

Goat Grrl Beta inclined her head in thought as she lay cradled within Alpha's arms. She was feeling the post-coital lassitude strongly. The sensation of her warm rubber body pressed against her taller and bustier lover in a romantic cuddle was too delicious not to enjoy for a while longer. They had switched off the camera some time ago to enthusiastically enjoy continued, private intimacy.

"Mmm, I do. Jenna?"

Alpha nodded in satisfaction as she heard the breathless little catch in Beta's voice at the mention of her decidedly hot dusky-skinned friend. Digging back into the memories of what she had once been, Alpha was all too aware that her lover had lusted after Jenna for quite some time.

"Mmm. You think she might be a candidate for the new suit?"

She felt a quiver run through her shorter and less voluptuous twin and heard the squeak of stretching rubber as Beta ran rubbed her thighs together in an involuntary mannerism of flowering desire; it was clear she was powerfully aroused by the suggestion.

"Oh gods, yes. Can we?"

Alpha let out a bray of laughter at the hopeful note in her voice and nodded, for which she received a squeal of excitement and a plethora of kisses against her bluntly rounded muzzle.

"We can."

The knock at the apartment door came promptly at 7PM.

"Door's open!"

Just as it had when Alpha had called Jenna's number, the bovine hood modulated her voice to that of her former male self. It still sounded alien and unfamiliar to her ears as it had when she offered the invitation for a get-together. There was a moment of hesitation before the door catch clicked and Jenna pushed the door open.


"Come on in, Jenna. Make yourself...comfortable."

Beta called out from in the kitchen where she was going through the motions of making coffee. Alpha had dimmed the room illumination to a level that was both sultry and concealing. She stood out of sight within one of the pools of shadow that had been deliberately cast in the corner of the room. Within her shadowy seclusion, the rubber goat's sleekly voluptuous, glossy black latex figure was near-imperceptible. Alpha watched as the tall brunette slipped off her jacket and hung it on one of the pegs on the wall and took a seat. Jenna self-consciously adjusted her skirt as she looked about the dimly-lit lounge and cleared her throat.

"It's ah...been a while. I haven't seen you since you phoned in your resignation," She cleared her throat again, clearly nervous and she forced a smile. "Missed you in the office!"

"I've missed you too, Jenna. That's why I wanted us to have this little get-together tonight. Coffee?"

"Yes please, cream and sugar."

"You got it."

Alpha continued to watch from her hidden vantage point and savoured the moment as she watched Jenna. She had no idea _why Todd, her old personality identity, had resisted the idea of the dusky, dark-haired Latino beauty with attractive chin-length bangs framing her high-cheekboned features and _very kissable full lips from joining them for some fun for as long as he had. She snorted silently and bit down her lip to stifle a bray of desire as she felt her sex-lips moisten and throb in anticipatory desire. She'd be joining them for some fun this evening for sure and in a fashion that Alpha was certain she would never anticipate in a million years.

"Oh, uh, where's Todd?"

Alpha had been awaiting that question and stepped forward on cue and creaked and gleamed as she struck a pose.

"Here I am."

Jenna turned to look in her direction, immediately letting out a yelp of surprise that turned into a wide-eyed stare as she gazed at and took in the form of the female anthro rubber goat that had answered her question.

"Todd? Is What the..."

Her startled exclamation trailed off as Beta stepped around the kitchen door and presented herself. She was holding the head of the new suit that Alpha had ordered. As Alpha moved in on her with languid, predatory grace, Jenna's eyes bulged and she scrambled back against the sofa, clearly confused and instinctively looking for an escape route.

"What's g-going on here?" Jenna stammered as the two Goat Grrls bore down on her. She continued to scramble against the back of the sofa and tried to put as much distance between her and them. She hadn't got a clue what was happening, but it instinctively frightened _her. "Stay _away from me!"

"There's nothing to worry about, Jenna," Beta purred in a soothing tone. "Soon all your fears will just melt away and you'll be free to have as much fun with me as you've always wanted to." She watched as a hot flush ran up the her work colleague's neck and cheeks and smirked as the embarrassment unbalanced the anxious woman further still. Jenna shot her another wild-eyed stare towards her and then pushed herself up and lurched forward toward the front door. She was quick, but Alpha was quicker. The taller and more physically powerful Goat Grrl caught her in an enveloping grip, smothering her cries for help within the voluminous confines of her cleavage as Beta advanced on her from behind with the hood in hand.

"Relax, Jenna," Alpha purred and subtly modulating her voice back to the silkily husky tone she had become accustomed to and felt sadistic delight as her prey twitched in response to the unsettling change. "You're going to be reborn_--_just as Karen and I were.

", let me go!"

Jenna's pleas turned to muffled sobs as she fruitlessly struggled to break free of Alpha's grip. She was forcefully turned just in time to see Beta lowering the hooded mash of the new suit down towards her. As one might guess from the name, the 'Pony Play' hooded mask was equine in design and possessed an elongated muzzle, short ears and a mane of fibrous strands of latex that crested the head and ran down the back of the neck.

"Get that fucking thing away from m-!"

Jenna's final cries were muffled as Beta lowered the hood over her head. Alpha gripped her tightly as she bucked and struggled in an exercise of futility. Nothing happened at first and the young woman continued to fight the forced transformation. Then her struggles began to slow as the soporific effects of the illicit and most certainly not design-standard drugs injected into her neck through the collar-stud hypodermics that grazed against her bare skin took effect. The blank lenses that served as eyes for the horse head lit up as the in-built reprogramming algorithms engaged. Within the space of ten-twenty seconds, Jenna's struggles slowed to twitching spasms. Alpha needed only steady, not restrain, her as the process began in earnest. Just as it had with them, it would submerge the personality of Beta's former friend and overwrite it with a suitable new identity and sense of self. Alpha felt a tremble of excitement pass along her nerves as they guided the limp form of their nascent pet down to the sofa and breathlessly awaited the result.

It would take some time, but oh, would it be time so very well invested...

Can you hear me, Jenna?"

The latex equine kneeling before Alpha did not respond. Far from disobedience, it actually pleased Alpha to not receive a response as it meant the brainwashing process had been a success. She leaned forward, took hold of the bridle reins hanging from the rubber horse's muzzle and gave them a gentle tug.

"Can you hear me,_ Pony Grrl_?"

This time she received a warbling whinny in response that was delivered through the speakers mounted into the muzzle. Standing behind the newly-born Pony Grrl, Beta clapped with and brayed with joy.

"It worked!"

"It did indeed." Alpha's lips drew back into a blunt-toothed smirk as she gazed down at the latex equine. Where once there had been Jenna, there was now a gorgeous shiny rubber horse, a sexy lean and lithe pony very eager to please; the subliminal algorithms within the Pony Grrl had imparted a more _submissive_personality upon her. Jenna had donned her suit eagerly, slipping into the form-fitting latex, and forever more shedding her human form. Eventually, as Beta had done so, Pony Grrl would receive a 'living latex' coating from Alpha that would permanently meld her organic form with the suit and render her into a single rubber organism.

"Good pony!"

Alpha smiled as the equine let out a happy-sounding whinny and raised her hoof-hands at the praise. She would never again need or even be allowed the use of her human hands. Those were now bound and numbed and replaced by stiff rubber hooves. She would rarely need to walk upright and had been programmed to be perfectly content to remain on all fours. Beta brayed a happy-sounding giggle of her own as she watched the Pony Grrl's antics and ran a lustfully appreciative eye upon the rubber equine's long legs and shapely rump; those particular physical attributes the form-fitting latex accentuated in a most appealing fashion. A short bristling tail of rubber strands protruded just above her rump and swept back and forth over the luscious curves.

"She's just gorgeous, Alpha!"

Goat Grrl Alpha nodded again as she reached over to rub at the muzzle of their new pet and received a semi-liquid rubber tongue lick in response. Her eyes fell upon the exotic saddle that had been strapped to Pony Grrl's lower back.

"Mmm, love, why don't you take her for a ride?"

Alpha inclined her head and indicated towards the curved stiff rubber dildo that rose up from the centre of saddle and was flared at the end to resemble a horse's member. Pony Grrl whinnied and trembled at the overheard suggestion and the flicking tail became more animated in its sweeping motions.

"Oh yes, I would love to!"

Beta stepped forward on her hooves and began to tremble herself as the feelings of unchained volcanic lust swelling within her forced her rubberised sex to quiver and bead with corrupted rubber fluids. She gingerly spread her legs and shuffled forward, lowering herself down slowly onto the Pony Grrl. True to her programming, the latex equine braced herself and let out an eager whinny as she pushed back with steadying muscles that she would soon strive to develop further to comfortably bear Alpha's and Beta's weight. Beta let out a breathy gasp of raw triumphant desire as the head of the saddle-bound shaft rubbed against her the puckered glistening folds of her artificial labia. Beta's thighs bucked instinctively as she grabbed it and brought it down to the parting orifice that she sought to fill. With the other hand she took reins offered by Alpha and gripped them firmly as in one smooth motion, she pulled Pony Grrl back and plunged the equine member deep into her semi-liquid core.

Gods, It felt good!

Alpha watched approvingly as Beta clutched the rubber-encased anthro equine between her thighs and began to ride her, slowly at first, and let out groaning brays as her twin forced the stiff horse-shaft deep into her. Pony Grrl's whinnies melted into breathless and ecstatic snorting and grunting as the suit inducing waves of pleasure throughout her body. Her cries of pleasure only increased in volume the harder that Beta rode her; the saddle was as much a part of her as any of her limbs. Powerfully aroused by the display, Alpha spread her legs and idly smeared the trickles of latex-enriched juice dripping down the inside of her thighs against her own rubbery sex, inducing further leakage of liquid lust. All too eager to get in on the action, she clucked and gestured to their new pet in a beckoning motion.

Pony Grrl was only too eager to please; the rubber humanoid equine shuffled forward awkwardly on command. She spread her hoof-hands out to their sides and leaned forward to dip her long horse-like muzzle between the Goat Grrl's thighs and flicked her ears back as her tongue darted forward to lap at the puffy rubbery sex. Guttural and stuttering braying erupted from Alpha's lips as the horse went to work on her, sucking and licking at her sex and drawing the large clitoris that crowned the wrinkled and wet folds between her teeth. She began to lash it with her tongue and nibble at it with blunt stiff-rubber teeth. Three animalistic voices were raised in mutual pleasure as Alpha wallowed in the oral attention that the eager Pony Grrl lavished upon her as Beta rode the saddle-member. All were driven to various degrees of heavy panting and braying and Beta trembled from the ecstatic sensations being imparted upon her and such were their ferocity that she struggled to hold her seating.

The spray of black and oily fluids from Beta that drenched the saddle heralded her orgasm. On cue and in programmed response, the hose-like shaft buried within her disgorged a thick stream of heated liquid rubber deep into her from its saddle-reservoirs. The more diminutive Goat Grrl cried out in sudden deepening pleasure in response to the unexpected and swift filling. Pony Grrl's rewarding orgasm followed swiftly as the algorithm that governed her pleasure and emotional responses detected her rider's powerful climax. The rubber horse trembled from head to hoof and disgorged her own stuttering spray of thick and pungent sex-juices that dripped in sticky black threads down her inner thighs. Alpha desperately tried to hold out as long as possible, savouring the sight of the two females lost in their own particularly ecstasy and edged for as long as she possibly could. A similar explosion of rubber-scented juices signalled her failure of self-control and she groaned and arched as she rode the painfully pleasurable climax and trembled and creaked with the sound of stretching latex as she contorted on the sofa. Her bovine features were drawn back into a slack mask of overwhelming ecstasy and she wallowed shamelessly in her pleasure until she could bear it no longer.

Within Alpha's suit, her own techno-magical and intelligent algorithm secretly incanted and transmitted a report detailing the performance of this particular version of the Pony Play. It was directed towards one particular department and individual within the labyrinthine complex that served as the headquarters for IT&M. It concluded with one simple recommendation that she had been hoping to hear since she had dispatched the unorthodox fetish suit to Alpha.

Trial 100% success...subversion of all future Pony Grrl production suits highly and immediately recommended...