Epilogue Chapter 4

Story by Imya on SoFurry

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#4 of Isolated Holidays - Epilogue Series

And another chapter of the series. I hope you like it.

3 more chapters after this and then the final.


This story is purely for entertainment purpose and does not reflect the opinion of the writer.

This story involves anthro furry animals and includes forced intercourse between furrs of different age including young age. For legal reasons all characters in this story are considered adult.

Please do not try this at home!

I decided on this story after the feedback I got for "Christmas in Snow Valley" I did 2 years ago. You will notice that this story has some kind of parallels, but a complete different storyline and kinks.

Adult notice: This story is an adult (R-Rated) story of anthro species having forced intercourse (including incest and rape). If you do not like this kind of content or if your are still a minor in your country (usually under 18) please stop reading this story directly and check your account setting.

Epilogue Chapter 4

Lim saw Mr. Lanster leave the house again with the two little vixen and see them off. He seemed so caring and nice how he even accompanied them to make sure they got home safely.

One of the vixens was older than Lim, and she had seen her before with the daughter of the Lansters, a very beautiful white vixen. The other one looked like she was the sister of the red vixen.

Lim looked out of the window back on the street. Not much happened these days. She was home alone and she was bored. Her parents had left her, saying that she was old enough to stay home alone for a few days.

Lim's grandmother fell down the stairs and was in a hospital. They had visited her together, but this week her parents went there because it became more critical.

They left Lim phone numbers and frozen pizza and told her to go straight home after school and not let anyone into the house. She had done so the last days and she had to call her parents every evening to tell them everything was okay. She called them an hour ago and told them, like every day, that she was fine.

Except that she was not. She was bored so much, that she even looked out of the window every day to get at least a bit of a change of scenes.

Lim was a very obedient, 10 years old, vixen. Like the daughter of the Lansters, she had a special color, for her it was a dark blue to grey color. Her parents were polar foxes, just like Mr. Lanster, however not the white type but the blue type.

Her parents were very strict. They moved in a few months ago, but Lim did not have any chance yet to make a lot of friends. Her mother wanted her to return home every day and do her homework and help in the house.

Her parents were working hard and did not have much connection to the neighbors, other than going to visit them at the start to introduce themselves and Lim.

Lim had watched Maia a few times before, when the girl went out to play or her friends, including this red vixen, came over to play and she had been jealous. But even though she wished to join them and play with other kids, she was too obedient of a child to ignore her parents wish and leave the house.

Mr. Lanster came back a few minutes later and when he looked around, his eyes locked with Lim's and the girl quickly hid behind the curtain. She was embarrassed about her eavesdropping on her neighbor.

When she peeked around the corner of the curtain, she did not see him on the street anymore. Lim jumped when the doorbell rang suddenly. She waited, because she knew she was not supposed to open the door to strangers.

It rang again. Lim pondered what she should do. The one at the door seemed to not go away. Finally, she remembered, that from her parents' bedroom, the door was visible if she would open it and lean out. She rushed there, hearing the third ring, and opened the window. The sky outside started to get dark.

"Hello?" she asked and looked down. The face of Mr. Lasnter looked up. "Oh, good evening, Lim was it, right?" - "Yes." Replied Lim. She was surprised that he even remembered her name from just seeing her once a few months ago.

"I noticed you watching the street every day since Monday, but I never saw the car of your parents. Is everything alright with you? Are your parents home?" Lim smiled, happy by the caring of her neighbor. Not only did he notice her, but also that something was off, and he seemed to be genuinely worried about her.

"They went to visit my grandmother in the hospital." She told him and leaned a bit more out of the window to see him better. She nearly dropped out because there was little to grab around the window. "Be careful. I think you should not lean out of the window. How about you let me in and we can talk easier?"

Lim shook her head. "My mother told me to not let anyone in the house." Mr. Lanster nodded. "This is right. You do not know me very good, so this is a good advice of your mother." He pondered and looked up to the girl.

"How about you come over to us for a few minutes then? Then you won't have to let me into the house, right?" Now Lim pondered.

Her parents said she should return home after school, but they never said anything about not being able to visit the neighbors.

"I would love that." She replied and closed the window. She had done her homework already, it was not yet time to go to bed and it was not like she went to strangers.

Sure, she did not know Mr. Lanster well, but she watched him a lot of times and he was so caring and nice to all the other girls that Lim felt safe to go with him. Maybe she would even be able to make friends with Maia and play a bit before she had to return and go to bed.

Mr. Lanster waited outside when Lim slipped out in her white dress. She locked the door behind her and took the offered paw of Mr. Lanster to follow him to the house cross the street, where the Lansters lived.

"Did you eat already?" Mr. Lanster asked and Lim nodded, thinking about the pizza that she ate jus an hour ago. "Are you home alone often?" he asked further. "Yes, not as long as now, but my parents have to work a lot and they want me to return home and do my homework, so I am alone at home a lot."

Mr. Lanster did not reply to this but led her to the house and opened the door. "Come in. For this evening just forget about the homework and have a little fun. I imagine it is not so nice for a young cute vixen like yourself to be alone all day." And he guided her into the living room and shut the door behind them.

The shutters were already closed and only the electric light made the room not appear dark. There were some cameras around the room. Maia looked at one with interest. She had not seen such a camera before. It was on a tripod and looked very big.

"You are interested in my video cameras? They are good enough to make nice videos." Mr. Lanster explained and smiled when the vixen looked to him embarrassed. He went to all the cameras and fumbled at them before he guided the girl to the sofa in the middle of the room.

"You can lose your shoes Lim. Do you want something to drink?" She shook her head. She was not thirsty right now and looked around the room with interest to see how the Lansters lived. "When are your parents coming back?" asked the man and she looked back to him. "On Monday Morning, Mr. Lanster." - "Oh please, call me Frank."

He helped her to unequip her shoes and brought them to the others shoes next to the door. Lim sat down on the couch and waited for the man to return. "I see. Isn't it boring to be alone all day?" Frank asked when he returned. "Yes, it is. Only when I call Mom in the evening, I do not feel so alone." Lim admitted. "I thought so." Replied the fox. "I think I will make sure you are not bored this evening and play a bit with you."

Lim's ears perked up when she heard this. It had been a while since her father played with her and she was happy that this caring man was so nice to her. Tears of joy entered her eyes and he closed in and took her into an embrace, sitting next to her, and she hugged him back, happy that he could not see the tears this way.

He picked her up and sat her on his lap while caressing her arms, back and hind in a very nice way. The girl put her head into the shirt of the man and cried, feeling his paws roam over her body and comfort her. The man stood up, with her still in an embrace, and held her softly at her hind so she would not drop.

At first, she did not notice the subtle pull at her panties, that she wore under her dress, but only when they were pulled down she noticed it and wanted to grab them to pull them up again, but the embrace of Frank prevented it.

She felt her panties being pulled over her legs and then the hug loosened a bit and she felt her dress being pulled up. Lim opened her eyes and saw into the smiling face of Mr. Lanster.

"What are you doing?" she asked scared. "Arms up." He said and pulled her left arm up and the dress with it. Lim was trained to be obedient by her parents, that she rose her arms before she thought about it.

"That is a good girl." Said Frank and grinned when he reached down and pulled his shirt up. To Lim's surprise, he already had pulled down his pants, which now lay on the ground and were kicked under the sofa with her dress and panties by his foot.

"Why are you getting naked?" asked Lim in panic. She started to cry again, but this time in fear. "I am preparing to play with you. I promised to do it, remember?" he just said with the same grin on his face and sat down on the couch, pulling her next to him by tugging the arm.

"Start licking." He said and pushed her head towards his crotch. Lim noticed a strong musk coming from his pouch and tried to resist. "No." she screamed and cried harder.

"If you want to get your clothes back and go back home, I would advise you to start licking." Lim was scared and felt how her arm was being bent backwards, which forced her to bend her body forward and towards the crotch of Frank to avoid the pain. She sneezed from the heavy musk and still did not start to lick. She did not understand any of this.

A small yank on her arm made her whimper and she finally gave in to the demand, being forced this way, and started to lick at the musky balls and pouch.

"That is a good girl." Moaned the man and eased up a bit on her arm. Lim did not like the taste, but she bravely continued with licking the fur.

Something fleshy poked out of the pouch after a minute and it felt nasty to lick it, but on the demand of Frank she did it to avoid feeling the pain again.

"Now suckle on it." The command was given when the thing in the pouch was out completely and was now firm and warm. Lim closed her eyes and went down on the big organ, trying to fight the urge to puke from the strong and awful taste in her muzzle.

The man pulled her hind up, so that she was now crouching next to him and bobbing her head like he instructed. She felt his paw roam over her hind, her tail base and tail hole up to her snatch.

The fingers caressed the edges of her nether lips and played a bit with the nub, that was at the upper edge of her slit. A strange feeling coursed through her body and she felt her slit getting slightly wet.

Suddenly the thing in her muzzle began to throb and Frank said, "Drink it all up.", and then some slimy and nasty liquid shot into her muzzle faster than she could gulp down.

Half of it leaked over her lips and on the member below her and between coughs she gulped down the other half. Finally, the big thing was pulled out of her muzzle and she closed her eyes and coughed, while she felt herself being picked up again and placed on the ground.

The fox forced her legs apart and pushed her upper body forward, so that she was laying on the couch with the upper body, while standing with her legs spread on the ground before it. Her tail was pulled up and held by the paw that pushed her upper body on the couch. Then she felt a tongue on her slit and even though she did not like it, a warm feeling coursed through her snatch and belly, which made her moan under her cries.

This feeling did not last long. Soon after, she felt fingers glide along her snatch and pull it open. Then something big poked at her entrance and a sudden pain when this thick thing tore her apart made the girl scream in agony.

She had felt something inside her rip and her tunnel gripped strong in pain, but the big intruder still speared forward, parting her as far as possible before pulling back and pistoling forward again.

A paw moved over her muzzle to muffle her screams and Lim tried to fight the heavy body on top of her, but in her position, she had no power to fight back. Her legs just shivered, and her upper body lay on the couch without the power to lift. With each push the big intruder pushed further into her snatch and finally knocked at a wall inside her that she felt was not the final one yet.

Under groans, screams and whimpers of the girl, Mr. Lanster took her hard until her last line of defense, her cervix, finally gave in and let him break into her tiny womb. Something even thicker pushed against her snatch and made her wail in agony from the pain of it stretching her lips apart.

It repeated itself with each push, spreading her more and more open, until it finally slipped past her lips, which closed behind it, and rested painful behind her pussy inside of her body.

Some warm liquid spurted into her womb and Lim cried and groaned from the pain and the strange feeling of the liquid sticking to her walls. It filled her up so much, that her womb stretched painfully, and she felt her belly bulge a bit. She heard the voice of Mr. Lanster very silently, as if he was very distant.

"You are a good girl for taking the knot at your first time." She could not make anything out of the words. She just lay there panting, felt herself being pulled up and then sat down, still connected at her snatch with the man, and her arms, that hung down limb, were taken for a wave.

"Don't worry. We have the full night before you have to go to school." The man whispered and Lim was too exhausted to react on it. Deep inside her a panic welled up that this was only the beginning and sure enough she groaned and wailed the whole night under the man, dropping unconscious in the middle and waking up to him pushing inside her.

Mr. Lanster woke her up early in the morning and helped her to shower and put on her panties and dress. They even were washed, and Lim was like a puppet that he dressed and sent to get her school bag at home to go to school.

"Remember to not tell anyone about this, do you understand? If you do, I will send the video to all your class mates and everyone on the city." The girl nodded.

She was far too exhausted to think about telling anyone about this. In addition, she had been trained to obey her parents so good, that she reflected this on Mr. Lanster, as an adult, as well, even though he did so horrible things.

In school she was very tired and silent, but no one noticed. She usually was a very quiet child. It was Friday and the last day before the weekend, so the school ended a bit earlier and Lim returned home, not thinking about what was to come yet.

Mr. Lanster waited for her at the door of their house and went in with her to drop off her school work. He listened in to her phone call with her mother to make sure she was not telling anything to her and when she put down the phone, he took her by the paw and led her over to his house. Lim wanted to pull away her paw and run away, but she could not get away from the hard grip.

What followed were two and a half days of constant pain, exhaustion and fear. Frank did not give her a break but took her whenever she was awake. She cried still until Saturday evening, but finally her mind broke and she even presented for him or went down on his dick voluntarily.

The pain slowly dulled and sometimes she even felt a rush of a warm and good feeling run through her body. She felt a bit of pleasure when her insides were stretched enough to accept his member inside her and he trained her in all ways, even anal, during the Sunday.

On Sunday she got a bit more breathers between him fucking her. The reason was, that the two vixens, that she had seen before, came and he also took them a few times in between while having Lim watch it.

The small girl cried all the time and Lim felt sorry for her because she knew that she must feel a lot of pain, but the big girl was even demanding and went on top of his lap and pushed the thick organ in by herself.

She had a slightly bulged belly even before Mr. Lanster came inside her. Both red vixen wore a collar and even Lim got one after this day, with the order to only wear this when she was alone with Frank.

The white fox let her go home early this evening and sleep in her own bed. She cried herself into sleep. She had to promise him, to come to him whenever she was left alone at home and have some fun with him and to keep everything secret from her parents and anyone else.

Over the next weeks, she went to him nearly any other day and with time he did not only take her during the hours of her visit, but even started to get more caring, giving her nice sweets and cocoa or letting her watch a kids movie. This made it a bit easier for her to accept the new secret live style.

She knew that her free time was, because he had other girls and did it with them while she was watching the movies, but for her this became normal and she did not think much about the other girls. She could not help them anyways and when he took them, it meant less "work" for her.