Daddy takes care of me (M/M)

Story by SirQwertycab on SoFurry

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DO NOT view this content if you're not of legal age where you live, all characters are of consenting age etc. Please do not replicate or redistibute blah blah

At the time I specifically remember having just turned 18, I was still living with my dad. He and mum had divorced when I was 12 so I spent most of my time with him. He was a burly wolf who could put others to shame with his 6,6 frame and muscular body. In comparison, I was a small wolf, we have a similar fur pattern but other than that we're polar opposites. I'm 5,6, thin and have never even come close to impressing anyone the way he does. But considering all of this, we were very close, he was my best friend and sole confident. Until that fateful day forced our relationship to the next level.

I woke suddenly, a flash of searing heat coursing through my abdomen, my shaft twitching against the bed sheets, subtle whimpers escaping my maw every time it squirted pre. I knew this would happen, last night I could feel a tingling in my chest and a blossoming warmth that got worse deeper into the night. I've heard about this type of thing before, boys going into heat I mean, but I never expected it to happen to me. I tried to get out of bed, failing miserably, I called out for my dad, thinking he'd know what to do, but all I could manage was a low moan and a few hushed whimpers. The tension in my cock doubled as I laid there, I couldn't help but feel empty inside, it was torture. "You alright in there buddy?" my dad suddenly asked behind my door, his deep voice sent shivers down my spine and made my ears twitch. After laying there silently for a few moments he opened the door, his maw dropped and his eyes wide.

A primal look possessed his face as he stepped towards me, taking deep breaths to take in my heat scent. I jerked as he sat down on the edge of my bed, setting a hand on my cheek, stroking ever so slightly. "Oh my poor boy." he whispered, "your heat is early" he snarled. I turned to putty as his hand gently traveled downwards towards my aching shaft, his harsh voice a delightful contrast to my high pitched whines. He reached my nipple and tweaked it gently, causing me to trash wildly, white hot pleasure rocketed through my body, he laughed quietly.

"That's my baby boy, all worked up for daddy. Is my baby ready for his breeding?" I couldn't help myself as a loud moan ripped up my throat, his smirk widening. "Tell me puppy, tell me what you need." he growled into my ear.

"Y-you, I need you t-to b-breed me!" I managed to express through a choked sob. He placed his hand on my shaft, making me scream in ecstasy.

"That's my needy pup. Now I need you to know, if you're gonna get bred by daddy then you're gonna have to deal with what comes after, are you ready for that baby?" he whispered lowly. I knew what he was talking about, if he fucked me then my heat would go away, but I'd have to have his child, my sibling, either that or my heat returns, until I do have a child.

But to hell with the consequences, the heat was boiling me from the inside out, and it was only day one. I panted, looking him in the eye with desperation. "F-fine. I don't care. M-make my heat go away, p-please!" I cried urgently. "Please what pup?" he snickered. I knew what he wanted me to say, and I couldn't help myself but to give into his 'demands'.

"PLEASE DADDY!" I all but shouted his reaction was immediate. He growled lowly, turning me over and placing me on my front, mashing my now knotted cock into my sweat soaked bed sheets. He leant down to my tail-hole and have it a teasing lick, getting a taste of my slick.

"All wet, just for daddy. I don't even need to lube you up!" he moaned. I whined loudly as he removed his tongue from my needy, twitching hole, making him laugh sharply.

"It's okay little one, daddy will be in you soon." he said casually as he placed of his cock at my entrance.

"All 9 inches." he growled and snapped his hips forward, burying half of the shaft that made me into my heat ridden insides. It was like my entire tail hole had been turned into pleasure receptors, surprisingly I felt no pain, only a deeper need. I released a savage growl of my own, pushing back onto him, tightening myself up in to process. He moaned and tightly gripped my hips sliding the rest of the way in at his own pace.

"Slow down baby boy, it's all in now but we have all night to make that nasty heat go away... and put a little puppy sibling inside of you." he said while angling his hips to punch my prostate. A mangled whine left my maw once again, blind pleasure racing up my spine and back down to the tip of my cock, thick spurts of pre-come shot out against my soiled sheets once again.

"Harder daddy!" I whimpered. He leaned down suddenly and calmly said

"as you wish." before sinking his teeth into my scruff making me go limp in his powerful arms.

He hammered me in every sense of the work. His hips slamming against me, making me cry out in pleasure, my slick squelched out from around his huge daddy cock, making me feel even hotter from the sounds that I was hearing. Suddenly slowing his pace, he let go of my scruff and breathed heavily into my ear, I could feel his knot growing at my entrance, and I knew exactly what he was planning. He used his weight to pin me to the bed, making my weeping cock shoot my cum onto my abdomen, the rhythmic clenching of my ass milking him for what he was worth. He proceeded to force his knotdeep inside me, prolonging my powerful orgasm. He growled as he slipped in and swelled against my withering prostate, triggering his own powerful eruption. It felt like a hose went off inside me, causing a warm pressure deep in my gut.

He chuckled lowly as his spray lowered into regular weak spurts of his thick daddy seed. He chuckled as he took in my state, I was laying there, breathless by sated, my heat now a low ebbing that would dissipate over the next minutes.

"Are you okay bud!" he questioned, licking the back of my neck in a soothing measure. "Mmmm, yes daddy." I whispered.

"Good. Sorry about... well y'know. This." he gestured to he swollen knot. I laughed gently and snuggled into his warm chest.

"S'okay" I slurred, falling into a much needed sleep, looking forward to waking up later and spending more time with my beloved daddy turned mate.

Constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated . This is my first story and I'm hoping to maybe write more in the future Let me know what you think :3