Unnamed Mousie - Ch 6: Used

Story by Nameless on SoFurry

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#6 of Unnamed Mousie

Unnamed Mousie - Part 1: The Longest Day - Chapter 6: Used

© 2015 - 2018 Nameless

Our master turned his attention back to us, "And now, my pets, I need your help. A number of gentlemen have aided me greatly in the last few days and I would like to reward them. I ask you to serve and please them as I know you wish to serve and please me, your loved master." "You will, of course, all be fed afterwards. I do not command you, but I ask, even beg you to accept this task." My empty stomach almost leaped up my throat at the mere mention of food so forcefully that I gasped. Suddenly I wondered if he would mock those who accepted by giving all of us the same or punish those who refused by giving them less. Or would he find a way to do both? He had not given any details of what he expected of us, at least not yet, but it didn't need a genius to figure out what he wanted from us. I would have to throw myself at one of the Hessans, let him fuck me or worse. Or even several of them. Suddenly I remembered the way my body had betrayed me before. The remembered embarrassment sent a shiver of lust up from deep inside me. I bristled at the mere suggestion of 'volunteering' for such a thing. And yet... Our master said nothing for a long moment, let us ponder his request and slowly my resistance crumbled. The hunger was too great and I became convinced that he would find a way to make those who refused regret it. If he didn't simply choke us into agreement anyway. He went on, "There is just one thing you need to do to succeed at your task: to please your master. It does not matter how or why, if he is pleased, then so am I. You will be allowed to speak. I have two additional requests, just requests, not commands, for you: when you address him, always address him as 'Master'. And that you taste his seed, drink deeply of it." I growled, but only on the inside, just 'requests' my ass, these were clearly meant as commands. He let us ponder this for a while before he finally asked, "Who wants to aid me in this?" I grumbled (very quietly) but assumed the begging position soon enough. The collar didn't even twitch. Suddenly the tread of heavy boots filled the air, approaching from the outside. I didn't look up, but it was obvious enough that the Hessans were back. They entered and spread out around us and stood still. Suddenly the smell of manure got a lot stronger. Once more the assistants came forward to accept our submission. A touch of the sole on my nose told me to keep my position afterwards. Suddenly there was movement again, sounds of a brief scuffle, and footsteps heading towards the back of the barn. At my master's command I raised myself back into the kneeling position and looked at him. Off to one side and behind our master knelt three furs, two males and a female, their expressions pained. A number of Hessans stood around us. Our master declared, "And now I bid you a good night, my pets. Make me proud." With that he got up and walked out, the two rodents crawling after him.

Nothing happened for a minute. I thought I saw one of the assistants give a minute nod and suddenly the Hessans were moving around, walking between our rows. There were more of them than us and a number of them remained standing. Eventually one of them, a large (all of them were large furs, he was a little thinner, but still heavily muscled, and taller than most) mixed breed, mostly canine stopped in front of me and looked down at me. He didn't say a word. After a minute he stepped back a fraction of an inch. Suddenly I realized that I would have to make the first move. In panic I threw my torso forward and assumed the begging position. The stench of manure grew stronger the closer I got. He let me hang for a bit before he stepped close enough so that I could reach his soiled boots with my tongue and I began to start licking. I gagged at the stench but managed to force my tongue forward. The boots smelled and tasted as if he had walked over a manure heap. He obviously had, from the look of it, sinking in almost to the ankles, the leather was wet with disgusting juices and worse. I gagged even worse at the taste, my empty stomach heaved but I managed to force myself to keep lapping at the soiled leather. I kept my eyes downcast. He commanded, "Look at me." I obeyed, very reluctantly, cringing in embarrassment and humiliation. He watched me, he did not allow me to look away. After a minute he stepped a little closer, just a few inches, to allow my tongue to reach all parts of his boots. I did have to moved my head around and stick my tongue our as far as I could. Suddenly his stance shifted and a moment later my eyes went wide when his paw grabbed my right butt cheek. He squeezed, hard but not really painful. His paw moved to the other cheek, squeezing it as well. Suddenly I became very conscious of the fire in my belly, rising slowly at his touch. I was almost disappointed when the paw pulled back. A moment later I felt him again, this time his fingers caressed me, feeling the bones of my hips, tracing the lines of my rump. A finger circled my tail hole, but stayed away from the bare skin directly around it. The fingers ended up at the base of my tail, caressing the skin around it and then the sensitive skin at the very base. On its own accord my tail lifted further to give him easier access. Grinning at my helpless reaction to his touch, he leaned a little further forward. A moment later the fingers were caressing the insides of my thighs. Soon an involuntary moan escaped from my lips. My mouth was seared by the most horrible taste I could imagine and yet at a simple touch from him I was panting in arousal! My initially halting licking became more eager as if I was trying to arouse him! And he had not even started touching the really sensitive places between my legs. My eyes filled with tears of shame. But not just shame, even if I could not admit that, even and maybe especially to myself. "You like when I touch you, don't you?" The question hit me like a slap. Even worse, I suddenly noticed my straining muscles, trying to lift my rear further up to meet his fingers. I screwed my eyes shut as an incredible wave of humiliation washed over me. He didn't like that and a less than gentle nudge with his right boot forced me to open my eyes once more. "Well?" Two fingers touched the sensitive skin in the cleft between my legs and then moved slowly downwards, towards my belly, touching the fur around to my eager lips. It felt as if my slit was trying to gape wider to get closer. "Speak." His fingers reversed direction, moved closer together and suddenly they teased my puffed lips most deliciously. A "Yeeeessssss!" that was as much a moan as a proper word escaped my lips. His eyes bored into me and I realized that he wanted more from me. When his fingers pulled away slowly, I realized that I really did want him. I hesitated for a moment more before I had to admit to myself that I would lose, if not now then at his next touch or the one after that. "Yes." I suddenly remembered our master's commands and added, "Yes, Master." He pretended not to hear me, "What?" A certain lassitude settled over me. My humiliation did not fade, but I gave up resisting. In the end he would get anything he wanted from me, so why should I even try to fight it? I raised my voice a little, "Yes, Master." My tongue only stopped lapping the noisome boots for the moment it took me to speak. "What?" Louder still, I repeated my answer, "Yes, Master. Please touch me." He waited a little before he touched my now pulsing lips, just for a moment, "Like this?" I squealed, "Yes! Yes, Master!" That went on for a bit, he would tease me, driving me more wild with each touch, each time making me beg for more. "Do you like it when I touch you?" "Yes, Master! I love it when you touch me!" "Do you like to lick my boots?" "I love licking your boots, Master!" The words were out of my mouth before I realized what I had said. It hit me like a hammer, the realization that my declaration had a lot more than just a kennel of truth to it. His teasing had aroused me and confused my senses, the disgusting taste in my mouth and the lust in my belly had become mixed up in my mind. I had been licked eagerly, even frantically, I had not just licked the boots but made love to them with my tongue. For a moment I could not breathe and my tongue stopped in shock, but not for long. A moment later it returned to its task, almost on its own, a little less frantic, but no less eagerly. He let me, forced me to cool off, his fingers resting gently but firmly on small of my back, my wiggling tail caught between them. With a little shock I realized that I was far from the only begging like this, the pleading voices, the sounds of arousal had been there for a while, I had heard but not noticed them. After a while he asked, "Do you really like to lick my boots?" I hesitated for only a tiny moment before I answered, my voice as loud and clear as I could make it, "Yes, Master. I love to lick your boots, Master." "Then enjoy yourself, my little slut." "Thank you, Master." My tongue returned to its task. Afterwards I would not be able to say if I had really enjoyed myself or not. The task was as disgusting as ever, but my surrender had brought my mind to a strange place where the pleasure and disgust came together. He let me clean his boots. Well mostly, the foul taste and smell had settled into the leather and it would have taken days to get it out completely.

"Enough. Stand up." "Yes, Master!" I pressed my lips to the boots a last time, quickly kissing them, and got up eagerly. My eyes widened as I took in the surroundings. While I had been occupied a lot more Hessan soldiers had quietly filed in. They stood along the wall all around the barn, almost shoulder to shoulder; there must have been a hundred or more. A flash of embarrassment ran through me and I closed my eyes for a moment. But I could not let that deter me. I stood before my master, my arms at my sides, legs spread and looked up at him (he was more than a head taller than me). He commanded, "Neck." For a moment I wondered what he wanted. Guessing that it was where he wanted me to put my wrists, I arranged my arms accordingly. A little twitch of his lips told me I had guessed right. I stood before him, totally exposed. My heart almost stopped when I saw the disappointment in his eyes as he took in my body. I know that I'm not all that great looking, but I'm not ugly either. My breasts are are not particularly large, even for a mouse. And compared to others they are probably well below average, but they stood proud and perky. My arousal and the position of my arms lifted them and pushed them out. My nipples were dark pink and hard. My fur is light gray, changing to buff on my belly and the insides of my thighs. My headfur which had been cut short, just long enough to cover my neck since I had joined the army, has a reddish hue as does the fur around my slit. My ears are pretty big, but not unusually so for a mouse. I'm petite, barely breaking five foot when I get up on tiptoes. A lot of males have told me that I'm 'cute', but that's hardly surprising. Kind of comes with the territory when you're a mouse. A lot of the bigger furs seem to find us cute. Some had called me 'pretty' but the only times I recalled males calling me 'beautiful' had been when they had been trying very hard to get in my pants. I wondered why he had chosen me. After all, it was not as if much of my body had been hidden when I had knelt. Or had he not chosen me, but been the last to chose, having to take what was left? Was he that low in the pecking order that he had to let the others have the first pick? Or had I been assigned to him? He was my mortal enemy, but a gal has her pride and seeing disappointment in a male's eyes when he takes in your naked body always hurts. He took a deep breath, forcing the disappointment away. With a little start I realized that we had one thing in common: we were both soldiers and we had been given commands we had to obey. His were to use me, humiliate me and hurt me. Mine were to submit to him, perhaps even throw myself at him to give him pleasure, at least enough that my master would be satisfied. He looked this way and that and then commanded in a harsh voice, "Come." I followed him across the barn towards the back. He stopped where we had a little more free space. I stood before him, open to his gaze, but he seemed to stare off into space rather than look at me. He commanded, "Back." I took a step back and was utterly surprised when he slapped me. My left cheek exploded with pain, not from the force of the blow, but because he had hit the fresh brand. Tears sprayed from my eyes (or at least it felt like they must have), a red fog filled my mind. My knees buckled and I crumpled to the ground. For a moment I could not breathe or think. "Get up!" My mind was still reeling and he had to repeat the command before I managed to get my bearings enough to at least struggle up on my knees. His paws grabbed my arms roughly and lifted me up. He whispered, "Sorry." It was spoken so softly I wondered if I had heard or just imagined it. He put me on my feet. My knees felt rubbery and I swayed but somehow I managed to keep upright. "Stupid Slut! Back means you cross your wrists behind your back." I obeyed as quickly as I could and forced out a, "Sorry, Master." He reached for my breasts and squeezed them hard, then the nipples. It hurt, but compared to the inferno radiating from my cheek it was almost pleasant. And even when he hurt me, the touch excited me. "Kneel." I tried to obey, but my movement was arrested halfway down. His fingers held my nipples in an iron grip for a terribly long moment before they released them and my knees crashed to the ground. Suddenly my nipples throbbed. I was still getting my bearings when his paws became busy at his trousers. A moment later the unusually big flap fell free, revealing his male parts. I looked up at him for permission, but my eyes were too full of tears to see much. He growled, "Lick! Stupid Slut!" the impatience clearly audible. I threw my muzzle forward, desperate to obey and not anger him any further. At first his scent was unpleasant, he was less clean than I might have liked, I could smell and taste both stale sweat and piss on him. But under the ministrations of my tongue the pleasant scent of his male musk quickly masked those other scents. I lapped at his shaft a few times before my tongue dipped down to work on his balls. Now and then a whimper of pain escaped my lips when a stray hair tickled my branded cheek. The familiar scent of his male musk filled my nostrils and it soothed me. And it excited me. The extreme pain had dampened the fire in my belly a little but now his scent began to fan the flames once more. I returned my attention to his shaft, which had grown noticeably in the short time. My tongue danced up and down and around the hardening shaft and my head bobbed up and down. With a little start I realized that I was almost enjoying this, had it not been for the constant pain from the brand, I knew I would have enjoyed licking him. I had to pay attention to what I was doing, but the task was familiar enough that I could also think about other things while my tongue was busy. He was my mortal enemy, he had just inflicted incredible pain on me and yet... The single whispered word had somehow made all that unimportant. I wanted him. I realized that I wanted to please him. Maybe it was female pride, maybe something else, but I wanted to make good on that disappointment I had seen in his eyes. I wanted him to remember me with joy and lust, not with disappointment at having drawn the short straw and gotten the worst lay. I decided that I would do everything in my power to please him and not hold back anything. Or maybe I didn't really decide it, suddenly the idea was there in my mind and I knew that I could do no other. He could and would take whatever he wanted, but I decided to give him everything I had freely. He was getting big! Bigger than any male I had so far. It seemed that his shaft was already thicker and longer than my forearm and it was still growing! That he was the biggest male I had known was not be as surprising as it might have sounded at first. Almost all males I had been with had been in the Light Slingers with me, and furs usually joined them because they were not big and strong enough for other, more prestigious units. Some of the males were pretty well hung, but he towered over all of them and his male parts were sized to match and then some. When I tried to take him in my muzzle to suck on the shaft he stopped me, pushing my muzzle away gently but firmly. He used his left paw and didn't touch my injured cheek. So he wanted me to lick only. I wondered if he wanted to spray his seed all over my face or if he just wanted me to get him hard so he could then use another part of my body. The thought excited me and fanned my arousal even higher, it almost seemed as if my slit smacked its lips in anticipation. My tongue danced over his head, lapping up every drop of his juices. He tasted so good! For a moment I forgot all about the horrid taste that filled the rest of my mouth. "Up!" I gave his log a last long lick, starting at the balls and drawing my tongue up to the tip as I struggled to my feet. A long lick and a loving one. He looked down at me, at my body. Almost without thought my legs moved apart a little more and my shoulders pulled back further. I felt a stab in my heart when I looked up at his face, his eyes were slightly unfocused as if he was trying not to see my body. He growled angrily, "Turn around," I turned around quickly. I spread my legs even further and bent my torso forward, thrusting my tail at him. For a moment my rear end touched his huge log, Before I could try to rub my ass over it, he shoved me away. I staggered forward, but his strong paws arrested my movement before I had gone far. It had been only a few inches, just enough that we were not touching. He released me as soon as I had found my balance. Nothing happened for a few moments, my straining ears could detect faint noises from my master, but I could not make sense of them. His huge paw grabbed my wrists, easily holding both with one of his paws. He pulled them up far enough to force me to bend my upper body further down. He released my wrists but a moment later he started wrapping a piece of rope around them. The rope went around twice and was pulled tight. He forced my elbows apart and pulled the rope even tighter, forcing a whimper of pain from my lips. Then he wrapped the rope around my wrists twice more, but perpendicular to the first loop and tied it off, leaving my wrists securely cross-tied. The rough rope bit painfully into my skin. A shiver of terror tinged with excitement ran up and down my spine. His paws grabbed my hips. The thumbs traced the line of my ass cheeks and caressed the inside of my thighs. His fingers were rough, but it was a caress, not a touch meant to hurt. Then they touched my eager lips and a breathless "Yeeeessssss!" escaped my muzzle. My next moan was a lot louder, both because the quivers of anticipation his thumbs sent through my flesh grew stronger, but also because I had forced myself not to hold back, the one after that louder still. By the time he asked, "You like that, don't you, slut?" I was almost screaming. The sudden emptiness in my slit hit me almost like a blow. I got my spinning mind under control and managed to answer, "Yes, Master. I love it!" I raised my voice a little more, "Please fuck me! Master!" "You really want it, slut?" Suddenly I felt the head of his huge shaft poking at my gaping entrance, "Yeeeessssss! Yes! Fuck me, Master! Fuck me hard!" A part of me wondered if I was overdoing it, but I wasn't acting, not only acting, that is. With a little shock I noticed suddenly that a lot of eyes were watching us, watching me. In for a penny, in for a pound. Since I couldn't avoid giving them a show, I figured I might as well make it a good one. I wiggled my hips as much as I could, which wasn't all that much, as his paws held me like a vice. But even the tiny movement of his cock against my wet lips fanned my desire higher. I repeated the wiggle, this time also moving my torso from side to side a little. It made the contact even more intense, but mostly if made my movements much more obvious. "No." I hissed loudly when the hot tip of the cock pulled away from me. He drawled, "I bet a slut like you prefers it up her tail?" Suddenly the hot cock pressed against my rear entrance. My muscles froze in sudden terror. My tailhole? That log will rip me apart! I tried desperately to find a way out, but realized that there was none. He would not have asked like this, certainly not in such a loud and clear voice unless he intended to do it. He would be shamed in front of his mate if he didn't get me to ask, even beg for it, and he would make me suffer, at least suffer more. I surrendered to the inevitable and my muscles started to relax again. Two deep breaths steadied me enough to trust my voice, "Yes, Master! Please fuck my tailhole!" His fingers froze for a moment, he had obviously expected me to put up at least some resistance. I could hear the questioning disbelief in his voice, "Really?" "Yes, please! Fuck me in the ass! Fuck me hard, Master! Please!" To underscore my point I wiggled my ass and then I shifted my left foot forward to get a little more leverage and pushed my ass back against the wet tip of his pole. Suddenly his paws shifted a little and his thumbs found the bare skin of my tailhole and stretched it. It hurt but after a moment I relaxed my muscles and the pain lessened a little. He repeated the question several times, each time eliciting more lewd and degrading responses from me, pleading, begging him to fuck my rear entrance. I gasped when one thumb was shoved into my tailhole and again, louder when the second thumb joined it, and louder still when he pulled the thumbs apart and stretched me wide. It hurt, it hurt a lot, the thumbs were bigger than some males' pride and joy. He was moving much too fast for it to be pleasant for me, but I realized that he was stalling to give my tortured rear entrance at least a little time to adjust and to give me a chance to survive the assault, perhaps even without lasting damage. But he did not, or could not wait too long, he would not want anybody to realize that he was stalling. His thumbs departed with a plop. His grip shifted a little and then the way too big intruder pushed against my stretched hole. By main strength he shoved it in. For a moment the pain was so intense I couldn't even scream. Then the scream broke over me, it took me a moment to realize that it was my own voice I was hearing. As the air whistled out of my lungs, the scream turned into a groan, that could, with a little (or a lot of) imagination, be thought one of pleasure instead of pain. He gave me a moment to recover before he pushed further. Inch by inch his huge shaft was forced into me. Little by little as my skin and muscles stretched the pain abated, from excruciating to terrible and then merely eye-watering. By the time he was all the way in and his sack slapped against the wet lips of my slit the pain had become manageable. I felt so full I thought I would explode every moment. He stayed there for a few breaths and pulled out a little, maybe halfway. Then he shoved the log back into me, going a little faster than the first time. It still hurt, but now there was pleasure mixed in with the pain. I managed a squeal that might, perhaps, have been understandable as a "Yes!". He continued pumping in and out of my tailhole. Each thrust hurt less than the one before and excited me more. The fire in my belly was fanned higher and higher as if his huge shaft were a bellows. I encouraged him, sometimes with words, pleading and full of desire, sometimes wordlessly with moans and squeals. On my own I would never have been that vocal, but while exaggerated, my encouragement was true enough. Soon my body was moving together with him, forward when he pulled out, thrusting myself at him when he pumped back into me. The movements were not big, his huge paws didn't allow me more than that, but he could feel it and I am sure anyone watching closely could tell as well. I came before he did. Another thrust crashed into me. I don't know if it was the by now incredible feeling in my rear entrance or his sack slapping against my throbbing lips. My muscles froze for a fraction and then my my whole body started trembling, my knees buckled and fireworks started going off behind my eyes. After a moment my squeal of pleasure turned into a long drawn out moan. He continued to thrust, effortlessly supporting my dead weight with his paws. Each thrust set off fresh fireworks, the strongest was when his hot seed suddenly filled me.

He pulled out quickly, spraying most of his seed over my back, some of it even got into my headfur. His paws released me and my rubbery legs failed. I collapsed slowly, thankfully I did not hurt myself. By luck more than anything else, I fell on my right side. I cried at the sudden emptiness inside me, but the rest of my body felt like it was floating. Slowly my senses returned, I didn't think that I had passed out, but it must have been a close thing. Fuck! That had been the most intense orgasm I ever had. Maybe not the best but definitely the most intense. I could hear my master talking, boasting about me, what a phenomenal slut I was, that kind of thing. He sounded very pleased, even proud. I luxuriated in the feeling of just lying there on the ground for a while and then, as the orgasmic fog lifted I took stock of my situation. With some surprise I found that I was still aroused. The explosive orgasms had burned off the edge but I realized that it would not take long to get me going once more. My tailhole hurt, but as far as I could tell it was just sore. Very, very sore, but there was no sharp pain that would have indicated a real wound. Thinking about what might come next, I suddenly had a good idea. I grimaced in disgust for a moment and then pushed that emotion away. How much worse than the boots could it be? Better get it over with. I struggled up on my knees. My legs were decidedly wobbly, but they did support me, at least as long as I knelt. With a little start I realized that I had not twisted around and was facing away from my master. A little shuffling around corrected that, though it hurt my sore knees and shins something awful, but I gritted my teeth. Suddenly my left shin felt very wet and I saw that it had ended up in a small puddle. I didn't know if it was my own juices or those of my master, but it had felt as if plenty of my own had leaked out of my slit. For a moment I knelt with my head lowered and then I looked up at my master. This close there it was clear that his cock, which stood at about half mast had just used my tailhole. I had not been allowed to clean myself after using the midden heap. And even if I had, he had been so deep inside... Any deeper and he would have fucked my tonsils! I giggled at the sudden thought. His eyes widened, in puzzlement, but then I saw anger rise in them. If he thought I was laughing about him... I had to distract him and fast. I raised myself higher and leaned forward until my nose was only inches from the base of his shaft. In my best plaintive voice I asked, "Master, please?" "What?" "Master, please forgive me. You fucked me so good. And I got you all dirty. Please let me clean you. Pretty please, Master." He seemed more than a little surprised at my request, "You want to lap up your own shit?" "I don't care. I want to taste you, your seed and your musk. I want to taste your body. I want to feel your hard, throbbing shaft, on my tongue and in my mouth. In my cunt and my ass. Anywhere you want. Please, Master." "Well, then get to it, slut!" He was still a little perplexed, but at least the anger had died down. "Thank you, Master." I set to the task, my head bobbing up and down. It tasted almost as bad as I had imagined, but somehow the taste was less vile than his boots had been, even when I sucked at the fur around the base of the shaft that had finally completed the task of wiping me. Was it because it was my own taste, so to speak, because I was getting used to it, or because the unpleasantness was mixed with his delicious musk. At some point I thought that I tasted blood, but if it was, then there was very little of it. If he had broken the skin inside my rear entrance, then it had not been more than a tiny wound. I prayed that it would not get infected. And, of course, slowly, lick by lick he got cleaner and his scents came to the forefront. His musky scent and taste became stronger and stronger and I could clearly see and feel the other effects my tongue had on him. He was rising once more, perhaps slower than before, but growing steadily. And, once the worst was over with, so did I, or at least my arousal. I began to enjoy myself. What can I say, I'm a sucker for hard male wood. Pun intended. I didn't care for the circumstances and such, but he did taste and smell wonderful, at least once he was clean. As I worked my way up from the bottom, my biggest problem was working around the burn on my left cheek. Even contact with a stray hair was painful, I didn't want to find out what full on contact with his fur would do. I had to work carefully, always paying attention how I held my head, particularly when reaching for difficult spots like the back of his shaft. At least my tongue was long enough that I could reach everywhere without burying my face in his crotch. I reached the head, cleaned it and licked off a few drops of the juices that had started to form. Once more he stopped me, pushing, almost shoving, me away before I could get him off this way or even get him close to it. "Thank you, Master."

I looked up at the big canine, once more sitting back on my haunches, and wondered what would come next. I realized that my legs were almost together and rectified that, spreading them until I felt the strain in my thighs and crotch. I leaned back a little and thrust out my chest a little more, wiggling my body a little. I might not have all that much to work with, but I wanted to give him the best show I could. I was suddenly flushed with pride and joy when I saw the look on his face and in his eyes. The look of disappointment I had seen earlier was gone to be replaced by one of wonder. I smiled when I remembered what an old petty officer had told me: The most important thing when an enemy is retreating is to keep going, keep up the pressure, don't give him a moment to rally. I decided to charge straight ahead, "Please, Master?" "That do you want, cunt?" "Everything Master. Anything you desire." I lifted my hips a little and wiggled suggestively. "You want me to touch you, cunt?" I gave a little squeal, "Yes, Master. Touch this cunt!" and lifted my hips higher. "Get up cunt!" "Yes, Master!" I squealed even louder and struggled to my feet. My master's big left paw grabbed my butt, enveloping most of the left half and lifted me without any apparent effort until I could barely stand on tiptoes. A moment later his right paw closed on my breast, enveloping and squeezing it, hard. I managed to turn the gasp at the sudden pain into something that was close to a moan of desire. "Don't come until I give you permission, slut!" I pouted, or at least pretended to, but answered meekly, "Yes, Master." I gasped as his right paw shifted to my other breast, squeezing the nipple, hard but not excessively painful. "Yeeeessssss! Please, Master. Your touch feels so good!" He growled in mock anger, at least I was pretty sure it was only faked, and commanded harshly, "You will obey me, you cunt!" "Yes, Master." His right paw continued to play with my chest. I encouraged him, squealed, moaned and pleaded, urging him on. When his attention dropped lower, to my belly, thighs and in between I let myself fall back, my defenseless body completely at his mercy. With each touch and caress my cries were less feigned. I quickly realized that I would climax, if my master so desired. I didn't enjoy the pain he inflicted on my sensitive skin but it was not really bad. For a moment I remembered the feast at the last solstice festival. For some reason the cook had used whole peppercorns, the ones we called 'Dragon's eggs', rather than crushed ones. The stew had been good, really good, but whenever I bit into one of the danged things my tongue had burned, almost as hot as my cheek did now. Not wanting to get teased by my mates I had not dared to spit out he corns. I didn't really enjoy the pain, but I could not deny that it did excite me. As my master tortured and teased me, the painful squeezes came less and less often, but the intensity of the pain increased, also because his fingers slowly closed in on my more sensitive spots. I struggle to concentrate and control my desire, but it was a loosing fight. Each time I managed to get a little control over myself, another touch would take me by surprise and I would slide a little closer to the edge. My heartbeat echoed in my ears, my lungs fought for air. The noises that came out of my mouth were now involuntary and almost all inarticulate, mostly moans and squeals of pain and pleasure. Every now and then (less and less often) I managed a barely understandable, "Please Master!" though I didn't know if I was pleading for him to stop or to speed up. Every now and then my master switched paws with hardly a break in the delicious torture. He finished me off with pain, squeezing the throbbing nub in my slit hard. For a moment the pain blew away the fog of my arousal and then the fireworks started going off. I screamed out my climax, loud enough to be heard in the next county. All my muscles started trembling, even spasming. I howled in protest when the fingers pulled out of my slit. When my master's paw stopped holding me, my body crumpled bonelessly. He must have released me slowly, because I didn't hurt myself. I lay there, for who knows how long, until the quivering subsided and my mind slowly drifted back down from the clouds.

I felt him nudge me with a boot, then again, a little harder. I groaned but it wasn't until the fourth nudge, now almost painfully strong that I got enough control over myself to look up. He looked down at me, fingers hooked under the belt and growled in anger. His male tool looked like an angry cudgel. Once my brain started working again I realized that most of his anger was feigned. I struggled back onto my knees, falling over once before my rubbery legs would obey me properly. With a little shock I realized what would come next: I had disobeyed my master, he would punish me. I squealed, "Please, Master!" prostrated myself and began to lap at his boots. Every now and the I would plead for his forgiveness with cries like "Please, Master." or "I'm sorry, Master". By now my mind was mostly working again and I struggle to come up with an idea of how I might get through this with the least damage. He watched me for a while and commanded, "Stop your babbling, stupid slut!" I kept on licking, looking up my master fearfully. My fear was partially feigned, but only partially, I was certain that whatever punishment I would receive would not be fun. "Well?" I did not get what he wanted right away, so he added, "Do you know what you did?" "I disobeyed you, Master. I'm sorry." "I kind of doubt that. But you will be sorry." He stared down at me for a moment, "Why did you disobey me?" "I..." I pretended not to know what to say. "Well?" "I... because I'm just a stupid and horny slut. Because my flesh is weak. You make me so hot." "You're a slut, no doubt about it. What shall I do with you? You even promised to obey me. Well?" Did I promise to obey? I guess my "Yes, Master." could be viewed as a promise. I closed my eyes for a moment and then said in a small voice, "Punish me, Master." He pretended not to hear me, "Well?" I repeated the answer, a bit louder this time, "Punish me, Master. Please." I repeated that once more, much louder this time. His lips formed a grin, "Better. So, do you deserve a light punishment or a harsh one." "A hard one. Please, Master, punish me harshly." "How shall I punish you?" "I..." I almost wailed, "I don't know." and added, "Beat me, spank me, whip me. Whatever you desire. Whatever it takes, so long as you forgive me. Master." I whimpered, "If you have to, kill me. Anything. Please, Master." I wondered if that last one was a bit over the top. I certainly hoped that he wouldn't do that. My fervor seemed to surprise him, but he rallied quickly, "Stand up." I struggled to my feet. He considered me for a bit and commanded, "Turn around." To my surprise he untied my paws. But when I turned back at his command he tied them once more, this time in front of my body. The rope was still tight but not nearly as much as it had been before. Also, my wrists were now parallel and tied together with several loops of rope, instead of cross-tied where attempt to loosen one loop only tightened the other. He grabbed my wrists, easily encircling both with one paw and lifted me off my feet. I squealed in surprise and a feeling of total helplessness filled me as my toes tried vainly to find the ground. He grinned at me (my face was suddenly level with his) and drawled, "Well, shall I spank you?" "No! Yes. Yes, Master. Please spank me, spank me hard." I screamed when his paw connected with my buttocks with a noise like a cannon shot. His next stoke was not quite as hard, but almost. Blow after blow rained down on my poor rear end without pause. I twisted madly, trying in vain to escape or avoid the blows, but it was not long before the pain sapped my strength and I hung limply, twitching every now and then. He really laid into it, changing his aim occasionally, and soon my whole ass burned as did my thighs. Each blow fanned the burning flames higher and my screams turned to groans then sobs. By the time he finally stopped and lowered me I was sobbing uncontrollably. All the strength had left me and I collapsed once more. As before he slowed my crumple so I would not hurt myself when I hit the ground.

He let me rest for a minute or two before he ordered me back on my knees. I managed it, after a short struggle with my protesting limbs. Suddenly I was really glad to kneel, I didn't even want to think about how much sitting would hurt. My ass felt hot enough to fry eggs on. And some of the heat had spread to my crotch and my breasts. My eyes were full of tears so it was difficult to see much, but I was surprised when I noticed that my master was at barely more than half mast. At first I was a little puzzled, but then I suddenly felt pleasure at that as I realized that my master did no really enjoy beating up a helpless female. Sill, a small part of me was disappointed, it preferred delicious male meat like that as hot and hard as possible. "Thank you, Master." "For what?" "For showing me the error of my ways." I smiled up at him, "For touching my ass." I licked my lips, "May I taste you?" and leaned forward a little. "Don't you have enough of me?" "No, Master, never. I could never get enough of you. Please. Please let me drink your male seed." He seemed to consider that for a long time. I raised my head further and thrust out my tongue until it almost touched his shaft. Having just asked, I could not well just touch him without permission, but I could let him feel my hot breath. His voice was harsh, "No." "Please? Master?" "No. It's been fun, but I have to go." "Why, Master. Please stay." "My bladder is full. I have to go." It took me only a moment to figure out where this was headed. I wasn't really excited about it, but I had to keep him from leaving, at least until I got to suck him off. I doubted that licking up a few drops would satisfy the conditions our master had set. "No. Please stay. Master, please don't waste your precious juice. Let me taste it." He pretended to be incredulous, "You want to drink my piss. It won't taste good." "It's yours. I will love it. Please, Master." "Well, if you want it." "Yes, please, Master." I opened my muzzle wide and stretched out my tongue. He pushed the tip of his semi-hard shaft down until it was about level with my mouth and let a few drops land on my tongue. I tried it. It didn't taste good, but compared to what I had to taste when I licked his boots it was wonderful. I smacked my lips, begged, "More, please. Master." and opened my mouth wide. He squirted a little jet into my open mouth, then he let me swallow and made me beg for more. It took quite a long time before he was finished. Towards the end he was having a little problem, or the problem was that it was not so little any more. The whole thing did excite him and as his pole grew he found it more and more difficult to piss. Not my favorite drink but it had helped rinse the much worse taste of shit out of my mouth and for the first time today I was not thirsty any more. When he was done I thanked him profusely, and my gratitude was only partially feigned.

Well, time to get back on track, "May I clean you, Master?" At his questioning look I added, "Your little hole, Master." I raised my mouth to the tip of his shaft and pointed with my tongue, almost touching him. "If you like." A mischievous grin on my lips, I stretched my tongue out a little further and nodded. His eyes widened as the motion slapped the tip of my tongue against his tip and it seemed to me as if the shaft grew an inch in the space between two heartbeats. There was no more than a drip to be lapped up and after that I could enjoy his musky male scent and taste. He let me 'clean' most of the head before he pushed my muzzle away. "Thank you, Master. Master?" "Yes?" "May I drink your seed, Master? Please." "Can't you get enough, slut?" "No, Master. Please! I'll do anything." "Anything?" "Yes, Master. Anything you want. May I beg?" "You may beg. But you're too uppity, I think you need a little more discipline as well." He let me puzzle that out. It didn't take me long to come up with a plan. I groaned silently at the thought but hesitated for no more than a beat of my heart. I leaned forward, raising my bound paws until they were in front of my wishbone, supporting my weight on them. I prayed that out master would not find out about this little modification of the begging position, or at least not punish me too harshly. But I knew I had to do it this way, my little body is pretty flexible but there are limits. I lifted my knees off the ground and stretched my legs, spreading my feet a little wider as I did. This brought my ass almost to the level of my master's hips. I lifted my tail a little higher (or, more correctly, forward and down, considering the position I had assumed) and waggled my rump suggestively. I gritted my teeth and extended my tongue. So much for the pleasant taste in my mouth. Feigning as much enthusiasm as I could, I began lapping at the still stinking leather of the boots. His left paw grabbed my hip to steady it and then his right paw slapped loudly against my ass cheeks. I know he didn't use anywhere close to his full strength (he would probably have broken bones if he had used all the strength in his massive arms) but it hurt. It hurt like crazy. My rear was still sensitive, even burning with pain, from the previous spanking and even without really trying he likely used more force than I would have been able to, had I used all my strength. Tears filled my eyes again and soon they ran freely. I had to struggle to return my tongue to its task after each cry or squeal of pain. Luckily he stopped rather soon.

He let me collect myself a little and commanded, "Get up, slut!" A sudden inspiration hit me and I shoved off the ground with my arms as hard as I could. I staggered a little, but I managed to get upright without moving my feet. My master looked at me in surprise. Then he untied my paws. At his direction I turned around and he retied my wrists behind my back, parallel this time. Moments later his paws grabbed my elbows and pushed them together until they touched. He tied them together with another piece of rope. To relieve the stress, if only a little, I had to pull my shoulders back severely and thrust out my chest. At his bidding I turned around to face him once more. It took a lot of concentration but I manged to force my lips into something that might be viewed as a smile rather than a grimace and licked my lips. When he just stared at me, I stuck out my tongue a little and bobbed my head up and down. The "Master, please." was much less forced than I might have wished. My master laughed, at the same time mocking and delighted and asked, "You can't get enough, do you, little slut?" "No, Master. I'm a total slut for you, I can't get enough. I want to taste your cum." "Then get to it. Show me what your mouth can do, you slut!" "Thank you, Master." I sank down on my knees. "If I don't like it..." My buttocks clenched in terror when he mimicked a slap. As my head approached his huge male part, I tilted my head a little, showing him the brand on my cheek. His stance shifted and the hips turned a little to give my wounded side more room. He hooked his thumbs under the belt. The middle finger of his left paw slid into the crook between his organ and hips, pushing his log away from the wall of his stomach, giving me a little more space to work with. His movements were minute and only someone watching us closely would have realized what he was doing. My heart soared when I saw him reacting to my mute suggestion. Once more I started at the bottom, licking and sucking his balls and worked upwards slowly. His pleasing scent enveloped me and the musky taste filled me. I closed my eyes for a moment and worked entirely by feel. A calm filled me, almost happiness, punctured only by the stabs of pain whenever a stray hair stabbed at the brand on my cheek. My desire rose together with his. He definitely enjoyed what I was doing, for a moment it seemed as if his log was growing faster than I could work my tongue up the shaft. Eventually I reached the tip, lapping up the little drops that had formed there. Suddenly doubt filled my heart. As I opened my mouth to take him into me, I realized that it would be a tight fit, awfully tight. I wondered if I could take him into me at all without biting him. I hoped that he would not punish me if my teeth touched him lightly, but I had little doubt that really unpleasant things would happen if I caused any real pain or, worse, actually bit him. Even if he did not punish me harshly, our master surely would. Opening my mouth as far as I could I wrapped my lips around his head. He fit but there was not a whole lot of free space between the sensitive skin and my sharp front teeth. Working slowly I moved my lips lower, taking more and more of him into me. The head hit the back of my throat long before my lips could reach the base of the huge member. I tried to fit a little more into me by letting the head slide down my gullet, but he didn't get very far before I realized that I would suffocate if I took him any deeper inside me, assuming he didn't rip my throat apart first. If I get him all the way in, his tip will end up in my stomach. The sudden thought made me giggle. The member twitched and his musky scent grew even stronger. He liked that! I licked as far down as I could, barely reaching the balls with my tongue before I had to pull my head back a little, lest I suffocate. I worked him in and out a few times, sliding him out until my lips touched the head and in until my gully started to protest. All the while licking furiously. A sudden idea hit me and I started humming. He liked that! I fell into an old marching song and suddenly his eyes, closed in pleasure, flew open as he recognized the melody He seemed to enjoy my humming immensely and, unsurprisingly enough, the more the deeper he was in me. So I stuffed him in as deep as I dared and kept him there as long as my breath held out. And he caught me at exactly the worst moment. He exploded just as I had pushed him out a little and my lungs struggled to suck in desperately needed air. I started coughing and jerking around, which only redoubled the geyser of hot cum shooting down my gullet. My throat and windpipe burned but I got myself under control, licking and swallowing as fast as I could to keep up with that torrent. When the fountain threatened to dry up I redoubled my assault on the pulsing member. I got him started twice more but then he finally started flagging and it was clear that I had exhausted him, at least for the moment. I let him out with a few parting licks at the head. Catching my breath for a moment I set to the task of cleaning him up. And it was a needful task, despite my best efforts a considerable amount of his cum had escaped my lips. The fur that covered his balls was soaked and some had even dripped down onto the open flap of his trouser. My mishap, and the near suffocation and the burning pain in my throat had dampened my ardor a little. But I was still burning with desire, my cunt and breasts were hot, almost painfully so. I started at the balls, mainly to make sure no more of his cum dribbled further down. When they were reasonably clean I lapped at the soaked fabric for a while before I began working my way up once more. His index finger pointed at a spot at the back of his flagging shaft. My heart almost stopped when I saw the thin red line, an unmistakable indication that my sharp front teeth had come into contact with his shaft with much too force. I cringed in terror for a moment but then relief flooded my mind when he winked and his paw made a gesture that I read as an indication that I should go on. I licked carefully at the injured spot but I could not taste any blood or see any sign that my teeth had broken the skin. I finished cleaning his shaft, kissed the tip and sat back. I licked my lips, enjoying the taste. Then I looked up at him and said, "You taste so good. Thank you, Master."

"Well, well. That wasn't too bad." The look on his face told me that he had enjoyed himself a lot more than he was willing to admit, at least out loud. He left paw started scratching my ears. I leaned into his touch, closed my eyes and nuzzled at his paw, as if I were a pet dog. That short minute of relaxation was one of the happiest moments of the whole day. It was almost a shock when his fingers stopped. My eyes opened and I looked up at him. He wondered, "What shall I do with you?" It only took me a moment to decide on a course of action, "Use me. Please, Master." I lifted my hips up and forward while my upper body leaned back. I spread my legs a little more and wiggled my hips suggestively. "Please, Master?" "Don't you ever get enough, you slut?" "No, Master. I could never get enough of you. I'm yours, all yours. I'm your slut. Please." "I don't know..." He looked down at his flagging member. "Let me help, Master!" I leaned forward a little and stuck out my nose. He considered me, a strange look on his face and then he said, "If you want to try, fine. But you'll have to pay for it: I will spank you afterwards. Hard. And that's if you really please me. If you don't..." He lifted a paw to his throat and made a cutting motion. I froze in sudden terror. Would he really kill me if I fail to please him? Suddenly the pads on my paws and feet were wet with cold sweat, a moment later I could smell the stink of my own fear. What do I do? For a moment my mind reeled but then I got myself under control. I felt a lot better when I realized what that look on his face was: He didn't want to do that to me! That made my job easier, he would hopefully claim that I had pleased him, even if he wasn't completely satisfied, but I would have to get him off, at least. The stakes had gone up, way past the point where I wanted to keep playing. But could I just fold? If I declined everything I had put myself through in the last bell would be for naught, less than naught. One bell? I realized that I had no idea how long we had been at it, it seemed just minutes but at the same time it might have been half a day. And then a strange, somehow familiar lassitude came over me. It took me a moment to realize where I had felt it the first time. Yesterday morning, a lifetime ago, when I had marched into battle. The fear of death had almost paralyzed me, but the need not to shame myself in the eyes of my mates had driven me on. In some weird way the situation now was the same. The possibility of my death loomed, but I could do nothing but pray and face my doom without showing my terror. Somehow, while using, even abusing me, this male, my mortal enemy, this wonderful male, had become my mate (not in the marriage kind). I knew that if I declined I would shame him, and that was something I could not do. I would rather die. I squared my shoulders (as much as I could with my paws and elbows tied), lifted my head to look up at him and knelt proudly and said, "I will please you, Master. I will please you or die trying. What point would there be to live if I couldn't please a wonderful male like you." I leaned forward and begun to lick at the sadly limp shaft. Once I had made my decision my fear dissipated and I threw myself at it (and him) with everything I had. I noticed quickly that he was pretty spent. As I worked on him, he revived, but slowly, terribly slowly. I used every little bit of skill I had, all the tricks I could think of and more. At half-mast I could take him into my mouth completely (and let him slide down my throat) and I hummed for him. The slowness with which the shaft hardened was nerve-wracking and I began to wonder if I had bitten off more than I could chew. Figuratively speaking, I certainly had no intention of actually biting anything off his male shaft. And soon I got more and more distracted. Fear non-withstanding, my own ardor rose quicker than his. I wanted him inside my sex so badly it felt like torture to just lick him. But I had to wait for him to revive fully. I might be forgiven if I came before him, but if I came and he didn't... I knew that I would not last long once I had that delicious piece of male-flesh in my cunt. Just the smell and taste of his musk almost drove me crazy. I have no idea how long it took, my tongue felt as if it would cramp at any moment, but he was finally hard. Every second, every extra lick was a deliciously terrible and self-inflicted torture. Suddenly he grunted and pushed my muzzle away. Oh, no! So close! My heart almost stopped. But then he lowered his body to the ground, lay back and rested his head on his crossed arms and looked up at me. My heart started beating once more, faster than ever before. I gave his hard member a few more licks and then shuffled forward. I positioned myself above the hard log, getting him inside me was a little difficult (he was not sticking straight up but up and forward), but I managed it after a few tries. It felt so good, I almost creamed myself right away. Gritting my teeth I squirmed around a little until the huge member was set reasonably firmly inside me and then I slowly impaled myself. Once more I almost came. I sat there panting, fighting the oncoming climax. It was the most difficult thing I had ever done, but I managed to get my body under control, if only barely. I was so full! I could feel his heartbeat inside me. Every little thing about this drove me crazy. My trembling legs barely obeyed but I managed to lift myself up a little only to let myself fall back, impaling myself. I alternately squeezed and then relaxed my muscles. I could feel him grow more excited, but my own treacherous body slipped much faster towards the edge. The whole world seemed to vanish, nothing mattered but my cunt and the rock hard slab of male meat inside me as I concentrated my entire being on bringing him off before me. I did not quite made it, but it was close enough. I have no idea what finally set me off, maybe I dropped down to impale myself a little harder than I should have. But suddenly the fireworks went off and I squealed. It must have been the muscle spasms of my climax that finally set him off as well. The hot cum shooting into me set me off again, harder than before. I managed to milk him a little more with the muscles deep inside me and I had several more climaxes. Eventually my strength gave out and I collapsed on his chest. I lay there panting and trembling, even sucking air into my lungs felt like a monumental task to my overworked muscles. The scent of his body was different from the musk of his male parts, not as arousing but just as delicious. I reveled in the feel of his body, the hard muscles under me, his breathing and heartbeat. His male meat still filled me but I could feel it flagging and diminishing with every beat of his heart. When he put his arm around me I almost purred with pleasure. I turned my face up at him, lips slightly parted. He looked at me for a moment and then his head lifted to meet mine and we kissed. His tongue wrestled with mine, defeating me handily and it invaded my mouth. It was a good kiss, not the best, but still wonderful. It was over much too soon, long before I was out of breath. Only when the kiss was over did I realize that the taste and smell of his own male musk must have been really strong in my mouth but he had not hesitated to kiss me. Unfortunately this wonderful moment ended and much too soon. He commanded, "Get up and clean me." and gave my muzzle a little push for emphasis. I got moving, but slowly, groaning as every muscle in my body protested. His flagging member came free with a wet plopping sound. I turned my eyes there and noticed to my horror that he was completely soiled, a lot of our juices had flowed out of my slit, was still dribbling down on his trousers. I squeezed my lower lips together as quickly as I could and shuffled away from him. It took a while to get him cleaned up, but it was a pleasant task. Maneuvering my body was not easy with my paws tied behind my back but I managed. We tasted so good, so exciting! I could hardly get enough of our mixed juices, I was sorry when I had to stop because he was as clean as he would get without a bath. By the time I was done, my body had revived, in more ways than one. I was panting, and I felt hot and ready for another go. What's happening with me? I just had the best sex of my life, I can barely move my muscles and my cunt, my whole body is screaming for more.

I settled back and waited for my master. He got up and looked down at me once more and asked, "Did you like my taste?" "Yes, Master. I love your taste." "Really? So, which one did you like best, little slut?" "I don't know!" Well, I did know, but I had decided that this was the answer he (or any of the furs watching us) would want to hear, "One is better than the other." "So you like ever one of my tastes?" "Yes, Master." "But you have not even tried them all. Would you like to?" I got the idea where this was headed, but I answered anyway, "Yes, Master. I want to taste all of you." "Well, then, enjoy." He turned around and dropped his pants. I swallowed, leaned forward and extended my tongue gingerly. I started at the bottom, as far between the legs as my tongue would go and then slowly headed up to his tail, skirting the tailhole. I smacked my lips and let my tongue travel back towards his tailhole. I circled it once and then started lapping at the bare skin. It tasted bad, but it was not nearly as disgusting as I had imagined it to be. Was I getting used to this or did I really like the taste of his body so much that I enjoyed even this part? I poked my tongue into the small hole. Every now and then I made appreciative noises. My appreciation was mostly, but not entirely faked. Somehow doing that felt so naughty that it thrilled me a little. Perhaps even more than just a little. "Enough." He pulled his trousers up and buckled the belt once more. When he turned back to me I noticed with some disappointment that he had closed the flap. Apparently our play-time was over. He turned back to me and asked, "Well, slut?" "I liked it, Master. Thank you. You taste so good. All of you." I licked my lips. He looked at me strangely, perhaps wondering how much of that was a lie, but then he just commanded me to stand. He untied the rope that pulled my elbows together but left my wrists tied. I was still helpless, but at least my strained shoulders could relax. He grabbed my left arm and led me further towards the back of the room.

Several Hessans were already waited there, each had their plaything, one of my fellow slaves, with him. It looked as if about a third us were already there. The Hessans looked pleased, some more, some less. My fellow slaves were a much sorrier lot. Some stood, most knelt, all had their back to the wall so they could (or had to) watch the rest of the action. A few looked well enough, others had a wild look in their eyes, one had tears running down her face, others seemed to be in a daze, twitching or shivering every now and then. The males seemed to be especially badly off. We took our place at the end of the line. Once there my master made me stand in front of him and put his right paw on my shoulder. His grip was very tight, just short of painful. I didn't mind, especially once I realized that it was a possessive grip. I had not deliberately ignored what was going on around me, but up to now I had been much too occupied with my own problems to be able to pay any attention. The scents of mating filled the air. Under them, almost hidden by their intensity, but still noticeable were less pleasant scents. The scent of fear was the strongest, but the iron scent of blood was unmistakable if very faint. The volume of noises had died down a little from the din before, but the groans, moans and cries of pain or pleasure were still more or less constant. Every now and then the harsh commands cut through the general noise, usually followed by their slave's answers or pleading requests. My observations were interrupted when a human, one of the assistants called out to us. We walked to the table where the assistant sat. The human looked at me, appraising my body, and then up at my master. "I'm sorry you had to make do with that, I hope it wasn't too bad." My master growled, low, I would not have heard it, had I not been standing directly in front of him with my ears just inches from his throat. He pushed me a little to the side, gently but with irresistible force and turned me a little so he could look at my naked body. When he answered it was in a mocking voice, "She doesn't look like much, does she?" His voice turned serious, "But she was the best lay I ever had." "What?" "Yes. A total slut, couldn't get enough. Milked me like a ten ducat whore, no matter which hole I used." For a moment I bristled at the crude, even degrading comments but then I realized that he was praising me. "Best fun I ever had. Heck, yesterday I would have sworn I'd never say that, but... She's an Arnie bitch but I'd much rather have fun with her than cut her throat! Talk about crazy." The assistant seemed very surprised at the answer. Then he started asking questions about my performance. Often detailed, extremely embarrassing questions and without any regard to my feelings. It quickly became clear to me that I was just a piece of meat to him, or livestock, a horse to be assessed and then broken in properly so it would fetch a better price at the next fair. Every now and then he made marks on the paper in front of him. I could not make sense of the foreign squiggles but after a moment I recognized one, the '?8' that identified me. As the exchange played out, my emotions whipsawed between humiliation and pride. My master praised my eagerness and ability at every turn. He even lied for me a few times. The assistant must have been watching when I had the coughing fit and he asked if I had bitten him. My master answered that if my teeth had touched him, he had not felt them. He also claimed that he come before me when I rode him or maybe we had come at the same time. We returned to our place to wait for the others to finish. One by one they did, and then waited their turn so one of the assistants could note down their performance. Little was spoken, apart from a few lewd comments between the Hessans (and of course the assistants and whoever they talked to). But I could see them communicate with little gestures, even if I could not make much sense of those, I simply didn't know them enough. But after a while I became certain that they were silently comparing their and our performance. They had likely made bets about the whole thing, I knew we would have, had our roles been reversed. I tilted my head a little to look up at my master. Pride swelled in me when I saw the pleased smirk on his lips, it seemed he had done well in the competition. I twitched my shoulder and looked up at him. When I had his attention I whispered a heart-felt, "Thank you." For a moment I wondered if I should add anything more or explain but then I decided to leave it like this and let him wonder what exactly I meant. Besides I didn't want anyone to notice the exchange so I lowered my head again. After a moment he squeezed my shoulder. Looking around and at my fellow slaves I decided that I had made the right decision. Strangely enough, by submitting on my own, rather than make them force things on me, I had retained at least a tiny little bit of control. True, I had done exactly what they wanted me to do, maybe even more than I would have had to but it had been more or less on my terms. It had hurt my body and my soul, but not all that badly. I also realized that I had been very lucky. More than one of the Hessans looked very smug and happy, obviously enjoying the pain he had inflicted while their victim knelt there sobbing quietly or worse.

Slowly the atmosphere changed in the room. Or, maybe, it wasn't so much that it changed, but I became more aware of it. As the action on the floor came to an end, the attention of the Hessans, a hundred or so, who had just stood around and watched but not participated, shifted to us. Whenever I looked up furtively and saw their faces I shuddered. Their eyes were full, not so much with desire, but with a terrible hunger. Most if not all of them were aroused, quite a few of their trousers bulged visibly. They had watched the action, watched their mates use and abuse us in just about every manner imaginable for a bell or more. And now they wanted something as well. I knew the feeling from the occasions where I had not found a willing male when the rest of my troop had partied. The males around me were all big, young and horny. There would be a revolt if the officers tried to just send them off to bed, unless there was a whole brothel full of whores waiting for them right outside the door. I shivered when I realized that there would not be any whores. Why spend money on that when there was a cheaper alternative at paw? And one that would satisfy their lust, not just for pleasure but also for pain. I shivered again and a sick feeling began deep in my stomach. While the assistants finished with their interviews workers carried in trestles. They were five, each looked to be about hip high and five paces long. They set them down in a rough 'U' shape with the open end facing the back of the barn, looked us over and left again. One of the assistants stood up, clapped his hands and said, "Thank you for your patience, gentlemen. I hope you have fun sampling the merchandise." Suddenly the three slaves who had not participated were lifted to their feet. Their protests were quickly silenced and they were dragged to the central trestle, shoved against it and then their upper bodies were pushed forward until they hung there. The taller ones could reach the floor with their feet, but the others just hung there. The two assistants approached them with the wands in their paws. I did not see what they were doing because I was suddenly shoved forward. I heard him whisper into my ear, "I am sorry for this." He led me to one of the trestles and pushed me forward until I hung there, my hips resting on the rough bar. He put a paw on my rear end to keep me there until the assistant arrived. He commanded me to open my muzzle wide. When I had obeyed, the muscles in my jaw suddenly locked, not just locked, but they hurt as if they had cramped up. The rest of my muscles suddenly felt leaden. I found that I could move them, but only barely. Just lifting my head a little took all my strength. I almost cried when the reassuring paw on my rump was suddenly gone. I never saw the that wonderful male again. One of the assistants shouted, "Please remember, only one sample each. Now have fun." and clapped his paws.

I had a few more moments of peace before the ordeal began. Two paws grabbed my rump roughly the thumbs touched my tailhole and pulled it wide. A moment later the male's cock poked at my rear hole and forced its way inside and then deep into me. I screamed at the pain, I could feel the vibrations of my vocal cords but the sound was no more than a whisper. Later, much later, when my mind had cleared and I had the leisure to think back on this moment (not that I wanted to remember, but my mind returned to this moment, again and again) I thanked the fur who had used me before that, his (relatively) gentle use of my tailhole had stretched it enough to survive this harsh assault without permanent damage. And then it got worse still. Another pair of paws grabbed my ears and pulled my head up. Before I knew what was happening a big male log was shoved into my muzzle. My scream became shriller, if not louder, as my burned cheek was mashed against the hard male crotch. The pain was unbearable, worse than when I had been branded and it was rekindled with every thrust. I have no idea why I did not pass out, but after a while my mind kind of shut down. He was not nearly as big as my gentle torturer had been but big enough to bruise my throat with every forceful thrust. They just pumped in and out, using me as nothing more than a pair of convenient holes. There were no feelings, nothing except a brutal rutting. Rape pure and simple. After an indeterminable time the fur using my rear entrance came and shot his load into me. Unbelievably I climaxed, for a moment the wonderful feelings and the fireworks washed away the pain, but the orgasm was as short as it was intense. He kept thrusting a little more and then pulled out, spraying the rest of his seed over my back. He wiped his flagging organ on my thighs and left. I had not even seen his face once. At the time I barely noticed when he pulled out and I would not have cared. But the memory of the whole evening remained crystal clear, even years later and I had to relive my rape hundreds if not thousands of times in my dreams, unable to stop the flow of my memories. Another fur took his place, this one used my cunt, just as roughly as the previous fur had my tailhole. My lungs were burning, the fur abusing my mouth gave me hardly any chance to breathe. Suddenly he shot his load down my gullet and I almost choked. Somehow my body sucked most of the juices into my stomach. He kept thrusting a little longer, filling my mouth with his seed. He pulled out, spraying his last load full into my face. He wiped his cock on my cheeks, both ones, and my headfur before he stepped back. After a bit another fur replaced him. Apart from the slightly different taste of his cock (thankfully a little smaller) there was little difference. I had another climax when the fur at my back shot his load into me. And another one when the next one used my tailhole. After the five it was thankfully over. I hung limp for who knows how long, for all intents and purposes dead to the world. I know I heard things around me, but nothing made any sense.