A Deer Christmas, Chapter 1

Story by eggyeggtime on SoFurry

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A holiday story told from a first person view of a little deer, named Mac.

Aw, shit. Here comes another miserable Christmas. I have absolutely no shit. Nothing. I have no money, food, nothing. I had recently moved into a place with a roommate, and he usually pays for the food and stuff. But sadly, he's out of state for the holidays. Me? My family hates me. Not for any reason, they're just assholes. My job barely pays. Plus I have no money from the rent I recently paid by myself. My asshole roommate forgot to leave his half of the rent money. I just need money. At least a decent Christmas. I won't make money from my job anytime soon. But how can I get some cash in my pocket? ... No. I can't go out selling my body! It's too risky. I can possibly be kidnapped, or get a virus or some funky shit.

I'm still in highschool. I'm 18, and a high school senior. I'm also a petite deer. To make it even worse, I guess my testosterone levels must be low, as my antlers have been little nubs on my head for many years.

I really can't think of any other way to make more money in such little time. Look, I'm a virgin. I don't even know if I'm gay. This is a huge risk. I have an idea!!! There's an app. It's intended use is to be a dating app, but it's only used for selling yourself for a 'good time'. Am I sure about this? This is out of my mind! ... It didn't take long for the app to download.

This app is weird. I typed out my location. I guess so these pervs can see where I live. Next, it asked for my name. I typed out, 'Mac March'. Age, 18. Bio: I'm a small white tail deer. For $25 dollars, have me for as long as you want! That's too cheap. Ah, well, that means more people would be willing to pay. Then it asked to upload a few pictures of me. I took a quick selfie, and uploaded that. Ah. That was it. I went off to the kitchen to get some cheese puffs. Yes. Oh yes. Cheese puffs are delicious. So are sardines. Mm, yes. "Holy fuck!" I came back to my phone with over 17 requests to chat on the app. Fuck. What's scary about this app, is that it's used by many people from my school, and I'm afraid one might see. Let me check these out. Gross. Most of these men are like, 40. I denied all requests, but one. This guy is 19. His name is 'Boris'. I accepted his request. Mac: Hello!

Boris: Hi. You seem cute. You live 0.4 miles from me. How delightful.

Mac: Hah, yeah. The closer the better!

Boris: Can you do tomorrow night, 8:00pm sharp?

Mac: Oh, yeah! I can do that. Um, you don't seem to have photos of yourself on your profile. Can you send one?

Boris: I see your price is $25. As long as I want, you say?

Mac: Yes! As long as you'd like.

Boris: 684 Barne St. Go there tomorrow. See you around.

Mac: Ok. Later, and thank you!

... This didn't feel right. But it's all I can do. I need an outfit for tomorrow. I don't have anything stylish. I'll just wear my tight jeans and a hoodie. I'm all set! I feel weird. I guess I'll have to get used to this if I'm going to make money.

I couldn't fall asleep. I was much too excited. The morning came.

Goddamn, I'm too excited. My phone had many more requests, but I'll have to check those out later. For the rest of the day, I sat around my house, doing nothing. My heart raced faster as the time came closer. Sooner than I had expected. It was 7:50. It was time to head out.

The night air was chilling. I locked my door, and shuddered. A chill down my spine. It seemed to snow a bit earlier. Clumps of sloshy, dirty snow laid about. I stepped down the empty sidewalk. Glimmers of lit Christmas trees and lights softly glowed through the drapes of windows. This would've been a good Christmas, had it not been for the debt I'm in. Man. This guy lives close. Wait. He never sent me a picture. I'm already here. It seems that he has a knack for decorating. Large candy cane decorations stood about in the front lawn. A Christmas tree visible through a window. I walk up to the door, and take a deep breath.

Three knocks. I could feel my heartbeat throughout my whole body. I can hear it through my ears. The door unlocked, and opened. Oh. My. Fuck. I was catfished.

A large polar bear. His belly was a tad bit large, yet he was built, and quite tall.

It was Harvey, from my school. He recognized me. He's a senior, and on the football team.


He grabbed me by my hoodie, pulled me inside, and locked the door. Harvey and I don't have a good history. He bullied me through elementary, and I recently got him suspended for telling the principal that Harvey had been the one vandalising school property. And he seemed to be mad about just that. Harvey said, "So, you're up to some filthy things on the internet, huh? I'm lucky that I had the urge to check that app out yesterday. Really lucky."

This wasn't going well at all. The whole school could find out all about this!

"Look, I didn't mean a thing! I'm just short on cash! I need the money!"

Fuck. He's grabbing my sweater really tight.

Harvey didn't care about how tight he held onto me. He was clearly the winner in this situation.

Harvey said, "For money, eh? So you decided to prostitute yourself online? What a faggot indeed."

Harvey pulled me closer, and pressed his muzzled against my ear. He growled a blast of warm air into my ear, sending a shiver throughout my entire body. I couldn't do a thing. I had to take all this whether I liked it, or not. There's no fighting a figure like this, so large and strong. The next thing Harvey said made me flip out.

"I'mma screenshot our conversation," He whispered. "Then I'mma show everyone your little profile. Payback is a fucking bitch, ain't it?"

I kicked and flailed around. Oh god, I can't let no one find this out!

"No! I beg you, don't! I can't let no one find this out!"

Harvey didn't give a single shit. But he did have a deal to offer. Harvey said, "Oh, I won't show anyone. Unless... Unless you let me have you... For free..." Oh no. Oh god no.

"No! I'm not letting you have me!"

Damn it. Harvey....

Harvey growled back, "Then I show everyone your fucking 'business'. Simple as fucking that."

I had to do it... No choice left for me...

"Ok, Harvey... I'll do it for free."

Harvey's serious frown transformed into a toothy grin.

Harvey replied, "Since the deal is that I get to keep you as long as I want, I'll gladly be keeping you here for a long time."

What did I get myself into?

Harvey stopped holding on to my sweater. The polar bear seemed eager, excited, happy.

He was a bully. An enemy to me. And now I'm his to use. His to use in any way he pleases. Just to save my own ass.

Moments had gone by. I stood there, fiddling my thumbs anxiously. I was quite scared. I had no idea what was in store for me. The awkward silence was broken by Harvey.

He said, "So, you'll be staying here with me for a while. Since you're mine, I have an order, for you, you little slut. From now on, you're not allowed to wear clothing in this house."

Oh god. It's finally started.


"I said, take all of your fucking clothes off. Everything off. Now."

I just couldn't picture myself undressing in front of him. And he wanted me to do it now, at this moment.

I mean, I technically signed myself up for this... I pulled off my hoodie. It was surprisingly warm in here. Harvey had a fire going in the fireplace. Next, my t-shirt. I pulled it off, and revealed my scrawny chest. Small tufts of fur were dotted here and there. My belly has a white fur coat pattern that travels downwards. I was halfway done. I kicked off my shoes, leaving my socks on. I unbuckled my belt, and loosened my jeans. My jeans slid off with a soft thud on the ground. I think I'm good for now.

I stood in front of the polar bear, only wearing my socks and underwear. Harvey seemed unamused by this.

Harvey said, "Slide your boxers off, and your socks."

Fucking hell.

I pulled off both of my socks. Now it was time for the last thing. My boxers.

Let me clear one thing: I am not thick, and my body really isn't much of an attraction. I guess people find my face to be really cute, and perhaps my small body size all around.

I had to do this. I had to do this to save my social life.

I tugged on the adhesive ring of the boxers, and without thinking, pulled them down as fast as I could. There I was. Naked. For my bully. Harvey whistled. He seemed to like what he saw. Harvey said: "Man, oh man. Lucky-ass me."