On His Mane's Secret Service - #2

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#150 of Prequel

In which a ship sails.

On His Mane's Secret Service Chapter 2

Ra'Jirra walked the gangway back to her waiting Elsweyr ship. She saw Dar'Amon waiting at the other end and smiled at him. A proper greeting had to wait until they got back to the privacy of their room, however.

"So," Dar'Amon said from her shoulder as she closed the door behind them. "What? What happened? You're lucky to still be alive, you foolish kitten!"

"Now Dar, it's my job. Besides, if they'd just killed me outright that would look awfully bad if they've any hopes of any diplomatic future at all."

"I know... but..."

"Aww. You were worried about me?" Ra'Jirra said, putting her gear on the floor.

"Well," the cat stammered, "Of course I was!"

She picked him up and put her on her lap as she pulled out her writing instruments and began to encode a message to her boss, Em. Dar'Amon didn't try to read it. Each agent of the HMSS had a different encoding method, and even between two as close as Ra'Jirra and Dar'Amon had become, they would never share that. She began to write. Even though she would get to Elsweyr along with the message, it was standard practice to write of any encounters like the one she'd just had as soon as possible. "Sorry Dar, but I think this is probably one of those Need To Know cases," she said, stroking the cat.

The cat sighed, and jumped up on the writing desk.

"Raj, can we talk for a little bit?"

Ra'Jirra looked at Dar'Amon. He had his serious face on. Even with the Alfiq body, she'd come to be able to read the face well.

"Just give me a couple of minutes. This won't take long."

The cat sighed and lay down on the table in front of her. Though in an Alfiq body for most of the time they had known each other, the moons had aligned twice since they'd met when he'd reverted to his native Cathay form for a few short days.

"Raj, where do you think we're heading?" he said as she continued writing.

"To Elsweyr of course, silly," she laughed without interrupting her work.

"No. Not geographically. Romantically. You and me and our relationship, I mean."

She looked up from her paper. Dar'Amon was licking a paw nonchalantly. "I don't know, Dar. I like you, you must know that. Why?"

"And I, you. A lot. But this... thing I've done to myself. This body and the lycanthropy... it's not going to go away you know."

"Gatanthropy," she corrected. "And I know. But it's alright. It's not a big deal to me, Dar. You return to your normal state often enough for me."

The Alfiq head turned to look at her. "Truly?"

"Yes, Dar. I'm not that needy, despite what you may think on based on those days!"

Dar'Amon lay his head back down and she went back to writing. A few minutes later, she had finished and sealed the paper before picking up her lover and setting him on her shoulder.

She set him on the bed before getting in herself. "Now what's this all about?"

"Rajirra," he began, and she sat up. He didn't often use her full name these days, so it probably meant it was important.

"I've been thinking about us a lot lately. If you really are being honest with me, that this Alfiq thing doesn't bother you..."

"Dar, you've got to know by now it doesn't. If you must know I've been _asking_Em if you can come with me on my assignments. If I didn't want you with me, I sure wouldn't have done that."

Dar'Amon stood up and climbed onto her lap. "Really? You've been asking Em for me?"

Ra'Jirra rubbed his neck. "Yes Dar. I didn't want to tell you though. But... I like being with you. A lot."

"Aw! Raj! You should have told me! I just thought he kept pawning me off on you to keep me out of their way."

"No, silly cat."

"I'm due for another moon phase next week you know..."

"Are you kidding? I've marked it in my schedule! Dar, you know I don't just toss around the 'L' word. But I think I might be in love with you. Really."

The cat walked up her chest and nuzzled her face. "Ra'Jirra, that's so good to hear. Do me a favor would you? In my bag under the bed, there's a black box. Would you do me a favor and bring it up here?"

"Sure. Hold on..." Ra'Jirra said, picking up the cat and setting i him beside her. She got down on the floor and pulled the bag out and rummaged around to find the box.

"Here you go," she said, setting it beside Dar'Amon with a mischievous smile.

"RAJ! Don't be mean. Open it for me!"

She laughed and did as he asked. But then she saw what was in it and her laughter died immediately.

"Is this..." she started, drawing out the jewelry.

"That," Dar'Amon said, as seriously as a small cat's voice could be made to sound, "is an Amulet of Mara."

Ra'Jirra looked at the Alfiq in front of her, her eyes wide. A thousand thoughts crowded into her mind, all vying for primacy. This was not how she imagined this moment would come!

"Dar!" she said.

"You don't have to answer right away. I honestly didn't expect to open it at all. But, you said..."

"You plan ahead, don't you?"

"Well, when you've only got hands a few days a month, you kinda learn to!"

"Come here you cute thing!" Ra'Jirra said, lifting him bodily and planting an impressive kiss on his feline face.

"Of course I do."

"You do what?!"

"I'll marry you, Dar'Amon!"

"Well, that's a relief! I hope you don't regret it. Put it on! I want to see you wearing my Amulet."

"Hold on... I'll be right back," Ra'Jirra said, taking the amulet and retreating to the changing room. She emerged a minute later.

"What do you think? Does it look good on me?" she asked, displaying herself in front of her fiance.

"It looks... beautiful, Raj. But it appears to be magical. Apparently it makes your clothes disappear!" he laughed and she joined him on the bed.

"Sorry we can't celebrate properly," he said, curling up atop her chest.

"We have all the time in the world, Dar. We're together, and that's all the celebration I need."

Some time later, they awoke. The sun had set through the small porthole, and Ra'Jirra got up to dress.

"Let's go for a walk," she said from the other room, tucking the amulet into her blouse out of sight.

"Sounds like a fine idea, my bride!"

"Why now?" she asked, pulling the curtain to the dressing room closed behind her.

"Ra'Jirra, I have to be honest with you. I worried about you taking this mission. We all know the Dominion would prefer you out of the way. I think Em made a mistake, allowing you to go. You're not a diplomat! But if you're going to get yourself killed, I figured I'd better ask before that!"

"Dar, you know our job is inherently dangerous. It comes with the paycheck. But it was a good plan. If you think being married to an Alfiq is physically problematic, being married to a ghost is practically impossible!"

"Do you ever think about retiring?" he asked her, and she stopped, turning back.

"Why? You want me to settle down and raise kittens? Making demands awfully early for having just won yourself a lifemate."

"I'm sorry. But I do worry. No one notices a cat, but you're practically a celebrity. Someday your luck is going to run out, I'm afraid."

"I've thought about it. But Dar, I like what I do. I feel like I'm making a difference in the world, you know?"

"I know. Me too I suppose. I just... don't want to be married to a ghost."

"Funny thing that. I don't particularly want to become one!" she said, opening the door. "Coming?"

"Would you haunt me?" Dar'Amon asked, jumping down the bed and following her to the door for a stroll outside.

"Till your dying day, cat. Now shut up. You're not supposed to be able to talk, remember?"

"Oh... yeah. I mean... meow."

On His Mane's Secret Service - #3

On His Mane's Secret Service - Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Em was not available when Dar'Amon and Ra'Jirra arrived at the HMSS headquarters, so she left her report with his secretary, Miss Ponsonby. Ra'Jirra and Miss Ponsonby had never been friends, but she...

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On His Mane's Secret Service - #1

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