Devil in the Woods

Story by Novak C on SoFurry

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It's a month later than I wanted to finish it, but, here's just a playful romp in the woods between two friends. Nothing spoopy here. Enjoy~

Randy wasn't much for parties. The white-tailed deer leaned back against the wall as loud party music reverberated in his ears. He lowered them a bit as he scouted the room and took another sip from his solo cup full of cheap beer. He didn't like the stuff, but, a senior in high school doesn't have a lot of options.

The living room was full of drunk teenagers dressed up in different costumes. You had your guys who considered their football jerseys to be costumes. There were a few women (and men apparently) who wore the "slutty" version of things that really shouldn't have a slutty version. Some people had more restraint, at least until the alcohol hit them. A couch was already overturned, and some people were making out against a shelf.

And here Randy was, sipping beer alone in a devil costume. He had to spend way too long looking for a costume that both had holes for both his ears and antlers. The devil tail was a little longer than he liked, but oh well.

He gazed around the room again with his blue eyes. Sam had to be here somewhere. He'd come with the puma on condition that they didn't get separated. That had worked wonders, he thought bitterly.

"Heey, Randy! You look like a sourpuss!" He heard over the loud bass of the music.

The deer turned to his right and saw Sam. Sam was a mountain lion dressed up as a vampire. Though, he didn't need any fake teeth with the sharp canines that sparkled from his muzzle. His dusty-colored fur was hidden under a cape that went all the way down to his ankles. He wore a vest and a pair of baggy, black sweats. Sam didn't appear to take the costume too seriously though, so he looked a bit more rumpled than a "real" vampire. His headfur was spiked up and had a line of red that ran to the back of his head. The cougar almost stumbled as he came up to the deer.

"Dude, are you already drunk?" Randy called over the music.

"Nah, not yet! But, I gave up drinking that piss. Here, have some of this instead!" Sam pushed a different cup into Randy's hand. The deer peeked inside and saw a clear liquid. "Don' worry, Man," Sam continued, "Is jus' some vodka. Will help ya loosen up s'more!"

Randy shrugged, eyeing the cup before tipping it back. It was cold, and hell did it taste bad, but he didn't give up. No sense in prolonging it. He drank what must have been three shots worth before he pulled back.

"Fuck, that's nasty. How do people drink this stuff every weekend?"

"Don't be a spoilsport, Randy. They do it t'have fun." The mountain grinned up at him, giving him a congratulatory pat on the back. "But you drank it like a pro; I'm impressed!"

The lithe deer smacked his lips, looking down at Sam. "Thanks, but, I'm pretty sure chugging vodka isn't the most valuable life skill."

Sam punched his arm and laughed. "Tha's the spirit! C'mon, stop being a wallflower and let's dance."

"Sam, you know I don't dance."

"I do, and tha's dumb. You're never gonna impress anyone if you can't learn how. Now, c'mere."

The puma grabbed Randy's arm and tugged him into what was a dining-room-turned-impromptu-dance-room. Sam disappeared for a minute and came back with two more cups. Randy tried to refuse, but, the feline was insistent and didn't let up until the deer drank it down.

In about forty minutes, his head felt a bit fuzzy, and he found himself needing less encouragement from Sam. His hips swayed to the music now, and he sipped at his beer while he danced with a few girls. People in another room were playing beer pong. There were some in the back yard lounging by a bonfire. The sound of something expensive breaking in another room was heard once or twice. But Randy found himself caring less and less. He grinded on the dancefloor with a vixen who was dressed as a naughty nurse. She pressed her hips against him, and he couldn't suppress a happy grunt. Thank goodness the music covered the noise.

The room felt warm, and he zipped down the front of his costume a bit. His tuft of chest fur fluffed out. He hadn't bothered to wear a shirt underneath. The vixen eyed him for a bit, the two dancing together until a few of her friends came up and started talking to her before shepherding her away.

Randy let out an unsatisfied huff as he watched her leave. He turned around and saw Sam walking up to him.

"Just saw that happen. Sucks, man."

"Yeah, was jus' getting into it too..." the deer grumbled, zipping up his costume again. "But fuck, it's way too hot in here now. That girl certainly didn't help my problem."

"Agreed!" Sam said, "how about we head out for a bit. Pretty sure this party'll be going on all night with or without us. Some fresh air will be nice."

"Sure, I guess," the deer shrugged, "where do you have in mind?"

"C'mon, I'll show you!" the cougar grinned, once again grabbing him by the arm.

The two stumbled a bit through the living room towards the front door. They stepped outside into the cool night air. The moon shone overhead and there was a soft breeze. There were still kids out trick-or-treating, but, the two ignored them as they walked down the street.

"This way," Sam said as he jogged across the street and disappeared into a section of the woods.

"What? Wait up!" Randy called after him, following him past the street and into the woods.

He had a hard time keeping up with the mountain lion who seemed to dart through the trees a lot easier than his tipsiness should have allowed. He followed on through the woods, not able to see Sam now, but able to hear his footsteps up ahead. They got farther and farther away from the party, no longer able to see any lights, or hear the loud music.

As Randy wandered after the cougar, his antlers caught once or twice on the low-hanging branches, and he had to tug himself out of them to continue on, falling more and more behind his friend. The brambles tugged at his costume, and he had to untangle his devil tail from a greedy bush. The booze made it even harder than if he had been sober as he navigated towards his friend.

"C'mon, Slowpoke, 'm already here!" he heard Sam call from ahead.

"Sorry that I'm not a cat. Doing the best I can!" the deer called back, doing his best not to twist his ankle in the undergrowth.

He labored on, dodging the trees before he finally broke through into a clearing. The sickle moon hung high in the sky, but it was still hard to see much in front of him. He could see a single tree standing in the center of the clearing. It wasn't fully grown, but it had at least been there a few years. But, one thing he didn't see was Sam. He looked to his left, to his right, but saw no sign of the puma.

He felt a pair of paws on his shoulder and turned in surprise. The lips that suddenly pressed up against his were the last sort of surprise he expected. Randy's eyes went wide when it finally registered that those lips belonged to Sam. He could smell the alcohol on the cougar's breath, and undoubtedly Sam could smell the same on his. The deer was stunned for a few moments as the feline kissed him, that rough tongue brushing across his lips. He felt Sam's paw press against his crotch and squeeze. When he finally could react, he put his paws on Sam's shoulders and nudged him back.

"Dude, what the hell?"

Sam opened his eyes and looked up at Randy, and the deer could see his ears swivel back. "S-sorry, Man... I was jus' watching you dance with that chick, and, something came over me."

Randy felt another squeeze below and couldn't stop a small groan before he tried to swat Sam's paw away. "Woah, Sam, what're you doing."

The cougar's arms fell to his sides, but Randy could see a glint in the feline's eyes. "I know, I know," he started, "but, I saw you get blue-balled back at the party. Jus' figured I could help you out." His words were slurring even more than earlier.

Randy looked over his shoulder, but of course no one else was around. It was hard for him to get words together. "But, like, you're my bes' friend. Isn't this weird to you?"

The deer felt that paw return, pressing more insistently against his crotch. And this time, Sam felt a response. It was subtle at first, but the puma could feel a pulse that prompted him to rub a bit deeper. Randy inhaled a bit deeper, the scent of dried leaves, bark, vodka and aroused mountain lion making his nostrils flare.

Sam chuckled, his paw rubbing the growing bulge of the deer's costume. "Does that answer your question," the feline gave a lopsided smirk.

Randy swallowed, his pulse quickening, which only encouraged his hidden length to throb harder. He put a hand on Sam's shoulder. "I... I guess so," was all he could manage to say. What the hell should he do? The puma must have noticed the conflict on Randy's face despite the dim light. Sam let out a throaty purr as he brought up a paw up to the deer's chest in turn, the other still toying with his friend's length. "Seems you need a bit more convincing..."

Sam started to pull the zipper down from the deer's costume. Randy was in a trance, even as chest, stomach, and soon his underwear were exposed to the cool, night air. The cougar wasted no time, sinking down to his knees crunching the leaves beneath him. He took both paws and pulled back Randy's underwear, and was instantly greeted by a pulsing, cervine dick. The feline purred again as he nuzzled down to the base of his friend's cock, pre-cum smearing against his cheek, some dripping onto his shoulder. Then, with a feline grace, he dragged his rough tongue up each inch. He grabbed Randy's hips as he pressed his lips to the deer's tip before sliding down.

The deer had been quiet until that point, too dazed (and buzzed) to really process everything. That is until he felt his friend's muzzle around his cock. Randy groaned, his body shuddering both from the pleasure and from the chill breeze, his hand never having left Sam's shoulder. He squeezed, grunting as the puma bobbed his head. "Oh fuck, Dude... You're really doing this..." Randy said, his shock from before giving way to more primal urges. There was a happy groan beneath him and the deer watched more of his seven inch length disappear between those lips. He bit his lower lip when that rough tongue pressed against him, and he quickly moved his hand to the back of Sam's head, rubbing behind his ears before pressing him down further, eagerness taking over his actions. "Mmmm... Fuck, this is great..." he began to pant.

Sam began to tug at his own clothes, only using both paws when he had to, all while keeping the deer's pulsing shaft in his muzzle. He managed to get everything else off except for the vampire cape. Randy had changed his mind faster than expected, but the cougar wasn't complaining, especially as that hot pre dripped down his throat. He rubbed between the deer's legs, massaging those heavy orbs as he swallowed deeper. The cougar did his best to take him all the way to the base, and he gave it the good ol' college try a few times, despite how Randy's tip tickled his gag reflex. He would just have to settle for taking five inches for now. Even with the breeze, all Sam could smell now was heady deer musk. He closed his eyes, focusing on each throb and pulse, listening to the pleased grunts and moans from his friend above. He pulled back then, playfully licking the deer's tip. The moon's light reflected off of his friend's shaft, the saliva clearly defining every supple angle. Sam licked his lips, purring again, "Hey Randy?" he waited for the deer to open his eyes before continuing, "as fun as this is, I've got aa better idea of something you'll like a whole lot more..."

Randy was panting harder now, his eyes a bit unfocused as he tried to think of a response. "Uh, sure," ended up being the most he could muster. The alcohol from earlier certainly made it harder to think past his desire.

The mountain lion grinned again, standing up and grabbing Randy's wrist. He pulled him to the tree in the center of the clearing before turning back to him. Sam pulled the deer closer, kissing him deeply. This time, Randy eagerly returned it, their heads tilting. Randy reached up, combing his hand through the feline's red and brown hair, pulling gently and making the cougar beneath him mewl in delight. In response, Sam, propped himself against the tree, curving his arms around the lower branches to hike himself as he wrapped his legs around Randy's hips, yanking him even closer. Their bodies were pressed together now. Instinctively, the deer's hands found their way to Sam's hips, wrapping underneath and cupping the feline's cheeks.

Sam groaned, breaking the kiss and resting his head on Randy's shoulder. The puma felt the deer's eager prick just barely rub against his exposed ass. "Do it..." he panted heavily, undulating his body to rub against and tease his friend.

The deer's nostrils flared again, and without thinking he thrusted his hips. At first, it only made his cock slide between the puma's cheeks. But the second thrust, aided by the puma arching his back, made purchase. Sam hissed a breath, the sudden entrance making him clench down. This made Randy moan loudly, and he pushed in deeper, his eyes closed and mouth open in bliss as he felt his friend's ass squeezing tightly around him. He lost all sense of control after that. He couldn't stop himself from shoving all the way into the puma before pulling back out to the tip and forcing himself back in to the hilt.

Sam mewled louder as he was claimed hard and deep. His claws dug into the tree as he did his best to stay upright. The puma's cock flopped against Randy's stomach, drooling pre into his pale fur. He bit his lip to keep from crying out too loudly as Randy hammered away at his prostate, making his whole body shiver. His back arched after a particularly hard thrust, and this time he had to cry out, "oooh fuck, yes! Nnngh, gods, fuck me!" Sam grunted, his toes curling as he was forced to take every inch, gravity both a blessing and a curse. His ears were tilted back, but his eyes were open, gleaming in the night as he watched his friend's face.

The wind began to pick up a bit more, Sam's cape billowing in the darkness as it hung limply from his body. Randy's antlers scraped against the bark of the tree. There was a shuffling along the outside of the clearing, but neither heard it. They were too busy rutting each other, their moaning and grunting filling the air along with the pungent scent of sex.

Randy's cock flexed inside Sam's tight passage. He leaked pre inside the puma, making each thrust just a bit easier. He was lost in this world of heated pleasure, each warm pulse and clench adding up together. All he could do now was feel the mountain lion's tightness and heat, along with the quiver he felt through his paws as Sam's body shook. It was becoming too much for him, and his breaths came so quickly as he pounded his friend. So what if they were both a bit drunk; this felt way too good to explain away. He felt Sam's hot breath against his chest before the cougar leaned back, moaning uncontrollably.

"Oh fuck, Randy... This is too much... I can't..." Sam tried to talk, his head lolling a bit to the side. He gritted his teeth, watching the deer's neck strain, the corners of his mouth twitching. Seeing how much Randy was enjoying this was just so hot to him. He held himself as upright as possible with one paw, releasing the other so that he could stroke his cock. He rubbed and stroked quickly, squeezing his ass around Randy's throbbing meat which made the deer loudly groan again. He was getting closer to the precipice, and nothing could pull him back now. One hard thrust sent him over the edge. Sam let out a yowl, his cock twitching in his paw between the two of them before spraying cum all over their fur, a few spurts shooting up to coat Randy's chest in sticky seed.

Randy felt the puma cumming, both from the seed splattered across his torso, and from the vice-like grip he suddenly felt around his cock. The deer snorted, gritting his teeth as well, slamming forward into Sam hard and deep. With just two more thrusts, his cervine dick pulsed and throbbed, quickly filling his partner with liquid lust.

In a moment of silence between their climaxes, there was a voice.

"Go away!" it wailed in a thin, dying voice before disappearing into the night. The wind howled and leaves darted across the dead earth.

"Did... Did you hear that?" Sam panted between breaths. His body suddenly felt a lot colder now. His cum dripped onto his fur, adding to the cool and damp feeling.

Randy swallowed, nodding in the dark. He still held Sam by his rump. After a few more moments punctuated only by their heavy breaths, Randy lifted the puma off of his length. They both let out grunts as his cock slipped lewdly from the cougar's ass. Randy warily turned around, his antlers catching in the tree and making him wince. "Y-yeah... What do you think it was?"

"I don't know..." Sam whispered, his tailhole sore and aching from the rough treatment. He tried to walk towards the edge of the clearing to get the rest of his clothes, but his legs shook so much he stumbled and had to cling tightly to Randy. "Sorry..." he said, followed by a drawn out pause as he listened around. "We should get back," he muttered, before gazing back around the clearing, trying to find what made the noise. But the night was dead. No sounds came to his ears.

Nobody else was there.

The End


By: Novak "Walto"