Selpha and the Ring of Pleasure

Story by Drake Inflator on SoFurry

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#1 of Selpha

Another short story. It has been over a week since Drake invited Selpha to have fun with his powers, so the horny Nightfury took matters into her own hands and used the ring Drake gave to her to make her own "fun".

Contains heavy Sexual content and inflation.

Mature story. Don't Like, Don't read. Enjoy!

The splattering of a shower going sounded throughout the house, breaking the silent air with its dull rhythm. Selpha washed off the last off the body wash that ran down her black scales. The Nightfury shook her head to rid herself off the water on her face as she turned off the shower head with a kink. She huffed, a little frustrated at her predicament. "Ever since we were at that empty highschool, we haven't tried anything with his power. Knowing Drake, he's probably masterbating and blowing himself up like a balloon right now... Or he turned into a girl again and is masterbating while blowing himself up like a balloon ." She sighed, opening the shower curtain and stepping out as the last drops of water trickled down her body. Selpha took a towel and began to dry herself when a glint of reflected light caught her eye. The ring shone on her bathroom counter as she slapped herself on the forehead. "Of course I forgot all about this thing," she mentally exclaimed as she took it and slipped the multicolored gem ring on. Taking another look at the shower, she stepped back inside and closed it once again, studying the colors. "So, l wanna try... blue!" She touched said color with anticipation. "Ow!" She yelped as a sudden shock of electricity shot through her body, the source being the ring. "What was that?! He didn't tell me thi-oooh," she exhaled as she felt a growing sensation in every cell of her body. Her body grew a few inches, causing her to fall over in the shower. "Oh yeah, this thing makes you gro-Oof!" Came another cry as she expanded further, her head halfway up the shower curtain even while sitting down. Her thighs reached both sides if the bath, squeezing her flesh against the marble. Another spurt, causing another half foot of growth in all directions. "I'm gonna destroy this bath if i don't get out!" So Selpha crawled out naked, body slapping against the tiled floor. She tried standing but nearly demolished the ceiling, so she had to crawl out if the room on all fours. "I gotta get to the pool, so I don't destroy my house!" She exclaimed as she grew again, back close to the ceiling as her house started to feel like a dog house in size. She pulled the glass screen to her backyard open, making her way through the small entrance. The cool night air met her exposed body as she squeezed through. After she got her upper body out, her large breasts becoming a problem, she grew again halfway out, cracking the doorframe a little, before finally breaking free. She turned to the pool, only to see that it was completely devoid of water. Selpha decided to go in anyway as to hide herself, because it's not like she was going back inside anytime soon, was she? She took the deep end, which happened to be 15 ft deep, though her breasts and up were still exposed even while sitting. Another 5 ft were added before she stopped growing, a standing height of over 30 feet tall. She fiddled with the blue part if her ring, and with a click she started to shrink back down. "*sigh of relief*, that was crazy. Now, lets try yellow!" She tapped it, willing it to go to its upper limits, before sitting back. She sat still, careful not to move an inch. The slightest movement or feeling of arousal could set her off right now. But she was naked, and her horny thoughts kicked in for just a second. She cried out as a fire hydrant of cum exploded out of her pussy, immediately soaking her and the pool in a matter of seconds. Her vagina didn't have enough room to expel it, so her pussy blew up, everything between her legs expanding like a water balloon. The pool was filling up, the cum now reaching her belly, then her boobs, then crawling up her neck. "Am i gonna drown in my own cum?!" The thought aroused her even more as the rate increased, her belly growing to be as large as a beach ball. She took a deep breath as her head went under, the surface going up and up. She fiddled with the yellow part of the ring, where she stopped increasing her cum, but still had to get rid of the gallons left in her body. She was running out of breath when it finally emptied. The pool completely filled with her sex juice, she couldn't move though, as her cum was a thicker substance than water. An idea flashed through her head though, as she slapped the red part of the ring. Her boobs perked up and inflated, same as her belly, as they made her feel tight. Her belly was reaching weather balloon size, her breasts not far behind. Once her belly was inflated to the size of a small car it lifted her up, just as she ran out of breath and warm cum shot down her throat, into her stomach. It tastes wonderful, though she couldn't breathe anymore. Once she felt like she swallowed a couple gallons worth, she popped to the surface and inhaled oxygen with a gasp. She stopped the expansion, moaning in bliss at the wonderful feelings assaulting her body. She was very hot and sweaty despite the cool night air, her groaning belly and tits making her wince in pain, the tightness warning her that she almost exploded just then. "I gotta remember that Drake isn't here to make my skin elastic. I could accidentally pop myself like some kind of fuck toy." And she certainly felt like one, as she blissfully rubbed her tight boobs, splattering the cum below all over herself with glee. She eventually stopped, deflating herself, bubbles blowing out under the pool of cum from her vagina, but still kept enough inside her to remain floating. "I think... I'm just gonna sleep here," she said out loud once her belly was just small enough to fit her arms barley around it, boobs the size of Inflated balloons. Her tongue lolled out of her open mouth as she drifted to sleep. A red snout pokes over the fence as emerald green eyes spied the bloated Nightfury with a smirk. The female drake hopped over, clad in nothing but a bra and panties as she strolled to the edge of the pool, staring at that blissful face with a loving smile. She lowered her legs into the cum filled pool, resting her chin on a taloned hand. "I'm so aroused from this, I wanna wake her up and have some fun, too." Drake shook her head, thinking about her girlfriend's physical well being. "No, she's gotta be wiped from all of that, so I'll leave Selpha be...for now." A devilish grin crossed her face, thinking about tomorrow. "Oh, I have great plans for us both tomorrow. Good night, Selpha." And so the drake let the balloon sleep, the wafting scent of masterbation the only smell in the backyard.

The End...for now

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