On His Mane's Secret Service - #5

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#153 of Prequel

Chapter 5 - in which Ra'Jirra scandalizes the entire Royal Palace!

On His Mane's Secret Service Chapter 5

The next morning, as planned, Ra'Jirra left with Dar'Amon to the Palace, but had to leave him at the gate while she returned to Princess Sauki's suite to prepare for her Presentation and meeting with the Mane. Dar'Amon assured her that he would be waiting for her, no matter how long it took.

This time the tailors had a custom-fitted Raba ready for her, but she took it into a private room where she dressed alone before stepping out again.

"So, how does it fit?" the Princess began, turning to Ra'Jirra as she emerged from the dressing room.

"The fit is excellent, as expected. Your tailors have done a perfect job," she said, smiling as the jaws dropped around her.

"No!" the Princess said. "You can't wear that! Take it off! Immediately!"

"Sorry Princess," Ra'Jirra said, setting her face firmly. "This is how I will be presented to the Mane."

One of the female tailors started stammering, but Ra'Jirra gave her a look that would brook no argument from the likes of her.

However, the Princess' face turned softer. "I see. Do you know what you're doing, Ra'Jirra? This alone could get you expelled or worse."

"If so," Ra'Jirra replied, losing her hostile tone, "I will own it. This is how I choose to wear the Raba."

"I applaud your spirit, if foolish. Then come, if you're ready?"

"I'm ready," Ra'Jirra said, and the two walked together towards the main entrance of the Palace.

Once inside, Ra'Jirra tried not to marvel at the grandeur of the place, but knew she wasn't doing a good job. Everywhere her eyes lit there was something new, from artwork the likes of which she had never seen before, to statues of khajiits great and small. She wanted to stop and look at them further, and to discover who these were, but time did not allow.

Instead she followed the Princess through the great hall and to the foyer of the throne room.

"We wait here," the Princess said, "Until our names are called. I will go first. Watch me and my Presentation and do your best to mimic it. If by chance he doesn't immediately order the guards to take you from his presence, perhaps a good rendition of the proper Presentation will make up for... that."

"Thank you, Princess Sauki. I will do my best. It's all I can do."

She began to get nervous and second guess what she'd done. But it was too late now, she knew. Instead she drew in a deep breath and exhaled. Whatever happened, would happen.

A herald called a name. "The Princess Sauki!" he shouted, and the Princess walked in through the huge doorway. Beyond she heard many khajiit voices call the short barking noise that served as their form of polite applause at the Princess' entrance. For a split second Ra'Jirra feared she would have to wait alone, missing the Presentation, but the herald continued, "And The Agent Ra'Jirra!"

She walked into the throne room with her head held high, trying not to show fear as best she could. The Mane's audience, standing to both sides of the great hall, began to give her the same greeting as the Princess, but one by one the applause died away and was replaced by an intake of breath as they realized what Ra'Jirra was wearing underneath the Raba.

Impossibly far away, she saw the Mane - a great figure of a Cathay-Raht draped across his throne. That he was without clothing himself was no surprise. The saying went that no clothing was more Regal than his own fur, and only on rare occasions was he ever seen dressed, and then typically only in a robe fit for the ruler of a mighty nation. Even from this distance, though, Ra'Jirra couldn't help but be impressed. He was magnificent in every way.

The Princess began the long walk to the Throne and Ra'Jirra walked a few paces behind, stepping in time to the walk of the Princess, and trying to match not only her stride, but her tail movements as well. The audience had gone quiet, and she wasn't sure if it was due to her insolence, or if this was normal.

With every step, though, the Mane seemed to grow taller and Ra'Jirra lost her focus more than once. She did keep her head high, however - but without actually looking the Mane in the eyes. It wasn't hard, other parts kept attracting her eyes anyway.

After what felt like an interminable walk, the Princess finally arrived at the foot of the throne and Ra'Jirra stopped as well, bowing her head in time with the Princess. She wasn't sure, but she felt like she was doing well.

The Princess turned around, gave her a quick look, and then prostrated herself on the ground, her tail straight as an arrow towards the roof, the Raba falling away as designed.

"Greetings Princess Sauki," said an elder, grey-furred khajiit beside the Mane.

The Mane's deep voice then filled the hallway, "Rise. You are recognized."

The Princess responded as she stood and turned back towards him, "To the Mane's Honor!", then she walked to the side to join the other members of the audience.

Then all eyes were on Ra'Jirra and she fought against the impulse to cringe. Worse than all those eyes on her were the deep blue eyes of the Mane that she had glanced at only for a split second earlier. They were now on her. For a moment she forgot what she was to do, but with a nearly imperceptible shake of her head, she focused on what was right in front of her. This Mane may be a Cathay-Raht of great size, especially when compared to her... he may hold the reigns of power over an entire nation and people... but his private parts were no different than any other. He was, all in all, still just a male khajiit - not a god, as ideal as his body may be.

All this passed through her head in a split second, then she remembered her training. She stepped forward, turned around smartly, then went to her hands and knees, her tail pointing directly at the ceiling. She felt the cloth of the Raba fall away to either side, and she smiled, imagining the view the Mane was getting now.

"Might as well enjoy it while you can," she said to herself. The moment seemed to go on forever, but she had practically began to laugh when she heard the old man.

"Greetings Agent Ra'Jirra!"

She held her position, waiting to hear what words would come from the Mane - words that would decide the future of her life.

"Rise," came the deep voice. "You are recognized."

She stood up, knowing she was visibly shaking now and turned back to the Mane. She risked the briefest of looks at his face. The smile on it was unmistakable. She repeated the proscribed words.

"To the Mane's Honor!" she said, though she felt like she was just squeaking.

She could swear she heard the Mane snort, holding back laughter of his own. Though probably no one but the Mane could have seen it, she was now glad she'd not only worn the underwear colored to match her own fur, but also added the pink heart at the most private area. She had sincerely hoped he had a sense of humor!

Then she stood to the side, beside the Princess. Talking among the audience was forbidden save for applause for the other guests, and her duty was to stand as still as she could while others were introduced. Em entered sometime later, and prostrated himself before the Mane as well, but when he joined the audience he stood beside her. She looked up at him.

"Damn!" he mouthed.

She smiled back and shrugged.

Then finally the official Presentations were over, and the audience retired to a large waiting room where they could relax while the Mane and his retinue went to his private meeting rooms.

"So?" she finally was able to ask the Princess. "How'd I do?"

"Well, other than the Underwear Fiasco, I'd say you did better than expected. And somehow you're still here, so that's a relief!"

"I assume that means if I was going to be beheaded, I wouldn't be here now?"

"No, Ra;Jirra, you've passed the test. Though I think he liked you, or you might not be here. Wearing underwear under a Raba! Unheard of!"

"Well, it's been heard of now!" Ra'Jirra laughed.

On His Mane's Secret Service - #6

It took hours before Ra'Jirra and Em were called to the private audience with the Mane. During that time, Em had introduced her to so many dignitaries and Royal personages that her mind had gone numb with the names and titles. Of course the main topic...

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On His Mane's Secret Service - #4

On His Mane's Secret Service Chapter 4 Ra'Jirra didn't tell Dar'Amon until the next morning. "I'm going over there right now and turn in my resignation," Dar'Amon declared flatly, jumping down off the bed where Ra'Jirra lay, her eyes red. ...

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On His Mane's Secret Service - #3

On His Mane's Secret Service - Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Em was not available when Dar'Amon and Ra'Jirra arrived at the HMSS headquarters, so she left her report with his secretary, Miss Ponsonby. Ra'Jirra and Miss Ponsonby had never been friends, but she...

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