A Night with Rudolph

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#1 of A Night with Santa's Reindeer

Tala spends a passionately lewd evening with perhaps Santa's most famous reindeer, and learns where some of her magic comes from. ^^

This story was written for Tala Grovehorn as part of my XXXMas Reindeer commission batch! It contains sexual acts between consenting adults, transformation/gender shifting, and hyper-cock related fun. :3

A Night with Rudolph

The lights were off, but still the room was illuminated as Rudolph and Tala tumbled onto the bed. The reindeer's famously luminous nose cast a pale red glow across the walls and the soft, crisp white sheets of the hotel room's bed, and a similarly rosy shine upon Tala's white furred form as Rudolph glanced down over her already bare breasts to see the cow teasing down her tight skirt and panties all at once. Tala's eager hands exposed the soft brown and white speckled fur of the reindeer's thighs and more, so much more when finally those lower garments were peeled away and Rudolph's legs could be spread wide open, then wider and wider still.

"O-oh... oh god, Tala... please..."

Rudolph groaned as the cow's own naked body began to rise up the length of hers once again, scrambling up onto the bed and nuzzling, kissing her way up the reindeer's legs towards their apex. Soon Rudolph found herself grasping at Tala's sturdy black horns, and almost dragging the cow forward ever closer to her aching, throbbing pussy even as Tala advanced hungrily towards it of her own accord. When finally the bovine herm reached her target though, Rudolph couldn't beg any more. She couldn't plead or whimper or gasp. All she could do was throw back her head, kick her own hoofed feet out into the air, and scream a scream which echoed around the silent hotel room and out through the fourth storey balcony door through which they had slipped in from the wintery night's sky beyond.

"Yes!! _Aaahhhhhhh yesssssss _!"

Writhing, bellowing, kicking and thrashing with manic passion, Rudolph's nose glowed brighter and brighter as Tala didn't just tease or tantalise her with a few flicks of her tongue, but began to slurp and suckle upon the reindeer's ample clitoris like it was a candy treat. Harder still Rudolph grappled and clung to Tala's horns though the cow showed no sign whatsoever of wanting to pull herself away, and as the reindeer's hands clutched at her new lover, her fingertips found themselves caressing the very base of Tala's horns, and before long rubbing gently against the temples of the cow's head. She didn't mean to. She wasn't trying to do what happened next, it just sort of happened. Just like she had just accidentally seen into Tala's mind earlier that night, and set all of this into motion when she found herself sensing the cow's innermost thoughts, and all the complimentary things that Tala was in the midst of thinking about her as they waited side by side at the bar for their drinks.

"O-oohhhhgod, Tala!!"

Rudolph wailed, her hips rising up off the bed and bucking feverishly against the cow's muzzle as a flood of juices erupted from her pussy, the reindeer cumming hard after barely a minute spent under assault from Tala's talented maw. There was more to it than that though. More to Rudolph's rapid and spectacular rise to such a swift orgasm than just Tala's undeniable skill. It was the cow's mind that was most irresistibly responsible, or more specifically Rudolph's ability to read the cow's mind. To see into it as all of her kin could thanks to their connection to the North Pole and the very special figure who dwelled there year round, planning gifts and acts of good-will to spread to all deserving people across the world. All of the reindeer could read people's thoughts when they needed to. They could peer into a person's mind and find out precisely what it was that they wanted. What they needed. What would bring them true happiness and joy. But, of all the reindeer with whom Rudolph had lived and worked for so many years, she was unique in one particular ability. She had been right back to the time when a heavy fog had swept over the North Pole, and she had read in the mind of their benefactor the need for a light to pierce the fog. A light which had sprung forth from her nose that very day, and remained ever since.

The other reindeer could read other's minds and hear their innermost wishes, but only Rudolph had the ability to conjure forth the result of those desires as a part of her own body. It was how she had gotten her nose many years prior to aid a rather jolly man in a red suit, and now, on this night in particular, it was how she found her body growing ever more tangibly sensitive and receptive to bring joy both to Tala, and to herself in even greater abundance than was already the case... just as she could hear the cow begging and pleading eagerly within her mind.

"O-oohh, Tala... I... y-yes! Oh, I'm... I'm doing it. Just l-like you want... I'm... aaaahhhyesss! I'm cumming!"

Rudolph shrieked, thrashed and began to spasm and squirt anew as she closed her eyes and saw within her mind, clear as day what it was that Tala wanted from her. A vision of exactly what was happening now, Rudolph on her back upon the bed, kicking, screaming, cumming almost without pause at Tala's behest. That was what the cow wanted. That was what Tala craved and desired more deeply and sincerely than anything else in the world. For her to feel good. For her to enjoy this night every bit as much as the cow hoped that she herself would enjoy the many, many hours of fun yet to come.

The reindeer's eyes sprang open once more, and she gave a truly mind-bending, guttural cry as she simultaneously realised something which was tied up in that longing of Tala's heart and mind, and immediately felt it beginning to manifest within her body.

Tala wanted Rudolph to enjoy tonight just like her.

Tala wanted Rudolph to cum over and over again as hard and fast as possible, just like her.

Tala wanted them to fuck, to bellow and scream, to cum and to enjoy one another with matching, mutual ferocity and pleasure.

And in order for that to happen, there was one thing which Tala possessed that Rudolph needed.

"Aaaahhhyes! T-Tala! Fuck me. Ooohh god, t-take your... aaah, your big cock, a-and... ooohhhyesssss... and fucking fuck me!"

Rudolph shrieked at the top of her lungs to the cow, and wailed in gratitude and bliss as just moments later Tala's head finally dragged itself up from her pussy even as she gushed and spasmed in the throes of yet another rampant orgasm. Before she could say or do anything more though, with her body still locked in the midst of that ongoing climax wracking her from antler-tip to hooves, Rudolph felt Tala climbing fully astride her. She felt her own legs instinctively wrapping around the cow's powerful hips, and she shrieked in fresh elation as she felt something thick, hot and huge pressing against her spasming, clutching pussy while Tala's heavy breasts pressed down against her own and the herm cow's panting, flushed face loomed over hers.

They kissed passionately, and it was in that same moment as their heady, wild lip-lock began that Tala pushed her huge bovine cock deep into the reindeer's pussy. The cow had no choice but to keep her eyes closed even beyond the bounds of that kiss as dazzling red light filled the room, and even as her own arousal carried her deeper and deeper into the beautiful reindeer lying beneath her, pushing ever forward until she was hilted against Rudolph's gorgeous body, she could feel that same body beginning to change.

"O-ohh, Rudy..."

Tala's eyes bulged as she felt something new and yet intensely, intimately familiar pressing up against the fur and flesh of her firm stomach. Something growing. Something throbbing. Something which had not been there even as she laid herself down over Rudolph's beautiful body, but which now was undeniable in its presence. She tried to pull back, wanting to get a look at what was happening between their bodies, but moaned deeply as no sooner had she begun attempting to do so she found two strong hands grabbing at her horns yet again, and holding her in place against Rudolph as the reindeer stared hungrily up at her.

"Don't stop, Tala. It... a-aahhh, it feels too good. Oh god. You feel too good. Don't let this stop. D-don't let this feeling slip away. Please. Keep fucking me. Keep wanting me e-exactly the way you do right now."

The cow didn't have to be asked twice, indeed she didn't really have to be asked once. She couldn't help but want Rudolph in precisely the way that her body and mind alike wanted the reindeer, and even now as she felt what was happening between their bodies, as she felt the unmistakable pressure and growth of a cock sprouting between their flat stomachs and rising inch by inch towards where their breasts were pressed together, Tala didn't dare to question how it was possible. All she could do was be endlessly glad that it was, and take advantage of that fact for all it was worth. Harder and faster her hips worked against Rudolph's gorgeous backside, slapping her heavy balls loudly against the reindeer's rump as she plunged her thick cock into the pussy so eagerly and receptively squeezing and clutching around her. Light flashed across her face from Rudolph's dazzlingly bright nose, and even with her eyes shut Tala could see just how intense the red glow emanating from the reindeer was becoming, and how it was growing more and more so with each passing thrust. No matter how bright her nose though, nothing else about Rudolph could distract from what was growing between her legs and beginning to become so large that Tala and the reindeer alike could feel it beginning to press against the underside of their breasts. A new source of pleasure, one which Tala knew all too well could add so much to any sexual encounter, and which through her desire to share with Rudolph, she had now granted to the reindeer in a far more tangible, literal sense than she had ever believed possible.

"Oh god. Oh god, T-Tala! It's... aa-aahhhhh, it's still growing. Oh, I'm... ahhyesss, fuck me! Make me... a-ahhh, make it... yes!"

When their latest kiss broke and Tala threw back her head in a bellow of frantic pleasure, Rudolph glanced down the length of her own body as she cried out to the bovine herm in return. Her eyes bulged as she saw the thick tip of a cock, of her cock beginning to poke out from between her breasts, lying within the valley of her chest but throbbing and twitching, growing, extending more and more with each pulse. It looked like Tala's erection felt within her, its tip thick, flared, almost more equine-like than any of the many reindeer cocks she had frequently seen in her many years with the North Pole crew. More so than even Rudolph herself had realised, it truly was a precise reflection of what Tala had wanted her to experience. Not just any cock granting her more pleasure, but a duplicate of the cow's very own vast, hyper-sized cock. And by the same token, just like that huge cock still pressing feverishly in and out of her, she could feel her own brand new erection rising rapidly towards a state of pure and unfathomably potent pleasure which could only mean one thing.

"Tala, I... I'm gonna cum!"

Rudolph whimpered happily as she watched her cock growing bigger, and bigger, until finally she realised that it was getting so large that not only was its flared head fully past her own heaving chest, but that it was coming into range for her to attempt something else with it entirely.

"Ah. Ahh!! T-then... then do it!"

The cow grunted happily as she fucked Rudolph harder and harder still, her balls spanking the reindeer with a speed and violence that would surely have hurt them both were they not so overwhelmed by pleasure that even those intense feelings only added to their bliss.


Tala cried out as it became perfectly clear that she too was about to do the very same.

"Cum, Rudy!!"

She wailed, her cock throbbing and straining within the reindeer's soaking wet, powerfully clutching pussy as she stared down at the reindeer's brilliantly blazing nose and beautifully flushed, wide eyed face.

"Oh god. Yes. Yes! J-just like that. Just like... a-aahhh, just like I love to. Oh god, Rudy! Please. Cum for me!!"

The cow watched as Rudolph's brand new cock strained and grew one last time, that final burst of growth finally rendering her huge erection large enough for it to press against her lips without any effort on Rudolph's part to crane her neck. The reindeer took her cock into her own mouth, closing her lips around it and bringing her tongue to bear upon its drooling, quivering tip. She felt its shaft rubbing between her and Tala's bellies. She felt it rubbing between her own breasts. She licked it. Teased it. Squeezed its achingly tender tip with her lips and flicked at its already dribbling opening with her tongue.

Her eyes bulged.

She listened to Tala wail as hot cum flooded her own pussy, triggering its own savage climax as merely the vanguard of the cataclysmic pleasure yet to strike her.

From outside the hotel red light blazed from an open balcony door upon the fourth floor, from a room which was meant to have no occupants that night. An entwined pair of bellowing, echoing screams rang out across the hotel's grounds for residents, staff and anyone else present to hear. And as those cries grew not only ever more wild and passionate, but also rather wet, sloppy and muffled as they went on, and on, and on... only then did Tala's long and wonderful night with Rudolph truly begin in earnest.

By Jeeves

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