Meet Me in the Forest 2 (Patreon)

Story by huskyhuskyhusky on SoFurry

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#26 of Meet Me 2 (Patreon)


This is the first 1k words for the full story that is located on my Patreon. This is meant as a preview for the full story and the tags listed are representative of the fetishes found in the story's entirety

Awesome art by:

Captain Abold has been conscripted to take the mother of his unborn pup across the country to her home where she is able to be with the others of her domain.

Read the first chapter here:

Read the full story here:

Captain Abold had spent most of his day with the newest recruits of the kingdom, as was his duty when there were no campaigns to worry about or defenses to fortify. But there was something off about this day, the great dane didn't quite feel right. It was like there was a weight to his mind but he didn't know what it really was. Almost like a headache that wasn't painful. He couldn't quite shake it, and so after practice he promised himself to go and see one of the kingdom's healers to see if they might be able to determine it's cause. Normally he would have waited it out but there was something...terribly off about this feeling.

The canine was finishing up for the day and was getting ready to strip out of his full set of armor when a messenger came running into the training grounds and shouting for his attention. The towering dog turned and looked down at the charging mouse boy as he held out a letter sealed with the king's insignia in wax. He hardly needed to open and read it to know that it was a summons, and an urgent one at that.

Captain Abold hadn't bothered to take his armor off, it could mean that he would need to ship out as soon as possible if it were a mission and he didn't want to waste time with going back to the armory. He strode down the many halls leading to the throne room with purpose. Other servants and members of the kingdom lunged out of his way as he was known to barrel over anyone that was too slow.

Without breaking into anything faster than a quick walking pace, the canine got to his destination before too long. The two guards that were stationed beside the twin open doors nodded him through, though they had to crane their heads up to do so. The huge room beyond was lined with ornate fixtures and glamorous tapestries that showed the kingdom's sigil. Gold and dark red velvet adorned most of everything and beside each of the ten columns of the room there stood a heavily armed guard.

Captain Abold strode down the very center of the long room, the clank of his full plate being the only sound being made. At the far end of the room and up several stairs was the king seated on his an ornate chair of gold inlaid with jewels. He was a stout but athletic wolf. His long hair was drawn back and atop his head was the crown of his position.

On either side of the thrown were the court magi, robed figures that held staffs topped with a glowing gem. They were the most powerful battle mages in the whole kingdom, and they were incredible secretive and mysterious. The very sight of them made the hair on the back of Captain Abold's neck stand on end, but what sent a dreaded chill through his frame was a third figure that was near the throne, one that the great dane immediately recognized.

The witch from his last mission turned from the king to look down at the approaching captain. The canine froze in place when she did but not because he had come under any spell or fear, but because he had come to the foot of the steps. She held an innocent look to her eyes but he didn't much trust her, he didn't trust anyone that held themselves as part of any uncivilized forest society.

"Your majesty, I came as soon as I was summoned," The dog said and then dropped to one knee before his king. The wolf looked down at him and held a wide, warm smile like that of a father looking upon his son after some great victory.

"Please rise, Captain Abold," the king said, his voice just as even and deep as the canine's. The soldier did, and then gazed into the wolf's eyes. The king continued, "Again, Captain, I thank you for your valiant effort to retrieve the potion that cured my illness. The kingdom owes you a great debt."

"I need no payment other than my king's words of praise," the canine replied.

"Well, you will have far more than that, I assure you."

"You are too kind, my liege." Captain Abold dipped his head.

"This forest witch had wished to see how I was doing," the king gestured to the topless vixen by his side. "She says that the only payment that she wanted was your seed so that she may have a cub. Correct?"

"That is correct, my liege," Captain Abold said without hesitation.

"Well, let me be the first to congratulate you that the fruits of your labor. It seems that your cub is due late next Fall." The wolf was beaming proudly, his smile so wide that his eyes had closed. The great dane turned his eyes to the woman who was smiling proudly at him as well. He gazed at her flat belly as if he might see the slightest hint of a bulge, but he knew that he wouldn't this early.

"I took it only as an act of duty, my liege. I would have given my own life if it meant you would have been healed of you ailment." Captain Abold turned his eyes back to the king.

The wolf chuckled and stroked a paw against his chin. "I know you would have, Captain, but now there is one more favor that I must ask of you."

"Anything, my liege," Captain Abold said quickly and bowed his head.

"This forest witch, Sokia, has a pilgrimage to make to the south where her coven resides. Now that she is pregnant with an outsider's child, it is her duty. But the way is perilous and so she has asked me if I could supply her an escort and the provisions for her meager trip. I was more than happy to lend her my resources and I have decided that since you are the child's father and my most capable and trusted captain, that you would be her escort." The king looked to the side as he spoke and the vixen returned the gaze. She smiled warmly and then looked back to the dog.

Read the full chapter here: