Away A Home

Story by Theo Winters on SoFurry

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How bad can a single day get? Well for Rena in just starts out bad and keeps getting worse with every passing hour, leaving her at a loss how to even start dealing with it all. It doesn't help that she isn't in her right mind about any of it...

Editing work by FA: mustoshi


While this is not the meanest or foulest story I've written, I'm fairly sure it's the darkest. It's deal with a lot of low key (and mostly implied) mind control focused on ruining one persons life. There is no good end to this story and even for a downgrade story it's fairly extreme.

The story itself was written back it 2011, and has been sitting since then. Because of that it's probably not up to my usual quality.

Away A Home by: Theo Winters

Rena snuggled up to her boyfriend, running her fingers through the wolf's dark fur. "You are always so much fun," she said in a soft voice, a rolling purr filling her chest.

He chuckled softly and kissed her forehead. "I try to be, hon," David said, his voice soft as he nuzzled the nape of the lioness's neck. His paw slipped down to grab at her hip, squeezing gently at the tan fur.

"I'm going to miss you. Six weeks is far too long," she said, turning over in the bed until her reasonably ample chest was present against his firm body.

A frown passed over his muzzle. "I know, but it's my job. I'll be dreaming of you every day and night."

She smiled and slipped her paw down to squeeze his limp cock. "Getting off too, I hope?" she said. His equipment was fairly nice, thick and just perfectly long enough to hit all the right places inside of her, and she loved it when he tied with her.

"Of course, hon," he said, his eyes half closing as a low growl left his lips.

"Oh, all in your secret fantasy, hum?" she teased, fondling him. In the year they had been together, she had learned of many of his fantasies, but he still kept one from her, the one that seemed to arouse him the most.

He nodded, a smile fluttering over his lips. "Yes it is hon, but you know I love it."

"I wish you would tell me. I could try to be that for you," she said with smile, kissing his black nose.

"You wouldn't like it," he replied with a frown.

"So? Hon, it's what you love! I would be willing to try it, even a little bit," she answered.

David frown deepened. "Are you sure? It's not really a casual thing. It's more of a radical change."

"Would I need to get surgery, or dress up like a whore?" she asked. She had heard stories about some of the crazy things men wanted, and she wasn't willing to try something like that. She liked her body just the way it was.

"Oh no, nothing like that. But it's not easy. It would take everything you have to really and truly fulfill the role," he said in a whisper.

She smiled and kissed him again. "I can take it, hon. I know I can. I just want to make you happy, no matter what it takes."

The wolf looked a bit concerned, but finally nodded. "If you really want to, you can, but you have to truly want it."

"I do," she said, breathless.

He kissed her passionately. "Oh love, you have no idea what that means to me. When I get back from my trip, we're going to have so much fun!" he said, his paws running down her belly until he was stroking her sex, her lips still wet from their lovemaking.

Rena kissed him in return, wrapping her arms around him and pulling him as close as she could, forcing his fingers inside of her snatch. "I hope so, hon. I know I'm going to have fun!"

Licking her chin, he pulled away and let out a groan. "Shit, I have to get home if I want to be ready for the trip," he said.

She frowned, watching him slip out of bed. He still insisted on living in his own place across town. It was a nice house, but one that she didn't spend much time at. He liked to come to hers instead. He said the trip made him a better lover.

"Do you have to go?" she asked with a pout.

He nodded as he pulled on his pants. "Sadly yes, but I will see you in six weeks, love, and when I do, I'm going to fuck you like I've never fucked you before," he said, leaning over the bed and giving her a kiss.

"I hope so," she replied as they broke the kiss.

David pulled his shirt on and flashed his tail at her. "Have a good night, hon. Dream of me while I'm gone," he said before he slipped out of the door.

She sighed as he left, pulling the sheets up over her chest. "God, I love him," she whimpered happily, wondering what it was that turned him on so very much.

Part of her debated getting up to make dinner, but the rest of her just wanted to bask in the afterglow of the sex she just had. She could still feel his spunk leaking down her hips from her well-fucked pussy.

Finally she decided to lie in bed, letting the afterglow sweep over her. Before she knew it, she feel into a deep sleep, one deeper than she had ever known. Her dreams were of David, and how much she loved him.

* * *

It was a long week, and it took its time in passing. Rena did her work, doing everything she could, but the nights were long, and the weekend was very boring for her.

The only bright point was when she got a ring in the mail on Saturday morning. It was a simple, just a gold and silver band with a small black stone, but if fit her finger perfectly. There wasn't a name attached to it, but she knew that it was from David.

When Sunday night came, she didn't sleep Instead, she played with herself, enjoying her touch late into the night as she dreamed of her man, and what she would do to him when he got home.

Monday morning started poorly and quickly began to spiral down the drain. Rena had woken up late, well past her alarm thanks to a power outage that seemed to be localized just to her neighborhood. She showered and dressed in the dark, working as fast as she could. Even so, she was over two hours late leaving the house.

Traffic was even worse than usual, and her car was protesting the whole way. She had gotten it serviced a few months before, but it sounded like another trip was in order. She hoped she could afford it. There wasn't that much money in her bank account.

By the time she reached work, she was over an hour and a half late, and found Debra waiting for her inside of her office. The mare had a look of amusement on her face as she saw the lioness. "Well, well. It's about time."

"I'm sorry. Everything seemed to go wrong today," she told Debra as she dropped behind her desk, trying to log onto her computer, but finding that it wouldn't take her password.

The mare chuckled. "Bill wanted to see you as soon as you got in," she said.

"Why?" Rena asked, feeling a bit concerned. The advertising firm wasn't all that large, but she didn't like dealing with the owner if she didn't have to. He wasn't always a pleasant man.

"Just go," Debra said with a smirk.

Rena signed and walked back around her desk and down the hallway, the mare following her the whole way. She looked into Bill's office and found him looking very severe. "Sir?" she asked.

Bill motioned for her to come into the office. "Rena, close the door. It's time we speak about a few things," he said.

She nodded, and did as she was told, sinking down into the one other chair in the room. "What is it?"

"It's about the Hendrix file, as well as the Belladonna file," he said, pulling a folder from his desk and flipping it open. "I've been looking over your work on these projects."

A smile rushed over her muzzle. "Yes sir, I worked very hard on them," she said.

"Oh, I know it, and they are very happy with your work. Still, I have some concerns."

She shifted in her chair, looking up at the bull. "What concerns sir?"

"You copied quite a lot of information from these files, I believe, to take home with you," he said.

"Yes sir, Debra--"

He cut her off. "Told me everything. I will not allow you to steal my clients to start your own business. You are fired. You will be escorted back to your office to collect your things. Then you will leave this building."

Surprise cut through her face as her mouth fell open. "But... I worked hard on those. I wasn't trying to do anything like that," she protested.

"Now is too late for your lies. I've made sure to call all our clients and our competitors. You won't be working in this town again," he said, picking up his phone and quickly dialing.

She stood up and tried to protest. "I didn't do anything. I was just trying to do the best I could."

"Be thankful I'm not calling the police," he said as the door opened and two security guards entered into the room. They took her by the arm and dragged her out, past a smirking Debra.

The mare waved as she watched the lioness go past, a look of glee on her long muzzle.

The pair of guards watched her intently as she packed up her personal items, then took her back to her car. They didn't shove her out the door, but it was a near thing. She caught her jacket in the door, and it tore apart as she tried to walk away, sending her falling to the ground.

"Fuck, this was my last pantsuit," she said, pulling her jacket free and climbing to her feet. Picking up her things, she walked back to the car, climbing inside as fat drops of rain started to pelt the windshield.

She managed to make it most of the way home before the car finally sputtered and died, right in the bad part of town. She sighed and hit the horn for a moment, trying to compose herself.

"Can this day get any worse?" she asked as she climbed out of the car and into the heavy rain. She had a cell phone, but it was at home, forgotten in her rush to get out of the door.

The rain fell hard on her as she locked the car and started slogging her way home. She passed a few homeless huddled up in the doorways, trying to stay out of the cold rain, but it still soaked through their dingy clothing.

Wrapping her arms around herself, she kept walking, hoping to find a taxi, but doubting she would. At least not until she got past Maple.

That came to an end when a lion in a leather coat stepped in front of her and flashed a knife. "I want your purse," he said.

She pulled back in fright, feeling the rain soak into her fur. "It's been a bad day. I don't need this," she said.

Another lion came up behind her, grabbing her arm and twisting it hard. She let out a scream and fell to the ground, trying desperately to fight, but failing. The first lion bent down and used the knife to cut the strap of her purse, and then pulled it from her body. Her keys fell from the broken strap, landing in a puddle as the two men ran away.

"Fuck!" she said, slapping at the puddle as she fished out her keys. It was a small blessing that it was something for her to keep.

She continued on her way, starting to cry as the water washed down her fur, weighing her down. She slogged on past Maple and continued on her way home, wishing she could call for a taxi. It took two hours before she finally reached her house. By then, everything she had on was nearly ruined from the rain.

Rena shrugged off the clothing and dried herself off, throwing her jacket on top of the radiator to dry. She knew she had to take care of her credit card before it was too late, but she couldn't find the strength. She just dropped onto the couch and closed her eyes, hoping for the day to come to an end.

After a bit she reached out, trying to turn on the television. She pressed the wrong button and turned on the DVD player instead of the cable box. The image flickered onto the screen showing a man and woman in the middle of sex.

She snorted. It was one of David's movies. He liked his pornography, and left pieces of it when he visited. She didn't mind It seemed to relax him, and she liked watching him pawing his cock to the images.

Her eyes half-closed, she was about to pause movie, but stopped as the gasping of the woman filled the room. Rena closed her eyes, enjoying the sound of it as her paw slipped down to stroke her nether lips. Even after all that had happened, the images were making her horny, her sex starting to quiver in anticipation.

Quickly growing wet she slipped two fingers into her quim, her thumb rubbing gently at her lips as she let out a soft purr. With one eye, she watched the screen, enjoying the image of the well-endowed skunk screaming out in pleasure as an otter worked inside of her.

Rena started stroking herself in time to the movie, working her fingers a bit deeper with each thrust, her wetness soaking into her fur. She wished it could be the otter fucking her, but, for now, her paw would have to do.

Her own moans started to match the sound of the movie, the two voices becoming one as the sounds of fucking filled the room. She reached up with her other paw, stroking at her nipples until they were hard, then gently rubbing the nubs.

She brought her tail up, taking the tuft in her paw and shoving it into her sopping pussy, feeling it wigging and squirm inside of her, almost like a cock. Humping at the air, she started to moan, her body shaking as her pleasure rose sharply.

With a low squeal, she lifted her hips and slammed them back down onto the couch as her orgasm rushed over her. She squirted juices from her cunt, over her thighs and her tail.

Rena closed her eyes, panting softly, basking in the afterglow of the climax, allowing it wash her troubles away, at least temporarily. She let out a sigh and relaxed on the couch and drifted into a warm fugue.

By the time the evening came, she had stirred herself back to something like life. It was too late in the evening to call who she needed to, so she made a note to do it first thing in the morning. Wandering into the kitchen she dug around for something to eat, but nothing was appetizing. Instead, she settled for one of the beers in the fridge.

Normally, they were David's but she was in the mood to be drunk. Opening the top, she slurped some down--wincing at the bitter taste--but continued to keep drinking.

"How am I going to get a job? Bill is so god damn vindictive," she said with a grunt as she dropped back onto the sticky couch. She turned on the TV, but found nothing of interest.

It would be hard to get a new job, and it wouldn't be in anything she had any skill in. Maybe she could find some kind of secretary job... assuming, of course, she could get her car repaired, and that was a big assumption. What money she had in her account was probably already gone thanks to the muggers.

She finished her beer and went back to get another, swallowing it down without much thought. She leaned against the counter, her tail flicking against her legs as she tried to work out her options. Nothing was coming to mind by the time she finished her third, and last, beer.

Rena was starting to enjoy the feeling of being drunk, but with the beer gone, she needed something more. Digging around the kitchen she found a nearly empty bottle of Scotch. She slugged it back, feeling it burn on the way down.

"I'm going to need more," she said, setting the bottle down on the counter. It nearly missed, instead just teetering on the edge. She walked up to her bedroom and pulled on some clothing, not bothering to clean herself first. It was nothing too much: a dirty pair of panties, but no bra, some scuffed pants and a ratty shirt. She pulled her long hair over the collar as she dug around her room, pulling up he emergency cash out of the lockbox. Only a few hundred dollars bills, but it would do for the moment.

It would be a bit harder to buy anything without ID, but she knew a less-than-reputable place about a mile away. It would be a bit of a walk, but it would be worth it.

She pulled on a thin windbreaker and stepped back out of the house, locking the door behind her. The rain had almost let up, but it was still wet out, and it slowly started soaking into her fur. She trudged her way down the street, jumping over a few large puddle, but was unable to avoid the splash of a car as it rushed past, the dirty water crashing over her body.

Rena grunted and shrugged it off. It had been a bad day, and nothing was going to make it better. Eventually, she made her way to the store, brushing off the extra water as she stepped inside.

The store was a bit dingy, which was shown by the bright fluorescent lights that buzzed on the ceiling, giving everything an ugly glow. She walked to the back of the store, where they kept the hard liquor. She picked through it, selected a few bottles of whisky, a couple of rum, and two six packs of beer.

She took her collection to the front and watched the teller ring it up for her. Something about him seemed familiar, but she was too drunk to tell it was one of the men who had mugged her that afternoon.

"Is this all of it, or do you want something special?" he asked, a bit nervous.

Fumbling with her money, she pulled out a few bills. "Unless you have more than this," she slurred out.

He nodded and put everything into a bag, only keeping the whisky out to put in another bag. He took a hundred from her, far more than seemed right, but she didn't protest.

"Thank you," She said, taking her bags and walking out of the store, her tail dragging on the ground.

The lion smiled as she walked away. "Have a fun time," he said.

She waved a paw at him and continued on her way. The rain had started to lighten up, but there was still enough to mat her hair. She walked along in the darkness, the weight of the alcohol slowing her down. When she was halfway home, she raised the bagged bottle of whisky and opened it up.

Rena knew she shouldn't be drinking while out on the street, but she couldn't really help herself. It smelled so good, but with a hint of bitterness. Wrapping the bag tightly around the bottle, she took a swing of it, feeling it rush through her body and warmed every part of her.

She walked a little briskly towards home, occasionally taking another swing from the bottle. It wasn't all that good as far as whisky went, but it made her feel a lot better.

That feeling ended as she rounded the corner to see two fire trucks down her street and a fire reaching into the night. She didn't get more then two steps before she realized it was her house that was burning.

Coming to a stop she watched the flames, taking a huge gulp of whisky before she could even think about it. Carefully, she screwed the top on and put the bottle, now half empty, into the bag with the rest. It wouldn't do for the firefighters to see her drinking.

She stumbled down the street, watching as the fire burnt everything she owned, everything but the clothing on her back. She was finally stopped by a fireman who had a concerned look on his face.

"I can't let you any closer," he said.

"That's my home," Rena said, pointing to the burning building.

The fireman winced at the stink of her breath and helped her to the sidewalk. "Sit here. I'll get you someone to talk to," he said, then turned back to the fire.

Rena sat and watched the fire as her home collapsed. It was still burning when a police officer approached her, a concerned look on his face.

"Ma'am?" he asked, a strong-looking bear.

She looked at him. "Officer," she replied.

"This is your home?"

"Yes, sir. I'm Rena West," she said.

The officer looked her over, then to the bag that lay at her feet. "Have you been drinking?"

She nodded. "It's been a very bad day. I lost my job. I got mugged. And now this," she said, motioning to the fire.

"I understand. No harm done. I'm going to take you to a hotel. Once you sober up we can take your statement, okay?" he said, offering a paw.

She took it, rising to her feet, feeling very light-headed. "Thank you," she said, her voice slurring to the point that even she noticed it.

He nodded and picked up her bag, escorting her to the police car, and helping her inside. She leaned her head against the window, looking out as the firefighters put out the last of the flames, but not before everything was destroyed.

Rena watched with disinterest as they drove to the closest hotel. It wasn't the best place in the world, but it wasn't a bad place either. He helped her to the desk and helped her sign in.

Luckily, she still had her money, and was able to pay for a couple days. The officer eyed her with interest, but said nothing as he helped her to her room.

She entered inside and dropped onto the bed, her head feeling fuzzy.

"Will you be alright?" the bear asked.

"As best as I can be," she said, sounding a bit calmer than she felt.

He nodded. "Alright. Someone will be here to speak with you in the morning."

"Thank you," she said, falling back on the bed and hearing the door close. She struggled up to her feet and locked the door, then went back to her bag. She dug out her open whisky bottle and pulled off the cap, throwing her head back and drinking most of the rest of the bottle, spilling some of it onto her fur.

Gasping hard, she wiped her face with her sleeve, realizing she was still in her thin jacket. She pulled it off and threw it to the floor, then drank the last of the liquor.

As she tilted her head back, something fell out of the bag and smacked her on the nose. She coughed, setting the bottle down and picking up what she found. It was a small bag of something blue and crystalised.

Snorting she tucked it into her pants pocket. "Not my shit," she said, curling up on the bed and drifting off into an empty sleep.

* * *

Rena awoke with a start, her head pounding with a hangover. She rolled off the bed, letting out a gasp as she hit the ground, knocking the wind out of her.

Slowly, she pulled herself to her feet, shaking her head to try and clear it. She stumbled around until she found the bathroom, wincing as she turned on the light. Blinking in surprise she saw her reflection: her fur was a mess, her clothing was dirty, and she looked like she had been through hell.

"I hate being hung over," she muttered. Once nature had been taken care of, she poured herself a glass of water and went back into the main room, letting out a groan as she saw the clock by the bed. It was already eleven in the morning.

Not that she could even go to work... or even go home.

Letting out a short gasp she put her head in her paws and started to cry. Long gasping sobs made her chest heave as the tears ran down her face. The thought that everything she had, everything she owned, was gone, burnt to the ground, was worse than the hangover. She had lost everything: her photos, the letters her mother had written, everything about her parents... it was all gone.

She curled up on the bed, pulling her knees to her chest as she cried. All she had was the dirty clothing on her back and the little bit of money in her pocket. The only other thing she had was her car, but having been left in a bad part of town it was probably stripped already. She had to look into it, to be sure, but didn't trust that anything good would come of it.

Rena wanted to call David, but he was on the other side of the world, and without any form of communication. She had no real friends... at least none whom she didn't work with, and no family. She was alone, with no one to help her.

Unwrapping herself, tears still staining her fur, she walked over to the bag with her liquor. Quickly digging through it, she pulled out a can of beer. It was warm but it would do. Popping the lid, she gulped back about half of it, feeling the warmth as it hit her body. In a few moments she felt her headache starting to go away.

She gulped down the rest of the can, dropping it on the desk before she opened a second one and drank another gulp. Letting out a soft moan, she placed her paw on her head, rubbing her ears.

Time passed slowly as she tried to work out what she was going to do. There was insurance, which would cover most of the damage; maybe not her car, but at least her home. She drank the beer as she thought, working her way through her current can and halfway through a third before there was a knock at the door.

Gulping a bit, she looked at herself in the mirror, brushing her hair back to try and look presentable, but failing miserably. Finally she turned and opened the door a crack, seeing the police officer from the night before.

She opened the door all the way and smile to it. "Hello, Officer," she said.

The bear narrowed his eyes as her breath washed over him, then looked down to the can held in her paw. "How are you doing? Holding up?"

"It's been pretty bad," she replied.

He nodded and offered a paw. "You need to come with me. I have a few questions for you," he said.

Rena nodded, looking back into the room as she drank the last of her beer and placed the can with the others. Looking around she found a card key sitting nearby. Scooping it up, she shoved it into her pocket. The only other thing in the pocket was the small package she found the night before. She walked up to the officer. "I'm ready to go," she said.

"I see," he said, reaching past her to close the door. Together, they walked down the length of the building until they reached a police car. He climbed into the driver's seat, and she got into the passenger's side.

She adjusted the seat as best as she could, trying to get comfortable. The beer had helped the headache, and the heartache, but she could still use a shower and some clean clothing.

"How old are you?" the officer asked as he drove.

"Thirty-two," she replied.

He nodded his head. "Where do you work?"

"I just lost my job," she said darkly.

"I see. Well, that's too bad," he said, falling into silence, but looking at her out of the corner of his eye.

Rena nodded and crossed her arms over her chest, scratching at her dirty fur. She wondered how one properly recovered from the worst day of their life. Maybe she could beg Bill to hire her back, but she doubted he would be willing to do so.

They pulled into the police station, the bear turning off the car as they entered the garage. He left the car and walked around to her side, opening the door for her

She stumbled out of the car, finding herself less stable than she would have liked. She wobbled a bit as she followed behind the officer until they reached a plain room.

They walked into it, and each took up a place at the one table in the room. The bear glanced up at her with a fairly neutral look. "Now, I want you to tell me everything that happened last night," he said

Rena nodded and recounted everything the best she could, starting for her car stalling, and her mugging, then her trip to the store. She left out the part about pleasuring herself. It took about an hour to go through everything she knew, and she went over it three times. Each time it seemed like she had forgotten something, and the officer always picked up on it.

Finally he seemed satisfied by what he had, jotting a last few notes as he gave her a critical eye. "Is there anything else you would like to add?"

"No, that's everything," she said.

"Very well. I just need you to sign this," he replied, pushing a few papers over to her.

She sighed and pulled her paws paws from her pockets, her tail flicking in agitation as she signed her name onto the papers, then pushed them back over.

The bear took them and tucked them into a folder. "Would you like something to eat before I take you back to your hotel?"

"That would be very nice," she replied, rubbing her forehead. The headache was starting to return.

He took her gently by the arm, walking her to a small cafeteria. The smell of the food was greatly satisfying to her and she piled her plate with everything that she could. The officer paid for her and watched her intently as she ate the food.

Partway through the meal another officer came up to him and whispered something in his ear. A small smile crossed the bear's face as he looked to Rena. "If you would excuse me?" he asked.

"Go ahead. I'm not going anywhere," she replied, still working on her food.

The officer nodded his head and slipped away. He was gone for about ten minutes, only to return looking slightly disappointed and a touch angry.

He watched her intently as she ate. "Ready to go?" he finally asked as she finished the last bite.

Rena nodded her head, standing up and patting her belly. "Absolutely," she said, failing to suppress a fairly impressive belch.

The bear winched a bit, but said nothing. Instead, he took her back out to his police car, then back to her hotel. She waved to him as he drove off and then started back to her room. She was eager to get some more beer to take the edge off the persistent hangover.

Fishing out the key card she never even noticed that her pocket was otherwise empty.

As soon as she was inside, she grabbed another beer and quickly drank it, then dropped down on the couch with a sigh. She scratched at her chest. The shirt was rubbing her breasts and making her braless tits hard. She needed to get it clean. Hell, she needed new clothing before anything else.

Not that she had enough money. She needed to call the insurance company before it got too late in the day. Finishing the beer, she fished out a bottle of rum and popped open the lid, sipping it.

She dug out the phonebook and flipped through the pages until she found the number for her insurance company. Taking a long drink to build up her courage, she dialed the number.

"Hello. My name is Rena West. I need to file a claim," she said as soon as the phone was answered, slurring her speech.

"Yes, ma'am," the man on the other end of the phone said. "Give me a moment to pull up your information."

She nodded, taking another drink of the rum, enjoying the warmth it gave to her body. It made her feel very good.

"Okay, ma'am, I need your phone number and your address," he said.

Rena rattled off her information, almost drunk enough to not feel the pain at the loss of her home.

There was the sound of tapping on the other end. "So, what can we do for you?"

"My house burnt down last night," she said.

Silence came over the line, lasting for a few seconds before he spoke again. "I see. That's too bad. Have you filed a police report?"

"Yes, I have," she said, rubbing her eyes, starting to feel tired.

"Okay then. Do you have the report number, or the name of the investigating officer?" he asked.

She shook her head. After he said nothing after a few moments, she finally said, "No, I don't." She took another drink to wet her drying throat.

The insurance man signed and typed something. "I will contact your local authorities to get the relevant information. Do you have a place to stay?"

"Yes, I'm at a hotel," she said.

"I'll need the number to contact you there."

She looked at the phone, finding the number for the hotel and the room printed on it. She rattled it off to him and heard more typing over the line.

"We'll process your claim as fast as we can, but it will probably be Friday before we can provide you with any money. Will you be able to get by until then?"

"Of course!" she said, shaking her bottle of rum then looking into the bag with the rest of the alcohol. She had a fairly good supply.

"I'll contact you if I need more information. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you need anything."

"Thank you," she replied, then hung up the phone.

She dropped down onto the bed, taking another drink of her rum and then pulled her shirt off, tired of how it itched against her tits. She looked down over the fur of her breasts, smiling a bit as her thick nipples poked out like small rocks.

Setting the bottle to the side, she started to play with her breasts, enjoying the feeling of her paws rubbing the sensitive flesh. With one paw, she undid her jeans and pushed them off, kicking away her dirty panties as well.

Lying back on the bed, she closed her eyes and ran one paw down until it brushed the edges of her sex. A shiver ran over her body as her fingers teased into her warmth. After all that had happened, she knew she shouldn't be so aroused, but she couldn't help it. It just felt so good.

Slowly, she started working her fingers into her twat, pulling herself open as her other paw rubbed her firm breasts. A low purr was growing deep in her body as she started to finger herself, rubbing the flesh in all the right places.

Moaning softly, Rena closed her eyes. "I need a man," she whimpered, twisting her fingers, trying to press deeper but failing. Grunting in annoyance she looked around the room for something she could fuck herself with.

Her eyes drifted to the bottle of rum. It was thick and square, and reasonably long. Grabbing it, she quickly drank down the last half of the bottle, letting out a belch as it was done. With a wet sucking sound, she pulled her paw free of her cunt and pressed the bottle into it, moaning as it spread her open wider than ever before.

Rena squealed and started to hump the bottle, abandoning her breasts and using both paws to slide the bottle into her cunt. She clenched down on it, biting her lip, a little afraid that she may break the glass, but mostly not caring.

She started to hump the bottle with all her strength, her juices running thickly down her legs and onto the bed. With one last hump she felt the top of the bottle press deeper into her than ever before as her orgasm rushed over her.

Throwing herself flat on the bed she let out as scream of pleasure and joy as she came. Her tail flicked wildly against her leg, her cunt spasming against the bottle, causing it to throb in her sex.

As the orgasm finally passed, she collapsed on the bed, panting and covered in sweat and cum. She closed her eyes, enjoying the afterglow of one of the best masturbation sessions she had ever had, and hoping to do it again soon.

She finally drifted off, the bottle still lodged in her pussy, warm in her alcohol-induced haze.

* * *

Wednesday morning started with her stomach rumbling and waking her up. She rolled off the bed, grunting a bit as the bottle shifted in her quim, her dried juices making it sticky.

Rubbing her head she discovered that her hangover had returned. Slowly, she worked the bottle free and placed it next to the bed. She eyed it a bit and licked her lips.

She knew she needed to get something to eat and some clean clothing, but she couldn't go out looking the way she did. A shower was called for before she did anything else.

Walking to the bathroom she worked off both of her earrings, a simple pair with ruby stones that she had gotten for herself after graduating college. They were nice and complemented her fur. She then slipped off her new ring and placed it carefully so that it wouldn't be lost.

Rena climbed into the shower, turning the hot water on, letting out a low purr as it ran through her fur. Closing her eyes, she let it start washing away the dirt and grime of the last few days.

With her head pounding she reached for the provided shampoo and started working it into her fur. She had to put in extra effort around her groin to undo the matting from her juices. She was tempted to play with herself, but the headache dissuaded her from doing anything more than was needed to get clean.

She tried to pull her mind together as she rinsed off her fur, the warmth of the water helping her focus and bring her thoughts together. She needed to call the insurance company back. She was sure she hadn't told them everything they needed. Not to mention, she needed to try to find her car. She doubt that she could recover that, an abandoned car left in that part of town didn't last more than one night.

"I hate feeling like this," she said, pressing her head against the shower stall as the water cascaded down over her back and along her tail. It felt good to be clean again. She had gotten so dirty over the last few days. She couldn't understand why she had waited so long to take the shower.

It was probably all the liquor. She normally didn't drink, let alone as heavily as the last few days. It wasn't the best feeling in the world.

And the hangover felt almost as bad as losing her home.

Rena folded a bit at the thought of her home, tears starting to well up again. She would have to contact the Red Cross. They would be able to help her find someplace to stay, and some new clothing until she was on her feet again. Her old college roommate might be able to help as well, at least provide a couch for a few weeks.

She shut off the shower and shook her body, shedding as much water as she could. The only downside was all the movement made her headache worse.

"No more drinking," she said as she picked up one of the hotel towels, which was surprisingly fluffy. She started to work it over her fur soaking up the excess water.

The hotel didn't have a large drying tube, so she had to be satisfied with the pawheld one, even if it shook so bad it nearly made her paw numb. Using her fingers to brush through her fur she got herself as dry as she could be for the moment.

Walking out of the bathroom she picked up her earrings, putting them into her round ears, pleased at the familiar weight. She then put the ring back on, twisting it around her finger as she got it positioned.

She pushed her hair back, letting it fall down her back, almost to the base of her tail. Dropping onto the bed, she tried to think about where to go to get something to eat. She didn't know the area, so she wasn't sure. She hoped someone at the front desk would be able to give her directions.

Rena picked up her pants and pulled out her cash, quickly counting it and finding that it was only two hundred dollars. Not quite enough, but it would do for now. She tried to work out how much he could spend and still be able to afford the room until the insurance came through.

The hangover was making it very hard to think, and left her with a bit of a sickness at the back of her throat. She sighed and rubbed her head. Without really thinking about it, she got up, dug through her bag, and pulled out another beer.

Popping the top, she took a long drink, purring as it filled her belly. "I may not be much of a drinker, but this still feels nice," she said to herself as she walked around the room.

She moved between drinking the beer and pulling on her clothing. The panties were cruddy, but she didn't want to go commando. Being braless was enough. The jeans were easy, they were a bit dirty but not nasty. She could keep them for a bit longer. The shirt was about the same, but the front had collected a few stains from her different drinks. Without much choice she pulled it on.

Finishing the beer, she grabbed her money and her key card. Her headache was starting to fade a little as she walked out of the room and to the front office. The sky was dark and overcast, threatening to rain. But, for the moment, it was still dry. It would be snowing in a few more weeks.

She walked into the front office, looking at the older fox behind the desk. He was in his forties, a bit overweight. The moment she walked in, he looked directly at her nipples, which were hard from the cold.

"I need to find a place to eat," she told the fox as she walked up to the desk.

He nodded. "You're the girl in 127, aren't you?"

Rena nodded.

The fox turned to the computer a typed a few things in. "You've paid for two nights. If you want to stay longer you need to pay for more," he said.

"How much is it?"

"Ninety-five dollars a night,"

A frown spread over her face as she realized that would her with almost nothing. "Okay... I can pay for tonight, but if want anything to eat I can't pay for tomorrow. I should be able to get something out of the bank," she said, her frown growing deeper as she realized what money she had was surely gone by now.

"That's fine. Just have it by tomorrow afternoon," the fox said, holding out his paw. His eyes still hadn't lifted from her breasts.

She placed a hundred dollar pill in his paws, and waited patiently for the change. "Is there any good place to eat around here?" she asked.

"There's a place about a quarter mile up the street that has pretty good burgers. It's called 'Stew's,'" the fox said, pointing as he spoke.

Rena smiled. "Thanks, hon," she said, giving her chest a quick thrust forward before leaving the office. She debated walked that far in her bare feet, but didn't have much of a choice.

Rubbing her still-aching head she started on her way. The day was cold, even though it was past noon. It made her nipples fairly hard, causing them to push out the top of her shirt. The sky was starting to sputter out rain as she found the place, surprised to see that it was a small bar.

A smile crossed her lips. "Perfect," she said, purring the word as she walked inside. The barkeep, an old-looking mule with a gut that hung over his belt, eyed her as she walked inside.

"What can I get for you?" he asked as she sat down at the bar.

She smiled. "I hear your burgers are pretty good."

"The best. Anything else you would like?"

Rena thought for a moment, looking at all the taps and bottles that lined the wall. "I could use something strong," she said.

He lifted his ears a bit and sniffed at her. "You sure? You smell like you've been hitting it pretty hard."

Glancing down at her shirt she smiled. "That's all from last night. Anyway, I'm walking today," she said.

"How about a Long Island Iced Tea?"

She waved her paw. "No, nothing mixed, just something straight up."

"Ever had bourbon?"

"I don't think so," she replied

The mule nodded and poured her a glass, placing it down in front of her. She took it and sipped it, getting a taste for it. It was strong, and very warm, filling her belly and then quickly moving through the rest of her body. "That's good," she said, taking a larger drink.

He nodded and walked away, leaving her alone for a while as she worked her way through the glass, finding that it was smaller than she would have liked.

Thankfully, by the time she had finished her drink the bartender had returned with a large hamburger and a pile of chips.

"That looks good," she said, eating it without further statement. The meat was warm on her tongue and in her muzzle, and tasted fantastic.

She was also pleased when she saw that the bartender had refilled her glass. She picked it up and took a drink, using it to wash down her meal. In short order she had finished both the burger and the bourbon.

Feeling very happy, her headache finally gone, she pushed back from the bar and pulled out her last hundred dollar bill. The bartender took it and brought back her change. It was less than she was expecting.

She looked down at it, realizing that she didn't have enough money for one more night at the hotel. Maybe she could talk the fox into letting her stay Thursday night. Once Friday came she would have the insurance money.

Rena put the money away and started back to the hotel, frowning a bit as she walked into the rain. It was cold, quickly soaking through her clothing and her fur. Her top, mostly white other than the stains, quickly became far more transparent. The wet fabric clung to her breasts and showed her dark tits.

Hunching her shoulders she covered her chest with her arms, making sure she didn't give a free show for everyone to see. As she walked, she tried to think about how she was going to get enough money for one more night, if she couldn't convince the fox otherwise.

By the time she returned to the hotel she was soaked through, her shirt clinging tightly to her body. She was happy to get out of the rain and back into the room, pulling her wet shirt off as soon as she was inside. She dropped it over the bar for the shower curtain so it could dry. The water dripping from it and over the edge of the bathtub.

"Well, I guess that's washed now," she said, returning to the main room. A blush rushed over her ears when she saw that the curtains were open. She hurried to pull them closed, damning housekeeping for leaving them open and exposing her to anyone who might have been looking.

Once she felt safe, she walked back to the table with her alcohol on it and pulled out another beer, drinking it quickly. After the bourbon it was rather bland, but still felt nice in her. She turned the TV on, watching the news as she finished that beer and started on another. She only had a couple left, and she couldn't spend her remaining money to get more.

At least she still had a few bottles of hard liquor. She would just have to drink them. It wasn't exactly a hardship. She decided to save the beer as she took out her last bottle of rum and twisted off the lid.

Crossing her legs on the bed she drank the rum as she watched the television, finding it even more boring the usual. By the time she had finished the last of the rum she was feeling light-headed and horny.

She wanted to play with herself, but found herself to drunk to even get her fingers into her pussy. The combination of the bourbon and the rum was too much for her. With a sigh of regret she wiggled out of her pants and slipped into bed, the covers feeling warm around her. She reached out to turn off the light, wondering what the next day would bring.

* * *

Rena woke up a little bit before noon, pleased to find that she was still just drunk enough that the hangover was only just starting. As soon as she was really aware, she rolled out of bed and opened a can of beer, downing half of it in a few moments.

Setting the can down she wandered into the bathroom and relieved herself before tidying up as must as she felt was needed. Pulling her now-dry shirt on she looked at herself in the mirror. She was a sight. Her eyes were sunken, and her hair was a mess. The rain had only served to make the stains on her shirt run and look even worse than ever.

With a grunt, she walked back into the main room and pulled on her pants, snuggling them tightly to her. Sitting down at the desk with her beer, she tried to think of how she could raise the extra money. She could always pawn what little she had.

She felt she could part with the earrings, but not the ring on her finger. It was a gift from David, and she didn't want to lose it.

Finishing the beer she pulled out her money and counted it. Seventy-six dollars. Not enough, not by a wide margin. Rubbing her head, she collected everything. She would have to find a pawnshop.

Rena returned to the phone book, looking up the local pawnshops, trying to find the ones that were close to her old home. Sadly, there wasn't any for miles. She used to live in a better part of town.

Without even thinking about it she reached over and picked up a bottle of whisky, cracking it open and sipping it. She finally found a pawnshop, but it was still a few miles away, farther then she could easily walk.

Mentally recounting her money, she took a long drink and decided to call a taxi. It would cost her, but hopefully she could get it back at the pawnshop.

She tore out the page with the pawnshop's address on it and flipped through the pages until he found a taxi. The company gave her the runaround, and sent her to another company before she finally found someone who would pick her up.

Gulping down more of the whisky, she pulled on her windbreaker, not wanting to repeat her near-nudity of the day before. She waited inside the door of her room, drinking to pass the time.

She did not stop until the taxi finally arrived. She left the bottle next to the rest of her liquor and rushed out to the taxi. Crawling into the back, she told the driver where she was going and sat back as he drove off.

The feeling of the car moving was fairly nice to her, bringing out a low purr as she curled her tail around her body. She kept her eyes closed as they moved through traffic, hoping the ride wouldn't cost her too much.

Sadly, the driver wasn't willing to wait for her outside of the shop, and it probably would have cost her too much anyway. She walked into the pawnshop, her paws tucked into her pockets as she looked around the large place. It was well-tended, with long glass counters and various musical instruments hanging on the wall. The lights were bright, almost too much so, but the dim green carpet helped offset the brightness.

Walking up to the counter she rang the bell, getting the attention of the young wolf girl behind the counter. She looked up, her dyed red hair falling over her head before she brushed it away. The tag on her shirt said "Zelda".

"Can I help you?" the wolf asked, adjusting the small glasses that sat on her nose.

Rena nodded, reaching up to remove her earrings from her ears. She felt a small twinge as she sat them down on the counter. "I need to pawn these," she said.

The wolf nodded, picking them up and looking at them intently. She reached under the counter and pulled out a small jewelers loop and looked intently at it. "Rubies. Fairly small cut. I could probably give you twenty-five for them."

She blanched, it was twelve dollars for the cab ride over. She would end up gaining only a single dollars. "I need more than that. I can't keep my room if I don't get forty dollars," she said.

Zelda sighed and brushed her hair back. "I can give you thirty, but that's it," she said.

The lioness leaned forward onto the glass. "Please. I really need it," she begged.

Pulling back a bit, her nose wrinkling at the smell of her breath, the wolf shook her head. "No. I'm going to get in trouble as it is, unless you want to pawn that as well," she said, pointing down at the ring.

Rena pulled her paw back to her chest, covering it with her other paw. "I can't do that," she said.

The wolf clicked her tongue. "Then thirty is all I can give you," she said.

"I guess it will do then."

She nodded and pulled out a form from under the counter, filling out a description of the earrings before turning it to Rena. "Fill out the top two boxes," she said.

Rena took the paper and filled it out the best she could, dithering over the address. She finally put down the address of her old house and her old phone number. She doubted it would really matter.

The wolf took the page back and made a few more notes on it before pulling off the top copy, then a copy on the bottom. The middle copy she handed to Rena. "This is your stub, you have ninety days to retrieve it for the thirty dollars plus interest. After the ninety days, you can still return it, but they will go up for sale then. You may not get them back."

She nodded, folding up the paper and tucking it into her pants pocket. "I hope I can come back soon," she said.

Zelda gave the lioness a smile, but it was shallow. "Everyone says that," she said.

"I suppose they do," Rena replied before leaving the pawnshop, wishing she had a drink. She waited on the sidewalk, shivering a bit in the child air, until she was able to flag down a taxi.

The ride back to the hotel wasn't pleasant. She hoped she could convince the fox to let her stay one more day, but didn't know if she could do it. She was only a few dollars short. Maybe she could make up the rest by doing a little work around the hotel.

It cost her another twelve dollars to get back to the hotel. That left her with only eighty-two dollars to her name. The moment she was back inside the room she picked up her whisky bottle and took another drink of it, feeling it warm her body as it filled her belly.

Sitting on the bed she debated trying to get something to eat, but making her money situation worse wouldn't be any better for her. Not that it had stopped her before.

She pulled off her jacket, threw it onto the floor, and turned on the television. She didn't want to talk to the fox, at least not yet, and contented herself with finishing the bottle of whisky one drink at a time.

By the time she was done it was already the evening, the sun having set. The TV continued to drone on about something stupid that she couldn't care less about, and she finally turned it off.

Picking up a new bottle of whisky, she pulled off the top and took another drink. A moment later she heard a knock at the door.

She hurried to the door, looking through the peephole, finding that the fox from the front office was on the other side.

Gulp a bit, she took another drink of the whisky and pulled open the door. The fox looked her, first at her face, then the liquor, then finally at her tits. "Ma'am, checkout was at 1 PM. If you want to stay here tonight, you need to pay," he said.

Rena nodded and motioned for him to come into the room. He did so and shut the door behind himself. "Do you have the money?" he asked.

"I, ah... I have most of it," she said, setting her drink down and pulling the money from her pocket. "It's a little bit short, but not by much," she said.

He took the money from her, counting it quickly and nodding. "I see. What are you going to do about it?" he asked, handing it back to her.

"Well, it's not that much. I figured I could do some work around here tomorrow. You don't need any training to clean a toilet," she said.

The fox smiled a bit and walked over to her bag, pulling out the last can of beer. "You've been drunk since the moment you came here. I doubt you would be very good at doing much of anything," he said, opening the top and taking a drink.

She nodded, not happy that he took the beer. "I have to stay here. My insurance money will be coming tomorrow. After that, I can pay the missing money and for a few more days," she said, tears starting to form at the corners of her eyes.

He looked at the lioness, tsking his tongue a bit. "The rules are the rules," he said.

"Please. I'll do anything I can."

His ears perked up at this, a smile crossing over his long muzzle. "Anything?"

Rena nodded.

Teeth started to show as his smile grew. "Then I want you," he said.

"What?" she said in surprise.

He chuckled a bit, reaching out to stroke her ample breasts. "I want to screw you, hon. Have a nice long fuck with you tonight. You do that, and you can stay here for the night, no charge."

The lioness gulped a bit, then reached over to pick up her whisky, taking a long gulp of it. She debated what to do. She was in a relationship with David. Even if many other lions didn't believe in monogamy, she did. But she was in a tight spot. David probably would understand that, with all that had happened, she had no choice.

She nodded. "I guess that will be fine," she said, smiling a bit. "My name is Rena, by the way."

"Avery," the fox replied, taking a drink of his beer before setting it down and using both paws to rub her breasts.

Taking one last drink of her whisky, she set it next to the beer and started to stroke her paws over his chest. He had a belly on him, but it wasn't huge and was firm, not flabby like she had thought.

He pulled her closer to him, kissing the fur on her neck. She started to purr, enjoying the skill he had with his tongue. His scent was nice, clean, not like what she had expected with a man like him.

Avery grabbed the hem of her shirt, pulling it up over her head. She lifted her arms, allowing him to the remove the shirt and throw it to the side. As soon as her breasts were free he went right for them, rubbing his paws over her nipples, then leaning down and rubbing his muzzle between the soft globes.

Rena leaned back a bit, a purr coming unbidden. He had a nice, if rough touch, and her nipples quickly grew hard. She reached down to stroke his head, her tail flicking behind her legs.

The fox ran his paws over her back and down to grab at her ass, rubbing her slightly bony rump with a great deal of pleasure.

She wiggled it for him, enjoying his touch before he took his paws away.

He took a step back, looking at her with a smile and starting to pant. "Wiggle out of those," he said as he sat down on the bed, pulling his own clothing off.

The lioness nodded, placing her paws on her hips, starting with her rear she undid the fastener over her tail. She slowly stroked over the top of her pants as she spun around, shaking her ass at him as her paws moved to the front.

She bent over slightly and lifted her tail as she undid the button on the top of her pants, slowly pulling the zipper down to reveal her dirty panties.

Glancing back over her shoulder, she started to push her pants down over her hips, one at a time. She wiggled her ass she pulled them down. Ever so slowly, she stood back up, her paws pushing her pants down as she arched her back, pressing her breasts out a bit.

With one last push of her paws, the pants fell to her floor. Stepping out of them, she slowly turned around to look at the fox, smiling at him. She had enjoyed the dance. It felt good to show off for him. It was something she was going to have to do for David when she was back on her feet.

Avery was sitting on the bed, dressed in just his cotton briefs. The white fabric was straining with his erection, precum already staining the fabric. He had a smile on his face as he applauded. "Very good, Rena. Now come over here, and bring my beer."

She nodded, picked up both their drinks. She sat down next to him, handing him the beer as she took another drink of her whisky.

He placed a paw on her thigh, teasing at the hem of her panties. "You are very skilled. This is going to be a lot of fun," he said, taking a drink.

The lioness nodded as she took another drink, smiling at the pudgy fox. "Thank you," she said, then leaned over and kissed him. He returned the kiss, his tongue pressing into her muzzle, wrapping around hers.

He took their drinks, setting them on the night table before he wrapped his arms around her and pulled them together. His erection pressed up against her leg, feeling very large in his briefs.

She reached down and slipped her paw into his shorts, grabbing gently at his cock, feeling it warm and firm in her paw. It had the familiar canine shape, with a pointed tip and a familiar swelling at the base.

Slowly, she started stroking the shaft, enjoying the smooth skin as she worked it free of his shorts, letting out a purr as she saw it. "That's very nice," she said.

"So are you," he said, reaching out to stroke her firm breasts. "I would love to fuck these."

She nodded happily, letting go of his cock and pulling at the briefs. He lifted his hips and allowed her to pull them free of his ass.

Avery sat back down on the bed and spread his legs, his cock rising from his legs and rubbing against the curve of his belly.

Without any prompting she dropped between his legs and nuzzled at the cock, feeling the pre smear along her whiskers. Rena flicked out her tongue and licked up the precum, then kissed the head of his cock.

The fox reached down and placed a paw on the back of her head, pushing gently.

She flicked her ears against his fingers as she opened her muzzle and allowed the cock to slip inside. The taste was different than David, with a nice twang and a meaty taste. She took it eagerly, allowing the shaft to slip over her lips and into her muzzle until the tip brushed against the back of her throat.

Rena let out a purr, her ass rising a bit as her tail tuft started to flick in pleasure. Reaching out with one paw she rubbed his heavy balls, well-filled, but not quite the size a lion would have. Even so, she knew she would get a nice load of cum from them.

She started to slurp her way up the cock, her tongue wrapping around the shaft as she teased a bit with her teeth. Not enough to hurt him, but still enough for him to enjoy. She could tell he was doing just that as he let out a low growl, his bushy tail pressing to his side.

Her head started to move faster, bouncing against his paw as she enjoyed his shaft. His precum was flowing heavily against her tongue, thick and salty, and very much to her taste.

Avery leaned back and pushed her away from his cock. "You have a talented mouth. It's a shame I can't use it too often. I think I'm going to fuck those luscious tits of yours."

The lioness nodded and climbed onto the bed, lying on her back, still in her panties. She gave him a smile, one paw reaching down to rub her twat through the cloth, surprised to find that she was already wet, even more than with David.

Straddling her body, Avery maneuvered himself until his cock landed between her breasts. He pressed his paws against her soft flesh, mashing her tits together around his shaft.

Rena lifted her head, pressing her muzzle between her breasts to lick at the head of his cock. His precum was already starting to cover her fur as he began to thrust against her.

This was something different than anything she had ever done before. There were a few things she never allowed David to do, including tit-fucking and anal sex. She was quickly regretting her first choice, as it felt fantastic.

Avery was starting to pick up speed, his balls beginning to bounce against her chest. She reached up to grab his bushy tail, then pulled it down until she was rubbing it against her soaked panties. The friction of the fur felt so very good against her sex.

"You are a great fuck," the fox said, flicking his tail tip as he picked up speed. His precum was thick between her tits, giving him a smooth passage.

She smiled up at him. "Thank you, hon," she said. Licking her lips, she pulled her wet paw out from her twat and lifted it to her face, licking her juices clean.

The fox closed his eyes slightly as he started to really go at her, his cock head poking out of her cleavage and hitting her square on the nose.

Opening her mouth, she lolled out her tongue, teasing the thrusting cock head, hoping that he would cum soon. She had to know if his cum tasted as good as his precum.

Avery took aim at her open muzzle, thrusting harder so the tip slipped inside. She flicked her tongue over the tip as she ground on his tail.

He started to grunt, a low growl growing from deep inside of him as he humped her tits like there was no tomorrow. She leaned forward to take the shaft, teasing its head of the shaft.

A long moan escaped his lips as his cock pulled and shot a thick load of cum into her face. The thick ropy seed splashed over her face, only some of it getting into her mouth.

She lapped at it as he came again, this time missing her muzzle and spraying the thick seed over her nose and face. A thick gob of it dropped over her eyes.

With a grunt, he came one last time, the semen splashing over her chin and trailing back over her chest to the tip of his cock.

Rena licked up as much of the cum as could before dropping her head back onto the bed. "You taste wonderful," she said, reaching up and pulling a thick glob from her face and licking it from her finger, savoring it.

"I'm not done yet," he said, pulling off of her and looking down at his handiwork. He gave his cock a few strokes, milking out a few more thick drops of cum over her already-soaked breasts.

She smiled, reaching to the table and grabbing her whisky, taking a long drink of it. The mix of flavors was very nice. "It's a very good start," she said.

Flicking his tail around he picked up his own beer, drinking it quickly. "You are such a hot slut," he said, using his other paw to rub at her cunt. He grabbed the hem of her panties and pulled them down her legs. Once they were free he threw them to the side.

"Eat me?" she asked.

Avery nodded and moved between her legs, pushing them wide open to expose her sex. He explored it with his fingers, pulling open the lips to expose the goodness inside. He placed one pav over her clit, eliciting a moan from her.

With a smirk, he lowered his thin muzzle until his nose was pressed into her pussy. Nuzzling gently, he flicked out his tongue, tasting her.

She took one last drink of the whisky before setting it aside. Leaning back, she felt a jolt run through her body, mixing with the warmth of the alcohol.

He wasn't an expert at cunnilingus, but he did a good job of it. His eagerness made up for his inexperience.

Closing her eyes, she leaned back and enjoyed it, letting out a pleased moan when he hit just the right spot. There was no need to pretend to enjoy it. She really was aroused, as her flowing juices attested.

He used his tongue and fingers to tease and please her, but never took advantage of his muzzle. It would have been a perfect fit for her twat. She humped back at him in him, wiggling and moaning.

"Higher, go higher," she moaned, pressing down onto him.

Avery followed her directions, working in just the right place to bring a long moan from her lips. Her tail flicked in excitement as the tuft pressed up to his cock, which was hard again.

The fox lifted his head, his eyes slightly crossed at her touch. "I have got to fuck you," he said, licking his lips clean as he climbed up over her.

Rena reached out to grab him, pulling him into a deep kiss, tasting her juices on his lips, his own cum still on hers. Their tongues played with each other, wrapping around and moving between their muzzles as she stroked her paws over him, rubbing his thick ass.

He maneuvered himself until his cock was rubbing her thigh, the tip already leaking precum onto her wet fur. It didn't take him long to maneuver himself into place until the tip of his erection pushed open her cleft.

She moaned happily and pushed down against him as they continued their kiss. The tip of his cock entered her easily, slipping into her until she had enveloped him completely.

Breaking the kiss, he pressed down against her, licking her chin. "You feel fantastic," he said, reaching out to pick up his beer and taking another drink.

The lioness smiled and kissed his chin as she stretched out, reaching for her own drink, but it was just out of reach. He picked it up and put it in her paw. She kissed him again. "Thank you, hon," she said, taking another long drink, almost finishing the bottle.

Avery took the bottle from her and placed it back on the table. He ground himself against her, letting out a long grunt. "You fit so damn well," he said.

A smirk crossed her lips. "My boyfriend is a wolf," she said.

His eyes went wide and a smile spread over his face. "Oh! Does that mean I can tie with you?" he asked, excitement growing in his voice.

"Of course," she said, licking his nose, then kissing him again.

The fox smiled and started to thrust into her, starting slowly, but picking up speed with each thrust. His knot was already starting to swell and pull against her sex.

Rena pressed back at him, a purr escaping from deep in her body as his cock pressed into her. She wrapped an arm over the back of his head and pulled him down into a kiss.

Their bodies pressed together, moving as one, matching each other thrust by thrust, lunge by lunge. There tongues played with each other as the speed of their fucking increased.

The lioness pulled him tight to her. Together, they rolled over until she was on top. She pushed him down, holding him in place as she started riding him, grinding down against his cock and thick knot, not quite enough to tie them just yet.

Avery reached up and grabbed her breasts, working his paws over them, teasing her nipples with his fingers. He rolled his tail up between his legs to stroke at the base of her tail, hitting the sensitive spot just above her ass.

She let out a long moan and closed her eyes, riding him harder as a gasp escaped her.

The fox smiled at this and started to hump at her, working in time with her grinding as she worked his tail up against her sweet spot.

Rena's body shook as she came, her cunt pulling tight around the fox's shaft as she thrust herself down onto him. A small cry escaped her lips as her juices flowed over his shaft and balls.

"Ah, fuck," he said grabbing her hips and pulling her down hard onto him. His knot swelled as her sex fluttered around his shaft.

For a moment they both paused to catch their breath before they started to fuck again.

Avery pulled her to him and rolled again until she was on her back. He pressed tighter to her, curling her back as he began to fuck in earnest, his knot swelling with each thrust.

The lioness closed her eyes, the heavy sound and smell of their sex filling the room, their heavy juices combining on the bed. With each thrust her cunt grew tighter, pulling at her cunt lips until he tied with her.

His thrust came up short, tugging at her sex before he slammed himself back in. He started using short quick thrusts, grunting as he ground deeply into her.

Rena loved the feeling of a knot in her sex. The feeling of it twisting and pulling at her brought her closer to another orgasm.

Letting out a howl, he shoved in as deep as he could, cumming hard into her sex. She could feel every spurt of his hot seed rushing into her, sending her over the edge. Her twat clenched around his thick knot as she came in time with him, and, for one moment, they became one.

As the moment passed, Avery relaxed, falling against her with a grunt and low moan. "God, your one of the best bitches I've ever had. I have to get more pussy," he said.

She laughed and kissed his neck, tugging gently at her cock, feeling his knot firmly tied inside of her. "Kitties are always good fucks," she said.

"I'm going to have to find out," he replied, reaching over to grab his beer and her whisky. He gave her the drink as he sipped at his own.

Rena took the whisky and gulped down the last of it, purring as it settled in her belly. "How long until you go down?"

The fox looked away, blushing deeply as he tried to hide his ears. "About an hour and a half. I'm a bit of a stayer."

She giggled. "I can see that. I guess we'll have to spend the night."

"I think that will be enjoyable," he said, kissing her cheek as he pulled the covers over them both.

The lioness reached to turn out the light.

* * *

The morning came early as Rena rolled over in bed, reaching out to search for Avery, but finding that he was gone. Pouting a bit she sat up, rubbing her head, felling a touch of a hangover, but nothing that couldn't be cured with a little more to drink.

Stumbling out of the bed, she walked over to the table and took out her last bottle of whisky, sipping at it for the time being. She didn't want to rush it too much, as it would have to last until the insurance money came in. Then, she could get some more.

She settled back onto the bed and brushed her paw over her fur, felling the stickiness of the dried cum over breasts. It felt nice there, clinging to her fur. It was too bad she was in a relationship with David. Avery would have been a very enjoyable boyfriend.

Rena sipped at the whisky and debated jumping into the shower, but that was interrupted by a knock on the door. She walked over to it, looking out the peephole, only to discover that the police officer was on the other side.

"I'll be right there," she called out, hurrying over to where her clothing was piled. She pulled on her panties and her pants. She pulled on her shirt as she rushed back to the door, glancing a herself in the mirror as she went past. She looked warmed over, but at least the hangover was already gone.

Taking one last drink she pulled open the door, smiling a bit to the bear on the other side. "Afternoon, officer," she said, slurring slightly. Her belly rumbled a few moments later, reminded her that she hadn't eaten since Wednesday.

The bear looked her up and down, displeasure crossing his thick face. "Ms. West, I need you to come back to the station with me,' he said.

"Is everything okay?" she asked with a frown.

"For the moment," he replied.

She nodded, picking up her jacket and pulling it on and then pulling it around herself to keep out the chill of the late fall air. "What do you need me to do?"

"There are just a few things we need to discuss," he replied, walking with her to patrol car and opening the passenger side door for her.

Rena slipped inside, pulling the door closed after her. She glanced around the car, feeling a bit fenced-in by the large computer that sat between the seats.

The bear slipped into the driver's seat and started on their way. He said nothing to her as they drove, occasionally looking towards her with narrowed eyes.

She just leaned back in the seat, rubbing her muzzle a bit. What she really wanted was another drink, but taking the bottle with her would have been uncouth. Instead, she kept her eyes closed, not really paying attention to where they were going.

It didn't take long for them to reach the station, and he parked in the same space he had used before. She climbed out of the car, rubbing her eyes a bit and running her paws through her hair, trying to make herself look presentable.

The bear took her gently by the arm and escorted her through the station until they came to another interview room. This one was fairly bland with white walls. It looked much like the ones she always saw on television.

Sitting down across from her, the officer folded his paws and looked intently at her. "Now, I want to speak to you about what happened to your home."

Rena nodded. "I'll tell you everything I can."

A small smile spread over his face. "I hope so. We found the presence of accelerant in your home, which points to arson."

"Arson?" she asked, a bit confused.

He nodded. "That is what we call it when you burn down your own home," he said, his voice dripping with contempt.

"I did no such thing!" she spat out.

The bear shook his head. "I believe you did."


"The insurance money. You lost your job, your bank accounts were overdrawn and your credit cards were maxed out. You needed the money to support your drug habit."

Rena spluttered in surprised. "Drugs? I have never used drugs. I might be drinking a bit, but you can understand that with what happened."

He smirked. "You dropped your meth right here in this room after we last talked. You can't deny that."

"That was in my bag. I didn't buy it," she said. The protest sounded false, even to her ears.

"I find that very unlikely," he replied.

She thought about it for a moment then placed her paws on her head, her ears dropping into her hair. "So I'm under arrest?" she asked, dreading the idea of going to prison.

The bear looked at her for a moment the let out a long sigh. "No, you're not. No matter what I believe, the DA doesn't think it is enough to try you, so, for the time being, you're free to go."

A long sigh escaped her lips as she allowed her head to lift slightly. "I am?" she asked, hardly able to believe it.

He nodded. "I would love to see you behind bars, but I can't. I'm going to keep an eye on you. The next time you pull this shit, I'll come down on you so hard, your head will spin.'

Rena stood up. "I guess you won't be giving me a ride back to the hotel then," she said.

"No, I'll let you make your own way back."

"Then I'll find my own way out," she said, turning back to the door.

The officer cleared his throat. "The DA may not think there is enough evidence to charge you, but not your insurance company. They have suspended your benefits. You're not going to get a cent for your fraud."

She slumped sightly, her paw resting on the door handle. "You're kidding," she whispered.

"I never kid," he replied.

Clenching her eyes tightly, trying to fight back the tears, she twisted open the door handle, pulling it open and stalking out of the room. She wrapped her arms around her body as she found her way through the police station, every eye on her. She finally made her way out the front door and into the cold.

She stood out there, shivering, her hide growing tight under her fur. She debated what she was going to do. She had to at least get back to the hotel. She could work it out from there.

Finally she was able to wave to a passing taxi and climbed into the back, giving the driver the hotel's address. She sulked as the car moved through the city streets, worried about everything.

Rena needed a place to stay. She doubted Avery would allow her to keep the hotel room in exchange for sex. There was always the YWCA, they would take her, at least for a little bit.

Once David was back in town, she would go to him. He would help her get back on her feet. Maybe he could even help convince the insurance company that she didn't burn down her home.

The ride back was expensive, costing her twenty-three dollars and leaving her with an even sixty-five. It was all the money she had in the world.

Returning to her room she was very pleased to find her bottle of whisky. Sitting on the bed, she leaned back and took a long gulp of it, the alcohol killing some of the pain she felt.

"What do I do now?" she asked herself, rubbing her shoulders as she took another drink. Looking around the mess of the room, the only thing she had left was her clothing on her back and the liquor in her paw. She had nothing, nothing at all.

Gulp by gulp, she finished the bottle of whisky, the feeling of the gnawing pain start to recede. She was very disappointed when she finally finished it, throwing it onto the bed.

Standing up, she rubbed her head and ears. "I need more to drink," she said, pulling open the door and walking outside. She paused a moment, then dug her key card out of her pocket and threw it back into the room.

She wasn't coming back.

Rena started down the street, heading towards the closest convenience store. She found on a short distance away and spent ten dollars on three cheap bottles of whisky. She opened one as soon as she was out of sight, drinking a huge gulp of it. It wasn't the best in the world, but it still helped.

She continued to walk, heading for where she thought the YWCA was, but she knew it was across town. The sun moved over the sky as she continued on her way. Her feet were starting to hurt,d the chill was getting to her, and the whisky wasn't helping anymore.

Finally, as the sun set, she found herself in a dirty little park tucked between a building and the freeway. She dropped down onto a bench, her feet hurting and feeling very tired. She took another drink of her whisky, feeling it warm in her belly.

Leaning back on the bench she closed her eyes, feeling her nipples grow hard in the cold night air. She had no idea where she was going to stay for the night and her fur wasn't going to be any protection from the cold.

A few minutes later she felt someone sit down on the bench next to her. Lifting her head, the lioness looked over to see a homeless goat next to her. He was wrapped in dirty clothing and looked a bit gaunt.

"Hello," she said.

He smiled. "Hello yourself. You new out here?"

"I'm Rena," she said.

"Benny," the goat replied, brushing a paw over his head. His thick hooves like fingers were dirty, just as much as his clothing.

"Nice to meet you, Benny," she said, and offered him her whisky.

He took it, bringing it to his nose and sniffing at it before taking a quick drink. "That's very nice," he said, handing it back.

"It's cheap," she replied.

"Then that's not bad for the cost," he said, tugging her long coat around his body. He then reached out and played with the fur on her neck, causing her to pull away from him "Your winter coat isn't in. You're going to freeze out here."

She blushed. "I really hadn't planned on this," she said.

"None of us ever do. No one wants to live out here. But it's where we are. Listen, I have a small shelter under the bridge. It's not much, but it will keep us out of the weather," he said, standing up and shrugging off his coat, revealing his dirty clothing underneath: two shirts, each with holes in them, and a ratty pair of jeans. A bag was hanging under his arm, pressed up against his body.

He held the coat out for her. "Take it. I'll be fine tonight. In the morning we'll check the dumpster behind Vinnies. It won't be the best stuff, but we can find something to keep you warm."

Rena looked at the coat, then back up to him. He was exactly the type of person she always went out of her way to ignore: never talking to them, never giving them a cent. And now, here he was, offering her his coat. If she took it, would she be any better than he was or was it already too late? Did taking it make her the same as him? Did she have a choice?

Reaching out she took the coat from him and pulled it over her shoulders. It was musty, smelling like dirt, beer, and piss. She pulled it around herself, the scent wafting through her, as did the warmth of it. A low purr escaped her lips.

"That's better," Benny said, placing a hoof on her shoulder.

She nodded. "Yes, it is."

With a smile he motioned for her to follow him. Together they walked through the park until they reached a tall fence that blocked the overpass. The goat moved to a section of the overgrowth that covered the fence, parting it to show a hole in the chain link.

"Ladies first," he said.

Pulling the coat tightly around her, she ducked down and crawled through the gap. The ground was muddy from the recent rains, and she felt it soak through her pants, covering her lower legs and knees.

He followed her, passing through the gap while staying on his feet, and keeping the sharp edges away from his fur. "Did you hurt yourself?" he asked.

"I'm fine," she replied.

The goat nodded and continued down the edge of the freeway, under the overpass. The place was a mess, with papers, junk, cardboard, and blankets lying on the ground. A few others were already there, curled up in the darkness.

Benny smiled. "It's not much, I know, but I've been here for a year. Now, down there is the latrine. You can find it by the smell. Just avoid the plants by the fence over there. They don't make good toilet paper," he said pointing out as he spoke.

She gulped and nodded. "I'll remember that."

The goat walked up to a space under the overpass. where a couple of boxes had been hastily shoved together. "This is it," he said.

"It's nice," Rena replied not meaning word of it, looking around a bit before she sat down. Pulling out her whisky bottle she took another drink, a bit dismayed to see it was almost gone. At least she still had two more.

"You can stay here for a few days until you can find a place to go, or we can get something of your own."

She thought about it for a moment. She could still make it to the YWCA with only another couple of days of walking. Looking down at her paws, she swished the liquor in her bottle then drank down the last of it. She wasn't going to go to the YWCA. They probably wouldn't take her anyway.

"I don't really have a place to go, at least not until David gets back in town in about a month," Rena said.

"David?" he asked, tucking his legs under his body and pulling at his topmost shirt.

She nodded. "My boyfriend, before everything fell apart. He'll help me, I'm fairly sure of that... at least, I hope he will."

Benny snorted. "Friends don't give you shit when you end up on the streets. They don't want anything to do with you," he said with some distaste.

"I hope not," she said, looking at her empty bottle, then shoving it away, watching it roll down the dirt to the bottom of the overpass, catching some of the light from the city above them.

"There's not many people you can trust out here, other than the people at the shelters," he said.

The lionesses ears perked up at this. "Shelters?"

"They are only open on Sunday, except around Christmas," he replied.

She nodded and dug out another bottle of whisky, twisting the cap off and taking a long drink. "I guess I'll just make do," she said, pulling the dirty coat around her body.

"That's all any of us can do," he said before crawling his way into the back of the overturned box and pulled some old blankets over his back. A moment later, he threw one to her.

Rena pulled it around her body, trying to stay warm as the chill of the night fell over the city. The blanket didn't hold much heat, but the whisky helped warm her from the inside. When she was halfway done with the bottle, she screwed the lid on tight and curled up at the edge of the box.

Sleep came to her fast, and her dreams stayed at bay.

* * *

Rena blinked her eyes opened as sunlight fell over her face. A few moments later, the world around her materialized, the underside of the overpass looking dim and dirty in the morning light.

She sat up and felt the blanket fall off of her. Yawning a bit, she rubbed at her eyes. Her head was just starting to ache with a hangover. Without thinking about it very much, she picked up the whisky and took a swig.

"You really like that stuff," Benny said as he climbed back up to the boxes. Most of the others that had slept under the overpass with them had already dispersed.

The lioness shrugged. "It makes me feel good," she said.

"Ah, I see. Well then, don't drink it too fast."

"Good advice," she said, taking another drink before closing the bottle and placing it in a pocket in her jacket. She added the other bottle to her pocket as well. "Can we get some food?"

"Generally, late evening is the best time to dumpster dive. You'll just have to learn to be hungry," he said.

She reached into her pants pocket and felt the bills in there. "I have a few dollars."

The goat's eyes lit up for a moment, then he waved a hoof at her. "Keep it. Food is easy to come by. Your drinks will cost more. A few dollars is good starter money," he said.

Flicking her ears back she looked at him. "Starter money?"

"It helps to have a few dollars to start when you beg. You're cute. You'll be a natural. I'll show you the ropes later on."

"I look forward to it," she said, and, strangely, she knew it was true. It would be doing something. If she could save up some money, she could put things together, or even just get her earrings back.

"Come on, let's get you some clothing," he said, and started back into the city.

She followed him, walking through the morning streets. The traffic was already growing heavy, but no one seemed to look at them. Even the people on the sidewalks just ignored them.

They didn't stay on the streets for very long, ducking into an alley and moving through the dirty back ways of the city. Past dumpsters, some dry, some with a thick wet scent that stung her nose. The rot of decay filled many of the places they walked. The dirty water that covered the ground stained the fur of her bare feet.

"Should I get some shoes?" she asked.

The goat looked down at her feet, then down at his hooves. He wore a pair of ratty sandals that didn't do much to stay on. "It doesn't matter, really, once you build up some callous. I need special footwear, so I wear them," he said.

She nodded, not saying anything else as they walked along the alleys. Every time they had to cross the city streets, they waited on the sidewalk, the crowds parting around them.

They were invisible to everyone else.

After an hour of walking, they finally came to a stop next to a pair of dumpsters behind a large building. These didn't smell bad, instead they had the scent of wet fabric and fur.

Benny pushed one open and looked inside of it, his stubby tail flicking. "Junk," he declared as he dropped back to the ground.

Pulling out her bottle, she took a quick drink before taking a look herself. It was filled with broken furniture and chairs. Not good for clothing, but maybe usable for building some sort of shelter.

He moved to the next dumpster, and let out a pleased sound as he threw it open. "It hasn't been totally picked over," he said, climbing inside.

Rena walked up to the edge, looking in and seeing that it was mixed of clothing, toys and other such junk.

"Take off my coat," he said.

She pulled the whisky bottles free and placed them on the ground. Then she pulled the coat off,draped it on the edge of the dumpster then took off her windbreaker as well.

Billy stood up and offered her a shirt with a large tear under the sleeve. It was bigger than she was, but she took it anyway and pulled it on. It hung lose, but was comfortable.

He dove back into the dumpster then came back up with a handful of gloves of all different types. "Here, find some that fit," he said, handing them to her.

Taking them from him, she dug through the gloves. Most of them were too small, but she eventually found two that would fit. They were both for the left paw, but turning one inside out fixed that problem.

Once she was finished, she handed her a pair of socks. "Cut out the heel and the toes. Otherwise, they will be worthless," he ordered.

"Like leg warmers," she replied, remembering when she was in high school. She quickly cut them with her claws and pulled them over her lower legs. It made an immediate difference.

She looked up again, and he offered her a sweater with small holes around the collar. She took it from him and pulled it over herself. It was tight across her breasts, but didn't cause her much trouble, and kept out the chill.

Pulling her thin jacket back on, she wedged the whisky bottles in the pockets, but not before taking another quick sip.

Benny looked at her over the edge of the dumpster. "I can't find any better jackets, but that will do for now," he said, pulling himself out of it and back to the ground, then put his coat on.

"I can live with these clothes for now," she said.

He nodded then walked back to her, putting a knit hat on her head. "That's the best thing to do. Come on, I'll show you the best places to beg," he said, and walked down the alley.

She followed him.

"Don't worry. You'll do just fine out here," he said.

The next few days went by in a blur, as she learned how to live on the street. It wasn't easy, not at all. No one liked them, or wanted them around. That made begging hard work.

At least the begging was something she could do. A young woman, down on her luck, got some attention, and a little bit of money. Enough to buy a cheap bottle of whisky every few days, which she had learned how to nurse to make it last as long as possible.

Every now and then, someone would offer to help her, to take her someplace to get her cleaned up, but she turned them down. She wasn't going to leave unless it was David helping her. The money never lasted long. No matter how much she tried to save it, it always seemed to be less and less.

Sometimes she bought some fast food, something hot and greasy, but it filled her stoumach for only a short time. Most of the time, she had to dig around the dumpster until she found something to eat. Most nights she went hungry.

After a while she drifted away from Benny and the underpass, finding a place in the back of an alley where three buildings met. It was empty and alone, but a vent from one of the buildings kept her warm at night as winter approached.

The month passed slowly, but soon, the days ran into each other, and before she was really aware of it, weeks had gone by.

It was the middle of the afternoon. The rain was coming down hard over her head and shoulders. Her clothing was soaked and sticking to her fur. She stopped in front of a series of televisions, looking at her reflection in the window. She looked horrid. Her face and body were gaunt. There were rings under her eyes.

Without even thinking about it she took a drink from her ever-present bottle, which brought a snort of disgust from someone standing next to her.

She ignored it, wiping her face on the dirty sleeve, and focused on the televisions. The sound was off, but she could see a pretty vixen newscaster talking about something that wasn't important. Christmas lights decorated the desk in front of her.

Rena blinked in surprise, looking intently at the image on the screen. "It's December," she said, feeling stunned. "If it's December, he's back in town," she said, turning away from the screens and rushing down the street.

There was an old and batered payphone near by, and a quarter in her pocket. She dug it free, a smile on her muzzle as she reached the phone. Putting the coin in the slot, she dialed David's number, her paws shaking.

She held the receiver to her head, listening as the phone rang. It was all going to be better now. She would see him, and he would help, and it would be all better.

Her mind raced, trying to decide how to explain it all to him, how she had ended up a homeless drunk, but no ideas came to mind. As the ringing continued, she felt her tongue grow thick in her muzzle. There was no way she could explain what had happened, and no way he would do anything for her. He would ignore her like everyone else.

"Hello?" David's voice said from across the line.

The lioness froze as she tried to find the words, but nothing came.

"Hello?" he asked again, this time with a bit of worry in his voice.

She gulped, then let out a sigh, slowly returning the phone to the hook. Right before it made contact, she could've sworn she heard him call her name, but it must have been her imagination.

Rena took a step back into the rain, looking up into the sky. "He's better without me," she said, then turned away, walking back into the allies where she lived.

* * *

The dumpster stank, but then again, they all stank. At least it was a bit warm. She tugged open one of the white plastic bags, letting out a small purr when she found a steak bone with some meat still clinging to it. She held onto it with one paw, searching around to see what else there might be, and found a partly eaten roll.

It wasn't much, but it would do for the moment. She was digging deeper when she heard the sound of a car pulling down the alley.

Rena pushed back, dropping out of the dumpster and into the headlights of the car. Blocking the light with one paw, she hurried deeper into the alley, eating as she went.

The food was gone by the time she had reached her little corner, but it was enough to tide her over for another day or two. Once she was back at her boxes, she pulled out her bottle of whisky and took a long drink.

It wouldn't last more than another day, but she would be able to get enough money tomorrow. Fridays were always good for a few extra dollars.

She curled up under the box that she called home and tried to get to sleep, but was interrupted when a flashlight crossed over her face.

"Go away. I'm not harming anyone," she said, covering her face with her arm.

"Rena?" a familiar voice asked.

The lioness blinked and looked up at the light. "David?" she asked, hardly believing it.

The man behind the light came up to her, and his face resolved into her familiar wolf who had once been her boyfriend. "It's you. I can't believe it's you," he said.

She just stared at him. "How did you find me?" she asked.

The wolf moved and sat down next to her, pushing away the dirty blankets that softened the hard ground. "I've been looking all week, ever since you called me. I kind of had a feeling about where you were," he said.

Rena tried to pull away from him, but he placed an arm over her shoulder and pulled her to his side. "What happened to you? No one could tell me. You just vanished."

"Everything went wrong," she admitted.

"So I heard," he replied, his eyes narrowing a bit as he saw the ring on her paw. The ring she refused to take off. "Where did you get that?" he asked.

She tilted her head. "You gave it to me. I got it soon after you left," she said.

"I didn't give that to you..." he said, his voice trailing off.

"What's wrong?" she asked, reaching down to pick up her bottle and to take a drink of whisky.

David bit his lips, his ears flicking back slightly into his short hair. "You drink too... this is amazing," he said.

"I'm an alcoholic," she replied, with a surprising amount of pride in her voice.

He nodded, then let out a sigh, looking down at the ring. "Once, a long time ago I had a friend. He wasn't exactly a good friend, but a friend nonetheless. I saved his life in college. In return he told me that, one day, after I found the woman of my dreams, if she wished to be everything I wanted her to be, she would. He had the same ring that you have."

Rena looked down at the ring, holding up it to the flashlight. "I'm hardly the woman of your dreams."

The wolf sighed. "I never told you about my girlfriend it high school, did I?"

She shook her head.

"Her name was Stella, a sexy vixen with no chest, but a nice woman just the same. She and I dated in 11th grade, but, that spring, things went bad. Her parents divorced; her father moved out to California, and her mother decided to go back to Maine. She didn't want to leave, so she ran away from her father. She couldn't go back to school. They would call the police on her. So, she did what she could.

"It didn't take long for her to end up in a bad way. She couldn't get a job, and no one wanted to put up a young woman. She ended up homeless. It didn't take long for everyone to shun her. Even I did for a while. A few weeks later, I met her on the street and we started talking. She wouldn't let me help her. And, to be honest, I couldn't, even if I wanted to.

"Soon I was the only one who gave a crap about her. I even brought her food every now and then, and still offered to help. It didn't take long for me to realize that she was still attractive to me, and we would still sometimes fuck in the alley behind Milt's Pub. I kept up a relationship with her until I left for college. She was still on the street, even then. We meet once when I returned home, but I haven't seen her in ages."

The lioness looked at David, her eyes starting to flicker in understanding. "Your secret fantasy... you said it would take everything I had to fulfill it, and it did."

"Yes, it did," he said.

"Then you're not going to help me?" she asked.

"I'll give you money, but we both know you'll just spend it on your... whatever it is."

She smiled a bit, knowing that what he said was true. "It's whisky," she said, offering him a sip.

He took the bottle and had a drink, letting out a low hiss. "That's nasty," he said.

"It's cheap," she replied.

David nodded and pulled his wallet from his pocket, taking out three twenties and handing it to her. "Do what you want with it," he said.

"Thanks, I'll find a hotel or something," she lied.

They sat in silence for a short time, the flashlight glowing over both of them. "It's the ring, you know. If you take it off..." he said.

She lifted up her paw and looked down at the ring. "Maybe, maybe it would be all better?"

He reached for the ring, but she pulled her paw away. "No, I'll decide when."

David nodded and placed his arm over her shoulder. "What happened to your earrings?"

"I pawned them."

A look of sadness crossed his face. "That's too bad. Do you still have the slip?"

She nodded, pulling it out of her pocket. It was dirty and a bit stained, but it was still readable. He took it from her and put it in his own pocket, keeping it safe.

"What are you going to do with it?" the lioness asked as she pulled her legs up to her chest. Her bust was still ample, even with her weight loss.

David smiled. "I don't know yet, but I'm sure I'll think of something. It's not too late to get them back.'

She perked up at the mention of this. "Get them back? I had lost hope in ever getting them back," she said.

"Of course, maybe we can get you back on your feet as well," he said with a smile, reaching out for the ring.

The lioness pulled her paw back and tucked it under her clothing. "I'm not going to get rid of the ring, not now," she said in a quiet voice. As she spoke, she realized that some part of her wanted to stay where she was, living in the gutter, homeless and hopeless. The part of her that wanted it all to go back the way it was had no hope of victory as long as she wore the ring.

She looked at the ring for a moment, the dark stone glittering amid the darkness of the alley. It was all that stood between her and a decent life. Even so, she didn't reach out to take it off.

David sighed and placed a paw on her back. "I'll keep an eye out for you. I'll help in anyway I can," he said to her.

Turning her head to look at him, a smile crossed her face. "Thank you, hon. I still love you," she said. She then kissed him firmly.

The wolf paused for a moment, then returned the kiss, his arms slipping around her and pulling her body close to his. They held each other, their tongues meeting for a few moments before they finally pulled away.

"I love you, Rena. I love you more now than ever," he admitted as he nuzzled her neck, smelling the low-grade stink that hung in her fur.

A laugh escaped from the lioness. "I guess I'm all you ever wanted," she replied, pushing back a bit to look him in the eyes. "I'm like this because of you, hon, and I love you."

He nodded. "I don't want to leave you like this."

She shook her head, then reached up to pull off her hat, letting her dirty hair fall free. "Yes, you do. I can see it in your eyes," she said.

David blushed and turned away. "I guess I should go."

"I think you should stay," she said, reaching out to turn his head back to look at her. "I'm what you've always wanted, hon, and I love you for it, and love what I am," she said, the words rang through her body, the truth of them evident to them both.

They locked eyes for a moment, then he smiled, slipping a paw behind her hair and pulling her closer. They kissed again, their tongues playing with each other as he grabbed her breasts with his other paw.

Rena returned kiss with growing passion, her body shaking in arousal. The truth turned her on more than she ever imagined. Her paws worked over his back, then down to his pants, rubbing at the familiar tightness inside.

The lust took them both over, the kiss growing stronger as she worked his belt open and pulled his pants down, revealing his cock. The wetness of his underwear made it clear that he had been hard since he found her.

At the same time, his paws worked up under her layers of clothing, pawing at her breasts with one paw while trying to pull her pants down with the other. Her jeans were on top, but she had sweatpants under them.

They broke the kiss, and started to quickly pull off their clothing. His went fast, falling to the ground as she worked off her many layers of clothing. She pulled off the dirty panties she had picked up on the night her house burned down.

David pulled back a bit, looking her over. She had lost weight, her ribs starting to show through her fur. But it wasn't so much as to make her look emaciated. Her breasts, while a bit smaller, were still full and large on her chest. She was attractive to him, even more so than before.

He reached out and look the lioness in his paws, pulling her close to him. The night air chilled his fur, but she didn't seem to notice it.

They kissed again, her paw rubbing his manhood, her fingers wet with his flowing precum. She stroked his shaft in the way she knew he would like. She was right, a lone groan escaping from his lips and around their joined tongues.

The wolf pulled back, breaking the kiss, then diving down to take her nipples into his muzzle. He licked the dirty flesh, finding the taste pleasant and familiar. The nipples grew under his touch, her arousal jolting though her body as the scent of it started to grow.

She started to squirm, feeling her pussy starting to pulse, the wetness starting to drip from her nether lips. With a purr, she took a quick drink of her whisky, then dropped down to David's crotch, wrapping her lips around the pointed head of his cock.

"Oh, Rena," he said, humping forward, forcing his whole shaft into her muzzle. His ears pressed back as he closed his eyes and placed his paws on her head.

The lioness gagged at the sudden thrust, feeling it press at the back of her throat. She couldn't pull back because of his paws, so she made the best of it, licking happily at the thick cock, teasing the base, which was just starting to swell from his arousal.

He relaxed his grip on the back of her head, but kept a hold of her dirty hair. She pulled back a bit, teasing the length with her teeth before sucking it back down, eagerly working over the shaft.

A groan escaped the wolf's lips as he leaned back, enjoying her skilled muzzle. "Oh honey, you've learned a few new tricks since while I was gone," he said.

Rena blushed under her fur and looked up at him. "I've had to sleep with a few other guys," she admitted.

"That's okay, hon,. You have to do what you have to do," he said, a smile on his face.

The lioness sat up, returning his smile. "No one ties me like you do," she said, kissing him again, sharing the taste of his precum, still clinging to her lips.

They joined tongues again, their teeth locking together before they broke away. She placed her paws on his chest and pushed him back. He followed along, falling back into the pile of clothing, tucking his tail out of the way.

She stroked her paws over his firm chest as she straddled his body. "I've missed this," she said through her tightly-pressed lips as she lowered herself. She gasped as the tip of his cock pushed open her twat and found its way past the wet lips and inside of her.

"Oh Rena," he gasped out softly, grabbing her hips as she took his whole length inside of her. They both paused a moment as she relaxed on his groin, adjusting her legs to hold her weight.

"You feel very good in me," she said, picking up her whisky and taking a long drink.

"You feel very good around me," David replied.

She set the bottle down and closed her eyes. Digging her paws into the fur on his chest, she started to ride him. Moving slowly at first, purring as his cock moved through her quim and hitting just the right places. With each stroke of his shaft, she started to pick up speed. Soon she was riding him with all her strength.

A groan escaped David's lips as his knot started to swell, teasing both the flesh of his shaft and her cunt. He humped back against her as she rode him, trying to keep time with her thrusts, but she was moving faster than he was. He kept a hold of her hips, digging tightly into the fur as her pussy let out slick sucking sounds with each time he pulled out of her.

"I love you so much," the wolf said.

Rena started to reply, but let out a gasp, growing stiff as her body shook with an orgasm. Her pussy clenched around his swelling shaft, her juices gushing out over his sheath and balls. She slammed herself down onto him hard enough to force his hips to the ground. Her body shook for a few more moments as she pressed forward, leaning down against him.

The lioness closed her eyes, her tail flicking behind her as she composed herself. "You are still so amazing," she said.

He smiled, then reached up and took her by the back, pulling her against his body. With a deft move, he kissed her again, wrapping his arms around her body. Together, they rolled over until she was on her back.

David shifted his weight, digging his feet against the asphalt she start to fuck into her soaked cleft. "You feel so fucking good," he grunted, slamming into her.

She squirmed under him, slowly starting to hump back at him, a long groan escaping from her as his swollen knot teased and pulled at the lips of her cunt.

His cock pounded into her as a low growl grew from deep inside of his body. "You are so perfect, so perfect, my dirty, homeless Rena," he said through gritted teeth as his knot popped wetly from her cunt.

"So perfect," the lioness said in a dreamy voice as she bucked back against him, trying to get his knot back into her cunt. "Tie me, tie your dirty bitch," she said.

The wolf grunted and thrust forward hard. His knot pushed against her sex before slurping into her. He held himself in place for a moment then pulled back, finding himself firmly tied with her. He started to fuck her with short, quick, thrusts, pushing deep into her as she humped back an his swollen shaft.

Rena wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into a kiss. It didn't last long as he pulled away, letting out a long groan and biting at the fur on her neck as he finally came. Thick gobs of semen jet into her cunt, flooding through her sex and her womb, held in place by his swollen knot.

Still humping through the orgasm, he finally fell onto of her, pinning her to the ground. "That was... fantastic," he said, panting in the afterglow.

The lioness nodded. "Yes, yes it was," she said. She lay there for a few moments longer, then reached over and picked up her bottle, taking another drink.

David nuzzled her cheek. "I love you," he said.

She giggled. "You love me because I'm me, or because I'm dirty and homeless?"

"Both," he admitted.

Rena smiled. "I love it too," she replied, kissing him on the cheek. The admission felt good, warm inside of her body, almost like the warmth her whisky gave her, but not exactly the same. "I love you too," she said.

A smile flitted over the wolf's face, and he leaned down and kissed her full on the lips. She returned the kiss, but without the passion of before. This was more gentle, more caring.

He finally pulled away, looking down at her. "I don't want you to spend your life like this," he said.

"Really?" she asked, a bit surprised.

David nodded. "I just want you to be happy," he replied, licking gently at her dirty cheek.

She thought about that for a few moments, then turned her head away. "I'm not ready. I still hurt, down deep inside. I need to stay here. I need to be this, until I can master it."

"It's because of the ring," he said.

"It's more than that. I've lost everything I had. It's just... I don't know," she said, her eyes narrowing as tears starting to form out of the corners of her eyes. The clarity she had while they were fucking was quickly fading.

He shook his head and reached for her paw with the ring, but she pulled away. "You can't take this from me. It's the last normal thing I have," she snapped.

David signed and pulled his paw away. "Okay, I'll leave it," he said.

She nodded and tried to pull away, only letting out a squeak when she found his knot was still firmly lodged in her quim. "I think you should go," she said.

"I will in about ten minutes," he replied, pulling gently at her.

Rena sighed and took a long drink, then turned her head away and started to curl under him.

Running his fingers over her hair, he tried to get her to look at him, but she wouldn't turn her head. "I just want to help you," he said.

The lioness sighed and covered her head with her paws, making sure to tuck the ring into her armpit. "The money will help. I'm almost out of whisky."

"I'll bring you some better stuff next time I see you," he said.

"Next time?" she asked with a snort.

"Of course," he replied, the feeling of his tongue played over the fur of her cheek. "I love you, even if you want to stay like this, and I want to help you," he replied.

She snorted and pulled herself tighter. "I don't want to stay like this," she said, the lie of it barely registering with her addled mind.

David sighed and tugged at her, his cock finally pulling free with a wet slurping sound. He quickly rolled off of her and stood up.

The lioness rolled over, uncovering her head to look at him. She watched in silence as he pulled his briefs over his ass, then followed them with his pants.

"You should get dressed," he said.

He was right. Even with her thicker fur the cold was getting to her. She pulled on her panties, the familiar dirty fabric pulling at her fur. She held them in place for a few moments before pulling on the pants and shirts, one layer at a time.

The wolf stood there and watched her, a look of keen interest on his face.

"This really turns you on, doesn't it?" she asked, taking a long drink to finish her bottle.

"Yes, it does," he replied.

Silence fell between them as they looked at each other. She finally turned away, wondering how long it would be until he left. She knew a nearby store that was open all night. She could get a new bottle there, but not while he was watching her.

"I'll see you, Rena," he said, turning away and walking back down the alley. He stopped at the corner, looking back at her for a moment before he vanished.

The lioness sat there for a few more minutes, feeling relieved when she heard his car pulling away.

Running her paws through her dirty hair, she looked down at the ring. A part of her told her to take it off, but the rest of her knew she couldn't, it was too important. Her life, her past, it was all of that. She would never let it go.

* * *

Time seemed to pass both quickly and slowly. Some days went by in a flash, mixed in a blur of hunger and whisky. Others days just bogged down, usually when she ran out of money and whisky.

David did return a few weeks later, showing up one night at her nest where she slept. He had her earrings, but she couldn't take them. The piercing in her ears had healed, and it wasn't worth trying to get them repierced. They both knew she would just pawn them again.

The winter passed into spring, then summer. She was able to shed most of her extra clothing, leaving her in the familiar pants and shirt she had brought from her house. They were comfortable, even as they time wore on them, but she patched them as best she could.

Every couple of months, David would come back into her life for a few hours. He would give her money, partly in return for sex, and partly because he still cared for her. She still cared for him, but it was hard to bridge the distance between her life and his.

She hardly noticed when a year had gone past, nor the second and third. She had finally reached a point where time wasn't really didn't exist to her anymore, and her life was always the same.

Rena never stayed in the same place for more than a few weeks. No one liked the homeless and people would force her to move along once they found where she was sleeping. Over time, she explored all the back streets of the city, and learned all the best places to sleep.

Even so, David always found her, no matter where she was.

Sometimes he would try to get her to take off the ring, but she wouldn't. She couldn't.

At least she keep in good health, only developing a little bit of mange now and then, but no sickness or sores. She never even caught a cold or even allergies. David thought that she was protected somehow. It was the same reason she never became pregnant.

She supposed it was true. She never told him, but she slept with a lot of other men, all homeless like herself. It helped on the cold nights in the deep of winter.

It was in the summer of her twelfth year on the street, and she was sitting on a bench, next to the edge of the park, begging for money. The only piece of her original clothing that she had left was her threadbare panties, which had somehow held up after all the years. She was dressed in a old shirt and a bulky pair of pants that didn't fit her, but it was the best she could find. The time hadn't been too cruel to her, and she still made a decent amount of money.

She was surprised when someone dropped a few bills into her box, and sat down next to her. Turning her head, a small smile crossed her face when she saw David.

The wolf had aged in the last years, and had developed a fairly large gut. The weight looked good on him, filling him out well. It felt rather nice when they fucked. "Hello, Rena," he said.

"What brings you here?" she asked in surprise.

"I need to talk to you," he replied.

She flicked her ears back and looked intently at him. "At this time of day?" she asked, ducking her head a bit as a young vixen glared at her. "I thought you would be out with Lilly."

He shook his head. "Today I came to talk to you. Something has happened. I need to tell you about it."

Rena nodded and snuck a drink from her bottle hidden in her clothing.

The wolf shifted a bit, looking uncomfortable before he let out a sigh. "I've been offered a new job. It's a good one, and pays a lot more," he said.

"You should take it, then," she replied, still unsure why he was telling her this.

"I have, but the problem is the job is fifteen hundred miles away. I'm going to have to leave you."

Rena frowned, an action that clearly showed the lines on her face wrapping around her eyes and covering her forehead. She felt odd, her stomach twisting like she hadn't eaten in more than a week. "You're leaving?" she asked in a quiet voice.

"Yes, in two weeks."

She turned away from him, feeling tears starting to build up at the corners of her eyes. "So, I won't see you again?" she whispered.

David nodded.

"What can I do?" she asked.

"I would like to take something from you with me," he said, reaching out to take her paws in his.

She blushed a bit, her eyes locking with his. "What could I give you, I don't have a thing," she said.

"There is always the ring," he said.

A frown crossed her muzzle as her ears lay down into her hair. "You can't have it," she said, trying to pull her paws free, but he held them tight. Her tail flicked in sudden anger.

"It's been too long. You can't stay like this forever. Everyone thinks you're dead. I can't leave you like this," he said, holding firmly with one pow and attempting to work the ring free with the other.

Rena growled deeply. "NO!" she yelled, pulling back with as much force as she could, but she couldn't break free.

The wolf shook his head. "You have to. It's the only way you'll get better," he said.

With a grunt, the lioness brought up one of her bare feet and kicked him in the chest, his large belly making a good target. He let out a gasp, and his grasp started to slip.

Twisting with a great deal of force, she managed to pull her paws free and jumped to her feet. The lioness glared at him. "It's mine! You can't have it!" she said, pulling paw with the ring to her chest and covering it with her other paw.

"You have to give it to me! You have to!" David replied, sadness filling his eyes.

She shook her head, a growling. "I'm never going to give it to you. I never want to see you again, never!" she yelled out in anger, then turned away and ran into the park.

Looking back over her shoulder, she saw that he wasn't following. She stopped just inside the trees, watching to see what he would do.

He stood up and slumped over a bit, a deep sadness filling his whole body. Taking his wallet out he fished out a few more dollars and dropped them into the box that she had left behind.

David turned and looked at her. He waved before turning away and walked down the street, his shoulders slumped down in sadness.

She waited a few minutes before coming back out of the trees, still protecting the ring. She walked quickly to where her box was and fished out the money. The lioness was very surprised to find three hundred dollar bills waiting for her.

There was a note as well.

She put the money in her pocket and unfolded the note. It was written in David's fine paw writing and simply said: "If you take off the ring, everything will be better."

Rena crumpled up the note and threw it away, then gathered the rest of her things and moved across the park.

That evening, after having eating one of the few hot meals she had outside of a shelter, she thought about what he had said. David had spent ages trying to get her to take off the ring. It was his second favorite thing to do with her, after fucking her.

Maybe... maybe he was right. Maybe if she took the ring off... maybe everything would be better.

Lifting her paw she looked at the black stone in the ring. What harm would it be to take it off for just a few days? She reached for the ring and tugged gently at it, but couldn't think of a place to put it, a place where it would be safe and she wouldn't lose it.

"I should really think about this first... I don't want to lose the ring. Tomorrow. I'll decide tomorrow," she said, curling up in the darkness of the night to sleep.

She said the same thing the next day, and the next, and the next...


This story was written and copyright 2011-2018 by Theo Winters. Reposting and archiving are allowed, as long as this copyright notice and the author's name are not removed. This story cannot be published without permission of the author. Violators will be brainwashed.