How to Wake the Bear

Story by HelzimGiger on SoFurry

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#20 of The Wolf and the Bear

Story by Rahheemme

Aura © FA: Aurastrasza

Miyuki © HelzimGiger

Aura felt herself wake up long before she opened her eyes. Lying soft and still in her bed, her paws tucked between clean sheets and a heavy blanket, her head buried into a pillow softer than she could imagine, it was amazing how much a bit of mild insomnia could make her bed seem like the most heavenly place on earth. Hours ago, she'd stayed up late reviewing tax documents and proposed town ordinances until the candle had melted low into a puddle of wax on the kitchen table. Even once she'd made it to bed, she tossed and turned for another hour before finally falling down into a dark, silent rest.

She cracked open her eyes like old stone, her pupils shrinking in the bright light of daytime that spilled through the open window. Aura was on her back, her tail tucked somewhere between her legs in the mattress. As much as she liked the morning, she grumbled uncomfortably at the light streaming through the window. It was going to be a hot day.

First, Aura thought to herself, drumming her fingers over her stomach and running through her list of mayoral duties, call on the guard captain to make sure the new recruits are up to snuff, then head over to the census office to check on the new register of families in town. Lunchtime with Miyuki at home, but I'll have to be right out again to check on how the planning of the Spring festivals are coming along. She pinched the soft layer of pudge that was growing around her middle. Maybe go for a run after lunch... A new budget needs to get drafted up before the end of the week and I might as well get started on that today. Then we should take Miyuki for her checkup with Leorajh to see if we can get a handle on-

Aura suddenly gasped, staring up at the ceiling. A bright, open-mouth smile spread over her face and she settled happily back into her pillow.

"Sunday..." she breathed to herself, shuffling under the bedspread. "Today is Sunday..."

Her one designated day of the week of rest and relaxation. She'd nearly forgotten it. The weight of responsibility fell off her shoulders, at least for the time being. Aura's body relaxed, as if melting into liquid, as she happily ran down a new list of things to do in her head.

First, Aura daydreamed to herself, wake up with Miyuki and the babies, give her rubs until she wants to get up. Then we'll make breakfast together and go for a walk near the lake, maybe go for a swim. She loves the water more than ever now. Come back for lunch and make love. Take a nap. Wake up, then maybe make love again. Practice her birthing stretches. See if she likes the new tailoring on her robes. Kiss her. Kiss her belly. Make love again. Have a picnic on the ridge and watch the sunset. Hold my pregnant wife in my arms.

Her mind reeled with the possibilities of the day, despite her stoic outward appearance. She wanted to hop out of bed that very instant and start the morning, but Aura found herself rooted to the mattress by a familiar pair of thick, fuzzy arms wrapped around her waist. She tried to shuffle out of her grasp, but Miyuki sleepily pulled Aura in closer, making a small noise as she buried her face into the mattress.

Aura used her free arm to pull gently down the blanket that covered the softly snoring bear beside her. Wearing nothing but her red-orange fur, Miyuki was still fast asleep, but her arms wrapped Aura into a powerful vice-grip all the same. For the little bear's soft appearance, there was real muscle inside her body from all her training as a monk. Though she could have pulled away if she really wanted to, the last thing Aura wanted to do was disturb her wife's sleep. She needed to keep her energy up, after all.

Aura shuffled down into the bed, letting Miyuki continue to hold her in place. She was happy to lay there for a moment, using her free hand stroke through Miyuki's hair. Aura pulled out her other arm and laid it across Miyuki's shoulder, gently smoothing down her soft fur. Aura tried to pull away enough to lay on her side, but Miyuki made another noise and nuzzled her face into Aura's side. The wolfess rolled her eyes, shaking her head and chuckling at how clingy a sleeper Miyuki was after becoming pregnant.

As Aura felt the warm, soft bear breathe against her side, she felt the firm mass of Miyuki's belly pressing into her as well. It always amazed her when that happened, for Aura to get a feeling of the constant stirrings of life growing inside her wife. It had been nearly eight months since Miyuki had happily bounded into Aura's office to announce she was finally pregnant. Since then, her belly had grown and rounded out impressively, especially when it became apparent that there was more than just one little cub occupying her womb. While Miyuki was overjoyed from the start, it had taken time for Aura to warm up to the idea. But as Miyuki's middle grew, so did Aura's optimism. For once in her life, she felt stable, ready to tackle the challenge of being a parent. And of course, with the happy-go-lucky mother bear at her side, the two of them could do anything.

Miyuki shifted in her sleep, smacking her lips together as she gently snored. Her right hand lay draped across her belly, as if protecting it, while the other reached up and mindlessly entwined itself in Aura's long hair. The wolfess giggled, gently working Miyuki's fingers from around the clump of messy hair she'd unknowingly grabbed. In her sleep, she pulled back both of her hands to her chest, mumbled wordlessly, and wrapped her paws around Aura's leg.

Aura shifted away, pulling aside the covers to get a better look at her wife. In the warm, springtime air, Miyuki didn't even notice. The bear slept in nothing but her fur, both for her own comfort and for Aura's viewing pleasure. She'd always been a stout little thing, nearly as wide as Aura was tall, with stocky legs, wide hips, and broad shoulders. But Miyuki, despite the muscles she'd developed from her martial arts training, was always perfectly soft, especially with the extra weight she'd put on from the pregnancy. Her long hair, usually tied in a ponytail or a bun on the back of her head, draped freely over her face.

Just below her soft, pillowy breasts was her belly, rounded and smooth and soft around the firm muscles of Miyuki's full womb. Aura had never paid much thought to the idea of pregnancy, only acknowledging it as a necessary step for the bearing of children. But the way Miyuki carried it, the way it so wonderfully fit, gave Aura new appreciation. She'd always thought that pregnancy gave women a lumpy, awkward, misshapen appearance, but the fertile belly Miyuki bore seemed to fit beautifully with the rest of her body, making her all the more alluring. She'd always said she was born to be a mother and couldn't wait until the day she could have her own cubs. Now, seeing her so full of life, Aura was inclined to agree.

With the thought on her mind, Aura quietly turned on the bed, her paws hanging over the side, so she could lie with her head right next to Miyuki's belly. It loomed over her, like a great fuzzy mountain with the peak of her belly button on top. It seemed to radiate warmth, more so than Miyuki herself. It quivered slightly from the soft movement of a cub inside. Aura gently placed a hand against the soft, round surface, rubbing it in increasingly broader circles. Miyuki's belly felt so fragile, so delicate, like a bubble on the surface of water. Aura watched the cubs shift inside, pushing against one another, every so often brushing against her hand. One of them kicked out a paw, pushing out far enough from inside Miyuki to nearly tap Aura on the nose. In her sleep, Miyuki jumped uncomfortably at the sensation, then quietly resumed her slumber.

Aura turned over and curled her legs into a ball next to Miyuki's thighs. She pressed her muzzle against the plush belly and shushed the cubs inside, patting them soothingly from the outside. She slid her hand beneath Miyuki's stomach, trying to ease the weight off of her while she slept. A few bumps from inside tapped against Aura's nose, making her smile. They were strong and active. Whenever Miyuki's time came, they would be ready.

Above the wolfess, with her head on the pillow, Miyuki's eyes fluttered open, being awoken uncomfortably by the unusual activity in her belly. She winced at the light shining in through the window and groaned to herself. It was too early to be jostled awake by her unborn children. She clenched her eyelids shut in an effort to keep out the light and blindly reached out over the sheets to grasp for her wife. Miyuki only dared to crack her eyes open once she realized Aura wasn't there beside her. As her sleepy brain struggled to think of where she could have gone, she felt a tingle of sensation against her belly that sent a shiver up her spine.

She glanced up to find Aura curled next to her belly, gently and affectionately licking it while whispering softly to the cubs inside. Miyuki sighed contentedly, flopping her head back on the pillow and enjoying the affectionate attention paid to her swollen middle.

"_There _you are..." Miyuki mumbled, reaching down to pinch one of Aura's ears between her fingers.

"Did I wake you?" Aura asked, her deep and regal voice having softened over the years.

"No, no..." Miyuki said, patting the side of her round middle. "They did...They're never as active when you aren't around, you know. I think they recognize you."

"I can only hope so," Aura nodded. She flipped over onto her stomach and leaned her ear against Miyuki's belly while looking up at her.

"Oh they do," Miyuki nodded. "Their auras light up like stars whenever you're around."

"...Are you serious?" Aura said, raising an eyebrow.

"Maybe," Miyuki said, coyly. She opened her eyes just long enough to wink before flopping back down on the pillow. "Ancient monk secrets. Can't tell outsiders."

"You have so many secrets," Aura said, rolling her eyes. "Next, you will be telling me that the missing sweet rolls are part of a 'secret meditation ritual.'"

"Heehee, that's not a secret!" Miyuki giggled, rubbing her hand over her belly. "I ate them!"

"There were at least twenty of them missing, Miyuki."

"Hey, you leave a pregnant mama bear in a kitchen for two hours and you'll be surprised at how much food 'goes missing.'" Miyuki scratched Aura behind the ear affectionately.

"I suppose it cannot be helped," Aura said, shaking her head incredulously. She took Miyuki's hand and kissed her fingers before letting it go. "But you'll have to help bake some more before the town meeting at the end of the week."

"It's not my fault!" Miyuki pouted, shuffling in the bed and wrapping an arm under her belly. "I only wanted one or two or...five...but they wouldn't stop kicking me until I ate more and...and then they were halfway gone..." She frowned, then wrung her hands together. "...I'm sorry, Aura."

The wolfess blinked up at the bear's wide, gentle eyes, then shook her head, chuckling.

"How could I ever be upset with you?" she said, wrapping an arm around her waist and kissing Miyuki's belly. "Especially now."

"I'll help you make more. I just have to eat more for the babies and...well, you know I can't control myself around sweet things..." Miyuki smiled guiltily. "I don't think they can, either."

"Then I will have to keep my eye on sweets left around the house," Aura said, playfully pinching Miyuki's bellybutton and making her squirm. "And make sure you and the twins are kept well-fed."

"Twins?" Miyuki snorted. "You're still on about that?"

"I made my guess and I will stand by it," Aura nodded, patting a hand on Miyuki's belly. "I have never felt anything to suggest you carry more than twins."

"That's because one's always behind the others!" Miyuki argued, placing a hand on top of Aura's. "There's triplets in there, I'm sure of it."

"You would be at least twice this size if you had triplets," Aura countered, stacking her other hand on top of Miyuki's.

"Then maybe I'm just carrying small, because there's definitely three babies in me," Miyuki nodded defiantly, stacking her other hand on top of Aura's and finishing their tower atop her belly.

"If you would let Leorajh or myself examine you," Aura said, "then we could know for sure."

"But where's the fun in that?" Miyuki grinned. She freed her hands from the stack and rubbed either side of her round tummy, sighing contentedly. "I want it to be a surprise."

"Even as they are being born?" Aura posited, raising an eyebrow.

"Of course," Miyuki shrugged. "I'm not afraid of giving birth. I know my body well enough already. I can handle it."

"I just think it would be wise to know ahead of time just how many you are actually having," Aura said, folding her arms under her chin. Miyuki smiled and shook her head, reaching down to twirl a length of Aura's hair between her fingers.

"Oh puppy...You search so much for knowledge and reason that you don't know how to enjoy a beautiful mystery." Miyuki cleared her throat and brought her hands up to her chest, holding them in a meditative mudra. "'Do not forget, while Discovery brings rewards, it is the Search which brings enlightenment,'" she said in a deep, monotone voice.

"Is that a bit of wisdom from the monastery?" Aura asked.

"Yep!" Miyuki giggled, lowering her hands back to stroking her belly affectionately. "Why ruin the mystery prematurely when the not knowing is just as fun? Besides, we're going to find out soon, anyway, aren't we?" She glanced down at her swollen stomach, watching as a cub's paw pressed out near her hand. "They're getting restless in there."

"If you say so, Miyuki," Aura sighed, taking her wife's hand and kissing it. "I would just like to know how many cribs to buy in the city."

"I told you, it's three!" Miyuki pouted. She thrust forward, bumping her soft, cub-heavy tummy against the side of Aura's face. She paused, then whispered, "Do you want to know another of my secrets?"

"I do," Aura whispered back. "Tell me."

Miyuki suddenly wrapped her arms around Aura's head and pressed it into her belly, hugging the both of them powerfully.

"The secret is that I love you," Miyuki whispered, giggling.

"That is not a secret," Aura choked, her neck smushed by her wife's embrace. "Let go, I cannot breathe."

"No," Miyuki whispered, squeezing her even harder. "I want everyone I love right here in my arms...All four of you."

"Gghhkg," Aura wordlessly choked back in response. After a moment, Miyuki let go, draping her hands over her belly and gazing into Aura's eyes, hopelessly infatuated with the tall wolfess. The feeling was mutual as Aura stared into Miyuki's bright, kind, shining face. The cubs kicked inside of the motherly bear's womb, reminding the two parents not to forget about their unborn children.

After a moment, Miyuki's eyes began to water and she yawned, flashing her white, unexpectedly sharp teeth. She fluttered her eyelids for a moment before turning her head to the side and closing them again.

"Do not go back to sleep," Aura said, gently shaking Miyuki. "The day is just beginning."

"It's too early..." Miyuki moaned, throwing an arm over her face to block the sunlight from the window. "I have to go back to sleeeeeeep."

"It is time to get up!" Aura said. She leaned over and grasped Miyuki's belly, shaking it gently and jostling the cubs inside. "The rest of us are already awake!"

"Noooooooooo..." Miyuki moaned, grabbing Aura's abandoned pillow and throwing it over her face. She shifted from her side onto her back to pull her swollen middle out of Aura's reach.

"Miyuki..." Aura said, reaching up to grab one of the bear's thick arms and continue to gently shake her. "It is time to wake up now."

"I caaaan't!" she moaned underneath the pillow.

"Why not?"

"Because..." she paused, then pulled Aura closer into a one-armed embrace, "because I love you!"

"That is not a reason," Aura said, continuing to shake Miyuki awake.

"I'm pregnant! I have to sleep and save my energy!" Miyuki muffled into the pillow still over her face.

"You will have time for that while I am at work. I want to spend the morning with you."

"Nooooooo!" Miyuki yelled again, playfully swatting Aura away. "It's too earlyyyyyy!"

Aura huffed, sitting up on her knees and looking down at her obstinate wife. Miyuki shuffled beneath her, trying to bury her paws back underneath the blanket. As Aura looked down at her, eyes following every curve and every soft edge the pregnancy had given her, she began to think about how enticing Miyuki looked, especially after she began to show. She was so round and so soft and so appealingly feminine with her widened hips, her supple breasts, and of course the round, fertile tummy full of Aura's cubs that brought it all together. Perhaps it was just a trick of instinct, but Miyuki had never looked more alluring.

Aura crouched down on the bed next to Miyuki, who still had her face buried beneath the pillow. She slid her hand over the bear's belly, then cupped it beneath one of her breasts. As Aura's finger barely grazed over Miyuki's dark, rubbery nipple, she shivered wildly at the abrupt stimulation.

"Well, Miyuki," Aura whispered, her hand still playing over her wife's breast, "if you will not wake up...I suppose that I will have to wake you up myself..." She reached over to Miyuki's other breast, teasing her nipple with her fingers while gently licking the other, glancing up as she sensed movement. Miyuki stared down at her from beneath the shadow of the pillow, then grinned hungrily and lowered it again. Aura chuckled.

"As you wish."

Aura splayed out her fingers and set her palms above Miyuki's breasts, kneading them gently, but deeply. Miyuki sighed from beneath the pillow, squirming slightly as Aura continued to massage her swollen chest. A lone drop of opaque milk dripped from one of her stimulated nipples, but Aura quickly licked it up before it could drop any farther. Miyuki hissed sharply at the sensation, followed by a deep and satisfied moan from deep in her throat. She pulled the pillow back far enough over her short muzzle to breathe, but still kept her eyes covered. Miyuki continued to groan softly to herself as Aura's pampering attention to her breasts began to sow the seeds of arousal deep within her. She began to lean into it, pushing her chest out into Aura's hands, inviting her to fondle them harder.

Aura leaned over over Miyuki's nipple and began to softly suckle on it. She'd mentioned time and again how sensitive her breasts had gotten as she progressed through her pregnancy, so what used to be simple foreplay for the two of them had become a whirlwind of pleasure in Miyuki's body. At times, Aura could suckle hard enough to draw a few mouthfuls of milk from her wife's swollen breasts, but she kept her lovemaking as gentle and soft as the woman she gave it to.

She kept paying loving attention to Miyuki's breasts until the mother bear began to softly pant, her breath hot and wet. It was the sign that Aura needed to know that Miyuki was ready for more. She took a few more minutes to pinch and tweak Miyuki's nipples, adding a little texture to her pleasure, before she slid down the bed. Aura followed the curves of Miyuki's body, trailing her fingers over every rising hill and falling valley, before arriving at the mountain that was her pregnant belly. She couldn't resist putting hands on it, letting her fingers roam over her wife's gravid stomach, so utterly round and delicate, filled to the brim with the children sired from her cock.

Aura massaged her fingers into the belly, grasping over every inch as if she was claiming it for herself. She leaned over to gently lick the taut apex of Miyuki's heavy middle, where she had pointed out was the most sensitive spot. Miyuki clenched her teeth and hissed as the sensation rippled through her body, making her itch between her legs. She knew just as well as Aura did that, after a few more minutes of teasing, she'd be begging for attention down there. Regardless, the wolfess wasn't quite done worshiping her wife's fecund body.

Aura gently pulled Miyuki's body to the side, laying her sideways on the king-sized bed. Abandoning the pillow, Miyuki's used her free hands to continued to knead and play with her sensitive breasts. Aura lowered her face to Miyuki's underbelly and gently licked up her entire swell, rubbing her sides along the way. Her entire body felt electric, every nerve lit up in ecstasy and pleasure. Her slit between her legs was beginning to ache with need, but she trusted that Aura would get there soon enough and simply enjoyed the pampering her heavy belly was being given.

Once Aura had her fill of spoiling her wife's expectant body, she backed away, lowering her body onto the mattress near Miyuki's knees. After running her hands admiringly over her perfect birthing hips, Aura slid her fingers right below Miyuki's belly and gently pulled her thick, shapely thighs apart. The bear was already wet, her sex giving off a sharp and musty smell that only made Aura more excited to have a taste. She reached up and wrapped her arms around Miyuki's hips, sinking her fingers into her plump ass, and buried her muzzle into her needy pussy.

Miyuki cried out loud at the sudden rush of pleasure that flooded into her mind. She bit down on her forearm to keep quiet, but she continued to moan uncontrollably as Aura's tongue expertly worked against her soft flesh. She couldn't see her wife below her peak of her baby belly, but she didn't need to. Down below, Aura took steady, measured breaths as she pushed aside Miyuki's lips with her tongue. Her pussy tasted salty and sharp, a taste Aura had begun to crave in some of her friskier moments. Miyuki's plush, velvety walls felt like heaven on her tongue. She felt Miyuki squirm above her, clenching her thighs around Aura's head. Her right hand crawled over her belly and cradled the wolfess' head, clenching her hair needily as she sank her hips farther down onto Aura's mouth.

With her longer muzzle, Aura liked to push farther inside Miyuki's pussy, stretching it open as she licked deeper than even the bear's fingers could reach. She could only manage this for a few seconds before needing to back out for air, but she made the most of her time by giving her plenty of love from the inside. As she backed out for breath, Aura quickly and gently dragged her soft tongue over Miyuki's clit, making her moan and whine as loud as she could from beneath her arm. Aura sat up, wiping her muzzle off in the fur of her forearm and glanced up at Miyuki. She was panting, her expectant body quivering violently, her eyes begging for more. Aura smiled as she caught her breath.

"The servants are not here," Aura said quietly as she reached down and took hold of Miyuki's hips again. "You can be as loud as you want." Taking a deep breath and bracing for the effort, Aura lifted Miyuki by the waist, raising the bear's pussy up to her hungry mouth. Miyuki gasped in surprise, then shouted in pleasure as Aura continued to dote on her sensitive lips. Her arms free, she held her belly in place above her as she rocked back into Aura's mouth, moaning with every breath. Aura took more chances at teasing Miyuki's clit, trying to make the bear cry out as loud as she possibly could.

Her muscles exhausted from hoisting her gravid wife, Aura lowered Miyuki back onto the mattress, then dragged her by the legs toward the edge of the bed. The wolfess knelt on the floor, just tall enough for her head to peek over the side, and pulled her wife closer until her legs hung beside her head. Taking a deep breath, Aura threw herself back into Miyuki's pussy with renewed passion. Unable to keep herself quiet anymore, the pregnant bear moaned and panted and cried out as her pleasure began to peak by the second. She rocked her body into Aura's tongue, shaking the entire bed frame with her ferocity. She felt the tip of her climax building up, a pressure deep in her pussy that grew impossible to ignore. Miyuki's mind slipped away as the pleasure began to overtake her, her animal brain needily and hungrily chasing that climax of ecstasy just over the horizon. She was almost there. She could touch it. Just a little more. Almost there. Almost.

Aura felt Miyuki's vaginal muscles clench around her tongue, violently pulsing with her wife's heartbeat. She clenched her thighs around the wolfess' head and threw her head back as she climaxed. Miyuki screamed, her voice echoing through the empty rooms of the house, singing like a bird as she came. She gripped the bedsheets in her fists, her entire body seizing up as the crashing waves of orgasm drowned her mind in a warm sea of euphoria. Fluid dripped from her pussy across Aura's muzzle and onto the wooden floor beneath them. She thrashed in the rapturous, sexual bliss for nearly full minute, her fruitful body convulsing on the sheets, before she sank into the calm, buzzing afterglow and caught her breath in the silence.

Aura stood up and licked her muzzle clean, her fur still wet with her wife's fluids. Climbing back onto the bed, she slid up next to Miyuki, who stared panting and drained up at the ceiling. Aura leaned in and kissed her on the cheek.

"Are you awake yet?" Aura asked, facetiously. Miyuki glanced at her, smiled weakly, then nodded.

"Good morning..." Miyuki breathed. She paused, looking back up at the ceiling. After catching her breath, she asked, "Wh-Where are the servants? Why aren't...Don't you have to go..."

"It is Sunday," Aura answered, pecking Miyuki on the cheek again. The bear blinked, her sex-addled brain trying to process the information. Suddenly, her eyes lit up.

"Sunday?!" Miyuki shouted. She grinned, then quickly moved to sit up. Finding her heavy belly in the way, she flopped back onto the mattress, then turned to her side to quickly shuffle to the floor. Dropping onto her paws, she waddled across the room and snatched up her jade, silk robe from a hook next to the closet. "You didn't tell me it was Sunday! We've got so much to do!" She threw the robe over her shoulders without bothering to tie it and slipped her arms through the sleeves. "We've got to go to the market to get some new supplies for the kitchen and to see if we can get some baby clothes made. I want to go by the farms outside of town to see if we can get some fresh fruit, and maybe some honey, as well. I need to go by the traders to see if they have any bags of tea left and I wanted to write a letter to the monks at the monastery, if I got the time. Ohhh, and we should get those cribs made! You know how backed up the carver is on orders, so we'll have to do it today if we want them in time..."

Miyuki stopped in her tracks as she brought a hand down to her belly, wincing at a flurry of kicks and punches from inside. She giggled, rocked her belly back and forth, then glanced up at Aura.

"Well...first thing's first. The cubs need to be fed before they get too grumpy," Miyuki jumped again at a hard jab to her ribs as she petted her fruitful middle, then shuffled quickly out the door. "I think they want the rest of those sweet rolls!" She called out as she began to slowly descend the stairs.

"Wait...Wait, Miyuki!" Aura said, hopping to her paws and grabbing her matching, crimson robe. "Do not dare! Those are not for us!"

"Try to stop me!" Miyuki cried out playfully from halfway down the stairs.

Aura rolled her eyes, but smiled to herself as she tied her robe together and jogged out of the bedroom to stop her heavily pregnant wife from devouring the entire kitchen.

It was going to be a busy day.