A Productive Subway Encounter

Story by drakoman on SoFurry

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This was a collaboration between myself and a friend, https://casca.sofurry.com/ .

This train ride brought to you by the letter G, for gay sex! There's also some mild hyper, excessive cumming, exibitionism, anal, deep penetration, milking, and casual sex.

If you are not of age in whatever country you're reading this from, then you probably should click away before you're caught. ;P

Leonard sighed, quickly changing out of his 'Darkest Desires' bouncer shirt and into his normal black polo and jeans before hustling out to try to catch the first train home. He left the strip club at a jog; he'd gotten caught up in clearing out stragglers and he didn't want to miss his train home. He skipped steps as he made his way down into the subway, edging along the platform among the early risers to the last car. The large, black and red hellhound had quickly discovered that it was easier on his nerves to take the last car, as it usually held fewer people.

And the fewer people there were around, the fewer people there were to stare.

Lenny, as he preferred to be called, was a lot more gentle than his size and species would suggest. For the few men he had convinced to come home with him on his nights off, it was quickly apparent as the hellhound cooked, and all of his home furnishings were light, soft colors. He even had a soft pink apron. But most people just saw a 6 foot tall, wide-shouldered, red and black rottweiler-styled hellhound and scrambled to get out from under his red-eyed gaze or cowered when they failed that.

So when Lenny took a seat and looked around with his yellow pupils to see that there were few others in the car with him, he sighed softly and allowed himself to relax, legs spreading as he kicked his feet out. His head rolled back, tiny horns knocking softly against the window as he let his body relax, his toes flexing slightly. His jeans creaked softly around his legs and groin, the hellhound's muscular legs and size-appropriate bulge straining the pants.

Lenny had failed to notice the rat watching him from just inside the door, at least right away. He was a peculiar sort: darkly dressed and a peculiar pale complexion to his grey-white fur that might have made him stand out if it weren't for the wide array of fashion styles for the night life around the city. There was something intimidating to him, but it was very different than Lenny's commanding physique. His eyes shined too brightly under the hood of his carefully tattered jacket, his sharply constructed features always looked too lean and hungry. Of course, the occult baubles and jewelry dangling from his neck and ears betrayed how constructed his persona was, but there was a genuine predatory energy radiating from him. And once the train lurched to a start, he stalked his prey slowly down the length of the car.

His legs didn't quite fit into his jeans, the faded and distressed fabric followed the curves of them a little too closely and stopped a little short of the crest of his hips but they were obviously cut not to restrict him. Or at least they would if it wasn't for the monstrosity snaking down one of the pant legs. He had undoubtedly been stopped in the past on suspicion of smuggling considering how the lump stood out and ended just before his knee unlike any natural bulge; but it didn't stop him from wearing his clothes too tight or from taking a stance right in front of the hellhound in his sights, presenting him with a sharpie-drawn pentacle visible through a hole in his pants that had been drawn onto one of a pair of cantaloupes barely contained in the other pant leg.

He didn't say anything. He barely even seemed like he noticed the canine seated just above eye level with his crotch. He just held onto the railing along the ceiling - a tough stretch for someone that could barely pass five feet in height - with one hand and hooked the fingers of the other into the waist of his jeans, letting that gesture shift the weight of its obscene bulges.

As the rat stepped up near Lenny, he cracked one of his eyes open, yellow pupil narrowing as he focused. He grumbled deep in his chest as he sat up. "Oh lord... yes, can I help you?" The big hellhound was trying to be civil, but at least once a month, some fur tracked him down, believing him to have some kind of special gift for being a hellhound. Once he was able to get through that hellhounds weren't magic, just rare, most of them left him alone, but it was always a bit of a slog. He just hoped that this one wouldn't be loudly proclaiming his undying service to 'one of the hounds of satan' again - that was just embarrassing the last time...

He shifted his legs together again, huffing as his own softball-sized testicles were squished upwards over his thigh. He squirmed slightly, putting one leg over the other to try to cover them. "I'm just headed home from a long shift at work, so can you make it quick?" He had slid back into work mode - tended to hustle things along a bit faster than his normal, gentler persona.

"A little testy but I can work with that." the rat insisted, his rich baritone carrying the same dark tone as his clothes and the same hungry vibe as his body but none of the derision the phrase might have implied. He looked down and shifted his thumb again, the gesture popping open the button on his fly and letting his pink skin spill out of the fabric. "Seriously, though, relax. I just wanted to offer you something. I made all those stupid 'take my soul, demon-daddy' mistakes years ago. Nowadays, I just like spending my time with handsome men and I happen to think Hellhounds are especially handsome."

Then, as if the two of them weren't on an express subway train, the rat reached into the overstrained material and slowly unfurled his fat tube of meat and let it slap dangerously against his thigh. It was a bold move. If he were wearing local college's colors, it might have been as boorish as any frat boy but this rat was making a very different power play. He watched without any smug satisfaction, just a subtle intensity that said the trap was laid. "If you're not interested, I can take a hint. But I can assure you that if you are, I'll show you a good time."

Lenny's red eyespots shot up as the rat spoke, ears lifting as the button was popped. "I... wait what?"

His voice slipped up to his natural octave when the rat indicated his intentions, the hellhound's cheeks slowly turning purple. Here was this confidant little - well, not TOTALLY little - rat, offering the hellhound a good time. Small, confidant, hung - frankly, the only thing that could fit the hellhounds preferences more is if the rat was a top, but... that never happened with someone this small...

Lenny whimpered as his groin shifted. He had slipped from his sheath at the exposure of the rat's shaft and now his black shaft had begun straining at the g-string he wore, hidden beneath his pants. "I... aren't you frightened?" His hands pressed down over his creaking jeans as he fought to keep his eyes above the rat's waist, nose snuffling at the scent of the rat's enormous junk.

Said rat chuckled quietly, a little puff of air blowing out of him as he squeezed around the base of his cock, the titanic beast swelling a little and slapping again against his leg, this time leaving a wet spot on the dull denim. "People watch movies to scare themselves. I just happen to pick men that way instead." It was nonchalant. Almost aggressively so. Still, the haze of his masculine scent was getting stronger and there was no whiff of fear in the bouquet. "But I think you're not actually anything to be afraid of. I think you're a strong dog who would thrive in the hands of someone who knows how to make use of him."

He didn't leer or waggle his eyebrows or any other petty method of implication. Instead he fished his balls out to go with his pendulous rod, one after the other, then buckled his pants back around the package, highlighting the sheer size of it and demanding Leonard's attention stray downward and really assess the offer he was making. His balls were decorated in cabalistic marks, mostly henna by the look of them but obviously meticulously applied and alluringly dark against his hide. Finery that promised a treasure inside. The design even framed the base of his shaft in a wicked halo.

At the slap of flesh on denim, Lenny's eyes dropped and locked onto the marked shaft and balls, the big hellhound failing to hold back a soft whimper. He licked his lips as his breathing grew faster, his shaft throbbing in his clothing, a wet spot forming under his hands.

His own musk began to fill the air, thick and slightly spicy as the hellhound imagined the things he would be willing to do to that shaft. His entire body began to squirm slightly as his thoughts began to break down his defensive position. He dragged his eyes back up to meet the small rat's as he licked over his lips again, biting at them before speaking. "... So if you're not here for a 'demon daddy,' what exactly are you offering, Mr...?"

The rat made a triumphant scoff and hefted his tool onto Leonard's shoulder. "You can call me Samael, and I'm offering you..." he hesitated and smiled ironically. "I could be racist say something like 'a warlock's power' but what I've got for you this morning is just a lot of flesh to fill you up with."

Lenny's head snapped to the side, eyes wide at the thick flesh sitting on his shoulder. He didn't seem to mind the mess it was making down the back of his shirt; his mouth hung open, the big canine panting.

The flesh in question radiated with lustful heat, swelling steadily as a weary looking salary-man watched with bemused attention, enraptured by the strange courting, or maybe just the impossible phallus draped down the hellhound's back but Samael either didn't notice or didn't care about the set of eyes trained on the two of them. Just the stance of authority he was taking and the subtle swell of his own balls as they anticipated emptying themselves in this studly prey of his.

Lenny squirmed and he allowed his tongue to dart out and lick over the side of Samael's shaft, the big hellhound letting out a very audible groan. His eyes flickered, one of his wide hands reaching out to squeeze the rat's thigh as his shaft strained, pushing up past his waistband and into his shirt.

"I-I think that would be m-most acceptible... B-but it's still an h-hour to my house, so u-unless you want to make a scene here, you might w-want to put this away..." His free hand gently reached up and groped at the side of Samael's shaft. All he could think of now was getting the rat home and doing everything Samael was suggesting and more.

"Why would we wait that long?" he asked imperiously, taking Lenny by the chin and holding him in place while he pulled back and aimed the still slightly-limp monstrosity in the canine's face. "That guy doesn't care; do you That Guy?"

He shot a look over his shoulder at the goat still staring. The besuited fellow shook his head almost scared and suddenly pretended to focus on his phone between furtive glances. The rat smiled with satisfaction.

"Don't be afraid, stud. I'm going to take care of everything. You are free to just enjoy yourself." Samael explained before shoving the ruddy belly into Lenny's mouth, parting his lips not quite forcefully but in an insistent way that the dog would have to actively resist to stop him at this stage. The grip was bracing and freeing that way, like an escape hatch. But the rat, in all his vaguely sinister raiment, didn't seem interested in letting his catch go if he didn't absolutely have to. He was ready to make his mark.

Lenny's mouth was still open as he panted, and he let out a very un-manly squeak as the exposed shaft was pushed into his muzzle. He rumbled softly, immediately melting into the rat's paw as he began to nurse on that thick meat in his muzzle.

His shirt and pants, already fairly stretched over his large, muscular form, began to creak as he tensed, flexing as he humped the rat's thigh, whining as his ears flicked back submissively. His hands curled around the rat's back, his red eyes closing as he began to bob his head slowly, his tick tongue dragging along the underside of the marked shaft, even curling down to brush against the front of Samael's balls.

Clearly the rat's comfort with the situation was leaking into Lenny as he began to moan and groan, especially as a bump in the track pushed him nose-to-crotch with the rat, the hellhound gulping firmly around the head of Samael's shaft. He began to squirm slightly in discomfort as his clothing held tight around him, but he was so enthralled with the taste of Samael that he didn't want to stop and relieve himself of the form-fitted fabric.

Musk drifted around them, drawing a bit more attention: a disinterested young feline rolling her eyes and tucking her headphones deeper into her ears and much too interested horse fumbling with his phone to capture the moment. Samael kept his eyes locked on Lenny though, his free hand bracing him until he couldn't stand it anymore and grabbed the dog by one of his horns. He let his length, suffocate him for a single, but extended, moment then pulled his shaft free, the wet noise of nearly two and a half feet of rat cock covering up his panting enthusiasm before he he could shore up his imposing demeanor again.

"I knew I sized you up right," he declared matter of factly, letting his blushing shaft pulse and loom in the artificial light of the subway. "Now come on, you're gonna rip everything if you don't take this off."

He didn't wait for a response before he grabbed at Leonard's collar, tugging the shirt toward his head. Samael had to step closer to do it, smearing precum and hellhound spit on Lenny's face and up the window as he took advantage, letting his heat and his unflappable presence cloud the dog's judgment further.

Lenny gasped as he was freed from the shaft, leaning towards it for another moment before he squirmed, quickly lifting his arms, letting the head of his foot-long shaft leak over his abs and the bottoms of his pecs, his fur naturally patterned to highlight his firm chest, cobblestone abs, and thick biceps as he pressed in close again, tongue tracing hungrily around the halo on the rat's shaft and over his belly as his cheeks and ears continued to almost glow purple. His red nipples stood hard off his chest, pecs bouncing slightly as he panted loudly. He looked down at his straining pants and looked up eagerly at Samael. "P-pants too?"

Before Samael even had a chance to respond, Lenny had unbuttoned and slid down his pants, his softball-sized testicles held tightly by a lace g-string. He sat back, his lace-wrapped red balls hanging over the seat as he pulled Samael up to stand on the seats on either side of him. His muzzle found the base of the rat's shaft again, tongue curling over those heavy balls as his hands kneaded Samael's back and thigh, his uncut length throbbing as he hungrily devoured the rat's scent.

Poised over Lenny's body, his sleek body framing him like a display, the rat let his tail coil around the tightly muscled thigh under him to tease lace-wrapped testes. "I'm going to have to keep you," he teased excitedly. "We might even find a way to give you a little boost, you're so close to being half my size."

Somehow it came out as praise. He seemed genuinely impressed, as he smothered Leonard's face in hot ball sac, pinning his head to the wall, while he kept toying with the lacy g-string, plucking the fabric so it snapped back against his hip then sneaking the tip of his tail into it to lavish his balls with the tiny, subtle fibres on the pink appendage.

Lenny groaned as Samael's tail wrapped lightly around his partially-covered balls, the hellhound humping up softly. His shaft bounced against his straining abs and Samael's even rounder balls, leaving spots of pre on both. He tucked his head against the rat's thigh at the compliment, muttering softly against it. "... I'd be happy at whatever size you think is good..."

Samael interrupted a pleased chuckle suddenly, still pressing his loins tight against him surrounding him in the masculine scent, trapping him in murine arousal as he mused. "I'm starting to get the blue balls. I think you're stud enough to handle it. What do you think?"

Lenny pulled his head back sharply, blinking up at Samael and smiling, his nub tail flicking against the subway seat. He had long ago stopped caring about the horse who was now recording and the goat who was doing his best not to let the mixed musk get to him. He rested his chin on Samael's stomach, his shaft resting over Lenny's shoulder. "So, uh... wh-where do you want it to go...?" The big hellhound knew which he was hoping for, but at this point anything the rat said would go.

"Let's get you bent over and I'll show you," The rat insisted, stepping back and popping down from the seat in a tinkle of trinkets against his hoodie. Somehow he'd remained dressed despite his dick being the first thing to be revealed in this little tryst. It didn't make much sense in that moment but it didn't have to as slender, bare skinned fingers gripped at Leonard's shoulders, urging him out of the seat, down, then around, a hazy whirlwind of touches and increasingly excited hums and huffs. He was savoring the chance to paw at the sturdy muscle and the pronounced divots and grooves between them.

Lenny's curious face broke out in excited panting as he felt himself being turned around, the big hellhound grabbing the headrest of the seat he had just vacated. He groaned as the rats fingers traced over his pronounced muscles, his back a veritable roadmap as he pushed his muscular bubble but back, the slim string of his undergarment barely visible past the crack of his rear. His nubbly tail wiggled excitedly as he whimpered, peering over his shoulder, his shaft slapping against the underside of the train seat as he reached back with one paw to pull aside one cheek and slide aside his g-string.

"You're going to enjoy this, stud," the rat insisted grabbing each taut cheek. Leonard could feel the weight on his back before his brain could really parse what it was. That titanic cock was spitting hot precum into his trapezoids, soaking his fur in slick lust while Samael continued to explore his backside. "But I'm gonna need better lube than pre."

Smooth fingers took hold of the hellhound's balls, tugging and urging them gently and yet possessively while another set pulled them out of that delicate, lace pouch then struggled to hold onto the thick, hooded cock in front of them. Once he had them in his grasp though, the rat didn't hesitate to start milking, squeezing the fat belly of the foot long pillar to coax out more precum with every stroke.

Both hands pulled and flexed and fondled with a strange sort of random precision while he humped at the dog's back, the combination making Sam's balls bounce between their thighs with the promise of his own load. "And don't miss this, Phone Guy," he shouted suddenly. "A real man knows how to take a cock, just sit back and take notes from this stud here."

Lenny just huffed as Samael's pre spurted over his back, tracing between his muscle before dripping down his sides. As his balls and shaft were flopped free, he hitched his rear up more, eyes locked on the faint reflection of his lust-locked face in the glass.

He could feel the lace bunch up to the side of his sizable shaft as Samael began to stroke it, drawing out more and more of his pre, the pool on the ground spreading rapidly. After all the teasing Samael had done, it didn't take long before Lenny dug his claws into the seat and howled against the headrest, his hot, thick cum spraying over the rats paws, long, thick ropes coating both pairs of feet, even splattering against the underside of the seats before him. His abs clenched tight as his balls squeezed up, pulling in to almost half their size with every shot.

Palms scrambled to catch as much as they could before too much was wasted on the plastic but even with his hand in place Samael couldn't capture as much as what rocketed between his fingers or ricocheted back into Lenny's lap before the load was spent but he still came away with a heavy sample of the hot cum and lavishly spread it across his broad shaft.

He worked slowly, letting the hellhound recover a bit while the spooge turned into a rich lather, shining in the light and obscuring his skin with the milky white coat. The rat announced his readiness with a kiss of hooded cock to puckered ass, wedging only enough of himself into Leonard that his precum fired directly into his tender passage.

Lenny panted, his knees still on the floor, but his head had drooped to rest on the seat, eyes half-lidded. That had been the hardest he'd come in a long time, and definitely the quickest after being touched. His shaft still throbbed, bouncing off his abs, pre still dripping slowly to the ground. At feeling the covered head of Samael's shaft pressing wetly against his tailhole, he clenched instinctively.

"Don't worry, stud," he whispered so the small audience couldn't hear. "We're gonna take it slow. I'm gonna take care of you and you just enjoy being big enough to handle me."

That was when the pushing started. The bell shaped crown making every second a little harder than the last but the constant and frankly

Increasing flow of precum helped and the still hot cum slid in smoothly but it was a lot of maleness to handle. It crept in by centimeters but only forward, throbbing hard and dominating the poor tunnel by its sheer girth.

Lenny whined and did his best to relax; Samael was short, even for a rodent, but his dick was still thicker than any of his normal toys. When the head finally slipped in, he let out a short bark, his rear fluttering around the thick shaft piercing him. His own shaft jumped with every inch of progress gained, pre spurting up his chest as he wiggled his hips slightly, trying to make the slow crawl a little faster. "M-more, p-please... I-I need it all...!"

"Big strong man!" Samael cheered in return, working his hips harder, grasping around the hellhound's shoulder and bracing the small of his back until they met ass to crotch with a wet clap. He panted heavily and chirred hotly tossing his head back and shrugging halfway out of his hoodie, restricted and eager to be closer to the stud under him.

Lenny's ears flicked up slightly as he blushed, squeezing the seats hard enough to make them creak as he slowly pushed back into the final thrust. He squeezed tightly around the base of that shaft, his tailhole trying to shrink the halo at the base and trying to keep the rat in place.

Samael fumbled out of the cloth of his hoodie, abandoning his effects, and let the massive pole throb inside the canine, almost crushing his prostate with its size. It bowed the once cobbled muscles into a taut ridge showing just how far the rat had shoved. There was no denying that Samael had been there; even if it weren't for the video evidence, feeling a cock head put pressure on your diaphragm is not something to forget. Finally, though, the smaller male reared back, took a tight grip of Leonard's hips, then drove back in, bouncing his obscenely large balls off his thighs.

One large hand slowly reached under the hellhound, not for his shaft, but to rub slowly over the big shaft bulging his abs. He moaned as every throb of his prostate was quickly followed by a spurt of pre, each one easily as strong as his orgasm, trying to squeeze liquid past the pole of meat inside him. His high internal temperature massaged Samael's shaft as his rear did. He howled as his insides were left empty by the rat pulling back, the same howl cranking up a notch when he was filled again.

His cheeks tensed, bouncing Samael back with even more force as he slapped against taught muscle, the hellhound collapsing onto his arm again as his world spun, the center point the pleasure radiating from inside him, his free hand holding his belly to squeeze at the shaft that stretched him out every time it pushed. He pulled and pushed with the rat, trying to make each thrust hit harder than the last.

Samael quickly matched Leonard's enthusiasm, grunting with each hilting slam of hips. He even propped a booted foot onto the seat as if he could plow the hellhound through the train car with enough leverage. The rhythmic splat of his monstrous orbs punctuated the pair of masculine voices in chaotic harmony even as each song drew them up a little more preparing for the rat's climax.

Lenny's moans came out in bursts with every thrust, his upper half nearly puddling on the floor except for his large hands, both of them clenched tight around the headrests, claws dug in. His body began to jerk in waves, his shaft straining, straining out yet another inch from how strongly the dog was feeling, pre spurting in a constant stream.

His rear milked the rat's shaft as his red eyes looked over his shoulder. "F-finish... i-inside, p-please...!"

Samael reached forward and took Leonard by the chin, locking eyes. Lust burned in them. It was almost embarrassing to be seen like that, more than the video or the disinterested cat peering from afar. The rest of the subway, even the rocking of the track was replaced by the rodent's piston powered cock and the gaze between the two. Every thrust changed his expression subtly, until one more slam of murine hips unleashed an almost violent torrent of semen into the deepest part of Lenny's guts.

Lenny's yellow pupils widened as he locked eyes with Samael. This little rat had found him, given him something he'd wanted, but never felt right asking for. And gave it to him HARD. He huffed through his nose, muzzle closed in that small paw before it hung open, eyes rolling back at the oncoming orgasm he could FEEL bulging out Samael's shaft.

The jizz was dense and hot; a wildly churning goo that poured out in a pulsating rhythm to make up for the Samael's stillness. Eddies curled against the dog's inner walls making the expanding sensation of heat and fullness that much stronger. Pints, quarts, a gallon bulged his belly into prominent dome before the pressure was too much and it washed back the way it came, creating a white plume against the trembling testes pressed to his overstuffed ass.

"Jesus!" Someone out of the little crowd cursed at the sight while the flow continued: thick, rich batter dribbling down the creases of Lenny's crotch, tickling his ass crack, and caressing his scrotum between the stronger blasts painting Samael's sleek belly. It landed on the floor in loud, gloopy splats and spread steadily across the cabin floor, rolling in layers on top of itself. The sticky lake made the air heavy and humid with masculinity which only urged the rat to make a couple more shallow humps to keep himself going.

Eventually, though, the volume bested the rat and his cock spilled out, pushed back in a spray of successfully donated virility and the end of his orgasm adding to the mess under the seat once his shaft stopped flopping back and forth. He held himself up wearily but smiled proudly. Just by looking it was impossible to tell if it was the mess, his own work, or Leonard who earned the expression, but a pat on the rump and a warm laugh brought it together anyway. "Now that's how a stud takes a dick."

Lenny's head had dropped back to the seat as his belly was bulged by the flood of cum poured into him. His abs had vanished under a sloshing pot-belly, his shaft and belly covered in white from where he had cum yet again during the rat's powerful orgasm. He panted happily into his arm, one eye half open as he held his belly, his nub tail wiggling slowly against the rat's wet stomach.

His chest heaved as he tried to catch his breath, not minding the three inches of standing cum covering the floor of the subway car. The cat had drawn her paws up, but she was the only one - the horse hadn't cared, adding his own splash to the liquid, and the goat hadn't noticed until it was already soaking his pant hems.

The rat climbing up onto the seat next to him was responsible for this transformation and hardly seemed to care anymore than a vague contentment. It was a long moment, just breathing in the swamp dense air before a small, soft hand fell on his head. It gave Lenny a gentle tussle then swept back and away. "Good job, stud," Samael said proudly. "It's still a while before the station. Get some sleep and you can tell me your name when you're all together."

Lenny sighed and closed his eye, drifting off for the rest of the ride.

When the subway reached Lenny's stop, the doors rolled open, cum pouring through the doors onto the floors, forcing the crowd to back up.

Following the flood was Lenny. His still-swollen belly lifted the edge of his shirt away from his pants, the top button left undone. As he passed through the crowd, some of them noticed the scent and color of pre staining the back of one shoulder on his shirt.

Held against his pecs was Samael, the small rat back in his hoodie, cock tip just visible against his chest, and balls sloppily stuffed back into his jeans. Lenny's chin was laid happily atop the rat's hoodie-wrapped shaft, a big smile on his muzzle as he sauntered happily past the surprised crowd and up the steps, leaving behind a trail of pawprints and repression.

"Oh, right! My name... It's Leona- Lenny."