1 - Fed to the Wolves
Tucking her nose deeper into the folds of her scarf, Lulu tapped her toes on the sidewalk as she watched figures pass by left and right, scrambling to get home while the sky began to darken. She squeezed the phone that was in the left pocket for her jacket, looking around for the familiar ears and snout of her friend Charlie. She had arrived ten minutes ago on the bus, bringing with her a coat, scarf, and small purse, unsure of what she would need during her stay with Charlie in the woods. Charlie only told her to dress warmly. Lulu wondered if she should have brought a change of clothes or at least towels or wipes. She regretted not asking Charlie, especially since Charlie really didn't thoroughly explain what was going to happen. We're just going to drain some wolves in the woods, she had said. I thought it'd be nice since finals have been a mess, especially for you. I know you work really hard, Lulu. And it was true. It was Friday, the last day of finals week, and they had gotten their last exam done for the quarter which meant winter vacation for a month or so. Lulu had been staying up until four AM for the past three days making sure to get in every last figurative detail to a novel they had been reading for their English class memorized. Lulu isn't very confident in her literature skills, unmatched to Charlie's who is majoring in English. Lulu preferred finals that involved drawing and painting. But that English exam really drained her and she was sort of relieved that she would be able to relax some with their granted vacation yet the thought of what Charlie had planned for that night made her anxious and flustered.
She turned her head to find Charlie running up to her as she waved her paw in the air, ears perked and a big toothy smile on her face, tongue lolling out. The creamy-white doberman's faded-green parka flapped in her other arm, folded over her shoulder as as she ran in an over-sized black t-shirt and black pants. Lulu smiled warmly as her tail wagged, the long white fur brushing against the back of her pant legs. Charlie dropped speed as she came to a stop in front of Lulu, panting but still smiling.
"I'm so glad you could make it!"
"Didn't you say to dress warmly?" Lulu asked with a small laugh, looking at Charlie's toned bare arms.
"I'm fine. All hot from running since I thought I was going to be late. Are you ready?" Charlie waved a paw, signaling her to not worry. Lulu nodded.
"Here it is," Charlie announced as the two came to a small cabin by a vast frozen lake.
"It's so cute!" Lulu said as she followed Charlie inside, looking around curiously at the one-room structure. There was a full-sized bed, a large dresser, a bookshelf, and a desk with a chair, the furniture making up the majority of the room. There were things sprawled around the room, appearing as though Charlie had left the cabin to go pick Lulu up instead of having come from the city.
"I've had it for a few years. I come here when I want to be alone," Charlie said while throwing her over her desk chair then squatting down to the small electric heater that was in the corner, turning it on to heat up the room. She turned to look at Lulu who remained standing at the doorway. "You can leave your things anywhere. We'll be coming back."
"Oh, thank you."
Lulu placed her purse gently on the desk then removed her coat and folded it over the back of the chair. When she looked over her shoulder to ask Charlie something, her face became flushed as she saw Charlie pulling her shirt over her head. A pair of perky pink nipples surprised Lulu as she stared at Charlie's somewhat-flat breasts, Lulu's nose and ears growing warm from the immediate intimacy. Oh my-! Lulu was stunned. Once Charlie's head popped the shirt off and threw it on the ground to the side of the bed, she noticed Lulu, causing Lulu's ears to raise and for Lulu to spin around and sputter an apology.
"It's okay," Charlie chuckled lightly. "I should have warned you, but we're both going to see each other naked either way."
"You're right," Lulu inhaled as her hand trembled while moving to unzip the back of her dress. "It's just that I'm not used to... this."
"Go ahead and take your time. There's no rush. If you don't want to do this, it's fine. I can walk you home." Charlie stopped her motions, holding the flaps of her pants as she looked at Lulu slide off her dress down her waist, seeing a small brown heart-shaped patch on her lower back. How cute! Charlie thought as she squeezed her lips together trying to hide her smile.
"No!" Lulu said a little too loudly. "I'm going to do it. Just give me a moment."
This might be Lulu's only chance to truly see Charlie's body, her thighs, her lips. Lulu's ears burned red from her thoughts. You're not here to sleep with each other! Lulu shouted at herself mentally, trying to focus on not letting her timidness get the best of her as her bare breasts were exposed to the crisp air, perking out as well. She was somewhat glad for the heater or else she would have been shivering all over. She was surprised by Charlie's boldness, especially since Charlie's fur was so short. She let the dress pile around the toes of her paws, leaving her just in her panties.
Just as Charlie flung her own panties aside, Lulu slipped out of hers and shyly folded them with the rest of her clothes and put them where her coat was.
"Ready?" Charlie asked behind her.
"Ready," Lulu confirmed with a quick nod as she turned around slowly, fidgeting her paws together while trying to keep her head low. Charlie's eyes moved over the petite borzoi's body, looking at the brown patches in her long white fur, admiring the large brown nipples over her plump breasts.
"You look amazing, Lulu," Charlie said with a big smile, putting her paws on Lulu's shoulders and giving her friend a reassuring squeeze. Lulu saw the faded pink flesh around Charlie's inner thighs, the smoothness of Charlie's tone abdomen and thick thighs. Lulu raised her head and looked into Charlie's eyes for a quick second before looking away with a smile. "You look amazing, too."
"Come on." Charlie took Lulu's paw in hers then led her out the door and into the darkness of the woods.
Being without the heater and her coat, Lulu felt the chill of the night, especially against her nipples and thighs. They were both quiet, Charlie deep in thought as she focused on finding tonight's target. Lulu, slightly behind her, would glance down at Lulu's curvy ass that had a faint white-washed brown pattern over it under her tail bud, blushing. I wonder if it's soft... But what made Lulu's heart flutter was Charlie holding her paw so that their digits were interwoven. She had never held anyone's paw before besides her parents, but their touch was cold to her.
"There." Charlie slowed down, stopping them both behind a bush then letting go of her paw. Lulu could smell wolf fur in the air among the strong scent of Charlie's body. She was surprisingly calm about how close they were to wolves, but being next to Charlie comforted her. Lulu peeked over the bush just as Charlie did, seeing three wolves lounging around, two grey wolves were playing roughly, wrestling and throwing each other against the ground meanwhile the third, a black wolf, was lying down on his side arm propping his head up, his eyes closed- all were naked. Lulu had never been around wolves before. Wolves lived in the North usually away from the main cities, keeping to their own with the other forest creatures. They looked just like any other canine to Lulu, but their all-too-familiar smell made her nervous. She was beginning to doubt Charlie's idea of a fun night out, but as she looked to Charlie, she noticed how concentrated and silent Charlie was next to her. Charlie then immediately turned to Lulu which made Lulu jump a bit, and she said, "They won't harm us, Lulu. I'll go first."
"Are you sure? I'm a bit worried. Maybe we should do something else," Lulu whispered as she glanced back at the wolves then at Charlie. I don't want this to go wrong, she thought.
"We're already here so might as well get on with it." Charlie came down to her front paws and walked on all fours quietly and slowly towards the wolves then she stopped as the wolves began to shift, noticing that they weren't alone due to the two new smells. Lulu became tense, her ears forward as she watched Charlie. Please stay safe. Then, in a flash, kicking up dirt, Charlie sprung out from the shadows and sprinted for the wolves. The wolves immediately stopped what they were doing and turned to the sound of drumming paws, seeing Charlie come through the bushes then stop a few feet away from them, studying the three wolves. Charlie then huffed and ran again, moving in between them, much closer. They weren't hostile to her as Lulu watched, more confused but intrigued by her appearance. Charlie came up to the grey wolves and licked one over the face then sprinted to the other and playfully pulled his tail before trailing off away from them. The one she had licked made his way towards her, but the black wolf rose up and ran on all fours to get between them. He growled at his fellow wolf, Lulu could hear that, but couldn't make out what they were saying, but saw the grey wolf back off. Before the black wolf could embrace Charlie, she zoomed past him which surprised him. She turned to them and shouted, "Come follow!" before running past Lulu and back towards the cabin. Lulu's heart raced as the wolves began to run after her and drew near. She dropped to her front paws and followed her back to the cabin, running quickly.
At the cabin, Lulu sat on the bed, keeping her eyes on Charlie who stood at the doorway welcoming the wolves. The black wolf arrived first and immediately went to picking Charlie up then shuffling to the bed, dropping her on her back. Lulu was in awe, the wolves didn't appear out of the ordinary far away but up close they were intimidatingly large and tall. They're so huge! she thought. The other two followed in through the door, talking to themselves about having to wait to be with Charlie, but once they saw Lulu they flattened their ears and went up to her hesitantly, but trying to appear friendly. She nervously watched them come close to her and smell her, pressing their wet noses against her cheek and neck and chest.
"Can we?" They repeated excitedly to Lulu. She turned over to look at Charlie who was being licked over the face and teased with fangs around her neck, Lulu unable to see her face. Lulu nodded her head, causing one of the grey wolves to wrap an arm around her back and pull her closer towards the edge of the bed, spreading her legs open and sticking their nose between her thighs.
"Ah~!" A thick hot slick tongue slipped into her, moving up her lips and over her clit then down her hole and up again, continuing in repeated quick, loud licks. She gasped so loudly that the sound caused her to cover her mouth with her paw, feeling her face become hot. She sat up and arched her back inward, squeezing her thighs against the wolf's head, but he kept to his work of slurping away at her taste. There! There!
Charlie let out a low long moan as the wolf that was with her pressed his body close to hers, rubbing his shaft against her lips.
"Mhhmm~!" Another sound escaped Lulu as she trembled with pleasure, digging her trimmed claws into the bed.
"I want her mouth."
The wolf removed himself then turned her over as his friend sat down on the bed. Lulu's snout was pressed against his shaft while her lower half still faced the other. _Eep! _He returned to moving his tongue into her hole and over her lips while spreading her ass with his huge paws. The one seated was already beginning to grow, his pink tip peeking from the top of his hairy shaft; he panted as he threw his head back.
The black wolf moved down Charlie's body so that his nose was deep in between her thighs, moving his tongue inside of her and over her pussy while his thumb rubbed her clitoris. _I'm not gonna last. _"Ah! Fuck!"
Lulu howled in pleasure as she squirmed on her back, her paws twisted in his fur. Charlie barked loudly in pleasure as she felt her muscles tighten and squeeze with every lick until she felt the heat gush inside of her and release into a wave of orgasm.
Two digits slid into Lulu's pussy as his tongue lapped at her asshole, causing Lulu to squeeze her ass together and moan against the shaft in her face. Oh! As she caught the pink rod release raise another inch, she took him into her mouth and began to use her tongue to stroke him from the underside while sucking. She closed her eyes as she felt his length grow and thicken, hearing him gasp while his shaft shuddered. He was hot and somewhat salty, but the scent of his member, her own juices, and Charlie's heat intoxicated her so much that she became weak at the knees. But, as the one licking her became excited from the way her body reacted to his actions, he rose to his paws and lined his shaft with her lips then began to thrust quickly. Lulu was pushed forward from his sloppy jerks. Mhm! Her slick slit made him keep sliding off and misguiding him away from her hole. But as his member began to prod her, he found himself inside it then bucked hard so that more of him came out of his shaft and thickened. She was thrown against the other's shaft, his dick filling her mouth and saliva spilling out from the sides of her mouth.
"Hah... I'm going to come."
Lulu was being shoved forward and back as the wolf slapped himself against her ass wet and loud. He leaned over her back and wrapped his arms tightly around her, resting his head on her shoulder as his dick inflated around her entrance. Triggered by the throbbing of Lulu's walls, the grey wolf bucked rough and fast into her. The knot! _His hard round knot pressed against her lips until he gave a firm, rough push and popped it inside of her, causing her to jump and salivate more. Swelling at the base of her mouth, the grey wolf gay a few short thrusts before his own knot ballooned and filled her mouth. Hot cum spewed onto her tongue then as her pussy twitched and squeezed, the other wolf came into her hole. _It's so much! It feels so good! As she was filled on both ends, her whole body jolted with pleasure, weakening her knees and causing her to yowl loudly in squeals and gasps as cum spilled from her mouth. "Ah! Hah!"
Raising one of her legs so that it rested on his shoulder, the black wolf began to insert himself into Charlie slowly, Charlie gripping the fur on the wolf's back as she was being rocked back and forth by slow hard thrusts. The wolf teased her neck and chest with nips of his teeth while she clenched her teeth and flattened her ears. Charlie turned her head to the side and saw Lulu just as Lulu exploded with sound, cum seeping from her mouth and onto the bed as well as the other wolf pulling out from her back end only to result in cum pushing out of Lulu's pussy, some sliming down her leg, all of it pooling under her toes. Lulu dropped down to her knees while panting hard, gripping onto the bed sheets. _She looks so good. _Charlie began to pant with her, licking her lips and wanting to clean her up with her tongue, but she was suddenly jerked forward. She raised her snout upwards and let a moan rip from her throat as his growing knot stretched her hole. _Fuck! _She could feel his balls slapping wet against her ass, the low growl of his body vibrating in her ear. Her toes curled in the air while her claws dug into his back. Lifting her other leg, he pushed deeper inside of her, plopping his knot in with a hard thrust that pushed her body further up the bed. As his thick cum gushed and filled her while his dick throbbed and her pussy spasmed with orgasm, she bared her teeth as she moaned again, climbing her claws up his back while he lied over her with his paws at her sides, his ears forward and his face tense as he kept an eye on the other two wolves who looked at him, patiently waiting for their turn with quiet yips, but in the meanwhile getting to work on licking Lulu clean which she gladly accepted as she lied on her back again on the bed.
Raising up back on his paws, the black wolf held Charlie's legs up as he licked away at the juices in between her thighs before pulling out with a loud pop. Charlie's pussy shuddered as cum spilled down her ass.
"You're a sweetheart," she cooed. Giving Charlie a few licks over the face with flattened ears and a softer demeanor, the black wolf removed himself from her.
"Our turn!"
The other two wolves took notice and hurried to her, the one who had topped Lulu dropped to his back as Lulu grinned and climbed on top of him while he placed his paws around her waist. The other got off the bed and took his place behind Charlie. The two eagerly licked at Charlie's face as they began to press their full lengths against her holes. That's it boys. Fill me up.
Lulu turned her head to the side and watched Charlie's face full of enjoyment as she gave a toothy smile and received their tongues against her face and neck and ears. She was still getting flushed from seeing Charlie, still growing wet. O_h! She felt a pair of thick paws take her by the waist and lie her down on the bed. When she looked up she saw Charlie's face right above hers. Charlie smiled at her. _I wish I could wake up like this every day. _When Lulu looked to see who had taken her, she saw that it was the black wolf, towering over her as he rubbed himself against her wet lips. _He's bigger than the others. A wet tongue came over the side of Lulu's face. _She licked me! _When she returned her attention back to Charlie, Charlie did it again. _!!! _Lulu flattened her ears as her tail wagged and she lied there with her mouth open in surprise.
The grey wolves both pushed themselves in and began to work in unison at first, their thrusts at equal times until their uniformity loosened and they both pounded her one at a time.
The black wolf dropped down to slide his tongue into her asshole, causing Lulu to thrust her body forward and give a small gasp. _Please be gentle with me. I've never done it in there. _Charlie brought her snout down to Lulu's then gave slid her own tongue into her mouth. Lulu was overwhelmed with sensation as she attempted to grasp control. The deeper and sloppier the black wolf ate her ass, the more she moaned into Charlie's mouth and squirmed on the bed. Charlie would break from the kiss as she would give out to moan and huff as well.
Sliding his thick dick into her, Lulu gasped loudly until he pressed his full size into her, balls-deep against her ass. _I don't even think I can feel myself anymore. _When he began to slide in and out, pressing against her to his base each time, she only remained lying there with her mouth open as she and Charlie moaned against one another.
As the two wolves sped up, both nearing their climax, their knots rubbed against one another and pressed against her g-spot, sending her another rip of orgasmic pleasure, her pussy and ass quaking. Fuck! Fuck! Ah! They couldn't hold it anymore as she milked the two of them of their seed; they gave a hard thrust and pressed themselves into her, both spending their load inside her holes while she flattened herself against the chest of the one below her.
Lulu felt as though she were being split into two. From the thickness of his member, he rubbed against her pleasure spot and sent her ripples of stimulation. Mhhhmm!!
The grey wolf atop Charlie pulled out, but once Charlie sat up and sent the dick of the one below her deeper inside, he gasped and gripped her thighs hard as he gave a hard thrust upward and came again. Charlie could feel the cum refusing to stay put inside her, already seeping between her walls and his dick, dripping down his balls.
Pinning her arms over her head, the black wolf bucked into Lulu and released ropes of cum into her asshole.
Charlie smiled warmly as she flattened her ears and left kisses on the black wolf's face. He gave her a lick over the nose then rubbed his head against hers before moving aside only to have the other two bombard Charlie with licks and whimpers to the face. They then moved to Lulu and squeezed her in a tight embrace and covered her face with kisses. Lulu smiled as she held their paws.
"Goodnight. Get home safe," they repeated to the girls once they covered Lulu with enough wet kisses. They began to chase after the black wolf who was already making his way back into the woods.
"We hope to see you guys again soon," Charlie shouted.
They both walked in the dim lights of the campus. Stopping outside one of the dormitory buildings, Lulu turned to Charlie. "Thank you for tonight. I'm glad I decided to go. I haven't felt this relaxed in a while."
"I'll make sure to call you next time I go out looking for some fun," Charlie said with a wink. They wished each other goodnight, Charlie pulling her into a hug which had Lulu wagging her tail. As Lulu opened the building door, she quickly turned and gave Charlie a quick lick on the cheek then hurried into the building while loudly telling her goodnight. Charlie smiled warmly as she walked away.
Inside her apartment, Lulu stood there in silence as her cheeks flushed as the events of the night came into her mind. I kissed Charlie.