Jeremy 091; Its A Lemur Thing

Story by Kyrugii on SoFurry

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Happy New Year everybody. Time to continue with Jeremy.

It took hours to hammer out the basics of the initial agreements. As soon as Jeremy was delivered back to the hotel he headed straight for the bedroom and crawled onto the bed. The use of his dominant ability had been brief but with everything else that had happened it had also been enough to all but drain his reserves. He'd even nodded off for a few hours during the trip back.

As the feel of impending sleep slowed his thoughts and loosened his control Jeremy's mind centered on the lemurs. Their scent still clung to him. He felt a smile form at the memory of seeing several of the females staring at his crotch. He'd been diplomatic enough at the time that he hadn't made an issue of any of the occurrences. At the edge of sleep he felt himself begin to respond at the memory of their curiosity in that somewhat intimate yet profoundly public region of his anatomy due to his size.

Spurred by his rising need Jeremy's mind rebelled against propriety and served up his unconscious desires even before he was fully asleep. It had been days since his last session on the floor. That part of his hormone saturated mind found its voice and picked the lock of societal prohibitions. Experience from the Thirteenth Floor and unfulfilled desires for his Need combined to steamroll Jeremy's intentions.

Almost of its own volition his paw moved to rest on his anatomy. The feel of himself made him wonder just how he compared to the male dominant lemur. He had stollen a glance at the male out of curiosity. To Jeremy's glance the male held a modest bulge when compared to himself. A smile graced his muzzle at the idea of him being as oversized to lemurs as any other normal female. His imagination even provided a juxtaposed comparison of his own size to a female lemur. His hormone laden imagination took it from there.

He jerked back to wakefulness feeling the inevitable result of his train of thought.

"Ah, fuck." Jeremy muttered as he sat up. He bunched up the sheets up making an effort minimize the mess. Pulling the corners out from under the mattress Jeremy wadded enough of the loosened bedsheet around himself and made his away to the bathroom. Standing in the tub Jeremy turned on the taps and began cleaning the sheet and himself.

Once he was satisfied he'd rinsed the sheets out he draped it over the shower rod and focused on himself. Even minutes after waking his member was still half hard and eager for more attention. Jeremy spent a bit of time to satisfying his urges before finishing the shower. Stepping out to face the mirror Jeremy was again forced to evaluate himself.

With his fur slicked down against his skin he could see he was still as lean as when he'd returned from Chile. In the months since then he'd grown a few more inches but his body's muscle had kept pace with his growth. He turned away from his image at the feel of his sheath straining against his surging member. Once Jeremy had dried himself enough he started grooming his fur.

He'd been satisfied with the size of his body's musculature for some time and watching himself today was no exception. As he finished he took a deep breath and sighed at the growing knowledge that fighting his urges was also becoming a daily routine. It made little difference in how he went about his morning routine, a somewhat pleasant but mild physical reaction always took place. It took daily effort but he was indeed proud of his body. His thoughts made a sudden unexpected turn to Eric.

Dropping the brush on the counter Jeremy sighed again. Thoughts of Eric had quenched any pleasantness of the morning. Quickly wrapping up his routine Jeremy pulled the cleaned sheet from the shower bar. Coming back out to the bedroom Jeremy draped the damp sheet over a pair of chairs to finish drying. Once he dressed he went down to the hotel's restaurant.

Jeremy was surprised that everything on the ground floor was closed. Pulling his phone out and checking he found it was just past three in the morning. He stood considering. He could go back to his room and order from room service, but he wasn't really hungry. Instead he turned to the front doors and made his way outside.

Taking a deep breath of fresh early morning air Jeremy turned and started walking. His thoughts turned to Eric again. He occasionally regretted removing him from PATOMES. Even knowing he'd never be able to help him he'd still like to know if Eric was doing well. As it was he couldn't even know if he was still alive. With a sigh Jeremy slowed and focused a little more on his surroundings.

Having walked for more than five minutes Jeremy hadn't passed a single individual. Looking around he saw there was no one out on the streets. Nothing was open. None of the interior lights were on anywhere he looked. Even half the streetlights had turned off, he assumed it was automatic for the purpose of saving energy. Jeremy had previously noted that lemur eyesight tended to be fairly poor in dim light. There was also the fact that only a few otters had been granted access inside the country. He guessed he was seeing the result.

In the middle of a single species culture Jeremy was left to assume that everyone lived on the same cycle. With rare exceptions a large part of the population was very likely sleeping. He smiled to himself at the idea that at that moment he had the city all to himself. As he continued walking his thoughts turned to the artifact Humbolt had found deep in the earth.

Some time later Jeremy sighed again. He had poked and prodded at every fact and bit of information about the thing in the deep. He had to admit to himself that this was going to be a puzzle he'd likely never see solved. He certainly didn't have the background or expertise that such a find required. He smiled knowing he'd secured a place within the inner circle of those involved. With nothing else to focus on Jeremy's mind meandered toward the weeks ahead.

He eventually made it back to the hotel having let his mind wander through various topics. For Jeremy walking had always been a way to clear his head of the seeming crush of thoughts jostling each other for attention. Walking across the lobby he noticed a light on in the small office behind the check in desk. There was still no one in sight but it seemed one of the first early risers of the lemurs had arrived. Stopping at the elevator banks he pulled out his phone and was a bit stunned that he'd been out for over two hours.

Back in his room he opened his tablet and started working. Things had piled up while he'd been preoccupied. Several more hours went by as Jeremy caught up on Bureau business. By the time he lifted his head from the tablet his stomach was constantly rumbling.

Arriving at the entrance of the hotel restaurant he found it open but empty of any customers. Taking a seat at the counter he watched the lemur waiter approach. He was wearing the hotel uniform, or a version of it. It was the subtle but slight differences that kept reminding Jeremy he was in the most insular country in the world. He'd never seen or heard of a restaurant uniform being a dull grey.

Odd uniform or not the waiter was professional and to the point in taking Jeremy's order. Minutes later he was served and began eating. It felt a bit awkward eating by himself in an empty restaurant. It became even more so as he noticed more staff arriving. With no other customers they stood and mingled with each other in the corners of the restaurant. As could be predicted with no other customers Jeremy became the default focus of attention when they weren't chatting with each other.

He was almost finished with his meal and yet still felt unsatisfied. He'd known Sam had been making larger servings for him when he was at home. Restaurant meals had for some time left him still wanting more. He'd occasionally ordered more when he felt confident in being able to handle an extra serving. In this case he would have to put up with being the center of attention for a bit longer.

Jeremy noticed the waiter check the clock above the cashier station before making his way over. "Would there be anything else Mister Dawn?"

"Well, to be honest it feels a little awkward being the only customer. Is it normally this empty?"

The lemur grinned and lifted his tail to suggest he was sharing a bit of humor. "Actually, in about five minutes we won't have enough seats."

Jeremy asked "What?" not sure he'd understood the male's meaning properly.

Nodding the waiter answered "All our otter guests tend to eat at the same time."

Jeremy looked to the clock. It was four minutes to the hour. "Are you saying they all come at eight o'clock?"

"On the dot."

Jeremy glanced at the entrance. Looking back to the lemur and his anticipatory grin Jeremy made a decision. "I'll have another of the same."

The waiter took Jeremy's empty plate and said "Coming right up, sir."

Jeremy watched the clock and the entrance to the restaurant. Just a few seconds after the top of the hour Jeremy saw a line of otters enter lead by a familiar face. Harris Locke was at the head of the line. The otter had a disgruntled air about him as he stepped to the side and let those behind him be seated first. Jeremy had the distinct impression that the otter was orchestrating the flood of customers as some kind of show.

Jeremy's position as consultant limited his authority over Locke. While he could suggest in the strongest possible terms the otter stop making life difficult for lemurs he also doubted the otter would change his behavior. Besides, in watching the lemurs they'd already taken steps to properly staff the restaurant with the otter's display in mind.

The wait staff had filled nearly every seat in the place when Jeremy's meal came. The lemur set the plate in front of him with a smile and even gave him a fresh set of silverware wrapped in a clean napkin. He started on his second meal watching the lemurs as they handled the rush of otters. The mirrored display cases behind the counter made it easy to watch without making his interest obvious.

As a whole they had clearly become practiced at seating and waiting on dozens of otters all at once. They had all but the last few seats filled within ten minutes of the line of customers arriving. To Jeremy's surprise Harris Locke was seated at the counter to his right. Jeremy let the displeasure of having the male next to him show on his face as he watched the waiter settle Locke next to him. The otter even had the audacity to smile at Jeremy as he sat next to him.

"I appreciate you joining our little demonstration." Harris said in a soft voice leaning closer to Jeremy.

He looked back at the otter. "I didn't know you were organizing this little, spectacle." Jeremy replied adding as much scorn into his tone as he could. "Had I known I would've made sure not to give the appearance of supporting such a petty display."

Jeremy turned back to make eye contact in the mirror with the lemur that had remained standing behind Harris. The male was still waiting to complete the routine of seating the otter. As he maintained eye contact with Jeremy a grin slowly spread across the male's face. The lemur's voice was dripping in pleasantness as he asked the otter what he would like to drink. He even managed to maintain his grin in the face of the otter's withering stare.

"Just water then." The lemur said as he turned and left to greet other customers.

Locke turned to Jeremy and after a second said "You may not agree but as a guest of Humbolt you'd best not undermine our efforts."

Jeremy looked at the otter amazed. There were plenty of responses going through his mind. As a consultant he couldn't give Harris Locke orders, or any other of the Humbolt employees for that matter. He really had no way to put a stop to Locke's petty little rebellion. There was no point in getting into an argument that had only one conclusion.

Jeremy shook his head and got back to his meal. Satisfied at his apparent victory the otter lifted the glass of water and drained it in one long draft. Jeremy continued watching the activity behind him in the mirror. The lemurs were all bustling between tables and the short counter. He was impressed with their efficiency. From his position he could also see the line of otters waiting for a seat without having to turn his head. Many were staring at Locke with openly upset and even contemptuous expressions.

Jeremy was about finished when he noticed a lemur stop in the entrance and scan the crowd. Her tail lifted in delight at seeing him at the counter. She walked over to him and still tail smiling said "Mister Dawn, its time to leave for the airport."

Smiling back Jeremy answered "I'll be with you in a few minutes."

He noticed her eyes flick to Harris Locke a moment and back to him. Her expression changed for just a moment but it gave Jeremy the idea that the otter had made himself well known to the hotel staff.

Stepping from his seat Jeremy pulled out his wallet and dropped enough to pay the bill and a good tip.

Locke looked over and up to Jeremy. "You must still be unfamiliar with their currency. That's way too much."

"Really." Jeremy replied. "Well, since I'm expensed through Humbolt, I'll just pick up the tab for everyone here this morning."

"What? You can't."

As Jeremy started walking toward the host's podium he answered over his shoulder "Watch me."

He had to wait for a lemur to make their way back to the podium. By the time they had managed to spare the time Harris had left his meal and joined Jeremy at the podium. The lemur came up to the podium and asked "Was everything to you liking Sir?"

"Yes, everything was fine. I'd like to speak with the manager when they have a moment."

The lemur showed a bit of uncertainty as they looked between Jeremy and Harris. "Just a moment, Sir." Turning she was obviously worried by the set of her tail. Jeremy alternated his attention between the progress of the lemur and Locke. They both watched the lemur as she reached another and spoke with her for a few seconds. As one the two lemurs looked over to where Jeremy and Locke stood.

As they both walked back to the entrance Jeremy could see the anticipatory set of their tails. Neither thought the encounter was going to end well. The lemurs came to the podium and the manager stepped close asking "Is there a problem with the service?"

"Yes," Harris started.

Jeremy cut him off. "No, the service is exemplary. I wish to arrange payment for this morning's meals, all of them."

The manager was a bit confused and looked from Harris to Jeremy for a moment.

"In fact, for as long as otters come in all at once I want you to bill every meal served to them to my account. Also, add a gratuity to that of, say" Jeremy paused and looked at Harris and nodded "thirty percent."

Both lemurs and the otters within hearing stared at Jeremy for a moment. The junior lemur tail smiled and all but marched away from the podium to get back to her customers. Locke was fuming mad but said nothing. The manager took a breath and answered. "Sir, thats a generous offer, but I'd have to check with hotel management before authorizing any transaction of that size.? "Thats fine, they have my number. They can confirm it with me whenever its necessary."

"Yes Sir, I will."

Jeremy nodded at the confirmation of the lemur and walked away smiling.

* * * *

I've got nothing ready for this week so its time to remind you lot that I'm always open for questions. I'll even answer as much as I can and avoid spoilers.

Jeremy 090; The Issue With Madagascar

Jeremy had hardly eaten any of the food on his plate. He'd had just enough to subdue the growling of his stomach, so far. He was more focused on the discussion going around the room. He had noticed the lemur dominants were doing much the same. None...


Jeremy 089; At The Bottom Of A Dark

Jeremy had no idea how long he stared. His lemur escort stood still and silent. Even their tails were still and hung low, just observing. They were letting him take in the scene. It seemed very understanding of them. The cavern they stood inside...


Jeremy 088; Many Miles Away

Jeremy woke with a start. Another erotic dream had prodded him to wakefulness. There was no reason to get up quickly but once he was awake there was as little reason to stay in bed. Standing he reflexively ducked his head. The ceilings in his room...
