Roommates With Benefits: Chapter 4 (Patreon Platinum)

Story by huskyhuskyhusky on SoFurry

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#4 of Roommates With Benefits (Platinum Patreon)


This is the first 1k words for the full story that is located on my Patreon. This is meant as a preview for the full story and the tags listed are representative of the fetishes found in the story's entirety

Chapter 4 of Roommates With Benefits, a story that is apart of my Platinum content of my Patreon. Premium content is plot driven with recurring characters and are significantly longer than other uploads and are uploaded every Friday

Awesome art by:

Lu is alone in his apartment and is having a tough time masturbating but needs to go off to class, so he devises a way to get away with his antics while sitting among his peers.

Read the full chapter here:

Two months into Lu's new housing situation and things had been going very well with his roommates. Better than well, actually. The rabbit no longer wore bottoms as he went about his business in the morning, and he was slowly working up to being that casual all the time. Liam and Noah found the effort to be admirable and they gave the femboy plenty of encouragement. Of course with so much bare fur showing there was a near constant atmosphere of sexual tension.

It got to the point that Lu was getting fucked so frequently that it was beginning to impact his grades. It was when he got back an exam with a less than admirable score that he knew some boundaries needed to be set.

"I can only have sex in the morning and on weekdays," the rabbit said one day between licks of Noah's thick cock. Liam was doing the same to the rabbit's asshole but both were coherent enough that they were able to nod in understanding. Luckily that time was during the weekend, so it didn't infringe on the new deal from there on.

This meant that Lu looked forward to the daily routine of waking up and getting pumped full of cum before even getting in the shower. Unfortunately for him, it had come up that both Liam and Noah were going to be out of town for a few days and would be back on Friday. That was four full days of an unsatisfied rabbit trotting around the apartment naked with a dildo constantly sticking out of his ass. He couldn't believe how much of a nympho he had become. Spoiled as he was on horse and dog dick.

He found great relief when he would sit down on a vibrator and squirm around while he would stroke his little cock and watch TV. It wasn't near the fun that having the real thing brought, but it was at least half way there. And the absence of his roommates did bring with it a decent amount of time to catch up on homework, studying, and a couple projects. But still, he missed having his special mornings.

The morning of the day that his roommates were supposed to get back was the worst. Lu woke up with the most intense morning wood in his life and no matter how hard he pumped his cock he couldn't cum. Not even with the help of a large dildo was he able to get off. He tried for so long that he lost track of time and suddenly realized that he was going to be late for class.

As he went about his normal routine, his little dick refused to shrink and it was getting to the point that he was close to walking out the door with his shorts tented. He huffed as he stared down at the front of his crotch, his stuffed backpack already slung over both shoulders. He glanced at the clock on the wall and saw that he did have a little time at least.

Lu dashed back to his room and seized his dog dick shaped toy and with one paw from his dresser while he worked down his shorts and underwear with the other. He set the tip against his loosened tailhole and slipped the entire thing in without too much trouble. It was the very same toy that he had been using on himself all morning so it was just a return to normality.

Once the thick knot at the base had slipped inside, the femboy flicked the vibrator function on and eased his bottoms back up his legs. Lu stood back up and just stood there for a moment as he felt the vibrations travel through the core of his body. The toy was pressed firmly against his prostate and it sent a constant wave of pleasure through him.

The rabbit's breathing hitched a little faster and his mouth opened slightly as he was reminded of how Noah's thick bulb would feel lodged within him. He longed for that feeling again, and he could hardly wait for later that day when the two of them would be back. He made a promise to himself that he'd drain both of their balls ten times over and not stop until both were physically unable to stay hard. Just the thought of it all made Lu moan under his breath.

Remembering again that he was going to be late, the femboy rushed back out from his room and then the apartment. With every step that he took the subtle shift of the vibrator inside of him would cause a slight jolt of bliss to cross his mind. On its own it wouldn't have been anything major, but when it came with every sway of his hips it became a constant well of pleasure.

The same feeling came more intensely as Lu settled into the front seat of his car and drove towards the college campus. With the added pressure of his body against the base, he felt like the toy was threatening to go even deeper than it was. It reminded the rabbit of the many times that he would sit on Noah's lap with that huge knot tied to his hole. How it would tug at his muscular ring but never come out until it wanted to. Lu would just sit there and wiggle from side to side, enjoying he feeling of that throbbing husky cock stirring up his belly.

Lost in a brief reverie, Lu was doing the same grinding motion. An abrupt honk from another car snapped the rabbit back to reality and he swerved to avoid drifting into the oncoming lane. It was a wide miss from the other vehicle that passed him on the opposite side and who had alerted him, but it was a sobering event. He stared with wide eyes out his front window with both paws gripping the steering wheel firmly. What a way to die, he scolded himself as he made his way into the school parking lot.

Finding a spot near the building that hosted his first class, Lu got out and trotted briskly to the front entrance. All he while the same buzzing in his ass was there, never going away and constantly reminding him that he still hadn't gotten off yet.

Despite him getting carried away with masturbating that morning, Lu was able to get to class on time with a couple minutes to spare. He slipped into the same seat that he was used to and began unpacking his backpack. He set his note book and pencil case in front of him and simply waited for the professor to arrive. Every other student had settled in as well and were either getting ready like him or leisurely chatting. It was times like this that he was happy that he was more introverted than the normal person, he didn't know how he'd come off while subtly grinding on his chair.

As soon as the clock hit the hour mark the professor came strolling in through the front door. He was a middle aged wolf with a belly and a fatherly look to him. He must have been forty years old, as his muzzle was stern but his eyes were wide and friendly. He wore a wide smile as he made small talk with a couple students on his way to the front of the class room and then began to lecture.

Lu couldn't help but notice his professor for the stud that he was. Likely just due to his arouse addled mind, but the wolf's words were entirely lost in a sea of daydreams. He began to sway his hips again on his seat, grinding that vibrator harder against his prostate and sending some extra strong waves of pleasure up through his core.

The words that the professor was speaking turned into a dull roar that Lu wouldn't quite make out. It was during this time that the rabbit's mind began to wonder, particularly regarding the subject of the attractive wolf. He began to imagine a scenario that had the femboy approaching the professor after hours in this classroom.

"How can I help you, Lu?" he would ask in his deep, sexy tone.

"I just wanna get stuck on your fat knot," Lu would reply while turning around and pushing down his shorts to show off his cute, lithe butt.

"That can be arranged," the wolf would reply while undoing his pants and pulling out his already hard dick. There'd be no need for lube, of course. Lu would get shoved down against the desk at the front of the room. Fully bent over, the professor would set his dick against the femboy's ass and shove every thick inch deep inside, not stopping until those huge, full balls were pressed against his body.

Then the pounding would commence. The wolf looked like he was pretty strong, the rabbit imagined him grabbing the femboy by the hips and slamming forward with all his might. That powerful girth would stretch Lu's ass to the max. That big knot would pop in and out of his strained hole and his tip would surely grind against his prostate. Lu would of course wiggle his hips from side to side to make the thrusting motion that much more enjoyable.

Read the full chapter here: