Special Assignments - Chapter Ten

Story by Billy Leigh on SoFurry

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#10 of Special Assignments

Firstly, apologies I'm a little late with this chapter. I moved to the US with my Coyote last month back to his home city (a very big change for me as you can imagine), however I had this chapter mostly written before I left so I thought I'd go ahead and finish it.

Malcolm wasn't looking forward to starting at college. The University of Beldover was not his first choice. However, the arrival of a new Fox professor might just liven things up.

Chapter Eleven to follow soon...

I dropped Adam off at campus and drove straight back to Aunt Ruth's.

Thoughts kept reeling through my mind as I pulled up on the driveway; did that go well, did that go badly?

It was hard to tell.

Lunch had been fun, but the jaguar had been quiet as I'd driven him back to campus. I tried engaging Adam in conversation, but the responses I either got were smiles or one word answers.

'I had fun today.'


'Shall we do that again?'


That was pretty much the gist of it.

I pulled up onto Aunt Ruth's driveway and made my way inside. No one was in the house so I grabbed a glass of water from the kitchen before heading upstairs. I wondered if Hudson would be able to provide any answers. I fished out my phone, weighed it in my paw and then pressed his number.

The tone rang at the other end but then it went straight to voicemail.

What could he be up to?

I decided to call his number again, but just as I went to select his contact again I held myself back.

No, you can figure this one out on your own.

Maybe I should message Adam?

No, it seemed too soon.

I wondered if there was anyone I could talk to about this who had experience with this kind of thing. There was an LGBT group on campus, but Hudson had gone to a couple of their meetings and told me it wasn't for him.

Very cliquey, kinda shouty and not especially open, despite the fact they claim to be.

I sat down at my desk and searched for the Beldover LGBT society. Their page stated that their next gathering wasn't until next week. That was too long to wait.

I tapped my claws against the desk as I wondered what to do. Perhaps doing some work while listening music might help?

I had some seminar reading for tomorrow, so I put 1999 by Prince and began reading through it on my computer. The reading was for my Empires Through History class, but I had trouble concentrating on it.

Please send me some sign that Adam still likes me!

My computer let out a ping as a new email came through. I opened up my inbox and my eyes widened as I saw a message from Lachlan. My heart began beating hard inside my chest as I opened it.

Hi Malcolm,

If you recall I mentioned that I was looking to take a PhD student on a research trip this year.

I am having a small meeting about it tomorrow at noon with a couple of graduate students. Would you be interested in coming?

I know you're not at PhD level, however I think this talk may interest you.


Lachlan Ross.

I blinked a couple of times as I saw the message. It felt so random, not just for the timing but also the fact he wanted me to attend another meeting with him.

My paws hovered above the keyboard for a second before I typed out a message back.

Dear Dr Ross,

I would be interested in attending the meeting tomorrow.

Thanks for letting me know about it.

Best wishes,


I sent it before I could comprehend what I had just done, but I could feel my tail involuntarily beating against my desk chair.

Another message popped up a minute later.

Fantastic, we'll be in Dalloway Building, Room 1G.

I wasn't sure whether to feel excited or unsure, and then my phone vibrated causing me to jump out of my fur. I glanced at the screen, expecting it to be Hudson, but to my surprise I saw a message from Adam.


One word, but something at least.

Hey, you okay?

Yeah, one of my friends mentioned a party tonight. Wanna come as my plus one?

A grin spread across my muzzle. I changed the song to the Bob Marley track and began typing a message out.

I would love to come^^ where is it?

Tonight at my flat. Come along :)

For sure, I'm also listening to your song again

My song?

Yeah, One Love?

You're obsessed lol, I haven't listened to that in ages

I admit, I found Adam's comment strange given he had only introduced me to the song the other day, but I decided to let it slide and feel glad he had contacted me again.

So, who else is going to this party?

Just a few friends, I promise you'll like them

I was about to type out a reply when my phone began vibrating.

"And I'm suddenly popular tonight," I sighed as I saw Hudson's number on the screen. "Hey Hudson."

"You rang m'lord?" Hudson said in his exaggerated English accent. "What has happened now in your woes and love life?"

"Oh, nothing bad," I began gabbling. "Well, I thought Adam had lost interest in me, and then he messaged along with Lachlan."

"Jeez, your love life is becoming a soap opera," Hudson laughed. "So have you guys made plans for a threesome?"

"No," I replied with a half-sigh, half-chuckle.

"Shame, that paints quite a hot image in my head," Hudson chuckled. "So, what happened on your date then?"

The memory of standing in the trees with Adam about to suck me off entered my mind. I opened my mouth, but I couldn't answer Hudson's question.

"You okay?" Hudson asked.

"Yeah, I was just trying to think of how to describe it."

"Oh boy, this will be good," the jindo chuckled.

"Well, we went for a meal which was nice and went well," I explained carefully. "But then we drove to a place in the trees."

"Haha, I like where this is going."

"Um, it wasn't as sexy as it sounds," I sighed. "He tried something on me, but I didn't like being out in the open. I think I fucked it up."

"Woah, woah, it's all good dude," Hudson said. "So, he took you to a place in the trees?"


"He knew where he was driving to?"

"He seemed to," I replied. "He also went quiet once I wasn't able to um, perform well."

Hudson went quiet for a moment.

"Do you want my honest opinion, and you make not like it?"

"Go on?" I sighed.

"Sounds like you're not the first guy he's done this with," Hudson said.

"Hmm, that thought crossed my mind," I replied, although inside I felt a little disappointed. "Perhaps I didn't perform as well as other guys he'd had there."

"Possibly," Hudson admitted. "But if he dumps you over that that's pretty shallow. Not getting hard happens to the best of us."

"How do you know what happened?" I asked.

"Heh, that's the obvious meaning behind I fucked up or didn't perform well."

"He did invite me to a party tonight," I said added in a more cheerful tone.

"That's good," Hudson chuckled. "Although, speaking of parties I saw Charlotte again. Dude, I don't know what's up with her. I smiled and waved, but she only sort of smiled back at me and then walked off."

"How weird."

"I know right, I don't know what's got into her."

"Perhaps there's something going on in her personal life?" I suggested.

"Dunno man, I've never seen her act like this," Hudson replied. "Makes me glad I'm gay if girls can be like this, heh."

"Yeah, I know," I replied with a shrug. "Anyway, I've got to ask Adam what time this party is."

"You do that bro, speak soon!"

I hung up and turned back to my conversation with Adam. However, Hudson's words that I probably wasn't the first guy the jaguar had taken to the woods were still echoing in my mind.

Well, I had to expect it. Guys would have had previous boyfriends or one night stands. It was a fact of life.

But something about it irked me, as if Adam was using this as a way to test potential boyfriend material.

I shook the thought away.

You're probably thinking too much into it. He wouldn't invite you to a party if he didn't like you anymore.

I turned back to messenger and began typing.

What time is the party?

Gonna start drinks around 9 :), come find me on campus. I'll wait by the SU door

Awesome! See you there

I felt reassured that Adam still wanted to see me, and indeed Lachlan for that matter.

I continued with the seminar reading, counting down the hours until it was time to leave. The thought of Charlotte being cold to Hudson was playing on my mind, so I decided to send her a message too. I rolled over on tmy bed and retrieved my phone.

Hey, I hope you're doing okay? Message me :)

The sun was getting lower in the sky. I heard Thomas walking in through the front door downstairs followed by Aunt Ruth ten minutes later.

They began chatting but their voices were muffled. A moment later I heard Thomas hurrying up the stairs.

"Hey Malcolm, are you eating with us today?"

I paused as I considered what to do. I hadn't gone shopping in a while and didn't have anything that I could make a meal out of.

"Yes, please!" I called back to Thomas.

I wasn't sure if he had heard me, but the sound of his footsteps down the stairs suggested he had.

The reading was finished so I played Minecraft for a while before I heard the muffled sound of Thomas calling me.

The scent of cooking hit my nose as I emerged from my room. I walked down the stairs to see Aunt Ruth had prepared chicken casserole for dinner.

"Hello Malcolm," she called.

"Hi Aunt Ruth."

"You can just call me Ruth you know!" she chuckled. "Anyway, take a seat."

I duly sat down while Thomas and Aunt Ruth sat opposite me. They began chatting amongst each other without paying me too much attention. I ate in silence and glanced at the clock. It was still almost an hour and a half before the party was due to start.

"So, how was your day?"

It took me a moment to realise Aunt Ruth was talking to me.


"I asked how your day went?"

"Oh, I just hung out with friends," I replied casually. In my mind I was cursing the fact that I was at university, yet still coming under the same scrutinising questions I faced from my mum.

"Your mother would be pleased to know that you're making friends, especially after a late start," Aunt Ruth said with a smile.

I nodded.

"When I was at college I made my best friend while standing in the line for library orientation," Aunt Ruth continued. "Best tactic was to carry a bag of sweets around and offer them to people, it was the best way to get chatting."

"Mum, you sound like such a weirdo," Thomas sighed.

"Thomas!" Aunt Ruth snapped. "Anyway, I met Sue and Tabitha by chatting to them in the line."

I nodded along as Aunt Ruth spoke.

"I'll do dishes," I volunteered once she had finished.

"That's very kind of you."

I jumped up and gathered all the plates, ignoring the funny looks Thomas and Aunt Ruth were fixing me.

As I washed the dishes I couldn't help but feel a growing sense of excitement inside. Adam wanted to see me again, and I decided I would be more confident this time. No more nervous moments, just pure sexiness.

I knew what sexual thoughts involving Adam could lead to, so I concentrated on the dishes until Aunt Ruth and Thomas had left the room. The dishes still had suds on them, but I placed them on the drying rack hoping they would disappear before Aunt Ruth noticed.

I could hear Thomas and Aunt Ruth chatting in the living room, so I raced upstairs to get changed. My jeans had gotten a little muddy at the bottom from my trip to the woods with Adam, so I retrieved a fresh pair of jeans followed by a shirt and some more sexy underwear for good measure. The jeans were a pair I hadn't worn before and I had got them following advice Hudson had given me. They were quite tight around my butt and crotch which emphasised those areas quite well - at least that was the idea of it, as I thought I looked silly in them when I first tried them on.

If drinking was going to be involved I decided I would take a taxi to campus. I glanced at my watch and figured I could call one. The number of the company was saved in my phone and I hit their contact.

"Are you heading out?" Aunt Ruth's voice called from the living room.

"Yeah," I replied as a female voice answered the taxi call centre.

"Hello, Beldover City Cars."

"I'll leave the front porch light on, make sure you turn it off when you come in!" Aunt Ruth called.

My head was spinning as I tried to keep up with both voices.

"Okay!" I called back.

"Sorry?" the woman on the phone said.

"Oh, I'd like a car to go to University of Beldover, main campus as soon as possible please."

"Okay, that should be with you in five minutes."

"Do you know when you'll be back?" Aunt Ruth called.

"Um, sometime around midnight I suppose," I replied.

"Do you wish to change the time of your taxi?" the operator asked.

"Oh, no I don't," I said. "Five minutes is great."

"Okay," the operator said.

"Okay!" Aunt Ruth called.

I hung up, and sighed at the fact Beldover did not have Uber yet.