The Only Two

Story by CoolWolf2018 on SoFurry

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#1 of Furry Gay NSFW Story

The only two anthro in the world, a male fox and wolf, hook up for the first time!

The Only Two Anthro in the World

Written by CoolWolf

It had been three years since the world first found out about Red and Max, and it's been a wild ride ever since. After all, they are the world's only 'furries', the only anthropomorphic lifeforms to have even been known to exist. Max the fox, with his sleek fur of orange and white and black paws, and Red, the wolf, with his strikingly well defined body covered in silver and brown fur.

Neither of the boys could remember what happened beyond three years ago, suffering from some kind of amnesia, and they know of no family or origin of their birth. Red was in the United States and Max in Europe, both 'awakening' on the same day. When the world found out of their existence, it was huge news. Humanoid animal hybrids were real!

Max walks across the room, passing by Red who is sitting on the couch in his boxers, looking up some latest news on the pair, who have since become movie stars, celebrities, singers, you name it, and all the fame thanks to them being the only furries in the world.

There had been artwork, fiction, of furries for dozens of years, before these boys were known, so you can imagine what the Furry fandom thought when they were discovered. Wow... And also imagine how easy it is to find work and fame. Don't need special effects when you have a walking talking anthro for real in your movie!

Max heads to the bathroom, takes a shower, and throws on a pair of boxers. The two are in California, shooting together in the same film, which sometimes happens. And this is one of the off days where they can relax. They were even given a rental of their own private house not far from the set. Lucky them!

Max is pacing around the living room, his large bushy orange and white tail swaying back and forth.

"Haha, hey Max . . . there's a few more I found by the way."

"Oh geez, what is with people?"

By 'a few more' and the inflection in Red's voice, he knew what he had found. More erotic fan fiction involving Red and Max. There was plenty of it produced in the last three years. Did you think these two could avoid Rule 34, especially BEING a fox and a wolf? Laughable odds.

Despite all of the artwork and raunchy stories about them, however, Sam and Red rarely discussed sex, and had definitely never come close to making it a far.

They had admitted that each had taken advantage of some female fans, human ladies, but had not gone into the details.

Max coughs, usually nervous about this topic but curious. "Aheh, what have we got this time?"

Red is always more forward. "Kinda a boring hot tub scene . . . human penises in this one, ahaha, and then the other is some kinky bondage. We have canine dicks in this."

Max laughs, and can't help the thought that pops into his head. They have never asked each other what the other actually has for a penis. Why would they, it's a weird question to ask a friend for sure.

Max looks over at Red who is leaning forward, concentrating on the laptop on the glass doffee table in front of the couch. He takes note of the way Red's abs twist, and the sleek curve on his torso as he is bent to reach the keys and type. He really does have a nice body, no wonder there is just soo much fan work of these two, and it seems its more sex than innocent works of art. Max himself is also a finely toned, trim, and appealing physic. They have to keep in shape, being movie stars after all.

But Max had sensed something different about Red recently. He caught him looking at him when he thought he was being subtle, and would bring up the sexy fan art more frequently. Was it just his imagination?

"haha," laughs Red, his wolf muzzle pulling back in a smile. "All these different versions."

"Of stories?" Max asks.

"Haha, no, of our penises. Only we know what the real deal is. Well, about our own that is. You haven't told me anything about yours."

Max was standing looking out the window at the neighborhood, and he felp a strange warmth float up through his body and across his neck, a flush of emotion he can't rightly recognize at hearing the words Red spoke. He couldn't believe it, he was just thinking about this, and now Red boldy asked that question. No wait, he didn't really ask, he just stated that they hadn't discussed it.

Why did Max suddenly feel disappointed when he realized Red didn't actually ask him? He expected to feel relieved.

"Oh, um, yeah. haha. Guess they'll never know."

"Unless the ladies we've been with tell them, haha."

"Oh shoot," Max said, "you're right, we are lucky so far, but maybe they have told and nobody believes them. We're kinda famous after all."

"Oh yeah true."

Red stared at him, meeting eyes. He had such a striking dark shade of amber, and Max's own were a dark shade of blue, that the ladies loved, of course. Red's wolf face regarded him a moment longer.

"So what kind of penis did you put in them, any way?"

Max literally let his jaw drop for a second, then caught it. He felt his pulse beating faster. What should he say?

"Oh," Red said, "Sorry, secrets I guess, I was just curious."

Max walked into the kitchen, pouring a glass of water, which threatened to slide from his furred paws. Made for humans to hold. He didn't know what to say but didn't want to make things awkward.

"There's not much fan art of us with humans, isn't that weird?" Max asked from the kitchen. "You'd think since they make the stuff, they'd want to fantasize about being with us, not us with each other haha."

"It's all fur on fur, sometimes even with some fictional furries thrown in for threesomes or foursomes." Red sighs. "Man, could you imagine if we had someone like us, though?"

"Oh umm, like a female anthro?"

"Sure. Or whatever. You know."

Max felt his heart skip a beat as he was drinking his water, even felt the flush of embarassment seem like it was heating the liquid in the glass from his lips. Sure, or whatever? What ever else is there? This can't really be happening, what Max thinks is happening. Can it?

Max choose not to respond. Then he was hit with more, and it seemed like unless he found a way to derail this topic it would escalate.

"Do you want to know what the truth about mine is?"

"Um, what, Red?" He asked, glancing at the silvery brown wolf sitting on the couch in only his boxers. Always soo casual around him, that part was nothing new. The next part was.

"About my penis, man." Red said, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. "Aren't you curious? It must be hard to picture me with those human women if you don't know what I'm packing, so to speak."

Max was stepping slowly into the room, his black feet bare on the carpet. "Oh, no that's no big deal, I guess." Suddenly he realized he wasn't trying to derail the topic. He couldn't understand himself. Then he realized something else. He felt a cool wetness inside his boxers. A tiny bit of pre-ejaculate at his penis tip, even though he wasn't erect.

Oh dear, Max thought to himself, I'm actually becoming excited by Red's talk. His heart raced more, but he tried to hide it. He walked past Red to get to the other side of the couch. But Red stood up and moved as if to walk past him to the kitchen. Okay, that's good, it would have been awkward at the moment to sit down next to him considering...

Then Max felt pressure on the front of his boxer shorts. Something pressed against his scrotum and testicles. He looked down, and saw Red's paw there. He had groped him! And he wasn't letting go.

"Oh, sorry," Red said. Max didn't move or reply.

Red's paw explored higher, pressing the boxer fabric around the tubular shape that ran a few inches above Max's balls. Max inhaled, and felt warm blood begin to beg for entry into his loins. He didn't know what to do or think.

"So it IS a sheath, just like mine. We both have canine penises! I had to know!"

Red's hand continued to rub harder against the front of Max's boxers, his large wolf paw feeling up the two inches of sheath, and squeezing at the canine penis that lay hidden within it. If he had satisfied his curiousity, why was he still rubbing his friend's innocent fox crotch?

Red let go after a few more seconds, then walked to the kitchen. Max felt very awkward. How is he just pretending like this was natural? Had Red been thinking about this for soo long and finally decided it was time to act?

Max sat on the couch and looked at the laptop, which was lit up with a very detailed and professional looking artwork of Max down on his knees, orally pleasuring Red. Oh my gosh, he thought. He left that open on the screen.

Red returned, and stop there by the couch, arching his back so his furry silver abs were prominently displayed. And he ran his paw around his waist band on his boxers, lowering it some and showing the attractive definition of his pelvis area.

Max looked from the corner of his eye.

"Oh man, sorry I left that up, I was just looking through what is going on out there, haha. Artists, right?"

"Yeah, haha, it was well done at least."

Red plopped down on the couch next to him quickly. Then he leaned over and reached across Max's lap to get at the keys, resting his elbow on his crotch. He felt the familiar tingle and warmth fighting to fill his foxhood at the close contact. Red closed the browser window.

"What are you doing, Red?"


"You've touched me down there twice now. It's not very subtle."

Red smiled. "Are you implying that I am doing it because I enjoy touching you?"

"Well, it's not very common for you to do this."

Red pulled his arm back, the furry silver forarm dragging along Max's right thigh and crotch as it went.

"What do you think of it?" Red asked.

"Oh, I dunno. I uhh..."

"Wouldn't it be a dream come true for our fans if we really did something?"

"That would." Max had a lump in his throat. And he was starting to feel more precum crawling through his shaft. My god, he wanted this. Is it because Red is making it easy for him, and because he is such a handsome and sexy example of a male anthro? Even compared to all of the artworks that are out there.

"I know you're shy, Max, don't worry, you don't have to say yes with your voice, I'll know by how you react."


Red ran his paw along Max's knee, his silver fur against Max's orange thigh, white on the inside. Max allowed it, not wanting to stop or ruin this moment, finding out new feelings within him. Then Red slid his large wolf paw up to the lip of Max's boxers. Max felt himself leaning back some, his trim abdomen straightening out.

Then Red nuzzled the boxers away from his fur with his finger tips and slid his paw in. He felt the strong wolf's hand slide down and cup his white, furry fox scrotum, and apply gentle pressure. Blood rushed into his testicles as if unable to contain the very excitement Max felt now. This was really happening. Red was making physical contact with his malehood underneath his boxers.

Red reached down and rubbed a bit against the area beneath his testicles, which is always very clean and smooth. Max's breathing was heavy in his chest, and he let out a little moan.

"It feels very nice, Max. You're a handsome young fox."

Max felt blushed at such talk from Red, the kind he'd seen in the fan works. Sometimes sweet, sometimes very dirty. He didn't know what to expect from Red in reality.

"Higher," Max said, and couldn't believe it.

Red didn't seem phased, and rubbed him on the base of his sheath, teasing at the fox penis and baculum bone beneath. His paws had to loosen its grip little by little as blood filled the member and expanded within the sheath. Max rested his head on the couch back and moaned. He felt the slick wet tip of his penis emerge slightly from the furry sheath, and Red massaged through the sheath at the thickening shaft.

"You're soo adorable, seeing you enjoying this." Red said, looking at Max with his head tilted back. Max opened his eyes, and Red leaned in slowly, then their lips met. Max didn't fight it. The pulse of his heart beat could be felt through the muzzle, and surely Red could feel it through Max's penis. Max could. Such a strong, excited pulse. They kissed for a moment as Red rubbed at the young fox some more.

This was heaven.

Red reached over and pulled Max's boxers down a bit over his curvy, sexy fox thighs. He rubbed some more, and inch after inch Max's sleek and nicely appealing red cock emerged from his sheath, shiny with more warm precum it was leaking. Max gasped in pleasure as the paw slip up past the sheath and stroked up and down the exposed penis. It felt good, too good. Already something else was coming out of the furry white casing, and beginning to engorge. His knot, at the base of his penis.

"I'm sorry, I have never been this turned on before, Red, I don't think I have long left. I dunno if you want to still me like this, know...happens."

Max was surprised when red leaned forward, and licked his cheek with his long wolf tongue. "You're right."

Then Red bent down, and Max could feel the wolf's breath against his member. Oh my god, he thought. Is he really going to do that? The idea always seemed soo dirty, but now the thought of a muzzle wrapped around his red penis turned him on more than anything. He felt tingling beginnning to climb from beneath his testicles. A building orgasm. My gosh, this is soo hot, it's only been minutes and he was getting ready to cum!

"I want it, Max, don't be shy."

Max moaned. Then he felt warm lips slipping down over his penis. My god, the mouth was soo warm, he didn't expect it to be soo, absolutely lovely, warm. Red's paw rubbed at Max's testicles while he pulled the fox's dick further in, his muzzle bumping the large knot, that was hard and thickened, wanting to tie with something but having nothing to tie with.

The roof of Red's mouth felt good but the tongue was soo twitchy and alive. And soo many thoughts were going through his head. Had Red done this before? Well no, there's no other anthro's in the world. What did Red think of the taste of his precum, and feel and texture of his penis against his tongue. He hoped Red wasn't disappointed.

The warmth and movement of the tongue was too intense. Max started panting harded and breathing faster, feeling the pressure building high and higher, as if his penis structure was hugging itself, while at the same time engorging and pressing against Red's muzzle on the inside. If he were knotted with something the orgasm would be a very long one, but with nothing squeezing his knot he knew it would be a quick, powerful one. "I'm gonna, I'm gonna, Red."

Red sucked faster and harder, his gorgeous wolf head bobbing down below Max's view, his cute pointed ears perky as ever. It was soo warm. The feeling intensified and Max couldn't help but vocalize, throwing his head back. His orgasm struck, and his cock throbbed powerfully inside Red's muzzle, which continued to bop on it's length. He felt warm semen spurt along his length, and could even hear it hit the back of Red's throat. A tightening pressure followed, pulling at his cock. It was Red, swallowing the load, and then the next, as it came.

Max couldn't believe this, this was amazing and he wanted to do it again and again. His balls thrummed in Red's grasp. As the orgasm neared completion, Red briefly touched his taint, and Max felt a more intense tingling sensation for a second. What was that? He'd never touched down there during orgasm. Red rubbed at it. It felt great. Then the orgasm was over, and Red slurped along his length. He sat back up and smiled, while Max panted.

"That was hot as hell, Max," Red said. "You did great, don't worry."

"I...want to do more."

He really did. My god Red was beautiful, those flows of fur all over his body, his confident nature. He was more attractive than even the human females Max had been with.

"There's more we can do."

"I want to return the favor."

"Oh?" Red asked, and his wolf tail wagged a bit.

Red stood up and grabbed the waistband of his boxers, and began to pull them down. Max noted there was dampness on the front. Red couldn't contain his excitement either.

Max watched Red reveal the silvery white glory that he had within. Large balls with fine fur covering them, on an attractive scrotum. And Red's sheath was thick, as there was already a few inches of red penis peeking out, it's point glistening with precum. Red tossed the boxers aside and sat back down.

Max loved the shape his thighs made, the area between his legs, so well defined, so 'private' feeling, soo sexy. Damn it. This was an unbelievable night.

"If you feel comfortable, go ahead, but not too long, I don't want to finish the same way you did."

Oh? Max thought.

Max slowly leaned forward, and ran his black fox paw over that white pouch. He was surprised he liked the feel, and the round orbs within. He rolled them around, as Red smiled at him, and rubbed his arm with his paw. He was soo intimate, Max thought.

Max had touched his own testicles and sheath plenty of times, but was surprised how different it felt to touch another's. And Red was bigger than him.

He ran his paw up the sheath, feeling the thick meat and the solid bone within that shaft, just as Red had done. How he liked touching Red, and knowing that the pressure would feel amazing to him, delivered by another. Red's member slid higher, now five inches exposed of red, shiny shaft, the knot still hidden below.

Max suddenly felt like he couldn't wait to get that beautiful wolf cock into his own muzzle, to see what it felt like, and to give such amazing pleasure back to Red.

Max slid down off the couch, getting into a position on his knees, and assisted Red in spreading his legs wider. He wanted to make the wolf feel dominant. Max licked his vulpine tongue on Red's right inner thigh, feeling the fur caress his taste buds, delaying the true prise that was further in. Then his tongue found Red's scrotum, licking up it's middle. He pulled one of the wolf's testicles into his mouth and suckled lovingly. Red moaned, loving this attention.

Max ran his paws over Red's stomach muscles and chest. "You're soo beautiful."

"Oh, you, haha," Red said.

Max wrapped a paw around Red's emerging, red wolf meat, and waggled it back and forth, enjoying it's feel and weight. Then he licked up the sheath, and the bottom of the cock. He felt the powerful muscles of the penis twitch, and a fresh spurt of precum dribbled down and on his tongue. It tasted wonderful. Red moaned.

This was really happening! He was giving his friend, the only anthro wolf in existence, a blow job. And he loved it.

He felt Red's paw caress the side of his face, urging him on. Max licked up the length of the throbbing wolf cock and then captured the tip with his lips. So soft and yet hard, and warm. He slid, letting the shaft spread his lips. It felt amazingly, surprisingly good sliding into his muzzle. How does this wolf's dick taste and feel soo pleasant.

Max was soo horny and his heart was beating soo fast that he felt he could stimulate this cock just with his own heartbeat radiating through his fox tongue. But he used his lips and moved up and down.

"Oh my god, Max, you're amazing, ugggh, you sexy fox."

Max smiled with the cock still captured in his maw.

Red placed his paws on the back of Max's orange furred head, rubbing the ears and skull, as the head bobbed up and down. Red held his head down and began to thrust up into the fox's mouth. Max ran his paws underneath Red's buttocks, feeling the elegant curve of the meat there. What a sexy wolf!

Then red lifted Max's head, pulling him off of his hot, warm cock. A string of precum ran from his lips to the tip.

"Get on the couch, on your back, Max, we got some better stuff to try."

Red stood up, and Max enjoyed the way his buttocks curced and creased where it met his thighs. Red was in amazing physical shape. He also loved the heavy way his balls hung beneath his fully erect canine penis.

Max did as told and lay on his back. Red grabbed Max's leg's, elevating them some, and brushed the fox tail aside.

Max's heart was racing. Was this heading where he thought it was? Anal sex? Really? He'd never thought in his whole life he'd be involved in such a thing!

Red leaned down and kissed him on his lips. Then he pulled back, and got down on his knees on the rug, near Max's lower body. "Do you remember that feeling when you came? When I rubbed underneath your balls?"

"Yes, that was intense."

"Do you know why?" Red asked.


"I was rubbing your prostate, from the outside. That's why it felt amazing. The prostate can deliver a whole different type of orgasm, Max. But to really do it right, you need to get at it from the inside."

The thought of Red talking about the inside of Max's anus excited him more than anything, alone. More pre was collecting along the inside of his still erect vulpine cock.


"Yeah. I'm going to penetrate you in a few minutes. Don't worry, I'll be gentle, it's rough the first few times."

Red seemed soo knowledgeable about all of this. The wolf rubbed the fox's ball sack while talking, pushing around the sensitive testicles. Really enjoying the feel of his friend.

"Okay, I'm not afraid, Red."

Red reached underneath the coffee table, and retrieved his travel pack. Weird, he usually left that at the doorway. He pulled a 8 ounce bottle of sexual lubrication from the pack and set it on the table.

And Max thought that foxes were the sly ones. Red had planned for this!

Max tensed as Red's furry soft finger caressed over his tailhole. Red rubbed his six pack abs, which were facing upwards with the hot youthful fox on his back on this massive couch. Then Red ducked his head down, and Max felt a warm, giant wolf tongue slide over his hole. The anal sphincter tensed, soo sensitive to this foreign type of contact. He was definitely not experienced at this.

Red licked, poking at the hole with his tongue, and Max felt some sort of new connection to the wolf, which seemed strange to him, but right. They were doing things that were very intimate.

Max heard the lube bottle pop and soon felt a slightly cool touch to his hole, likely the lube, not yet warmed by body heat. Then Red pushed one finger tip slightly inside the fox. Max inhaled. Red took it slow, using his one finger to penetrate a little deeper, the tight anal ring hugging his finger and closing sharply each time it withdrew, then spreading with resistance as Red pushed it in. Red did this for awhile, in and out, while rubbing Max's belly, playing with the fur tufts.

Then Red stood. "You're soo hot, Max. I love every inch of your body. No wonder you're in soo much artwork."

"You too, Red." Max laughed.

Then before he knew it, Red's red wolf tip was pressed against his anal ring, slipping in the lubrication. It entered about an inch then was tightly hugged by the anal muscles. Red help it there for a time, then tried to press in deeper. Max felt sharp pain, circular all around his anus ring. It was resisting being stretched. He wimpered slightly, and Red pulled out with a wet slurp. "It's okay Max, it will hurt a bit, but we'll work at it slowly."

Max nodded, still feeling an unpleasant sting in his ass. He worried if this would really work. Red pushed in the first inch again, in and out, dribbling precum on the tailhole. He didn't test the resistence for a minute, then he leaned down and lay his sexy wolf chest across the fox's own, his muzzle draped over the fox's collar bone. And Max felt the wolf's cock pushing harder, and with it came the pain. Having Red on top of him was soo intimate that it helped him ignore the pain. The fox gritted his teeth as he felt his anus stretch more, and then the undeniable sensation of many inches of wolf cock slipped into his insides. It hurt, the anal ring stung, but the length of the shaft felt amazing and deep. Red held it in there, unmoving, as the two boys breathed against each other.

Soon, the stinging subsided, and it felt rather nice having something filling his hole. Red pulled back a few inches, then thrusted in. Max moaned. Things felt soo much more complex inside of him, like his anus contained many things, and all of them were loving the feel of Red's cock sliding against them, fighting against their crushing pressure.

Red was inside him! Was fucking him! And Max found that he loved it.

The wolf thrust in and out slowly, and Max felt such intense pleasure. Red must be rubbing against that prostate, like he promised.

Several minutes went by and they silently continued their business, Red thrusting into Max's depths, making love to him. The only two anthro in the world. Who cared that they were both male? They were the only ones!

"Oh my god, Red, I love your cock in me."

"That's a boy, Max, enjoy it. Mmmm."

Red huffed and continued thrusting. Max was lost in the ecstasy and didn't notice Red reach for the lube, but soon the wolf's lube-slickened paw was rubbing up and down on the fox's cock, while he filled him with his own. The stroking sensation on his sex organ caused the fox's insides to tighten again and again in pleasure, wrapping itself around the wolf's cock. This was unbelievable. How could there be anything wrong with this when it felt soo amazing?

Red pulled out, and the tight anal muscles were eager to close, causing the fox to tense at the sensation.

"wh...what's up?" Max asked. He didn't want any of this to stop!

Red didn't speak, he just lifted Max's torso, guiding him to turn over on his stomach. Oh? Doggie style?

"I'm better at hitting the right spot from here, Max."

Better? How does he know?

Red climbed on the cushions of the couch, his knees pressing down on the cushions. He was getting on top of Max's back, and Max felt soo intimately excited by this. He lay his belly across Max's back and his muzzle was next to the fox's neck. Red held the fox's cock in his paw, and used his pelvis to force the fox down onto the couch, squishing the paw and cock beneath him.

"No stroking. I'm going to give you a prostate orgasm. Get lost in it, don't resist."

Max only nodded.

Red lay on top of him, thrusting his buttocks forward, burying that wolf cock deep in him, and Max felt something close to his balls being stimulated with each thrust, causing him a slight sensation like he had to pee. But when red pulled back, it was gone. Only illusion, so he decided to enjoy it.

He had the thought that he wanted Red on top of him like this forever. What a strange night, and what powerful feelings he had now towards Red.

After minutes went by his thoughts were interupted by a warmth spreaking from his groin, and anus, then reaching his toes, his paws, his back. What was this?

Max moaned.

"It's starting, is it?" Red asked. "This orgasm is intense, don't worry about how you react."

How Max reacts?

Then is slammed into him, full body pulses of pleasure, and his black fox paws grasped the couch fabric. His body was invulntarily shaking, and he felt like he wanted to absorb Red's cock with his anus somehow. It was TOO intense. Max made sounds that he wouldn't even remember later, and barely realized that Red was licking him behind the ear. Feral and powerful, this orgasm was insane, and lasted a long time.

Max grunted as he felt an intense sharp pain in his ass, and then he felt fuller.

Red's knot! He had pushed it in fully. It was soo thick! And wide. It felt wedged, like it could never come out of there, and it pressed his prostate harshly, causing an intense sensation of needing to pee mixed with indescribably tingling. The fox's fur stood up straight it felt like.

Then he heard Red moaning and panting, and felt his warm, sticky white liquid filling his insides. He welcomed it. He wanted Red to be pleasured, using his slim fox body. Pulse after pulse of wolf cum hammered into his insides, making the wolf's cock looser inside him, but the knot was far too big to accidently slide free. Red was manly as hell.

The two boys were tied together, panting, moaning, lost in the moment, chemicals firing through their brains, sending pleasure signals all throughout their well toned, fur coated, sexy limbs and bodies.

When the intensity finally subsided, the lay there, trying to control their breathing. Cum dribbled free from the tight contact of Red's cock inside Max's tailhole. Max had drenched the couch beneath his own belly with a slick coat of cum, during his prostate orgasm. Red still squeezed and teased the fox's dick with his paw.

"Max, it might be an hour."

"Your knot? An hour?"

"Yeah, sometimes...uuuugn, it takes an hour."

It was hard for Red to speak, as he knew when knotted the waves of pleasure continue for the entire hour. It is not like how humans orgasm, ten seconds and done, when connected like this.

"That's okay, Red, I want you to fill me. Again and again."

And so their secret sex had begun...

...but how long could these two mega celebrities keep this secret?

That's it for my first story! Tell me in the comments what you think! Thanks for reading!