Controlled Impulses: Chapter 2

Story by jjwolverine on SoFurry

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#2 of Controlled Impulses

This story explores themes of mind control, obedience, and incest amongst anthropomorphic animals using fictional technology. It is intended for an audience of 18+. Please leave me a comment with reactions or suggestions!

Chapter 2: A special treat

Father looked up from the small kitchen table, peering at me over his tablet. It was displaying the morning's news. "Andy, you're not finishing your breakfast. We talked about this."

I looked up at him, startled. I realized I'd been staring disinterestedly at the half-eaten scrambled eggs on my plate for the last 5 minutes. "Sorry Father. I already ate a lot of them, it seems like too much."

"Does it, now," said Father. He was a large black wolf, and could he be frightening when he was angry. But today, his lupine facial features merely had an expression of gentle, kindly concern. "I thought you liked eggs? And you want to grow big and strong, don't you?" He looked down at his tablet and tapped a few buttons. "Does that help you want them more?"

Come to think of it, I did suddenly feel better about eating the eggs. "Yeah I guess so." I replied, picking up the fork again. I scooped up some of the dozen scrambled eggs father had made. And they did taste good, I realized. I resumed shoveling them eagerly into my young muzzle.

"That's better, Andy. Thank you." Father looked at his tablet again. "Looks like I'm about out of time, I need to head over to the lab. You have the list I gave you for today while I'm gone?"

I looked down at the paper list of chores and tasks on the table. "Yes, Father, I'll work on it right away."

Father smiled, getting up from the table. "Good boy. I'll make sure you get a special treat when I get home tonight if you hit all your goals."

"A special treat?" I asked, suddenly hopeful.

"Yes," he said, raising an eyebrow. "Your favorite treat. But only if you get to all the goals we talked about."

I beamed with delight at this. It seemed like an eternity since the last time I'd gotten the special treat. And, I was determined to please Father. I would work hard today.

Father left the kitchen and walked into the adjacent bedroom of the small house, dropping his bathrobe as he went. His tall, naked, muscular body was still visible to me through the doorway. I felt embarrassed to be staring at him, but I didn't want to look away. I felt my tight workout shorts bulge and tighten with excitement under the table. Father was an extremely handsome wolf.

I watched contentedly as he put on his work clothes. His strong arms flexed under his dark fur as he donned a dress shirt. His paws deftly fastened the buttons one by one, working from his thick neck, over his barrel chest, and down to his plump package. Though not aroused, his cock was still thick and pretty long. Finally, he pulled up some loose slacks over his hips, and my show was over. I resumed eating the eggs.

"Okay I'm off!" said Father has he left. He ruffled my headfur affectionately with one paw as he walked past me. "Earn that treat tonight!" And he was gone.

Alone in the house now, I looked at the paper on the table. The chore list was long, and I needed to get through it quickly so I could focus on my goals. Within an hour I had done all the dishes, cleaned the kitchen and bathroom, folded all of father's clothes, and done all the laundry. Next was car chores.

I stepped out into the hot attached garage, pulled on my mechanic's jumpsuit, and got to work. I replaced a burned out bulb on the van, refilled the washer fluid and coolant, and then got under it to change the oil. This was a slow, messy job, but eventually I finished it. Droplets of golden brown motor oil dotted my own black fur. I was soaked in sweat. I may have been filthy and tired, but I had finished all the day's chores in barely three hours! This left me lots of time for the real work.

I turned to the weight-lifting bench, which was also in the garage. Next to it was a very large set of free weights. I went to it and looked at myself in the adjacent full-length mirror. A young black wolf looked back at me, fit but filthy in the oil-spattered coveralls. I shucked them off and chucked them in the corner in a wad. Now naked, I could see my trim, muscular form in full detail. My thick cock peeked out of its sheath between my stocky thighs.

I could now see the job ahead of me today. My biceps and quads were thick, but they could be thicker. I flexed my pectoral muscles and watched the dark, matted fur on my chest move. I turned and lifted my tail, looking over my shoulder at my firm, round, muscled rump. Yep, all of this was gonna need work.

I put on my spandex workout clothes, and then spent the rest of the day on weight-lifting. I did deadlifts, squats, bench presses, bicep curls, leg presses, and the many other exercises that Father had taught me. (I've read on the internet that you're never supposed to lift weights alone, but Father said it was okay for me.) I felt my sweat-soaked clothes tightening bit by bit as I lifted.

Within a couple hours I had gone from feeling stuffed to feeling very hungry, despite the large breakfast. I took a break and made myself several sandwiches in the kitchen. They were hungrily devoured in moments. Then it was back to the weight bench to stack on more weight. I could feel myself getting thicker and stronger. Definitely thicker, I thought to myself, feeling the tightness of the clothes. And definitely stronger, from the weight I was stacking on. But I would have no way to know if it was enough. Not until Father returned.

I kept on lifting weights.

I was awoken by the sound of the front door opening. Startled, I realized I must have dozed off. I was still naked and laying on the workout bench in the garage. My fur was matted with dried sweat. Father came through the door and looked over me appraisingly. He held his tablet by his side in one paw.

"How did it go today?" he asked. "Looks like you did all the chores, and found time to work out even more than what we talked about. Excellent."

"Yeah!" I beamed, delighted that he was happy. "I got everything done. And I added even more weight than I usually can. I had stop half way through for more food."

"That's very good, Andy," said Father smoothly. He tapped on his tablet and seemed absorbed with some information on it. "Very good indeed. Shall we run some tests?"

"Yes!" I said excitedly. Soon I'd know if I deserved a special treat from Father. I felt my cock swell just the slightest bit in anticipation.

"Okay then, let's start with squats. What's on that bar right now?" Father tapped some more on the tablet.

I told him the weight and he nodded. With a grunt, I lifted the bar onto my broad shoulders. It felt so heavy in my exhausted arms, but I wanted do anything I could to please him.

"Hang on Andy, just one second..." Father tapped a button on his tablet.

Seeing him watching me, I suddenly felt a renewed strength, fresher and more ready for one last push. Even though I had lifted weights almost the whole day, I thought I could do more now.

"Okay that should be better. Please give me 5 squats."

With a grunt I squatted the weight. It was tough, but I did it five times, just as he asked. I dropped the bar.

"Excellent progress," he said, looking approvingly at the tablet. "Let's see how that went in physical terms."

Father picked up the tape measure off a nearby shelf and knelt in front of me. Zipping the tape between my legs, he quickly pulled it tight around my left thigh and took a measurement. "Very impressive." He tapped the number into his tablet, repeated for the right thigh, and stepped back.

"Well that is a bit past your goal. Nice work, Andy! Shall we check your arms now?"

I could barely contain a yelp of delight. Just one more test to go. Without being told I picked up the curl bar and, as quickly as I could, did five curls. My biceps bulged so much I thought the shirt might rip, spandex though it was. The fifth one was hard, but I finished it and let the bar drop onto the mat. I was panting heavily.

Father whistled his appreciation. "Even better, Andy! Now then, let's see how much you've grown." He stepped behind me and I felt the tape go around my left bicep, and then my right. I couldn't see the numbers that he was tapping into his tablet.

There was silence. I didn't turn to face him.

"Well then," he said finally. "Your growth today exceeds my model projections, and this is the biggest single-day gain you've ever had. Even adjusting for basis mass, it's a very big gain on both strength and bulk. This new incentive loop is working out great. You've more than earned your treat."

I froze, quivering with anticipation at what would happen next. I didn't understand half of what he was talking about, but I could tell that he was pleased. And I was definitely going to be rewarded.

I closed my eyes and waited.

I felt Father's paws gently touch my sides from behind, and then slide down to my waist. One paw moved down into my shorts, lifting my tail. A finger found my tight hole and pressed lightly inward.

Though my eyes were closed, my mind was suddenly filled with a blinding explosion of white light. I gasped and staggered, falling back against Father. He caught me, supporting my weight while he lowered me gently onto the bench. His paw massaged my little pucker, working it open bit by bit. The ecstacy of it was even more intense than I remembered from last time. I lay face down on the bench, my rump in the air, presented for his touch.

"That's very good, Andy." Father's voice was soothing. "I tried some new tricks with this software version to make it better for you."

I didn't understand what he meant, and anyway I could only whimper in response. His paw continued to press my hole open more and more. I could feel myself getting slick back there in response to his touch. His fingers slid in and out of me, a bit deeper each time. I strained against him. Blinding white pulses filled my head with each of his motions. I lost track of time.

Father paused after a while, taking his paws off of me for the moment. I opened my eyes and watched serenely as he dropped his shirt and pants onto the garage floor. He gave the tablet a few final taps and dropped it on top of the clothes. His big cock was stiff and thick, and getting even stiffer. I smiled blissfully, thinking about how it would feel for his girth to spread my tight hole open wide. I closed my eyes again as he straddled the bench behind me and pulled off my shorts.

"You're going to be a little tighter this time, and you should have more sensation," said Father. "Plus, I've added something special for you at the end. Now. Let's take you for a spin, shall we?"

For a moment I felt the head of his large penis press against my bare hole. I held my breath, bracing for it. Then, with a grunt, he pushed deep into me, burying his cock all the way to the hilt. I felt his hips slam hard against my rump. I gasped at the sudden shock of it. I felt split apart, stretched wide around that rock hard cock, the only cock I'd ever wanted.

"Oh god, you're so tight," breathed Father as he slowly worked his cock back and forth inside me. "You're such a good boy, Andy." I felt his hands slip down to my hips, pulling me closer and impaling me even further onto him. I could feel his swelling knot pressing at my ass.

I whimpered with pleasure at the praise, and tried to relax as best I could to take him comfortably. He was just so big... and I wanted all of him in me so badly. I wanted to be knotted. I tried to open my eyes, but my vision was blurred and useless. I shut them again, letting the feeling of his thick, warm cock fill my core. I felt him slide out of me a little. My attention floated vaguely to the hot friction of my exhausted sphincter wrapped around his cock.

He pushed in again, and I gasped again, though a little less this time.

"You're doing well, Andy. That's it. Good, now. Good." Father started to become more rhythmic, sliding in and out of me a little further and a little faster than he had before. The harsh shock of the initial sensation gave way to a softer warmth. Involuntarily, I sank down onto the bench, going almost limp under his thrusts. The change in angle pushed him even deeper into me. I whimpered again.

Father began to fuck me harder. Faster. His sliding became thrusting, and then a real pounding. I could hear him starting to breathe harder. It almost hurt, but I was determined to take as much of a fucking as he wanted to give me. My own cock was rock hard, an awkward lump pressed into the bench underneath me. It didn't matter. I would do anything to get my treat.

"Oh fuck, Andy, you feel so good!" rasped Father as he pounded my exhausted ass. I wanted to tell him that he felt so wonderful, better than anything I'd ever felt or done ever in my whole life. But my voice was lost, my mouth refused to make words. So I just lay there, mind blank. I could only wordlessly submit to him as he fucked me however he pleased.

Soon I could hear his breathing start to intensify, and I knew he was getting close. I tried to stay calm. I was about to get it. My special treat. I could barely stay still. I couldn't believe this was really happening. I could barely even think about it, the idea of Father's seed inside me was so exciting it was almost painful. My skin vibrated in anticipation.

"That's so good, Andy," he whispered, barely audible. "Now for your treat. You're going to like this..."

With a final grunt, I felt Father's knot spread me open and shove into my hole. I felt the powerful pulse of his huge load of hot cum jetting into me. The sticky warmth of it suffused my gut... and then the warmth continued, like a wave spreading outward from him. At first I thought it was just his body heat inside me. But the wave kept going, all the way to my face, toes, fingertips. A gentle ripple of hot pleasure that filled me from the inside out.

When the wave reached my hard cock, it quickly built into an impossibly intense climax. Before I knew what was happening, I suddenly came harder than I'd ever come in my life. My whole body convulsed. What felt like gallons of cum gushed uncontrollably out of me, flooding the bench and spilling onto the floor. Father gently held me down as the orgasm shook me again and again. Spunk kept pouring out of me, I didn't know anyone could cum so much. Eventually it subsided, but it felt like forever.

I don't know how long we laid there, tied together. I think I lost consciousness.

"How did that feel, Andy?" Father was whispering in my ear. I could feel that he was no longer inside me. His paw caressed my fur gently, occasionally scritching me affectionately behind an ear. His other paw held the tablet, which was displaying a grid of buttons and charts.

"I..." I tried to focus on his question, but I was just so exhausted. So completely spent. I felt like between the weight lifting, the intense fucking, and the unbelievable orgasm at the end, I had been completely emptied of every ounce of energy.

"It was an extra special treat," was all I could manage to whisper.

Father chuckled. "Well good, that's what I wanted too. You were such a good boy today. You deserve it." He glanced down at a red blinking indicator on the tablet. "I think you should rest here for a while. You can come to bed later."

I was too tired to respond.