Inqu Pt. 6

Story by Inqu on SoFurry

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So here we continue, Inqu begins a new chapter in her life, this is probably gonna be the end though, i had a lot more planned but when i write this it just feels, bleh. Like im not getting the emotion or feel i originally set out to make, i feel things are moving to quickly, and yeah im not that far in these stories are tiny and not even time consuming to write and i could go back but eh. And honestly if i get that feeling with anything else i dont even entertain the thought of continuing so im not going to. shrugs sorry? I guess? Not really.

"Aw crap that's right our cruiser is jacked..." Jace sighs and grabs her radio. "HQ this is officer Jace, Inqu and I need a new cruiser ours kinda got peppered with buck shot." Jace says sitting on the concrete barrier that separates both sides of traffic. "Understood Jace, a tow truck is on its way as well as a cruiser." HQ responds. "Thanks HQ we appreciate it." Jace smiles and stretches. "Well I guess we wait then." I say sitting down and stretches as well as yawning. "Seriously? You're tired after that??" Spear asks surprised. "Yeah that really wiped me out..." I look over to the body and suddenly feel an immense sickness over take my body. I lean to my side and vomit. "Inqu are you okay??" Jace gets up and kneels next to me. "I-I don't feel so good..." I admit and hold my stomach. "I-I was acting on anger and hate when I shot that man...I-I wish I hadn't..." I vomit again.

"If you hadn't he would have killed you..." Jace holds me gently. "T-that doesn't make it right, I could have disabled him or disarmed him..." I cover my maw, Spear handing me some tissues. "T-thank you..." I wipe my muzzle and pant. Jace sighs and holds me close. "You did the city a great service by killing him Inqu." Decker sits next to me and rubs my back. "I don't feel like I did..." I close my eyes and lean on Jace gently. "Well, sense you just threw up your breakfast and coffee want some food and coffee?" Jace asks and smiles at me. I gag and cover my maw and shake my head no. "O-Oh okay." She blushes and hugs me. "Sorry." She apologizes. "I-Its okay...i-I wont be able to eat for the rest of the day at minimum..." I say taking deep breaths to not throw up again.

"Well the cruiser should be here soon anyway~" She smiles, getting up and helping me up. I take a few more deep breaths and look around. My ears perk as I see a small glint of light in the distance. "D-did you guys see that?" I ask looking at the others. "See what?" Jace looks around. "Over there, there was a glint." I point at a hill a couple hundred yards from the highway. Jace squints as she looks at it. I see the glint again before a sharp pain instantly fill my stomach and a very loud crack is heard. "Ahhhh!" I scream in pain and hold my stomach as I fall to the ground. "SNIPER!" Decker and Spear quickly get into cover and Jace drags me over to the concrete.

I can hardly breath im in so much pain. 'J-J-Jace...." I pant heavily and hold her paw. "J-Jace...I-I want to ask you something..." I wince holding my stomach with my lower paws and moving my free upper paw to my breast pocket.

I slowly and shakily pull out a ring. I wince and blush. "W-w-will you m-marry me?" I sniffle and wince looking up at her. "Yes mos." Is the last thing I hear as my chest fills with overwhelming happiness. Sadly, it doesn't last long, my vision goes black a second later as my head is blown off by the sniper, my body slumping over into Jace's lap. I gasp and sit up as the sound of a small metallic object hitting the floor fills my ears. I pant heavily and look around, seeing only darkness. I look down at my stomach to see im naked but also completely healed. "W-what the hell?" I say running a paw over my stomach and looking down at my feet seeing a bullet. I crouch down and pick it up standing back up and looking it over. "That's what killed you Inqu." A females voice suddenly appears behind me. I yelp in surprise and spin around as I drop the bullet. "Arceus!" I say in amazement. "In the flesh~" She smiles happily and giggles. "I-I don't recognize your voice..." I say in confusion.

"No, I'm not the one that has been watching over you Inqu." She says as she picks up the bullet. "W-what...what happened?" I ask whimpering. "You got shot in the head by one of the terrorist's snipers." She says handing over the bullet. I gently take it and look at it. "W-why, is this here and not anything else?" I look up at her. "In case you wanted to keep it." She says simply. "Keep it? The bullet that killed me?" I ask looking at it. "Y-yeah...I kinda want to." I nod blushing a bit. "I had a feeling." She smiles. "That's not fair you're a goddess." I say looking at her and giggling before gasping. "W-what happened to Jace?! I-Is she okay?!" The realization suddenly hits me. "...No, Spear, Decker, and Jace have perished by the same sniper. Im sorry Inqu." She says looking a bit sad. I fall onto my ass. "W-why aren't they here with me then? I-Isnt this the afterlife?" I say looking around. "We are in a different dimension right now." She replies.

"What? Why?" I ask confused and giving her a confused look. "Because I wish to introduce you to your goddess mother and mentor." She moves her arm out a little before another goddess appears, this time an Arcanine. "Good morning Inqu~" She smiles her voice the one from my dreams and in my head. "Y-you...why didn't you warn me this time!?" I growl and clench the bullet in my fist. "I wasn't allowed..." Her ears splay. "W-what? Why not?!" I say frustration soon filling my chest. "Because it's not allowed Inqu, goddesses cant interfere with mortals lives when it comes to life and death of a single person." Arceus states. "What? Why not?! S-she could have saved Jace!" Tears begin to roll down my cheeks.

"It wouldn't have changed the outcome of whats happening anyway fact this way might be preferable to what would have happened if you had survived that encounter." The arcanine says sighing. "W-what would have happened? W-whats going on back in the living world?" I ask looking at them with concern. "The terrorist's organization that attacked you is going to win, they'll enslave all of our kind and turn them into slaves to fight and do as they wish." Arceus tunes in. "W-Why aren't you going to stop them!?" I ask rage filling my chest. "Because its not what we do Inqu, it's not our job to put it simply." Arceus puts her paws behind her back. "W-what do you mean its not your job?!" I growl. 'It will be explained in time Inqu, for now, go with Clare." Arceus says disappearing. "I fucking hate that shit!" I snarl and throw the bullet down panting lightly.

"Hate what?" Clare looks at me confused. "We have all the god damn time in the world and you cant take 5 minutes to explain to me why you aren't going to interfere with what's going on back on our planet!" I pant and growl up at her. "I-I know its not your job but for fuck sake don't you have the power to stop them!?" I ask frustration filling my chest again. Clare gently picks up the bullet. "Yes, we have the power, yes we could stop them, but..." She sighs. "We cant let mortals on that planet know we exist." She says gently handing the bullet back to me. "W-what do you mean? Why can't you just do the telepathy thing you did with me?" I ask taking the bullet roughly from her paw glaring at her.

"I mean you said you cant do the one person at a time I realize that, but this would be saving thousands of not tens of thousands of lives!" I say slowly catching my breath. "millions actually..." She says her ears splaying. "M-Millions..." I say gasping and stumbling back reaching for something to hold on to as I suddenly feel very sick to my stomach. Suddenly a solid object appears under my paw and I grasp onto it for support. "M-Millions..." I begin to pant, the sickening feeling beginning to get worse. 'I-I don't feel good..." I say holding my stomach with my lower arms. "And that's to be expected of a goddess of your kind." She says rubbing my back. "G-goddess?" I look up at her in confusion. "You are, as of the moment of your death, a peace and protection goddess, a low level one but a goddess none the less~" She smiles at me warmly. "W-Why me?" I ask confused still feeling sick I sit down. She shrugs. "I wanted a daughter and I couldn't have one conventionally. So I was given the option of having any one mortal of my choosing and I looked through them and found you~"

She smiles happily sitting next to me. "But...why me?" I still say confused. "Well..." She says trailing off and sitting cross legged. "You know...I never really thought about it." She admits and smiles at me. "It was a gut feeling if I am going to be completely honest with you~" She smiles and gently pets me. "W-wait you cant look into your own future?" I ask a bit confused. "Nope, it's a complete mystery for us~" She smiles warmly again. "...C-can...Can I see Jace?" I ask whimpering up at her. "No..." Her ears splay. "W-what? Why not??" I whimper and my lip quivers. "She...had a much darker past then you did..." she begins. "W-what does that mean??" I ask shaking me head and holding out my arms, in a 'come the fuck on continue' sort of way. "She was a murder Inqu." She say but I could have sworn she punched me in the chest due to the sudden lack of air in my lungs. She gently hugs me and pulls me into her lap. "She hated humans, so she decided to kill them, she wasn't actually caught either. So she became a cop so, she could kill more." She continues.

"I-I regret asking." I cover my maw. "I-I don't like humans and even though they are horrible creatures no-one should take a life...Not even me..." I gag a bit. "And you wouldn't have if I hadn't told you too." She admits. "W-what?" I look up at her in disbelief. "Spear would have tackled him and arrested him a second later if I hadn't interfered." She gently gives me an apologetic squeeze. "B-but I thought you said you couldn't do that?" I look at her confused. "I cant prevent a person from dying by interfering but I can take lives. Im a supreme war goddess after all, taking lives is what I do." She gently begins to pet me. "But...if you're a war goddess why are you teaching me? A peace goddess?" I asks confused. "Gut feeling~" She giggles. "That's gonna be your reply to a lot of things isn't it?" I say my ears splaying in a slightly defeated and 'oh great' sort of way. "Maybe~" She smiles. "You'll have to find out in time~" She giggles and smirks. "God fucking damn it!" I grab my ears and pull on them. She giggles and smiles.