Acies Aeternam (eternal battlefield) chapter one

Story by Faukx on SoFurry

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This is the first chapter, please read the into first to see what the story is about.

Ofcourse I would like to have some feedback, and if there are any typo's please let me know.

Cheers! :3

Carlo AKA Fauk


Chapter one:

Misha walked through the hallway in the living quarters of the ship, nodding to the odd person who saluted her. It was a night off for most of the crew who would spend their time in the club, cinema or pub on the ship, so there were not many people walking around. Especially not here were only the officers were permitted. Stopping in front of a door, it was not her own door, this door belonged to the cabin of 2nd lieutenant Goodworthy. She looked around if anyone saw her and opened the door with a code and quickly stepped inside.

"Jake, you here?" she asked. The lights were on and she heard soft new age music coming from the lounge room. She walked into the softly lit room, some candles were burning here and there and the smell of sandal wood incense filled the air. "Jake?" she asked again and waited for a replay from her friend. "Hey there dearheart, just finished showering. Get yourself some drink from the fridge, I'll be right with you." sounded Jake's voice from another part of the room. Misha obeyed his 'command' and poured herself some wine and got a beer for Jake, she knew he would take one when he'd finished showering. She sat herself on the couch and sipped her wine waiting for Jake to join her. "Hey dearie, how was your day?" Jake said whilst walking into the room and sat on the couch next to Misha. He was only wearing his boxers, but Misha did not seem to find this in any way disturbing. "Hmm, okay I guess, normal routine. Like every day. And how was yours?" Jake seemed to think about this for a moment "Mine was okay to, we had some new students coming in today, nice kids." Jake took a swing from his beer and continued: "One of them had a little ego problem but that was solved after a good 50 push-up's. The rest of them was okay." Misha sipped her wine and sank back in the couch.

"Pff. I can't believe it's only a month until departure" She said in low tones. "Me to, I'll be so busy training troops that I won't even notice the passing of the day's" Jake replied. He took another swing from his beer before he continued. "I just hope they know what they are doing, I don't think they even tested this ship enough" He said with doubt in his voice. "And they expect that Faukx is going to command us all? No way, he can't do that all" Misha nodded. "That's why he's got us, he knows every commanding officer high and low in rank. Some of them, like us, go way back. He commands and knows we are able to do what is right" Misha said with a stern voice. Jake nodded."True, as long as everyone knows their task it'll be alright." Jake and Misha finished their drinks and got something to eat. "I'm going to bed, I need to inspect the ship together with Faukx tomorrow. It's going to be a long day" Misha said. "And me to, I've got an intensive training schedule planned for tomorrow. Then we'll see what these new kids can do" Jake said with a sly smile. "Holo combat?" Misha asked. Jake only smiled, Misha smiled back, she knew that smile. He had surprise for them. "Well, good luck Jake. I'll see you around" She and Jake stood up. Misha gave Jake a small peck on his cheek, hugged him and walked out the door. She went back to her own cabin and went to bed. It was going to be a long day tomorrow.

Aciec Aeternam (etarnal Battlefield) Into and info

This is my first post on SF, i am currently writing this story called Acies Aeternam, which is latin for Etarnal Battlefield. You will find some information bellow about some of the main characters and what the story is about. I already finished about...

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