Special Assignments – Chapter Eleven

Story by Billy Leigh on SoFurry

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#11 of Special Assignments

Malcolm wasn't looking forward to starting at college. The University of Beldover was not his first choice. However, the arrival of a new Fox professor might just liven things up.

Chapter Twelve to follow soon...

The sun was starting to set as the taxi drove me towards campus, but as I gazed out of the window grey clouds were starting to roll in.


I wondered if I should have brought my umbrella or a coat, but an umbrella was not the sort of thing you took to a party or a club.

The traffic through town was fairly light and I reached campus in under twenty minutes. The sky was now dark and the carpark was lit up. I paid the Labrador driver and climbed out. The student union building was only a short walk away, and as I set off I suddenly felt confused about one detail Adam had given me. He had said the party was at his place, yet he had asked to meet me on campus.

I wondered what was going on as I walked towards the student union building.

The jaguar was standing by the front entrance. He was wearing a dark green hoodie with his paws stuffed in the front pocket. As I approached he pulled his phone out and I could see his face reflected in the light. His paws tapped as he messaged someone.

"Adam!" I called.

The jaguar put his phone away and looked up.

"Hey, you made it," he grinned.

I opened my mouth to ask how his afternoon had been, but it had only been a few hours since I'd last seen him, and I decided it was best to avoid mentioning our lunch date.

"So, what have you been up to?" I asked casually.

"Heh, nothing much," Adam replied, gesturing for me to follow him.

"Are we not having the party at your place anymore?" I asked.

"We are," the jaguar replied. "We're going to meet some of my friends here."

I followed him through the doors into the student union bar. The bar itself was a wide open space with a high ceiling. Pool tables were at one end and the rest of the space was taken up by yellow chairs clustered around tables. I could see a group of different species sitting around one table and Adam led me in their direction.

I recognised Grace, Emily and Brian from the party in Hudson's flat. There was also a bear, a wolfhound and a Dalmatian sat by them.

"Malcolm, this is Grace, Emily and Brian," Adam said.

"I've met them before," I explained with a grin.

"You did," Adam laughed, giving me a slap on the back.

The gesture made me smile and it was a relief to feel physical interaction from the jaguar.

"Oh, it's Hudson's friend," Emily said, although the tone of her voice didn't seem particularly pleased which dulled my feeling of happiness.

"And here is John, Ollie and Eric," Adam continued.

"Hey everyone," I said.

The male canines all mumbled an all right mate or hi in response. Adam gestured for me to sit beside him. I noticed several empty beer glasses on the table and wondered whether to suggest getting some more.

"So, we're heading to your place then?" the wolfhound asked.

"Yup," Adam replied.

"We'd better get going then!" Brian boomed.

Everyone began standing and I got to my hind-paws. Adam put his hand on my back and we began walking.

"Did you bring your car?" he asked.

"No, I took a taxi up," I replied. "I figured if we were drinking I wouldn't drive."

"Aww man," Adam replied with a grin and a mock sigh. "That's cool, we wouldn't have fit and we can probably walk from here anyway."

We made our way through the doors and back outside. The night had fully set in and the dark clouds were still hovering overhead.

"Fuck, I hope it doesn't rain," the bear said, and I tried remembering if he was John, Ollie or Eric.

"Perhaps I should have brought my umbrella," I tried joking, but Adam was laughing at something the Dalmatian had said.

"Sorry mate, what did you say?" Adam asked in between chuckles.

"Never mind," I smiled. "How far is your house?"

"Not too far, about a fifteen minute walk," Adam said as we reached the edge of campus and began walking down the street.

I glanced around and took stock of my surroundings. I had never walked around the area just outside of campus (I'd either stayed in Hudson's flat or driven straight home). This part of town was lined with old Victorian houses, most of which I assumed had now been converted into student housing.

We continued walking down the main street until Adam's group turned down a darker side street lined with more terrace housing.

"Here we go!" Adam announced. "My house."

"Oi it's our house too!" the Dalmatian laughed.

Adam led us to a (slightly flaky) red painted front door. We all stepped over the threshold and Adam turned on the light. The first thing I noticed was that the house had the same scent as the student halls; different species and burnt food.

The front room of the house consisted of an open plan living room and kitchen, with a worn sofa and a plastic dining table as the only furniture. The kitchen itself was lit by a buzzing strip light. The sight of the house made me feel somewhat glad that I was living in my auntie's house, as gaudy as some of the décor was. I shook the thought from my head. I'd only just stepped into the house, I shouldn't judge it straight away.

After all, I'll be coming here a lot when Adam and I are mated.

Adam was retrieving a box from the kitchen and I saw it was a crate of booze.

"Someone put some music on!" Brian shouted.

As if on cue, someone began blasting music out of an iPod docking station. It was another chart song I didn't recognise.

"Why aren't you drinking yet?" Adam said with a wink as he pressed a bottle of lemon Pooch into my paws.

"Thanks," I said, wagging my tail.

"Don't sweat it," Adam said. He leaned in as if he was about to give me a kiss when Grace called him over.

"Hey Adam, do you have the bottle opener?"

"Sit here hon, I'll be right back," Adam said, taking my arm and setting me down on the sofa.

I opened my mouth but Adam walked off and the bear sat down heavily next to me, causing me to almost bounce upwards.

"Um, hi," I said, wincing at how nervous my tone sounded.

"All right?" the bear replied.

"You're Oliver?" I asked cautiously.

"Yeah, but just call me Ollie," the bear replied, taking a swig from a bottle of beer.

I nodded as I studied the bear. He was dressed in shorts despite the cold weather and a rugby shirt.

"So, what do you study?" I asked, trying to sound casual.

"Medicine," he replied, taking another swig of beer. I nodded, although Ollie didn't look much like how I imagined a typical medical student would. "I play rugby though mostly," he continued. "Ya know, work hard, play hard."

"Ah, nice," I said, glancing around the room to find Adam.

There was no sign of the jaguar, but we were joined by the wolfhound and Dalmatian.

"Urgh, a bear in a canine space," the wolfhound said with a grin at Ollie.

"Fuck off mate," Ollie chuckled, giving the wolfhound the finger.

"So, you're Adam's friend?" the wolfhound said, turning to me. His voice was clipped and well-spoken, although I noticed he was wearing the same ruby shirt as Ollie. "I'm John. I haven't seen you around before. First year student?"

"Yeah, but I started later than most," I explained. "I had to drop out of my old university."

"Which was?"

"Oxford," I admitted shyly.

"I looked at Oxford, but didn't go there, but oh well. I avoided the typical conveyer belt my family goes on I suppose," he said, sipping his beer. "Where did you go to school?"

I realised what the question was. I'd had it at Oxford, a kind of test to see if you could fit in with a clique or not, and I was surprised to hear it here.

"Who cares where he went to school!" the bear laughed. "What the fuck does that have to do with anything? We shouldn't be talking about school."

I felt relieved that Ollie had come to my rescue, but I was still wondering where Adam had gone.

"That Grace lioness, she's pretty, ain't she?" the Dalmatian said.

"Pfft, like you could get with her Eric," Ollie laughed.

"Oh yeah?" Eric grinned. "I'm pure pedigree, she'll like me."

"You said that about Lily from my class, and she told you to GTFO when you hung outside my lecture room and tried asking her out."

"Are you guys on the same course then?" I asked, trying to steer the conversation away from the girls.

"Nah, John and me do law. Actually, the Shep here is pure pedigree," Eric said. "Why don't we send him up to see what happens? If it works he can be my wing-man."

"Nah mate," Ollie grinned. "He's with Adam and not into girls, you're on your own there," he added with a triumphant belly laugh, causing his shirt to roll back slightly, exposing a fuzzy and slightly rotund stomach.

Both Eric and John looked blank for a moment before they both nodded and let out a collective ohhhh.

"He's just going to be my wing-man for the night," Eric said. "Who he sleeps with doesn't matter."

I felt my ears burn and my tail tuck itself behind my hind-paw as they talked about me. I wondered about making an excuse and going to find Adam.

"Y'know, I don't know much about being gay, but Adam is sound and I don't really give a toss if that's what someone is," Ollie said.

"Um, thanks," I replied, unsure of whether to feel grateful or awkward.

"And less competition for me," Eric chuckled. "So, are we going to do this?"

"You're not serious?" Ollie sighed.

"I'm deadly serious," Eric said. "So, Mr Shep you want to be my wing-man?" he added in a funny voice.

I paused, unsure of what to do or say.

"It was a Top Gun reference," Eric explained.

"That's not how it went, and that accent didn't sound remotely American," John said.

"Oh, all right Mr Accent expert!" Eric laughed. "So, are you coming? I'll give you some of my vodka if you do."

"Vodka?" I repeated, feeling dumbfounded.

"Yeah, it's gold flake vodka," Eric said, leaning in to whisper it to me as if it was something secret. "You can neck as much as you like."

"Oh," I replied, feeling lost.

"Hey, everyone!" came Adam's voice and I felt a rush of relief. "I found him!"

"Woo, Charlie is here!" Eric shouted.

I turned to see Adam leading a short corgi into the kitchen. The canine smiled nervously and he and Adam exchanged a grin. I wondered what they could have been up to.

"Hey you," Adam grinned at me.

"Um, hey," I replied.

"Tsk, tsk, still on your first drink?" the jaguar laughed. "C'mon, finish up and we can get another."

He took my paw and made me hold my drink up to my muzzle. I grinned nervously and gulped as much of my cider as I could. The liquid burned my throat.

"Weey!" Adam laughed, giving me a slap on the back. "Want another?"

"Sure," I replied and the jaguar reached into the box to get me another.

"Eric tried to get your Shep to help him get with Grace," Ollie chuckled.

"Pah!" Adam laughed. "Fuck me, I stand more chance getting with her than you do, and that's saying something."

I began to feel uncomfortable again, but I could hear Hash Pipe by Weezer playing on the docking station so I distracted myself by mouthing along to the words.

"Why don't you get your gold vodka out?" Ollie suggested to Eric.

"Did someone say gold vodka?" Grace piped up.

"See, you're pulling now Eric," Adam laughed.

"I was going to keep that a secret," Eric sighed. "Ah well."

"Hey Eric, give us some of your vodka!" Brian called, although his tone of voice made it sound like a command rather than a request.

The Dalmatian slunk off to the kitchen and opened the fridge.

"Happy now," he huffed as he pulled a bottle out.

I admit, I laughed, as did everyone else, and I began to relax a little. Eric walked back over with the bottle while Adam retrieved some shot glasses and set them down on the table. He gestured for me to walk over and I realised my tail was wagging slightly, but as I got up, I noticed the corgi standing in the background and my feeling of suspicion came back.

Eric was pouring everyone a shot.

"Ooh, it does have golden flakes in it," Grace purred.

"Okay everyone," Eric said as we all took our glasses.

I necked my glass back and felt the vodka burn down my throat.

"Wow, that is good," Adam said, licking his lips. "More!"

Eric sighed and poured out more shots.

"So what is it you do?" John asked as he sidled up next to me.

"History," I replied.

"C'mon everyone, down ya shots!" Brian ordered.

We all complied and took our second shots.

"Well, you're never going to get a job with that," John slurred, and I realised he was already drunk. "Should have done law."

Adam was once again talking to the corgi and I felt my ears twitch slightly. The alcohol was going to my brain and making me feel a little more assertive, so I retrieved my Pooch and sidled up beside Adam.

"That was good," I said.

Adam looked puzzled.

"The vodka," I added.

"Ah," Adam grinned. "So, are you having fun?"

"I am," I replied, forcing a wag from my tail, although I could still see the corgi peering over Adam's shoulder. "Who is he?" I asked.

"Oh, Malcolm, this is Charlie, my other housemate," Adam explained.

"Hi," I said, trying to muster a friendly tone and holding out my paw to shake his.

"All right mate," the corgi replied, giving my paw a high-five.

"More vodka!" Brian announced and I turned to see another round of shots being poured.

Before I could say anything Adam had pressed another into my paw. I hadn't drunk much but my head was already spinning. I clutched the shot glass and downed it.

"Hey wait, we hadn't said go yet!" Charlie laughed.

"Adam, where's the bathroom?" I asked.

"You going to be sick?" John cackled in the background.

"No, I just need to use the bathroom," I sighed. "That's what alcohol does to you."

"Upstairs, it's the door at the end of the hallway," Adam said.

I nodded and headed towards the stairs.

Walk in a straight line, dammit!

I reached the stairs and began climbing. In truth, I wasn't hugely drunk, but I wanted a moment alone.

Wait, am I drunk or acting drunk?

I wasn't sure which, but all I knew was I was desperate for a piss. I raced up the stairs and followed the dimly lit corridor to the door at the end. I pushed the door open and yanked the light chain. The room flickered into view, revealing a rather messy bathroom with a damp towel laying in the middle of the floor. I stepped over it, unzipped my jeans and relieved myself.

I wondered if Adam was being a little distant from me, but then again he was surrounded by his friends and housemates, and if he didn't like me he wouldn't have invited me to his party.

I felt mildly better once I was done and washed my paws before heading back down the stairs.

"Hey, Malcolm come join us!" Adam called as I reached the living room.

The jaguar was sitting with John, Grace, Emily and Charlie. I walked over and perched next to Adam on the sofa.

"Brian mixed us all a cocktail," Adam grinned. "Here!" he said, passing me a glass that contained a strange looking orange liquid.

"It's so I can watch you all get smashed, and laugh at your antics!" the hyena shouted from the kitchen.

"Is this going to be as fatal as the Jungle Bar drink?" I asked.

"Haha, nah we've all got one, look," Adam grinned, showing me his glass. "Try it."

I nervously sipped some of the drink, and to be fair it wasn't as bad as I was expecting, although it was certainly strong.

"What song is this?" Grace asked.

I cocked my ear and listened as the docking station was now playing a tune that could best be described as a bunch of rocks going around in a tumble dryer.

"It sounds like rocks in a tumble dryer," I tried joking, but my voice was drowned out by John.

"Oh, that's Ollie's playlist," the wolfhound laughed. "So it's bound to be shit."

"He played one good track," I managed to pipe up.

"What music do you like then?" Grace asked.

Most of my music taste had been shaped by my parents and I often felt proud of that fact.

"I like The Who, The Rolling Stones, Warren Zevon, Eric Clapton, Prince," I said with a smile, reeling of the names on my paw. "And I also like," but I trailed off as I noticed the lioness was no longer listening and gazing at the screen of her phone.

"And Bob Marley," Adam grinned, giving me a dig in the ribs.

I couldn't help but relax and grin back, although I noticed Charlie also grinning at us. I didn't think the corgi was trying to do anything deliberately malevolent, but something about his presence was starting to unnerve me, although I couldn't think why.

"It sounds like a lot of the stuff my parents like," Adam continued.

"Um, that's where I got a lot of it from," I admitted.

"That's cool," Adam replied, and I noticed his voice was starting to slur too.

The jaguar took a big gulp of his drink and I sipped at mine too. I could feel it going to my head again.

"What's in this?" I asked.

"Lemme think, uh whisky, Dr Pepper. Hmm, hey Charlie did Brian say what was in this?"

"I can't remember," the corgi shrugged.

"Ah well," Adam chuckled, taking another swig. "Loosen up, try some," he added with a grin.

I took another sip, and despite my reservations about Brian, it did taste good.

"Like it?" Adam grinned.

"Yeah," I replied with a laugh, taking a gulp and feeling myself getting drunker.

What are you doing? You don't know what's in this!

"Sooo," Adam said. "Your music was influenced by your parents' taste?"

"It was," I grinned. Whether it was the alcohol or not, I wasn't sure, but I felt happy that Adam was paying me attention and I could feel my tail thump against the sofa.

"You canines and your ridiculous tails!" I heard Grace cackle.

"You said it's just you and your mum?" Adam asked.

"Yeah, my dad cleared off a while ago," I said. Before I could stop the words began spilling from my mouth. "When I was about 12 or so, my mum found out he'd been having it off with a work colleague, and he moved out to live with her. Last I heard they were living down in Devon with two new cubs. It's kind of why my mum was so freaked out about me leaving and wanted me closer to family at uni."

"Oh, that's bad mate. I'm sorry," Adam said, putting a paw on my shoulder.

I felt the touch of his paw momentarily reassuring, but then the (non-intoxicated) part of my mind realised I had just spilled my guts with a bunch of people I'd just met that night in earshot.

"You said closer to family?" Adam repeated. He drained the rest of his glass and wiped his mouth with his paw. "Your mum doesn't live in Beldover does she?"

"No," I sighed. "I live with my aunt."

"That's cool," Adam shrugged.

"Um, yeah I dropped out of Oxford 'cos I got ill, and then I was in a car crash," I explained. "So she wanted me near family."

"Hmm, I can understand, but like, she should give you some freedom to live where you want, I mean you're an adult, b... but Beldover is cool," Adam slurred.

"I haven't even told Hudson or Charlotte some of those details," I murmured to myself.

"Where is Hudson?" Emily cut in. "I should have brought him along, he lives in my flat."

I felt myself agreeing with Emily, even though she had been rude about Charlotte.

"Although he probably would have come with that weird Vixen friend of his," the serval added, as if to emphasise her negative side.

I could feel my hackles rising and I was about give Emily a piece of my mind when Grace spoke up.

"Why don't we make a video for him for not coming, then he can see how silly he was," she shrieked with laughter. "We'll do it on my phone and send it to him. I'm friends with him on Facebook."

The lioness pulled her phone out and angled the camera towards us.

"After three we should shout Hudson sucks!" Grace announced. "Ready, one... two... three... Hudson sucks!"

"That's not cool," Adam slurred at the girls. "Hudson seemed nice when I met him, and that's pretty rude."

"Yeah, Hudson is nice, unlike you immature girls," I growled, before realising I had broken the classic rule of think, don't say it out loud.

Everyone sat in silence for a second. Emily looked as if she was about to retort, but thought better of it.

"It was just a joke," Grace said, pouting her mouth and folding her arms in a defensive posture.

"And not a very funny one," I countered. "Hudson is my friend."

"Okay, why don't we all take a chill pill," Adam said, motioning with his paws as if he was a school teacher trying to calm a bunch of cubs.

"I need the bathroom again," I muttered, getting to my hind-paws.

I simply wanted to get away again; the irritating attitude of the females, plus all the people crammed into the party were giving me a headache, although the alcohol was passing through my body quickly and giving me the urge to use the bathroom again.

"Let's send it anyway," I heard Grace giggle.

I stumbled back towards the stairs and made my way up. I half hoped Adam would come after me, but the jaguar remained on the sofa, and I thought I could see him trying not to laugh.

Fine, I'll compose myself upstairs and come back to him.