The Long Haul
#3 of Pure Smut Anthology
Okay... so this is a deviation from most of my stories, hence it being posted as part of the smut anthology.
I'd originally planned on this story being about HALF the length it ended up but, as usual, I ended up dropping the ball on a short smut story and did a lot more character development and plot than originally designed. That being said, this IS a smut story and involves a LOT of kinks.
This story was actually formulated during the course of discussion on a telegram furry writer's channel I've joined-- interested? You can find it here:
Anyway, please be sure to take notice of the tags, as I've covered a LOT of kinks I've not normally handled and, hopefully if you read it you'll be prepared for a relatively extreme story involving rough sex, straight-to-gay, age play, size play, cuckolding, and lots of other content.
Enjoy as applicable!
The Long Haul comidacomida copyright 2019
Truck driving had always been in Joe's blood; his father had been a trucker, as had his grandfather, and that was saying a lot since, in his grandfather's day most truck cabs weren't sized for bears. Coming from a long line of Kodiacs, that was saying something for his family's dedication to putting miles behind while hauling the goods.
In Joe's case, his father made sure he finished school and spent a few years in the military but, even then, Joe had done convoy work, handling freight for the army. Once he was back home he went straight into the same thing for his civilian life and so he became a commercial trucker in his 20s. Twenty years came and went in a flash, and he still loved what he did.
The Kodiac let out a yawn, licking the inside of his muzzle as he stared out at the straight road in front of him; the plains states were always the most boring. It was certainly a far cry from the varied geography of his native Alaska; if not for his wife he would probably have stayed there. Joe smiled to himself, rotating the ring on his finger with his thumb as he thought of her fondly.
Danica was a Lynx, and he first encountered her while she and her family were taking a vacation near Juno. Through a number of twists and turns, they'd stayed in touch until the next time she came to visit. He visited her once too and, by that point they were hooked on one another. Being more of a temperate-to-warm weather kind of lady, he had to make some concessions and so he moved back down south with her to Iowa; they'd gotten married a few months after that and had been happy since. Mostly happy.
Joe's usual routes usually took him on the road for three or four days out of the week every week, so they were able to spend the rest of the time together when she wasn't at work; considering she was the manager of the convenience store she was able to choose her own schedule so they usually got two uninterrupted days of marital bliss but, often enough, the time between seeing one another took its toll. During one of his trips during their sixth year of marriage she had cheated on him; she told him as soon as he got back and begged his forgiveness. He gave it, of course, and she had been faithful ever since.
That thought played in the back of his mind for the dozenth time since he left home, mostly because his latest route was not the usual one for him. Being the senior driver for his boss' company, Joe generally got first choice on deliveries and so he most often hauled between Iowa and Indiana, or sometimes to Michigan. Unfortunately, thanks to a downturn in the economy and shortage of drivers his boss had no choice but to send him west.
If Joe had been hauling straight through to California he was confident he could have handled the run in four days-- three if he pushed it. Unfortunately, due to the nature of his boss' company he had to bounce between several different drops in numerous states; eight in total, and that meant that the indirect route would keep him away from home for almost 10 days. Being gone for three or four days was one thing, and he really wanted to be able to trust Danica, but there was still that scratching doubt in the back of his mind, and he hated it.
It was day five of him being on the road, and he was on his way to Las Vegas for his second-to-last stop. Half way into his trip, and a few days to his end destination and from there he'd be able to head straight back home. Joe hadn't ever done the 'Left Coast' run before but from the way his boss made it sound it might be an occasional task for him. On the upside, he reminded himself, he was getting paid almost four times as much for three times the work. Danica had encouraged it-- they needed the money after all.
Snorting, the Kodiac pushed the thought out of his mind and put both paws back on his wheel. His eyes ultimately migrated to his CB. A lot of other truckers no longer bothered with a radio since they had their cell phones but Joe liked to keep it traditional. He'd spent decades of time and over a million miles of asphalt with the CB as his main companion and passer-of-time and he saw no reason to give it up. Turning to that trusty companion, he decided it was time to stop worrying about Danica and just enjoy the journey.
The miles rolled by as Joe spent the next several hours chewing the fat, striking up conversations at random with truckers who knew the western roads better than he. It was more than just a good way to pass the time; he was gaining useful info for planning out his trip. The most useful came as he was sitting in line at a particularly busy weigh station and wiled away the wait jabbering with the driver in the rig behind him, a Weasel by the name of 'Frogger'.
The Weasel was a regular driver between Las Vegas (or, as the truckers called it 'Lost Wages') and all parts West. Frogger got straight to the point when Joe told him he was headed to California. "Ah... right... Idiot Island. Where abouts?"
Joe counted off his three stops. "Eureka, Sacramento, and Los Angeles."
Frogger laughed. "Oh man... if you've never been to Shaky-Town the roads there'll kick your ass... Full Grown Bears there look for any reason so you'd better back 'em up."
The Kodiac had never particularly liked the slang term for cop, but 'Bear" was so widely used that one trucker's objection to it didn't exactly make much of a difference. A 'Full Grown Bear' meant highway patrol, and it was good advice to know. "10-4, Frogger. Thanks for the advice."
The Weasel kept on providing some insight. "You figured out whether you're heading up or down the I-5 corridor?"
Joe had given it some consideration, but hadn't quite made up his mind. "Still figuring that out.
Frogger was a wealth of info. "Well, if you're taking I-15 south you'll be double nickel most of the way and this time of year the weather'll have you reading braille for miles."
Although the Bear was no stranger to driving in bad weather the idea of not being able to see clearly didn't sit well with him, nor did a 55 speed limit. "And north?"
The Weasel chuckled. "You'll wanna go north. Especially if you hit the alt route past Walker Lake before it gets too late."
It was like Frogger left the explanation vague on purpose. Joe, however, was willing to bite. "Any reason on the timeline?"
Laughing again, the Weasel addressed someone else. "Hey, Shifts... got your ears on?"
There was a momentary pause before a scratchy voice spoke up; if Joe had to guess he would have bet it was a Raccoon. "10-4, Frogger... 10 in the wind."
Apparently the other driver was on the road listening into the conversation. Frogger made good use of that. "Hey, Good Buddy... you mind tellin' Real-Bear here why he wants to hit alt-95 at the right hour?"
Shifts had a very straight-forward answer. "Professional Bear Bait."
Another voice piped up. "Breaker One-niner."
Frogger responded quickly enough. "RumbleWolf! How the hell are ya, man?"
Rather than answer the question, the second addition to the conversation interjected. "Got a newbie hittin' up 95, 4-10?"
Frogger confirmed. "10-4. Real-Bear came out this way from Derby City and he's headin' out to Idiot Island."
Rumblewolf laughed. "Well how'bout that? Heya, Real-Bear... that handle deserved?"
Joe let out a sigh before answering. "Sure is, Kodiac last I checked... and not the gumball machine kind. what about you, Rumblewolf?"
"Timber. So what ARE you drivin' then, Real-Bear?"
Frogger answered for him. "Parking lot... almost half empty too."
RumbleWolf let out a whistle. "Dayum a Bear with a Parking Lot... that's just perfect for Cottontail then!"
It had been obvious in the first few exchanges that Rumblewolf was probably one of the more talkative truckers in the area; fortunately he had to drop off before he took over the discussion. "Well, all, Gotta break for some go-juice. This is Rumblewolf, 10-7."
Shifts chimed in with his farewell, "3s and 8s, Rumblewolf!"
Once there was a pause in the discussion, Joe had to ask. "So what's that about Cottontail, and what's with the Q&A?"
Frogger provided the answer. "The Professional Bear Bait Shifts was talkin' about..."
Shifts chimed in. "Smartass ankle biter of some rich guy with too much money and too much time on his paws... trucker's best friend though! Always happy to shake the bushes. You'll know him when you see him-- blow your doors off in the Hammer Lane... probably the only four wheeler you'll see these days with a CB antenna."
Joe considered that for a moment; a rich kid with a nice car was purposefully clearing the way for truckers by getting the attention of cops? It sounded like a far-fetched story to him, but he didn't have much time to consider it as the line finally started moving forward and Frogger spoke up. "Well, looks like this Chicken Coop's finally getting a move on. Real-Bear is up next."
Joe wasn't looking forward to the inspection; he always passed them but it was more bureaucracy he didn't need. With his attention about to be focused elsewhere, he said his goodbyes. "You all keep the left door closed. Real-Bear 10-7."
Frogger said his farewell. "No doubt, Real-Bear. Keep the shiny side up and the rubber side down."
* * * * * *
The afternoon passed quickly on the road as the miles flew by. Joe switched off the CB for the early evening, preferring instead to spend the time on the phone with Danica, his better half. During his usual trips east he and the Lynx would usually talk at least once, but, with him on a longer trip on a circuit of western states they made it a point to talk daily, and the call was particularly long; Danica had been missing him a LOT and when she was missing him that usually meant one specific thing.
Joe honestly didn't know if all Cats had crazy sex drives but one thing was for certain; with Danica as his wife he never lacked for a willing partner... at least, not when he was at home. Phone sex with his wife wasn't all that abnormal a thing; she'd usually make out with him via the cell at least one every other trip. Considering the attention the road required (with two paws on the wheel), and the fact that her phone fantasies included something of an S&M kink, the sessions were more for her benefit than his.
They'd been apart for five days-- longer than any other time since they'd been married, and had definitely been having an effect on them both. Even though her particular phone kinks weren't anything like how she was in real life and didn't really do it for him, Joe had been long enough without her that he couldn't help but get aroused at how much she was enjoying herself. After nearly an hour on the phone she came loudly, and it made his erection ache even more than he'd already been forced to endure.
Based on the scene she set, her imagination was taken up with riding him while he was tied up in black leather with his muzzle tied shut, but all he could think about was what always happened when they were together: she let him take the lead, and he held back just enough so he wouldn't hurt his much smaller wife. She liked it rough, that much was true, but, apparently regular sex with her was rough enough; unlike in her imagination. When they were together physically more of his energy usually went into making sure he didn't hurt her than actually going as far as he wanted. Perhaps that, he reasoned, was why she liked to turn the tables in their phone fantasies.
As her pants and gasps and wheezed curses came to an end, her sultry, breathless voice murmured "Oh, Papa Bear... I wish you were here..."
He could feel his precum soaked boxers rubbing against his erection and Joe could only sigh. "Me too, Kitten... me too..."
Once she had come down off of her plateau the two did the equivalent of emotional snuggling. Danica let him know that the kids were doing fine in school, which was important considering they didn't have their father figure around. Micah, the eldest, had just started high school and Dillon, the younger was just one year behind. Danica was worried because, as half-breeds their time in high school was likely to be difficult due to-- it was the fifth or sixth time his wife had talked about her concerns and Joe still had trouble paying attention.
In his mind, all kids had any number of reasons to have trouble in high school; as long as they didn't do drugs and didn't get anyone pregnant he figured they'd be just fine. Then again, he reasoned, his inattention could have been due to a combination of paying attention to the road, and the huge distraction of constantly shifting position in his seat thanks to the insistence of his erection. Still, he did his best to be the attentive husband and managed to make it through the rest of the call despite how much his slick boxers tortured him.
When they finally said their goodbyes (with a promise to talk the following day), Joe was still grappling with his own personal dilemma: when driving he made it a point to always keep both paws on the wheel but he was seriously considering cutting it down to one so he could focus on 'shifting gears'. Just as he was losing the battle of willpower and unzipping his jeans he was shocked back into attention by a dark purple sports car shooting past him in the fast lane at such a high rate of speed he could easily have been parked. "Holy fuck!"
Closing his zipper, Joe returned his second paw to the wheel and stared ahead as he saw break lights, and the speedster slowed. It took almost a minute for him to catch up to the coasting vehicle and, when it was three or four car lengths ahead of him it sped back up, doing a fine job of matching his speed. It didn't take long for the Kodiac to put two and two together; the car's CB antenna wagging in the air and its CTNTAIL vanity Nevada plate meant that Joe had encountered one of the main reasons the other truckers sent him on the northern route.
Joe flicked on his CB and, after a moment to make sure he wasn't talking over someone, he flicked the broadcast switch installed on his steering wheel with his thumb. "Breaker. Breaker one-nineer."
A response came almost immediately. "Go ahead, Breaker."
Not exactly sure if there was a specific etiquette to CBs heading westward, the Kodiac just kept is simple. "Cottontail... got your ears on?"
The same voice responded. "Yeah. Four. Is this the Parking Lot on my back door?"
After the initial surprise, the Kodiac fell back into a more comfortable dialogue with the car driver. Joe confirmed that he was driving the car hauler and, after a brief exchange (and explaining his handle), the chat turned out to be surprisingly mundane. There was a time when Joe had thought that CB users were a dying breed and it actually brought a smile to his muzzle to learn that Cottontail was not a trucker by trade and, in fact, had never driven anything larger than a pick up.
Cottontail turned out to be an invaluable resource, not just as a way to pass the time, but he apparently knew a lot about the roads through northern Navada, the best truck routes, and the prime places to keep an eye out for speed traps (he even used the term "bear trap", which was right trucker slang). Eventually, when it became more and more apparent that Cottontail had no connection to the trucking industry other than his CB, Joe had to ask. "So... how come you're so good with a CB? You semi-pro?"
His chat partner laughed right into the mic. "This look like a pick-up to you, Real-Bear? Nah... I just get bored easy. Got my paws on a CB back in school a few years back and built up a nice two way at the Home 20... I spent a lot of time Sandbagging at first but after awhile I was hooked."
Joe was certainly able to appreciate the sentiment; he'd been enjoying CBs for over twenty years and he looked for every opportunity to use his. "Copy that."
The two continued chewing the rag for another half hour until Joe realized he was coming to the end of his run time; federal guidelines had become much more strict in recent years and with the baby monitor onboard his rig his hours on the road were easily tracked. Despite being an enjoyable conversationalist, Cottontail was a bucket mouth and the Kodiac had to wait to get a word in. His chat partner concluded his comment on the dangers of motorcycle riding with "And that's why I stick to sports cars."
Joe appreciated the viewpoint; he'd seen enough accidents to be thankful for a sturdy truck cab around him while he traveled. "Heya, Cottontail-- thanks for the company but I gotta find somewhere to curl up with my Comic Book... just about to hit my legal limit of 'leven so I'm 10-7 in the next ten miles."
His chat partner didn't relent. "Well, if you're done for the day, how 'bout we continue the chat? If you don't mind a two mile reroute off the 95 you'll find a solid choice for some grub-- it's no greasy spoon but there's motion lotion right across the street if you're low too."
The Kodiac's gut rumbled as a reminder that he'd skipped lunch; the invitation didn't sound too bad and, if there was a place to get diesel right across the street then he could handle two birds with one stone. "Sure... what the hell. You lead. I'm 10-8."
* * * * * *
Joe didn't know what to expect when Cottontail had told him there would be a two mile reroute since most car drivers didn't have to worry about clearance, tight corners, or finding the right kind of parking during a 'short detour'. Fortunately, the road was open, easy, and practically made for truckers. He was able to appreciate yet again the kind of insight Cottontail had into what he'd need.
The Kodiac also noticed that he could make a left into the restaurant lot where Cottontail's car was parked and when he went for gas he'd be able to make a right onto a street that didn't appear to be the kind that had any regular traffic. He could get back to the highway without any trouble at all and, when he saw a few other sleeper cab rigs parked at the gas station he was counting his lucky stars; it really was a perfect spot.
Pulling into the side of the parking lot furthest from the restaurant, Joe carefully positioned his rig across several parking spots so it would be out of the way and safe, then turned off the engine, grabbed his log book and hopped down. He took a minute to stretch, first his back, and then his legs, and shook out his body; although his erection had long since subsided, he discovered that the slick swath of precum in his boxers brought back the reminder that he'd been without Danica for the better part of a week.
A familiar voice called from across the parking lot. "Well damn! Now that handle REALLY makes sense!"
Joe had long-since suspected that Cottontail was a rabbit or hare so when he saw the jackrabbit waving from beside the purple sports car it wasn't his species that surprised the Kodiac; it was his age. "Holy shit-- you're a kid!"
Feeling immediately embarrassed, Joe regretted opening his big fat muzzle, but Cottontail only laughed in response. "Whatever you say, 'Papa Bear'... I'm 20-- that's not even a teenager anymore."
The Kodiac felt just a little sensitive at the chiding; it was only a coincidence that the kid called him the exact same thing as his wife often did. Recovering quickly, Joe pointed out "Yeah? Well my elder boy at home is 16. You could be his older brother."
Once again, the Rabbit just shrugged it off. "No biggie... it's not like there's an age restriction for talking on the CB or eating, and I THINK I'm old enough to drive... so we're cool. We're cool... right?"
Regretting his statement for the second time in a row, Joe decided to leave it at that; he had nothing against teenagers (or recently-no-longer-teenagers, for that matter) and he decided to shuffle past his own rudeness. "10-4. We're cool."
Cottontail rubbed his paws together. "Good... cuz I plan on getting filled tonight."
It was an odd choice of words but Joe let it pass. The two went into the restaurant and the pretty Mouse hostess standing by the door smiled at their entrance. "Good evening, gentlemen. Table for two, Mr. Nelson?"
The Rabbit nodded. "Yes please, Shirley."
Joe waited until they were seated at a booth and the Mouse had moved on before he commented, chiding his companion. "I guess you're a regular here... Mr. Nelson?"
Cottontail shrugged casually with a smirk. "A few times a week. I like the food here, and my dad always tells me I need to socialize more."
It wasn't until the Rabbit brought up his dad that everything clicked; Isaiah Nelson was the eccentric owner of a tech manufacturing company in the western states... which meant that the Rabbit in front of Joe--
His thoughts came to a halt when Cottontail stated. "Yes. THAT Nelson. My dad thinks I need to learn how to deal with people better if I'm gonna get a spot in the company. "
Not realizing he was that transparent, Joe made to comment but Shirley came back and dropped off drinks before promising to return in a few minutes to check on them and get their order. The interruption gave him a chance to formulate his answer. "Well... I can say that you're probably the richest CB user I've ever met."
The casual tone with which he made the statement was enough to make Cottontail laugh, and that was a sufficient ice breaker. The discussion became much easier after that, returning to the casual talk they'd left off on during their CB interaction. Joe did a lot of listening as he filled out his log book, commenting now and again to answer questions from the Rabbit and occasionally to add in a thought or two into the discussion.
They ate their dinner and the discussion lasted another hour after. Cottontail was a good listener, and he asked plenty of questions. Joe usually kept his home life out of any conversation on the road, but he found himself telling the Rabbit all about his family-- his two sons, and his wife. He even shared a good chuckle about some of her more 'interesting' phone kinks. He normally wouldn't have been so free with 'family secrets', but something about the casual nature of talking with a stranger made it far less harmless than talking to someone who really knew him.
The sun had long since set outside and numerous other patrons came and went. Joe had just finished a piece of pie when Shirley came back with the bill and set it down next to Cottontail. The Kodiac glanced his way. "What does my part come to?"
The Rabbit's eyebrow raised along with his enormous ears. "Your part?"
Joe pulled out his wallet. "Right... fifteen-something?"
The Bear let out a bland 'ha'. "No... really."
Cottontail reiterated. "Zero. I always pay for my guests."
The Rabbit held up the check and what looked like a Titanium Card and Shirley came right over. "Key tonight too, hon?"
The question didn't make any sense to Joe but it obviously did to Cottontail. The Rabbit glanced to the Kodiac out of the corner of his eye before smirking at the Mouse. "You know... I think so. Please!"
Shirley took the card and check with a nod and headed off to ring it up. Joe took the opportunity to lean forward and ask Cottontail "What was that thing about a key?"
The Rabbit shrugged. "Oh... the owner here keeps the staff bathroom locked, but they let me borrow the key."
Joe chortled heartily. "Got a problem with using a public restroom?"
The Bear's laughter got caught in his throat when he felt the Rabbit's bare foot on the inside of his calf, stroking along his jeans. Cottontail flashed him an impish grin. "Not enough privacy..."
The Kodiac jumped up in surprise, hitting both knees on the table. The shock of it dropped him right back down onto his seat. Although he was caught off guard, he carefully lowered his voice despite speaking with intense confusion. "What are you DOING?!?"
The Rabbit's smile went wider yet as he leaned forward on the table, voice dropping in volume flirtatiously. "Isn't it obvious? I'm seducing you."
Despite having grown up in a conservative household, Joe had always considered himself both open minded and accepting, but his values had never really been put to the test. He managed to keep calm despite the strange situation. "Thanks... I'm flattered, kid... but I don't hitch up my trailer that way."
Joe winced inwardly when he realized he'd called attention to Cottontail's age again, but the Rabbit didn't seem to mind, and his toes slid further up the Kodiac's thigh until they very nearly brushed across his groin. "You sure, Papa Bear? When was the last time you tried it... hmmm?"
He hadn't, of course; he never had the interest or inclination to try a guy. Joe quickly avoided the question. "I'm married... in case you forgot."
Cottontail smiled, ears raising ever-so-slightly as he leaned back. Despite being such a small guy the Rabbit had suddenly become imposing in a way Joe hadn't expected but when he stopped leaning on the table it helped a little... right until he realized that the change in seating made it easier for Cottontail's foot to brush across the front of his jeans.
Joe grit his teeth against the powerful stimulation of being touched for the first time in several days, but his focus shifted abruptly when the Rabbit stated casually "You're happily married to a woman who cheated on you?"
The Kodiac froze; he HAD told Cottontail about that! The talk had been so casual... so easy... what other personal details had he let slip? He doubled-down. "And, like I said, I forgave her for that!"
The Rabbit shrugged. "You mentioned she'd experimented with girls before she met you... would you have been as hurt if she'd done something with a woman instead of that Lion guy?"
It was honestly not a question Joe had expected, and it actually got him thinking. The question bounced around in his head long enough for Cottontail's foot to begin rubbing against the Bear's groin, and Joe grit his teeth when he realized that his member had actually started to respond to the stimulation. In the end he couldn't come up with an answer that satisfied him so he evaded answering. "It doesn't matter. She cheated, and I forgave her."
Cottontail nodded thoughtfully. "You're a good guy, Real-Bear... she's luck to have you, ya know."
The Rabbit's statement was abrupt and short, giving Joe the feeling that a 'but' was going to follow. Regardless, he pressed onward into the talk. "Yeah... yeah she is... and I'm lucky to have her too."
Still smiling, Cottontail rested his paws on the table, foot still tickling Joe's groin. "Still suffering from the blue balls she gave you earlier today too, huh?"
The Bear had tried so hard to avoid having any outward reaction to the Rabbit's fondling that he had almost managed to ignore the fact that his rebellious erection was responding to the attention. Joe readjusted his posture, pulling his hips as far back against the booth as they could; he ALMOST got his tented jeans away from Cottontail's caressing toes. "It's been awhile is all."
The Rabbit shrugged, a suggestive grin on his muzzle. "I can tell... it took you long enough to pull away."
Cottontail wasn't wrong, and that frustrated Joe all the more. "I'm not gonna cheat on my wife, kid."
The Kodiac had again called the Rabbit 'kid', but Cottontail just pushed right on through, returning tit-for-tat by doing the same. "Nobody said you had to, Papa Bear... but it's not like you owe her considering she did it to you in the first place."
The fact that Cottontail wasn't very clear about whether the 'it' he was talking about was cheating or being worked up from the phone sex earlier in the day. Something about the statement made Joe's teeth grit even harder. He offered a polite dismissal. "I'm thinking you should probably go hunt down someone more interested than me."
The Rabbit's toes slowly withdrew as he sat up straighter, going back to leaning on the table. "I'm not interested in someone else... besides... you haven't walked off.... yet."
Joe's treacherous cock ached in objection at the abandonment of the stimulation and the Kodiac realized that his boxers were doing a replay of the uncomfortable dampness from earlier in the day. Licking the inside of his muzzle, the Bear planted his paws on the table and stood. "Well, kid... it's been real. I--"
Cottontail reached out and placed one of his paws on the back of one of Joe's; the Rabbit's palm was soft and delicate and his grip was gentle, though that may have been because his fingers barely wrapped half way around the Kodiac's wrist. Smiling softly, Cottontail spoke with a calm, neutral tone. "Hey... Real-Bear... I meant what I said, you know... I AM interested in you..."
It was much more direct and forthcoming and much less playfully aggressive than the Rabbit had been moments before; the change was enough to make Joe pause, but he stuck to his guns. "And I'm not interested in guys."
Nodding, Cottontail let out a sigh. "I get it... it's a macho thing... not wanting to get involved like that with another guy."
Apparently the Rabbit didn't get it. Joe pulled his paw away. "No... it's a 'not into guys' thing."
Cottontail shrugged. "Well... I figure you'll probably go back to your truck and paw off so, in effect, that's having sex with a guy-- the guy just happens to be you."
It was a true statement, even if it was convoluted logic. "I wouldn't say--"
The Rabbit stepped around the table to stand next to the Kodiac who, seated, was almost the same height. He spoke quietly. "Listen... I'm just saying that I can help you with that. No strings attached. No commitment."
Joe opened his muzzle to decline again. "Thanks but--"
Cottontail continued. "You're a good guy, Real-Bear, but if you don't want it I get it and I'm not gonna push you into anything... but I know I'd really like it and, if you got over the whole social stigma thing, I think you'd really like it too."
Surprised at the blunt statement, the Kodiac blinked a few times, saying nothing until he knew that Cottontail was done speaking. Once he knew that would be the case, Joe responded as calmly but as firmly as he could. Despite the fact that his erection was obviously encouraging him to say yes, the Bear restated his position. "Thanks... but I'll pass."
The Rabbit sighed, nodding slowly before motioning to the exit. "Alright... that's all I wanted to say... guess I'll just wish you good numbers."
Joe remained seated, clearing his throat as he confirmed the farewell. "Take it easy out there, Cottontail... and back off the hammer."
Cottontail smirked. "Nah... it belongs on the floor-- it's the only way to live."
The Kodiac smiled in return, feeling just a little more at ease once the 'weirdness' had finally seemed to have passed. "I'll take your word for it."
The Rabbit motioned again for the door. "Alright-- I'm out for a 10-100... just in case you change your mind it's right around the corner."
Cottontail was heading to the bathroom, but Joe was more than willing to let the Rabbit do that alone. Letting out a deep breath, the Bear stood up and made his way out of the restaurant. He slowly crossed the parking lot and hopped into his rig.
The trip to get fuel was painless and he pulled into the lot for the night. Climbing into the back of his cab he settled onto the sleeper bed and spent some time going over his log book, did some surfing on his phone, and continued to have a silent argument with his belligerent erection which still refused to abate. In the end, he growled down at it. "Damn it... I wanna get some sleep tonight you fucking thing..."
The Bear kicked off his jeans and boxers and went at it in a fury, stroking, yanking, and pulling angrily as he sought to teach it a lesson about hounding him. He snarled at it, letting thoughts and images of Danica flow through his mind's eye. He imagined her sprawled out on the bed, her tail kinked in that 'special way' it did when she was eager for him to join her. He pictured her in all of the different positions he favored and then started picturing other women, women he could put in the most degrading and sexually explicit scenarios that just wouldn't be right for his wife.
The dirtier, he reasoned, the better. To that end, his mind eventually settled on the perky, smooth curl of Cottontail's firm ass beneath his skin-tight jeans. Joe jolted upright, his 'private time' disrupted by his errant thoughts. There was nothing sexy about another man, he reminded himself, but that little voice calling from his groin pointed out that Cottontail wasn't exactly a man's man... he was slight, and smooth, and curvy in all the same ways as Danica.
No, he reminded himself, Cottontail was neither a woman nor Danica... to which, he pointed out, Cottontail did have a point about forsaking all other women because of marriage and, as Joe had clearly identified, the Rabbit was not a woman. Cursing himself, the Kodiac realized that the situation was driving him crazy; he never argued with himself. At that moment he realized putting an end to it was the only way he would get any sleep, and the best way to settle the matter, he reasoned, was to go to the employee bathroom, verify that Cottontail had left, and then give up on even THINKING about it as a possibility.
Grabbing his jeans, Joe stuffed his legs back into it and buttoned up before crawling back up front in the cab and hopping out. He stalked across the street, mumbling to himself the entire way. The long trip was driving him crazy, he reasoned; once he finished the route he'd go back and tell his boss that a new driver would be needed; once he finished his shift he'd stick to four days on the road max; once he finished his shift he'd head home and fuck his wife as hard as he dared without hurting her. All of that, of course, would have to wait as he approached the staff bathroom.
He reached out and grabbed the handle to open it. He promised himself that, once he tried it and found it locked he would return to his cab, work out his sexual frustration, and go to sleep like he should have done without leaving his truck in the first place. The plan changed, however, when the unlocked bathroom door opened. "Uhh...."
Despite Joe's sound of confusion and surprise being faint, Cottontail apparently had very good ears. His welcoming voice beckoned the Kodiac in. "You know... I was only gonna wait another hour before giving up..."
The Bear's legs were on automatic, strolling him into the bathroom and letting the door close behind him. Eventually he managed to get his voice to work as well. "I... uh...."
Cottontail emerged from one of the room's two stalls. "No explanation needed, Papa Bear... you're here now, and that's what's important."
Joe continued trying to explain regardless. "I-- I mean..."
He stared at the young Rabbit that approached him with the kind of smooth smile the Bear would have expected from a used car salesman. "Relax... you don't have to do anything you don't want to."
The fur on Cottontail's limbs were colored with dark gray and black, almost like the gravel on the side of the highway but he was only wearing a t-shirt and what looked like a thong, revealing the bright white fur of his abdomen and along the inside of his thighs. While he had some tone and muscle definition, it was indistinct and wiry... almost feminine. That last thought caused the Bear's insistent erection to push against the fabric of his jeans in a penis' version of a 'no-duh' palm to the forehead.
Joe cleared his throat. "I... when I... I--"
Cottontail stepped right up to him, his small black paws reaching out to press against the Kodiac's ribs. While a lot of people stereotyped Bears as being fat, Joe had gone to great lengths to prove them wrong; sure, he had the few extra pounds that any Ursine carried compared to someone like a Wolf or Cat, but he was a long way from a beer gut, but that didn't stop the Rabbit from worshiping his abdomen anyway.
The soft, gentle, almost intimate touch sent a shiver up Joe's spine in a way he hadn't expected... it HAD been a long time since he'd been touched like that. Cottontail leaned even closer, whispering against his sternum "I'm gonna feel your fur now... okay?"
The Kodiac nodded numbly as gentle fingers slipped down to his belt before pulling the bottom of his shirt free from his jeans and then slid his paws up beneath it. The moment Cottontail's paws reached his bare fur Joe inhaled quickly through clenched teeth. The Rabbit chuckled softly, stepping even closer so that their bodies almost touched as he chided "Oh, honey... it HAS been awhile, hasn't it?"
Despite how amazing the touch, Joe's reluctance managed to manifest in his objection "Don't call a Bear 'honey'."
It was a mock argument-starter and Cottontail obviously saw it for what it was. His paws brushed further up the Kodiac's abdomen, spreading out to caress his chest as the Rabbit chided him further. "Anything you say, Papa Bear."
The first few times Cottontail had called him that were uncomfortable and awkward to Joe but that had somehow changed. caught in the moment with the little Rabbit practically worshipping his body it felt inspiring-- good-- almost... erotic. The Kodiac's voice warbled softly as he murmured "Fuuuuucccckkk... what are you DOIN' to me, kid?"
Joe's shirt was pushed up further as Cottontail's paws brushed across the Bear's shoulders. A moment later, the Rabbit had his face buried in the thick, curled fur of Joe's abdomen, mumbling something about the 'wonderful thousand mile stink'. The Kodiac's question went unanswered as one of Cottontail's paws remained high while the other slowly trailed down low. Unlike when he started, rather than asking for permission, the Rabbit simply made a declaration "I'm gonna get rid of those pants... you let me know if I hurt you... kay?"
Joe was about to respond but his breath and his words got stuck in his throat the moment Cottontail's velvety paw delved right past the Kodiac's waistband. Tensing up enough to almost go up to his tiptoes, the Bear very nearly bit his tongue as his throbbing erection finally got the kind of hello it was seeking. When he finally recovered enough to speak, it wasn't exactly an objection that came out as a hissed exhale. "Ssssshhhheeeeeiiiiiiiit...."
Apparently emboldened by the positive response, Cottontail's digits delved deeper and it wasn't long before the Rabbit had a pawful of Bear flesh. Joe didn't trust his shaky legs and leaned back against the bathroom wall, one paw reaching out to grab Cottontail by the shoulder to further steady himself. He let out a groan as the Rabbit's nimble fingers wrapped around his aching member.
Smirking, Cottontail brought his second paw down to join the one already at the Bear's waist, using his skilled fingers to undo every last button on Joe's fly; a moment later the Kodiac's jeans fell to the floor and Cottontail murmured appreciatively with his eyes on the prize. "No undies? Mmm... I can't complain when it comes to easy access..."
Joe went up to the tips of his toes, teeth clenched as Cottontail's muzzle slid down his sternum until the Rabbit had crouched, muzzle hovering just beneath the Bear's belly button. Due to the size difference, Cottontail would have been far too low had he gone down to his knees but, wrapping his paws around Joe's thighs seemed to serve him well enough and the next thing the Kodiac knew he felt the Rabbit's breath on his groin fur. Despite having no interest in men, the moment Cottontail's nose brushed up against his aching erection, Joe's hips quivered, so very eager for the contact.
The sound of the Rabbit licking his lips was almost to Joe's ears as the sound of his own heart beating inside his chest. When Cottontail hovered there for a split second, the Bear had just enough time to open his muzzle to question his decision before the Rabbit, in one, smooth motion, slid his lips around the head of Joe's dripping shaft, and the resulting sensation of slippery, moist heat took his breath away.
Cottontail far more eager than anyone Joe had ever known when it came to mouthing his cock and, before the Bear knew it, the Rabbit had almost all of his impressive length buried in his muzzle. Although not as huge as some, Joe was well enough endowed that he'd expected at least a moment of gagging, but Cottontail didn't pause, continuing forward until his nose brushed against the Kodiac's groin and the resulting sensations of being hilted in the little fellow got an appreciative grown from the trucker.
The Rabbit began moving slowly after that, pulling back before pushing forward, his lips making lewd sounds as he somehow managed to accommodate the entirety of Joe's throbbing shaft. While that should have been enough for anyone to handle, the Kodiac was blown away that Cottontail's paws were not idle; even as the Rabbit mouthed him, his little black paws were rubbing and caressing the sides of Joe's leg, brushing through the Bear's coarse fur and tickling his thigh muscles.
Everything about Cottontail was undeniably skilled, and his paws only got better as they worked their way forward around the Kodiac's thick thighs until they found their new home, each palming one of Joe's heavy testicles. Groaning again, the trucker lowered his head, huffing out each breath as he felt his muscles tighten and testicles quiver in anticipation of what was yet to come... far faster than he usually took to give it up.
Just as Joe was starting to wonder if Cottontail did sex as fast as he drove, the rabbit pulled his muzzle back and off him completely. The Kodiac's oozing cock came free, heralded by an audible pop. At that point it was constantly leaking precum in obvious objection to being interrupted, and, for once, both the Bear and his penis were in agreement; despite Joe's reluctance at first, he was not happy to have the attention stop.
The Bear's claws ground against the tile of the bathroom wall and he let out a shaky breath as he attempted to regain control of his body. The Rabbit looked up at him, expression innocent, as if he didn't realize what stopping was doing to Joe. Smiling, and cupping the Kodiac's nuts he asked "Not too bad so far?"
It took a few seconds before Joe trusted his voice. Still panting, he declared "So far? I was... almost done!"
Cottontail's smile widened, fingers gently kneading the Kodiac's sac as he declared "I know... I could tell."
Offering only that statement, the Rabbit stood, fingers brushing upward along the Bear's thighs and belly as he did so. Although Joe hated to admit that he desperately wanted Cottontail to continue he also knew that he wouldn't get as much satisfaction out of his own paw as having someone else tend to his needs. He tried not to sound too eager as he demanded "So... that's it, kid? You're finished?"
Cottontail's impish grin returned as his paws returned to his own body and he hooked his thumbs into the string of his thong. "Finished? Hello no, Papa Bear... you and me are just getting stared."
Joe's heart almost stopped for a moment when he came to the conclusion that the Rabbit expected him to reciprocate. Very nearly killing the mood for him right there, the Kodiac was ready to flee the bathroom if Cottontail was expecting Joe to suck him off. A split second later the Rabbit turned around to bend over, drawing his girlie-panties down to his ankles, practically bending in half and hiding nothing from the trucker.
Cottontail's tail was like his ears: large and broad with a black tip and outer surface and pure white fur within. The Rabbit's undertail was fully visible in his current position, the color of snow, with a bubblegum pink flower planted smack dab in the center. Cottontail wriggled his rump back and forth as he chided "Unless you think we should stop..."
While the Kodiac never claimed to be a genius, he was far from stupid and he knew when he was being strung along. Cottontail was having fun at his expense, that much the trucker knew... but, after the better part of a week on the road he was starved for sexual release, so he realized that the trade could just as easily go both ways. Feeling his erection throb at the prospect of finally getting its way, he stepped away from the wall, moving a paw down to his cock and he held it as if threatening the Rabbit with a weapon. "I'm not sure you want it back there, kid..."
Cottontail raised his head slightly, looking over his shoulder at the Kodiac. "Well.. why not hitch up the trailer and we'll find out for sure?"
Cock dribbling with saliva and precum, Joe was content to know that he'd warned the little smart ass. Feeling less embarrassed or ashamed and far more eager to have SOMETHING to fuck, the Bear stepped forward. He reached down and grabbed Cottontail by the hips, and bodily picked him up before carrying him across the room to push the Rabbit against the sink. Cottontail grabbed the counter, letting out a gasp as Joe's erection brushed against his tail. Joe gave one final warning "You okay with pain? I don't think you're ready for this..."
Cottontail's comeback sounded like it came straight out of a porn flick. "The harder the better, Papa Bear."
The Kodiac had a feeling the Rabbit was going to regret the statement but, rather than hold back, Joe was more than willing at that point to grant Cottontail his wish. Wrapping his paws around the Rabbit's waist he pulled back with his arms even as he thrust forward with his hips. The Bear's aim was true and his drooling cock found its mark, forcing its way in and pounding into the Rabbit with enough force that Cottontail went up to his tip toes, crying out as two thirds of Joe's shaft buried itself on the first go.
Joe was far too used to having to be gentle, and his immediate response to the cry was to ease up. "I... uh... warned ya..."
Cottontail shook his head, panting. "No... fuck no.... keep going, Papa Bear... keep going! That's-- oh fuck... that's..... perfect..."
The last word rolled off the Rabbit's tongue in a way that sent a shiver up Joe's back. Cottontail wasn't just enjoying himself... he was... appreciative? Encouraged by the Rabbit's words, the Kodiac let out an eager growl; he didn't have to be told twice. He chuckled, placing one paw against the shirt on the small of Cottontail's back as his other reached up to grab hold of the two large ears that kept threatening to smack his muzzle. "You are one kinky bunny, ain'cha?"
The Rabbit let out a gasp, all the fur on his rump rising up the moment Joe's paw closed around his ears. Rather than respond to the statement, Cottontail only reaffirmed it by softly whimpering "Ohgawd... pull em, Papa Bear... pull em..."
The Kodiac wasn't quite sure how to respond to the request but, considering he was balls deep in Cottontail he figured the least he could do was humor the little fellow. With one paw on the Rabbit's back and the other gripping his ears, Joe began thrusting forward even as he guided Cottontail's hips back against his own with one paw, other tightly gripping the Rabbit's ears like the reigns of a steed, yanking and pulling in time with each movement.
Cottontail ended up cumming first, and he did so loudly. Whether he got in over his head and was filled to the brim with Bear cock, or perhaps the ears were his weakness, the Rabbit shuddered, convulsed, and then ultimately cried out. Joe heard the sound of bunny spunk splattering on the tiled floor in time with the tempo of Cottontail's insides spasming around his already overstimulated shaft. Gritting his teeth, the Kodiac knew he wasn't going to last much longer himself.
Apparently Cottontail could sense it too. Voice still quivering as he road out his orgasm, the Rabbit pleaded "Don't hold back, Papa Bear... stop holding back..."
Already far more free than he'd ever recalled being during sex, Joe had no idea what the crazy kid could have meant, until one errand movement of his paw caused the Rabbit's shirt to shift, revealing a litany of claw marks and scars on his back. The surprise almost knocked the Bear out of his rhythm and, for just a second caused the logical part of his brain to freeze... which left the primal one to run free. Cottontail WANTED Joe to have his way with him... to use him and very likely abuse him.
It wasn't Joe's way; he was a gentle lover-- it's what he'd always been taught was right. It also meant that he was never allowed to let loose. Wasn't that what Cottontail told him? He'd said to stop holding back. He couldn't... could he? A shiver of something primal ran through the Kodiac as raging hormones howling out for release informed him in no subtle way that he could. The Bear roared, paws tightening around the Rabbit and, in that moment of pure savage expression, he stopped holding back.
The cries coming from Cottontail could have been misconstrued as pain or, more likely, they were a combination of pain and admission that he was getting everything he wanted. Joe's breath ran counterpoint to the sound of flesh slapping against flesh and the feel of his large, weighty balls slamming against the Rabbit's smaller, much more vulnerable pair was almost disconnected from the surges of pain it caused in the Bear; the pain made it that much better. His erection slammed home again and again, ravaging the smaller Rabbit's hole with lewd squelches that indicated there was far more liquid than just precum and Joe could smell the copper tang of blood.
When the Kodiac finally earned his orgasm it like the culmination of a hunt. He'd run it down until it couldn't give up any more of a fight; he ravaged it, crying out in victory; fluid was spilled everywhere. Joe turned his claws inward, piercing through Cottontail's shirt and raking a line through the Rabbit's back fur, only adding to the scent of blood. The moment his member jumped in preparation to release the contents of his churning balls Joe thrust his hips forward with far more strength than he'd done that night-- than he'd ever done.
Rather than hold his prey in that position he pulled back a fraction of an inch and hammered forward harder still. Each ejaculation was accompanied by a fresh thrust, pulling the Rabbit back into it with claws in his back and a paw gripping his ears. Joe roared anew, closing his eyes as the strongest release he'd ever had washed over him, pulling his body (and the Rabbit's with it) in whatever way was needed to feel even better, and he didn't feel the least bit of remorse.
Falling back and away from the sink, Joe landed on his rump with a thud, breathing heavily, and grunting when the lesser weight of Cottontail came with. Another faint tingle of pleasure ran up his spine when his cock hilted again thanks to gravity, and he shivered at the feel of copious amounts of his own seed leaked through the not-quite-perfect seal the Rabbit's tail hole created around his rock-hard flesh.
Cottontail's only comment was a low, soft moan, and a shudder as his insides massaged the Kodiac's shaft again, and several small spurts of Rabbit seed painted the floor further. A few seconds later it was accompanied by an "Oooohhh... gawd yes..."
The scent of semen and blood had grown even stronger and Joe shuddered as his logical mind took over and he looked at what had happened. "Fuck... what did I do?"
The Rabbit chuckled weakly, leaning back against him. "Other than rocked my world?"
The Bear slowly disengaged; Cottontail's greedy tail hole gripped Joe's flesh for the entire withdrawal, culminating with a loud 'pop', followed by a virtual waterfall of rose-tinted semen. The Kodiac was aghast. "I fuckin' mauled you!"
Cottontail rolled over on the tiled floor, sprawled out as he let out a tired chuckle. "If that was a mauling then you went WAY too easy on me, Papa Bear."
The realization of the act he'd committed caused a deep pit of nausea in Joe's gut and, as he got to his feet he backpedaled, kneeling only so he could gather his pants from the floor. He'd not only cheated on his wife, he'd had sex with a guy, and he had been anything but gentle. "I... I'm sorry, C-Cottontail... I--"
The Rabbit slowly looked up, euphoria splayed across his face in much the same way that he was stretched on the floor. He giggled. "You did EVERYTHING I was hoping you would?"
The complete lack of reproach was not just confusing, it made it feel even worse. Joe shook his head, somehow managing to get his jeans back on as he stumbled to the door. "I-- I gotta go... I'm sorry... I--"
Cottontail sat up, "Hey... Real-Bear-- back off the hammer."
The statement made the Kodiac pause and, paw on the door handle, he turned back to look at the Rabbit. Cottontail had stood back up, mixed fluids still dripping out from behind his tail and down between his legs. He approached, a paw on his back, which Joe was sure was probably bleeding. The Bear looked away, unwilling to observe his handiwork, but the Rabbit wasn't the least bit reluctant to approach. "You shouldn't look so guilty, Papa Bear... you did everything I asked for... and I'm fine."
The statement reassured Joe more than he thought it would, but less than he needed. "I cheated on my wife."
Cottontail nodded and, with a sigh, shrugged. "The fact that you feel bad about that just means you're a good guy.... gonna tell her?"
Joe's initial knee-jerk reaction was to say that yes, he obviously he would. As the answer bounced around i n his head, though, he realized that it wasn't so cut and dry. "I... don't know... I guess?"
What Cottontail did next surprised him; the Rabbit reached forward and gave him a hug. "You'll do what's right for you, Papa Bear... like I said, this is no strings attached. If you never want to see me again I'll understand and whether or not you tell your old lady about this, you'll never have to worry about me causing problems."
One he said his piece, the Rabbit went back to his clothing and began to gather it up. Joe just realized he'd never even heard Cottontail's real name. It made him feel even more guilty and, despite the 'no strings attached' he didn't feel right leaving it like that. "I'm Joe, by the way..."
The Rabbit glanced back at him with a soft smile. "Whatever you say, Papa Bear."
* * * * * *
Despite his plans on just sticking to easterly deliveries, Joe couldn't manage to talk his way out of it forever and, three weeks after his first trip, the Kodiac found himself back on the road heading out west once again. He'd made it home safe and sound after the first run and, the time, he'd had every intention of avoiding anything further west than Colorado but the money was good and, with two teenagers at home, money was always needed.
The three weeks between the runs had gone smoothly; the family was happy to see him again and several days off had done him (and Danica) a lot of good. He'd thought several times that he'd tell her about his indiscretions but he never did. Joe felt guilty about it but, the more time that went by the more he was able to rationalize it; Cottontail was a one time thing and he meant nothing to the Bear; it would only hurt her if he brought it up; if she didn't know then it was harmless.
He even managed to continue his life normally and, by the time the third week rolled around the Rabbit was barely even a passing memory; there was no more significance to their interaction than any of the number of times when Joe pawed off while out on the road. He and Danica were together again, and that was how he preferred to focus his energy. All that changed as the Kodiac headed out of Las Vegas and took a moment to plan the next leg of his journey.
Joe knew that heading south would get him to where he was going even if the speed limit sucked. He also knew that going south would mean that he wouldn't have to worry about even the slightest chance of running into the Rabbit. The Kodiac reasoned, however, that it would be a lot wiser to go north; it would be a smoother trip and, if he passed through during the day then he'd most likely miss Cottontail altogether. He, in fact, decided to go north just to prove to himself that he was done with the Rabbit and that their one-time thing wouldn't affect the rest of his life.
He ultimately settled on the northern route, letting the miles fly by on the much smarter route. Just like the previous trip, Joe had the CB on but he sat off to the side, reasoning that not broadcasting his presence would further decrease the chances that he'd run into the Rabbit. He made good time and, considering he had a lot of miles left to go, the Kodiac decided to take a break and get some gas; the two mile detour he learned about from Cottontail was a perfect place for it. He wouldn't stay too long, he promised himself; if he got food and diesel he'd be out of there without any chance of seeing the Rabbit, so he settled on that plan.
A few hours later, after taking a leisurely late lunch, Joe decided that he'd get back to his truck. He was proud of himself for sticking to his guns and not letting his one-time-thing with Cottontail run his life. Smiling, the Bear reached down and turned on his CB ad he started up his rig. Scarcely two minutes later he heard a familiar voice.
Memories of that night came unbidden back to his mind and Joe reached for the knob to turn it off. Fingers hovering over the radio, his paw slowly lowered to the mic, and he waited until there was nobody talking before he announced "Breaker. Breaker one-nineer."
The Rabbit's welcoming voice piped up immediately. "Well howdy there, Real-Bear! I didn't know you were back in this neck of the woods."
Joe chewed his tongue for a moment as he considered what to do next; he'd planned on avoiding Cottontail altogether but he'd reasoned that facing the Rabbit head-on over the radio would further prove to himself that he was over it and could finally move past the problem. He was wrong. He wasn't. Covering his face with his free paw, the Kodiac extended the invite. "You feel like grabbin' some grub? Same place as last time?"