The Lion King 2 1/2: Chapter 27 - Forging Friendships

Story by Mirri on SoFurry

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#27 of The Lion King - Everything The Light Touches

The Lion King - Everything The Light Touches

Chapter 27 - Forging Friendships

by Mirri

Nala was lounging in her outlook tree a fair distance from Pride Rock. It was nowhere near the border of the lands, but it was flat enough out here that there would be plenty of time to spot any danger and run back to warn everyone. The only place she could not see from here was behind the large stone edifice of Pride Rock, but that way only lead to the abandoned Outlands anyway. There was no danger coming from that direction in these times.

Not that there was danger coming from anywhere else either, actually. Nala just liked having her own tree to relax in where no one disturbed her and still feel like she was not just slacking of entirely.

Today came the moment she had anticipated for a while, however. Skipping and grinning through the tall grasses of the savanna came two familiar golden shapes. Vitani and Kiara were returning now and even at this distance there was no denying their playfulness. They looked completely invigorated and they were whispering and giggling at each other all the way back, even before they knew they were being watched.

Nala's features melted softly into a smile, and she put her chin down on her folded forepaws to watch the young lionesses hop about and play. It warmed her heart so to see her daughter like this again. Their little vacation had obviously done them both a world of good.

When they got close enough, Nala stood up on the thick branch she had observed them from and stretched her sleeping limbs out some. She turned around deftly, first placing both forepaws in front of her hindpaws as she bent her back in an almost impossible U-shape, and her hindpaws then stepped out to the thinner side of the branch so she was facing the trunk. She was getting used to balancing herself this high up and she had actually become quite the little tree climbing lioness by now.

Her foreclaws dug into the side of the tree as far down as she could reach without leaning too far over the side of the branch, and she carefully measured her weight and position relative to the ground as she had done many times before. The lioness took a breath and then ran down the side of the tree, all four sets of claws cutting into the bark fast enough to keep up with her own gravity so she would still remain in control. Just when she was about to lose the battle against her own momentum, she suddenly pushed herself outwards at a perpendicular angle to slow herself down and ended up flying in a dipping arc away from the tree and right into the grasses below with a soft *thud*

Both the young lionesses looked up with ears perked when a cream-colored lightning slammed down right in front of them and they both rushed up to greet Nala with nuzzles and purrs. Vitani stood neatly in the background at first, but quickly got impatient and nuzzled the Queen's flank while Kiara was busy licking her mother's face.

Nala returned the gesture with a greeting headbump to the Outlander and then put a paw around Kiara's neck.

"Now, tell me aaaaall about your trip." She smiled and both lionesses giggled again. They would surely be the center of attention in the pride tonight. Everyone would want to hear tales from their journey, but Nala felt it would not hurt to know a bit of gossip in advance.


And the center of attention they were. They had not seen or experienced all that much, but a few tall tales were quickly spun by Vitani's active imagination and she managed to entertain the lionesses long enough until they started talking about themselves and other pride-related topics again. The masses had been fed.

As evening enveloped the lands, one by one they fell to the sleep-beast and wandered off to the Pride Rock central cave, and by the time the last lionesses finally let Kiara and Vitani leave, the Moon was high in the sky and twinkling stars were painting the night.

Already overtaken by sleep the two adventurous lionesses were, just by the mere thought of it, but they did manage to crawl their way up the path and onto the promontory of Pride Rock. Snores were easily heard from inside at the pile of lions already asleep in there, but Kiara and Vitani sat down for a moment on the cold stone floor near the entrance and looked up at the Moon.

"So pretty tonight." Kiara breathed with a whisper that could have made a feather's touch seem jagged and rough in comparison.

"Yeah..." Vitani looked at the other female with the gleam of the moonlight in her eyes and grinned lightly at the way the soft voice of the other made her feel inside. On impulse she leaned over and planted a light peck on the side of Kiara's cheek.

"Goodnight, Princess." She winked and turned around to make her way into the cave.

Kiara sat slightly stunned and looked after her before she grinned toothily as well and followed inside. That had been quite a journey. She had never felt this closely connected with another lioness before, it felt like they shared something special now that no one else knew about.

The lions lay curled up in various positions of more or less total indulgence and they were all snoring away their dreams of hunting large prey all by themselves. Paws, legs and tails were one big mess at this point; it was amazing that nobody ever woke up in the morning and found themselves helplessly tied together in knots.

Simba and Kovu lay next to each other in the middle of the cave as usual. They each had a lioness pressed up against their backs, so Kiara eyed an opportunity for herself here. She snuck in between the two of them and kissed Kovu on the cheek as she usually did, only this time a bit more firm to wake him up.

Kovu gave a grunt of irritation and was about to lift a forepaw and bat away the offending lioness when he saw who it was. The grunt turned to a purr and he grabbed around her side to hug her up close to him. Apparently she had woken up Simba as well, because another paw snaked around her tummy from behind and the King drew himself up against her back to sandwich her playfully between the two males.

Kiara just giggled and squirmed around happily between the two warm bodies. There was no better place to be in the world on a cold night than right where she was at this very moment.

Vitani watched in the background from the entry of the cave where she had halted in her tracks while searching for an unoccupied sleeping spot. She felt a pang of rejection again, the same familiar sensation she now realized she had always had ever since the Outlander pride had merged with Simba's. Kiara got all the attention and she was left standing in the shadows behind her once again as the illegitimate Princess from the pride that was no more. The bittersweet taste in her muzzle made her hackles raise.

Before she could fall deeper into self-pity, however, she saw Nala move across the floor, lifting her paws up high to do her best to avoid stepping on anyone. She made her way to the pile of lions in the middle and stuck her nose down, nudging here and there and trying to get an opening from the sleeping lions to join them. It was a particularly cold night, but Vitani somehow doubted that was her reason for wanting to be in the group with the males. Eventually Nala had to give up and she retreated back to the wall again, which offered little protection from the cold.

Vitani scoffed at the scene. What King would not sleep with his Queen every night? Apparently she was the only one who had even noticed this, everyone else was asleep already.

Nala sighed and flomped down on her side by herself. The stone floor chilled her to the bone, but she was not really in the mood for sleeping with anyone but her mate tonight. She closed her eyes, trying to find her own dreamscape in her mind and just forget about all this as quickly as she could. The sun would be brighter tomorrow.

When she curled up, her back was turned against the lionpile that had refused her and her front was facing the wall. The Queen was already dozing off when she suddenly felt a foreleg grab around her from behind and a warm body pressed up against her back. She awoke with a start and turned around to come face to face with a grinning Vitani.

The Outlander Princess winked at her and pressed her muzzle against the Queen's without a word, her tongue dexterously slipping inside Nala's muzzle and kissing her deeply. The older lioness flushed up and panted a little through her nose in response to the sudden lack of air. She wriggled about a little at first, mostly in surprise at the what the cheeky young lioness had just done. But looking over right past Vitani's ear at the pile of lions in the middle of the cave who had declined her company, she just thought to hell with it and wrapped all four legs around Vitani, pressing into the kiss. The Outlander had succeeded in distracting the Queen entirely from the others.

They shared their saliva for a while, the snores of nearby lionesses drowning out the playfulness of their tongues as they rolled wetly against each other, shifting their slurping battle from one muzzle to the other freely.

"Mmm.. how was my daughter?" Was Nala's first question when their muzzles parted and they both started licking their black lips clean.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Vitani blinked in confusion and tried to look absolutely clueless, but her whiskers were just a bit too tense and there was but a hint of a smile, subtle but still visible at the very edges of her mouth.

"I know a tall tale when I hear it, young one. You can tell the other lionesses what you want, but I don't believe the two of you were just out practicing your hunting skills for three days." Nala grinned and ran her top forepaw down the adolescent's back to cup her rump and pinch it playfully, which made Vitani jump in her multi-legged embrace.

"Heehee.. she was great." Vitani confessed. "I think she really needed some lioness company after her long journey to that other pride."

"Yes, seemed like it. I'm glad you took her away to recover." Nala licked up the lioness' cheek slowly.

"I needed it too."

"You're a good friend to her, I appreciate that very much." The Queen purred with a loving voice, the grip on Vitani's rump tightening a little. She felt the younger lioness' own paw slide down her back towards the same place, but just before passing her hindquarters, it suddenly slipped around in front and dipped down to grab her between the hindlegs instead.

Nala gasped and stared with wide eyes at the naughty liongirl as a full four-fingered paw cupped her softest fur.

"Can you be quiet?" Vitani whispered to her and gave a most mischievous expression since she was suddenly the one in control here.

The Queen sank a lump in her throat and nodded wordlessly. She had to bite her teeth together when a pawtoe slipped up inside her tight pussy and began to stroke her back and forth. Fortunately it did not take long before Nala's juices began to cover it and the entry went smoother and smoother until Vitani's paw started to make a sloppy sound with two pawtoes spreading Nala wide.

"Ooooh, Tani.." She whispered in a panting voice, grabbing the back of the younger lioness' head and pulling it close to her chest in need.

Vitani just grinned and rubbed her muzzle into the creamy white fur there and her hindlegs hooked around Nala's to push them out wider so she could dig deeper inside her wet slit. She felt the Queen's tail find hers and coil around it to link the two of them together while she pleasured the older female. Suddenly it was not at all a bad idea to be alone with a sleek lioness like Nala in the corner of the cave where no one else would notice them.


Vitani woke up to the sounds of lionesses yawning and scuttling about in the cave. She opened an eye to stare at Nala who was still sleeping soundly with a foreleg draped over the Outlander's side in a hug.

Lifting her head up she could watch all the different colored legs move about. It looked quite chaotic from this angle and she could not make out where one lioness ended and the next one began since most of them seemed to be leaving the cave now to catch the first rays of the sun and get a good spot down at the waterhole. All the legs eventually disappeared out of the cave entrance and left just a few lionesses strewn randomly across the cave here and there.

Vitani twisted her head around to look behind her and take a quick survey of who was sleeping in late today. Left were just a few Outlanders at the opposite wall, but she could also see Kovu's back turned against her as he lay right in the middle of the cave. Farther down was the white belly of Kiara with her head between the male's hindlegs, bobbing back and forth - obviously on morning duty.

Kovu's tail swished excitedly about and swatted lightly at Kiara's lower belly, tickling it and making her squirm while she pleased him. A warm rumbling filled the empty cave along with the quickly spreading scent of lionsex.

The few last lionesses who were standing now yawned and left casually, walking right by the pair going at it without a second glance. Vitani frowned at the sight in jealousy and turned around again to hug back against Nala whom she had very much enjoyed spending the night with. The older lioness stirred a little at the movements and licked her lips in her sleep while her paw grabbed Vitani's side a little tighter. She then relaxed again, exhaling deeply and falling silent as the two snuggled up.

Vitani tried to fall asleep again as well, but she simply could not block out those little slurping sounds and Kovu's panting breath from somewhere behind her. Not to mention the occasional praising words he whispered in the middle of everything.

"Oooh.. I've missed your little muzzle so much, Kiara." The young lion panted, trying to keep his voice down as much as he could to cover his occasional grunts of joy.

"That's good. Take me a little deeper."

Despite willing herself not to pay any attention, Vitani eventually had to give in to her ravenous curiosity and she turned her head to see her brother's balls vigurously slap the Princess' chin while he thrusted into her suckling maw. A barely suppressed growl suddenly ripped through the cave and then things were silent behind her again, which finally allowed her to go back to sleep. About time the two turtledoves were finished.

The next time Vitani's eyelids parted was when a big, wet lick engulfed her nosepad. She grunted and blinked her eyes a few times, staring right into Nala's blue pools.

"Goodmorning." She greeted simply in-between licks and kept grooming the end of Vitani's snout.

It got a bit too much for the young lioness fairly quickly and she leaned forward to let their muzzles meet in a tonguekiss reminiscent of the night before.

Nala mmmmmmrred deeply and tugged their bodies a little closer again. They kept playing around with each other for a while; sleepily at first, but they managed to reignite that special passion from last night again. Both of them were wriggling and moaning by the time they finally had to part their lips to get some fresh air, and both had their forepaw recoated with the juices of the other once more.

Still the Queen was in no hurry to get up and she made Vitani turn around to face the other way so she could be hugged from behind and groomed between her ears, just like Nala always did with her own daughter.

"Do you feel happy in the pride, Tani?" She asked, casually cleaning her light-brown ears.

Vitani found the cave to be entirely empty now apart from a small, fresh pool in the center of the room. She knew there was something more to that question, so she just nodded slowly.

"Well, what's this I hear about your little gang that goes to the elephant graveyard?"

Ouch. That one hit a nerve.

"Oh that.. well, it's.." Vitani could not even explain it to herself anymore, especially after her journey with Kiara. She had never really felt accepted by anyone in this Pride until that trip - three magical days away from everything. The gang had probably seemed like a good idea at the time, but it looked silly in hindsight. She hesitated with her answer long enough for Nala to break in.

"I really don't think it's healthy for the pride. Some of the lionesses are still divided into Outlanders and Pridelanders. It's not just the ones in your gang that are the problem. A lot of them don't feel like they belong."

Now there was a hole without a bottom. Vitani did not really know what to say. She had already promised herself to disband the gang a few times before, but it seemed so obvious now. Maybe she just had not really gotten around to it yet?

"I have a suggestion." The older female licked over her neck to clean out bits of dirt from the cavern floor.

"Yah?" Vitani earperked.

"How about.. you get your lionesses, I'll get together my group too and then we can go on a Big Hunt to the south? We'll leave the rest here, including the males and just.. have fun and bond." Nala winked at her. Before last night that last sentence would probably not have meant anything to her, but today she knew exactly what this was about.

"Hmm.. sounds like a plan." Vitani could not help giggling at the thought, a mischievous grin involuntarily spreading across her muzzle at that.

"Great! Assemble your lionesses, then." Nala smiled and kissed Vitani before rolling away from her and getting onto her paws. She stood up above the younger one and started stretching herself out to get her muscles warmed up for the day.

The Outlander Princess rolled over on her back and looked up, licking her muzzle at the sight of the slim, beautiful lioness doing suggestive exercises right in front of her nose. She must have been quite blatant about enjoying the view, because Nala suddenly swatted her across the nose.

"Stop staring." She grinned and moved away towards the entrance to the cave.

"It might take a while to assemble them all, so meet me behind the Rock at noon, okay?" The Queen called back and did not wait for a reply before leaving the cave and heading down to the waterhole.

"Not until noon?" Vitani thought to herself. It was almost too perfect.

With the image of the lascivious royal lioness stretching herself out in every direction still fresh in her mind, Vitani rolled over on her back and dipped her whole paw in the white, gooey puddle on the floor. She leaned forward to curl up a bit and then slipped a cumwet pawtoe into her own slit, quickly building up speed.

"Oooh.. mmm. Nala..." She panted faster and faster, going over the stretching motions she had just seen in slow-motion in her mind over and over while she pawed herself off - lubricated by her brother's morning load.

Her moans echoed louder in the cave with each passing moment and she finally rolled over on her belly with her rump in the air and her foreleg pinned between the floor and her tummy so she could keep lunging her sticky pawtoe in and out of herself. Her tail lifted high in the air and she pushed her rump back against her paw repeatedly as if begging to be humped.

Rolling over brought her face to face with the murky white pool and without a second thought began lapping it up like sweet syrup. It was only a matter of time before her climax pounced upon her and made the liongirl fall down on her side, twitching and moaning.


"Yeah... that's the spot. Mrrrrrr... you make daddy.. so happy." Simba exhaled deeply to the slurping sounds of the female below. He was in his usual spot leaning his back up against a tree so he could just sprawl out with his hindlegs spread. His lidded eyes slowly opened up, squinting at the late morning sunlight that shone down directly on him.

A much too familiar shadow moved into view to obscure the sun and Simba gave a startled *yelp* at suddenly seeing Nala tread into sight right in front of him. He instinctively clenched his paw on Kiara's neckfur in his lap and pulled her off quickly, sending her reeling backwards and up into an almost sitting position.

The young lioness who was so abruptly torn away from her plaything sat blinking in confusing for a few moments before she thought of looking behind her.

It had all been a reflexive move from back when Nala did not know about Simba's... 'close relationship' with their daughter, and they both had to keep it a secret. In the past his quickly reflexes had managed to get them safely out of a few close calls when they were almost discovered by another lioness.

But by now Nala knew about them fooling around occasionally, even if they still tried to be discreet about it. Moreso than her secret meetings with Kovu, anyway. To her knowledge those were still a secret.

"Hiya, love!" He burst out and tried to cover it all up, even though he was already fully exposed in more sense than one.

"Err.. what brings you here?"

"I didn't mean to disturb you." Nala smirked broadly and tried to at least hide her endless amusement just a bit at the shocked reaction her entry had provoked. She looked over Kiara who just sat there fidgeting with her tailtip and blushing under her golden cheekfur, her lips white with liquid that she dared not clean up while her mom was watching.

"I am just seeking permission to take a team of lionesses out on a hunting expedition for a few days. We're trying a new method to work out our communication problems." It was not really a lie.

"Ahhhhh, I see.." Simba started to feel more confident again since the Queen had obviously come here seeking his permission for something.

"..but what makes you think I can be without you here at home?" He smirked, clearly betraying his playful teasing.

"Ohh, I'm sure you'll manage.. somehow." She glanced over at Kiara who just grinned back sheepishly.

Simba considered it for a while and stroked his mane near the throat as if he was deep in thought while he looked his two girls over. Nala walked up right next to him, and she purred and pushed his chin up with the back of her head, working her charm to convince him.

"Alright, but on one condition."

"Yeeeees?" She blinkblinked her doe-like eyes.

"You have to do something for me before you leave." Simba licked his muzzle and put a paw to the back of her head. She crouched down willingly, feeling her head guided down directly between his spread hindleg as she had anticipated and she slipped his precum-dribbling member into her muzzle smoothly.

"Don't spill a drop. Or we'll have to start over." He grinned broadly and moved her head up and down with his paw until she began moving on her own. The male tensed up a little as the heat in his loins quickly flared up again. He *was* going to wait until she had a good rhythm going, but Nala just knew his body too well and she was already bouncing her head between his light-furred thighs at just the right speed and intensity. It was wonderful enough to make him silently regret that there were any other lionesses on morning duty besides her.

Kiara watched her parents and grinned as she began grooming her forepaw and rubbing it against her cheeks to clean her face up a bit. Her position as an outside observer was brief once Simba noticed her again.

"Mount her, Kiara." He said in his charming, yet commanding voice.

Kiara did as she was told, climbing onto her mom's back and hugging around her with all four legs so that her soft, beige tummyfur rubbed down the Queen's back. Nala blinked her eyes open at that sensation, but she complied as well and crouched down more, lifting her rump up and moving her tail aside. She let her daughter slip into position and fit her belly down the inward curve of Nala's spine.

"Hump her." Simba licked his black lips, watching the two with barely contained anticipation.

Kiara began the movements she knew well from always being on the receiving end of her father and Kovu. The approach was a bit wrong like this; she quickly found out that she had to slide back more and curl up her hindend greatly till her tail was dragging along the ground. Fortunately Nala had done this before and she arched her rear upwards at an exaggerated angle until finally their wet spots touched each other.

Even Simba could feel the moment they connected and his heart skipped a beat in excitement when Kiara eagerly began to grind her sex against her mom's. She had no idea this position was even possible between females. Vitani and her had attempted it these past few days, but they could only make it work when they were belly to belly.

Nala moaned in a muffled tone around the fat shaft her muzzle was slipping up and down upon - so obviously enjoying the sensation of being taken by a lioness. So used to being mounted was she that her slit was soon dripping with her lubricating fluids even if nothing was actually pushing inside her. She merely felt her daughter's bared, sensitive netherlips slide against her own.

"Oooh, mommy's wet already." Kiara giggled and tightened the grip of her forelegs around Nala's flanks. She soon figured out that the key was not to hump like the males did, but to rub and grind around in the same place.

"Oh yeah. She likes that a lot, don't you love?" Simba smiled down at her and stroked behind her ears gently, feeling her nod eagerly up and down his precumming cock. Or maybe she was just speeding up.

"You should see her and Sarafina when they get going." The lion teased her and made Nala blush bright red on the inside of her ears at that comment. This was not normally the position they were in at all, but it was definitely arousing for her, especially since she would never have dared to suggest this sort of thing directly to Kiara. Having Simba order the two of them around somehow made it different and she could indulge herself completely in the lust of having the adolescent's wet pussy exchange fluids with hers like this.

"Mmmm, that's my girls." Simba leaned the weight of his golden form back against the tree trunk fully and let his eyes move back and forth between the two, his lust-addled mind fully absorbing every movement, moan, and scent from them. They really worked well together too, why had he not thought of this before?

Simba bit his lower lip as he tried to hold himself back while at the same time enjoy the lewd display of mother and daughter in sweet union, the youngest one mounting the oldest as if she had a mane.

Nala was glad her muzzle was full of throbbing liondick, because she would have been begging for more had she been able to speak. She could not help but think that Kiara and Vitani had been doing this sort of thing on their little trip, because the young lioness certainly knew how to make another female lust for her. Her thoughts were interrupted by her own body tensing up and the glint of heat that had lain dormant in the back of her loins suddenly ignited a flashfire of pleasure that spread to every one of her extremities. Her mind went blank as she cried out around the thrusting wet pole of lionmeat clogging up her muzzle, and with violent jerks through her shapely form she squirted her feline fluids into Kiara's own pussy, eliciting a *mrewl* of delight from her partner.

Simba grabbed his mate's head tight in his large paw and pushed her down, burying himself in her gagging throat and feeling every single one of her orgasmic twitches squeeze his cock so tight he felt his balls would burst.

With his Queen fully impaled on his length, he spilled his essence directly into her belly with a *ROAAR!* of unrestrained lust. His full barrage of gelatinous cubspooge gushed forth in ropy releases, and Nala also got to taste all that her daughter had nursed forward just before she had taken over herself. Luckily for her, Simba's heavy paw made sure she deepthroated him through the whole thing and in the midst of her own climax she did not have to think about swallowing - it was all just fed into her stomach.

Kiara spread her hindlegs out as wide as her squatted position would allow and rubbed her hindquarters up against those of her mom, trying to work as much of the slick, drooling juices into her own slit as possible. It was a lot easier to share between lionesses when they were facing each other, but she did what she could before sliding off the back of the older lioness and sitting down behind her to watch.

Simba's paw relented and moved away at last, and true to her word Nala had not spilled a drop. She sealed her lips tight around the King's member and pulled her head back, making him moan out as her muzzle rubbed his barbs the wrong way just before his tip slipped free of its warm confines.

Nala sat up and turned around to her daughter, quickly leaning in and inadvertently revealing her plan as a line of cum escaped her lips just as she pressed her muzzle against Kiara's. The younger lioness opened up wide and took a muzzleful of her father's cum inside for her tongue to play around in and warm her up. Their tongues danced playfully around each other in the warm jelly-like substance they shared and in the middle of the deep kiss a glob of white ran down Kiara's chin and dripped onto her chestfur.

Simba lidded his eyes halfway in the afterglow, but was kept firmly aroused by the sight of his two favorite girls eagerly making out right in front of him, sharing his seed between their cream-colored muzzles.

Nala moved a paw to the back of her daughter's neck and sat up taller so her muzzle was pointing downwards, forcing Kiara to drink down the whole load in three gurgling swallows that even Simba could hear before their muzzles split apart again, leaving a long strand of goo between their lips that snapped in two when Nala turned her head away.

"How was I?" Simba grinned at his daughter.

"Still fresh." Kiara giggled and moved a little closer when Nala stepped away from between the two of them, already having upheld more than her part of the deal.

The young adolescent lioness turned around and crouched down in the grass with her tail held high, showing off the mixture of her mom's and her own juices that were smeared all over her rear by now, but which especially accentuated her pink slit with gleaming round drops of female fluids.

"Ready for me now, daddy?"

Simba drooled down his chin in sheer anticipation as if having caught the scent of young, tender, fresh meat at his hungriest. Which was probably not a bad comparison. The hung lion was still hard as a rock and he mounted his daughter without hesitation, his very soul gasping in pleasure at the sweet cry his little girl gave off at the first penetration.

Simba slipped in much easier than usual, it was just his size she had to stretch around. He was usually not that big on foreplay, but it certainly felt good to have an already well-lubricated lioness around him and knowing that for once he was not getting sloppy seconds from another male.

Nala watched the scene with a chuckle and licked her muzzle clean a few times.

"You two have fun now. Make sure Simba's not bored and comes looking for us." The last line was directed more in jest at Kiara.

"Awww, not gonna stay to watch me fuck our daughter?" Simba teased her, feeling quite aroused at the idea himself.

Nala shook her head with a smile and leaned in to give her mate a farewell peck on his cheek, her breath still heavy with his own scent.

"Her tongue is particularly wet and playful today. I'm sure she could make you come again..?" He tried to lure her in a second time, his voice lowered to a deep whisper now that her head was right next to his. Through the whole conversation he never missed a thrust into the moaning young lioness below him; it almost seemed casual the way he had his head turned and was talking to Nala.

"I'm sure, love. But I promised to meet Tani soon." Nala would not normally leave her mate in this position, but her daughter seemed to have it all covered. She knew just how to wrap her daddy around her little paw. So Nala headrubbed her goodbyes and then wandered off with great self-satisfaction to leave the two of them alone to their squeals of joy. It somehow made her feel much less guilty about sneaking off with Kovu occasionally.


Vitani sat on a flat rock with a gathering of about ten lionesses around her by the time Nala returned with her own flock of pridesisters. They greeted with a brief nuzzle and all started heading south towards the grasslands. At first they were sharply divided into the two groups they had arrived as, but Nala and Vitani purposefully changed positions so they were each 'leading' the other crowd and eventually they all began mixing as they walked along.

The antelope herds were abundant here and it did not take them long to find a few suitable targets. They discussed tactics before the hunt and mixed all the lionesses together so that they could learn from each other and work as a team.

The first strategy was simply to leap at them, fang and claw. So all the separate teams that had spread out and tried to casually surround the herd, all attacked at once. Despite the somewhat clumsy approach, they managed to cause enough confusion to bring down three decent-sized antelopes and the hunt was officially declared a success.

They were almost certain not to have such good fortune the next time they charged headlong into oblivion and Nala could already see that she had her work cut out for her trying to instruct all of these diverse lionesses to work together over the next several days.

Nala ripped off another chunk of flesh from the hindquarters of the antelope and chewed it roughly, making Vitani grin who sat right next to her and tore out the next slice of meat.

"That went well." The young lioness smirked, perfectly well-aware of the chaos that had riddled the battlefield. The two of them had taken the smallest kill and dragged it off to the side a bit to eat in peace. The others were crouched around the other two carcasses and some lay panting around in the grass, waiting their turn and trying to regain their breath as well.

"We will not be so lucky the next time. I saw at least two lionesses who need a stern talking to." Nala kept her voice down somewhat so the others would not hear. Being the experienced hunting leader that she was, she had already singled out a few of the cocky Outlanders who would need to be put in their place before they could be of use to anyone.

"You want me to talk to them?" Vitani looked over at the others, trying to figure out who she had in mind.

"Later perhaps. Today we have a feast." The older lioness licked her muzzle and dug into another piece of fresh, bloodied meat.

"It's our first hunt together and I think we all need to feel each other out."

"Mm-hmmm, you're probably right." Vitani had to agree. "We've already felt each other out pretty good."

Nala chuckled and looked up as two other lionesses joined their kill. They chuffed at them in a somewhat disarming way before they cautiously leaned in towards the meat just so the two feasting lionesses would not feel like they were surprised by someone who wanted to steal their kill away from them. The approach was done with the utmost respect for Vitani and Nala as the leaders of the party, but both had had their fill anyway, so they abandoned the meat for the others and retreated to a nearby hill with a tree where they had some shade and could watch all the others. Most had finished eating as well and were laying about, stretching, dozing, and busy cleaning each other after the bloody meal.

"Let's give them something to aspire to." Nala whispered to the younger lioness and licked her muzzle, which still bore a slight pink discoloration from the blood she had soaked her muzzlefur in.

It did not take long before whispers of gossip propagated quickly through the small assembled groups and pretty soon everyone was looking up at the hill where the Princess lay on her back with her hindlegs in the air, moaning at an increasing volume while the Queen of the Pridelands was eating her out. Dinner *and* a show.

Just as they had hoped, the lionesses around them started to mimic the motions. They were playing with each other, kissing, groping, and licking and pile by pile they sank into the grasses. Dinner was over, now it was time for some leisure activities.

The former boundaries of Outlanders and Pridelanders vanished quickly and they were soon all just lionesses of the same pride, enjoying each other.

"Looks like *mmmmm..* worked." Vitani panted and looked down at Nala whose wet tongue repeatedly cleaved through the tight, pink slit of the young liongirl.

Nala pulled back and looked behind her, grinning at the scene.

"I think you're right. This might work out, after all."

They both got up and moved down to mingle with the rest, immediately being greeted by several of the groups who in whispers insisted on making the two leaders the first ones to climax in celebration of their deed today. The idea spread quickly and reached consent within the hunting party, and both the Queen and the Princess were nudged down on their backs, and before they knew it, more lionesses were joining the festivities. Giggles sounded from all around and tongues were licking them over their bodies as if the crowd had rehearsed the whole thing. Nala could not even tell how many had ganged up on her, but she swore every lick between her hindlegs was from a different lioness.

Even Vitani was moaning out loudly already. With all the paws holding her down now there was nothing she could do but spread out her hindlegs and let every lioness who wanted get a taste of her.

Nala locked muzzles with one of the grey-furred Outlanders and she moaned into the younger lioness' muzzle when a slick pawtoe was pushed into her tailhole at the same time that two tongue started to fight over the privilege of licking her pussy.

This would prove to be a few interesting days indeed.