From Ice Cream to Topping | Arc 1, Chapter 3

Story by coreguardian0 on SoFurry

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(Reworked and reposting from old account; more soon to follow)Dead end job? Check. Lack of love? Check.Social outcast? Check. Hot college furs? Definite Check!

Such is the world of Charlie Fair, an out of luck loner, who is just looking to find his place in the world.

That is, until one day, he is visited by a local German Shepard, who is looking to share more than just ice cream with him...

From Ice Cream to "Topping" | Arc 1, Chapter 3

"Arghh Charlie! You missed the bus!" I screamed out loud as the two-forty-seven express that cuts straight to the heart of the college passed right in front of my face. At first what started as a full sprint to catch up to it -to flag it down for attention- turned to slow strides as I realized it was too far ahead of me. I stopped abruptly in my tracks; kicking at an empty soda can in the road out of frustration as my last good chance at arriving on time to meet up with Daniel just barreled at full speed around the corner.

I just couldn't believe my luck, today of all days. First, I woke up late because I accidentally forgot to set to an alarm, already starting me off in a rush. My shower of course had to be hurried also, and even my breakfast done in a microwave, all so that I could fly out the door as fast as I could. Finally, as I made my way outside, what else would happen but it starting to rain, even though yesterday was such a wonderful day?

I struggled to pull my cell phone out of my pocket to check the time, swiftly realizing I had only a hour left until I was going to be late for my very first date. I had to think fast, seeing as time wasn't playing fair today. So I looked at my mobile again, trying to think of who best I could call given the situation.

With what little hope I had time to muster, I quickly browsed through my available contacts, looking for anyone that would be able to give me a ride perhaps. I slid my paw across the screen frantically as I looked through letters A through Z, seeing all of ten names pop up, three of which were for Chinese take-out establishments.

"Ugh, damn me and my anti social tendencies!" I cried out as I put the device in my jacket pocket, next planning out how best to go forward. "I could make a run for it, but I'd still be late I'm sure." I fidgeted about with the consideration, knowing that it was my last alternative.

"Oh screw it!" I yelled before I started at my run, all five miles to the campus a fresh memory in my head from just walking it yesterday. I could feel the contents of my pockets beating against the sides of my legs as I moved forward what I could, and with traffic at a nice slow tempo thanks to the weather, I was able to cleverly maneuver my way throughout the decelerated cars. The soft rain beat against my face, somewhat hampering my vision as I continued onwards, myself feeling like I was actually moving at a considerate pace.

My heart was racing after a few minutes of running, my thighs burning as I pushed ahead. "Daniel. Daniel. Daniel." I focused my thoughts, trying to think of that sexy German Shepherd as I saw the buildings and landscape around me changing, indicating I was making some headway.

My feetpaws hit the sidewalks hard with every stride, the moisture on the ground making for a less than desirable running situation, but I didn't care though. I just held onto the hope that where I was running towards will be the opposite of everything I've ever ran away from in all my young life so far.

Still lost in my thoughts as I rounded another corner blindly, I hit a patch of deep water -my body unable to respond in time as I tripped- hurling all the little weight of what composed me flying forward, finding myself sliding on my back towards the open street in front of me. Because of such, I glided across the pavement, feeling the cold slush of the ground beneath me.

With worry gripping at me, I had tried to force myself upward, to slow down the momentum. It was in vain however as I slammed, with a good amount of velocity, into a car that happened to be parked -thankfully- alongside the road. With a slight crack heard, I could feel the back of my head bounce after it crashed against the vehicles passenger side door.

Disoriented thanks to misfortune, and just a little dazed too after the initial shock, I lost all sense of where I was at that point. With a less than steady focus I could feel my grip on the ground keep slipping as I used the car for support after a minute, helping myself to my feet as I stood up and grabbed for my wound.

"Ugh..." I moaned as I rubbed my head, immediately making sure I wasn't bleeding or anything like that. Next, I looked down at my clothes, every inch of me covered in rain water now.

I peered out of the corner of my eye at the nearest street sign, seeing through the ever increasing downpour that I was about miraculously only one more mile away from the campus. With hope growing in my heart for a minute, I reached back into my pocket to check the time again, instead finding the remains of a broken phone, the screen obviously shattered by my impact with the ground.

With a sigh, I lowered my head in utter disbelief and slammed the palm of my paw into my forehead. "What else could go wrong?" I thought as I took out the SIM information card and dropped the remaining pieces onto the ground, the small stream of water that was flowing towards the city drain taking the sections with it.

With a limp growing I made my way over towards the nearest building, gazing inside to see if perhaps I could see a clock or anything. I was out of luck though, and by then, I'm sure I was out of time. I let my body drop as I slid down along the side of the business, using my tail as a bit of support as I fell on my ass.

"Well, I tried -laughs-. He probably already left anyway. Who'd wait around in the rain?" I lamented before I let the back of my throbbing head rest against the window pane nearest me, the rain still coming down in a nicely even, yet admittedly overzealous pattern.

With great care I reached into my inner jacket pocket next, carefully pulling out the little origami folded heart I had made for Daniel yesterday. It thankfully was still intact, even if it was a little bent. "I really wish I could've given this to you. It's small... but so was my heart before you." I gave it a kiss and closed my eyes, wondering what that handsome Shepherd was up to right now. He'd probably be leaving the campus now, looking around for some loser he thought was cool. "Well at least he didn't have to see me like this."

I sat there for a few minutes more before deciding I was in no condition to go on with the day. Thankfully, as I touched at the back of my head again there was still no blood, but damn did it sure hurt; nothing in comparison as to how I felt in my heart then though.

I struggled as I tried to get my footing again along the side of the slick cobblestone building, when all of sudden I was overshadowed by a rather tall person carrying an umbrella, extending his reach downward so as to offer me help up. At first, I was confused -and a little scared- at the actions of this faceless stranger, but after a couple meaningful gestures from the animal to take what he was offering, I took his parasol into my paw finally and let him pull me up to a standing position. Without delay, I wiped at my eyes next -to clear my vision of all the rain water- as the cumbersome item I held fumbled around in my hands; the other person taking hold of it now too to help keep it straight.

"Thanks. I needed that." I said as I extended my paw out to shake theirs, met by a rather surprising grip on their part.

"No problem cutie!" I blinked afterwards a couple times so to refresh my vision. There in front of me, somehow, stood Daniel; my date. Today it appeared he was dressed to the nines -all buttons closed unfortunately- with a fancy six piece button up shirt, coupled with a nice tight leather jacket which snuggly hugged against his upper torso. To be honest, he looked like what my father used to call "New Money" whenever he would criticize the wealthy.

I reached out to him, my head still a little fuzzy from the collision. "Daniel." I whispered almost as I fell forward into his arms accidentally, the umbrella dropping to the ground as I found my way inside of his jacket, smelling all of what he was. There, in that innocent moment, was the first time he would hold me in his arms; it felt so good.

"Are you ok Charlie? I was just picking you up a gift for our date when I saw you just lying here. What happened?" The Shepherd asked it so passionately, wanting to be sure that I was alright. Truly, he was a warm individual, and someone I'll always be proud I ran four miles nonstop for; even if I just failed him in the end.

In response to his kindness though, I wrapped my arms around him, embracing his entire body against mine, as I felt his muscles pushing up against me. "Daniel. I thought I was too late." I stated as I buried my face into his chest, that submissive side of me just wanting to hide in his presence.

"What do you mean? It's only twenty minutes till noon. Well yeah sure, the rain makes it feel later but..." He smiled before he looked down at me, right into my eyes and nuzzled his nose against mine. "You know I would've waited all day for you right?"

I was close enough to kiss him if I had wanted to as he lifted his paw to the side of my face, rubbing it softly against the side of my cheek. I grabbed at him, allowing myself to feel his warm tender touch, as my body surrendered to his gaze. I could feel the intention and passion in his eyes to really want to be with me, and I was inclined to believe him. "Now I was going to take us out for lunch, but this weather seems to be working against us ha ha ha. Anyway, how would you feel about us going straight back to my place for food? Now, I'm not a five star chef or anything, but I'm good!" Daniel spoke with a smile as the rain beat down against the top of his head, myself thinking then god how beautiful his hair is while it's wet. However, it was that smile that got me again; so genuine, regal, and strong.

"Anywhere you are, I want to be." I responded softly back, not really believing what had just come out of my mouth. I don't know if it was because I hit my head, but something was really telling me to be totally honest with my feelings for him; even if they seemed a little naïve.

So, I gathered up my bravery then, as I wrapped one of my paws behind his head, pulling him in closer for a kiss. He didn't struggle against me at all, instead complementing the situation by wrapping his hands around my waist. Never had I imagined in all my life that I'd actually be doing this, licking delicately at the muzzle of someone I barely knew, but really did want to get to know further.

I enjoyed all of it; the sight, the smell, the taste, the feel, the sound of him breathing. I wanted this moment to last for eternity if it could. The sound of splashing water was all around us as he used his strength -just ever so slightly- to lift me, sweeping me off my feet as I became suspended in the air. I almost felt like I was flying, and hell if I had closed my eyes I could've been, but I wanted them open, to make sure that what was happening was real.

I pulled away for a minute to look at him again, to make sure he was enjoying himself too. He was already smiling even bigger now, a slight blush of red to his beautiful cheeks as he grabbed at my paws, him interlacing his fingers with mine. "So guess you really like me then huh? That's good, because I really like you too Charlie." He admitted as he leaned forward, pulling me into a full embrace as he gave me the biggest hug I think I've ever had in my life. It was such a magical moment for me; to be held by someone who really cared.

"Yeah, I really like you. Been thinking about you nonstop since yesterday you know. I don't know what you did, but you sure made me one happy -and _leaky_I internalized- pup. I would love to go back to your house with you, if you don't mind a wet dog in your place that is." I barked with a little slight laugh accompanying as I pulled away softly from the hug, not wanting it to stop, but knowing I needed to sit down soon because my head was starting to throb again. In the end, I didn't want to worry him by telling him about the fall, so I kept it to myself as we made our way to his nearby car; the same one I slammed straight into.

We drove a little down the road, and by little what I would estimate at least seven or so miles away from the campus, opposite from even the location we just were. We passed by my work along the way, me happy I was able to get off today, and to get to sit in this vehicle with Daniel.

It was surprising -or weird rather- to find me the passenger of such a lavish car; what with the heated leather seats it had installed, to the nice warm air blowing at my face from the overhead heaters to help dry me off. His stereo was made out -what looked like to me- solid silver, the bright neon cobalt display an especially nice touch. He played with the gear shift as he focused on the road, a strong smile on his face as we continued on, with some of the commonplace venues I recognized before becoming unfamiliar locations as we propelled along.

We were now arriving in a different area of the city, one that I didn't know at all, as we swerved through an ever snaking street way. "Don't worry, we're almost there." Daniel remarked after I took his available paw into mine, myself happy that I was going on this adventure with him. I had to admit though, my mind did play tricks on me at first, for a innocent moment again, as I thought "Oh god he's going to kill me and leave me in the forest..."; myself just shaking away the thought after.

The rain had stopped finally as we were eventually coming up on the edge of the city limits, the encroaching forest a signifier of such. There, only a second before I was about to make mention of our destination, was when the Shepherd made a sharp turn by some nearby shrubbery before we came upon a metal gateway, with a beautiful set of shining buildings off the distance, themselves intermixed charmingly with the nearby greenery.

Daniel rolled down his window as we came upon a security booth, him flashing some sort of badge from his wallet as the gates swung open, allowing us in. Like in a dream, all the lights were sparkling as we pressed on down the expanse of road, myself speechless and just devoid of any hypothesis as to where we could possibly be. This was someplace new to me...

We drove a little further in as we pulled up on the property of a rather large house; two stories tall and at least three houses wide. There he stopped the engine, taking the keys out of the ignition as he unlocked the doors next. "Welcome to my house Charlie; well my parents place anyway. This is Adams Winery."

I just opened my muzzle wide with disbelief, instantly realizing that my date was the sole heir to the richest family in town. I had never put the two thoughts together correctly before, my fault perhaps though, since whenever I thought of the name Daniel Adams, I only ever thought about the dog himself; and what I hoped the experience of his huge amazing cock thrusting inside me would feel like.

With bewilderment still hanging over my head I stepped excitedly out of the car, the pebble roadway feeling good against my feetpaws as we made our way up the steps leading to this... manor. Truly, it was so huge a place you could really only take it all in at a distance, and while you squint your eyes too.

As we approached these huge double wide wooden doors just then, out of nowhere, Daniel wrapped his jacket around me, him still smiling like a mad man as he pressed at the doorbell happily. Only seconds later, we were no sooner greeted than by a rather dashing, older Dalmatian in a tuxedo; me recognizing him almost instantly to be a butler.

The older dog had said something obviously and gestured for us to enter, me not hearing a word of it, as I remained more focused on the notion of what it felt like walking into a fairy tale. Truly, I had the right to say that phrase, seeing as there were white picket fences running along all sides of the house that I took a mental note of.

After a few words exchanged, ending with a smile on both their parts, Daniel dismissed the Dalmatian with a pat on his shoulder and then turned towards me. "Okay, now I know this is a lot to take in, but why don't you come on upstairs with me to my room and we'll discuss everything!" The Shepherd declared before he led me up the -with the polished wood hand railing an excellent aesthetic- marble encrusted staircase nearest us. There, with no shame or worry in his actions though his butler still remained close by, he took my paw into his own after we reached the second story landing as he gleefully directed me down the hallway towards the last door down a nearby corridor.

He opened the door promptly, letting all the musk of his room hit me at once; the smell of who he really was massaging at my nose. I looked around curiously, expecting more of a internally rich atmosphere given what we had seen of his place so far, but was surprised to find it filled with rather simple things. Of note, I saw only what I deem the essentials; a bed, a mirror, a dresser, and a television. In fact, you could have taken all the things I owned and recreated this room; myself realizing that he may be rich, but doesn't like living that way.

Like a bullet, he maneuvered past me swiftly into the room and picked up a towel lying arbitrarily on the floor. To me, it was funny to see it lying there, because whenever I had a towel on my floor, it meant I had probably just cummed.

While he was bent over picking up the article I finally got a better look at the area hidden under his tail, his well sculpted butt on full view then. I could only imagine what was actually hiding under his pants, but didn't want to think about it too much; not if I didn't want to end up popping a boner right there in the middle of his room.

He motioned for me to come join him as we both sat on the edge of his bed together, myself noticing how it was infinitely softer than my own. "So, what do you think? Shall I give you the tour?" He mentioned inquisitively, to which I was about to answer when he interrupted. "Oh wait... I was going to cook something right? Okay, well how about you go ahead and look around, check out my games and such, and I'll be right back alright." He said as he stood up quickly, leaning over to kiss my forehead before he made his way out the door, me hearing him jump and run down the hall happily.

Nervously, given that I had never been in another guys room before, I took to browsing around his room quietly, lost in thought as to what I wanted to look at first. Then again, I knew in my devious little mind what I wanted to check out primarily, but was I really so bad I wanted to sniff around inside his underwear drawer. "Oh why not!" I excitedly thought as I walked over to his dresser, pulling the drawers open slowly, until I found exactly what I was looking for in the bottom section.

There I found gold mines of nothing but endless skin tight briefs, secretly yet freely available to me as I lifted some up to my nose and inhaled deeply. I enjoyed every moment of it as I fell to my knees on the floor, my tail beating against his entertainment center as I felt my knot expanding in my pants, feeling my precum leaking out of me in heaps as I wriggled around in jubilation. I couldn't resist it anymore as I slid my paw into my pants, to get a hold on my throbbing and fully erect cock. I wanted so badly to start fapping and cum right then and there, but why not just wait -if it was a possibility at all- for fun time with him?

With a bit of shame all while biting my lip, I slid a pair of his underwear into my jacket pocket -for later fun at home- and continued to rummage about his space. I peered through his collection of video games at first, noticing it was just a little bigger than mine. Secondly, I also leafed through his CD collection, to which I can say thankfully we also shared almost the exact same taste in tunes. Lastly, I took a peak behind the door inside the room, thinking it was probably just a closet, but then was surprised to find it an entrance to his own private bathroom.

I looked around, making sure I was still alone before I stepped inside, wanting to get the full scope of it in my mind's eye. Sure, it had the bare minimum of a toilet and bathing area, but it was the shower that really got my attention. It was made out of solid glass surrounding all sides, no curtains to speak of for privacy at all. "Wow, now what I wouldn't give to get wet with him in there." I said out loud innocently, not realizing the muscled Shepherd had snuck up right behind me.

"Oh really!" He snickered as he grabbed me from behind, the boner in my pants trying to push out past my zipper now. "Lunch is going to be a while from now, and we are still pretty dirty from all that rain earlier." He said ironically as he started sliding my jacket off me with his paws, lifting my shirt up just a bit in the process.

I was entirely new to this feeling. I didn't know what to do. I did not want to be the nerd and say "Hey, maybe we're moving too fast here..." because I knew I wanted it as badly as he seemed too. So I just swallowed my fears as I lifted my arms in the air, letting him get my shirt off me as he quickly started rubbing at my chest, his breath beating against my back as he gave it a quick lick. I moaned in pleasure as he took his time massaging his way down towards the belt line of my pants, every touch making me harder and harder. I gave in completely as I leaned back to kiss him, unzipping my pants for him so that way my cock could slide out, it's super wet girth finding its way instinctively into Daniel's paw.

He stroked it softly at first, every motion of his hands making my knees feel as though they were about to buckle under the ecstasy. I was in my own personal nirvana now, being jacked off by the only person I've ever honestly ever had romantic feelings for; if I've ever even had any of those feelings before.

It was intoxicating, the way he continued to caress my dick within the grip of his paw, our tongues still lapping at each other all the while. It was then I could feel his boner now as it pushed up against my backside, my tail in the way of the bulge of his cock hitting against my butt. I was almost there, my warm cum almost exploding on the floor of his bathroom, when we were of course interrupted by someone knocking on his bedroom door.

"Oh god dammit!" I screamed in my head, unable to blow my load for the third occasion in the past days time. My balls were throbbing, the ache of not making a mess really weighing them down, what with their build up of cum.

He let me go after a second, his entire embrace disappearing before he adjusted himself and turned around to go for the door, but not prior to giving me a quick bite on the ear and whispering "Well, we can save all that for me later; right?" I moaned as the feel of his breath sent a chill run down the length of my spine. I couldn't believe any of this, but who said I had to question it?

"Stay right here real quick okay." He asked and I obeyed, zipping back up my pants.

He was met at the door by the butler, who mentioned something to him that made his face turn pale. He quickly bolted down the hallway, leaving me to my own devices as the man remained standing in the doorway, putting me in an extremely awkward space. So in turn I just quickly tucked my hard on between my legs, put back on my shirt, and then went to sit down on the bed; all of my precum completely having soaked my pants again.

"Don't worry Master Fair, Young Lord Daniel seemed to have forgotten to adjust the temperature for your meal before coming back up here, causing quite a bit of a fuss in regards to your food I regret to say. Not to worry though, for I have informed a pizza delivery already, and you both shall be eating in no time." He smiled as he spoke and looked at me, his paws wrapped together in that sort of dignified fashion behind his back.

To not seem rude or put on airs, I just shook my head yes in confidence and appreciation of him, letting him know his message was received. However, I was more waiting for him to leave, so I could at least lick up at some of my mess in my pants.

So it's seems like my first date will also turn into my first time... Let's see what happens next.