The Trials of Tish and Cass: Part 2 - Trapped

Story by CaptainSaicin on SoFurry

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#2 of The Trials of Tish and Cass

_ Author's Notes:

This is the second chapter in my ongoing story about Tish and Cass, two vixen friends and their adventures together under unusual circumstances. This is NOT a standalone story -- it is highly recommended that new readers read the [first chapter](%5C) before proceeding to read this one, or you will not be able to follow it properly. With any luck, it won't end here, and there will be more to come, so enjoy!

As usual, if anyone would like to draw accompanying illustrations to the story, or would otherwise like to depict scene of this writing, they are welcome to do so, provided that they inform me of it and allow me to see the results =)

Comments and constructive critiques are both equally welcome, and encouraged. Please let me know what you think of it. NO SPOILERS IN COMMENTS PLEASE!

This version has been modified from its original format to accommodate ease of reading on Yiffstar. Creative spacing is a result._

The Trials of Tish and Cass

Part I: Submission

A Short Story by Captain Saicin

"I'm sorry."

Tish had not known how difficult it would be to say it until she had tried. She also did not know what else there was to say. Cass groaned piteously as Tish looked up at her and spoke again, "I'm stuck... I'm sorry." For what must have been the better part of the last hour, Tish had struggled against her predicament, trying desperately to find any way of freeing a paw, or any part of herself. The whole while, Cass had only stared at her; she had trouble deciphering that steady gaze... was it resentment? Loathing? Disbelief or venomous hate? Cass' eyes had bored into Tish, but they were devoid of any telltale signs of feeling. Tish knew that she had betrayed her friend's trust; she had tied her up, gagged her, teased her and tormented her, and in the end, she had taken away her freedom, and now they would both pay for it. Tish had not meant for it to turn out like this. She had wanted Cass to enjoy her game, and she had intended to let her go when she was done. However, Tish had become carried away with herself. She had put herself in a vulnerable position on strange equipment, and in doing so, had unwittingly crossed the point of no return. Tish was trapped, helpless, in the spring-loaded steel of the once benign seat she had chosen. Her legs firmly embraced the sides of the seat where the steel bands had sprung to hold them tightly in place. The bands that held her thighs pinned her down, holding her upon the seat and the two large dildos, which stuck deep inside her. The steel bands held her wrists fast to the beam in front of her body, and her head between them, the cold steel across the back of her neck forcing her to stay bent over the beam. Tish was stuck, unable to help herself out of the device; the only other person who knew about it and could get her out was Cass, but she had already made certain that her friend was as powerless as she was, hanging by all four paws from the ceiling. After the long, fruitless struggle to free herself, Tish was forced to accept the frightening reality of her situation: she was completely and thoroughly stuck, and there was nothing she or Cass could do about it.

Long moments passed, as the vixen was lost in thoughts and fears about the reality of her situation that drowned out the powerful and steady sensations of the vibrator in her anus. Another whimper from Cass brought her thoughts abruptly back to the present. Tish's nose was almost touching her friend's clit, and she could smell the strong odor of her juices. She knew Cass was still aroused and in need of climax. Setting aside her fears for the moment, Tish let her tongue out to lap at Cass' sex. Tish had gotten them into this, but at least she could give her friend some comfort by sexual release. As Cass began to moan anew, Tish felt the vibrator in her vagina pick up again, and redoubled her efforts, her own arousal beginning to rebuild.

One of the first things Tish had noticed about the seat when she had turned it on, was that it was linked to the equipment she had put on Cass, including the gag and muzzle harness. While the rear dildo on the seat vibrated constantly, the one in her vagina rose and fell depending on how much noise her friend made. She had had fun with this earlier, teasing Cass and using her reaction to help push herself to climax. Now that she was unable to touch or directly stimulate herself, she wondered how she would keep herself satisfied. As Cass writhed in her bonds, her moans rising in a crescendo, Tish was feeling her own desire build and knew she would need it sated. Her arousal was building, and it was building fast.

Tish squirmed in her seat, her tongue exploring Cass' love tunnel. Lust was overcoming her, her excitement forced upon her by the vibrator in her nethers and the linked massager at her clit, and spurred on by the sight, sound and smell of Cass' own aroused struggles. Tish tried to rock herself on the dildos, but the steel bands held her too firmly to allow much movement. Thankfully, the stimulation the seat was delivering was strong enough that it may push her to climax on its own before long. Turning her attention back to her administrations, Tish strained forward and pushed her tongue deeper into Cass, her nose making contact with Cass' clit. As Tish wiggled her nose and tongue furiously, Cass let out a long and forceful moan and began to climax.

Suddenly Tish let out a yelp and felt herself rocked violently by a surge of power through her abdomen. Fear gripped her as a second surge struck, the sharp pain biting into her like hot needles. She howled in anguish and struggled with all her might, trying in vain to escape the electrodes on the dildos inside her as a third, fourth and fifth surge tore through her. The dildos had stopped vibrating, and in the seconds between surges, all she could do was wait in fear and numbness, anticipating the next shock, and they kept coming until she had lost count. Finally, they relented.

As Tish regained her breath, she could hear Cass' labored breathing mingling with her own and opened her eyes. The force and duration of Cass' orgasm had been lost to Tish in her own torment, and now Cass was staring at her with that same intent look as before. This time as she met Cass' gaze, Tish whimpered. Her pussy and anus were sore from the intense surges of electricity, and while she was still extremely aroused, the numbness of her nether regions robbed her of any hope that she might bring herself to climax in the near future. With the dildos having turned themselves off, the two friends simply stared at each other in exhausted silence, tears of regret, sorrow and anguish wetting the fur of their cheeks.

It was not long, however, before Tish's respite was interrupted by the dildo in her tailhole coming back to life. A muffled yip and some squirming from Cass told Tish that hers had as well. The vibrations were powerful and distracting, making her squirm and renewing in her a state of arousal. The unwelcome buzzing brought back a desire to climax, but Tish did not know if she could reach it. Tish tried to suppress her arousal, but the vibrations were too powerful to ignore, and as Cass began to whimper and cry in her gag, Tish realized that she would find it difficult to fight against it. Every noise that Cass made elicited a buzz of activity in her tunnel and on her clit. "Oh, please Cass, stop." Tish moaned as another wave of sensation flowed through her nether regions. "Quiet, please," she added imploringly, but Cass could not be calmed. Tish was sure that if she tried to explain herself, Cass would only make matters worse for her, teasing her and stiffing her of climax in retribution for how she had teased her earlier. Meanwhile Cass continued to weep and whimper, driving the device by which Tish's primal lust was welling up inside of her, threatening to overpower her as she tried to suppress it. Moaning softly, Tish squirmed, the teasing vibrations flooding her with longing.

Scarcely thinking, Tish strained forward and pressed her nose into Cass' sex, sucking in the aroma of her friend's juices. Cass yelped into the gag as Tish's cold nose made contact with her clit. The surge of sensation from her friend's exclamation felt so good to Tish that she was becoming lost in desire. The last of her resistance melted away, and she started nuzzling Cass' slit, eliciting groans from Cass that spurred her on. If she could not fight her stimulation, she would try to encourage it and slake herself with orgasm. As Cass whined and squirmed under her attention, Tish began to use her tongue, invoking a gasp and louder moans from Cass, who resumed struggling, yet was unable to escape the pods that held her or Tish's probing tongue. Tish knew that while she would need to tease Cass to satisfy herself, she could not allow her friend to climax, or she would be let down and shocked again. Steadily she continued her tease, slowly exploring Cass' love tunnel with her tongue and writhing in lust and excitement at Cass' every groan and whimper.

Long minutes passed, and while the stimulation excited Tish, filling her with desire and longing, it was falling short of what she needed to come. The more she teased Cass, the more Cass' moans and muffled protests fueled her lust, and the more she needed climax. Tish whined in frustration, straining herself in her efforts, trying to heighten her sensation and will herself to orgasm. Relief was so close, every movement of the vibrator that filled her hot, wet vagina and teased her dripping clit sent shudders through Tish, filling her with longing and frustration. As the minutes turned to hours, frustration turned to desperation and fury. The stimulation was driving her wild, but it simply was not enough! The vibrators inside of her were exciting her to the brink of insanity, but they were keeping orgasm just out of reach for the trapped vixen. The desire to orgasm was consuming her, and the continued denial was maddening! Tish's cheeks were saturated with tears from her mournful and yearning sobs as she cursed herself again for getting into her present situation. Pent up rage brought more tears to her eyes as she continued teasing Cass with her tongue. By now, Cass was as hysterical as she, but even Cass' most frenzied groans and whimpers could not coax the device in her nethers to bring her to climax.

Exhaustion began to take its hold on Tish. Her strength was fading as she struggled. Panting with exertion, she tried to keep the vibrator going, doing all she could to try to reach climax, but Cass' own protests were becoming fatigued as well, and Tish could feel herself slipping farther from the point of orgasm. She had been trying for so long that all notion of time was lost to her. She wanted nothing more than to achieve climax, but she was certain now that she would never have it. Still, she carried doggedly on, trying against all hope to reach that fleeing point of pleasure.

Suddenly, all sensation stopped. In a daze, Tish was having difficulty coming to grips with exactly what had happened. Both of the vibrators inside her had ceased their assault, and the only sound that greeted her senses was a quiet whimper from Cass. Tish tried to open her eyes, but only darkness greeted her. Blinking to reassure herself, Tish could not see anything - she was blind. As reason finally started setting in, Tish realized that the lights must have gone out. Slowly putting two and two together, she concluded that the power must have cut out, leaving her and Cass enveloped in complete darkness. Panic set in again, and the vixen struggled weakly against her restraints. Still very aroused, yet finally free from the distraction of the vibrating dildos, Tish's mind once again fell to how she would get out of this place -- IF she would get out of this place. She knew she could not break free on her own, and Cass was similarly helpless. Cass had locked the door after they had entered, and even if she had not, who would come out here looking for them? Nobody knew where they were. Would she remain trapped here forever and slowly starve? She did not know how long she had been there already, but it must have been at least several hours; she was weak, and also she reckoned, hungry. She was filled with fear and worry for what would become of them, and with pity for herself and for Cass. She tried to speak reassuringly to her gagged friend, but no words came and no sound escaped her throat. Physically and emotionally drained from her trial, Tish wept silently, until she succumbed to her fatigue and slipped into sleep.

When Tish awoke, she was still in complete darkness; the power had not returned and she wondered if its condition was permanent, not that she could do anything about it either way. She was not sure how long she had slept, though she suspected several hours -- she was certainly stiff and sore enough. Unfortunately, Tish could not seem to do anything about that either; the device that held her was too restrictive for her to work her joints. Straining experimentally against the steel bands, she found that they held her just as tightly as ever, preventing her from even shifting her hips enough to move the dildos she could feel still filling her. The only parts of her she could flex were her back and shoulders, and so she did so, working some of the kinks out of her neck and elbows in the process. Tish whimpered quietly. The dildos inside her were not necessarily uncomfortable, but they were large and obvious enough that she would not be able to forget they were there either. Now still and quiet, they filled both of her holes as a constant reminder of her predicament.

Tish could still smell her friend, though fainter now. Letting her tongue out, Tish tried to lick some of the dried juices from her muzzle - another reminder of the previous night's events. She reasoned by now it must be morning, or even midday; with no light penetrating the stillness of the room, she had no way of telling time. The quiet stillness of the room felt odd and unsettling. Cass had been silent since she woke, and Tish wondered if her friend was sleeping and how she had fared through the night. "Cass?" Tish called out in a cracked voice, her mouth and throat dry and parched. There was no answer. Tish almost checked herself there, knowing her friend was unable to speak anyway and would not be able to communicate because of the gag. Still, she reasoned that any reassurance was better than none. "Cass?" she spoke again, more forcibly this time. Only silence greeted her. Straining her neck forward, Tish tried to get Cass' attention by nuzzling her thigh, but she could not feel anything but the air on her nose. Shocked and suddenly frantic, Tish strained as far forward as she could, pushing her nose side to side where her friend's crotch should be, but she couldn't make contact. Cass was gone! Tish choked on her breath as she called out blindly for her friend, her voice hoarse and nearing a shout. "Cass? Cass?" she cried into the silence. There was no reply.