The power of the collar

Story by Xyln on SoFurry

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#5 of Hypnosis stories

Hey there!

Sorry, I know it's been a long, long time since the last story I posted here. University is keeping me busy as usual, so forgive me for the months of silence.

For now, I'll post this story here so you guys know I haven't forgotten about you! There are more stories coming, but I can't make any promises as to when you'll be able to read them. This will have to do in the meantime!~

<Okay. It's here.>

<I'm a bit excited, tbh.>

<Gooood. My plan is working>

<So what do you think is inside?>

<Dunno. It's not very heavy though.>


<You didn't buy me a game, did you? xD>

<Depends on your definition of a game>

<It's something you play with, for sure>



<'s not a dildo, right?>

<Of course it is :3>


<You wouldn't dare.>

<Besides, it's not heavy enough.>

<In case you had bought one, it would be the last model.>

<With plenty of functions and all.>

<I know you that much.>


<Are you going to open it or not then?>

<Yes, yes. Wait.>

<I was just taking a picture.>

Bruno put his phone down and took the package once again in his paws, measuring and weighing it. At that point, it was practically impossible that he'd know what was inside, but the German shepherd wanted to make sure he'd use every chance he could so he'd leave Master speechless. They hadn't known each other for a long time, and he didn't have the most original nickname out there, but at least they used to roleplay from time to time. Eventually, Bruno had learned to see him as a friend, closer than some he could have met in real life.

That package, though... It had been a surprise. And no matter how much he tried or what angle he looked at it from, he couldn't guess what was inside. After a few seconds, he shrugged and decided to open it, in order to keep his friend waiting for as little time as possible. He tore the many layers of plastic that covered the package and after a long minute, managed to open it without risking to damage its content. When he finally saw what Master had sent him, he first felt confused, then a bit embarrassed, and finally amused.

<Why do you need to take a picture of it?>

<It's just a package lol>

<A collar?>



<You said you wanted one, right?>

<Well yeah but I wasn't expecting it.>

The dog caressed the dark leather with one of his fingers slowly, enjoying the smooth, cold touch. At first he had thought it was black, but now that he could take a closer look, he saw it was actually dark blue. Black would have probably matched better with his fur, but blue would do with his eyes. However, there was no way his friend could have known his eyes were blue. After all, they hadn't seen each other's faces yet.

They were still saving that for... a special occasion. When their roleplay got specially interesting.

His finger reached the collar's buckle and then he noticed there was a tag with his name on the other end of the collar. I guess Master has been thinking it through, he said to himself, smiling. He probably likes me more than just as a roleplay partner... Had he really told Master he wanted a collar, though? He guessed he might have. After all, they'd been talking about kinks and all for weeks now.

Theflashing light of his mobile phone indicating he had received a notification made him lose track of those thoughts.

<Do you like it?>


<It's beautiful <3>

<Well, it's not only beautiful, you know?>


<It's not a regular collar>

<What's so special about it?>

<Besides it being your present I mean.>

<Just think of our rps and you might guess>

Bruno took a closer look to the collar again. In spite of what Master might say, there was nothing aboutit that seemed out of the ordinary. It appeared to be a completely regular collar, no matter how much he looked at it.

At the same time, he tried to think about what he'd said by the end, the part about their roleplays. The German shepherd frowned, as a crazy idea went through his mind, but he quickly dismissed it. He'd have to ask Master if he wanted to know, of course.

<What do you mean?>

<Isn't it obvious? Lol>


<I have no idea xD>

Thereplytook a while to come.

<Remember how we used to rphow I'd hypnotize you,

put a collar on you and then make you my pet?>

Bruno felt his face immediately turning red. He scratched the back of his neck with one of his paws as a sheepish smile appeared on his face, and then tapped an answer quickly.

<Yeah, of course.>

<How could I forget that? <3>

The dog had to wait for an answer again, and his mind rushed to crazy conclusions every second. He took quick glances at the collar on his lap now and then, still trying to find whatever made it so special.

<That collar will make you my pet>

<It can hypnotize you automatically>

<And make you very suggestible>

<So that I will control you>

Bruno chuckled nervously.

<Sounds good.>

<But this isn't roleplay ;)>

<You could save that idea for the future tho.>

<I love it>

<I'm serious>

<That's what it does>

The German shepherd picked the collar up again, skeptically.

Again, there was nothing that suggested the collar really had that function. In fact, it looked as if there was made of nothing but leather and the metal buckle. There were several seams here and there, as usual, but the collar wasn't thick enough that any device could be hidden inside it. It was a beautiful, probably expensive collar with his name on its tag, but that was it.

Smiling to himself, he turned back to his phone and tapped his answer.

<It looks like a regular collar to me.>

<Then try it on>

That message caught Bruno off guard, even though trying the collar on was the most likely outcome after being given one, and even knowing he'd have probably tried it on if his friend hadn't told him so. His eyes fell on the dark blue collar again, hesitantly. He knew Master couldn't be right and he was probably just teasing him, but still...



The answer was kind of imperative and it sent a shiver down Bruno's spine. His eyes were glued to the collar at that point, still trying to convince himself that Master had to be bluffing. If there was a collar that could _actually_do that, which Bruno seriously doubted, there should be any kind of mechanism hidden in the leather and it didn't look like it.

However... there was something appealing about the idea of putting that collar and immediately turning into a pet. Of course there is, he told himself, chuckling. It's been one of my fantasies for a while, and Master knows it. What was that then? A new way of roleplay? Maybe they had gotten to the point were they could make things... a bit more real, more intimate. The German shepherd's shaft throbbed when he thought about that possibility.

Or maybe that was only some kind of joke Master had been planning for a while. There was no way Bruno could know which one was real, but he could always find out.


<Give me a sec.>

He stood up and walked towards the bathroom, holding the blue collar on his paw. Even though he tried to help himself by looking in the mirror, it took the German shepherd a short while to place the collar around his neck and clasp it correctly. The simple idea of that being some kind of initiation to a new kind of roleplay made him feel excited and a bit aroused, too. When he had finished, he gave himself a long look.

He was handsome. Not that he thought that to make himself feel better; he knew he objectively _was_handsome. He'd always had a likeable face, and since he'd started going to the gym a few months ago, his athletic frame attracted more than a few glances. He was well aware of that.

And the collar fitted him like a glove. He wasn't starting to feel like a pet yet, though.

A bit disappointed for some reason, he walked back to his room and picked up his phone, a cocky smile on his lips.


<Not a pet yet.>

<Oh, don't worry about that>

<It takes a while to make effect>

<But it will>

Bruno chuckled softly. He wasn't sure to what point Master wanted to take that joke, but so far it was being kinda nice.

<Well, if I were you I'd start looking for the warranty.>

<This thing doesn't work.>

<You sure about that?>


<I bet yourneck is tingling now though>

Something weird happened then. It was as if Bruno had to read the sentence twice in order to understand what it meant, as if the original meaning had slipped his mind. He blinked, trying to get rid of the weird _deja vu_feeling, and soon realized, much to his dismay, that his friend was right. The German shepherd hadn't noticed that before, but it was true that he could feel an almost imperceptible tingle in his neck. A bit startled, he slid one finger under the collar and tried to feel the weird sensation, afraid that it might be some kind of electric current. He felt a bit relieved when he found out there wasn't any electricity involved, but also a bit puzzled.

How could he be feeling that? Bruno bit his lip, confused, and then decided to turn his attention back to his mobile phone. He needed to find out how that thing worked before trying it on again.

<Am I right?>


<It's a bit weird to be honest.>

<But it feels good, doesn't it?>



<It feels good, but still>


<Heh, don't worry>

<It'll feel better when it moves all the way down>

<Down your chest and arms>


Bruno had to take a deep breath. Again, the same weird feeling when he had read those words, almost as if he needed to read them twice to properly understand them. He blinked, feeling his cheeks burn with embarrassment.

Master was obviously right. The weird feeling had moved down his chest now, almost caressing every inch of muscle and skin on its way. It felt... relaxing, to some degree, and also kind of warm. Bruno's arms were starting to relax, too, feeling heavier with each passing second. He let his paws rest on his lap, with the screen in his mobile phone facing upwards so he could keep reading.



<Don't worry if it moves down to your stomach>

<And spreads through your legs>

<It's only natural>

<That's what the collar does>

<It relaxes all your muscles>

<So I can easily put you into trance>

"Mmh..." Bruno moaned softly, still staring down at the screen. He was starting to feel a bit light-headed, whether it was because of the collar or not, and it was a bit difficult to focus on those words as he read them, rather than letting their meaning get to his mind a few seconds afterwards. The German shepherd was getting so used to that weird feeling of _deja vu_that it didn't surprise him anymore, but the more he read, the more intense it seemed to get.

His whole body felt tingly and warm by now and it was difficult to keep his position like that, sitting and looking down at the mobile phone on his lap. His head was beginning to feel a bit heavy, maybe just because of the position he was sitting in, or maybe because his friend's words had much more effect on him than he was willing to admit.

His gaze idly shifted between the screen and his paws, as his lazy mind considered typing something in response; but then it quickly dismissed that thought.

<And when your paws and feet are relaxed>

<it will start moving upwards>

<Moving up your neck and reaching your face>

<Spreading all over your head>

<Until everything is warm and tingly>

<And heavy>

<Your body and your face>

<Your thoughts>

<So heavy and warm>

Bruno was slouching, his shoulders pushed down by the irresistible weight of his arms. His head bobbed a few times before it finally rested on his chest, and he barely felt the cold buckle of his collar pressing against his neck. It all felt so tingly, and warm, and heavy that he simply couldn't care. Even the screen before him looked a bit blurry, as if there was some kind of haze in his eyes. His paws, slightly open now because of the intense relaxation, seemed to be little less than a fuzzy blurr. The German shepherd blinked slowly, a drowsy expression in his faceas he kept reading his friend's words automatically.

He wasn't fully aware of what was going on anymore. A part of his mind still remembered receiving the package, trying the collar on, chatting with his friend... but on the whole, it seemed as if he'd been there for a long time, staring at the mobile phone, feeling completely relaxed and reading the words without even realizing.

<You feel so good>

<It feels so good to just stare into the screen>

<As you follow my words>

<Easily and naturally>

<Just relaxing and following my words>

<Easy to obey>


As if he were in the middle of a dream, Bruno could barely see his paws moving in front of him. Everything was too blurry to pay attention to, anyway; just those words appearing on the screen, attracting him like a magnet.

<Easy to obey>


<As you write it down, it gets more and more real>

<It is easy to obey>

<You will follow my words>

<You can only do as you're told>

<You will obey>


<I will obey>

<Obeying feels good>

<Obeying feels natural>


<Obeeng feels good>

<Obeying feels ntural>

<That's right>

<Nothing in your mind>

<No resistance>

<No will>

<Only obedience>

<Like a pet>

<An obedient pet>



<Good boy>

<Such a good pet>

<No thoughts anymore>

<You're my pet>




<You will obey>


<I wi ll obue>

There was a short pause. Bruno's brain barely processed it.

<Turn on your computer and log into your Swipe account>

The German shepherd couldn't even notice his body reacting, following the command automatically almost as if he was merelya puppet and someone was pulling all the right strings. Stillsleepy-eyed and groggy, he turned on his chair to the computer and pushed the ON button. He waited obediently on his chair as he stared into the monitor, limp like a rag doll, and the haze in his head or the relaxation filling his body didn't fade away in the slightest. Seconds passed by as he waited for his computer to run Swipe and then logged into his account. Just as he'd been told.

Master was already logged. They had already met there several times to chat and roleplay, although Bruno's slow, dazed mind could not remember it at that moment.

But Master had never called him like he did just then. There was no command this time; just the call notification, but for Bruno it was all too clear.

Master was calling.

He was Master's pet.

Hehad toanswer.

"Good boy." Master's voice was deeper and more authoritative than Bruno had anticipated, but that was okay. It only meant his mind was more easily guided by it, as if a firm hand was grabbing his head and forcing him to obey. "What must you do?"

"O... bey..." answered the German shepherd. His sleepy, husky voice was barely a whisper, but Master seemed to hear it perfectly well and soon his magnetic voice echoed in the room, amplified by the speakers connected to Bruno's computer.

"That's right. You will obey. You are my pet. You will do as I say." There was another short pause. "Pet, turn on your camera."

And Bruno did just as he was told.

Soon enough, his drowsy face appeared at the bottom right corner of the screen. That probably meant Master could see him now, staring vacantly into the screen, but the German shepherd couldn't care less. Right now, there was only one worry left in his empty mind: obey. And Master's voice sounded just so alluring.

"You are my pet. Repeat."

"I am... your pet..." Bruno managed to say, mindlessly.

"You will obey."

"I... will... obey..."

"I control you."

"You... control me..."

"You are mine."

"I am... yourssss..."

Bruno felt as if his mind was melting with each repetition, with each statement of his own submissiveness and obedience. It seemed as if he had been hours in front of the monitor: just repeating Master's words mindlessly, letting them wash over the little resistance left in his mind. Master kept talking and he listened. Occasionally, Master would ask him to repeat and he would, without even fully registering the meaning of the words he was uttering. It felt good to repeat without thinking.

It felt good to obey.

However, soon a word broke into the heavy state of bliss that had taken over his mind, bringing him back to reality.


Bruno blinked a few times before his gaze focused again on the screen he had in front of him. Trying to see through the dense haze that had covered his eyes took a while, but he finally realized he had been looking to his computer's cam for a long, long time. It still took a few seconds for his mind to process that he was still in a call with Master, and that he was fully visible.

He quickly cleared his throat, looking down to see if there was something he didn't want his friend to see. Fortunately, he was still wearing his pants and even though his torso wasn't covered by any piece of clothing, the German shepherd was positive that he had removed his T-shirt long before he had been...

...long before he had been hypnotized.

The realization struck him so suddenly he even let out a soft gasp in awe.

"Don't worry," Master's voice said, at the other end of the call. "I didn't make you strip for me. Yet."

Bruno gulped.

"Uh..." he managed to say, still a bit confused.

He couldn't clearly remember what had happened. At some point he had been holding his new collar, the same that was now attached around his neck, and then everything felt kind of... blurry.

"I told you," Master said. "I told you the collar would make you my pet."

"It... it really hit me hard, yeah..." the German shepherd managed to say, bashfully.

"I didn't make you forget, though. So although it might be hard for you to recall what happened just now, it will come back to you with time."

Bruno scratched the back of his head, smiling a bit nervously. He eyed at the cam, as if apologizing, and considered turning it off for a second before deciding there was no point anymore. Master had probably seen him completely zonked out for minutes by then, so there was no reason to feel embarrassed now that he was fully aware of what was going on.

Still, it felt a bit unfair. He wanted to see Master too. His voice definitely suggested he was good-looking.

"Still feeling a bit groggy," he admitted.

"That's normal."

"And horny, too. Heh," the dog said, grinning in an attempt to hide the blush that had covered his cheeks as soon as he had realized.

"I'd expect so. After all, this is one of your biggest turn ons, right?"

"Mmhm." Bruno moved one of his paws to his neck and caressed slowly the dark blue leather.

He still couldn't believe what had just happened. The rational part of his mind still tried to fight against the idea that a simple piece of leather had put him in that submissive, zombie-like state. For some reason, he would have liked to believe it would have been a bit more difficult to put him into such a deep trance.

However, it had felt nice. Really nice.

"I took some pictures, by the way. In case you want to see them."

"Pictures?" the German shepherd asked, blushing a bit again.

Master chuckled on the other end of the call. Bruno was starting to wonder if he'd see his face that day or he'd have to wait until next time. He couldn't hide his eagerness, though.

"Well, of course. I wanted a little souvenir from the first time I managed to make you my little, obedient pet." The German shepherd's cheek turned red again as he heard those words. "But I'll delete them if you ask. I thought you might be interested in them, though."

"Actually, I am," Bruno answered, after thinking about it for a few seconds. The memories from the session were slowly flowing back into his mind (now he was certain that he had only been under for about twenty minutes, repeating mindlessly what Master had said during that time), but it wouldn't hurt to have a more "visible" reminder of the session.

Especially as soon as they hung up and he could turn his attention to the massive boner between his legs. A visual reference to focus his attention as he brutally and shamelessly jerked himself off would definitely help...

"See? That's why you're my pet," Master's answer came, teasingly. "I know what's best for you."

"Ha ha. Very funny. Come on then, show me those pictures if you really got them," the German shepherd said. He lowered one of his paws and started rubbing his crotch a bit eagerly, making sure the movement wasn't visible on Master's screen.

Soon enough, he was downloading the files. There were more than Bruno could have imagined, and it amazed him to think that Master had managed to take so many screenshots during their session.

But most of them were the same.

He was staring vacantly at the screen; his half-closed, glassy eyes fixed on an indefinite point of the screen. His jaw hung open with his tongue lolling out, a thin trickle of drool running down his chin and neck. One of his arms dangled from the chair and it was easy to tell his body was fully limp and relaxed, melting under Master's words.His drowsy, mindless expression showed how deep in trance he had been, even though it had only taken a few minutes to make him drop like a rock.

Bruno's bulge throbbed in his pants as he flicked through the pictures, getting more and more aroused the more he saw himself as the pet he had momentarily been.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" Master's voice came.

"Y-yeah... of course I am. Wow..." he said, too horny to produce a better answer.

"Good, then. Take your time."

Bruno did. He made sure he copied all those screenshots in a personal folder so he could easily go through them again later. He could feel his arousal building up just by thinking the absurd amount of cum he'd shoot after masturbating with that material.

At some point, though, he noticed something strange.

And it had to do, of course, with the collar. In some pics, the first ten or so that Master had sent him, he was wearing it and it was fully visible over his chestnut fur. However, ten or twelve pics later the collar seemed to disappear and he was no longer wearing it.

"Hey, Master," he asked, frowning. "Did you make me take the collar off?"

That was the only thing that made sense, at least that he could think of. But it was odd: he was certain he could remember most of the session by now, and he couldn't recall removing the collar.

"Oh," came Master's words. His voice was a bit different this time. "So you noticed."

"Aha! I knew it," Bruno said, chuckling a bit. "So, you made me forget about it or something? Did you want to see if I'd remember by seeing the pictures?"

That sounded like a good idea, to be honest. The German shepherd had never really been into memory play like that, but he had to say he loved the idea of the hypnotic trance being so deep that Master had been able to manipulate what he could remember and what he couldn't.

However, his friend's response took a long while to come. He looked up to the cam, a bit confused, and for a few seconds, he even thought the connection might be failing.

"Master?" he asked.

"Sois that what you think that happened, then?"

His tone was a bit deeper now. If Bruno had found his voice attractive before, now it seemed as if it was playing with the dominance tone.

However, the dog already knew how much his friend loved teasing.

"Well, there's not really any other option, is it?" Bruno asked.

"Heh. No. I guess there isn't."

The German shepherd would have liked to believe Master's words and leave it there, but something wasn't right though. He clicked on one of the pictures where he appeared without his collar and took a closer look. He had the weirdest feeling that he was missing something.

A vague idea of what Master might be suggesting came to his mind, and he grinned a bit.

"As if that were possible..."

But he still right-clicked on the picture and chose to see its Properties, feeling his heart beating loudly on his chest. He rushed to see the file's creation date, on a hunch.

His grin froze almost immediately.

"...b-but..." the dog managed to say, confounded.

"So this time you've noticed, huh? Never happened before, so I decided to give you a little clue."

This time. Bruno's brain rushed trying to understand what was going on, and he quickly clicked on another picture to find out when it had been created. The first he had checked was from two months ago.

The one he was looking at right now was almost a year old.

And he could see even more evidence if he looked closer. The subtle changes in his haircut, in his body. The different stuff he used to keep on his shelf, which changed from one picture to another. Even the illumination looked slightly different.

How could he have not noticed before?

"B-but... this can't..." he began to say, shivering a bit.

However, Master's voice soon echoed in his room, through the loud speakers and right into his mind. Strict and unquestionable.

"Master wants you to listen."

Bruno wanted to complain. He wanted to say something, to oppose the idea of being controlled for such a long time without even knowing.

But as soon as he heard those words, he felt as if his whole body was made of wax and someone had thrown him to a fire. His brain melted down just as easily, and soon enough he slumped on the chair, limp like a rag doll. Any hint of resistance he might have had just faded away as he just stood there... blank and thoughtless.

His mind barely processed the screen in front of him or the fact that he was still being recorded by his cam; the vision of himself completely gone, lost in a trigger he'd never known he had or for how long.

"Good boy," Master's praise came, almost immediately. "Today you were surprisingly sharp. That's why I'm going to give you a small prize. Master wants you to remember."

And then, memories _really_came to the dog's mind. Even though they had taken place a long, long time ago, he managed to recall them all. Just because Master had told him to, and he had to obey.

They had first met on a hypnosis roleplay forum. Master wasn't called Master back then. He had another name, a name that Bruno had forgotten long ago and that he would never remember again. He wouldbe Master, from thenon, until the end of time or until he let his pet go. Whatever came first.

They had soon clicked and had set up a nice roleplay. Bruno had soon started to feel a bit lightheaded because of Master's long, wordy replies, filled with weird expressions that didn't seem to fit the roleplay that much, but that for some reason made him feel nice and relaxed. He had only learned that was called covert hypnosis much, much later.And he had dropped deep into trance the first time Master had commanded him to do so. He didn't stand a chance, and he couldn't help it. It felt so good he probably wouldn't have fought it even if he had been able to.

It had become a habit. Dropping for Master. Over and over and over. At least once every single week, he'd meet Master and drop for him. The stuff Masterhad made him do. How easily he had obeyed. So many layers of conditioning that he had soon became the perfect puppet. Completely mindless and unable to resist. Just by thinking about it, Bruno moanedand felt the urge to sink in even deeper.

Buteven as he dropped into the depths of his trance, he kept remembering.

At some point, Master had brought him up. All the way up, that was. Free from his control, free from any hypnotic conditioning he had implanted in his weak, suggestible mind during all that time. He had explained all that had happened to him, how easily he had managed to take control of the dog without him realizing. He had let him choose whether he wanted to keep being his good pet or regain his freedom.

And Bruno had made his choice.

Now, there was no choice to make anymore. He belonged to Master. Completely. He would obey, always obey. Master wanted him to listen.

And pets listen to their Masters. Petsobey.

"Now, I bet you're hornier than you let me know before," Master was saying at that moment. "Hmph, you're probably going to cum much, much harder than usually, aren't you? Well. On your knees. Now."

And Bruno did what he was told. He pushed the chair aside and knelt before Master, making sure he was staring at the cam during the whole process. Once he had dropped to the floor and exposed himself, it was clear that the bulge between his legs was more noticeable than it had been during their whole conversation.

"Gooooood. I'd like to see my lovely dog obey today. The wild animal inside of you, completely bound to my command. So, for now, forget about using those paws. There's no need."

Bruno's brain registered those words automatically, but he wasn't really aware of what they meant. He only knew he didn't need to use his paws to do as Master commanded him to do, and that was enough. Why use his paws, though? There was no need.

"Still, I want you to strip. You'll have to figure out how."

It didn't take long for the German shepherd to find a way to do so, as he quickly fell to the floor, bent his body and tried to remove his clothes using only his muzzle. It took a long time; too long, probably, and it was even painful to know that he would keep his Master waiting, but he didn't ask to go faster so, in the end, Bruno's blurry thoughts came to the conclusion that it was alright. When he had to remove his underwear, the dog let out a few impatient growls and finally ripped the fabric with his fangs, freeing his body from the unnecessary layer of clothing.

Then, he knelt again proudly, showing his naked body to his Master and surrounded by the clothes he had just taken off, some of which were torn beyond repair. The only thing he was wearing at that point was the blue collar, which felt surprisingly food against the fur on his neck. Of course, he now knew the collar had no power at all, but it didn't matter anymore.His hard, throbbing member was swelling and a bit of pre dripped from its tip as he exposed every inch of his fur to the one who was still watching at the other end of the call.

"Look at you. Such a massive boner. And the collar looks so good on you, pet. Good boy." Bruno let out a pleased growl as the dumbest smile appeared on his face. It felt good to be praised. "As a reward, I'll let you cum tonight. But no paws. I want to see you squirming on the floor. Now."

Bruno turned his gaze to his swollen cock, a bit doubtful, but just as had happened a few minutes before, he soon knew what to do. Almost as if he had done that one time, or two times, or a million times, he found himself bending his body on the floor, growling in pleasure as he sucked his own cock avidly. Moving his head up and down, back and forth as he tasted his own pre, making sure he could put most of his length in his mouth. It was easier than he would have ever thought while being awake.

He kept listening to Master as he talked, as he told him how much of a good boy he was. The pleasure he felt from the praise combined with the feeling of having his own cock in his mouth as he followed orders mindlessly plunged his mind into a pool of pure bliss. His growls intensified as he twitched on the floor, under the attentive gaze of his Master.

He was Master's property. Master's pet. Pets obey. Pets do as they're told. Pets... cum.

Following the command of Master, he soon felt his brain melt as his body hit one of the most intense climaxes he'd ever had. He came hopelessly and, such as Master had predicted, much harder than he had in a long, long time. The taste of his own seed didn't seem unfamiliar, and he swallowed it quickly and obediently, making sure he licked his length clean because Master had told him he should.

Gasping, shivering in pleasure and still deep in an obedient trance, he soon knelt again and turned to the cam. The hot feeling all over his body, the afterglow of his orgasm, was still kept him warm and groggy.

"Good boy."

When the praise came again, another dumb smile went across his face. He now knew the truth. Even in that state where thoughts were so difficult to follow, he knew exactly who he was.

Whether he was wearing a collar or not, whether Master made him forget or remember... there was only one thing, one word.

He was a pet.