Breeder City Ep.6 (Final)

Story by OniKitsuneStudio on SoFurry

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#7 of Breeder City

So this is the long awaited final episode of Breeder City. I would like to know what everyone thought of the story? Enjoy the characters? The setting? too much story not enough sexy time? please let me know.

A giant plum of smoke rose from district four, the smoke bellowing out of the shattered district four dome. The Chancellor looked out from the balcony of the government building, the silver haired cheetah held herself observing the massive destruction caused by the giant Breeder asteroid that fell from space. The casualties must be staggering she thought to herself. This rock from space, the largest they have seen in recorded history levelled the district, a large impact crater pocked the district, off centre. The debris from the impacted destroyed or knocked down the buildings as a large cloud of smoke hung in the air, obscuring the true extent of the damage. Her thoughts were invaded by a sound from behind, the automatic door opening and the sound of clicks from heels walking up to her. "Chancellor Aaron?" She turned and made eye contact with her assistant. A siamese that was dressed as well as she was, her hair came down in a single braided pony tail of black hair, tipped with red. "All available Security Force district precincts are converging on district four. The mobile Brigades are on rout to returning to the city." Chancellor Aaron nodded with a faint smile. The two girls looked back at the destroyed district together. "How many Breeders do you think were in that asteroid?" Her assistant spoke softly. "I don't kn...." She was cut off by the most terrifying sound she had ever heard in her life, a loud bellowing, an unearthly shrill that seemed to carry in the air throughout the entire city. It almost sounded like metal grinding and scrapping together. Followed by the more familiar sound of clacking, but could be heard from the government building, like massive trees smacking together.

Breeder City

Ep. 6 Hyper City Rumble

Nina walked into the the meeting room with the doors swooshing opening for her, bare foot and wearing a pair of short shorts and a loose tank top she had a shower towel wrapped around her neck. Sitting in their hovering chairs was the professor, Chel and Trixi. Ms. Ying paces back and forth as they spoke. "I have no way of thanking you enough for your actions up there young lady." The professor looked at Chel with grateful eyes. "You have no idea how much i owe you." Chel leaned forward with her long naked legs folded as she ran a towel through her scarlet hair. "It's fine, it was a snap decision, I'm sure if i thought about it. I would not have done it." The horned red head said cool and collected, clearly uncomfortable with the attention.

"Besides, It wouldn't have happened if i hadn't ordered the team to split up." Nina sat down quietly, even Trixi was silent but giving the blonde furred fox a sympathetic look. "No Chel..." Ms. Ying stopped her pacing to look down at the team leader. " Your actions were fine, we always kept in our minds the possibility of new types of Breeders, but what you faced......we never equipped you girls to deal with that." Nina nodded. "...and we still made it out alive." Trixi frowned. "We were lucky, nothing more." Nina returned the frown. "What we are getting at...." The professor pointed his finger out from the fist holding his cane. "....there is no procedure in place to deal with a creature of that magnitude, i am very happy you all came back." Suddenly the doors swooshed open revealing the lioness songstress standing in the light. "Lynn!, you should be resting." The professor stood. "Not while bugs crawl around this city." She stepped forward revealing her blackened eye sockets, her left eye was blood shot making Nina and Trixi reflexively recoil. "Oh shit!" Trixi blurted out. Lynn looked puzzled. "What?" Nina waved her hands dismissively. "Oh nothing, nothing, your fine, we are all fine."

Lynn made a confused look before returning her attention to her god father. "I'm fine, the nano-machines are doing their job. Besides, you can't send the team out without me, we are going to have a fight on our hands." "But....." The professor could never really say no to her. "Pop pop, it's fine, we have a job to do." Ms. Ying pushed her brows together as she watched something on a holo-tablet ignoring the conversations going on around her. She suddenly shot her face up. "Everyone! Look at this!" The voluptuous panda placed her fingers on the tablet and threw the screen up to the larger holo-screens above them with a wave of her arm, showing a news broadcasting prob on a destroyed and dusty street. People screaming and fleeing, it showed that this was broadcasting from district three. The fleeing people , their screams being drowned out by a horrific alien cry and a loud bang like clacking. The girls watched tentatively when suddenly their eyes shot open wide when tentacles, similar to the ones that attacked them on the platform slithered down and started plucking the females from the crowds.

"What the fuck is that!?" Lynn called out, which was met with silence as everyone watched. Suddenly a large spike struck the street causing it to fracture and sink a little. As it lifted it was followed by another, then another like a parade of colossal insect legs. The video feed changed to a prob higher in the air which finally revealed what they were looking at. Another giant Breeder of titanic proportions! It towered easily one hundred feet high and was at least kilometre long, it looked like a millepede, with it's legion of legs and thick segmented armoured carapace that shifted as it moved. It's head, sunken into it's long body had the characteristic many bulbous black eyes but it had a massive maw from which the chilling metal scrapping roar came from, and two massive feelers bouncing about in front of it. Everyone in the meeting room stared in disbelief, even Chel had a hard time hiding her shock, and like that the feed fizzled out as the plumes of dust from the creature's destructive progress must have clogged the intake fans of the prob.

Women screamed as they flew through the air under the massive creature wrapped and restrained by tentacles. A woman in business attire squirmed with a tentacle wrapped around her waist, another tentacles slithered up her short skirt, it's bulge slithering up her body under her cloths the bulbous tip pushing out from her cleavage. It opened letting the thick studded cock slide out in front of her face. It suddenly pulled away from her stretching and ripping her cloths off in one swift motion making her scream with her big tits bouncing about. Another twirled around as a tentacle twisted, grabbing and ripping her shirt off, her soft tits jiggling free. A girl among the others cried out as tentacles spread her legs as she hung forward in the air. A tentacle grabbed and ripped her panties off exposing her pussy to assault. A tentacle cock quickly pushed into her making her pussy lips spread open for it as she screamed out as she could feel it filling her.

The giant Breeder moved through the streets of Hyper City, it's many titanic legs stabbing into the ground punching into cars and other vehicles as it advanced, it massive armoured body rubbing against and destroying the buildings. The tentacles protruding from under the long body of the giant creature, they slithered and thrust. Multitudes of girls trapped in the wiggling jungle under the protective carapace of the crawling mammoth, moaned and squealed with pleasure. A girl cried out, her legs spread wide as she bounced up and down quickly, her tits heaving in front of her, a tentacle fucking her pussy vigorously. Behind her was another, the tentacles wrapped around her arms and legs, legs tied together and up in the air, the thick studded tentacle cock plunging into her welcoming pussy making her ass jiggle with the thrusts.

A girl stripped naked except her glasses cried out as a pair of tentacle cocks fucked her wet pussy and ass while a third pushed up between her bouncing big tits. Not far from her in the slithering jungle of tentacles a girl with her legs spread wide as she hung upside down. A tentacle cock vigorously fucking her wet pussy, her juices squirting with the thrust of the thick studded alien cock. Another girl moaned a muffle moan of pleasure as a tentacle cock filled her mouth. Another fucking her wet pussy while a tentacle latched onto her breast, it's open bulbous tip sucking and pulled on her soft tit while the other bounced freely. A blushing woman crying out, her arms tied up above her, her legs spread out, her big tits bounced quickly in front of her, her hard nipples guiding the jiggling mounds. The thick studded cock rapidly fucking her wet pussy with vigour. Her feminine moans skipping from her lips with every thrust into her. Suddenly she cried out a long moan when she felt a rush of hot cum fill her up, the cream squirting from her pussy lips.

The many trapped and bound girls screamed and moaned with pleasure as the various tentacles shot cum into them and onto their bouncing curvy bodies. A girl cried out with her tongue shooting out from her mouth, a pupae pushed out of her pussy and fell from her body, as others screamed with her spawning the small creatures. The giant stabbing legs of the titanic Breeder continued their forward march through the city leaving destruction in it's wake. People continued to flee and scream, trying to avoid being stepped on, or be snatched up by the writhing tentacles as the pupae started to rain down from the sky above.

Trixi stood slamming her palms down on the table. "That is insane! We haven't had enough time to repair our armour, and how are we supposed to fight something like that?" "I....i don't know...." doubt filled Nina, for the first time she felt helpless. "What do we do?" Lynn rubbed her hands together nervously. Chel was the only silent one, probably trying to compute this on her own. A feeling of dread filled the air of the meeting room, they didn't really feel like heroes at that moment. The girls heard the Professor's cane hit the table, not hard enough to break anything but hard enough to snap everyone to attention. "Ladies, i know this seems hopeless, but just like in any war, an ever changing enemy requires an ever changing response. Ms. Ying...." The old cat looked up at the busty panda. "Right....ladies, if you will follow me." The girls looked at each other with confusion and concern.

A light at the top of the door blinked, moving with the elevator as it ascended, when it suddenly stopped and flashed green allowing the doors to swoosh open. The Professor and the girls walked out into a massive dark room, the lights slowly rising from their presence, revealing the space to be a large machine shop. Work benches and massive robotic tools and apparatuses filled the space, but it was the four metal cylindrical towers in the middle that Ms. Ying and the Professor lead the girls to. "I have had almost two years of collected combat data to build off of. Ms. Ying and I were hoping to introduce these a little later, but now seems to be the best time." The professor nodded to the voluptuous panda who placed her hand on a sensor, and as it scanned her it blinked and the metal cylinders started to rise into the ceiling one after the other in delayed succession.

The girls eyes lit up at what they saw. Four deactivated gynoids, acting as lifeless manikins stood before them. Each one tailored to the proportions of the girls they mirrored, but it was not the gynoids that interested them, but what they were wearing. "Ladies, may i introduce you to the MAX suits..." Ms. Ying said with her hands on her wide hips with a proud face. The polished metal shined in the lights, they were not like the old scant armour at all, more uniform in construction with slight deviations denoting weapon load out. A fully encased armoured chassis for thigh high legs ending with platform high heels that slopped down in a perfect curve showing no toes, they looked to have stabilizers for faster landing recovery. A polished micro armoured thong covering the crotch. Armoured arm chassis' that went from the hands to the biceps, armour protruding over the gloved hands like shielded gauntlets. A triangle pattern of overlapping Hexagons, tipped the nipples of the free floating breasts. A segmented spine travelling up the back of each suit with two extra jets, in addition to the leg mounted ones, for greater speed and mobility. All of this held together with a black body suit running up the sides, leaving careful cut outs in front and behind showing off the lovely curves of the wearer, the thick vulcanized material had a faint repeating perforated pattern throughout. Finally each one was finished with a polished metal visor, solid looking, not like the old ones, a pattern of three conjoined hexagons cut into the front with lights in the gaps indicating their activation, stamped on one side "Sabre Scouts". Each one had an armoured collar around the neck stamped with the brand, "MAX suit". Each one coloured, denoting the intended wearer. Alpha blue, Beta red, Delta green, Epsilon purple.

"Increased connectivity with the nano-machines, faster targeting and tracking program, new on board weapon load out for hands free combat. They are forty percent faster and twice as strong." Ms. Ying walked around them, her huge breasts bouncing as she walked. "Well Sabre Scouts? What do you say?" The Professor had a pleading look in his old eyes. After a moment of silence passed. "Well if we are going to die, we might as well go down swinging ya know?" Trixi said with a look of determination. Chel smiled at the petite skunkete and nodded. "Yeah.....what the hell...." She said in her cool sensual voice. Nina ran her hand on the green Delta MAX armour and smelled it, taking in the new machine factory smell like a new gun out of the case. She just looked back and smiled. Lynn clapped her hands and rubbed them together. "I guess that settles it, put on your best dresses girls, we're going dancing!" The Professor and Ms. Ying smiled at each other. "Oh Chel, there is one more thing but we only had enough time to finish one." Chel looked at the Professor with a raised brow.

The titanic Breeder continued it's destructive progress through the city, as a building exploded from it's base, the giant creature having gone off road and right through the building. It's segmented armoured body slinked through the hole it punched, the building collapsed onto it as a massive dust cloud burst up through the air, seemingly ineffective on slowing the giant creature. Small explosions popped and burst on the armour of the giant Breeder as missiles were fired at it from roof tops, the first wave of Security Forces had engaged the beast. A Breeder warrior now fully grown rose clicking as a woman screamed and tripped trying to run from it, as the giant insect attacked it was suddenly cut down by a beam of energy punching a hole in it's hard carapace. A team of mecha suits charged forward firing their beam weapons, as missiles and gun fire continued to be poured into the thick armour of the giant Breeder, smoke trails and tracer rounds darting up at the seemly unstoppable Goliath.

The beam weapons from the mecha suits joined in on the attack, the beams striking the thick carapace of the creature, leaving behind only heated marks, but no real damage. "Commander Bliss, our weapons have no effect on that damn thing!" The blonde snow leopard heard over her comms. "I know, i know...." Is all she could say back. The mecha suits fired their jets to dodge the ever advancing many legs as they continued to fire their weapons, the giant beast simply ignoring them. "Commander, what do we do?" "Keep fighting!" Suddenly the mecha suits fell under attack by a swarm of tentacles. "Commander there is too many of them!" One of the suit pilots cried out as the tentacles wrapped around some of the suits pulling them into the air. "Damn bastard! Die!" Commander Bliss continued to fire her beam rifle when suddenly the battery died. The snow leopard's eyes widened. "No!" Tentacles wrapped around commander Bliss' mecha suit and lifted it into the air. "Get off me you son of a...." The suit creaked, hearing her suit getting crushing by it's powerful grip.

" i'm....going to die?....." Commander Bliss' would not be so lucky when suddenly her video feed fizzled out as the chassis in front of her face was suddenly ripped off exposing her. "What the!?" She could see the other mecha pilots under her command screaming as each one that was captured was ripped from their mecha suits, plucked from their hard shells like tasty oysters. A tentacle plunged into her suit with her she winced and grunted feeling it slithering around her body as she herself was pulled from her mecha suit with the rest of her officers. "Aaaahhh, put me down you bastard!" Commander Bliss cried out as tentacles wrapped around her body, a squeaking noise coming from her rubberized body suit worn by all the mecha suit pilots. Her arms tied over her head as a pair of tentacles wrapped around her thighs, she could feel her legs being pulled open which she tried to resist. " no....disgusting...."

The tentacles were too strong for her as she cried out, her legs throwing open wide. The arrogant snow leopard watched in fear as a pair of tentacles used their clasping bulbous tips latched onto her skin tight suit, grasping her breasts. Bliss blushed and bit her lip as she felt them pull on her breasts. "Get off of me! Stop it!" With a strong jerk they ripped her body suit open feeling it off of her body, leaving behind the legs and sleeves. Her tits bounced wildly free making her scream. "Noooo!" A tentacle slithered from below pushing out it big studded bug cock which aimed for and pushed into commander Bliss' awaiting pussy. The snow leopard cried out feeling it filling her and immediately starting thrusting, fucking her defenceless pussy making her grunt and moan. Her tits and ass jiggled with the creature's attack. "Ah, ah, ah, ah....damn it....ah..." Bliss moaned out, her tits bouncing as the tentacles pulled her up under the giant Breeder, the other mecha suit pilots cried out and moaned with pleasure with her as tentacle cocks fucked their pussies, asses and mouths. She looked over as she bounced seeing her right hand Richta, crying out and moaning with pleasure with her. "Richta! Ah ah not you ah too." The fox's body suit ripped like hers, her legs spread wide her bouncing big tits heaving under her as a studded tentacle cock fucked her wet pussy vigorously. Commander Bliss looked down watching the tentacle cock fuck her own wet pussy faster as her tits with hard nipples bounced with eagerness. "Ah ah ah....we're....ahhhh....fucked....we can't win...."

The giant Breeder suddenly turned and punched the first of it's many legs into a tall building and started to crawl of the side. It's many segmented armoured plates shifting about as the titanic creature bellowed it's deafening cry and started to wrap around the building, as if it thought it was a rival started to attack it. The people inside the building felt the construct shake and crumble with the added weight of the giant Breeder. "What the hell is it doing!?" A person called out. "It's going to crush the building, we have to get out of here!" The people screamed as they tried to evacuate as tentacles punched through the many windows, once again plucking women from the inside making them scream with fear as they were sucked out the windows. Two co-workers held onto each other as the man desperately trying to save his friend who screamed with a tentacle wrapped around her leg. "Don't let go please!" She pleaded. "Don't worry I....." A second tentacle wrapped around her waist and pulled her from his grip. " you...." He watched helplessly as she was pulled out the window with the other screaming girls.

Ms. Ying walked up to the horned red head in her polished blue MAX suit, she straddled an abnormally large motorbike that had the same polish blue colour as it's rider. It was armoured and low to the ground, long and sleek, it's controls were two separate guarded gun grips with accelerator triggers and break handles inside the grip. A pair of stabilizer wheels protruded from the back. The engine roared with a high jet engine whine as the machine parts shifted, turned and pumped, the twin exhaust pipes popped as Alpha played with it with her free hand. The neon LED display giving her information, velocity, rotations, fuel. The sound of the voluptuous panda's high heels was drowned out in the underground parking lot, Ms. Ying narrowed her eyes seeing Alpha, with her armoured visor up over her forehead as she had her head back, drinking deeply from a bottle of beer, the cool and seemingly fresh night air spilling into the parking lot from the open gates before them.

"Chel honey...." Clearly the red head didn't hear her over her new toy as she continued to reeve the engine. "CHEL!" The armoured motorbike's engine suddenly quieted down as the Sabre Scout leader turned to look at her, the sound of squeaking from the new rubberized body suit under the polished blue armour could be heard as Chel turned her head. "I thought you were going to quit drinking?" Ms. Ying folded her arms. "I never said quit.....besides....I'm not going up against that thing with a clear head, are you nuts?" Chel gestured forward out the garage door. Ms. Ying smiled. "Good luck, i will be watching." Chel nodded and tossed the bottle, smashing it as her armoured visor lowered over her eyes becoming Alpha with the flickering on of the neon glow lights between the hexagons of the visor. "We are ready up here." She heard Beta in her ear. "Sabre Scouts, It's show time!" Alpha revved the engine and peeled out of the underground garage leaving Ms. Ying behind plugging her ears.

A bright light spilled from the garage entrance as the armoured motorcycle jumped the ramp and turned, skidding on the road, the hydraulic arms holding the two wheels bounced in reflex. The engine went into a high pitch whine as Alpha pressed her big breasts against her beast of a machine as it screamed down the street at increasingly faster velocities. Above her the unmarked drop ship took off from the roof, both heading to district three, the current location of the giant invader and the fight of their lives. "The Security Force are evacuating everyone from the area and cording off the district, take the second level high way through district five. Aside from blockades, it's open!" Beta said looking at her holo-tablet that was built into her forearm. Delta and Epsilon watched her work with their armoured visors raised to their foreheads. "We are going to get there first, so it's our job to keep the fight local. While Beta probes for weakness with her sensors." Nina called out to the green braided lioness who nodded and gave a thumbs up.

A security officer squinted at the fast approaching light and started waving a neon glow staff to indicate that the driver should stop and turn around. The high pitched jet whistle of the engine got louder as the motorcycle shrieked into a skid, the unknown armoured rider leaned to one side pulling her over powered motorcycle into a doughnut causing smoke to rise from the back wheel, after making a full circle it shrieked off up the ramp to the second tier road highway. "What the hell was that!? Barricade 47, you have incoming!" The officer yelled into his comm link baffled. A line of flashing lights in the night sky came into view as she ascended the ramp as the security cars blocked the way, this Alpha saw from her enhanced vision from her visor. "Get out of the damn way!" She called out to them, knowing well that they could not hear her from that distance. Her scarlet hair flailing behind her like fire in the wind. Using her thumb she flicked an analog switch on her left handle and pressed a button which caused the long and low motorbike to shift seemingly lower, the exhaust pipes opened up as a second layer of vented tubes slid out. "Lets see what you have." She said with determination.

The armoured bike ignited in a burst of power and speed that even Alpha was not ready for as the machine lunged forward making her yelp, the front wheel lifting from the road quickly with a thick line of smoke bursting from behind, only stopped by the stabilizer wheels protruding from the back that sparked as they struck the road. The motorcycle sprang back forward from the stabilizers levelling out only a mere second before blasting past the blockade of flashing cars, sparks flew as a car bumper pealed off and flew down the road, the force knocking over people and shifting two cars. A lone security officer that was too close was lifted from his feet with a cry, landing and sliding down the road a good twelve feet, his weapon much further. By the time anyone realized what had happened the motorcycle and it's mysterious rider was shrinking quickly into the night, down the highway. The neon LEDs glowed and reflected off of Alpha's blue armoured visor giving her new read outs. 250, 300, 330, 374kph. It finally ended and bounced around 398-407kph. Faint air trails started to form on the bike and polished armour of it's rider as Alpha's head quickly jerked from the force of the velocity. She felt like if she didn't maintain control, this could break her neck as she hugged the machine tightly with her curvy body, her scarlet hair and blonde tail blowing wildly behind her, as the lights of the highway quickly shifted across her polished blue armour in rapid bright highlights. The high pitched sound of the jet engine like scream reached it's highest pitch.

Chief Anderson walked with determination, flanked by two armoured Security Force officers from the SWAT team as she made her way to the garage bay where the armoured vehicles and mecha suits from her precinct where stored and maintained. She too was decked out in the latest tactical gear hidden behind a leather trench coat as she looked around seeing the busy commotion around her as all her available troops made ready to deploy, armoured trucks shook with their powerful engines as they rolled out. An officer walked up with a wide stride and and stiffly saluted. " Sir! We have put out the call to all available personnel as you ordered. We are even dragging the nerds up from the tech and office departments, getting them armed." She gave a quick and sharp nod when another officer walked up to her. He looked rather pathetic, his armour was at least a size too big for him as he held his rifle clumsily. "Ma'am, i must protest, i, and many of the others were not trained for this! I have only fired one of these on the range." He said flustered which only drew a sharp piercing glare from the precinct chief, and her silence. "I didn't sign up for this!"

The chief continued her piercing glare which started to make the diminutive officer nervous. She had always lamented the fact that the bulk of her staff where desk jockeys, bean counters and red tape navigators. The memory of having to fill out six different forms and walk up and down her own building for half a day just to get a replacement part for her personal sidearm. The idea that these......citizens.....would be called upon at a time like this quietly enraged her, with a tinge of fear. The SWAT officer took the protesting officer by the shoulder and started leading him towards one of the armoured trucks. "We are on red alert! All hands on deck, that means you. Stop your bitching or you will be in the first wave, you got me? GOOD men and women are not dying while you hide under your desk!" Chief Anderson let a half smile escape, her sentiments exactly. "Good job everyone, our job is to contain the invading creatures and coordinate with the other precincts until the Mobile Brigades get into the city with their mass driver guns, that should be more then enough to punch a couple holes in that giant bug. Stay calm, remember your training and most importantly remember, we are here to protect and serve the city!" The surrounding officers from the mech suit corps. and SWAT teams let out a loud whoop and cheer, encouraged by their chief's confidence as they pumped their fists and weapons into the air. There was one saving grace though, because of her determination, her precinct was the best in the city bar none.

As the chief started walking again, making her way to one of the armoured trucks the same officer that reported to her followed. "One last thing, the district five highway blockades have reported a break through." She stopped and pressed her eye brows together. "Bugs?" "No sir, they believe the trespasser was a Sabre Scout, i think they are on the move, possibility towards the large one." Chief Anderson frowned, her mind flashing with thoughts of her daughter and the haunting feeling she felt about the Sabre Scouts. "Never mind them, if anything they will prove to be helpful in this." The officer smiled with his eye brows raised. "All hands on deck sir?" "Hrm....." She acknowledged. "Seems that way...." The older doberman snapped back to herself and crawled up onto the passenger door of an armoured truck. "Everyone make for the giant bug running through district three! Roll out!" She yelled out in a commanding voice, the others in the garage cheered again as the Security Force of district twelve started deploying in force.

The unmarked drop ship that carried the Sabre Scouts soared high above the artificial clouds making the dome of the great city clearly visible. As planned they had to fly this high to avoid the flying patrols blocking air traffic from interfering with any Security Force's plans. The three armoured girls stood as their armoured visors dropped over their eyes and walked to the back of the drop ship. Nina knew what the other girls didn't, or at least didn't comprehend, they were preparing to perform a HALO jump in armour untested in the field, which made her stomach knot up. Delta hit the large red release button on the side of the craft making the large doors open at the back as a sudden gust of sucking wind started to pull on them slightly, their hair fluttering forward in front of them. As they walked to the edge, their armoured legs with platform heels gripping the deck of the craft easily, Epsilon looked over seeing the apprehension in the other girls. She suddenly slapped Beta on the back. " After what we have been through, this is what has your tail tucked? I knew you were just a kid." She smiled mockingly at her, yelling over the winds.

Beta's face twisted into anger and determination. "You wanna go bitch, I'll kick your ass on the ground!" The petite skunkete yelled back and suddenly jumped out of the drop shop and disappeared, but not before a quick turn throwing up a pair of middle fingers at the lioness. Epsilon smiled and turned to the purple pony tailed doberman and gave a quick salute. "See you on the other side!" The green braided lioness did a back flip off the deck into the open air, her armour tipped big tits jiggling, also disappearing. "Well shit! I guess even getting sucked out into space wont slow you down!" Delta bit her lip and huffed. The city, she thought to herself. The city needed her, to serve and protect, she sure as fuck can't do that from up here! Without thinking twice she ran out of the drop ship, jumped and tucked her armoured legs up as she did a side flip off the deck.

Delta's heart raced feeling the cool night air flow around her scantly armoured body, her purple pony tail fluttered in the winds, looking up seeing the drop ship shrink above her. She twisted tp face down to the earth seeing the city below, her eyes focused on the debris cloud with the titanic bug wrapped around a tall building letting out it's deafening bellow. She spotted the other two Sabre Scouts at least forty or fifty feet below her, with their arms out and hair fluttering. Delta smiled and straightened out her frame, throwing her arms behind her going into a sharp dive to catch up to them. The green armoured doberman quickly darted between them, throwing her arms and legs out, the air lifted her to their level. The Sabre Scouts descended in formation as Hyper City quickly filled more and more of their vision. A Security Force air patrol pilot shook his head in disbelief as he saw in the distance three feminine figures falling from the sky. They banked left together moving in an arc through the air then suddenly disappeared behind the tall buildings of district three.

The Sabre Scouts flew into the thick debris cloud which their visors told them was sporadic heat signatures, they were soon to discover what it was. The sound of buzzing could clearly be heard as it filled the air. The debris cloud was filled with the smaller Breeder scouts flying around, hunted for unclaimed wombs. As the Sabre Scouts dropped through the debris cloud a flying Breeder intercepted Delta snatching her with a side swipe knocking her out of sight of the other two. "Looks like we are attracting attention!" Epsilon called out, not really knowing if she is heard through the intense buzzing. Beta was suddenly side swiped as well, but not before a round energy shield lit up from her left armoured gauntlet. The Breeder smashed against the solidified energy denied it's prize while knocking the petite blonde off coarse with a yelp. Epsilon saw this but kept on coarse, the automatic beam gun mounted in the wrist of her arm lit up with a holographic targeting system aiming forward and started firing bursts of energy to clear her path, the bolts drilling through flying Breeders as she dropped.

Beta braced herself against her energy shield as the giant insect's many legs trying to reach around, only to find it's appendages sliced off by the shield's edge. Suddenly Beta lit up the second circular energy shield build into her other arm. With a quick push from one shield and a swing from the other she sliced the creature in two. "Get off me!" With a back flip she fired her jets to put herself back on coarse. Delta struggled with the giant insect hugging her, her armoured legs wrapped around it's fat body, it's inseminator pushing against her armoured micro thong. The green armoured doberman grunted, she pulled her right arm back, five circular plates popped out, protruding from the edge of her armoured gauntlet as they made a whining charge noise.

Delta threw a punch with a war cry making contact with the creature's head with her kinetic knuckle bomb. Like her old warhammer, the charged kinetic energy reverberated through the armoured carapace of the hugging bug, killing it, it's head bursting in a crush as it went limp. Delta twisted in the air with her jets, swinging her kinetic knuckle bombs connecting with two more of the bugs with her fists of fury. Another giant insect flew right at her only to be cut in two by Beta flying down past the armoured doberman. "Coming through!" She heard, then fired off her jets to follow her down. Epsilon's jets on her legs and back plummed out as she slowed her decent, shifting her hips so her high heeled platforms aimed down. The micro missiles built into her armoured legs launched in a stream of white exhaust trails, each one tracking a target her visor marked. Explosions burst killing the giant insects as the green haired lioness passed through them. The Sabre Scouts spiralled in the air with their jets firing, slowing them down for their final landing then the girls hit the street with a powerful thud as the mechanical stabilizers in their high heeled platforms reflex with the impact. The street cracked under them, the segmented plates that lined their spines flapped in sequence absorbing the shock of their landing.

The Sabre Scouts found themselves in the heart of the Breeder rampage. The street that they had landed in, not two kilometres from the tall building which the colossal Breeder had wrapped itself around. Around them the air was filled with the sounds of pleasure, moaning and whining. Thick inseminators thrusting into wet pussies and asses, filling mouths. Various woman in ripped cloths or stripped naked crying out and moaning as the giant insects fucked them out in the open, the bouncing heaving bodies fill the streets. A girl trapped under a warrior cried out, her legs spread and over her head as a thick studded bug cock fucked her. Her big tits and ass jiggled with the rapid thrusts into her. Another on the hood of the car moaned with pleasure, one of the smaller scouts latched onto her back, its wiggling inseminator thrusting into her pussy excitably. An orgasming girl flew by, slightly off the ground as the scout Breeder beat it's wings, thrusting it's white segmented inseminator between her spread legs.

Soft tits of different sized bounced in different direction, hard nipples guiding the path of their movements. The slithering pupae slugged about in clusters on and around the many dozens of screaming and moaning girls. Many of the Breeders looked at the newly arrived Sabre Scouts or rather their unoccupied wombs. They clicked and clacked and inseminators pulsated and wiggled about excitedly at the sight of the polished armoured girls. The Sabre Scouts saw the bugs start to swarm from every corner, scuttling and flying toward them. "Kill em! Kill em all!" Delta called out to the other two as they charged to counterattack, Epsilon firing her jets taking up into the air. Delta cried out with a battle cry running up to an abandoned car. Throwing back her arm her knuckle bomb charged and gave a hefty punch downward smashing the car. The vehicle shattered and lurched up standing on it's front wheels, and with a swift kick from her kinetic charged foot sent the smashed car sliding down the street. The sliding car smashed into a cluster of giant insects throwing them back and breaking their bodies, the doberman's armoured tipped tits bounced about with her violent movements.

"Look out!" Delta heard from behind as warrior rose up beside her hissing like the giant cockroach it looked like when suddenly a wide beam slowly slid through it's midsection cutting it in two, Beta's energy shield coming out the other side. Beta and Delta used their jets to zig-zag and dance among the giant insects landing their devastating blows, covering each other as they moved. Beta blocked the creatures with one shield while cutting through them with the other. The skunkete danced around them, her blonde long pigtails arcing around her as she moved. Attacking creatures bouncing off of or cutting themselves on her dual energy shields, twisting her waist slicing through the giant insects around her any time they got too brave with her. "These are way better then my old tonFA: It's like butter!"

Delta blocked a clawed leg with her armoured forearm and landed an uppercut on a bug body with her knuckle bomb blasting a hole through the creature. "wow!" She arched back avoiding a swipe bending at the hips, her tits bouncing up, suddenly kicking off the ground and landing a flying punch on a warrior's hissing head making it pop, crushing it. "Want some more!" The doberman's jets fired as she dodged and twirled in the air landing and hammering fist down on another warrior that thought it could take her. Her platform heels touched down only for her to jump jet back up with a flying round house kick, a flying scout exploding from the kinetic power of her weapons. Across the street a cluster of micro missiles darted to the ground setting off a chain of explosions as Epsilon landed on the roof of a car, her jets firing to soften her landing, her armoured tipped big tits jiggle with the landing. A small swarm of the giant bugs surrounded her and attacked, the first wave getting cut down by the purple armoured lioness' wrist mounted automatic energy weapon, their blood flying being drilled. Epsilon then flipped her arm and started firing behind her cutting down more as she stretched out her other armoured arm discharging a cluster of thin depleted uranium rods into the head of an attacking warrior like a shotgun, making it cry out and drop to the street dead as more scuttled over the corpses to attack.

Epsilon could feel the mechanical shifting in her shotgun arm moving back and forth loading another salvo as she changed targets dropping to her knee dodging a flying bug, firing another round of flechette rods at another creature climbing over the dead bugs she was making. Blood squirted from their cracked and penetrated carapace. "Get some!" She cried out fighting off the small waves of the creatures, jump jetting back unloading on them. Ms. Ying watched with sweaty palms on the holographic key board. "Alpha, the rest of the team have engaged the enemy, you need to get in there fast, we need to deal with the big fucker now!" Alpha still on the highway approaching the massive debris cloud, her targeting computer in her armoured visor highlighting the giant Breeder wrapped around the tall building. Another Security Force blockade could be seen dead ahead. "Fine, lets see what this new toy has to offer!" The red head called back. The motorcycle reading the input from her nano-machines obeyed her command, suddenly started transforming. The blue armoured horned fox falling into the shifting frame as it stood up sliding on the road with sparks flying, an armoured chassis closing over her locking her in, the head light from the bike taking the place of the head of the Alpha Plus Exo-Frame. The security blockade personnel ducked and dived as the mecha suit sized exo-frame slid on the road then fired it's jets and lifted over them and started flying into the debris cloud. "Did you see that!? Nobody said it was a transformer, how were we supposed to stop that." The officers watched it fly away in disbelief.

Delta slid backward with her arms crossed over her face in a boxing guard, absorbing a strike, her armoured tipped tits bouncing about from the impact. "Grrraaaa!" She cried out, lunging forward and one punching the giant insect that attacked her. Delta saw four of the creatures scuttling towards her, the green armoured doberman jump jetted into the air, then suddenly coming down with a domineering war cry as she knuckle bombed the street. The kinetic wave of energy cracking and disfiguring the street, making the giant insects falter and trip up. As the Sabre Scouts fought the Breeders, and saved the girls they were impregnating a sudden rush of missiles streaked overhead setting off a chain of explosions slaughtering the attacking creatures. Suddenly in a rush of energy the Alpha plus exo-frame flew overhead and darted up at a ninety degree shot.

Epsilon looked at Delta with a smile and a hand on her hip. "It looks like a fearless leader decided to finally show up." "Good entrance." She smiled back. "Looks like we got more backup" Beta pointed her thumb backward, the Sabre Scouts looked back seeing the armoured trucks and mecha suits of the Hyper City Security Force advancing. Armoured officers flanking them with shields, flamethrowers and automatic rifles. Opening fire on the giant creatures and rushing the Breeders fucking girls in the street with shock batons as they started rescue operations. The mecha suits rushed passed the Sabre Scouts firing their beam rifles down the street at distant targets. They didn't seem to care about the vigilantes. "Stop standing around, we have a job to do." The girls heard the voice of Alpha in their ear. "Beta, go find what you need and do your nerd thing." "Nerd thing...." beta said under her breath. "Epsilon, watch her back. Delta, your on me, we need to get the women off that big one before we can take it down." "Yes ma'am!" Epsilon gave a stiff salute. "Come on lets go!" beta jump jetted up towards the roof of a building as the lioness fired her own jets to follow. Delta watched them leave and started running when suddenly. "Nina Anderson!" The green armoured doberman slid to a stop. She knew the voice, she also knew the smart person would have just kept going, but she responded with her actions. She was conditioned over years of her childhood to respond to the voice, the voice of her mother.

Delta looked back seeing her mother walking toward her, the trench coat covering her armour flapping behind her, the other officers seems preoccupied to pay attention to their interaction. Chief Anderson stopped behind the Sabre Scout, not looking at her, watching her officers saving victims, her precinct apart of a larger operation, a concentric attack by all the other precincts on the danger zone, the sounds of gunfire all around could be heard as the battle ranged on around them. "If we make it through this, you and i will have a long conversation about why you lied to me." Her mother kept a constant gaze on her officers. "..........OK......." Is all the green armoured doberman could say. "In the mean time.......go make our family proud." A smile couldn't help but creep across her lips. "Delta where is your head at?" She heard Alpha in her ear again. "Sorry, I'm coming." Delta turned and jump jetted away, the air from the exhaust making Chief Andersen's coat billow as the older doberman raised her hand to shield her face.

Beta and Epsilon found themselves on a roof of a near by building, the petite Sabre Scout ran up to a maintenance panel and forced it open. She held her arm out letting four cables slither out from her armour and connect to the different ports. Data filled her visor screen as she slowly started to highjack all available and operating communication and sensory devices in a twelve block radius. Radio waves, micro waves, cellular waves, infrared all funnelling into her visor. Epsilon stood near by as the small Breeder scouts flew around them, the purple armoured lioness fired her rapid fire beam weapon, giant insect dropping dead from the sky. Epsilon threw out her other arm firing a volley of flechette rods making her armour tipped big tits bounce about, the rods puncturing the carapace and wings of a flying creature. "Are you almost done there little buddy?" She called back to Beta. "Beta, do you have anything for me?" They heard Alpha in their ears. "Can everyone please lay off! You can't rush genius." Epsilon snorted. "Whatever nerd." Firing off a three round burst dropping another bug. "Hurry it up!" Alpha called back.

Beta looked over and up at the giant creature on the building, it's body awash with shifting colours as the information poured into her visor, looking for a weakness. Alpha flew close to the giant creature, rising higher seeing the multitudes of girls restrained and fucked by the many tentacles, the thick studded cocks filling and thrusting into the many wet pussies, asses and mouths of the females the giant creature captured. The soft bouncing bodies and heaving tits covered with the hot bug cum from the thick cocks in the tentacles. Alpha still gripping the motorcycle handles to control the arms of the exo-frame, pulled the accelerator triggers igniting the two massive beam blades on the ends of the arms. Alpha and her exo-frame zig-zagged in the air slicing the tentacles that attacked her. She flew up close and dangerous slicing the tentacles from the moaning cum covered girls allowing them to drop with a surprised scream.

The frightened girls screamed falling through the air suddenly to be caught by Delta who jetted off the building. "Got ya!" "Oh my god thank you, please get me away from that thing!" One of the girls called out to her. Alpha darted about dodging the retaliating tentacles, slicing them apart cutting more girls free. Delta jetted back and forth catching the girls and carrying them to relative safety on a roof of a lower building. "There is so god damn many of them!" Delta called out. "We are getting no where fast!" Alpha called back dodging a cluster of tentacles by flying back. She threw her arm out letting the beam blade detach as it flew forward spinning like sharp disk slicing the tentacles from their source. The spinning top like blade arched back and returned to where it came from. "Damn it, they just keep coming!"

As the battle in the streets slowly rolled toward the epicentre of the Breeder infestation a Security Officer watched the action through a pair of camera enhancing binoculars turned to his commander. "Sir.....look what they are trying to do..." Chief Anderson turned and looked up, seeing her daughter dart back and forth catching the falling girls saved from the giant creature. "Interesting....." Gun fire rang out around her as her SWAT teams blew out a door to a building with a charge and filed in, the flashes from their guns lighting up the dark space they breached into. "Over there! Get it, get it!" A team unleashed their flamethrowers down the street making the giant insects retreat. "Get some men with gel launchers and plaster the base of the building, hopefully they will see what i want them to do." Chief Anderson folded her arms. "Sir?" The officer made a look of confusion but knew not to really question the chief. He quickly pointed at and called out to a team of officers near one of the parked armoured trucks. "You there! Riot control gel launchers and grenades, plaster the base of that building now!" The officers scrambled about to get the gear and follow the orders.

A line of officers with missile launchers raised their weapons and fired at the base of the tall building, the ordinance burst as a gel substance expanded, as more and more rounds were fired the gel built up nice and thick. Delta heard the explosion down below seeing what was happening. "Alpha, cut them loose." "But..." "Just do it, we got this!" Alpha bit her lip second guessing the idea, some leader she thought. "Alright!" The Alpha plus exo-frame twisted in the air dodging attacking tentacles and flew into the attack quickly. Alpha started a strafing run holding out her left giant beam blade. The exo-frame flew by with tentacles giving chase, the blade sliced through the fucking slithering tentacles in rapid secession making the cum covered girls suddenly yelp and plummet down away from their giant attacker. Delta followed them down with her jump jets making sure they were on target. The many girls, after a solid minute of falling and screaming in traumatized fear they finally landed on their target, sinking comfortably into the riot gel which broke their fall. Delta landed on the embattled streets near them spotting a girl she recognized, commander Bliss. Delta silently took delight in seeing the arrogant snow leopard struggling in the riot gel. "Oh my god! Get me out of this, I'm going to kill that damn thing after what it did to me!" The green armoured doberman slightly smiled to herself, but only slightly.

After freeing the girls from the grasp of the creature, Alpha pulled up and darted higher into the sky getting above the titanic Breeder. The tentacles following and trying to grasp her shot up after her. The Alpha plus exo-frame twisted in the air and launched a cluster of missiles to cover her retreat, a chain of explosions stifled the many tentacles in pursuit. The red head darted back down into a dive dodging more tentacles, she got in nice and close to the giant creature that bellowed it's ear splitting roar. Once again she ignited her large beam blade and held it out in a second strafing run, the beam failed to penetrate the dense armour of the massive insect's carapace and the exo-frame's arm started to vibrate uncontrollably, Alpha grit her teeth feeling the resistance reverberating throughout the exo-frame and her body.

As the exo-frame streaked across the dense armour of the creature it's beam blade left behind a hot glowing trail. A warning signal lit up in Alpha's visor highlighting the exo-frame's arm, Alpha pressed on determined to harm this creature as she gave out a long and determined battle cry, the exo-frame was vibrating violently now, the red head feeling her brain rattling around in her skull. Suddenly the attacking arm gave way and exploded making Alpha cry out. "Damn it! Fuck! I can't get through this damn armour!" She broke off her attack and shot right up once again. "Alpha, i hate to tell you this, but there is no way we can punch through that carapace with the energy output we have." Beta's voice was heard in her ear. Alpha levelled out and started hovering over the creature wrapped around the building, her destroyed right arm sparking. She watched it, feeling helpless as the creature bellowed out it's metal scrapping cry, its massive maw open as the soft fleshy tissue resonated visibly, then it came to her.

"Maybe we don't need to get through." Alpha quietly said to herself. "What? What are you talking about?" Beta called back. "Do you see a weakness?" She heard Epsilon. "We need to do something now, i think it's trying to get off the building!" Delta chimed in, watching from the street the titanic legs of the millipede like Breeder moving as the creature started backing up, possibly in search for more wombs. Ms. Ying watched the video feed from her consoles, her eye brows slowly rising putting together the pieces of what was going through the Sabre Scout leader's mind, then she heard it. "There is only one way to finish this, I'm sorry." "Wait what?" Delta called out. "What's going on, what is she doing?" Epsilon called back. The exo-frame performed a back flip and ignited it's engines darting down at an incredible speed. A hail of missiles launched from the exo-frame, the ordinance hailed down on the giant Breeder setting off many explosions catching the attention of the alien invader.

The creature looked up and bellowed at the attacking tiny thing, a swarm of tentacles shot up to intercept. Alpha twirled dodging them, letting loose her surviving beam blade as it twirled and navigated around her slicing up the tentacles trying to snatch her out of the air. It finally came back to its resting place and she held it out aiming right for the roaring open mouth of the giant Breeder. "Rrraaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh" She cried out back to it in defiance. Ms. Ying watched all of this and started punching in a sequence of commands on her holographic keyboard. "Sorry Chel, i won't let you go down like this." The chassis opened to the surprise of the blonde furred fox as the exo-frame suddenly ejected the pilot away from the machine. "Yiiiiiiiiiing!" Is all she could cry out as the giant Breeder reached up and closed it's massive mouth around the exo-frame.

The creature reflex in pain as the single large beam blade sliced it open from the inside, the blade sliding down the giant Breeder's long body and without warning an explosion burst from inside followed by another smaller one. The giant Breeder gave out a last bellow, but it's once terrifying metal scrapping roar was drowned out by the gurgle of it's massive open wound. "Holy shit! It's coming down!" Delta called out leading the naked girls away from the battle." The creature lurched backward and started to fall smashing into an adjacent building. Alpha arched through the air and lit up her jets to stabilize herself and jump jetted herself away, making her way to the roof top where Beta and Epsilon could be found, along with a large number of dead giant insects. They were soon joined by Delta and the four Sabre Scouts looked out from the roof at the dead colossal creature and the cheering security officers down below as they pressed their attack, spurred on by the down fall of the giant Breeder. "Holy shit, we did it!" Beta smiled and raised her arms over her head.

"Yeah i guess you helped." Epsilon smiled at her, resting an elbow on the petite skunkete's head. Enraged beta waved her arms about to bat the lioness away. "Knock it off! I don't care how big you are!" Delta put a hand on the shoulder of the red headed fox. "That was close, were you really going to fly into that thing?" Alpha sighed and looked down. "I guess i just didn't want any of you to die, it seemed like the only thing left to do." Delta's visor slid up revealing her whole face with a beaming smile. "I'm sorry, did you just say you cared about us? Maybe even the city?" The two ignoring the other two screwing around behind them, Epsilon having the smaller Sabre Scout in an uncomfortable head lock. "Let me go! Let me go you amazon!" The green braided lioness laughing joyously. Alpha looked over to the purple pony tailed doberman allowing her visor to rise as well so the two could look into each others eyes. The horned fox smiled faintly betraying her coolness. "Don't push your luck." The Sabre Scouts looked out onto the decimated city district as the battle raged on below them, the battle was won, but not over, there was still work to do that night.

"Good morning Hyper know what? It's not a good morning. There is a dead giant bug not two districts from my home, Breeders are being hunted in the ruins of four, and i think I'm hearing noises at night. I haven't slept in two days! ......I know we're live........I'm stressed out man! calm down!" Leon hit the button on the patrol car dash changing the channel and went back to cleaning his gun in his lap as he waited for his partner. Nina smiled watching Trixi run up to her parents as the family embraced each other. "Cheese and crackers pooky, we have been worried to death about you don't ya know?" Trixi's father nuzzled his cheek into his daughter. "I was worried about you too dad, mom, officer Anderson was kind enough to look out for me during the attack." The family looked over at the doberman who smiled nervously at them. Trixi's mom walked over to Nina and gave her a tight hug. "Oh thank you so much for helping our little princess. We owe you so much." "It was nothing....." Nina managed to wheeze out of her tightly hugged chest. "Mom! Knock it off!" Nina placed a hand on the mother's shoulder as she started crying into the doberman's uniform. Trixi twisted her face into annoyance, shock and embarrassment. "Oh my god stop this now!"

The busy streets of the great metropolis were once again lively, most impressive that Hyper City could suddenly spring back to life from such a deathly blow, but after all this was the greatest city on earth. Hidden behind the fast paced and busy traffic a discrete restaurant advertising fine food and karaoke stood. Inside the tables were full of patrons entranced by the green braided lioness on stage singing with her heavenly and sensual voice to the tune of rock music. Not far from the stage was a table occupied by Ms. Ying and the Professor, a fine spread of food and drink in front of them. Ms. Ying smiled and clapped with the music. "I can't believe you two had a falling out over her singing, she may be smart but she is really good at this!" The voluptuous panda said cheerfully. The Professor looked a little uncomfortable as he leaned into his assistant. "Awfully loud don't you think? Why in my day...." Ms. Ying waved her hand dismissively in his face. "Oh stop being an old fart and enjoy yourself!" The Professor looked up at his god daughter and smiled as Lynn smiled and winked at him, pointing at their table as she swayed back and forth letting the beautiful voice escape her throat as she seemingly sang for them alone in the crowded restaurant.

The Security Force patrol car slowly rolled it's way up the wooded path on the outskirts of the city and came to a stop behind a parked motorcycle. Nina stepped out and walked around the car eyeing the bike. "I thought you would be up here." She quietly said to herself. "Hey is that Chel's bike?" Leon poked his head out of the passenger window. "Stay here, i just need to talk to her for a minute." Nina walked up to the window. "Can't i come? I wanna say hi, i think i finally remember where i saw her." Nina slammed her palm down on the roof of the patrol car. "You stay in there!" Leon reflex defensively. "Ok, ok geeze, your just like your mom." Nina snapped back around after starting to walk. "What was that?!" "Nothin...." Leon sat back in his seat. Nina made her way up to the top of the hill where Chel had taken her before, everything was the same as she remembered it, but it was day time and the beautiful glow of the city was not seen in broad daylight.

It wasn't long before she found Chel, her long red hair coming down to the top of her shoulder blades, she was wearing a pair of leather shorts and an opened leather jacket, a helmet in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other. She was quietly starring at something. "Having a drink?" Chel snapped out of her daze and looked seeing the uniformed doberman walking up to her. " was just....doing something." Nina made a look of confusion and walked up to stand beside her. She looked seeing what the horned fox was staring at, which shocked her. She remembered this spot but she never noticed it before, probably because it was too dark, and Chel never drew attention to it. They girls stood before a large thick tree, and on it's face, carved into the bark was a large heart. Inside the heart read "Chel + Eric Forever." Nina didn't know what to say, so she said nothing and watched the blonde furred fox proceed to empty the contents of the bottle onto the grass in front of the tree, like a silent ceremony, and when she was finished she threw the bottle away in her typical callus and cold manner.

"I suppose i have been living in the past for too long, it was just so damn painful. I thought i won in life, i thought i made it. Only to have it all ripped away from me. I tried to kill myself that night, thought it would be easier then constantly looking at the bugs, the bastards that took him from me." Nina once again didn't know what to say to that, and once again said nothing. "But....." Chel exhaled. "He would have been pissed if i actually went through with it." The red head turned her head and looked at Nina with a small smile lighting up her beautiful freckled face. "I'm done living in the past." Nina smiled back at her, worried only for a moment. If she knew anything about Chel, is that she was strong and would keep fighting. "Well I'm happy to hear that!, in the mean time, this is for you." Nina handed over a small metal strip. Chel looked at it with a confused face as the small holographic slate projected out, then her eyes widened. "What the fuck!? A littering ticket!"

Nina smiled and started to walk away. "Bye bye now." "Nina! Get back here and take it back! I'll fight this you know." She heard Chel yelling behind her. "You can't i watched you do it." Chel looked over to were she tossed the bottle and started chasing after Nina. "Come on, take it back! I thought you were cool." Nina started to run away from her down the hill. "Not when I'm on duty I'm not!" "Nina! Get back here!" Chel chased the doberman in frustration as Nina laughed, a cheerful expression on her face. The sun beamed down on the wooded outskirts, the tall grass blowing in the wind in front of the love marked tree, the sprawling skyline of Hyper City stretching as far as one could see.
