Regret Comes Fast

Story by Tayu on SoFurry

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This is short. It's a 1000 (ish) word story based on the prompt "Seven Seconds into Regretting that Decision".

I started up a telegram channel for writing! It's just for writing, brainstorming, or talking and shooting the shit, really.

We all decided to do a prompt. We'll see how many go with it.

I know it's a short read, but hey, let me know what you think! Or show your love in another way


Quinn stared at the train compartment with apprehension, paws fidgeting with the straps of his satchel that went diagonally across his chest. The compartment was absolutely packed and there looked to be barely any room to even fit and he would be pressed up against the wall.

The first train of the day was often like that. Crammed full of people and standing-room only. The timer on the side of the train showed there was only fifty seconds left before the doors would close, and then it would be twenty minutes until the next train.

The young deer debated whether or not he would have enough time to get to work, or if he could take the next, less-crowded train. The seconds on the clock ticked down and he grit his teeth and ran forward, wedging himself between a few people so that his chest was pressed against the wall.

"Sorry!" he blurted out as he accidentally stepped on someone's foot, adjusting his stance to something he could tolerate for the ride there. It was cramped beyond what was comfortable, but he knew he could bear it.

With half a minute on the clock a stocky bear pushed his way forward, nudging the deer further to the side and pressing him more against the wall. He seemed unperturbed by the people pressing in against him and muttered a quiet, "'S'cuse me," as he settled in.

What seemed like a good idea at first was beginning to sour the deer's mood. He squirmed around and managed to keep both paws on the steel shell of the train in front of him while his crotch pressed awkwardly against one of he rounded knobs on the interior that housed the light fixtures outside. Quinn managed to rearrange himself so his balls weren't crushed against the metal plate, but it was still far more cramped than he would have preferred and he contemplated getting back off the train and just waiting.

Outside he could hear the speaker chime in with, "Fifteen seconds until departure." He still had time. He could burrow past the other passengers and escape.


It wouldn't be too bad. The people on the train didn't know him. He might inconvenience them for a second or two but he would be far more comfortable.


But what if he caused someone else to miss the train?


He could be fast. Step on some feet, elbow a few ribs, but it would be far better.


With a grit of his teeth he steeled himself and resolved himself to stay put. It would only be a ten minute ride.

"Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One."

The doors to the compartment slid closed and less than a moment later the train lurched forward, a passenger at Quinn's back pushing him against the wall so that his antlers, clipped as they were, banged against metal. He took a deep breath and tried to count to ten to calm his nerves. Surely it wouldn't be that bad.

As the train picked up speed, the ride jostled along the tracks, a hum going through the air as the whole compartment vibrated. It made the deer's paws tingle against the metal exterior and he felt an odd sensation down near the crotch of his jeans.

Quinn tried to shift around, unsure of what he was feeling, and he couldn't do anything other than grind against the metal wall. The rounded bulge on the wall was pressed firmly between his legs and he couldn't move to either side with everyone pressed in around him. It hummed as the train rattled along the old tracks and he could feel that vibration quite easily in one particular spot.

The deer's cheeks pinkened and he glanced around, feeling on the spot as the rounded hump of metal thrummed like a plucked string against his trapped member. The attention hadn't gone unnoticed to the lower parts of his body and he felt his shaft beginning to lengthen and swell along his pelvis, held in place by the tight denim. The awkward position in which the other passengers kept him in had the head of his dick pressed right at the apex of the metal bump.

Quinn's fingers curled against the wall and he tried to shift his hips backwards, away from the wall when the train shifted and a passenger stepped back against him, pinning him back in place. His heart began beating faster, a trickle of sweat beading on his brow as the makeshift vibrated buzzed at the head of his uncut length. It felt surprisingly arousing and he couldn't help but roll his hips forward into the pleasure.

There was nowhere to move to, and he bit his bottom lip as the perverse feeling made his legs tingle and back arch ever so slightly. The compartment rumbled along, creating just enough of a vibration to make the short hairs on the back of the deer's neck stand on end. He couldn't stand here like this! The damn train was literally pushing him in all the right spots and he was going to have a rather noticeable one if he didn't get away.

The pleasure felt good, though, and Quinn couldn't help but let out a soft whine as he was held in place by the unknowing accomplices of his ecstasy. His shaft throbbed in his jeans and he could feel his peak rising, balls pulling up as he glanced side to side, holding his breath in. If he didn't move, and now, he'd be creating a rather embarrassing tableau.

Maybe he was legitimately trapped and there was no escape, maybe he secretly wanted to see what it would be like. Quinn remained where he was, fingers digging nails against the metal and forehead smushed into the wall. As the train's wheels began squealing out with the sounds of brakes, overhead speakers announcing their arrival, the deer practically barked out his orgasm.

Cum spurted hard into the confines of his jeans, soaking through the fabric and smearing against the metal lump. It ran down the inside of his left thigh and liberally soaked the left fabric. He shook more violently than the train did, knees wobbling as he rode out one of the more powerful climaxes he'd had in weeks.

It took Quinn a few moments to recover and he finally glanced around to see almost all the passengers had left. He pulled away from the wall, looking down at the big wet spot in his jeans, and carefully positioned his messenger bag in front of it. Walking was awkward with the wet fur and denim, and his cheeks were still bright red and flustered, but he couldn't help but think about what the trip home might be like.