Arwing Archives 2

Story by C443 on SoFurry

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#10 of Commissions

Krystal from Starfox gets introduced to the glories of Anthropomorphic bull cock after infiltrating a rogue group's base.

This story takes place after the Star Fox Command ending that has her leaving the team.

The second chapter is here!

Krystal gets the D


M/F, Oral, Vaginal, Dubcon, Massive penetration, facefucking, bondage, bull, fox, vixen, and implied body-mod.

Krystal felt cold as she slowly roused herself from unconsciousness. It was a slow thing, one that seemed like it would never come to pass. She clawed against almost stygian darkness as she struggled to wake up in the face of whatever kept her out. With one last surge of effort, she forced herself awake and instantly regretted it.

She awoke with a blinding pain in her head, powerful enough that it forced her to keep her eyes shut until the pain subsided into a dull throb.

Krystal slowly opened her eyes and looked around, confusion set in as she found herself in a large room that resembled a lab of some sort. She went to sit up but found that her arms and legs had been secured by heavy clamps, binding her tightly to the cold steel of what looked like an operating table. The former Star Fox pilot tested her restraints, but it was like trying to yank a fencepost from frozen earth. It was at that moment she realized that she was nude, the cold air seemed to press down on her. She was familiar with this practice when it comes to military prisoners and knew it was used as a prelude to interrogation. They would strip the person nude to reduce their confidence, making them a metaphorical animal in the eyes of others. It made them more vulnerable to manipulation, and far more difficult for them to resist torture if their self-image was damaged from the beginning. It was a simple, yet surprisingly useful tool when it came to such things, and already she could see why. She felt exposed and defenseless, like she wanted to shrink away and hide her nudity, even though she knew she had a body that most women would kill for.

The captive fox then tried to reach out with her extrasensory perception, her powerful mind seeking anything she could to gain an advantage.

What happened next floored her, causing a knot to form in her gut. What happened when she reached out with her mind, her most potent weapon, was nothing. She felt panic rising in her chest as she struggled to reach out, to feel the familiar pulse of her powers, but it was hopeless. Her powers had always been there, her constant companion and what had kept her alive on a world filled with gigantic, saurian predators. They had been as important to her as breathing or seeing, and now they were gone.

Fear and anger threatened to overwhelm the normally stoic mercenary. She felt lost, as if some sacred part herself had been ripped away. She looked around, panic starting to rise in her chest as she tried to figure out exactly what the hell was going on, but then she heard a door slide open. She craned her neck, trying to see who had walked in, but it was a futile effort due to the restraints.

"Ah, you are awake," a deep voice sounded out, rumbling and heavy. It contrasted so sharply with the sterile silence she had been wallowing in that it startled her. "Hello are quite a prize indeed," the voice came again, and she heard the impact of heavy feet moving across the lab floor. She felt real fear starting to crawl up her spine. Usually, nothing scared her, but the loss of her powers combined with her nakedness made it all but impossible to keep a clear head.

"Whoever you are...know that I am not someone you should mess with," she spat, her voice filled with confidence that she certainly didn't feel. "And since you know my name, I assume you know what I can how about you save yourself a beating and release me," she demanded, knowing in her heart of hearts that it was an empty threat.

The man just chuckled and stepped into view. It was the bull that had caught her earlier. He was a mountainous man, stout and massively muscled. His hands were the size of small frying pans, and his chest resembled a barrel. He was the physically best example of a bull that Krystal had ever seen in her life, and for some reason, that thought made her flush. The idea of that massive bull pulling her into his arms and rocking her in his lap made her want to-, she cut off that thought. She had never been attracted to bulls or anything like that; especially considering her circumstances. It was almost like something else was forcing those thoughts into her head.

The big bull noticed her discomfort and grinned. "Ah...I see the injections have worked," he rumbled and stepped into sight, he was at the head of the table, his thighs and crotch nearly in the restrained vulpine's face. "You see my showed up just in time for us to finish repairing some experimental Androssian-era tech. You see, it allowed us to shut down those pesky powers of yours." he licked his lips and reached out to grab her breasts, his large hands encompassing the large mammaries as he roughly rolled them in his paws. His thumbs worked over her pink nipples, flicking the proud little nubs as he massaged Krystal's ample breasts.

This drew a groan from Krystal, her body going rigid as pleasure ran up her spine. Her bare cunt felt like it was about to explode. There was no slow warm up either; she went from angry, to extremely aroused almost instantly. Again, she groaned involuntarily and found herself trying to lean into the bull's pawing hands. Internally she was screaming, her eyes wide as inhuman pleasure thundered in her veins in time with her hammering heart. She tried to keep her thoughts straight, trying to use her formidable willpower to force down the abnormal sensations, but it was like trying to move a mountain with a bucket. Her hips started to jerk as she began to hump the air against her will, her restraints clanking as the maddeningly aroused fox sought any form of release.

Then the bull let go of her, causing the hyper aroused fox to collapse to the table, trembling in arousal. She let out a groan, her eyes wide and pupils dilated as she stared up at her tormentor. "What...what did you do to me?" she mewled, her voice sounding pathetic as she struggled to control the raging fire that had formed in her belly.

The bull grinned and shook his head, his eyes boring into hers. "My dear little mercenary...we just...modified you to suit our needs," he reached down and released the buckle to his pants, letting his obscenely large and flaring cock free from its tight confines. It was a massive thing, something that had more in common with her calf in thickness. Already heavy beads of precum were drooling down its pulsing length, and the musky scent of it permeated the air. "And our needs involve a fertile breeder."

The sight of that cock drove the drugged and altered vixen wild, her body almost bucking with need as she stared up at that magnificent fuckpole. The scent alone was driving her wild, and her tongue pushed itself free of her lips in a vain attempt to get the flavor of that wondrous cock on her tongue. "You see, Equine and Bovine Cornerians are a pair of endangered species," he continued, seemingly ignoring the panting mewls from the madly aroused Krystal. "And my men and I decided to take...measures to ensure our continued existence," he grabbed the base of his cock and started slowly working the shaft, milking great coils of precum out of his bulging urethra and driving the fox girl wild with need.

"So we used Androssian tech to make an injection...a retrovirus if you will...that reworks the reproductive tracts of slutty little vixens like yourself," he grinned and stepped forward, letting his cock stand just above Krystal's head. It drooled precum down across the panting fox's face, causing her to moan pathetically. "It will allow us to breed your make more of us...and less of you," he slapped his cock across her face, drawing a barking moan from the panting fox as it splattered his precum across her features and hair. "And makes you more than willing and quite able to service any cock placed before you," he grinned as he slowly ran his cock across the vixen's features, smearing his precoital fluid across her muzzle and through her hair. "Allow me to demonstrate."

He reached forward and hit something out of sight, causing her bonds to loosen. She barely had time to think as he yanked her forward, causing her head to hang over the edge of the table. " a good fox, and open wide," he commanded as he pressed his pulsing prick against her lips.

Krystal wanted to bite him. She wanted nothing more than to sink her teeth into that dick. She opened her mouth, preparing to bite her tormentor's cock off...and moaned like a bitch in heat. Instead of biting him, she laid there, her head hanging off the edge of the table and her mouth open like a welcome mat for the bull's cock.

The bull grinned and pressed his cock into her mouth, drawing a gagging groan from the relatively sexually inexperienced Krystal. "See...isn't that much better?" he asked, his cock pulsing as it shot fresh coils of precum into her mouth, saturating her taste buds with his heavy ball juice. "Now...I have waited long enough... let's get to the fun part," without another word he jerked his hips forward and buried his cock in her throat, drawing a retching gag from Krystal. He showed no mercy, driving his cock deep into her gullet with no regard or care for her comfort or safety. Her jaw strained as he fed his shaft into her throat, her neck bulging out like she swallowed a baseball bat, as the bull brutally fucked the gurgling vixen's face.

Krystal came almost instantly, her body jerking with each thrust of that massive fuckpole into her straining maw. Her cunt practically exploded, hips humping at the air as femcum gushed from her silken folds. She screamed around his cock, but it came out as a gurgling retch as he forced more and more of his cock into her throat. She had never cum so hard in her life, especially not from something like that, and she wanted more. It terrified her how easily she was going along with it, like it was only natural to enjoy being face-raped by someone, but it felt so deliciously good that she didn't want it to stop. She knew she had to prevent this, had to escape, had to inform the authorities of the inhumane experiments there were carrying out. She knew she had to, but the scaldingly hot lust that roared through her body made sure that she didn't even consider it.

Any insignificant thoughts of escape fled her mind when the bull straddled her face, his thighs on either side of her head. His new position allowed him to get a better angle for his thrusts and he went back to work with a renewed vigor, pounding his cock into her gullet with animalistic abandon. The new position came with another advantage; it allowed his massive, near melon, sized nuts to slap against her eyes and forehead. Each impact of those audibly sloshing cum factories against Krystal's face sent the mewling vixen into higher and higher planes of arousal. She came again, her hips bucking as she spasmed beneath the now panting bull.

The bull groaned, his cock pulsing in her deliciously hot and tight throat. Her tongue seemed to lash against his shaft as he worked it in and out of her hungry maw. The modifications had taken beautifully, before them he probably would have broken the vixen's jaw with his cock, but now she was taking it with only minor strain. "So are a worthy test that is proving all of our theories correct," he grunted, his large nuts pulsing as he rapidly approached his orgasm. "Once...we confirm your viability...we can move on to other species," he grunted, sweat breaking out on his brow as he tried to hold back his impending climax. "So be a good breeder...a good walking womb...and you will live a long a fruitful life as our baby factory," he growled, his massive heart hammering in his chest as he approached the limits of his stamina.

Krystal was barely able to think at that point, her heart beating an insane rhythm inside of her chest. Each impact of the bull's balls against her forehead and lung deflating thrust of that cock sent her deeper and deeper into a morass of pleasure that she couldn't describe. Whatever he did to her had changed her mind and body beyond anything the mercenary could understand. Her jaw should have broken, and she should have passed out long ago from the rough face fucking, but all she felt was an ever-rising erotic pleasure that threatened to drive the gagging fox mad.

Then the bull let loose, and her world came crashing in.

He didn't give any further warning, he just buried his cock into her throat and held it there. His heavy balls pressed tightly against her eyes and forehead as they pulsed and clenched. He threw his head back and roared, a thunderously deep bellow that seemed to vibrate the madly squirming vixen's bones.

The first blasts of jizz jetted directly into Krystal's stomach, hitting her like a punch in the gut. Her captor's virility was insane and soon her belly bloated out with the raw amount of cum his massive cock was pouring into her hungry gullet. She quickly couldn't handle it, and cum fountained up from between her lips in a shower of his seed that coated the bull's hanging balls and layered Krystal's face in a thick coat of pudding-like ball batter.

Krystal lost her mind, her eyes rolling up in her head as her back arched in orgasmic pleasure that was beyond anything she had experienced thus far. Her hips jerked as she humped the air, her juices flowing in a torrent down the insides of her thighs as she bucked in an almost painful release.

The bull groaned as he pulled his still spurting cock free of Krystal's maw. He began to rapidly stroke his shaft, sending long, ropey strands of his cum across her face and breasts as his cumshot slowly petered out.

He stepped back from the gurgling and cum-frothing vixen, his knees weak as his breathing came in short gasps.

"That...was incredible," he rumbled, his cock flagging as he grinned down at Krystal. "The augments have taken perfectly...turning you into a proper cocksucker for my kind...but let us see if your womb augmentations took," he said, as he moved around to the foot of the table and flicked open the restraints, freeing the blue fox's legs from the clamps.

Krystal could have lashed out at that moment, could have kicked the panting bull directly in his oversized nuts in a vain attempt to free herself from her torment. She didn't even consider it. She just looked up at the bull with a happy smile on her cum-covered face as he leered down at her.

"Please...fuck me," she panted, her body trembling with need as she spread her legs wide for him, exposing her slick pink cunt and the tight pucker of her asshole to the lecherous bull.

He chuckled at that, his cock instantly back to full mast at the sight of the former Star Fox member spreading herself for him. "Good slut...time to see if our work paid off." Without preamble he grabbed her legs and lifted them, his hands moving to the backs of her knees as he positioned himself over her, his massive body hiding her entirely from sight. His throbbing shaft pressed hotly against the slick folds of her aching cunt as he pushed her legs up higher, until they were almost even with her chest. He spread his legs to either side of her thighs, locking her into a mating press that allowed him full access to her offered up twat.

"Alright Star Slut...lets put a baby in you," he rumbled and thrust, sinking his massive cock deep into Krystal's quivering quim. The force of the thrust and the impact of his body slamming against her's almost drove the breath from Krystal's lungs as the massive cock slammed home inside her body, bashing through her cervix and into her womb in one mighty plunge. The impact of his titanic balls on her offered up ass echoed through the room as the impaled vixen tried to catch her breath. " tight," he snarled as he started to pound his shaft deep into Krystal's cunt with little thought to mercy or restraint.

Krystal's eyes rolled in her skull as she gasped for breath, each plunge of his cock sent earth-shattering levels of pleasure through her body and mind. She couldn't believe that she was taking such a huge cock with no issue, despite having swallowed that monolithic meat not moments before. It was like something out of one of those poorly written porn fanfictions that she had caught Slippy reading. The one where the heroine got impaled on a cock that was so large that no sane mind could think that it could fit, but here she was doing that exact thing. Not only was she doing it, but she was also cumming her brains out the whole time.

The slutty fox let out a howling scream as the bull slammed his cock down into her over and over again, his hands resting on either side of her head as he gripped the edge of the table for purchase. Each thrust crushed the blue vixen against the table, the bull's full weight behind each womb smashing plunge into her sopping wet and eager cunt. His balls beat an almost metronomic rhythm against her upturned bubble-butt as he rutted the former mercenary turned breeding bitch into oblivion.

Krystal lost her mind, her eyes rolling up in her head and her tongue lolling from her mouth as the beastly bull brutally fucked her. It made everything she had ever experienced up until that point pale in comparison, and she wanted nothing more than to have that wondrous experience last forever. She tumbled off another climatic cliff face with a screaming bark of pleasure, her back arching as best it could against the bull's sledgehammer thrusts.

"Fuck...fuck...FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK," she screeched, her entire body rocked by the bull's furious fucking. "Don't stop you damn brute, RUIN ME," she mewled as her mind shattered into a million pieces by the big bull's brutal rutting. She was no longer Krystal, mercenary agent for hire. She was no longer one of the best fighters and specialists in the system.

She was Krystal; breeding bitch for big balled bulls, and she loved every single second of it.

The bull groaned, his breathing coming in short gasps as he fucked Krystal's womb and brain into submission. Things were turning out better than he could have ever imagined. The vixen had taken to the augmentations better than the wildest projections had suggested she would. She was a fantastic fuck to boot, the feeling of her delicious pussy constricting tightly around his cock sent shockwaves of pleasure through him and rapidly drained his stamina. She was the future of his people, a willing breeder that could carry his kind's children, and not be of the same species. He had spent his life working on a way for his species to continue, and he had found it in a slutty blue spy.

The universe certainly worked in mysterious ways.

He was yanked out of his thoughts as her cunt clamped down on his cock once more, another scream of orgasmic pleasure leaving her lips as she spasmed underneath him. That sent him over the edge, as his balls clenched and his cock jerked as he rapidly approached his climax.

"Take it bitch!" he roared, his balls jerking as his cock blasted an insane amount of seed directly into her spasming womb, quickly filling it to the brim and overflowing the fuck-maddened fox's eager cunt. It spurted out from between her slick cuntlips to coat her upturned ass and the bull's huge balls in a thick layer of ball batter.

Krystal went limp under him as she was filled to the brim with seed, her eyes long ago rolled up in her head and her tongue hanging limply from her mouth. She was gone; her brain fried from the force of her climax and the augmentations she had been forced to endure. She no longer cared about anything but taking that magnificent bull's baby batter in her womb.

She might regain her senses later, but for the moment she just laid there in a fuck mad stupor and let her new master fill her with his seed.

She was a good breeder after all.


Elisabeth sighed as the hot water ran down her voluptuous body, the curvy Doberman running her hands through her hair as she thought about the information that Krystal had provided through her infiltration. The hacking software had done its job, and she had been privy to exactly what had happened in the Son's of Corneria's base. It was one of the strangest terrorist groups she and the Phantom group had ever encountered. She had expected things like WMDs or some form of new weapon cobbled together out of old Androssian tech, but what she had discovered was so out of her depth of experience that it had caught her off guard.

They were researching ways to breed with different subspecies of Cornerian. A retrovirus that would rework every single female's genetic structure and allow them to carry both equine and bovine children without difficulty. When this information was received, it had taken her, and her superiors, entirely by surprise and left them stammering for a response. It was not an inherently bad thing due to the endangered nature of the Cornerian Equine and Bovine subspecies, but their extremist rhetoric and brutal methods certainly made such a retrovirus a dangerous thing.

She sighed again and shook her head at the idea of such a thing in the hands of such brutes. It didn't help that Krystal's transmission stopped suddenly and they had not seen hide nor hair of the blue spy ever since. It was very likely that the former Star Fox member had been captured by the Sons and was being subjected to all sorts of sick experiments by the thuggish Bulls and Horses. It would have almost made her sick to think about such things...if the thought of that arrogant blue bitch getting impaled on a cock the size of her arm didn't turn her on so damn much.

She grinned at that and shook her head. She had always disliked mercenaries, and Krystal was no exception, but she couldn't deny that the fox had done fantastic work. She just had to set up a sting to take them down. She chuckled at the thought as she traced her hands down across her large breasts and toward her rapidly warming cunt. She might even get a medal for rescuing a former member of the famous Star Fox group. The thought made her groan as her fingers found her aching core and played across the hardened nub of her clit.

The voluptuous Doberman was so engrossed in the fantasy of her future success and the idea of the arrogant fox being put in her place that she that nothing seemed amiss when they came for her. She didn't hear the bathroom door slowly and stealthily being opened and didn't notice the huge shadow on the other side of the shower curtain.

Elisabeth didn't notice anything until the curtain was yanked back. She let out a surprised yelp, her hands instinctively coming up to cover her naked body.

"What the he-" she stopped speaking, her eyes going wide as she realized who and what was standing there.

It was a huge equine, nearly half again her height and massively muscled. His pelt was was deep brown and his eyes were filled with lecherous amusement. He was dressed in black tactical gear with the Son of Corneria symbol emblazoned across his chest.

"Hello Elisabeth," he rumbled, his powerful voice sounding like an avalanche rumbling down a mountain. "We have been looking for you."

Fear raced through the agent's mind, her heart leaping into her chest as the horse hungrily stared at the luscious lady.

It looked like she was going to learn what happened to Krystal first hand.

At the end of a massive horsecock.


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Arwing Archives 3

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Arwing Archives

Krystal smiled as she slunk through the base's shadowed halls. She moved like a ghost, ephemeral and fleeting as she skipped from one shadow to another. The shapely Vixen flowed like water around the corners and like wind through the corridors. She...

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