The misarable life of Richie Part 1 - 5

Story by Tai the Dragon on SoFurry

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#3 of Paul

Well... i wanted to write a six part origin story for Paul but my lazy ass didnt finish the sixth one and i am too lazy to upload them all one after the other so you all get 26 Pages of story 5 Parts.


Paul was always cruel, in this origin story we see some of it in action, i hope you all enjoy the story :)

Special Guest XAlex14 from FA

The miserable life of Richie

Part 1

Today was the day. After moving to the small town of Post Falls with his parents, the small, fourteen year old fennec was finally allowed to go to the public school. He couldn't wait to make new friends.

"You take care, Richie", his mother called after him as he ran out the flat they lived in. It took him a good ten minutes until he stood in front of the giant high school. Of course, it had to be larger than a normal flat, there were a lot of larger sized species attending as well, like bears, rhinos, elephants or even dragons and crocodiles.

When he found the class he was supposed to be in, he found a free seat and sat down. He greeted a few of his classmates in the hope some would talk to him, and indeed they did - he soon found a few people he already nearly became friends with, it was a perfect day so far, and School hadn't even started yet - ten more minutes, then his first class would begin.

Then, in walked this giant of a panda. Over 2,30 meters tall, a wide belly and bulging arms, Richie's heart skipped a beat, he had never seen such a huge bear in his life. The coyote next to him said, "Thats Paul. He is the bully here, so you better watch out."

"Yeah, some say he already killed someone", the Dog behind him said, and the girl in front of him went on, "I don't think that's true. His dad is the sheriff..."

A few more people chimed in, until the bear walked towards Richie.

"Huh? A new guy?", he asked as he saw the fennec.

"Yes, my family just moved here, my name is Richie!"

"Heh, the name's Paul", he grinned and offered his paw to the fennec, of course Richie foolishly took the paw and immediately wished he hadn't. It felt like his hand got crushed by the mighty force of the panda.

"Nice meeting you", Paul said while he laughed and sat down behind the fennec, propping his paws onto the stool Richie sat on.

The rest of school was partly awesome, partly bad, his new friends and him had a lot of fun, and the teachers liked the smart young fennec, but Paul kept teasing him from time to time, until finally, school was over. He said his goodbyes to his friends and they traded mobile numbers, then he quickly walked away from the school, not wanting to meet the bully again.

It was a beautiful day, with only some small, white clouds in the sky, nice and warm weather, and Richie enjoyed the sunshine on his way.

"What's the problem with this guy?", he thought to himself, "He is HUGE though, and muscular..."

Then he laughed a bit.

"And fat, too - a few less pizzas would do him good.."

He soon came across an area with derelict buildings in which no one lived anymore when he saw a alleyway that would work as a shortcut and would save him a few minutes.

As he walked down the alley, he was deep in thought, so deep in fact that he didn't notice someone standing in front of him, and he walked into the back of that person.

"HEY, Can't you watch where you're goi....", the person stopped mid sentence when he noticed who stood in front of him, and Richie had to swallow hard.

"S-Sorry Paul, I didn't watch where I was going..."

"Pah, stupid fennec because of you it's gone now", Paul said angrily, his arms crossed in front of his chest.

"Uhm, what's gone, Paul?" Richie asked, maybe he could help find it and avoid a good beating in the process.

"A rat, I was catching a feral rat, and now its gone."

Paul looked like he said something he shouldn't have.

"Why do you need a feral rat?" Curiosity got the better of the fennec.

Paul grabbed him and dragged the struggling fennec to a quieter spot, deeper in the Alley,.

"Now I said too much, so I will show you something now and if you say anything to anyone about this, I will fucking kill you and your family, got it?"

The bear nearly growled at the frightened teenage fennec in front of him.

"I won't say a word, I swear!", Ritchie whined, he would have said anything to not get hit by the Panda.

Paul looked around to see if anybody was watching,and when he was sure no one was looking, he pulled his smartphone from his pocket. It was huge, fitting for his giant paws, he swiped and pressed a few times on the screen, then held the phone sideways like you do when you watch a video, he held the phone in front of the Fennec, the video started to play and at first, it showed a coyote, bound to the floor, his muzzle matted with a white fluid, and some of that white fluid was still leaking out of his nose.

"That's my cum, I fucked that little shits mouth, but keep watching...", Paul grinned devilishly, and after that, the camera was lifted higher to show the whole body of the coyote. Next, Richie could see the cam filming the huge paws of Paul, then the panda walked forwards, stepping onto the coyote, a whine was heard coming from the unfortunate victim. Then, Paul started to stomp on the spot, non stop, mercilessly. The video continued, until, at the two minute forty mark, blood started to flow from the mouth of the coyote.

"That's where he started to bleed", Paul laughed, and the video kept on going, at the five minute mark, the whining of the coyote got louder and the sound of bones snapping began. "Heh, video won't be too long now," and he was right, it didn't take longer than two minutes more until the chest collapsed and the belly was visibly stomped nearly flat, then the victim's sides split open, spilling his guts and blood on the floor and the paws of Paul.

"Hehe, he felt pretty good, you know?", Paul asked genuinely as if the fennec would know how it feels to crush someone to death, but the video kept going.

Paul stopped stomping and stood on the corpse, he filmed the dead body and then kept the cam on the face of the now dead coyote, he lifted his right paw, then stomped with full power onto the head.

Several cracks could be heard, and when he lifted his paw, the muzzle was bent strangely, the head was flatter too then normal, then another powerful stomp, more cracks, and then the head was almost completely flat, the right eye popped out and hung loosely in the face. One last powerful stomp and the head was really flat, the panda twisted his paw left and right, a few times smearing the skull and brain apart, then he laid the camera to the side and filmed from the ground how he lifted his paw slowly, the brain still connected to his paw, slowly coming loose and dripping from his sole.

He showed his paw for a few more seconds, gigantic, destructive, bloody, smeared with brain.

Then the Video ended, "That's what I like to do in my free time, it's a hobby of mine. I rape and crush smaller beings like yourself, or that coyote, or a feral rat. I mean, I crushed many rats, feral or not..", Paul said, all the while with a big fat grin on his muzzle.

Richie was disgusted and about to throw up. He quickly ran to the other side of the alley, then emptied his belly.

Paul laughed, standing next to him.

"Weak stomach, eh?", he grinned again, then got serious.

"If you tell anyone about this video, I am gonna do the same to you."

The fennec only nodded, too scared to even say anything.

"Good, now come here, me and you, we now are friends, that's what you're going to tell your parents and stuff. The truth is, I need a personal plaything, someone that sucks my cock, licks my paws, does things that I tell him to, and I like you to be that plaything..... Wait, no, slave, yeah! Slave is better.", he grinned.

Richie walked back to the panda. "On your knees slave" Paul said, and Richie did as was told.

Then, Paul slipped off one of his sandals, and pushed his giant paw into the fennecs face.

"Lick my paw, bitch," he grinned, and when Richie didn't do as asked, and Paul noticed no tongue on his paw, Paul growled, "What's the matter?"

Then he understood what the problem was. "Don't worry I showered this morning and washed my paws after I crushed that guy, so they are two times as clean..."

Richie gave in, he stuck his tongue out and made contact with the paw, but after a very short very weak lick he pulled back.

"Hmm, looks like I have to teach you how to lick paws. Don't worry. Tell your parents you sleep over at my place on the weekend, then we can have a lot of fun and I will teach you how to be a slave." He grinned again, then let his paw down.

Looking through his rucksack, he pulled out a Plastic container with a feral rat inside.

"Before you spooked the other one, I got at least this here. You know... I'm doing this to save your hide, my urge to just rape and crush you is high, but I will instead crush this rat...", he said, as if it was truly for the fennecs sake, not just because he wanted to crush something.

He opened the container and pulled the struggling feral out by its tail, then lowered it onto his right sandal, his right paw followed quickly, a short squeak and he secured the shoe back to his right paw.

"Tell me when you can come over to my place," he grinned, then walked forwards, the messy sound of something that got crushed flatter than paper following him.

Richie ran home as fast as he could. He wanted to tell his parents but he knew the bear would kill him if he did, and his father is with the police, they would lock his ma and pa up or kill them as well, and so he lied and told his parents only the great things, his new friends and how happy he is to be here, then he remembered he had to ask if he could sleep over at one of his "Friends".

He hoped his parents would say no, since this being a new town and new people, but to his misfortune, his parents were happy he had found such a good friend so quickly and agreed.

Later, when he walked into his room, trying to forget what happened, he heard his phone ring. It was an unknown number, but it was sending him some files.

"Hey bitch, these are for you, just to remind you what happens if you tell anyone!", it read, then three pictures, the first, Paul's right paw still in his sandal, the second, him showing his paw turned towards the camera , the flat rat glued to it, and the last picture was the most frightening, it showed Paul, and a much bigger panda, his dad probably, and several flat foxes. Both bears grinning into the camera as if this was a normal family picture.

There was still some text at the bottom

"You save this number as "Master" in your contacts. My dad knows about you, and you better train some paw licking in your free time, on the weekend you WILL need it, Haha!"

That was it. Richies life would be a living hell here, and he couldn't do anything about it.

The weekend was a scary thought and only two days away.

Part 2

Richie couldn't sleep well that night, the images were still stuck in his head. Paul, the local school bully, was a crazy sadistic killer and not just a harmless bully, his dad, the Sheriff, also liked to kill people. "Crushing", that's what Paul called it, the sight of the tormented coyote couldnt leave his mind, the blood, the guts, the gore, it was just too much, and he nearly threw up when he thought about it.

"Richie, did you hear me?" the female deer asked him.

"Oh, sorry, Ms. Woods, I was just thinking about something."

"Well, young man, in school you should think about your work here, not your free time at home."

The other people in his class laughed.

"Well, now that hopefully everyone is listening, today we will go to the computer room, and you will work in teams of two. Your task will be a little research: The history of every state of the USA. You all can chose one state and what time period you want to look at. Next friday, you will present what you have gathered and I will rate it."

Everybody got up and walked to the room. It was a pretty standard sized computer room, like it exists in every school, far too old PCs hummed away, and there were enough seats for everyone. Richie saw one of his friends, the small weasel, grinning at the fennec, but before Richie could walk over to him, a big panda paw grabbed his shoulder.

"Hey Rich! You're coming with me.",Paul said.

The Weasel quickly turned around and acted like he hadn't seen anything, too scared to help his friend. Panda and fennec walked together to the last row and sat next to each other.

"I like sitting here, no one comes back here, and you can do online whatever you want."

Richie just nodded and everyone turned on their PC, while Richie and the rest of the class looked up Wikipedia and Google Images, for states and cities they liked, Paul had other ideas. His new slave would work for him on this project, while he played games or watched stuff that interested him.

"Uhm Paul, how do you like California?" Richie asked the bear next to him.

"Don't care. Just choose one, you will be working on this alone anyway. I have more important things to do," Paul said, and gestured at his screen. Despite his better knowledge Richie looked at what the panda was busy with and wished he hadn't. Paul was on a cloud website, in a folder called "Crush", several hundred videos and pictures of crushed people and animals scrolled past his eyes and his mouth hung open.

Paul looked at him and casually said, "What? You thought I only filmed that one coyote?"

Richie quickly looked away, while Paul laughed. He knew he would have a lot of fun with this fennec. Richie tried desperately to only look at his screen, but the computers were so close together, he always could see part of the screen of the panda next to him, he could see bodies, blood, cum and guts, and he could hear the panda laugh a bit or he could see how widely he grinned when he found something that he liked to remember.

After ten minutes of this, Richie felt again like throwing up, it was just too much, how many people and feral animals did he kill? Picture after picture scrolled past the screen, and a few videos were watched, luckily they were short videos with ferals. When he looked at the screen, he saw Pauls giant paws, both of these behemoths laid on the side, and a rat suspended by its tail. Paul slowly lowered the rat between his paws, then squeezed his feet together, crushing the rodent in the process, slowly moving his paws forwards and backwards, grinding the rat to pulp while doing so.

"Hey Rich, you don't look so good, everything alright?", the bully asked him mockingly.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking, Paul" the fennec said quietly,

"Good, then look at me." It was a command, and Richie was smart enough to follow it immediately. The PCs and desks blocked the view on the pandas body, or Richie was sure he wouldn't have done this, but what Richie saw when he looked at the panda made his eyes widen. The young bear had his shorts pulled down to the knees and held his very fat, long cock in his right paw, slowly moving said paw up and down. He also noticed that even this huge paw couldn't completely encircle the extremely thick piece of meat this teen sported.

"Yeah, it's a masterpiece, isn't it? Don't worry you will soon suck it, my dad told me all about it. You foxes are all just little sluts that love big fat cocks, and mine is more than big enough to kill so you will love it a lot", he grinned, then pulled his shorts back up, the shorts bearly fitting over his malehood and said manhood made the shorts bulge, nearly splitting them open, at least that's how it looked.

Richie turned back around and muttered, "By the gods". Then, he heard the bear laugh again.

"Hehe, I am your only god from now on..." He nearly could feel the grin, this grin that told him he was just a plaything for a guy who was his age but was twice as large as him, and something like 12 times as heavy. Luckily for him, he could work in peace, the panda getting bored at watching his own videos and chatted with someone else online.

"Rich, how tall and heavy are you?"

"Uhm about 1.15 meters, and I think something like 45 kilos, I don't know exactly, why?"

"Heh, my friend just wanted to know, he bets you won't survive this month, but Iwanna beat him so I have to be a little gentler with you, or I have to pay that bastard fifty bucks."

Richie thought he maybe should feel lucky and he wished he could thank the stranger who knew what was going on.

"Do you know how bad that would be? It's all the money I have saved up, I wouldn't be able to buy the new dinosaur game, you know the one where you are a T-Rex and crush raptors, and you can buy a feral rex later, then you can upgrade him so he gets bigger and heavier and with that, you can crush way more raptors than before."

"You mean War Rex?" Richie had heard about the game and watched the trailers, technically speaking it wasn't about crushing raptors, it was a slasher game where you had to defend your castle or conquer the castles and cities of the raptors, but he saw in the trailers that indeed you could step on raptors, he just didn't know that this was crushing, and to think he liked the game so much he also wanted to buy it.

"Exactly! You're a smart fennec!" Paul smiled and ruffled his hair, like a real friend would do. This was the first time Paul was nice to him, it felt weird, knowing this murderer and sadist could be nice.

"Its sooo awesome. I watched the trailer several times, god don't know how often I fapped to the crushing scenes in it!" He laughed like it was a funny thing everybody did.

"I am surprised they made it so realistic, I caught a few lizards to test it out, you know? And they totally crunch the same way! Also, they are really tough like in the game, took me a good ten minutes to flatten one!" It was just so bizarre how Paul talked about snuffing out another life so casually like talking about the weather. "Also, my friend online said I should use one as a fleshlight, and god damn, it feels awesome, way better than I thought it would."

Richie never heard of the term fleshlight, "What is a fleshlight?"

"Huh? You don't know?" Paul typed the word on his computer and several pictures popped up, also with some in use. "That's a fleshlight."

"Oh... Oh god, you used a lizard as one?" Richie looked shocked

"Yep, sure did! Was the best thing I did with one so far, far better than even crushing them!"

"Oh god, those poor things..." Why Richie said those words he didn't know, but he just had to say them.

"Huh? You care about some feral lizards, but when I showed you the coyote you didn't say anything?"

"That was only because I was too shocked to say anything."

Again laughter from the panda, "You're adorable," he grinned.

The gong of the school bell stopped the conversation, and both only now saw that school was over. "You asked your parents?"


"Aaaaaaaand?" Paul said, his eyebrow raised as if to say "You better don't lie to me."

"They said I.... C - Can come over and sleep at your place..."

"Haha! GREAT!" The panda was genuinely happy. "This is going to be so awesome, we gonna eat snacks, play video games, and watch movies." he smiled.

"Wait, this doesn't sound bad?" Richie was very confused, he thought he would get tortured over there.

"Hehe, right the other stuff, good that you remind me about it, after all you're my slave and I am your master." The fennecs ears folded back and he wished he hadn't said anything.

"Well, YOU will of course lick my paws when I ever I tell you to, I train in the mornings, that's why my arms are so buff, but that also means I have sweaty armpits after that. You will lick those clean as well, and depending on how good of a job you do, you maybe will suck my dick, but maybe I'm just going to fuck you, it depends," he grinned again.

"Well, gotta go. See you tomorrow, slave!", he said, the last word sounding like Richie was nothing, just to remind him what his future role would be.

Part 3

Friday morning

Richie gathered his things for school, his mother was packing a small bag with clothes, toothbrush and other things you need for a sleepover.

"Richie Honey, I am so happy you already found so many friends especially Paul, it's great to know you two are already so close and I know you will be very safe over there with his father being the sheriff afterall".

Oh if his mother would only know, she would never ever let her only son get anywhere near Paul and his dad.

"Yeah Mom, I am very lucky" Richie smiled wide, in truth he wished he could tell her about it all.

"Well my little man, go hurry up, you have to leave in five minutes or you will be late to school!"

"Yes mom, I love you!"

He was scared, Paul said he wouldn't hurt him too much, since fifty bucks where on the line, but still, Paul was a sadistic murderer...

A few minutes later

The little fennec arrived at school and was sitting in class, Paul sat behind him again, he suddenly heard a "Pssst" from the bully and so he turned around. The panda was grinning wide and pointed under the desk, Richie followed the direction he pointed to and again he wished he hadn't. Paul had slipped one of his sandals off and showed the wide thick long paw to the small desert fox. Something was pressed against the sole, blood and guts decorated it, it was so squashed Richie couldn't tell what it was - just furry and dead, Richie whipped his head back around to face his desk again, while he heard Paul laugh softly to himself.

End of School

"Finally school's out", the panda happily announced.

"Yeah... school's out...", The fennec lamented, not too happy about it.

"Aw, you don't sound too happy little guy," Paul laughed, both started to walk out the school together. Richie was still surprised when Paul was nice to him, they talked about video games, which game they liked and hated, until they were back by that alley where they had really met first, not in school where he was just a bully, but when he saw what Paul really liked to do. When they were nearly half way into said alley, the panda said "Wait!" Richie stopped immediately, he looked at the panda and wondered why they stopped. The bear loosend his sandal and Richie knew what would follow: Another view of the flat animal under it, but to his surprise Paul didn't want to show it to him again, he only peeled it off his black sole, it dangeld of its tail and Paul just tossed it into one of the corners.

"So, let's go." Paul treated the poor dead thing like an object, not like a living being, Richie gulped once and turned around again, waiting for the panda to move as well. They then walked out of the ally, and Paul resumed the conversation about games. After a good ten minutes they arrived at Paul's home, it was a pretty big two story house, very modern looking and not really fitting in with the rest of the buildings in the area. Paul got the keys out of his pocket and unlocked the door. "Well, welcome to my home from now on you are my little slave." He grinned wide.

"Oh already?" Richie wasn't too happy about it, then again, who would be?

"Yeah, already." Paul walked forwards and just said "Follow me", they both pulled off their shoes and then walked up the stairs to the second floor, where the panda opened the first door to the right, "Thats my room, wait here, gonna be back in a bit." Then, Richie was alone. He started to look around, and the first thing he noticed was the giant bed, on the other side of the room was a huge 65 inch TV, a computer was on the right side close to the television, several consoles were in the room, some old and some new.

Richie could hear water running. "Maybe he' cleaning his paws," the fennec thought.

The rest of the room wasn't that interesting, some posters of movies, not to his surprise stuff like Godzilla, or other movies with big monsters and robots, although he was surprised that there were no torture devices or any animals in the room.

"I am back" he didn't notice that Paul had walked already back into the room.

"Slave, lose your clothes," he said it like he had a slave for years, no force just a sentence the fennec had to follow. Richie slowly lifted his shirt exposing his sandy furred belly and chest, "Oh man, can't wait to plant my paws onto your little body," the bear nearly growled, and next, Richie lost his shorts, and then he was standing there only in his boxers.

"Those too!"

"Oh..." The little desert fox hesitated

"Do it or I will do it, and then you won't have any boxers to put on again."

Faced with the threat of losing his boxers he finally got rid of them, and if he were human, his cheeks would be tomato red by now.

"Good" was the only comment he got, then Paul began pulling off his shirt, his wide belly on display his very big arms, thick with muscle and fat, and then he opened his pants and dropped them, standing in a white jockstrap, the piece of cloth straining to contain the massive package behind it, bulging obscenely.

"Aaaaaah, nothing better then just standing in your jock or nude." The panda was visibly relieved, then he laid on his bed, it squeaked and groand having to hold the slightly over 600 kilos of a teen panda, "Lay between my legs, your back against my jock" he ordered the fennec, Richie did as he was told, slowly climbing up the bed and crawling between the legs of his bully and future owner as it looked like, and as he laid his back against the warm mass that was the pandas nether region, he became aware just how massive the teen was.

Paul took his TV remote and turned the big screen on, it was a smart TV, several apps where there to choose from, he scrolled a few times to the right and pressed on an app, the TV loaded said app and now Richie understood what the panda wanted to watch, it was his cloud account, there it was the threaded folder called „Crush" right next to the folder Musik, the only two choices and Richie was pretty sure the panda wouldn't choose show him his musik, sure enough the teen picked the other folder, in the folder were more folders, all neatly organized by species, he skipped over most of them until he arrived at a folder called "Ferals" he clicked on it and then clicked again on the newest video, it had the date of today earlier in the morning.

The video began to play, it showed Paul and a rat, dangling from its tail, at the same time lifted both legs and laid his wide paws between the fennecs legs on his hips, Richie jumped a bit as he felt the immensely heavy and broad feet in his lap, the teen moved his toes a bit splaying them, then he began to rub the sheath of the small desert fox with both feet, Richie squirmed and could only stare at the paws. He didn't even notice that Paul paused the video while he was not paying attention to it.

"Hey Rich, watch the video," again a command, not a question, slowly the fennec looked back at the TV. Then, Paul pressed play again, the video continued the small rat was slowly lowered and laid on his back in the worn sandals, they were huge in comparison, before the rat could even try to escape the gigantic paw of the panda, the same ones rubbing his small sheath right now, lowered on to the poor rodent, it squeaked in pain, and while Richie was horrified and disgusted by the scene, he could feel himself slowly grow hard, not because he liked it but because his bully had found a way to sexualy arrouse him, with just rubbing his colossal paws on his sheath. The video continued, horrific noises could be heard, crunching, squashing, Richie was sure it was dead, but the video still kept going, the rotund teen now walking around with the flat rodent in his sandals, then the video stopped.

"That's what you saw in class today."

Richie had already figured that out, and he could feel himself already growing half hard, "Hehe, I shouldn't be surprised given your body is so small, but damn man, my fingernails are larger than your dick"

Embarrassed Richie called out far to loud, "IT'S ONLY HALF HARD!"

"Ooooh, hitting a soft spot, eh?" the panda laughed. It was true, the fennec didn't like being so small even less so that his dick was only two inches long.

He heard the TV making sounds again and as he looked back at the screen he saw the Panda clicking around again on his remote, he was now out of the folder called ferals, and choose the folder called "Fennec", Richie gulped "You didn't..."

"Oh Yes, yes, I did three in fact, fennecs are rarer than foxes," he said it so matter of factly, Richie couldn't help but ask.

"Does that mean foxes are popular, I mean popular in the crushing world?"

"Heh, you have no idea, foxes are everywhere not many people care if one or two go missing."

He told the truth, foxes really were everywhere. Richie was hard now, and he tried to resist, but the panda knew what he was doing. He jumped a bit as he felt something land on his belly, he took the tube in his hands and read the label "Lube?"

"Yeah, get my paws lubed up"

Paul stopped rubbing his paws together and opened them up, exposing his impressive soles. Richie opened the tube and squeezed some of the gel onto his hand, it was cold and colorless, he began rubbing his small hand on the huge black mass that was the feet of his bully, "Gods they are so huge" he muttered.

"That they are, keep going slave."

That Richie did, and soon the paws where fully covered in lube. They glistened in the light, then they came back down between the fennecs legs again, squeezing his dick between them then they moved back and forth, Richie whimpered a bit the teen not really being gentle with his manhood, then he felt a hand turn his head back to the screen.

"This is one of my favorite videos" Paul said with a grin, the video was called "Fennec Jumping" the video starts with Paul sitting on a rock in front of his paws a fennec he looked like an adult, he was definitely larger than Richie, his little tongue licking away at the black behemoths, it kept going for another minute then the panda in the video said,

"Ok that's enough, lay on your back" the fennec in the video began whimpering, just like Richie did, it sounded so similar to his whine, but the fennec in the video obliged and did as he was told without further protest.

"That was my first fennec," Paul casually commented while also watching the scene, only now he realised the fennec in the video was also nude. Paul, without any patience, just stepped onto the fennec his paws covering the small fox from neck to toes. It looked like the small foxes eyes would pop out because of the pressure, he was visibly straining, trying to somehow bear the weight of a fourteen year old, six hundred kilo Panda with a crush fetish.

At first Paul only swayed shifting his weight from side to side, all the while the real life Paul was rubbing his meaty paws together and giving the fennec between his legs a footjob, then came a small hop, the pained "Uff" from the small victim under him loudly heard from the TV.

"Don't you want to turn it down? Your neighbors could hear it" The fennec said scarred the relative loud TV would alert someone.

"Nah, my neighbors do it too, they are old buddies of my dad"

"Oh..." came the shocked reply from the fennec, the neighbors too? How many of these people are in this city?

He again heard a painful "Uff" coming from the TV, so Richie looked back at the screen, he knew if he didn't do it Paul would force him to do it, The panda still stood on the fennec, the small guy had his eyelids pressed together his head on the ground it was clear he was suffering immensely, the panda slowly got off his victim the fennec immediately clutched his chest and stomach, groaning out in pain, rolling to his side.

"Fennec on your back! You're not done yet" came the familiar voice, the fennec groand out once more but then rolled over on his back again, this time Paul just jumped onto the poor guy. *CRACK!* A pained bark followed the loud cracking noise, "Don't think your ribs will stay whole if I keep this up," again the mocking voice of the teen torturer came from the video.

"Fffffffffuck" Richie moand out he was getting close the panda not stopping the unwanted footjob. In the video, the panda turned around a few times so that the weight was transferred onto as many places as possible, then he stood in the same place like in the beginning, then he began to jump again, each jump was followed by a pained "Uff" or whimper, but Paul was not stopping this time, from time to time more and more *CRACK* and *CRUNCH* noises could be heard, indicating that the fennecs body couldn't withstand the constant abuse, after a slightly higher jump, that was followed by several small *Crunch* noises, the heavy teen stepped off his victim again, this time the fennec didn't move and was only groaning and whimpering. The chest and belly where visibly compressed, the right arm splintered open, both legs bent at an unnatural angle. Richie clawed into the fur of the panda he was laying on, every rub was getting him closer and closer to release.

In the video the panda was walking to the head of the fennec, He lifted his right foot, wiggled his toes, then slowly laid his paw on top of his victim, "Thats when he starts to move again," Paul nearly growled, and it was the truth, the small fennec began to wiggle now, fearing for his life even more than before. The teen began stepping ontp the head, booth feet side by side, one would have been enough to completely bury it, but Paul just used booth because he could. He began to stomp on the spot softly, but even this "soft" stomping did some damage as it looked like, blood began squirting from under the paw from the spot where the muzzle must have been, next some teeth began to break, they began to spill out with the blood.

"Nghn, stop Paul, I am cumming!" Richie nearly squealed

"Goooood, I wanted for you to cum while watching a crushing video," laughter followed this statement

The video was slowly coming to an end, the panda getting more violent, stomping harder sometimes jumping on the head, hell bent on breaking it.

"Mud is a very good cushion, it absorbs most of my weight but gets firm enough so that I can break and crush my victims after a while."

The cracks began to become more and more, blood spurted out from the fennecs head, and began to pool under the paws. Then, with a very high and very forceful jump the skull broke apart, brain matter and even more blood began to flow, being squeezed between the toes of the teen.

"OH FUUUUUUUCK, AAAARRRGHHHH!" Richie shouted at the top of his lungs, he never came so hard in his life, while Paul looked very disappointingly at the small cock squeezing four small drops out.

"That was all?" came the mocking question

"It... it was a lot, I never came this much!" the fennec tried to defend himself.

"Rich, I pre way more than that and when I cum, oh boy its a flood," the panda grinned widely.

"Well, little slave, you made a mess, so go on and lick it up."

The four pathetic drops of cum that decorated the paw looked odd, it was like small tiny islands in an ocean of black, the fennec slowly moved forwards so he could take the right foot into his paw, he opened his maw and licked once, cleaning his cum of the bears paw

"Keep going" Richie looked into the face of the panda but he didn't even look at him he just, choose another folder and began to watch some of the crush porn he himself filmed, but it was better than being forced to watch each and everyone of them, so Richie did as he was ordered and began to lick the paws of the lube that covered them, "Doesn't taste bad" he thought, the lube must have been flavored, "I think it tastes like lemon," and that made things easier.

One Hour later

It had been an hour. Richie just couldn't do it anymore but didn't dare to stop, he kept licking and licking and licking, his mouth was completely dry and he would do a lot to be able to drink something, anything, luckily for the small fennec Paul stopped watching his own videos after a few minutes and began to play the newest shooter on his Xbox.

"Uhm Paul?" Richie said not very loud barely hearable over the constant noise of shooting,

"What is it, slave?", asked the panda, not taking his eyes of the screen for a second.

"I am very thirsty, I licked your paws for an hour now and need something to drink."

"Huh, fair enough. Keep going until this match is over, then you get something to drink."

So he returned to the paws and began licking again, luckily for him the match was nearly over anyway and after a few minutes the panda left the session and pulled his paws of the face of his little slave.

"Follow me." That, the fennec did, to scared to think what would happen if Paul's dad would find him alone in this house, they walked down the hallway, the last door in the middle was the bathroom. The little fennec thought Paul would let him drink some water but he was wrong, he could feel the pandas paw holding his shoulder.

"Where do you think you're going?" the teen asked.

"Uhm, just wanted to drink water Paul."

"Water? I never said anything about water, get into the bathtub and open wide."

"W... Why?" He was too scared to know, but a stern look from the Panda made him buckle and he did as he was told sitting on his knees, mouth wide open.

"Good slave" the teen grinned. He pulled down the jockstrap and followed the fennec standing in front of him, holding his fat flaccid dick. Tears rolled down Richies cheeks as he understood what he had to drink now, and soon enough the strong acidic smelling yellow liquid was sprayed into his muzzle, too scared to make Paul angry, he immediately swallowed whatever was coming into his mouth, and it was a lot more than he ever could imagine, the urge to vomit barley held back. Then, the bully aimed higher pissing on his forehead now, completely covering him in his piss, but atleast the flow was getting weaker, when it was not shooting out anymore but only flowing, Paul stepped forwards and laid his dick on the tongue of the smaller teen.

"Close your mouth and swallow," he growled.

Riche did as he was told and even began to suckle at the dick, swallowing mouthful after mouthful of piss, until finally it began to stop.

"Lick my dick clean."

Again the fennec obliged, his tongue darting over the already extremely thick tip of the teens dick, the foreskin felt even thicker against his tongue, he suckeld and cleaned the fat penis until the panda it was attached to allowed him to open his mouth again.

"Good slave" he said again.

"Tonight I will order us Pizza, after that you can suck my dick."

Of course with "You can" he meant "You must", and Richie only nodded before he asked "Can I please take a shower?"

Paul only laughed and said "Sure", then left the room. As soon as the panda closed the door and the water began to run, the fennec started to cry, this was the worst thing he ever experienced, and he was sure it would only get worse. It was still a long night ahead for him, he was sure of that.

Part 4

Richie stood over twenty minutes in the shower, he rinsed his mouth as good as he could with just water, his toothbrush and paste were still in his rucksack back in Pauls room, when he cleaned himself up as good as he could and collected himself somewhat, he turned the shower off, stepped out of tub and looked around he only found one towel, he carefully sniffed at it and could smell Paul all over it, it was oddly small for such a huge panda, he looked it over and it had many crusted white spots on it, but he had no other choice to scared he would drip water on the floor and feel the wrath of the panda.

He began to rub his body off with the stained towel.

"Ugh, it smells awfully" Richie though as he kept trying to dry his fur, when it was dry enough he opened the door and walked back to Pauls room, he knocked before entering.

"Yeah, Haha, so you coming? Yeah? Good see you tomorrow man" Paul was on his phone talking to someone.

"Ah there you are Rich, come in"

Richie entered the room walking to the bed where the nude panda sat on, he saw the teen sniffing the air.

"Wait, this smells like cum, did you jerk off?" he suddenly asked, the fennec taken aback said just "No, i showered then used that towel in the bathroom the only one that was there"

The panda laughed out loud, holding his belly as he just laughed for a minute or two.

"You Dump fox, that was my Cum rag after i jerk off i use this towel to clean up what dripped on the floor" he kept laughing, and Richie laid his ears back, feeling embarrassed, this day just got worse and worse.

"Heck, if i knew you liked my cum that much i would have just drenched you in the tub"

Paul grinned at the fennec, then he stood up from the bed walked to his closet and got short shorts and a sleeveless shirt, next he took out socks and walked over to his jockstrap, putting it on first then the socks, next the shirt and last the shorts.

"Get dressed Rich, i need to go jogging" the fennec looked a bit surprised, sure Paul had massive arms and legs bulging with muscle mass far to much for a regular fourteen year old, but he also had a wide belly, a mix of muscle and fat, that he would go jogging was just very surprising for him.

"I said get dressed fennec, you can stare at my body later when we are back" now Richie sprung to life, taking his pants, shirt and boxers and putting them on in record time, Paul got on his knees and pulled something from under his bed, it where running shoes gigantic ones, they of course had to be to fit on his paws.

When he was done booth walked down the stairs out the house, it was still fairly hot outside, but the sun was slowly setting, without a word Paul began to move, jogging at an even pace, Richie had to run to keep up the panda was twice his size after all, they moved down the street the panda lived on, after a few houses they walked right into the forest, they kept jogging, well Paul jogged Richie run for a good fifteen minutes, then the panda stopped, the fennec was relieved he could finally take a break.

"Rich come over here" Paul called out he moved away from the path and behind a tree, of course Richie had no other choice and followed the command, he stood in front of the bully and waited for the next command, Paul pulled down his shorts and jockstrap standing in the nude, he pulled Richie by his head fur, the fennec squealed in pain, Paul just pressed the fennecs face into his sweaty balls moving the face up and down as if it were a rag that you could use to wipe of the sweat of your body, then he pushed the fennec back in front of him.

"Open you mouth"

Richie shaked a bit, frightened right now and did what was asked of him, as soon as he held his mouth wide open the panda snorted deeply then a huge wad of spit landed on the poor fennecs mouth and tongue well most of it, the rest splattered over the left side of his face.

"Heh, looking good slave, looking good" then he pulled his pants and jock up and moved back to the path waiting for his little slave to swallow and clean his face, Richie only sat there not really sure he just got treated like that, but then he remembered the scene in the bathroom and how he got treated by the panda before, then with sad realisation he swallowed the disgusting thick liquid and tried to wipe the rest of his face, he got back up and walked to his master, he got tears in his eyes but the Panda didn't care as soon as Richie stood next to him again he began to move again this time back to his house.

Fifteen minutes later

Drenched in sweat booth teens arrived back at the empty house, Paul pulled his shoes off and let them on the floor he moved back to the stairs, his wet socks left perfect paw prints everywhere he walked to, when Richie pulled his shoes off he just had to follow them to know that the Panda walked back to his room.

When Richie entered the room he found the pandas clothes on the floor, Paul was already nude again laying on his bed waiting for his little fennec to arrive.

"Slave get to work my paws are dirty and need a good tongue cleaning"

That was the only thing he said then he turned on the TV, Richie swallowed once then got up on the bed behind the pandas feet, they glistered in sweat and smelt like it too, the small fennec knew if he didn't get to work the Panda would force him to do it, so he accepted his fate and stuck his little tounge out, he literally scraped the sweat of the paws, and had to swallow all of it, again he was at the edge of throwing up, again he was to scared to do so, so he just dutifully swallowed everything, to his surprise he was faster than expected and when booth feet were as clean as it was possible he heard Paul speak again.

"Done? Good now watch"

Richie indeed did watch and what he saw made him wish he didn't have to, the folder "Fennec" was again on display, the video he saw about an hour ago "Fennec Jump" was also there with the two others he didn't saw so far, Paul choose the Video "Fennec Fuck" and Richie had to swallow, the video began to play, the first thing he saw was another fennec, this one also adult like the last one, it looked like the video was recorded in a cellar, the fennec bound to a small table, not able to move his arms and legs, the tail was also bound to the table exposing the fennecs small manhood, then the camera moved downwards filming a wide belly, a very familiar wide belly and an extremely huge thick cock, the same Paul had shown him yesterday in class.

"Gods" Riche whispered, Paul in the movie walked forwards laying his dick on top of the small fennec, it was clear that when the panda would stick his whole dick into the smaller male his cockhead would be somewhere in the chest area of the fennec killing him in the process.

"Was my second fennec, tough guy but he didn't last"

The teen commented, then he moved back a step aimed his cock up with the small fennecs hole, then with no mercy he rammed half of his massive thick length into the far to small victim, the small desert fox screamed his lungs out, Paul didn't stop he just kept ramming half his length into the small fennec.

"Good god why?" Richie whimpered.

"Hehe, why not? It feels nice for me and that is what counts"

The camera moved downwards showing the completely ruined hole and the far too large and thick cock that just kept tearing it open, blooded dripped down the length and the fennecs hole, then the camera moved upwards again showing the belly of the small fox, it bulged out whenever the panda pounded into the small guy.

"Hey Rich look here"

Richie looked at the panda, his dick slowly got hard, filling with blood, the bear it was attached to just had his hands behind his back a big shit eating grin on his muzzle, The fennec knew exactly what that meant and whimpert, then he looked back at the screen, where the horífic display continued.

It kept going like this for several minutes, the panda raping his victim and said victim screaming until he couldn't scream anymore, then Paul growled in the video taking hold of the Fennecs shoulders laying the camera on the table next to them, after that he used his full force to just press his dick into the fennec past the halfway point, now the fennec began to really scream and when he was into the fennec three quarter of the way the screaming stopped just whimpering and wordless moving of the jaws followed, next the teen began to pound full force into his victim, the table hit the wall with each thrust, making loud "BANG" noises each time it did, all the while Paul finally pressed every centimeter into the fennec sealing his fate, he kept fucking like this for a good minute then he growled, and came into his fuck toy that was nothing more than a furry condom now, the camera got lifted again, filming the dead eyes of the fennec first to show everyone that was watching the video that indeed the small guy didn't survive, then the camera moved downwards showing the body and the bulging belly that got larger and larger by the second.

"Told you when i cum, I flood" the panda announced proudly.

Then the video stopped, without a word the panda moved out of the folder and into the next one the ferals folder, Richie cried out as he felt his sensitive ears got pulled, he got dragged over the legs of his master and in between them, right in front of the immense length.

"Would you look at that, That video got me all hot and bothered, so why don't you take care of it for me?"

This was it, Richie would lose his virginity right now, sucking the dick of an giant bear bully, he slowly opened his mouth and wrapped his lips around the fat cock head, he slid his head down very slowly, when he had the whole head in his muzzle his jaws where straining it was just too fat, the taste was musky a bit salty, he moved even slower down the shaft until it hit his throat, He slowly moved back up and down again.

"Hey! You never watched porn? Do you honestly think they move at a snailspace? And do you call that a Blowjob? Your not sucking your not licking get going for real this time"

Paul shouted at the small fennec, Richie immediately began to bob his head up and down faster, he did watch porn, not much but he did and Paul was right never did they move extremely slow like he did, slow sometimes yes but never as slow as him, and he began to suck and lick, he heard Paul growl now, the Fennec kept going trying different things and testing what Paul likes and what don't, after a few minutes he got a good rhythm going, he was just concentrating on his task and only heard squealing from time to time coming from the TV.

"Rich watch the TV"

Richie kept going but looked at the screen, the video that currently played was somewhere in the woods, Paul had a frog in his paw it was streched over his cockhead more didn't fit into the small amphibian, the panda was growling in the video moving the dead animal up and down only a centimeter but very fast then he roared, and came into the small animal, the cum just sprayed out of the frogs mouth and nose, pooling on the ground.

"You ever thought that was possible? I didnt, i wanted to crush him, but then tried it and damn it felt good"

The panda chuckled, and choose the next video while Richie concentrated back on his task, he heard loud squealing coming from the TV and when he looked he saw Paul forcefully impaling a feral lizard stuffing his far to big and thick cock into the poor reptile, it bulged out whenever the panda impaled it, he nearly fit everything inside the overstuffed animal, a good five centimeters were still peaking out when he couldn't stuff more inside, it strangely fit perfectly into his hands like a... well a fleshlight, the thing Paul told him about in class and he was right he really did use them like one.

It kept going like this for a few minutes when Richie suddenly stopped, something was dripping on his tongue, it was faintly salty and he looked at the panda puzzled.

"That's pre, it provides lube for later on"


Richie couldn't really talk with the fat panda dick in his mouth, but then he kept going he swallowed the liquid, it wasn't to bad, the piss and spit he had to swallow were far worse, his jaw began to hurt being stretched like this for minutes now wasn't good, the amount of pre got more and more, he saw Paul relaxing more and more, a sigh riddled with pleasure followed from him, he heard the panda groan from time to time.

"Fffffffuck... Ughrrrrr... gonna..."

Then he felt a big paw wrap around his head, pushing him downwards so that Pauls manhood was crammed against his throat making him choke, that was the final straw for the panda, he roared loudly as he began firing his copious amount of cum in to the far too small muzzle of Richie, The fennec was surprised the very thick very salty liquid that now fired into his mouth was just too much, it literally shot into his mouth filling it to the brim far to quickly, he began to struggle swallowing the enormous load, until the inevitable happened, he couldn't keep up and it began flowing from his muzzle, leaking down the teens length but even then it was too much, he felt pressure building and then a huge wad of cum firered out his nostrils, coating the teen bears underbelly and making a mess out of the pandas crotch.

The panda only growled and groaned, he had his eyes closed and didn't see how Richie was struggling, only when the flow of cum began to slowly taper off not shooting just flowing into Richies muzzle did Paul look down, and what he saw made him Smile, what a sight! His underside of the belly and crotch area was covered in cum, so was the fennecs mouth and heck cum still dripped out his nose.

"Fuck Rich"

The teen said as he kept his hand on the head of the desert fox making sure he would swallow it all, then he took his smartphone and made a few photos, sending them to his friend that was coming over tomorrow, When he finally let go of the exhausted fennec, he saw Richie immediately try and get as much oxygen into his little body as he could.

"I *Cough* could have *Cough Cough* Suffocated" Richie cried out tears in his eyes.

"That you could have, not the first time it happened but normally they are smaller than you"

Like always Paul said it so matter of factly that Richie felt dump, it was like everyone knew just he didn't, or at least that's how Paul made him feel.

Fifteen minutes later

Booth Paul and him had to get clean now, not wanting to have dried cum in their fur, when that was done the panda called the nearest pizza joint and ordered a family sized pizza, when the tasty meal arrived they booth looked TV eating in silence, but Richie had to ask something.

"Paul? Uhm where's your dad?"

"Hm? Oh he is at a seminar, he broke a fox's back when he resisted arrest, now he gets educated on police violence"

"Oh... Like really broken?"

"Yeah completely broken he folded the fox in two and snapped the spine in the process, he then said he was just getting angry because the fox kept resisting him and he wanted to held him down, of course my dad did it on purpose, the fox lost the case but he got not charged either since the court thinks he got punished enough"

"Wow, your family all love to hurt others?"

"Exactly heck the first time i crushed was when i was just eight years old, i found a frog and stepped on it, my dad saw me do it and at first i was scared that he would punish me for killing the frog, but he just asked me if i liked it and i said yeah, then he showed me the stuff he does sometimes, of course that's crushing and raping and well i loved it, so he got me a few ferals to train, that's how i began to crush"

"Holy shit..." it was pretty unbelievable, but then again had someone told him that this fetish existed he wouldnt had believed that person but here he is, sitting right next to someone who does it nearly daily.

The rest of the evening was pretty uneventful, booth were tired and after a few hours of watching TV they moved back to Pauls room, the panda laid down first then he pointed to his feet showing the fennec where he expected him to sleep, without protest Richie laid right next to the gigantic paws, then he was ordered to lick them, he kept going until the panda was falling asleep, when that happened he stopped and turned around facing the end of the bed instead of the paws, the he slowly fell asleep also.

Part 5

Saturday Morning

Richie couldn't sleep well that night, he was abused and raped yesterday, and he knew today would be no different, he woke too early Paul was still asleep, snoring lighty, the fennec slowly moved over the bed, he had to pee.

Luckily he still remembered where the bathroom was, flicking on the light he saw the bathtub he was forced to drink the pandas piss, shivering slightly he gathered himself then walked to the toilet, it was far bigger than he thought of course it had to fit bears not fennecs, when he climbed up the toilet and finally could relive himself, when that was done he turned around and looked into the mirror, his eyes were a bit bloodshot from lack of sleep but other then that he looked normal, With a *Sigh* Richie turned back and walked down the hall into Pauls room, the teen panda slowly woke up.

"Rich?" he asked his voice still sounding sleepy.

"Here Paul"

"Ah good your still here" The panda smiled at the fennec, he got slowly got up then with a yawn he hoped of his bed, still nude since yesterday, Paul scratched his balls then walked out the room, Richie still stood around.


So he sat on the bed and turned the big Television on, he looked around there were all three consoles from the big three, in the end he just choose the playstation and began to play, it took a good twenty minutes until Paul came back his fur damp from the water.

"Today a friend of mine will come over, he is like you small, so maybe you two will get along well"

It was surprising to hear that Paul actually had friends, and even more so that he would be coming over today.

"Uhm and what happens with me?" the fennec hoped he would be able to get home.

"What should happen with you? You will of course stay here i need my little slave around at all times"


"Your not getting of that easy Richie" the panda chuckled, then he walked to his closet, he pulled out a blue sleeveless shirt that exposes his beefy arms, then a black jockstrap, Richie asked himself if he only had jocks or other underwear too, then Paul put on some shorts.

"Good, now we wait for Alex to arrive"

Alex? Now Richie had at least a name, and he knew that said Alex was small, but that was it.

"Slave my feet need a good licking"

The panda sat on his bed feet dangling of the edge, Richie crawled under them then he felt the left foot resting on his chest and belly, it felt very heavy and Paul didn't even put any weight on him, of course that the teen weighted over six hundred kilo might had something to do with it, the right paw was put on his face, but Richie now had at least some training so he knew what to do, they were cold and slightly wet, makes sense since the teen just came out the shower.

Two and a half hours later

Richie was still licking the paws of Paul, when ever he was done with one the teen just shoved the next one in his face, all the while the Panda was either playing games or watching some of his videos, when suddenly *DING DONG* someone was at the door.

"Heh, i think that's him"

Richie squirmed a little bit to the left while the two heavy feet landed right next to his head, "Gods they still look so huge" Richie thought, he slowly got up and followed the bully down the stairs, the panda opened the door and there he stood, the secret friend Paul had.

"Hey Cheese face" the bully greeted him, and indeed it was a mouse young like them probably also fourteen, shorter than Richie too, a good meter at max in height, he was completely white only his inner ears and tail where pink since they were not covered in fur, the mouse saw Richie looking at him.

"Heya Paul, and this must be Richie right?"

"Yeah, thats the little fuck i own now"

"Hehe, my names Alex" the mouse was so friendly but clearly liked the same things Paul does, the panda stepped aside and let the rodent in to the house, he then lead both of them down the stairs, into the cellar, Richie knew this place he had seen it in some of the videos and photos, there was also the blood covered table where Paul fucked that fennec to death, and he saw the stone floor where the panda crushed some of his victims.

"I know this place..." Richie mumbled.

"Hehe, you should know this place you saw the videos and pictures"

"Oh yeah and i know this place from first hand experience" Alex said, The mice and panda laughed together, for Richie this was very bewildering, wasn't he scared? Or at least feared for his health?

"Get the mattress"

"Yes Sir" Alex mock saluted the panda, then brought a big blue mattress, it looked odd, very thick and soft looking, The mice struggled to pull it into the middle of the room, when he finally archived this task he got rid of his clothes and laid on it, Paul pulled his pants and shirt of his body then he got rid of his jockstrap too, again standing in the nude his impressive length and balls hanging between his legs.

"Hope your ready small guy" Paul laughed, then he walked forwards onto the mattress as well, it sunk deep under his weight but not very deep, this mattress is not a normal one it is a special made tool, made to withstand massive amounts of weight, illegal sold online a trample mat, the problem for most crusher is that they are too massive, they crush the victims far too quickly, in the past when a crusher wanted to make his victim last they would drag them to a very muddy place and stomp there on them, this depending on the force the crusher used made a victim survive up to an hour.

"What's that?" Richie asked.

"Trample mat" came from mouse and panda at the same time, the fennec was a bit taken aback, Paul stood right next to Alex, then he slowly lifted his right foot and laid it on top of the small mouse then he did that same with the other foot, now standing on the straining mouse he slowly began to trample on top of him, the belly and chest visible compressed under the weight but nothing cracked or got seriously strained, Richie only watched and saw that Alex slowly got hard.

"Trample slut" Paul said and grinned at the fennec, the giant black feet sunk into the body of the small mice and it looked like it squashed his guts, but he still liked it his dick was now rockhard, while Paul kept stomping on his body, Richie couldn't believe what he saw, someone liked to get stomped? And yet this just happens right in front of his eyes, the small mouse groaned or moaned while he kept being pummeled by Pauls unforgiving feet.

30 Minutes later

Paul really picked up his speed and strength, he was full on stomping on top of the rodent, Alex had his eyes closed pressing his eyelids together and gritting his teeth, he was now only groaning from time to time, it looked like he couldn't take it anymore but Paul didn't care, he himself was rock hard while stomping the shit out of his victim, Richie was scared that the panda would kill the small mouse, but then Alex began to shiver, he pressed his head against the mattress and loudly moaned out, then he came, Richie couldn't really see it only when paul lifted his paw but he definitely saw the rodent cumming.

"God damn you came already? I am not even done yet" Paul laughed and kept stomping for several more minutes, then he stopped, he stepped of the poor squashed mice, Alex was panting and his belly fur was matted with his cum, he groaned once then said.

"Fffffuck, my body is a wreck"

"Heh, your body is fine just stomped very blue under the fur, if i would have wrecked your body you would be dead"

Then the panda walked to a door in the room he walked inside and came out with a sock, he held the jaw of Alex and stuffed the old sock into his muzzle, Richie remembered the sock it was the one from yesterday, it leaked with sweat.

"That should keep your mouth busy" He laughed, then he let the mouse suck on the sweaty piece of cloth, booth fennec and panda just watched and Paul mocked the mice from time to time as stuff like "Paw Slut" and "feet muncher" laughing while doing so.

One Hour Later

Paul and Richie were back on the pandas bed, playing a shooter in co-op mode, the constant slurping noises in the background made the fennec lose his concentration more than once, it kept reminding him that just a few hours ago he was in Alex's place, of course the rodent like the treatment not like him, but still it was weird, the mouse just kept licking and sucking on Paul's giant paws and toes.

"Rich watch out your about to die!" the teen yelled at him, it was the truth he didn't really look at the screen or was paying attention to the game, Alex looked happy with his role, so the fennec just let it at that,

"That at least ment i don't have to do it" and the longer Richie was away from those deadly feet the better for him.

To be continued