Selective Breeding

Story by DreamsOfControl on SoFurry

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Normally, my stories take place in the "Dreams of Control Universe," which is very similar to ours in most ways. This story doesn't take place in it- there are no anthros there, more's the pity. This is my first full-fledged furry story, though my novella "Best in Breed" takes place in a universe with catgirls. So I've created yet another universe. This one's quite like ours as well, except that humans are a large minority and the word "people" includes sentient beings of every shape and size.


A squirrel-girl named Noreen goes out on the prowl and finds more than she bargained for. A lot more.

If you want to know what Noreen looks like, she is an anthrosquirrel who resembles one of the squirrel sisters from "Sequential Art." For example:

Please note: this is the "sensual" version of this story. Other versions may be a bit more... extreme. Proceed with caution.

"Good evening," said the tall, slender male as he approached Noreen at the bar.

She looked up with interest. It had been a slow night and the squirrel-girl_hated_slow nights. The place was full of vixens tonight and her slender figure and cute, decidedly_non-_seductive face was not drawing much interest from the male crowd.

And she really needed to get laid. Like, bad.

"Hi there," she said brightly, her big brown eyes moving up and down him in a flash. He almost looked like a full-blooded human, which was different - the Lucky Lady might have a human-sounding name, but it was a bar more favored by the furrier kind of anthros. There was something about him, though. He moved so gracefully, and his big, yellow eyes had what looked like a predator's slit pupils. Thin black hair covered his head, and in the bar's low lighting his skin had an odd sheen.

"I'm Steven," he said, with a tiny emphasis on the 's.' "How are you tonight?" He was smiling, but not showing any teeth. It was a friendly smile even on his thin face.

"I'm Noreen," she answered. "And I'm great!" She gave him a big smile in return, her oversized front teeth making her look a little younger than she really was. She wiggled a tiny bit with enthusiasm. At least_someone_ was talking to her, and while he wasn't a big beefy wolf he was tall and his features were handsome, if sharp.

"I'm glad to hear that. Can I buy you a drink?" He looked very pleased at her enthusiastic response.

"Sure!" she said happily.

He waved to the bartender.

"Another of whatever she's having," he said, "And a whisky on the rocks for me, please." He sat down next to Noreen as the bartender prepared the drinks and held his up with a grin when they arrived. She clinked her glass against his with an answering grin.

"Thanks," she said, and sipped at her cocktail while he did the same. "And thanks for not laughing at my drink."

"What else would you order but a Pink Squirrel?" He chuckled dryly. "It looks delicious, but maybe a little sweet for me."

"Don't you like sweet things?" she said, fluttering her eyes at him innocently. It was almost as thick as her nearly-a-milkshake drink, but there was something about him she really liked, and she_wasn't_ losing him to another one of those damn foxes.

"I do, actually." His smile got a little sharper and he looked_her_ up and down. He hadn't ogled her right away, which she appreciated. Waiting until it was clear she was interested was more polite than most males managed. Maybe he was a little more mature than the ones she usually met.

"I like them a lot," he continued. "Just maybe not so_rich_ as that. That looks like it's half ice cream." His voice was lightly teasing and it made her stomach flutter a bit. It was very...compelling. "You must have a_lot_ of energy to drink those and stay so slender."

At the word slender her face fell a bit. Her breasts, while high and perky, were small, and so was her ass. The fluffy tail made it look a little fuller, but she couldn't compete with the busty vixens, sultry catgirls, and elegant wolfgirls that usually frequented the Lucky Lady. It was inexpensive and close to her apartment, so she went there a lot, but she didn't have the best luck given the competition.

"I... it's what I always get. They're tasty and they last a while." She flushed. Now she sounded poor and desperate. Not to mention immature.

He looked at her glass. His head tilted a bit as he considered it. Noreen found her eyes drawn to his. They didn't seem to blink as often as they should.

"It does look tasty," he said after a moment. Her eyes widened in surprise at his next words. "Can I try it?"

"Sure!" She tried not to wince at how girly she sounded. She was twenty-six and it_wasn't_ her fault squirrel-girls looked so young and cuddly and_non_-sexy. "Shall I..." She started to ask for a spoon but he surprised her again.

Steven reached over to a container of cocktail straws at the edge of the bar. With a fluid movement he slid one out and dipped it into her drink. Then he covered the end with the tip of one of his long fingers and drew it to his face. His mouth opened just enough for it to slide inside, and he slowly sucked the tiny bit of the drink out of it while looking her right in the eyes. Her heart quickened. It was unexpectedly sensual. He moved so_smoothly_and his eyes were so captivating. When he licked his lips with the tip of his tongue, she unconsciously did the same.

"Very nice," he said, setting the straw down. "Sweet. Fun. The perfect drink for you, I think." Noreen felt her cheeks redden again. He'd barely spoken to her and already he'd made her blush twice. How did he_do_ that?

"Thank... you?" she said hesitantly. She_thought_ it was a compliment. "I really like them. Thank you for buying it for me."

"Oh, my pleasure," he said. "And it's sweet, but it's not so sweet as you." His eyes went up and down her again, slowly. She had on a turquoise dress that showed off what curves she had and called out the hints of red in her fur. He obviously liked the view. Her blush deepened. That was_so corny_... but it made her squirm a little bit.

"Thanks," she said, more confidently this time. "So what are you up to tonight?" she asked, determined to be part of the conversation. She gave him an interested look and took another drink.

"Relaxing," he said. "Looking for someone to spend some time with." Again she heard the slight emphasis on the 's' when he spoke. She had noticed when he licked his lips that his tongue was split a bit. A draconid hybrid, maybe? Noreen had come from a small town and still hadn't had much to do with some of the more exotic kinds of people that could be found in the big city.

"Me too," she said, forcing her voice to be calm. "At least, the looking for someone to spend time with part." Noreen tried to match his mature bearing. "What do you like to do for fun?"

While she waited for him to answer she gave him an appraising look of her own. He was dressed nicely, a deep red button-down shirt under a black sport jacket and matching pants. They fit his slim frame well.

He smiled again. Obviously he knew exactly what she was doing. He let her look a long moment before responding.

"I like reading, I like movies, I like music. The usual. Sometimes going out for the evening. Sometimes staying in." He inclined his head and fixed his unblinking eyes on her when he said that last thing. "Enjoying some company. More privately. I'm actually not much for bars. It was a whim tonight."

Noreen licked her lips again. That was a_hungry_ look. She felt a small shudder as she suddenly imagined him between her thighs with that flexible tongue.He could eat me right up, she thought.

"Th... those all sound nice," she said. The flash of heat his words had given her made her own tongue stumble. "I like it here, it's a nice place. But I know what you mean. It gets lonely."

He looked surprised.

"How does somebody who looks like you get lonely?" he asked. In a teasing voice he continued, "Are you high-maintenance or something? Have to constantly be kept in Pink Squirrels or you get mean?"

"No," she said with a giggle. "Males seem to go more for the vixen types around here." Her good humor faded a bit with that thought.

"Well, they don't know what they're missing, Noreen," he said with assurance. "I think you're quite charming. Also, lovely." There was another calculated glance. It was met with another shudder, not quite so small this time.

"Thank you," she stammered. "And you... you're very handsome, Steven."

"Thank you," he said with another smile. "Were you in fact looking for some company tonight? Some_private_ company?" His meaning was unmistakable and Noreen's thighs clenched.

He wants me, she thought, growing a bit dizzy at the idea. His eyes were so deep. All these sexpots around and he wants me. Screw it. I need to get fucked. Noreen took another big sip from her drink and licked her lips slowly before speaking again. She was staring him right in the eyes as her tongue slid over her lips.

"I was, Steven. I mean, I am. I think I'd like that a lot." She raised her paw to her face, the clever digits brushing the downy fur of her cheek. Her mouth was slightly open, her tiny pink tongue pressed to the inside of her lip.

A smile broad enough to expose a hint of slightly pointed teeth was his reply. Noreen didn't mind a little scratching and biting. At all. And he looked like he'd be_good_ at it. The biting part anyway.

"This is my lucky night," he said with good humor. "My place is about ten minutes away. More small talk first, or shall I call us a cab?"

Noreen took a deep breath. That was quick. But I want him. I'm doing this.

"Let's go," she said. She glanced at the bartender, who happened to be looking in their direction. The vixen just gave her an encouraging smile and nodded up at the camera over the bar. Noreen relaxed a bit as she realized that there'd be a video of them leaving together in case anything happened.

Not that she cared about that at the moment. Her heart was pounding and she already felt a little... sticky. It had been_way_ too long.

Steven dropped a bill on the bar next to his glass, stood up and offered her his hand with a grin. She took it and hopped daintily off her barstool, landing without a sound. Noreen wasn't exactly tall and it was a big step down, but he wasn't the only one who could move gracefully. He gave her paw a squeeze with those dry, hairless fingers and she swallowed. She'd never been with someone who didn't have at least a hint of bodyfur and she was becoming_very_curious about how he'd feel.

"You feel really nice," he said, eyes locked on hers. "I bet the rest of you feels nice too." He didn't let go of her paw and she felt his gentle strength. She squeezed back and gave him a shy smile.

"You... you too," she said, flailing for words. Those eyes were_not fair_. Her pads felt the faintest texture to his skin, a slight roughness.Like scales, she thought. I think he is a draconid or something. That's so cool. Draconids weren't common - they lived longer than a lot of other species, and they bred slower. It wasn't like she'd never seen one before, but she'd never really thought about having_sex_ with one. Until now. Now she was thinking about it_hard._

Without releasing her paw, Steven walked to the door of the bar and out onto the street. She found herself quite willingly pulled along behind him. It was still early and cabs were everywhere. He hailed one and they slid in. His hand was gradually warming as they moved. Noreen didn't want to let it go.

The cab surged forward as soon as Steven gave the driver an address. He turned to her and pulled her close, the hand that had been holding hers going around her shoulders. She melted into him. The embrace felt strong but not at all rough. She loved it.

"We're off," he said. "It shouldn't be long." He stared at her with those huge eyes. They sparkled in the light from the street. "I can't wait."

"Me... me neither," she gasped. As she spoke he squeezed her a little harder. It was just enough to let her feel his strength. Noreen could imagine him holding her slender body against him as they fucked and she was getting_hot_.

"Good. I have a surprise for you. I think you'll like it." His voice was teasing, conspiratorial. She shivered, helpless in his arms.

To her surprise, he leaned in and kissed her. He didn't press: she could have pulled away if she wanted. She didn't want. His lips were cool, but firm, and the kiss made her blood rush through her veins. Noreen opened her mouth tentatively and felt his tongue flicker against her lips, then dart inside to stroke her own.

It is split, she thought in a daze.I bet it would feel amazing on my clit. In my pussy. I want him to lick me all over.

Pulling back a bit, he gave her a wink, his eye almost seeming to blink like a warning light. For the first time he let his tongue out where she could see it. It was black, not as thin as you'd think a reptile's tongue would be, and it wiggled before he pulled it back into his mouth.

"You taste like sugar and sex," he said in a low voice, the s's sliding through her ears. "I bet the rest of you tastes even better."

Noreen didn't trust herself to speak: her heart was pounding so hard she didn't know if she'd be able to_stand_. She just nodded and put her arms around his neck, drawing him down for another, more urgent kiss. The feeling of his tongue touching...caressing... hers was making her dizzy with lust.

The rest of the cab ride passed in a blur, hands wandering and small moans slipping out of both of them. The cabbie had to cough loudly to get their attention. Steven fished another bill out of his wallet and threw it over the seat to the driver, who said "thank you" sincerely enough that Noreen vaguely wondered how much extra Steven had given him. But only for a second, because as soon as he let go of the money he half pushed, half lifted Noreen out of the door. The cab sped off, leaving them standing (well, him standing, Noreen leaning on him) in front of a small but well-kept three-flat.

Feeling like a character in a romantic comedy, Noreen navigated the steps and made it to the first-floor landing. This was harder than it needed to be both because she felt unsteady and when Steven "helped" her, his hands somehow always ended up someplace sensitive. Her ass got a little warmer from the firm squeeze he gave it while "boosting" her up the steps and the back of her thigh twitched from a not-at-all-accidental stroke of his fingers.

He had to let go of her to get the door open, but once they were both through it, his hands were all over her before the sound of its closing died away. Noreen let out a high-pitched moan as he drew her to him and kissed her neck. With one arm he held her close, while the hand on the other squeezed and stroked and teased. When his fingertips scritched at the root of her tail, she almost fell. Only his firm grip held her up.

"Sensitive, huh?" he said with a laugh. She just nodded. "Oh, you are such fun. Come on." He half-led, half-carried her to a bedroom. On the way she got vague impressions of black-lacquered furniture and books, but mostly she was trying to get more kisses, more caresses.

Once they got to the bedroom, he flipped her dress up over her head and off with one smooth movement. She barely even realized it had happened. Steven ran his hands up and down her exposed belly and she twitched. It wasn't_quite_a tickle, but he was obviously testing her sensitivity. She hadn't been wearing a bra and when his hands slid up to her breasts, she pressed into them hard, with another high-pitched moan.

His long fingers, tipped with what looked like human nails but which were surprisingly pointy, played with her nipples for a second before going back to stroking her downy bodyfur. She let out a "Chk!" It made him smile.

"Your turn," she managed to say, and scrabbled at his sport jacket. Still smiling, he pulled it off and slung it onto a chair. Noreen managed to get it together enough to start unbuttoning his shirt, and he just watched, huge eyes glowing in the dim light of the bedroom.

Once his shirt was open, it revealed smooth, hairless skin, with the faint texture she'd felt on his hands. Now it was her turn to run her paws over him. His nipples were hard, in both senses of the word. Small points of flesh, with a more prominent roughness. A delicate stroke of her pawpads over one made him suck in a breath, his face tightening.

Steven shrugged off his shirt and it followed the sport jacket. She knelt before him and started worrying at his belt buckle. Once it was undone, she opened his pants and pulled them down, revealing black boxers. There was a definite protrusion at the front and she mischievously laid her cheek against it, nuzzling. He gasped and she felt it twitch under the smooth fabric.

"It usually takes more than that to get me hard," he said, drawing a deep breath. "You're just_delicious_." And then he reached down, lifted her bodily from the floor, and carefully laid her on the bed. His movements were so strong and precise, her mind so dizzy with need, that she didn't quite realize what was going on until he kicked off his shoes and pants and lay down between her legs. She did realize it when he pulled her panties down. They were quite, quite soaked.

With a few quick movements they were free of her legs and those long, strong fingers were gripping her thighs. Her legs were pushed up and back and her dripping pussy was exposed. Just as she'd imagined, his tongue shot out and ran up and down her slit, dancing over her clit. Her whole body spasmed. Noreen had never felt anything_like_ it. It was like being fingered and licked at the same time. Then he purposefully ran the split of his tongue around her clit and just like that, she came.


Steven had to struggle to hold her in place. She was small but strong and her legs were kicking, lashing. He kept her floating through orgasm for what seemed like forever then gently massaged her lower lips with his tongue to let her come down.

"I was right," he said smugly. "The rest of you does taste even better." Noreen just gasped for air, twitching a little with every light stroke of his tongue.

"That... was... amazing," she said at last. "Please stop. I can't... I can't move while you do that. It's too good. And I want to touch you."

With one last lick he lifted his head. Pulling himself up the bed he lay beside her, one arm pulling her soft body toward his harder one.

"You feel great," he said. He put his arm around her and stroked it down her back. "So soft..." Then his fingers reached the root of her tail and scritched it again, make her moan and wiggle. "And so much fun." There was a wicked little laugh.

Noreen took a deep, determined breath, and rolled onto her side. He wasn't going to have it_all_ his own way.

"Now you," she said, and squirmed down to pull his boxers off. As they slid down, a hard pink cock was revealed. Her eyes lit up and she hurriedly tossed the shorts on the floor. Then it was her turn to lick. And his turn to jump, which made her feel a little more satisfied with herself.

"Ohhhhh, nice," he moaned. She worked him over with her soft, wet tongue. He wasn't that big, but she wasn't complaining. Knots were fine when you wanted to feel stuffed to exploding, but Noreen was small and delicate. This looked_perfect_.

His cock was nice and smooth - with barely any of that scaly roughness much of the rest of his skin had. But while there wasn't much light, her exploring hands found something that surprised her.

No sack.

Normally males loved it if you played with their balls while you licked them. But his cock just sort of emerged from his body above some thick ridges. It felt like there might be more going on, but all she could see, all she could reach, was the long, thin pink member. That was plenty. She could already imagine how it was going to feel. But it gave him a strange, exotic quality.

Sucking cock wasn't her strong suit - between her teeth and her muzzle it could be a little awkward. But she licked it and teased it and slurped the tip in her mouth until he was squirming as hard as she had been.

"I want you," he moaned. "I want to_fuck_ you. Right in that sweet little pussy of yours." She just kept teasing him with her tongue, daring him to do something. He did.

Flexing like an acrobat, he rolled off his back and grabbed her. After a hard kiss which tasted like sex and made her feel faint again, he put her on her paws and knees, tail waving stiffly over her back. Steven got behind her and played with her pussy, fingering her and spreading the slick damp heat all over her lips. She pushed back into his hand, moaning and whining with need.

"You want my cock, Noreen?" he said roughly. "You want me to fuck you?" His voice was breathy, low... there was a growl in it that made her tremble.

"Yes, please, fuck me now Steven," she said in a high-pitched squeal. "I need it so bad."

He pressed up against her, holding her tail to move her into position. Noreen_loved_having her tail played with during sex and she almost came again as he pulled her onto his cock. It_was_ perfect. It was just the right size to go in in one motion, slipping between her wet lips and pressing into her someplace_very_sensitive. She let out another involuntary "Chk!" and he laughed.

"You are so warm," he said, drawing out the s and sliding in and out as he did. "That feels_so_ good." He took hold of her hips with those incredible hands and started fucking her rhythmically. At the end of every stroke the tip of him pressed that special place and she let out a sharp little noise. He sped up gradually. He was much stronger than her and when she tried to go even faster, he teased her and held them both still until she relaxed again. It was maddening.

But incredible.

Before she knew it, his hands tightened on her hips and she felt him swell a little inside her. Then there was a slick feeling as he hissed in pleasure and she let herself fall into yet another orgasm as he came. It went on for a long time, but it was still over too soon.

Eventually, he slowed, then stopped. He was still hard inside her but she knew that except for canines, most males didn't keep going and going when they came. So she was startled when he rocked his hips a little bit and said, "Ready for that surprise?"

The feeling of him sliding in and out when she had gotten mostly calmed down made her let out a tiny whine. It was a few seconds before she could speak.

"What..." She swallowed saliva. She'd come so hard she was practically drooling. "What surprise?"

Instead of answering, he took hold of her tail again and pulled it up. She gasped in both surprise and pleasure. Then she_moaned_ in pleasure when one of those delicate fingers teased her tiny asshole.

"Do you like that?" he said, his voice teasing. "I'll stop if you don't like it..." He trailed off and started to pull his finger back, but she pressed into him. Because she was so small, she'd never been able to have anal sex with the bigger males. But she was a needy,needy little squirrel and she liked having her tail played with in all_sorts_of ways.

"Don't... stop," she managed to get out. "I like it. Touch... touch me." She was panting already.

"Touch you where?" he said. His fingertip gently prodded her little hole. "Here?"

"YES!" she almost screamed. "Touch my ass. I like it, I_want_ it, play with my tail, it's so good..." She ran out of breath and just quivered as his caresses become firmer.

"Thought so," he said. "What if I do... this?" He pulled his cock out of her, making her whimper, and then teased her asshole with the tip. It was covered in their juices and slick with sex. Noreen's whole body tightened for the span of a heartbeat and then she pressed back again.

"Yes, YES, fuck my ass, your cock is so perfect I want it I want to feel it in me." Steven let her push herself onto him and that long, thin cock started to slip inside.

But it didn't make it very far.

Something pressed against her steamy little pussy and she shook herself in confusion. One of his hands was on her tail and the other was holding her hips. So what... she pressed back and something firm bumped her lower lips again... was_that?_

"Surprise!" he said. "Haven't been with a serpent before, have you? Did you know some of us have..." It was his turn to press into her and something hard and smooth started slipping into her pussy as his cock went another half-inch into her ass. "...two?"

Noreen, like most squirrels, was very flexible. She managed to arch her back a little and look between her legs, her upside-down head making the world spin a bit. Something had emerged from under his cock, where she'd felt those unusual ridges. It didn't look as long as the cock she'd had so much fun licking, but it was definitely thicker. She took in a deep breath of surprise and had to lift her head again before she got dizzy.

"Noooo....." she said in confusion. "I didn't..." He gently pulled her tail toward him a bit more and that other cock pressed into her harder, then popped into her tight pussy. It was_definitely_ thicker. And it seemed like it was still growing. Both holes were now feeling pleasantly full and she started rocking on her paws and knees, trying to get more.

"Let me know if it's too much," he said, a little more seriously. "After all..." and now the tease was back... "You were_sooooo_ tight." As he said 'tight,' he rocked forward a little harder and Noreen gasped as that second cock swelled inside her. It wasn't smooth, like the one working deeper into her ass. It had bumps and it was pressing in different places and she...

"Aahhhhhhhh_hhhhhhh!_" Both her holes had clenched at the same time and the sudden unbearable fullness had made her instantly orgasm. She was vaguely aware of juices running down her thighs, probably matting the light fur that covered them. It would have been a little embarrassing if she could have thought about anything but the overwhelming pleasure.

The cock in her pussy had swollen in strange ways: it didn't feel like a knot, exactly, but it was... braced... inside. Once he got into the rhythm, she could feel herself being pushed and pulled, back and forth, by the motion. The slim shaft inside her ass could move much more freely: she felt it slide in and out a bit with each stroke. His hips were so flexible and he was working her so_good..._it was hard to tell when one orgasm stopped and another began. She couldn't speak, only moan and gasp and chatter when an especially strong shudder worked through her.

After what seemed like hours, Steven's hands tightened on her hip and tail. "Are you ready, Noreen?" he said with a low, breathy voice. "I want to come in you. In_both_ your holes."

Not trusting her mouth, she moved her head in a jerky nod and shoved herself backward so hard the cock in her ass almost_hurt_. Encouraged, he sped up, rolling his hips as he thrust in and out of her, yanking her back and then slamming into her. Every movement made her shake uncontrollably.

"Yesss_ssssssssss_..." The cock in her pussy swelled again, those pressure points lighting up every nerve, and she felt the one in her ass pulse as well. The sense of_fullness_ increased, wet heat filling her above and below. She pressed her face into a pillow and screamed in a range a lot of creatures wouldn't even be able to_hear._ It was impossible to speak, to think. She came so hard it filled her head with light.

When he stilled, she was swaying on her paws and knees. They leaned into each other, holding each other up.

"Wow," he gasped at last. "You are... incredible. Deep breath, now." When he felt her draw in air he carefully rolled them to one side. His lower cock was still braced inside her and she twitched with residual sensitivity, but then they were lying on their sides and he slithered up so his was back to her. Then he took a few deep breaths himself and she felt it release her. As it relaxed, it slipped out and she felt their juices on the back of her thigh. He wiggled a bit more and the top shaft pulled out of her ass.

Noreen let out a disappointed whimper, but it was just a reflex. She hadn't known it was_possible_ to be this satisfied. She felt him moving behind her, and then a tissue gently slid over her bottom. He pulled her tail up to make sure she was clean and the feeling made her clench again. He laughed.

"Don't... don't laugh at me," she said muzzily. "It's your fault... I'm like this."

"Sorry," he said, not sounding sorry at_all_. But then he began stroking her from the back of her head clear down to the root of her tail, and it was so blissful she could have forgiven him anything.

"That's so nice," she panted.

"You feel so soft," he said. "You're just so fuzzy and cute and lying there looking so well-fucked. I can't help but play with you."

"You wait..." she took another deep breath and her voice steadied. "Until I've caught my breath. Then we'll see who's well-fucked." Her lithe body twisted and suddenly she was facing him. He started a bit at how quickly she was recovering.

"Promises, promises," he said in that teasing voice.

"Can you do it again? Because I can go all night, mister surprise serpent." Noreen was finding levels of lust she'd never experienced before. And she was going to make_him_ feel blurred like that if it killed her.

He laughed again and she almost felt angry. She might not be a vixen but she could fuck like_anything_. Steven saw her face and spoke quickly.

"I'm not laughing at you. Your question's just funny. Do you know how snakes mate?" His voice was no longer teasing, though he seemed quite amused.

"I just mated with one," she said. "Yes, you surprised me, but I got the general idea."

"Snakes basically get in a big ball and fuck each other for hours, sometimes days, when it's mating season," he replied. "Anthroserpents don't get quite_that_crazy, but yes, sexy little squirrel, I can do it again. And again. And again..."

Noreen moved so fast even he barely saw it coming... but he wouldn't have stopped her anyway. The kiss was slow, but hot. She teased his tongue with her own and then invited his to claim her mouth. It did, eagerly.

Face to face now, his hands and her paws began to explore, the blinding need from before their first mating replaced with something less intense, but_hungrier._Something that would build and build and then explode.

Again. And again. And again...