In the Barracks

Story by Ryne_Bearlet on SoFurry

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#1 of Navy Adventures

Ryne is a brand-new sailor in the Navy. He just got out of boot camp a couple of weeks ago and is getting used to the new regimented lifestyle the Navy provides. Ryne joined the Navy in hopes of wooing a girl but, he is in for a long adventure when it comes to his sexuality.

Ryne and Brian are both fresh recruits coming from boot camp. They are in their job training where they learn their trade before going to the fleet. Both Ryne and Brian are Aviation Mechanics so, they are in that respective school. They will be in training for about six months. Because of the nature of

the school, they will not know where they will go after training.

In the Barracks

Character Profile


Species: Brown Grizzly Bear

Age: 19

Height: 5 ft 9 inches

Weight: 220 lbs.

Eyes: Blue

Body Type: Thick but not fat

Cock: Humanoid 6 inches cut

Personality: Calm, Geeky, Sweet

Orientation: Gay (Closeted)


Species: Otter

Age: 20

Height: 5 ft 5 inches

Weight: 135 lbs.

Eyes: Green

Body Type: Skinny

Cock: Humanoid 7 inches cut

Personality: Confident, Friendly, Geeky

Orientation: Bi


Ryne is a brand-new sailor in the Navy. He just got out of boot camp a couple of weeks ago and is getting used to the new regimented lifestyle the Navy provides. Ryne joined the Navy in hopes of wooing a girl but, he is in for a long adventure when it comes to his sexuality.

Ryne and Brian are both fresh recruits coming from boot camp. They are in their job training where they learn their trade before going to the fleet. Both Ryne and Brian are Aviation Mechanics so, they are in that respective school. They will be in training for about six months. Because of the nature of

the school, they will not know where they will go after training. The Navy wants to make sure sailors finish their schooling before they send them off to the fleet.

Ryne and Brian had become close friends in the past couple of weeks since Ryne arrived. Brian only arrived a week before Ryne did. They have the same interests like the same video games, food, music, and they both do not want to drink alcohol because they are both under the age of 21. They just want to get through training so they can continue without any types of problems. Both Ryne and Brian are in the same class and they hope to be stationed close to one in other.

Wake Up Call, Friday 0430

"Its time to wake up! We have to get to P.T. in 45 minutes," as Brian says in a loud voice.

Ryne opens his eyes and sees Brian standing across the room with a tooth brush hanging out of his snout in nothing but his underwear.

"Can I get five more minutes? I need my beauty sleep," Ryne says as he lets out a big yawn.

Brian reaches over to the sink and picks up a hair brush.

"If you don't get up, I will throw this at your face!"

"Why are you always against me?"


"Sheesh fine, I know you are motivated but god damn."

Ryne gets out of bed and walks towards the bathroom.

"Excuse me master," Ryne says sarcastically.

Brian scoots closer to the sink so Ryne can walk into the bathroom. Ryne slips into the bathroom and begins to pee. With the bathroom being so small, the sound of the pee hitting the toilet is way louder than it should be.

"I can't deal with this tiny barracks room. How are two grown men supposed to get ready especially when I got a bear as a roommate. You take too much space and I am tired of hearing you piss all hours of the day," Brian says as he puts his toothbrush away.

"I know right! How am I supposed to live with a skinny otter that thinks he runs this entire base? You are the reason why I am going to make terrible life choices and marry a stripper so I can live off base," Ryne jokingly says as he is finishing up his business.

Ryne walks out of the bathroom and walks to the sink and grabs his toothbrush and tooth paste

"You don't seem like the type that would do that," Brian says with a smirk on his face as he puts on his highlighter yellow shirt.

"You underestimate me," Ryne says with a smile on his face as he finishes up brushing his teeth.

Ryne then walks over to his closet and pulls out his highlighter yellow shirt and his blue shorts then walks over to the bed so he can begin dressing.

"Hurry up bro, I am already dressed," Brian says.

Ryne looks over to Brian to see him fully dressed and ready to go.

"I just got to put my shoes on."

Ryne grabs his shoes and puts them on.

"Alright, lets go," Ryne says as he stands up.

"Cool we got 15 minutes to walk over to the field for morning roll call," Brian says looking at his watch.

Squeaky Clean 0630

"Man, Petty Officer Brown really kicked our ass today for P.T," Ryne says as him and Brian both walk into their barracks room.

"Yeah, if you are weak," Brian says as he takes off his shirt.

"I am a bear, I weigh about a hundred pounds more than you do! I was not built for running, especially a four-mile run," Ryne says as he begins to undress.

Brian takes off his shorts and sits down at his desk chair just in his underwear. As Ryne is taking off his shorts, he glimpses over to Brian and notices a large sweat stain that engulfs Brian's nether regions and he can clearly see Brian's bulge. Ryne quickly looks back down so he can focus on taking off his shorts.

"You know what, I fucking lied, Petty Officer Brown did kick our ass today," Brian says as he sprawls out on his chair. "I am going to cool off for a bit before I hit the shower. You can go first if you want Ryne."

"Naw, I think you have the right idea bro. I need to cool off to. My legs feel like they are about to explode," Ryne says as he sits down in his desk chair, trying not to look at Brian's bulge.

They both sit there for a couple of minutes, enjoying the nice ac cooling of their sweaty fur. Ryne can smell Brian's musk. Ryne looks over to Brian and notices his eyes are closed so, he looks down and notices Brian has a chub. Ryne can not take his eyes off Brian's dick. This engorges Ryne's penis. Ryne looks back up at Brian and notices his eyes are open but, he doesn't know if Brian notices his boner. Brian then stands up with and obvious chub and heads to the shower.

"Alright, I am hitting the shower, I won't take to long so you can get fresh and clean," Brian says as he closes the bathroom door.

Ryne, still with a raging hardon, sits at his chair. Ryne takes out his cock and begins to stroke it. Brian's dirty P.T. gear is still on the floor so he reaches over and grabs Brian's sweaty, musky shorts and inhales the scent of Brian as he masturbates. Soon, Ryne begins to feel the cum start to build so, he inhales even deeper. Ryne cannot control him orgasm any longer and shoots his load all over. Ryne has never had that intense of an orgasm before so, it takes him a minute to realize he had cum all over the floor, Brian's shorts, and himself. Ryne quickly puts his cock back in his underwear, throws Brian's shorts back over to where his shirt was, and runs over to the sink to grab a towel. He quickly cleans up the cum off the floor not realizing he used his last clean towel to clean up his cum. As soon as he is done cleaning up, Brian opens the door in just his towel.

"Hey bro, I forgot to grab my underwear, you mind if you hop in the shower so I can get naked," Brian asks.

"Yeah that's cool man," Ryne says nervously.

"Cool, I will get out of your way."

Ryne walks over to his dresser and pulls out a fresh set of underwear and walks into the shower and turns on the water. When Ryne is done with his shower, he grabs his towel and begins to dry his snout. He completely forgot that his cum is in that towel and it hadn't dried yet so, Ryne just wiped his cum all over his snout.

"Fuck," Ryne says to himself.

Ryne opens the towel up to see if there was spot on the towel where there wasn't any cum. He notices that the towel was cum free on the other side and dries himself off and reaches for his fresh underwear and puts them on.

Ryne then opens up the door to see Brian had already put his uniform on and was sitting on his bed playing on his phone. Ryne looks around to see that Brian had already threw his P.T. clothes in the dirty hamper. Ryne looks like he had seen a ghost. He hopes that Brian didn't notice a mysterious goo in his P.T. gear.

"Yo bro, you good," Brian asks as he looks up from his phone.

"Yeah, I'm just really hungry," Ryne says nervously.

"Hurry up so we can get some chow before we head to class."

Ryne nods and puts on his uniform.

"Okay, let's go! eat" Ryne says.

After Class Plans 1530

Ryne and Brian arrive back to their room after a long day off class. Ryne quickly runs to the sink to clean off his face because he can still feel the cum that dried on his face.

"You got any big plans this weekend," Brian asks as he begins to take off his uniform.

"Laundry," Ryne says as he turns off the sink.

"So your not going out at all?"

"Naw man, I am just going to lie low. I got this new game I want to play plus I rented that Navy movie based off that board."

"Oh, I really want to watch that, you trying to watch it tonight?"

Brian has already stripped down in his underwear and was opening his dresser to look for a pair of civilian clothes.

"I thought you were supposed to go out with that one girl, the deer in the class a couple weeks ahead of us," Ryne asks as he unties his boots.

"Naw, she is kind of shady, always giving me the run around," Brian says as he puts on basketball shorts.

"Man, that blows."

"I know right, it's a shame! I have only been sitting in the bathroom beating my dick everyday like you. I deserve more."

Ryne looks shocked. He doesn't know if Brian had found out what he did that very morning.

"So, you trying to watch that movie tonight," Brian says as he slips on a t-shirt.

Ryne walks over to his closet and pulls out the movie.

"Yeah that's cool if you wanna watch the movie with me. I feel bad about your luck," Ryne says as he walks back over to the bed.

"Cool, we can order a pizza too! It will be like middle school all over again. Hanging out with my friend, watching movies, and eating pizza," Brian says as he grabs the menu for their favorite pizza joint.

"Yeah man, it will be chill."

"You wanna wait to start the movie until the pizza gets here?"

"Yeah that's cool with me, I wanna start this laundry before we get to far into it."

Dinner and a Movie 1830

Ryne and Brian are both sitting in the room waiting for their pizza to get there. It takes a while for food delivery to get to their barracks because it takes a while for delivery drivers to get on base.

"Man, this food is taking forever," Brian says as he plops down on the bed.

"I know, we should have ordered wings from that one place that has strippers deliver food, they seem to get on base really quick," Ryne says as he checks the time.

"Yeah, and we would get some eye candy," Brian says as he chuckles.

Brian's phone then starts ringing.

"Oh it's the food, I am going to run and get it," Brian says as he walks to the door.

"Cool, I will set up the movie."

Ryne turns on the T.V. They each have one but, Brian's is bigger so he turns on the T.V. and throws the DVD in.

A few minutes later, Brian returns to the room with the pizza.

"Pizza Time," Brian says as he opens the door and places the pizza on the counter.

"Thank god I'm starving, what do I owe you," Ryne asks as he reaches down to grab his wallet.

"Don't worry about it, just pay me back later. I wanna watch this movie!"

They grab a couple of slices of pizza and both sit on their beds and begin to watch the movie.

A little time into the movie, Ryne gets up and grabs both his and Brian's dirty paper plates.

"You care if we pause this, I have to take a piss and I wanna put the pizza away," Ryne asks.

"Sure that's fine, I kind of need a break. The movie is not that good but, we are so far into it, I want to finish it," Brian says as he stretches on his bed.

Ryne throws away the paper plates, puts away the pizza, and goes to the restroom. When Ryne gets out of the restroom, he sees that Brian as moved to one side of the bed.

"You can lay down next me if you want. I know it is hard for you to see the T.V. if you lay down on your bed," Brian says as he taps the empty side of his twin sized mattress.

"Are you sure, I'm kind of a big guy, I can barely fit on my bed," Ryne says nervously.

"Why would I ask you if I wasn't sure?"

"Okay fine."

Ryne lays down next to Brian and gets comfortable.

"You good to start the movie back up", Brian asks.

"Yeah, let's do it."

As the movie progressed, Ryne couldn't concentrate on the movie. He was actually comfortable laying in the same bed as Brian. He loved the fact that he could feel Brian breathe, smell his musk, and just be so close to him. He felt so right even though his upbringing said that he was wrong for doing this. The whole time, Ryne had an erection and he did his best to try to hide it. He couldn't help but think that Brian enjoyed this as much as he did.

As the movie ended, Brian and Ryne just laid there. Ryne wanted to be there and Brian didn't tell him to move. As they laid there, Brian falls asleep and rolls over to where Brian's head was buried into Ryne's back to where he can feel Brian's whiskers rub against Ryne's neck. Ryne slowly starts to press up against Brian's body. He scooches his back so close that he can feel Brian's hard dick on his ass. Ryne couldn't believe it and decided that he didn't want to feel up Brian as he slept so, Ryne decides to get up and go to his bed. As he begins to shift his weight to get out of bed, Ryne feels Brian grab his shoulder.

"Don't go, I like you close to me," Brian whispers in Ryne's ear.

Ryne doesn't move. He doesn't know what to do. Brian pulls Ryne close to him and begins rubbing his fingers through Ryne's fur.

"Your so soft," Brian whispers.

Ryne has never felt someone rub their fingers through his fur so Ryne begins to breathe deeply.

"This feels...nice," Ryne says softly.

Brian then starts to massage Ryne's back.

"How did you know," Ryne asks as he feels Brian's fingers massage his muscles.

"I have always had my eye on you and this morning confirmed my suspicions. I tested you. I saw how you looked at me when I was sitting there after P.T. and I heard you masturbate as I was showering. I purposely left my dirty clothes to tempt you. I felt your cum in my P.T. shorts."

"I didn't mean to make things weird, I just didn't know how to feel. This is all new to me."

"No, you didn't make things weird. I just went off a hunch."

Ryne then rolls over so he his face to face with Brian. Ryne feels Brian's whiskers tickle his face. He then kisses Brian.

"Well, you got me."

Brian pulls off Ryne's shirt and then his he rolls Ryne onto his back and makes out with Ryne. He can feel Brian's hard cock press up against his. Brain reaches down and pulls of Ryne's shorts and then his. Brian begins kissing Ryne's chest and then slowly goes lower. His chest, his sternum, his belly, his bellybutton, then Ryne feels Brian take his cock and slowly licks up and down the shaft. Then Ryne feels Brian start slowly sticking his cock in his mouth.

Ryne had never felt something so amazing. Brian begins to pick up the pace and begins to fondle Ryne's balls. Brain then stops and takes Rye's cock out of his mouth and then slowly moves his tongue down Ryne's taint to his asshole. Brian tells Ryne to roll over and lift up his ass.

Ryne obliges and Brian begins to rim him.

"Oh my fucking god, it feels so good," Ryne moans.

Ryne can feel Brian's tongue penetrate his asshole. Then Brian sticks one finger in his ass slowly.

"Is this okay," asks Brian.

Ryne nods his head yes and Brian sticks a second finder in there. Ryne was shocked to feel how amazing this was.

"I want you to fuck me," Ryne says in pleasure.

"As you wish."

Brian then position's himself to where he can penetrate Ryne. Brian pushes his cock against Ryne's asshole slowly until he begins to penetrate Ryne.

"Tell me if this hurts," Brian says.

Ryne nods his head. Ryne feels the pressure of Brian's cock but it doesn't hurt. Brian is taking his time to fill Ryne's tailhole with his cock.

"I'm balls deep, I am going to go a little faster okay," Brian asks.

"Yes please go faster."

Brian begins to go faster. Ryne is in pure ecstasy. Ryne can feel Brian's cock stimulate his g-spot. Brian is going as fast as he can go. You could hear Brian's ball sack and thighs smack Ryan's ass and thighs.

"Ryne, I am going to cum," moans Brian.

"Fill up my hole," Ryne says in ecstasy.

Brian then shoots his load deeps in his ass as Ryne cums all over Brian's bed. Brian pulls out of Ryne and Brian's cum begins to seep out of Ryan's asshole.

"Fuck, that was great," Brian says as he lays down next to Ryne.

"I can't believe how much I came," Ryne says in disbelief.

"I know, now its allover my bed, now I have to do laundry."

"You can sleep with me tonight."

"I am going to have to do that, I won't mind."

Ryne then leans over and kisses Brian. Then whispers in his ear, "Promise you will always be with me."

To be continued.