The City – Rat Days

Story by Theo Winters on SoFurry

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Stacy had always wanted to visit the City, and when her birthday comes around she decides that it's time to go. Luckily she has a friend along to help her, unfortunately the City has a tendency to sink it's claws into you and make you a part of it...

An commission for an anonymous fur, and in the set world as A Real Pig

The City - Rat Days By Theo Winters

Written for Acom003

If there was one single word that described the city, it could only have been 'damp'. The whole place had an oppressive humidity about it, rolling down the sides of the old brick building and leaving trails of dirt and soot behind. It covered everything in the same brownish-black scum that made every surface look wet. The population wasn't any different, fur and scales were constantly covered with a thin sheen of sweat no matter the time of day or night.

Even knowing all of this, Stacy couldn't help staring at the crowd of people around them. It seemed like, no matter which direction she looked, she could see almost every species on the planet. There was no rhyme or reason to the flow of them along the street, moving in every direction at once, yet everyone seemed to be easily moving past each other. It was like some sort of dance, a dance she didn't know the steps to, and that no one seemed interested in teaching her. Instead they were all minding their own business, ignoring the young squirrel who was clearly on her first trip to the big city.

"People here are so rude," Marcus said, moving a step closer to her, the feathers on his head starting to ruffle. The heavy set chickadee's eyes kept flicking from one person to another with a hint of fear. His narrow beak was fixed in place as he tried to hide any emotions, but she knew him well enough to know he was grumpy... more so than he usually was.

She was bouncing on her toes, her fluffy tail dancing behind her. "They aren't rude, they're just busy. They have places to go and people to see, and don't want to stand around on the street wasting time with the pair of us. We're the ones in the way," she said, giving him a smile as she pushed up a lock of brown hair back over her ear.

"There's no place here that's not in the way," her friend replied, trying to compose himself as his tail fanned out across the back of his legs. "Are you really sure about this club? There are plenty of bars back home."

Rolling her eyes, she gently poked him in the shoulder before starting towards the entrance to the subway station, following the crowd as it flowed towards the brightly-lit escalator. "I only get to turn 21 once. I'm not going to spend it in some no-name bar back home. I need to be where I can be with other people, to finally see the city and show my father that it isn't full of 'junkies and whores.'" She said the last part with finger quotes.

They stepped onto the escalator together, the moving stairs taking them under the streets. The passage was once lined with white tiles, but they had faded to a sickly yellow, which got darker the lower they went. "This place will be great," she said while rubbing her paws together. "It's not the sort of place where tourists go, so it's the real city, not just the fancy places for the out-of-towners."

Marcus sighed as they sank lower. "Need I remind you, we are tourists. I'd prefer to stay where it's safe."

"Of course it's safe. Nothing is going to happen to us. I mean, look around. There are thousands of people around us. If they feel safe, then we are too," she said, a smile pulling up against her cheeks.

The white feathers at the base of his neck ruffled out over the collar of his t-shirt, but only for a moment. She had known him all of her life--having grown up next door to each other--and she could tell when he was protesting just for the sake of protesting. He was a good guy, and would help protect her just like she would protect him. Everyone in their small town had expected them to end up together, but they both agreed that wasn't what they wanted. That and he thought kissing her felt weird.

"I suppose you're right," he finally admitted as they reached the bottom of the escalator, coming out into a cramped room lined with ticket machines. Most of the crowd ignored them, funneling down to the gates at the far end of the room. The room felt claustrophobic and had a very unique smell, like a locker room at the end of the day, but worse.

She headed over to one of the machines, quickly buying their tickets for the subway.

"I just hope this club is worth it," he said, taking his ticket from her paws.

"Oh, it is! It's the best club in town. Lots of drinks, lots of dancing, live music and the rest. It's totally awesome! I just can't wait to finally get there and see it myself, and not just in pictures online."

The avian nodded as they rejoined the crowd, moving quickly through the gates only to discover another escalator. "If it's that awesome, we may not be able to get in."

Stacy snorted and dismissed that with a wave of her hand, though her tail bristled at the idea they could come all this way and not get in. "Like that would ever happen. This place is way too popular to turn people away. If they did that, then no one would ever go to the club in the first place."

"I don't think you understand how exclusive clubs work," he replied with a chuckle as they rode the escalator down even deeper. There was a stiff wind rising up from the tunnel, bringing along with it the smell of a thousand people all pressed together in a tin can soaked in oil. Marcus sniffed at the air and rubbed his hand over his beak. "Gah," he said.

She laughed and shook her head. "On come on, it's not that bad. It's no worse than Peterson's farm when the wind is heavy."

"You mean when it's blowing over the pig sties?"

She nodded as they continued down the escalator. The yellowed tiles on the wall here got even darker the deeper then went. A layer of dirt and grime had collected on them. It started subtle, but grew heavier the deeper they got, soon turning the tiles into a dirty brownish-gray that was the same color as dead wheat. By the time they reached the subway platform every surface was covered in the grime, including the lights, which were so dim that it was hard to see from one end of the platform to the other.

Marcus reached out and wrapped his arms around Stacy, trying to keep her away from the dirt as they waited for the train to arrive. He thought it wouldn't be too long, but he couldn't tell for sure, as there were no signs visible from where he stood. More people started to file onto the platform as they waited, taking up all the space around them. In the dim light, it made the space feel even more camped. He was relieved when he heard the train rumbling down the tracks into the station, a billow of stale air announcing its arrival.

The relief was short-lived, as the train rolled to a stop in front of them. The train itself wasn't in that bad of shape, though the red paint was a bit faded. On the other hand, it was already filled to the brink with people. As soon as the doors opened, they started flooding out, going against all the people who were trying to force their way inside.

With a happy laugh, Stacy lunged forward into the crowd as it pressed into the subway car, pulling the chickadee along with her. Somehow they made it inside, which was somehow even smaller than the platform it was stopped at. Everyone was pressed together, shoulder to shoulder, body to body. All the seats were filled, forcing them to stand in the middle of the car. As the space grew tighter, Stacy grabbed her fluffy tail and pulled it across her chest, trying to keep it out of everyone else's way.

The subway car's door closed with a heavy thud and the car lurched forward, the light dimming as it entered the tunnel. The smell of the car was something that he had no words for. It was so thick that he could almost chew it, and it left a unpleasant taste in the back of his throat.

Stacy pressed her nose into her tail, trying to breathe through it to mask the scent. It didn't really do anything to help.

The whine of the subway car grew in pitch as the train picked up speed and started to bank into a turn. This caused a hugely fat lion to sway on his feet and crash into Marcus's side, nearly knocking them both over. The avian gave the feline a glare. "Do you mind?" he asked.

With a snort, the lion pushed himself away from her friend. "Go fuck yourself," he snapped, his thick tail slapping up against her legs. "Damn tourists," he muttered a moment later, turning away from them as much as he could with how little room there was.

"Yeah... well, you too," was his rather lame reply. "Some people."

Stacy shrugged a bit, lifting her snout out of her tail for a moment. "That's just how the city is," she said. The heavy crowd was creating its own heat, flooding the car and making it sweltering hot. There was some air-conditioning, trying and failing to do anything about the heat. Much to her own embarrassment, she could feel sweat collecting under her arms and below her pert breasts, starting to soak into her fur and clothing.

The train banked in the other direction, rumbling and clunking along as the lights started to flicker around them. Then with a loud pop, they all went out, throwing the whole train into a moist darkness. The whine of the train's engines were replaced with the squeal of brakes as they came to sudden stop, everyone inside being forced towards the front of the train, everyone tumbling against each other.

"Just great," Marcus muttered.

"Oh come on, it's just part of the fun of being here," she replied with a shake of her head. She couldn't see her friend in the darkness but she could picture the look on his face, the ruffled feathers and narrowed eyes with a tight beak.

The crowd shifted uncomfortably in the darkness. A few lights came on as cell phones came out. But, they shone into faces and didn't do anything to light up the car. The darkness made the whole place feel smaller. The crowd pressed tighter around her, making her pull her arms tightly against herself, resting her tail under her chin.

Suddenly, she felt a hand brush across her hips. The touch was so light that she wasn't even sure she felt it at first. It returned a moment later, running up over the side of her hips. With a sick feeling she realized that someone was trying to pick her pocket. She was about to yell out at them when the hand pulled way, not even getting near her pocket.

Stacy tried to relax, hugging her tail closer to her chest when the hand returned, this time running across her hips and over the front of her pants. She tried to pull away, but there was no room to move. Her back was pinned against her friend.

The hand ran along the hem of her jeans, then dropped down to press against her crotch, squeezing firmly and grinding the fabric up against her most intimate areas. She was always told to scream if anyone ever touched her liked that, yet even as she opened her mouth she found she couldn't make a sound. Even worse was just how good it felt, the rubbing sending jolts of unwanted pleasure through her body. She closed her eyes and buried her face against her tail, trying to not get aroused by the foreign touch, but it was no use. Her body was betraying her.

Not caring how about she might have felt about it, the strange hand kept rubbing against her. Another hand started to trace over the waistband of her pants. A finger slipped under the fabric to hook at the edge of her panties, not pulling at them, just teasing at the fur underneath it. It moved across her body until it joined the first hand at her crotch, but instead of rubbing at her, it started to undo the buttons of her pants.

A hint of a whimper escaped her lips as the hand molesting her pressed firmly up against the crotch of her pants, grinding the heavy seam up against her pussy, teasing it even more. She could feel wetness starting to soaking into her panties.

Marcus must have heard her as he placed a hand on her shoulder and gave her a reassuring squeeze. "Don't worry, Stacy. Everything is going to be fine."

She wanted to tell him that everything wasn't fine, but the words were still trapped in the back of her throat. The second hand started to pull down the zipper of her pants, taking it one tooth at a time until it reached the bottom, exposing her panties to the darkness. The hand on her crotch slid up and then pushed down into her panties, the long fingers rubbing directly at her slit.

Stacy tensed up, biting her lip as the fingers stroked along the moist lips of her sex, teasing the soft flesh with a surprising light touch. They almost, but never quite, pressed inside of her. Each touch sent jolts of pleasure running through her body, making the fur on her tail fluff out against her face.

Her molester's fingers moved up tease her clit, brushing lightly over it. It was almost a feather's touch, but it caused the heat in her crotch to start to boil over. Her arousal was starting to drip from her pussy, soaking into the fabric of her panties and even into the crotch of her pants.

Then, without warning, one of the fingers plunged into her pussy, sinking down deep into her and causing her whole body to go rigid. It wasn't the first time she had been penetrated, but it had always been with toys or her own fingers, and always for her own pleasure. It had never been done by someone else, let alone someone she couldn't seen see. It somehow made it feel dirty, yet it also felt so fucking good!

A second finger joined the first, pressing deep inside of the squirrel and wiggling around to tease her in places she had never felt before. It made her head spin, the pleasure growing stronger by the moment as the skilled fingers kept molesting her. She felt the pressure building up with every moment, getting stronger with each thrust and tease, her arousal running down the inside of her legs and being sopped up by her pants.

The pleasure grew and grew, making her head spin around as she gasped, her mouth being filled with the heavy fur of her tail. Then, moments before she reached the pinnacle of her pleasure, the train lurched a few feet forward, sending everyone in car crashing into each other.

The fingers were yanked free of her pussy, then the hand slipped out of her panties and vanished into the darkness. There was another lurch as the train rocked and started moving again, the lights flickering back to life around them.

Stacy stood stock still, her back pressed against Marcus, panting heavily into her tail. Finally she reached down and fumbled at her pants, pulling them closed and forcing her wet panties up against the swollen lips of her pussy. Everything felt incredibly sensitive, rubbing the fabric against her cunt lips, even as the material of the panties slid up between them.

"There we go," Marcus said, squeezing her shoulders again.

She looked back up at him, her mind still spinning around as the heat from the teasing still burnt deep inside of her. She bit her lips and pulled her tail down over her crotch, trying to hide her soaked pants, but hardly doing a very good job at it.

It took a moment, but her friend finally noticed the look on her face. "Are you okay?" he asked.

With a squeal of brakes the train finally pulled into the next station. The doors opened onto the platform, sending a wave of cool air into the car as the crowd of people squeezed around her as they flowed towards the doors. The air did nothing to cool her down, and the jostling of all the people against her sent new jolts of pleasure through her body.

Suddenly, she had to get out of the press of people, away from the tightly-packed crowds and stale, hot air of the car. Without a thought, she pushed away from her friend and into the crowd, letting the tide pull her out of the train.

"Stacy!" Marcus called after her, reaching out to grab at her, but she was just out of reach. She could hear him fighting against the crowd, trying to move against the current as she moved across the platform. She glanced back one last time, seeing her friend as the door slammed closed in his face. He yelled and tried to pull the door open, but it was useless.

And then the train was gone, screaming off into the darkness of the tunnel.

After a moment, she realized she should stay on the platform and catch the next train, to get back to her friend and escort, but the flow of the crowd was too strong to go against. She found herself being swept up onto the escalator and past the gates. By the time she was able to break free of the crowd, she was on the street.

She was alone, with the rain misting down onto her.

The crowd spilled out in every direction, passing by her. She finally let go of her tail, letting it swing behind her, the tip curling up near her head. She knew she had to find a way back to Marcus, and that meant making her way back onto a train.

She turned back around towards the subway station, only to discover that the heavy metal gate was only open enough to allow people to exit. A old, faded sign hung on the gate said that it was temporally only an exit, and the nearest entrance was on Yew Avenue.

Spinning around, she searched for any sign of how to get back to the subway station, or ever where Yew Avenue was, but there was only a line street sign on the corner, saying she was at the intersection of Blackwood Avenue and 140th Street. She waited a few moments longer, the rain soaking into her fur, before she decided what to do. She started down 140th Street, hoping that she would get lucky and run into Yew Avenue. If she went too far, she would just turn around and come back. Easy.

Stacy started walking, letting out a soft whimpering as soon as she moved. Every step caused her panties to rub up against her crotch, sending small jolts of pleasure through her body even as the panties started to dig between of her nether lips. After only a few moments, she reached down into her jeans and tried to pull the fabric free, but she couldn't. It seemed to be pinched inside of her pussy.

She found herself having to walk with a wide stance to keep her jeans from grinding against her, ending up with a weird near-waddle that sent her rocking from side to side. It didn't help, though. Every step she took sent a new shock of pleasure at her crotch, engorging the lips and clit and making them feel swollen as they ground against the fabric. Every few steps, she grabbed her panties, trying to relieve herself, but it never helped.

Finally, she found herself walking down the street with one paw shoved down into the crotch of her pants, completely oblivious as to what it looked like to everyone she was walking past. She came upon a pair of fat woman walking slowly down the street, blocking the sidewalk. In her pleasure-induced daze she found herself turning down the next avenue, no longer aware of where she was going. The new avenue was narrower and lacked many streetlights, casting everything with dingy gray shadows.

Squeezing her eyes closed, she shoved her fingers between her fat pussy lips, trying to pull her panties free. She gasped as she sank into her burning depths. She had never felt like this before. It was like her whole body was burning from deep inside of her crotch. The burning was so strong that her fur tingled with lust. The front of her pants were soaking wet, and not from the rain.

She kept wandering down the street, taking turns at random, not even noticing as she walked across Yew as she moved deeper into the city. Her steps were wide and unsure, causing her to sway like she was drunk as she tried to relieve the pressure on her pussy, while at the same time working two fingers inside it. The further she went, the stronger the pressure grew. Her pussy swelled to envelop her fingers, the warm feeling too good to ignore, or to stop.

Stacy paused at an intersection, opening her eyes enough to look around. The haze of pleasure washed almost every other thought out of her mind, including where she was trying to go. In the distance, though the haze of the rain, she saw a glowing sign that said "station." That was enough to draw her towards it, down the poorly-lit avenue.

She wandered towards the sign, swaying drunkenly with each step. The sign was hanging at the entrance of a narrow alleyway. The glowing red neon read "Pleasure Station," and had an arrow pointing back down the alleyway.

The squirrel followed the arrow. The alleyway was dark and dingy, and, after a short distance it bent to the right, making the avenue vanish behind her. The rain dripped down the buildings, rolling down the sides and collecting into dirty puddles on the ground. Each one she stepped into splashed up over her shoes, slowing soaking through the material and into her socks.

There was another turn in the alley. The light was almost gone as she stumbled against the wall, hitting it with her shoulders and knocking over an overflowing garbage can. She didn't care, pushing forward like she had no choice, using one hand to follow the slimy wall of the building while the other was busy fingering herself.

The alley made more one turn, revealing a bright street outside of the distant opening. She squinted at the brightness, trying to block her eyes as she hurried forward until she was finally out of the narrow passage.

Stacy came out into a street filled with neon lights on every building. Right next to her was the Pleasure Station, a large window in the front lined with dildos of all shapes and sizes, right out for anyone to see. Next to it was a massage parlor, a handwritten sign in the darkened window offering "free happy endings." Across the street was a strip club, the sign above the door offering a "new girl every ten minutes."

"You lost?" asked a husky voice next to her.

Turning around, she stared at a lioness who was walking up to her. She was wearing a tiny leather skirt that just covered her crotch, but the way her narrow hips swayed allowed her to catch glimpses of red panties under the leather. She was wearing a top, but it was desperately wrapped around a pair of large and clearly-fake breasts with small nipples pushing against the fabric, a small leather jacket on her shoulders to protect her from the rain. She was smoking a cigarette, and the smoke was wrapping up around her heavily-made-up face.

"I..." Stacy squeaked out, unable to get any other word past her lips.

A smile curled at the corner of the lioness's muzzle, which emphasized her prominent chin, as she looked down at Stacy's hand, still shoved into her pants, the crotch soaked through. "Yeah, you're right where you want to be, aren't you?" she asked, taking another drag.

Stacy wanted to protest, to say that she had no idea where she was, but she couldn't find the words.

"Come find me when you're done. I'll give you a new girl discount," she said, the smoke floating around her head. With that she walked right past Stacy, flicking up her to long tail to brush the squirrel's crotch on her way.

She turned to watch the hooker walk away, her ass just as fake as her breasts, filling out her panties until they were skin-tight and jiggling with each step she took. The back of her skirt had the word 'easy' written out in glitter, which shone in the neon of the storefronts.

Stacy just stood there, watching as the lioness walked away, unable to take her eyes off the whore. There was something about her, something that she found so captivating that Stacy watched as the lioness walked up to a skinny-looking ferret, then slipped off down one of the alleyways with him.

"Wow," she whispered, rubbing her eyes with the back of her free hand, blinking as the world around her finally came into view. Looking around, she realized that she had no idea where she was. All she knew was that she was somewhere in the city. She could do back down the alley she had come through, but, looking into the damp darkness, she found that was the one place she didn't want to go.

Shaking her head, she pulled her hand out of her crotch with a lewd slurping sound and tried to wipe it clean on her wet shirt as she turned and walked away from where the lioness had vanished, not wanting to run into her again. She just kept pushing forward. She'd had her fill of the city, and just wanted to get the hell out of it!

Stacy tried not to look at all the other hookers--women and men who were standing on the edge of the sidewalk-- but they were hard to ignore. Each was dressed as slutty as possible, and many of them called out to her as she walked past. She tried to ignore them, focusing instead of the storefronts, but those was just as bad. It seemed like every other place was a strip club, and many of them had strippers dancing in their dingy windows. Thin and fat, male and female, it seemed like there was a club for every possible taste.

Finally, she spotted a building without any sign on it, no neon and no girls in the window. There was just a slightly open door with light spilling out from it. She had no idea what was inside, but she pushed her way in anyway.

Beyond the door was a room with a single desk. A giraffe sat behind it and looked bored as she came in. He looked up at her over the top of the trashy romance novel he was reading. "Fifty bucks an hour," he stated in a near-monotone voice.

Stacy looked at him, not really understand the words. "An hour?" she asked dumbly.

Suddenly, she felt a hand slip around her waist, pulling her backwards as another hand came around and grabbed her breasts, rubbing them through her wet shirt. "An hour of fun, or more," a sultry voice whispered in her ear.

She wanted to pull away, but she didn't. It felt good. The strange hand teased her nipples, making them grow firm, as the nimble fingers pressed gently against her soft breast. "What?" she managed to whimper.

The sultry voice giggled in her ear. "Or maybe more, if you're interested. You look like a girl who would want more." The hand on her breast pulled away just to slip up under her shirt, pushing under her bra to rub her breast.

"I don't think..." she said, but she trailed off as the stranger started to grind against her. She could feel soft breasts pressing up against her back, and something that felt like a dick grinding at the base of her fluffy tail. She had no idea who this person was, but she was clearly more than just a woman.

And, for some reason the thought of it, turned her on even more.

The stranger nibbled on the edges of Stacy's ears, continuing to rub her breasts, her other hand sliding down to cup at her swollen crotch, rubbing against it. "So, what do you say, dear? Would you like to spend a few hours with me?"

She bit her lower lip, wanting to say no, wanting to push the strange women away and just get out of there, but she couldn't. Instead, she started to grind her ass back against the woman's crotch, feeling her cock rubbing up against her. "Please, I need to find... find..." she struggled to remember his name. "My friend," she finally said.

"I can be your friend," the woman replied as she rested her head on Stacy's shoulder. "You have a room for us?"

The giraffe shrugged and handed over an a key to her. "You know the drill, Diamond. Try to leave something in the mini bar this time."

She pulled away from the squirrel, reaching past her to pick up the key from the desk, then turned around to look at Stacy. The strange woman was a vixen, almost as tall as her, with bright-orange fur and a white mask around her eyes. She was wearing a bikini made up nothing but leather straps and studs. It squeezed her breasts, forcing them together and pushing them up while at the same time a small strip of leather barely held in her cock in check.

Without a word she reached between her breasts and pulled out a wad of cash, throwing it onto the desk. "This should cover the room for the night," she said. Taking Stacy's hand, she guided her past the desk, down a narrow hallway, and towards the room.

It wasn't in her to resist, allowing Diamond to take her deeper into the hotel and into a room near the back. Her head was spinning as she watched the vixen's tail and hips swish from side to side with each step she took, six-inch stilettos clicking against the floor which just added to how sexy she was.

"Usually, I charge a girl for a private dance, but, for you I just might make an exception," she said with a smirk as she unlocked the door.

"Thank... you?" she managed to sputter out as the door opened. Inside was a small, cheap hotel room. There was a large bed with a dingy-looking bedspread, slightly-peeling wallpaper, and an old-looking TV that was hardly state of the art when it was new.

The vixen pulled Stacy inside and pushed her down onto the bed, which bounced under her ass and caused her breasts to jiggle, which they had never done before. Closing the door, Diamond leaned against it, one finger slipping into her own mouth as the other dropped down to squeeze at her crotch. "Just look at you, still so fresh and new."

Stacy cocked her head to the side, unable to say much to that.

Slowly, the vixen walked up to the bed, groping her crotch with every step she took. "Why don't you take off those wet things, and let me see what you have for me?"

Stacy licked her lips, grabbing her shirt and slowly pulling it up off her shoulders and over her head, throwing it to the floor. Her bra was already pushed up off her breasts, the nipples hard and pointing slightly downwards. Unable to help herself, she cupped them in her hands, giving them a squeeze and finding them much larger then she remembered. They felt good though, so very good. She played with them for a few moments before finally pulling her hands away and taking off her bra.

Next were her pants. She reached down and undid her belt and started to open them, but the moment she had the button open, her swollen crotch forced the zipper down, exposing her soaked panties as they tried to hide inside the folds of her pussy.

That made the vixen laugh. "Oh my, would you look at that," she said as she licked her lips. "Not much a chance of you leaving us, now is there?" she said with a laugh. She started pushing down the bottom of her bikini, allowing her cock to jump free and slap against her belly. It was a big shaft, dark-red with a tapered point and already swelling a little at the base.

Stacy smiled when she saw it, finding that she couldn't take her eyes off of it. It was the first time she had ever seen a cock in real life, and it looked perfect. She never looked away as she kicked off her shoes and pushed her pants down off of her hips to pool at the floor. Her panties followed a moment later, the fabric clinging to her cunt, fighting to keep from being removed, but it was a losing battle. With a wet sound, it eventually pulled away.

Diamond watched all this, one hand stroking her cock while the other slipped under her balls, lifting them up to expose a wet pussy hidden behind them. She started to finger at her female sex and licked her lips. "You are a prize and a half," she said.

That made Stacy blush a bit, spreading her legs a little further apart.

The vixen smirked and leaned forward, undoing the top of her bikini, the straps falling away from her breasts and allowing them to sway free. They were a handful each, with little nipples that hardly projected out of her fur. Each one was pierced with a small silver ring. A thin golden chain connected them together. "Do you like what you see?"

She nodded, her eyes flicking between her breasts and her dick. "Yes," the word came out as a whisper.

That was enough for Diamond. She leaned in and kissed Stacy firmly on the lips, pushing her backwards into the bed. Her hands were all over the squirrel, rubbing her hips and squeezing her ass. Stacy tried to return to the kiss, not sure what the right way to do it was, pressing their lips together as she found herself gripping the herm's hips, pulling her closer to her.

Finally the vixen broken the kiss, smiling down at her. "Eager little thing, aren't you? I bet I know exactly what you want," she said, slowly rocking her hips and running her cock up along the insides of her thighs.

Stacy nodded, the heat of her lust filling her body, radiating from her swollen pussy and washing through her body. It filled every part of her, from her ears to her toes, burning away any doubt in her mind. In that moment, all she knew was that she wanted to feel the vixen's cock inside of her.

Diamond reached up and gently ran a finger down the side of the other woman's face. "Tell me what you want," she said.

"Fuck me?" she whispered the words.

The vixen shook her head, her short cut hair bobbing around her ears. "Louder! Let me hear it, hon. Let me know you want it," she said, slowly rocking her hips to tease the head of her shaft against Stacy's fur.

A shiver ran through her body as she looked the other woman in the eyes, her pussy starting to leak heavily between her legs. "Fuck me."


"FUCK ME!" she yelled out, surprised at just how loud she was. "Please?" she asked a moment later.

Diamond laughed and kissed Stacy on the tip of her nose. "Good girl," she said, then thrust her cock into the waiting pussy. It sank in easily, pushing past the swollen lips and sliding deep inside of her, every single inch gliding in with ease.

Stacy could hardly feel it. The whole length of the shaft was inside of her, and she felt only the smallest pressure in her bloated cunt. The only part of the shaft that she really felt was the knot swelling at the base, and even that was almost too little to really register.

The vixen didn't care. She just started to fuck hard and fast, her cock slamming home with a wet squishing sound, causing her arousal to flood out of the fat pussy to soak over both their crotches. It was a good cunt to fuck, loose and wet while still pulling greedily at her shaft, trying to suck in ever more of it.

"God, for a new girl, you're well-fucked," she said, grunting between thrusts.

Reaching down, Stacy grabbed the vixen's hips and the base of her tail, trying to pull her even closer. The vixen's knot was growing thicker by the moment, the swelling pulling at her nether lips, sliding in and out with each thrust. "Harder," she whimpered.

Diamond wasn't one to ignore her lover of the moment, slamming herself as hard as she could into Stacy, the bed starting to squeak under them, slamming back again the wall. She started grunting in time with it, her fingers sinking into the flesh of the squirrel's wide hips.

Stacy could feel the large knot pulling back against her lips. Even at its full size, her pussy was just too big to hold onto it, and it slid out with a wet pop before being slammed back home. Letting out a squeal, the vixen started to cum.

A moment later, Stacy felt her own orgasm crashing down onto her as well. Arching her back she let out a guttural scream as she climaxed, her body clenched up around the fat knot as she shook in pleasure. It was too much for her to take, the world washing out into white before sweeping her away.

* * *

A distant pounding pulled Stacy from her slumber, slowly lifting her out of the cloud of darkness she had been warmly wrapped up inside. Her eyes started to crack open to see sunlight streaming through the dirty window, casting the whole room in a dingy brown light that made it the place look even dirtier than it actually was.

She lay there for a moment, looking out of the dirty window at the brick wall outside, trying to remember where she was. Her memories felt muddy and slick, like her head was stuffed with oil-soaked cotton. She wasn't at home. At least, she was fairly sure she wasn't. She couldn't remember what home was supposed to look like at the moment. It was a hotel room, that much she could remember. She was in a hotel room deep in the city where she had lost her virginity to a sexy vixen with a nice cock.

That brought a smile to her face as rubbed the side of her head. That memory was clear, even while the rest of the night around it was fuzzy. Her body was stiff and sticky, the fur of her crotch matted and slightly damp. It was a strange feeling, nothing like when she played with her toys back home. This was rawer and felt dirtier, and more right.

Outside of the room, the pounding grew louder, the heavy hits being followed by the jingle of metal as a voice bellowed: "Open the fucking door!"

Stacy rolled over, feeling her breasts rock and sway against her chest as she did so, much heavier than they should have been. At least, she thought they were heavier. She wasn't sure anymore. The pounding was coming from the door, hitting it so hard that it rattled in its frame.

She rolled off the bed and waddled to the door. Her cunt was still fat and swollen, forcing her to swing her legs wide to walk with it between her legs. It felt weirdly normal now, even the way her thick pussy lips swayed with each step she took. It never even crossed her mind that she should cover herself as she undid the lock and chain before pulling the door open.

On the other side of the door was the giraffe she vaguely remembered from the night before. Quickly his eyes scanned over her body then shook his head. "Listen, Diamond paid for only six hours, and you've been here ten. Get cleaned up, get dressed, and get the fuck out of the hotel. If you're out by noon, I won't charge you for all the time you've spent fucking around."

Her mind took a few moments to process what he was telling her. "Oh, sorry. I'll do that," she said.

"Yes, you do that," he replied with a snort.

Stacy took a step back and closed the door. As she did, she heard the giraffe mutter, "Stupid fucking rat." That just seemed rude to her. She was a squirrel. She was almost sure of that. While some people called them "tree-rats," it was still very inappropriate to call her a rat.

It was only after she closed the door that the fact she was naked pushed its way through her clouded mind. She had shown off everything to the giraffe. From her fat dripping tits to her big puffy pussy, he got to see it all. The thought of it made her chuckle. he must have gotten quite an eyeful. Maybe that was the payment for the extra time she had to get cleaned up.

She couldn't help but smile at the idea as she went into the little bathroom to take a shower. One of the two lights was burnt out, and the other was flickering at just the right speed to cause a headache, but she didn't care. She paused to look at herself in the mirror, taking a moment to strike a pose with one hand on her hip while the other was resting on her belly. Somehow the reflection seemed off, like it was slightly distorted somehow.

Letting her hands drop, she leaned in a bit, trying to get a closer look at herself. She thought she looked bigger, but, at the same time, she couldn't say how as everything seemed to be the right size. Her breasts were large handfuls with slight sag and downward-pointing nipples, her hips were almost as wide as her shoulders, and her full ass gave her a nice bottom-heavy look. She even had a slight belly.

Then there was her cunt, her eyes flicking down towards it as she reached out to cup it with one hand. It was huge, thick and full between her legs, jutting outwards in a fleshy bulge that would put most men to shame. Her lips were thick and fat, hanging down a few inches from her gaping cleft. The cunt itself was so long that she could barely cover it with one hand. Her clit was easily the size of her thumb, rising up over the top of it and jutting out from her crotch like her nipples did. Everything about it was huge, like someone had given her a feral elephant's pussy, but hadn't scaled it down for a girl of her size.

The only word for it was obscene... and it felt amazing.

She gently caressed it with her hands, letting out a soft moan at the light touch. A part of her wanted to shove her hand deep inside her throbbing pussy, but instead she slowly pulled her hand away. She had to get out of the room. She couldn't waste time fisting herself, no matter how fun that sounded.

Stacy turned back to the bedroom, picking up her panties off the floor and pulling them up until they pulled tight around her legs. She grunted and gave them another hard tug, the fabric tearing around her legs but finally pulling up around her ass even, as the crotch pushed right back into her cunt, her pussy lips hanging out from each side.

The story was the same with her bra. Her fat breasts just overflowing the cups to the point that they were worthless. With a shrug, she threw it back onto the dirty bed. What did she even need a bra for? Instead, she pulled her shirt over her head and down over her chest, the shape of her breasts easily visible under the taut fabric even as the hem rode up to expose the lower part of her belly.

Lastly, she picked up her pants, frowning when she felt how light they were. She dug her hands into the pockets, searching for anything, but there was nothing in them. Her wallet was gone, along with everything in it, including her ID and credit cards. The slutty vixen must have stolen them on her way out the door.

"Fucking bitch," she grumbled as she stepped into her pants, yanking them up as far as they would go until the fabric started to bind around the fat of her upper legs. She threw herself back onto the bed, digging her fingers into the fabric and pulling hard at it, working it up her legs one yank at a time. It didn't feel very good. The fabric strained against her growing weight as she tried to slide them on. She wasn't surprised to hear seams starting to pop and tear before finally giving way, the material on both legs bursting open to allow her grayish fur to spill out.

At least she was able to get them up around her ass, though couldn't quite get them closed. There was just too much belly and cunt in the way. Instead, she fished her tail through the hole at the back, running her fingers through the short fur to try to make it look presentable. Then she used her belt to attempt to close the front.

The results weren't pretty. With her shirt rising up and open pants, her dirty panties were visible to anyone who cared to look, and her pants were torn open along the insides of both legs, allowing her thighs to rub together as she moved.

She ran her fingers through her hair, trying to neaten it before she left the hotel room, but it didn't do anything. She still looked like she had been well-fucked the night before.

Without any other choice, Stacy finally slipped out of the hotel room, her tail almost getting caught in the door before she lifted it up out of the way, a small rain of fur falling from it and being lost in the dirty hallway carpet.

Slipping out of the hotel, she once again found herself back out on the street. With the sun shining through the clouds, the place had a different vibe. Most of the shops had closed, and all the neon was off, leaving the place looking bland and dirty. She had to step around a homeless dragoness who was sleeping in the hotel doorway. She only snorted and twisted a bit under her tattered blanket as she pulled it around her.

She wasn't alone. There seemed to be homeless people all over the street now, sleeping in every closed shop door and alleyway. The few other people milling about just ignored them, stepping around them like they weren't even there and going on with their day.

Walking down the street, she racked her brain for what she should do next, but it was still lost in a haze. There was nothing familiar that she could see, no matter which way she looked. Maybe if she waited until night until she could find out where she was going? Not that she could remember where that was, just that she was trying to go somewhere!

She turned around and started back the way she came, crossing the street when she could while stepping around the used condoms that had collected in the gutters. Walking aimlessly, she found herself drawn to one of the few open shops on the street. Through the dirty windows, she could see a mannequin dressed up in a micro skirt and a crop top blowing a kiss with a pair of bright red lips on a blank face.

It caused her to look down at herself, in her too-small shirt and pants. They hardly were enough to cover her let alone be comfortable. She needed something new.

Stacy pushed open the shop door, finding it a bit nicer inside. Everything was clean, though there was a musty smell over everything that she couldn't quite place. It also left a not-unpleasant taste in the back of her throat. There were more mannequins inside the store, each one wearing less clothing than the last while their breasts kept grew bigger. The ones in the very back, wearing nothing but a few triangles of clothing and string, had breasts that most porn stars would be proud to have.

She ignored them for the moment, needing something with a bit more coverage for her fat tits and huge pussy. A tiny little piece of string would simply get lost inside of her cavernous passage. She stayed closer to the front of the store, where the more conservative clothing was.

Unfortunately, conservative wasn't exactly something the shop carried much of. There were some pieces that didn't show everything, but they were rare. After half an hour of careful searching, she finally found a pair of purple shorts and dark-brown top. They were both made out of a stretchy fabric that she could easily pull to be twice as wide as herself.

Stacy slipped off into the dressing room, quickly stripping out of her mostly-ruined clothing and throwing them onto the floor. Struggling to get her pants off caused the crotch to tear completely open, leaving her bulging pussy exposed around her tight panties. The panties themselves was the worse for wear, every seam straining as the tears around the leg holes were growing larger with every move she made.

She pulled the shorts on over her disintegrating panties, the fabric stretching easily around her thick hips and over her round rump. Letting go of the waistband, it snapped across her chubby belly and under the base of her tail. It also pulled tight across her crotch, outlining the shape of her fat pussy and clit for all the world to see.

The new top fit just as well, the fabric stretching out her full breasts, giving them a little support while showing off the shape of her areolas and nipples. It rubbed against them as she shifted, making them hard under the material.

Spinning around in place, she watched her reflection in the mirror, her hair swirling around her head even as more fur drifted off down from her tail--the once-fluffy appendage having lost quite a bit of its thickness and starting to show a number of bald spots along the length of it.

The fat squirrel smiled at her reflection, then yanked the dressing room door open, leaving her ruined clothing behind. There was a young goat lady standing just outside the door. Her arms were crossed over her small chest, and there was a weird smile on her face. "You're really getting... that?" she asked.

"Of course," she said, looking at the goat directly in her brown eyes.

"Then come on, I'll get you rung up," she said, grabbing Stacy's arm and pulling her towards the back of the shop, where the register sat. The goat pushed her right up to the counter then walked around behind it, her narrow hips swaying with each steps she took. She was fairly attractive, even if she was a bit on thin side. Her eyes drifted down to the register, noticing the small handbag sitting right next to it.

The goat worked the register with her thick fingers. "That will be sixty-eight bucks, and nineteen cents," she finally said.

Stacy frowned a little bit, shifting slightly on her bare feet as she changed her stances, her legs suddenly feeling off, but only for a few moments. She reached for a pocket, only to find that there weren't any in the new shorts. Not that it mattered as she didn't even have her wallet on her.

Slowly, she leaned forward, reaching up with one finger to pull down at the neck of her top to show off more of her cleavage and the gray fur of her chest. "Maybe we can arrange something else?" she asked, her eyes flicking up and down over the goat's body. "I'm sure we can think of something."

The goat looked at her in disbelief, slowly shaking her head. "Listen, you skank, either you pay or you strip down and get the fuck out of my shop."

"Oh, come on. Can't we do something?" she asked, leaning over the top of the counter, pulling her top down so far that her breasts were nearly spilling onto the counter. Her other hand grasped the side of the counter, holding it tightly in her fat fingers.

"Get. Out."

Stacy sighed and let her hand drop from her chest. Then, in one swift motion, she reached down to grab the goat's handbag and started running for the door. The clerk let out a cry and started rushing after her, but Stacy was faster than she looked. She threw down a rack of clothing before bursting out the door and onto the street. She ran across the road, nearly reaching the far side before the goat got out of the shop.

She rushed down a narrow alley, dancing around another bum sitting in the way. Her hips hit the dirty wall, bouncing off as she pushed herself down the alleyway, squeezing past an overflowing dumpster before turning down another alley, rushing deeper into it maze between the buildings.

After two more turns she ducked behind another dumpster, pulling her tail around against her chest and panting heavily. She listened, her large ear twisting around as she tried to hear whether she was being followed, but she couldn't hear anything. She sniffed at the air, though the smell of the dumpster made it hard for her to catch the scent of anything else.

She waited there for almost ten minutes before opening the stolen handbag. There wasn't much in it: some makeup, a cellphone, some keys, and a bundle of condoms. She stuffed the condoms into her cleavage. There was also a small wallet, but there was almost nothing inside, just an ID card and a couple hundred in cash.

The cash joined the condoms in her cleavage, then she threw the handbag into the dumpster. She stood back up, brushing her new clothing off as she walked down the alley and onto the street, finding herself among the currently-closed clubs.

Even though the clubs were closed, the street itself was very active. There were a number of hookers standing around, leering at the cars that went past. There were men, women, and a few others, all dressed up as slutty as they could be. Some were wearing low-cut tops that showed every inch of their cleavage, or cutoffs that hardly covered big, wiggling asses, or just heavy bulges that couldn't be hidden. She walked past one wolf who looked like he was trying to hide another person in his pants. Stacy was tempted to talk to him, but he was already chatting with a twink fox wearing tight-fitting workout gear.

She kept walking down the street, not sure where she was going yet. Her paw scratched her armpit. Her thickening fingernails pulled at the long black hairs that were starting to peek out of her gray fur. Her bare feet slapped at the ground with each step she took, her toes growing longer as the fur fell away until all that was left was bare skin. At the same time, she worked her jaw, feeling it pop and crack a couple times as her muzzle pushed outwards and thinned out along the sides.

Her stomach started grumbling as she felt her teeth growing longer, starting to peek out from under her upper lip. Stopping in place on the sidewalk, she rubbed her belly, her hunger growing now that she was paying attention to it. She could feel her stomach growling for food, causing her belly to jiggle around under her paw.

"Fucking hell, I need something to eat," she said. Stacy glanced around where she was standing, spotting a restaurant only a couple of blocks away. She hurried towards it, her belly jiggling in time with her fat breasts. She didn't even care what sort of food the place served, just as long as they had food!

Moving quickly, she pushed her way inside the restaurant without even looking at the sign on the door. She came to a stop inside, looking around at the dimly-lit room; there were a number of tables that were so low that the few people had to sit on the floor. The whole place smelled of cooked meat mingled with vegetables and fried bread. It made her mouth water, and her stomach growled louder. The was a low buzzing as the few people inside talked with each other as the waiters moved between them.

"Excuse me," an annoyed voice said from beside her.

Stacy turned around, facing a tall bear who was almost unearthly thin. He would have been gaunt for a fox; for a black bear, he looked like a stick. His fur was pulled tight across his face, making everything look stiff and immobile. At almost seven feet tall, he towered over her, looking down at her over the tip of his nose with something only one step removed from disgust.

"We do not serve whores in this establishment. You need to leave. Now," he said, his voice dripping with disgust.

She ground her teeth as she took a step toward the tall bear. "I'm not--"

His hand moved too fast to see, the back of his palm pressed against her nose and buck teeth, silencing her. "You may lie to yourself, but I'm not blind. You will leave, or I will have you thrown out." He didn't raise his voice, or even move more than his hand, but there was a feeling of menace about him. His black eyes were drilling into her, finally forcing her to take a step back.

"Fine," she snapped, spinning around, her tail thrashing as she pushed her way back out the door. It closed behind her with a heavy thud, like it was made out of stone instead of glass. She turned back and glared at the door, the bear visible through glass before slipping backwards and vanishing inside the restaurant.

With a huff, she pulled at her shorts, yanking them up against her fat pussy as she turned and stalked away from the restaurant. She didn't care about getting fancy food, all that mattered was that she filled her belly. There were a lot of other places she could eat. She just had to find one.

She walked down the street in a huff, more fur falling away from her tail as she swayed it in frustration. It was taking on a mangy look now, with large bald patches along the length of it as it hung lower behind her, almost to the point that it was brushing against the ground. The only person who might mistake her for a squirrel anymore was a blind drunk. To everyone else they just saw an odd-looking almost-rat.

Not that Stacy noticed or cared. She was too focused on the growling in her belly.

She came to a sudden stop as she walked past an alley, taking in a deep breath through her nose. There was something in the air, something that was wafting from the alleyway. It smelled really good! Starting to drool, she followed the scent down the dim alley. It lead her around a corner, past yet another dumpster, before she suddenly found herself standing in front of a restaurant tucked into the alley.

It was a burger place. Or, at least, that was what the grime-covered windows promised. Judging from the smell rolling out of the holes in the window, it seemed to be open. Pushing the door open, she stepped inside, a wave of scents crashing over her as she did so. She could smell the meat cooking in the back, mixed with the smell of grease, which seemed to cover every surface in a thick film. She found it a rather enticing smell, her belly churning in anticipation as she started to drool.

The only other person in the shop was a fat alligator with a long tooth-filled snout and longer tail that trailed out from behind the counter. He was covered in just as much grease as everything else in the shop. It coated his scales and his clothing, making him looking shiny and dirty all at the same time. He was resting behind a counter that probably hadn't been cleaned in her lifetime, while the grill popped and sizzled behind him.

"Hey babe, what can I get you?" he asked, slowly leering at her with his bright yellow eyes.

There wasn't a menu, or much of anything other than smell, but that was enough for her. "I don't fucking care, just bring a lot of it," she said as she walked over to one of the chairs, yanking it away from the table. The chair was in bad shape. The seat was torn and taped up a number of times. The red of the plastic almost lost under the layers. The table was in just as bad of shape, wobbly to the point of almost falling over, and covered with a number of stains of all sorts.

She dropped her ass down into the chair, feeling it creaking under her weight, but it still held. Her bloated twat forced her legs apart, sprawling out around the table. After a few seconds, she started to impatiently scratch her fingers against the table top, the claws at the tip of each one making a skittering sound as they dug into the layers of grunge that covered the surface.

While time seemed to drag on as she waited, it was really only a few minutes before the alligator brought over a tray of burgers and dropped it down in front of Stacy. There were at least a dozen of them, each one holding a thick patty of meat and topped with about everything one could think of.

Quickly grabbing one, she bit it in half, the flavors of it mingling on her tongue even as much of the fillings slid out the back of the bun to splatter across her chest and the table. She took a few moments to chew it, enjoying all of its complexities. She had never had a burger that tasted this good before, with the greasy meat mingling with all the vegetables and condiments that had been piled on it. The bun was already soaked, and was already starting to come apart in her hands.

She gulped down what was in her mouth, then shoved the rest of the burger in, moaning happily at just how good it really was. The second burger followed only a moment later, vanishing in only a pair of large bites.

After that, she threw away any semblance of restraint and started gorging herself on the meal. She didn't even bother trying to bite into the food, instead just shoving each burger whole into the mouth, her cheeks puffing outwards trying to hold all the food as she chewed it, her mouth wide open as she did so. She was still hungry by the time she finished the first dozen, but before she could even order more the alligator returned with a second tray, this one loaded with twice as much food as the last one.

The big reptile chuckled as he set the tray down on the table. Before he could even pull his hands away she grabbed two burgers, one in each hand. She quickly stuffed one into her pointed muzzle, the whiskers on her nose growing darker and more visible as she chewed. As soon as she finished swallowing the first burger, she forced the second one into her mouth.

The alligator rushed out to get her even more food as she kept eating hand over fist, lost in the wonderful feeling of her tightly filled belly. It pressed out against her shorts, the hem slowly pushing down as her belly expanded forward to rest on top of her legs. At the same time, her ass was slowly rising like dough, lifting her higher in her seat even as her hips starting to spill off the sides of the chair. Her arms were growing at the same rate, growing thicker with each burger she ate, her forearms starting to become jiggly.

Her breasts seemed to be taking more than their fair share of the new weight, swelling out in her top, becoming heavy and full as her nipples plumped up to match. They sagged downwards with the new weight, coming to rest on the top curve of her belly and starting to spill out in either direction, only being held in check by her stretching top.

Stacy let out a grunt of surprise when her hand came down on the now empty tray. She look at her empty fingers even as she was gorging on the burger held in her other hand. "Hey! I need some more fucking food over here!" she yelled at the alligator, spitting the words out between her mouth full of food, spraying it all over the table.

She still didn't have any more to eat as she swallowed the last mouthful, leaving her table empty. Grunting, she started licking her long fingers clean, her tongue wrapping around the furless digits to collect everything that had dripped down on them. She started rubbing her belly with her other hand, moaning softly as her fingers pressing into the soft blubber. It felt fantastic, almost as good as eating did. After licking one hand clean, she moved to the other, but instead of returning her clean hand to her belly, she slide it down under the table to start rubbing her fat pussy. It felt even more swollen than she remembered, pressing tightly against the fabric of her shorts, the fabric of her old panties only just holding together even as the crotch pressed deep between then meaty folds.

Finally, the alligator returned, this time carrying three trays of food, one balanced on each of this thick hands, with a third on his wide tail. He pushed all three of them onto the table, though they hardly fit anymore.

"Finally!" she said, shoving herself forward, her belly spilling above and below the table's edge as she resumed eating, but this time, one-handed. It didn't slow her down at all as she shoved each burger into her mouth in one single bite, not even noticing each one had twice as much beef in it as before. With her other hand, she started fingering herself, plunging them into her giant pussy, sinking them deep inside the wet folds that sucked at her hand, trying to pull it even deeper.

The alligator pulled over another chair and sat down next to her, starting to rub her belly as she stuffed herself. She moaned around the burger in her mouth, her fingers swirling around in her twat. It felt amazing to have someone pawing at her belly, rubbing and teasing it all over with both of his thick scaly hands as her weight continued to increase.

Every part of her was growing fatter now, even her thin, hairless tail was swelling out, filling out from a tiny little thing to a proper tail for a rodent of her girth. It was thick and heavy, the kind of tail you had to watch out for when it swayed, as it would knock you over with ease. Her hands were starting to fatten up as well, the fingers getting thicker as a roll of fat starting to form around her wrists. Even her eyebrows were growing heavy with fat, starting to sink down over her beady black eyes, but not enough to completely block her vision.

Eating one-handed did nothing to slow her down as she shoved the burgers into her mouth, to the point that she was hardly even chewing anymore, maybe only providing a few seconds of mastication before they went down her throat. By the time she finished the first platter, she wasn't even bothering with that. She swallowed each one the moment it entered her mouth.

The chair started to creak and groan as she ate, the old metal starting to bend under her growing weight as her hips hung off each side. Finally, the gator reached over to grab another chair and shoved it next to the first one. She lifted her ass up enough to allow it, but only just, dropping it back down on both chairs at once. The double support felt good on her massive ass.

By the time she was on the last tray of burgers, she was pounding her pussy with her fist, slamming it down between her widely-spread legs and sinking her whole hand into her twat up to her wrist. It sunk in easily, her heavy juices lubricating the passage even as it soaked her crotch and shorts. Each thrust was accompanied by a wet slurping sound as her pussy wrapped around her fist.

At some point, the alligator shed his own pants, and while one hand was rubbing her belly, the other was jacking his thick stubby shaft under his belly. The former squirrel didn't care. The fact that he was so turned on by her that he had to play with himself felt like an achievement to be savored instead of filling her with disgust, as it would have done only the day before.

They both continued to masturbate as she ate, each burger bringing her closer to her climax as her body strained under her now-tight clothing. Her belly filled her lap, reaching almost to her knees. Each of her breasts was more than two handfuls of soft, heavy flesh that would have hug to each side of her belly if it wasn't for her top. Each nipple was almost an inch wide and twice as thick, and each areola was bigger than her hands. Even her ass was now gigantic, each cheek too big for the chair it was sitting on.

As the fat rat swallowed the last burger, she finally reached her climax, throwing her head back and screaming in joy as her body shook in pleasure. Every part of her jiggled and swayed because of it, thick layers of fat moving in all directions. It felt amazing, better than any orgasm she had ever had before.

The alligator let out a billowing cry as he leaned back, cumming a moment after she did, his thick cock spraying out ropes of seed over the dark gray fur of her belly, covering it in dirty white streaks.

She let out a pleased sigh as she sank down into her chairs, rubbing her belly with a grease-covered hand, smearing the cum across her fur. A moment later, she let out a huge belch that caused her body to jiggle for a few more moments.

Slowly, she pulled her hand free from her cunt, trying to dry it on the fabric of her shorts. "Got any more?" she asked, her husky voice echoed from deep in her fat chest.

"You ate it all," the gator replied as he pulled his pants back on.

Stacy snorted and shoved a wet hand into her cleavage, fumbling around inside of it as she searched between the soft breasts until she finally found the bundle of money. She pulled the bundle out, the bills sticky with her sweat. She threw them down on to the table as she pushed back from it, rising to her feet.

Her weight settled down around her, her belly folding down over her shorts to slap against her thighs. Her ass spread out in all directions behind her, forming a shelf around her body, making her almost as wide as she was tall, but that was only because she had grown almost a foot taller. Every part of her was covered in a thick layer of fat that hung and swayed as she walked and collected in rolls against her elbows and knees. Her thick tail slapped the floor as she stood up, too heavy to keep off the ground even if she wanted to.

She waddled over to the alligator and kissed the end of his snout. "Thanks for the food," she said. Then she turned and left the restaurant, discovering that she had to walk sideways to get through the door. The doorframe press tight around the rat's body as she squeezed herself through it like toothpaste out of the tube.

With a grunt, Stacy popped free into the dark back alley, the sunlight having almost faded into night. It was starting to rain, small drops of it splattering over her head and shoulders. The former squirrel just didn't care. She felt too damn good to care about getting a little bit wet. She made her way out of the alleyway as the sun dropped behind the buildings, casting the street in twilight before the lights started to snap on in all the buildings, casting everything in a warm, red glow.

Stacy started walking down the street, the crowds moving around her and her swaying body, her tail dragging on the ground behind her. She was slower than everyone else around her, but she didn't care. They knew better then to get in her way.

Then, unbidden, someone walked up behind her, almost lost behind her hips. "How much?"

"What?" she asked, turning partly around to look at him, not quite sure what to make of the older hyena.

He smiled and placed a hand on her hip, giving it a squeeze. He must have been a construction worker, as he was wearing a high-visibility shirt that glowed in the light of the street even through the thick layer of dirt that covered him. "For a fuck. How much, hon?"

She blinked, a slow smirk crossing over her long muzzle. "Three hundred for an hour," she said, the price slipping easily past her lips like an old familiar friend. She didn't need to give them a second thought, her mind slowly being filled with years worth of experience working the streets.

The hyena squeezed her hip again, his other hand coming up to slap her ass. "And if we use the alley?"

Stacy glanced back down the dark and dingy alleyway. It was far enough back from the street that no one would see them. It wouldn't be useful for more than a quickie, but even a quickie would put money into her pocket. "Hundred," she finally replied.

He reached into his pocket and dug around for a few moments, coming up with a wad of bills. Carefully, he peeled off five bright-orange twenties and held them up to her. He had a smirk on his face, but his hand was shaking slightly as he held the money.

She plucked the bills from his hand and shoved them into her cleavage. Leaving them between her tits, she grabbed the condoms she had stolen that afternoon. Pulling one free she held it gently between her fingers, making sure not to break it. "Come on then," she said, grabbing him with her other hand and pulling him back down the alley.

Even though night had fallen, she found the alleyway easy to navigate than the day before. What little dim light shone between the buildings provided enough for her to see where she was going. The whole place had a stark look to it, the edges of the shadows sharp as everything seemed to be washed-out and gray.

After taking a turn, they found an overturned dumpster, trash bags having spilled out across the alley and covering the ground in a layer of black plastic. Carefully, she lifted one foot and slammed it down onto one of the bags. It squished down with the sound of cardboard and paper, but didn't tear open.

Turning around, the rat woman threw herself back onto the trash bags, feeling them compress under her body as she landed, but it still provided a little bit of a padding from the ground below. She let out a deep laugh and smirked up at the hyena, "You ready for some fun, hon?"

He nodded, already fumbling with his pants. She started doing the same, pulling her shorts down and away from her pussy. The fabric came away with protest, the material sticking to her wet pussy lips for a few moments before finally pulling away. She pushed them off her legs and threw them behind her head, her top following a moment later, her breasts sagging off to each side. She parted her legs and reached down to grab her belly, lifting it up off her crotch and exposing her massive bloated cunt to the john.

"Damn, you're a big bitch," the hyena said as he shoved his pants down, his cock springing out from his crotch as soon as it was free. His shaft was long and narrow, jutting out a foot with a fat head. His balls hung low and heavy, swaying with every little motion he made.

The hyena took a step closer. She held up the wrapped condom for him to see. After a moment she threw it in his direction, sending the square package spinning through the air to land in his open palm. He quickly ripped the package open and pulled out the rubber, rolling it over his shaft with ease.

Once it was on, she motioned for him to come and get her. He didn't need to be told twice, dropping down on top of her, her fat cushioning the impact as she fell back onto the bags. He grabbed her fat forearms, squeezing his fingers hard into the soft flesh as he started thrusting.

The thrusts ran across the inside of her thighs, first on one side, and then the other. After a few of them, the hyena seemed to have found his bearings. With the next stroke he stuck gold. His cock slide into the canyon of her twat, sinking the whole length into her in a single motion.

It was an odd feeling. The thickness of the shaft did almost nothing for her, lost inside her stretched pussy, but its length on the other hand... she could feel the fat head pushing deep into her cunt, hitting places very few of her customers ever did. He was also rather vigorous, starting strong and getting even more intense from there.

His hands drifted around her upper body, searching for a place to hold onto as he thrust against her. Her body was shaking and jiggling from each impact of his hips slamming into her fat thighs. Finally, he put his hands on the rat's hips and held tightly as he picked up speed.

Stacy moaned under the pounding, rather enjoying how good it felt, even if he wasn't very skilled at fucking. He was all speed and no technique. Reaching up, she grabbed the top of the hyena's head and shoved it down into her cleavage, putting it between the soft mounds of flesh.

The moment he was muzzle deep into her breasts, he started motorboating them, wiggling his head around even as she grabbed the sides of her breasts and squeezed them around his head, which brought a muffled cry of pleasure of him.

Bracing himself against her, he started to fuck her with all his might, causing the trash bags under them starting to squeak and strain from the pressure. She rocked back against him, wrapping her legs around his back to try to pull him even deep into her snatch. He slammed into her, their hips smacking together with a wet sound that filled the alleyway. Her gigantic pussy was gushing juices around his pounding cock, soaking the fur on her crotch and dripping down over her large ass onto the bags.

"Harder," she grunted, pressing her breasts even tighter around his head.

He started wiggling his head down even deeper, licking along the sides of her breasts all the way down to her breastbone. Letting out a yip of joy, he pulled his hands away from her hips and started using them to grope and explore her breasts until he found her fat nipples. He wrapped his hands around them and started to tug and twist in time with each one of his thrusts.

Stacy moaned again, her tail starting to slap against the garbage bags, slipping between them to hit against the ground, drumming a beat in time with the fucking. The hyena had started to do quick thrusts, the head of his cock teasing and rubbing her depths with each move he made. Each little touch felt wonderful, and always seemed to be in the right place for her pleasure.

Grunting, the john pulled his head up out of her cleavage, the fur of his face soaked with her boob sweat, matting it down and making him look half-drowned. "Oh fucking damn!" he cried, his eyes closing tightly as he slammed himself into her one last time and started cumming.

She could feel it rushing into the condom, inflating it around the head of his shaft with a huge load. A moment later she arched her back and let out a cry of joy as she faked her climax for him. She gasped and moaned, shaking under him for a few more moments before dropping down onto the trash bags with heavy moan.

The hyena dropped down on top of her, letting out a soft yelping bark that could almost have been a laugh. "That was amazing," he said.

Reaching up, Stacy started running her fingers through his soaked hair, gently stroking the tips of her claws against his scalp. "It was," she replied with a smile. She didn't even have to lie, but then again, most guys were decent in the sack. Though there were always a few who had no idea how to please anyone but themselves.

He took a few minutes to rest before pulling out of her, the condom sliding off his softening dick the moment after he was out of her. It fell off, landing with a splat between her legs. "Thank you," he said as he struggled back to his feet and started pulling his pants back on.

"You're welcome," she replied, giving him a smile as he fastened his belt. He may not have made her cum, but she could take care of that herself later on.

With a smile on his face, the hyena started walking back down the alleyway, vanishing around the corner a moment later. Once he was gone, Stacy rolled off the back and onto her feet, quickly making herself decent again, or at least as decent as the fat rat could make herself with her tight clothing.

Once she was satisfied, and had returned her cash and condoms into her cleavage, she headed back to the street. The night was young, and she wanted to get a few more customers before sunrise.

Stacy's fat tail swept behind her as she walked back towards the street, taking a different turn then the hyena had. She moved around the identical passages with ease, instinctively knowing her way through the twisting and winding ways. It was so different from the day before, when the young squirrel had gotten lost on her trip to the city.

That thought made her smile. It was hard to believe she had ever been that shy young woman, and she hardly could remember it. The past that she used to have had been washed away by the power of the city. It had been replaced by something so much better. She couldn't remember why she had come to the city, but she knew that she was never going to leave.

She walked out of the alleyway next to one of the strip clubs. The front of the club was brightly-lit with a pair of twin foxes dancing in the window. Both were twink males wearing tiny shorts that outlined their fat cocks.

A moment later, the door of the club opened, and hippo bouncer strolled out with a battered-looking lizard hanging over his shoulder. The hippo was huge, having to duck to get outside, and he was almost as wide as the doorframe. He was dressed in a dirty gray wife beater that was covered in layers of orange and red stains. It strained around his fat belly, threatening to tear with each move he made. He walked past her, his large feet thudding with each step he took. Then, with a grunt, he threw the lizard out onto the street, where he landed in a crumpled pile.

"If I ever see you in the club again, I'm going to crush you under my ass," the hippo said with a snort as he reached down and pulled at his pants, the belt digging into his gut. Like his shirt, his pants were both too small and covered in stains. Stacy didn't think they had ever been washed before, giving him a strong wet smell.

He turned around and saw her, his small black eyes narrowing. "Hey, what's up?"

"Not much, just looking for some fun."

The hippo looked over up and down and then licked her lips. "Be here at midnight, and I'll give you all you can handle."

Stacy laughed, moving up closer to the big man until their bellies were almost touching. "You think you can afford me?" she asked, reaching up to pluck a gray feather that had gotten stuck in the fabric of his shirt.

"Hell yeah," he replied with a smirk.

She smiled back up at him. This hippo looked like he could be a fun time. "I'm Stacy," she said.

"Marcus," he replied with a smile then dropped his heavy hand on her shoulder. "I'll be waiting for you."

"I'll be there, if you have the cash," she replied.

Without a word, he walked back to the lizard who was still lying dazed on the street. Marcus bent down and shoved his hand into the lizards pocket, digging around and pulling out a wallet. He pulled the bills out of it and threw it back down onto the unconscious man.

Stacy smiled at him. "Then I'll see you tonight," she said with a wink before turning and walking away, swinging her hips to entice him a little bit more. She already liked the big guy, and was sure he knew exactly how to treat a lady like her. She knew they would be seeing a lot of each other in the future.


This story was written and copyright 2018 by Theo Winters, reposting and archiving are allowed as long as this copyright notice and the author's name are not removed. This story cannot be published without permission of the author, violators will be trapped in the subway.