Whispering Twins (Part 28)

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#28 of Whispering Twins

Writer blocks suck :v just so yah know... Think I'd rather have a stuffy nose...

Anyway! I should be able to wrap up their last couple weeks in school in the next couple parts, then we get to the fun stuff like tent camping in the rain! (Sorry Zay)

As always fill free to leave any comments, I love reading them and they always brighten my day.

Oh and we passed 300 pages! Talk about a stepping stone!

Zayra sat in English, reading from the large text book before her while scribbling on the paper beside her. Her ears back as she wondered what Cassandra looked like. Imagining different versions having sex with her brother. Deep in her thoughts she didn't notice the bell ring, spacing out into the pages of her book.

Someone tapped her shoulder, "Hey, you're in my seat."

Her ears shot up and turned, looking up at the tall lion boy beside her. "O-oh sorry." Quickly gathering her things she made for the door. Book in her arms she made her way around the corner, heading for her next class. Crossing the ugly blue carpet to her desk where she sat with a sigh. After a couple moments she stood again and headed for the hallway, I want a drink.

Down the hall she went and around another corner to the water fountain where there was a small line. Standing at the end she waited patiently, rocking on her heels a bit to keep herself busy.

"Oh hey, you're Zays sister aren't you," a voice said gently to her left.

Turning her eyes dipped back, looking over at Stacy who was wearing jean shorts and a tank top, again barely within dress code. "Y-yeah..."

She smiled, tilting her head a bit, "I was wondering if you could tell me a bit about your brother."

Her tail twitched a bit, eyes turning to the floor, "Why?"

"Well rumor has it he's dating but I've never heard of who. No one seems to know but you're his sister, surely you know who he's dating."

She flicked an ear with a deep breath, "Why does it matter?"

"Just curious, he's never been one to turn down some attention before but I can't even get him to answer my texts today. Though one of his parrot friend from his second period said he took a couple random bathroom breaks already, maybe he was having sex with her."

A rock hit the pit of her gut. Random bathroom breaks? I mean it would make sense no one just wonders the hall during classes and bathrooms tend to be pretty quiet. He would know the best places in the school to have sex... Her whiskers tensed, standing in the hallway before Stacy as her paws curled into fists. Digging her claws into her palms, "Why do you care so much about my brother?"

Stacys head tilt a bit with a more sly smile, "I thought that much was obvious, who doesn't want a piece of Zay?"

"He's got a girlfriend, even you know that..."

"Doesn't mean I can't try my luck, been trying all year to get his attention and missed my opportunity. Now he's dating some random girl no one knows? Sounds like a bluff to keep people at bay so he has a card to play when he isn't interested. Wouldn't be the first guy to pull it."

She turned rather suddenly, "Then take the hint, he's not interested!" She felt eyes on her, ears darkening as she turned away and stalked toward her classroom. Sitting down in her seat where she hugged her knees. He wouldn't cheat on me... He promised. He said it himself he had to protect me from asshole guys, so he can't be one. He wouldn't...

Her phone vibrated in her back pocket, grudgingly pulling it free to look at it.

"<Whats wrong,>" Zay messaged.

"<Stacy... She came to me during break and was trying to figure out who your girlfriend is. Then said that you missed class because of restroom breaks, and that you were probably fucking someone...>"

"<She said what?!>"

"<I guess Maranda told her you had some random bathroom breaks, so she's guessing you were having sex. And the whole girlfriend thing is to be able to turn down girls you don't want...>" She put her phone aside as the warning bell rang.

As class started she felt herself slowly feeling heavier, suddenly regretting not checking his phone. Maybe he thought that call with Cassandra would keep me from looking at his phone... What if he guilted me into not looking by acting all innocent!? What if he actually is having sex and is just using an imaginary girlfriend as an excuse to not fuck everyone who asks?

"<What class are you in?>"

"<Bible Lit, on the second floor... why?>"

"<Ask for a bathroom break and meet me at the top of the stairs in the front where the bus's park.>"

"<I can't this early into class...>"

"<Then when you can, do your potty dance if you have to. I wanna talk to you and I can't be on my phone through class.>"

"<Can't it wait till lunch,>" she complained."<And I don't do a potty dance!>"

"<Okay fine, but meet me at the top of the stairs anyway.>"

She tucked her phone away with a heavy sigh, I should have looked at his phone when I had the chance.

Mid way through class they were dismissed for lunch, leaving her things behind to trot to the front stairs where they had met Anthony before. Leaning against the wall by the stairs she pouted, Stacy's words still ringing in her head. Who doesn't want a piece of Zay? I can't say she's wrong but... God why come to me about it?

Zay stepped around the corner and rounded her, grabbing her arm, "Come on."

"Zay where are we going... What are we going to talk about?"

He turned a corner, pausing at a boys bathroom and perking an ear before dragging her in.

Her fur stood on end, "Z-Zay wait," she let out a hushed whine. "This is the boys bathroom, I could get in trouble!"

"Then shut up," he pulled her into the stall before the handicapped one and shut the door. Locking it before he turned to her and held her face. "Did Stacy touch you at all?"

"N-no, why? "

He sighed, "Rumor has it she's got an STD. Two of her ex boyfriends have come up positive with chlamydia in the last four months, both are sure it was her. I was put in her group because one of her friends claimed me before I could make a move to join another group. Yes, I have to go to her house after school to practice for our german exam, and I have every intention of giving her a hard time and hovering around her parents."

"Then why go at all if you're so worried, couldn't you practice at school?"

"I don't want her in my car," his ears flicked back. "For all I know she might have crabs too. I put nothing past her right now."

"And you couldn't say that over text," she growled quietly.

Frowning he put his hands on his hips, "Well excuse me for caring and wanting to see you in person. I figured it would mean more if I told you myself that I have no interest in Stacy and could give two shits less about hanging out with her."

"What about your bathroom breaks yesterday," she demanded.

"That was the ointment, dork, like I told you yesterday."

Her eyes turned away, chewing her lip, I forgot about that... again... I can't believe I'm letting Stacy get to me now...

Zays head turned, ears flicking up.

"Look Zay I-" his hand fell over her mouth and she shuffled around him as they switched places. Her eyes widening as her ears dropped back, hearing footsteps in the bathroom. Hooves if she wasn't mistaken.

He stood before the toilet and hefted her up, hands under her thighs to keep her up. His hand directing her arms around his neck before swiping up her tail off the floor. His ears were up, following the person as they moved for the second stall.

Zayra swallowed quietly, holding around his neck tight, teeth on her lip to hold back a whimper. Oh god... someone came in... It's a teacher! The students would be down at lunch by now! If we get caught we'd be in so much trouble!

Zays nose touched hers, eyes darting to the side toward the other person.

It seemed like the minutes dragged by, the grunting and heavy sighs before there was a swirling flush and they got up. Clopping over to the sinks to wash their hands, and then trotting out.

He let out a breath, looking over to her, lips parting to speak.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, pulling away a bit and moving her legs to reach for the floor. Set on her feet she looked up at him, ears back and teary eyed. "I'm sorry okay. I've just been so scared. I feel like I'm failing as a girlfriend, you can't tell me about me because I'm your sister."

"You're not failing Zayra, you're a great girlfriend. I haven't had this peaceful of a relationship before. Theres... Theres just a lot going on and once this school is over we can relax and settle things between us."

She held her arms, looking away from him, "And what happens this summer when you can go to work or when we go camping with all those cheerleaders in bikinis." Internally she flinched at the idea of it.

He sighed, lifting a hand to pull her resistant form into a hug, arms wrapped around her. "I love you Zayra... Having other girls around isn't going to change that. You and I both know I could have just about any girl in school if I really wanted her... But I want you... You're my sister, the most important person in my life. I can't replace you."

Tears stung her eyes, head pressing to his shirt with a sniffle. Then why do I still feel expendable? Like at any moment you could just... drop me.

His head rubbed against hers, "You better run along to lunch, I'll see you social studies, okay sis?"

With a sigh she straightened, "Okay... I guess you should get back to class..."

He wiped her eyes with his thumbs, "Relax, everything's going to be okay." Then his lips kissed her hair, taking her hand as they hurried out of the bathroom and into the hall to part ways.

Zay had parked in the street, looking over at the two cars in the gravel driveway as he stepped up the stairs to the porch. Behind him was one of Stacys friends he had agreed to pick up, a human girl with bottle blonde hair and brown eyes. He stepped aside to let Allaina knock on the door, "Those are her parents cars right?"

"Yeah, I mentioned yesterday that there was a guy in our group. They weren't about to let you be alone with four girls... Well five actually, Stacy has a sister in middle school."

His ears dipped back, "Well it's nice to know they'll keep an eye on us..."

The door opened, the brownish grey wolf male looked down at them and over at Zay a bit. "You two are a little late..."

Allaina rose a hand, "My fault Mr Kindle, my parents hadn't got of work in time, so I asked Zay to pick me up. I guess it was a little out of his way."

He nodded a bit and stepped aside, "Stacys in the basement, leave the door open."

Zay stepped in behind Allaina, careful to keep his ears down, and avoid any curious sniffing. Not that he had to, the house stank of cigarettes. The ugly brown carpet they walked on was crusty under his feet paws. The furniture all looked to be tinted brown as well. The big TV was playing football, but was apparently muted.

His eyes wondered as they made their way through the living room and around an open staircase to a door under the stairs. Following her down he made sure the door was left wide open, the dimly lit staircase opened up into the concrete basement that was otherwise furnished like another living room. There were rugs and a small table, even a TV with some game consoles.

Stacy, Gabrellia, and Vanessa were already there, a few cans of root beer sitting around them. Stacy was the first to pop up, "Oh Zay you made it!"

His ears dipped back, "Not that it was easy, yah missed a dirt road in your directions."

"Oh, sorry, I always miss that one," she rubbed the back of her neck. "So do you want anything to drink? We've got plenty."

"No thanks, I'm fine right now," he rocked on his heels a bit. Why did I have to get dragged into this... This place smells weird, and I swear the girls are sizing me up! Couldn't we have done it upstairs, in front of her parents! He took a breath, "Okay, so I guess let's get to work. Stacy where's your german book?"

Her ears flattened, "In my room."

He trotted around the back of the couch, "Well go get it."

Groaning a bit she got up and trotted up the stairs.

"Grab your english book too," he hollered lightly. "Remind me why we had to do a shakespeare scene..."

Allaina giggled as she cracked open a rootbeer, "Because Stacy wanted to play Juliet and for you to play Romeo because you're the only guy..."

Gabrellia, a brown and gold cocker spaniel, lifted a shaggy furred arm, "Just so she can get close to you. I swear Zay, she's out to get you in her bed."

A shudder raced up his spine, fur puffing before he relaxed, "Already got a girlfriend..." He sat on the couch and let out a heavy sigh, "Not that that's stopping her..."

Allaina sat beside him, "What do you mean?"

Zays ear flicked, making sure Stacy wasn't in ear shot, he could hear thumping around likely upstairs on the second floor. "She was talking to my sister, I guess trying to figure out who my girlfriend is and how to get to me... Zayra said that Stacy thinks my girlfriend is fake and just an excuse not to have sex..." He leaned back, pulling his feet up to rest on the edge of the couch. "Even if I was dating, it wasn't going to stop her from trying..."

Vanessa, a quiet white wooled sheep, laid her head in her hand, looking toward the stairs. "Sounds like typical Stacy..." She put her other hand out toward Gabrellia.

The dog pouted and dug in her purse for a five dollar bill and smacked it into her hand.

Zays eyes widened, "She's dating someone?"

"Yeah, some guy that goes by Vincent, haven't met him," Vanessa stated. "Smelled him though..."

His ears twitched, "Isn't she... dirty?"

Allaina leaned over the back of the couch, "So rumor has it, but you of all people should know rumors are just here-say."

A smile cracked his lips, "The most believable lies are the ones with half a truth. Two of her ex's have come up dirty. Both of them blame her." Sitting up his ears twisted for the stairs, hearing footsteps from upstairs coming closer to the basement. "So, do we all remember our lines?"

The girls grumbled.

His head fell back, "Course not..."

"Do you," Allaina asked, taking a drink from her pop can.

"No," he chuckled. "I might have dozed off in class."

Stacy trotted down the steps, arms full of books. "My moms making spaghetti for dinner, that cool with you guys?"

Vanessa stuck her tongue out, "Did you tell your mom not to mix the meat and tomato sauce?"

She paused mid step, then whirled around, "Maaa, don't forget Vanessas over!"

"Got it," she barked down.

Zay rose a hand and rubbed his ear a bit, Screamer... Bet she's just as loud in bed.

Stacy set down the books on the table, "Okay so, dinner is in about a half hour forty five minutes."

He reached over and picked up her english book, "So... We need a scene were all five of us have a line..." Ear twisting as Stacy plopped beside him and leaned over to look at the book with him. He tried not to make his discomfort obvious, licking his teeth a bit. Just remember... It's only contagious through fluids to openings like the eyes. Just... don't sneeze on me or anything...

In just under an hour Zay had managed to work with the girls on their parts, reciting the same line until he swore he'd have nightmares with it ringing in his head. His ears twisted, stomach ready to growl at the smell of food that waifed from upstairs.

"Dinners ready kids, come eat," Stacys mother called from the top of the steps.

"Coming Mrs Kindle," Vanessa said, standing and starting up the stairs. Gabrella not far behind.

Zay stepped aside to let Allaina and Stacy go up before him, eyes to the side as he made his way up. God I'm starving... Just have to remember to limit myself, I can eat again when I get home. Turning the corner close behind he looked over at Stacys grey colored mother who was grabbing plates from a cabinet.

The girls already sat down, phones on the table while they were talking.

His ears rose, "Mrs Kindle do you want any help setting the table?"

She turned, brown eyes checking him up and down as her body followed her head to complete the turn. "Sure, you can set the plates on the table."

Stepping over he took them gently, laying them out on the table in front of every seat and the couple fold up chairs.

"Stacy, go upstairs and get your sister, she didn't answer me when I called for dinner," she pulled open a drawer and started pulling out silverware.

While Stacy departed Zay stepped over and took the silverware. Laying them out while Mrs. Kindle grabbed some cloth hot pads from another drawer and laid them on the table. He then turned to move the big spaghetti pot to the table on one of the hot pads.

Mrs. Kindle set down the pan of meat and a small pot of tomato sauce. "Honey, dinners on the table."

Stacy returned with another brown wolf who looked a year or so younger, sitting at the table and started to serve herself.

Zay reluctantly sat between Stacy and her sister, leaving the two open seats together for her parents. Waiting patiently as the other girls served themselves as well.

"Stacy, Jenny, what do you want to drink?"

"Milk," the two barked.

"Vanessa, Gabriella, Allaina?"

Vanessa rose her head, "Water please."

Gabrella and Allaina both asked for milk.

Mrs Kindle seemed to be pondering, pulling down cups.

Zay waited patiently, ears up as he served himself, careful not to take too much before lathering on the tomato sauce and spooning some hamburger on top.

"Stacy," she turned a bit, "Your friend have a name?"

She paused, gulping down her mouthful of spaghetti before licking her whiskers, "His names Zay... Zay Reynolds."

"Zay do you want anything to drink," Mrs Kindle asked gently.

"Water's fine Mrs. Kindle," he replied. Spinning his fork carefully to avoid making a mess on himself. About halfway through dinner his phone went off, laying his fork on his plate as he stood, "I'll be right back."

Trotting into the living room he lifted his phone, "Yeah."

"You're not home yet..." Zayra whimpered a bit. "Moms setting dinner on the table now."

He smiled a bit, setting his hand on his hip, "Stacys mom made dinner for us. After we're done I'm gonna help some and do a couple more practice runs with Stacy and them. Then I'll be on my way. I'll call you when I leave okay, probably going to take Allaina home on the way since I picked her up."

"They haven't been grabby with you have they?"

"Not anymore than I'm use to," he whispered a bit, ears back as his eyes wandered to the doorway to the dining room. "Should be there around six or seven okay? Movie tonight?"

"Sure," she replied softly.

A discomfort filled his gut, eyes rolling a bit with a snort, "What's wrong?"

"I dunno, I'm just worried..."

"Relax hun, it'll be fine. Maybe a couple hours. We'll watch whatever cheesy B-rated horror flick you want." His tail flicked across the sticky carpet.

"Okay fine..." She pouted. "With ice cream..."

"Deal, now I gotta go. Love you."

"Love you too," she sighed a bit. Then hung up.

Sliding his phone back in his pocket he returned to the dining room and sat down, picking back up his fork.

Stacy looked at him a bit, "What was that about?"

"Girlfriends lonely," he stated, stuffing his mouth with noodles.

After eating Zay helped clear the table for Mrs. Kindle and went downstairs with the girls to practice a bit. His ears lifting as they looked up from the short coffee table at him. His ears drooped, lifting a brow, "What?"

"So the elusive girlfriend gets lonely," Stacy smirked. "And likes horror movies? Yah sure she's not a psycho?"

A smirk escaped him, trotting over to the couch, "Horror movies are one thing, real blood is another. Besides, I'd rather sit and watch crappy horror movies with cheesy predictable jumpscares than some snore fest drama with fake romance. Makes the cuddles less sniffly too."

Her ears flattened, nose wrinkled, "Drama and romance aren't snore fests. Least in those a guy knows how to make a girl happy."

"And it's called acting," he put his hands in his pockets. "So, lets do the skit a couple more times."

Allaina stood from the couch, moving with Vanessa and Gabrielle to the more open part of the floor. "Come on Stacy."

She was grumbling, "It's no wonder you can't keep a girlfriend..."

His ears shot up, "Excuse me?"

She turned toward him, hand on the couch, "I said, it's no wonder you can't keep a girlfriend! You don't know how to make a girl happy. You can't even take a hint."

His eyes blinked, then he turned to Allaina with a breath, "Am I taking you home?"

Allainas mouth seemed a little hesitant, eyes switching between them.

"Stacy, what's goin on down there," her father asked from the top of the steps.

"Nothing dad," she barked. "Just Zay being a dick."

With a growl he turned back to her, "Oi, I'm not the one getting all pissed off about movies. Sorry to burst your bubble about romance flicks, not every girl wants a chad." His hand grabbed Allainas arm gently, "Am I taking you home or not?"

"Y-yeah if it's not any trouble..."

"Then grab your stuff and meet me outside," he turned and started for the stairs. Ears back as Stacys father stepped down.

"Whats going on?"

Zay passed him, "Rather not talk about it, but I'm leaving anyway." Up the stairs he started, hearing Stacy clamber over the couch, screeching.

"Zay! Get back here!"

"No, you're lucky I came in the first place. You're pissing me off, I'm leaving," he was about half way up the steps in the small narrow stairwell when she stood at the bottom.

"So I'm right! You can't make a girl happy, that's why Kathy cheated on you!"

Heat rattled up his spine as he whirled around, "No, Kathy cheated on me because she wanted more dick! Guess she rubbed off on you since you're asking my sister for tips to get in my pants, knowing I have a girlfriend, while already dating... what's his name? Vincent? Your advances are as ammature as your shitty romance movies.

'Now take the fucking hint. I don't like you, I don't want to have sex with you, and leave my sister the fuck alone." Turning back he continued up the steps to the living room where Mrs Kindle was standing.

Stacys insulting screams were amplified by the narrow stairwell, making his ears ring. He grabbed the basement door and slammed it. Then turned to the aging wolf.

"Sorry... Thanks for dinner Mrs. Kindle," he turned and started out of the house, trotting down to the driveway. Pulling out his keys he took a few deep breaths, hearing her frustrated cries. Sliding into his seat he leaned back, key in the ignition to turn on the car and wait for Allaina. The music from his stereo helping him relax as he took deep breaths.

The door opened and he watched Allaina climb in with her small bag in her lap. Head turned away from him.

He let out a sigh, "Well?"

"W-what," she stammered turning to him nervously.

"Buckle," his hands opening on the wheel.

"O-oh right..." Her hand pulled the seat belt down and it clicked into place. Remaining quiet as he pulled out of their driveway and into the street. Once out of sight of the house she cleared her throat, "Y...You're not... mad are you?"

His ears dipped, "A bit... Really escalated... Over a movie genre too. I mean why did she have to make that comment..."

"She's just... being Stacy..." She leaned back with a huff. "You know she actually stole one of my boyfriends?"

"That breaks code," he commented.

"Yeah well then she gave him chlamydia..." Her arms crossed, head back.

His eyes turned rather suddenly, "No shit... Which one was it? Alex?"

"Conner," she said. "First guy I really opened up to..."

"Never really took you for a knot type..."

She laughed a bit, turning in her seat, "Who doesn't? And Conner knows how to use it... He could go for hours like it didn't even phase him."

An ear twisted toward her, "Liked him that much huh..."

A red tint crossed her nose and cheeks, "Y-yeah... I mean I... I kind of understand why he left me.... I'm human, he's... He's a dog... Doubt my parents would be okay with us... I know his family is fine with me, his mom is really sweet." She nestled back into the seat with a heavy sigh. "Between you and me... I miss him..."

"Have you talked to him?"

"No, after I found out he had chlamydia, which he sure as hell didn't get from me, I stopped talking to him. And I was so angry I deleted his number... I regret it... He apologized, he begged, he only did it once... I just haven't had the nerve to go back to him... I'm afraid to kiss him..."

He dug in his pocket a bit, "I don't know much about chlamydia honestly... But I might know someone who does..." Tapping his contacts he scrolled through, eyes dancing between the road and his phone before tapping the green phone then the speaker. Holding the phone up as he turned a corner.

It rang for a bit and picked up. "Hey champ," answered a very unexpected, deep male voice.

"Hey pops, maybe you can help me since I guess moms busy," Zay replied. I mean if Franks answering Cassandra's phone, she must be.

"Sure, whats up?"

"There's a bit of a chlamydia issue in school, couple people have been infected but I think I know the source. But I'm wondering all the ways it's transferred, or if something as simple as say.... A kiss? Could transmit it."

"It's a sexualy transmited infection soley, so I would avoid any contact sexually or with sexual fluids. Wouldn't hurt to probably avoid shaking hands with someone you think doesn't wash their hands after jerking off. But kissing is safe, there's been no proven cases of chlamydia being transferred via saliva. Is that something we should look for more specifically on your upcoming test?"

"Couldn't hurt," he shrugged. "I was just wondering, for a friend."

"Better to ask than assume. While you're at it you should probably push kids to head for a doctor about it."

He tilted his head as he spoke lightly, "I know, don't shame them for having an STD it discourages treatment, causes further spreading of the infection. As mama C always says Consent and education make for safe exploration."

"That she does, was that all you needed champ?"

"Yeah, I'll let you get back to whatever you're doing. Thanks pop, love you."

"Love you too," he hung up.

Zay set his phone between his legs. "So there you go, from a medical professional."

She blinked a bit, brown eyes staring at him, "That was your dad?"

"No," he met her eyes. "Family friend I call pops, and his wife I sometimes call mom. But he works at a family healthcare center and is an on call doctor for the local hospital."

She nodded a bit, "You sure have some resources Zay... For a guy in highschool."

"I got lucky with them, but I owe em a lot. Least I could do is teach others what they taught me." He turned another corner. "So... Are you going to talk to him now?"

She rubbed the back of her neck, "P-probably... I mean it's not like I blame him entirely... I wasn't putting out, and... well I'm human... He probably would enjoy someone of his own kind more."

"There really isn't much of a difference... Granted you can't have kids together, but sex wise... The difference is so minor it's not worth worrying about."

"Don't anthros stay tighter?"

"Hell no," he laughed, "Kathy was like throwin a tic-tack down a hallway, and that's comparing her to Megan."


"Yeah, Meg, the brunette human in my english class. God her boyfriend was an ass... Jim, I think it was?"

Allaina rose a brow questionably as she faced him, a small smirk on her lips, "You broke code?"

"No," he sassed, "She neglected to mention a boyfriend, and when I asked she said she was single. Besides I ain't friends with Jim, and shit chance of it after he damaged my car. Still waiting for the insurance claim on that wheel he slashed..."

She giggled, "Least he didn't key it."

A cold shudder raced down his spine, ears laying flat, "I'd have torn him a new asshole by now."

She smiled softly, turning out the window, "So... Your girlfriend."

"What about her?"

"Why don't you talk about her? Like... No one knows who she is," Allaina stated as she turned back.

"Well... she's kinda shy, not my usual type and... I dunno..." His eyes looked ahead at the quickly darkening road. Shit... Okay come up with something quick... Convincing... Girl bullies! Clearing his throat he continued, "And yah know there's always that worry some crazy chick like Stacy might try and break us up."

"That makes sense, with how popular you are. It's like every girl and their sister wants a piece of you. How's your sister taking it? She okay sharing her brother," she asked playfully.

His ears flicked up and then back, "M-my sister? Uh.. I dunno, they get along... They're a lot a like."

"So your girlfriend is like your sister? Are they friends?"

"Kind of? I mean... They know each other but Zayras got pretty poor social skills so they don't talk much. But Zayra hasn't complained about her yet," He could feel a lump in his throat. Okay just... one thought at a time. Keep sister and girlfriend separate... Last thing I need is rumors my girlfriend IS my sister. Okay... Just try not to imply it...

She smiled, "It's great your sister is okay with your girlfriend, I know my siblings always lecture me about whoever I date."

Zay chuckled a little, pulling into another street and stopping in front of a house, "Sorry about... yah know having to leave early..."

Allaina climbed out and turned, bending over a bit, "It's okay Zay, she had it coming. I'm just glad I was there to witness it. Her parents were soooo mad."

"Were they?"

"Well yeah, you called her out on having sex, like her parents would take that lightly. Hell mine wouldn't either." She rose her hand and tucked some hair behind her ear, "See you tomorrow Zay, say hi to your girlfriend for me. Bet she's worried as hell since you were stuck in a basement with a bunch of girls."

He chuckled a bit, letting out a breath, "Yeah, I'm sure I'll get a sniff check. Later Allaina." He watched her shut the door and start up the steps to the porch, careful to make sure she got inside before he started down the road for home.

Zayra was sprawled out on her bed, eyes up at the ceiling, cheeks wet with tears. She couldn't help the fears that her overly active imagination was brewing up. He could have had sex with all of them... Or maybe he snuck off with one to fuck solo, cuz Stacys dirty...

No, no bad Zayra, he promised, he swore! He wouldn't do that! .... Right? I'm sure he's just stuck in traffic... not... delaying coming home cuz he smells like sex... He was gonna do a couple more practice runs, they can't be that long... and I dunno how far Stacy lives... She could be an hour away...

An hour is within school district right?... She squeezed her eyes shut, taking a deep but ragged breath, What about tomorrow... Cassandra wanted to see him tomorrow after school and I doubt Zay is ready to introduce me to her... I mean I am his sister so it would be weird. What if she gets flirty, it's not like I'm putting out much... Zay could probably fuck her across the floor with how pent he is...

And it's not like I can handle it, I mean I don't even know how it feels to lose ones virginity... The hell does sex actually feel like?! When my hymen breaks will it hurt? Will I bleed a lot? What if it doesn't stop bleeding?!

The front door opened, and Mary's voice echoed from the kitchen, "Oh, about time you're home. Where were you, it's past curfew."

"Friends house for some German practice," Zay replied.

Zayra found her feet and peeked out of her room, nose twitching as if looking for a scent.

He started up the steps, smiling at her as he carried his bag into his room and dropped it. His hands pulling his shirt over his head with a tired sigh. "Zee did you pick a movie?"

She stepped over and picked up a movie case from under his TV. "Figured we could watch Zoombie again."

"Zoo-mbie? That's the one with the zombie outbreak in a zoo right?"

"Yeah, with that really bad lioness actress that falls into the penguin exhibit and gets pecked apart," a small smile crossed her lips at the fond memory of the scene. Aside from the explicit horror of the situation, the scene was comically done.

Her ears perked as she heard his door click shut, twisting them as his belt jingled, and zipper fell. Oh my god he's stripping...

"Well either way, I gotta take a shower first. Their house smelt awful and I had to touch Stacy. I swear to god my skins crawling."

She turned, ears burning with a blush, I need to know... If he did there's no way it's out of his undercoat...

He stood in only his blue and green plaid boxers, rummaging through his pants to free his belt and lay his wallet and phone on his nightstand.

Stepping over she tried not to be obvious of her intent, nose twitching, paws clasped in front of her chest. Her tail flicked nervously, tears stinging her eyes, ready for the worst. She hugged him from behind and held him close, putting her face to his back and nosing into the soft hairs to find warm flesh.

His body tensed, "Woo! Cold nose."

Zayras nose inhaled lightly at first, quick sniffs as she nuzzled around. Cigarettes... Sweat... There's some arousal but it is Zay, he always smells a little horny. I don't smell heavy arousal though... Not like after we have sex... if it could be called sex.

He rose an arm and turned to face her, looking down at her with a soft smile before he leaned over and whispered in her ear. "If you're looking for the horny smell of another girl, you might wanna check a little lower. Where contact is made."

Her ears darkened even more, eyes up on his face before dropping to the crotch of his boxers. He... He wants me to sniff down there?!

"Go ahead," he purred, "I've nothing to hide." His large left hand took her right and directed it down to his groin, "It'll help put your mind at ease."

She took a breath and hesitantly put her claws on the elastic. Teeth on her lip as she slowly inched down into his boxers. Oh my god this is dirty as hell... I mean.. Yeah I stroked his dick and let him cum all over me, even in my mouth but Jesus! Just sticking my hand in his pants!? This is not what normal sisters do!

Her hand turned, running her paw pads up through the soft crotch fur, feeling his swelling sheath with her pinkie. A hot and cold shutter racing through her as it pulsed a bit. She let out a squeak as he grabbed her arm and pushed her hand further down.

"It's not like it's going to bite you," he chuckled lightly.

Her ears flattened, dark purple with blush and burning hot. Her fingers wrapping under his heavy orbs and raking her claws up through his fur gently. She felt his sheath swell with his knot, the hot pre smearing her paw pad as her hand escaped the loose cloth. Eyes looking up at his bit lip and happy smirk.

"Yah sure you don't wanna get down and give it a good sniff," he asked quietly, a brow raised.

"Y-yeah I'm sure..." she replied, holding her arm as she looked away. "Go shower Zay, you smell like cigarettes..."

His tongue licked her cheek with a purr, lifting her hand up and near her nose, Making her smell his sweet musky sweat, and little bit of arousal from the fluids on her palm. "I'll make it quick, if you wanna go get the ice cream ready."

Her mouth watered, watching him pass her and snatch up his sleep shorts from the bed. Hearing him open and shut the door behind him before wandering down the hall. With a soft tremble she inhaled deeply against her palm, followed by a shudder as her free paw grabbed her shorts. Holy shit... Smells so good... Like after he works out... Heavy, sweaty... but not in a bad way. Just... amazing...

She flopped onto his bed and curled around her hand to continue to inhale, God it's turning me on too... Humiliating and weird as it was... It was worth it! She continued to lay there, breathing his scent in and squirming until she heard his door open again.

He put a hand on his hip, fur damp and ruffled with his mohawk hanging down in front of his face that was plastered with a hurmored smile, "Okay, I'll go get the ice cream..."

Her ears darkened with a blush, tucking both paws between her clamped thighs. "S-sorry..."

Stepping over he sat on the bed, leaning over to kiss her cheek, "It's fine sis, but I guess that means I'm in the clear. Unless you got a whiff of some chicks pussy."

With a soft smile she shook her head.

"Well go wash your dirty paws, last thing we need is you forgetting and dad sniffing it out. I'll go get the ice cream." His hand pet her head, thumb running along her cheek as he stared down into her eyes that peered up at him.

Sitting up she slid off the bed, holding her smile as she went for the warm and steamy bathroom to wash her hands. Hearing Zay in the kitchen her smile faded and she sighed, Today... But what about tomorrow... Cassandra, his long time friend... She's probably clean...