Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 3: Chapter 8

Story by Wilson Kitsune on SoFurry

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#8 of Care Bears Family Adventures Book 3

Every member of the Star Fox Team takes a much needed break and manages to spend time they need to with those they care about most. Cassandra emerges from her healing chamber and finds herself changed.

Chapter 8: Intimacy in a Time of War

Patient Heart Liger stepped through the door to his quarters to find the lights dimmed and Hugs standing in front of their bed and wearing a pink nightgown. Hugs gave him a sultry grin as he approached, "Welcome home, Pace."

"Happy to be. What's this about?" Pace approached his wife, somewhat cautious but intrigued.

Hugs closed the distance between them and put her arms around his shoulders. "I just thought that now we finally have some down time for the first time in years we should spend some intimate time together."

Pace chuckled, "Well I am patient."

Hugs gave him a small peck on the lips, "And Patience should be rewarded." She guided him towards the bed, "Unless you have something else you want to do."

Pace blushed despite himself, "There's no one else but you."

Hugs giggled as she helped him removed his uniform, "Then we're not waiting." Once he was undressed she gently pushed him down onto the bed and descended on him.

Five minutes later, Hugs was sitting up in bed and crying.

Pace sat up behind her and put a hand on her shoulder, "Hugs! What's wrong?"

Hugs reached up to wipe the tears from her eyes. "I'm sorry, Pace, I just." She took a deep sniffing breath, "I came back earlier and I just stars what have I become Pace?" She turned to Pace which let him finally see just how red and puffy her eyes were. "Every day I'm out there flying, fighting and killing while you work to keep saving our lives and..." She turned away from him, "How can you still look at me after everything I've done. I'm not the same Hugs you had feelings for years ago so why... why do you want to keep spending what left of our lives with me?"

Pace slid up beside her and put an arm around her shoulders, "You've changed, I've changed, we've all changed." He moved his face so she could see him out the corner of her eye, "But you're still the same Hugs I fell for years ago. Deep down we're the same Care Bears we always were even if we're not doing what we wanted to do when we were kids.

Hugs turned her head away, "But I'm a killer now, a cold-blooded killer!"

Pace frowned and used his free hand to turn Hugs' face towards his, "You're not cold-blooded. The fact that you're crying about it shows that you aren't and that's one of the reasons I love you." He gave her a soft kiss, "I wish we had more time to spend together but intimacy is one of the casualties of war. Even if we're living on borrowed time we should spend it together while we can."

"Oh Pace!" Hugs's tears welled up as she threw her arms around him and sobbed into his shoulder, "What would I without you?"

Pace chuckled, "Well you don't have to wonder anymore," he pulled away from her then gave her a deep kiss on the lips, his eyes moistening from the emotion of it all. "Now then, if you still want we can be intimate now."

Hugs smiled through her tears and nodded, "Yes, please." She lay back on her bed and Pace came down with her and they kissed.


"Daddy!" Kalico Lombardi, a five-year-old blue cat wearing shorts and a t-shirt, ran up to Falco as he entered their family's quarters.

"Hey baby girl," Falco crouched down to giver Kalico a hug once she was in range.

"What, no hug for mom?" Katt teased as she stepped around her husband and daughter.

Kalico grinned and released Falco to give her mother a hug, "Mommy!"

Falco hung his flight jacket up as he watched Katt give their daughter a kiss on the forehead.

"Are you doing alright, stuck in here all day?" Katt asked once she was finally released from her hug.

"Kinda, I've played most of the games." Kalico pointed out the window, "Why is space blue now?"

Falco walked over to the window and put a hand on the sill, "That's the Sector X nebula. It's like a big cloud in space." He turned to watch as Kalico stood on her toes to get a better look, "We're using it to hide from the bad guys."

"The bad guys you and mommy fight every day?" Kalico didn't turn from looking out the window.

"That's right, but mommy and daddy aren't going to be fighting for a while. Everyone needs an upgrade now." Falco turned to sit on the double bed he and Katt shared.

"What's an...up-grade?" Kalico turned to look at her parents.

"Well all of our friends need better fighters to keep up with me," Falco smirked and jabbed at his chest with a thumb.

Katt rolled her eyes, "So since we don't have anything to do, we're going to spend a lot more time together for the next couple weeks," she yawned, "starting tomorrow."

"Aww, OK," Kalico sounded a bit dissapointed but she still smiled.


Cheer was doing stretches in her quarters, she bent over and peered between her legs at the door as Tenderheart entered. She gave an upside-down grin, "So how are things with the new fighters going?"

"Pretty well this week." Tenderheart removed his flight jacket and hung it up in their closet, "Perfect said he was going to switch to an Arwing Bomber to help Slippy and even the Psiwing is coming along nicely. It shouldn't be too much longer before the essential refits are finished." Tenderheart finished undressing and sat down on their bed.

Cheer finished her stretches and plopped down next to him, bouncing slightly as she hit the mattress, "I almost forgot what it's like to go in just fur." She turned to her husband, "Tenderheart, do me a favor please."


"Don't talk shop to me in here." She rolled onto her side, "Neither of us have anything to do while we're hiding in this nebula so let's have some time for just us, OK?"

Tenderheart chuckled, "Alright, I suppose I made you wait a week with nothing to do. I'll make this our time." He turned over and kissed him, "You're the reason I keep fighting, Cheer. For whatever might come after this is over."

Cheer giggled and put a finger to his lips, "No future, stay in the present," she kissed him again and drew him closer.


"Amanda," Slippy sat down at a table in the rear observation lounge with a tray full of food, "We could use your help with something."

"Really?" Amanda sounded skeptical as she looked at her husband.

"We need help with the mechwing," Slippy pulled a datapad from his pocket and leaned over to read it with her. "We're having trouble with the servos for transformation and limb movement."

Amanda chuckled as she read the information, "First the Psiwing and now this? How many times are you going to ask a cyber-doctor to fix your little fighters?

Slippy flushed slightly, "As long as we need to. Any ideas?"

"A few," she smirked, "I'll come down to the docking bay after lunch."

"Thanks," they nuzzled then went back to eating.


Faye Spaniel lay front down on the bed dressed only in her undergarments as she stared at the datapad in her hands and rotated through a 3D wireframe diagram.

Miyu Lynx, just as minimally clothed, leaned over Faye's shoulder from where she stood next to the bed, "What are you working on this late?"

"It's the mechwing," Faye looked back over her shoulder and lifted up the datapad so Miyu could see. "We just finished assembling it today, take a look."

Miyu looked closer and saw an Arwing with forward swept wings, twin engines at the back and two large guns mounts on the back as it rotated in place and Faye spoke, "It has plasma lasers under the wings and beam cannons on the back."

"Beam cannons?" Miyu glanced at Faye.

"About the same strength as the ones on the Mk V but we couldn't fit a Nova Bomb launcher on it. Then there's this," Faye touched a button on the bottom left of the screen. Miyu watched as the wireframe shifted. The machine rotated upright, the two engines unfolded into a pair of legs, the wings folded forwards into the body, arms under the fuselage unfolded to the machine's sides, the guns on the back tilted to face over the shoulders and the nose cone folded down to the machine's chest exposing the machine's head which had two triangular eyes but was otherwise plain looking.

"I based some of the design off cartoons Cassandra used to watch, and some of the ones I use to watch. The plasma lasers are inoperable in this mode but the forearms," she tapped one of the forearms and the top opened to reveal a three barreled Vulcan gun, "Beam Vulcans in the forearms and something else," she tapped the same hand and the fist closed as emitters opened as an energy blade extended from the fists, "Beam katars for close range combat. With the engines in the legs, rotating G-Diffusers and an active mass balance control system this machine is the most maneuverable fighter I've ever seen, though it's shields suffer and the multiple shifting parts put limits on how far laminate titanium can be pushed even with my energy dispersing gel."

"So what's the problem?" Miyu stood up as Fay turned back to look at the screen.

"The transformation is too slow. Watch," she pressed the 'transformation' button again and they watched it shift back to fighter mode, "It takes a full six seconds and the Mechwing is helpless until it finishes."

"And staying still, or even coasting in one direction, in a battle for that long is suicide," Miyu nodded.

"Yeah and I've been wracking my brains trying to figure out a solution," Faye let go of the datapad and pressed her fists into her forehead, "But nothing comes to me no matter how hard I think."

"You want my advice?" Miyu didn't wait for an answer but plucked the datapad from Faye's pillow, "go to sleep."

Faye rolled over until she was facing Miyu, who stood with the datapad held up in one hand, "But I need to figure something out before we can make a simulator program!"

Miyu shook her head, "Dr. Spaniel, if you stay up all night then you're going to be no use to anyone. A fresh mind will serve you better than an exhausted one," She walked around to her side of the bed and set the datapad down on her beside table, "Now get some sleep. That's an order."

Faye sighed but slipped under the covers and lay with her back to Miyu as she slid in next to her. "We're not in the Cornerian military anymore."

Miyu kept her back to Faye but smirked anyway, "I still made Lieutenant Jr. Grade before it all blew up, Ensign Spaniel."


Take Care Bear entered sick bay to see Get Well checking the nanite healing chamber. "Good morning, how is she?"

"Still healing." Get Well stood back from the instrument panel, "I replaced the IV and emptied the waste. I wish we could speed this up."

Take Care shook her head, "Can't risk it on the first real test, but after two weeks she could be healed any day now. All we can do is wait and keep the chamber stable." She sat down at her desk, "As long as no one gets hurt we don't have much else to do. I'm just relieved the patches I made to Cassandra's DNA with Fara's took so well."

"Why did it? Sorry but I kinda missed the whole 'why Lylatians sort of look like us' bit." Get Well pulled a chair over to sit across from her mother.

Take Care nodded, "Right, so much happened so fast that we never had a meeting for everyone about it. There's a lot I don't quite understand but the same catalyst crystal that created us on earth passed through here before it came back to Earth and it caused a similar change in the local wildlife. As for the similar species," Take Care shrugged, "I can only guess that a similar environment created similar species, or that we're based on the species from these planets or the catalyst carried DNA from Earth animals to here."

"Chicken or the egg," Get Well sighed, "I'm not going to try and puzzle it out, I don't need the headache."

"Good idea, I get enough wondering that myself," Take Care turned to look at the healing chamber, "I'll keep an eye on her if you want to spend time with Hugs."

Get Well smirked, "If I can get her and Pace apart for a while. I think they're making up for years of lost time." Get Well stood up and was halfway to the door when a thought occurred to her. "Mom, what are we going to do when this is all over?"

Take Care had just stood up and turned to face Get Well, "You mean the war?"

Get Well nodded, "Yeah. Maybe we can find a place to settle down on one of the planets here in Lylat. Maybe start a new Care Bear Family."

Take Care averted her eyes and scrunched up her mouth for a moment, "I appreciate your optimism, Get Well, but I don't know if that will work."

"I know it will, mom. I'm gonna go get some breakfast," Get Well turned and left.


"I got it!" Faye came running through the door into the docking bay, pulling her uniform's shirt as she ran. She finished zipping up the shirt as she stopped in front of Bright Heart and Slippy at their workstation.

Faye dropped the datapad with the Mechwing schematics on the table, "I thought of it while I was in the sonic shower. If I can use magnetite in my heat dispersing gel on the Mechwing's joints I can create a magnetic coating that should increase the transformation and limb movement by over 500% and eliminate most of the friction too."

Bright Heart and Slippy looked over the data on the pad she had brought.

"Sounds plausible," Bright Heart said.

"Gotta finish the superstructure construction first, and maybe wait for Cassandra to wake up." Slippy said.

"Well then, leave the chemistry to me, you two work on building the ship." Faye was grinning from ear-to-ear as she went to work.

"I'll call Amanda. She should be part of this." Slippy pulled out his communicator.

Less then ten minutes later, Amanda was working side-by-side with Faye on the magnetic coating.

While they were working, Soulful Heart Fox approached the group and tapped Bright Heart on the shoulder.

Bright Heart turned to see a very nervous look in his friend's eyes, "Soulful? Are you alright?"

"No." Soulful said, bluntly, "Can we talk, Bright?"

"Sure," Bright Heart turned back to the workers, "I'll be back later," then turned and walked away with Soulful Heart.

They didn't say anything until they were in the hall outside the docking bay.

"Soulful, what's wrong?"

Soulful sighed, "When we came into the nebula, I was told that I'm a psion, like Tenderheart and Fara."

"You are?" Bright Heart was a bit taken aback by the news.

"Yeah, not a strong one but I seem to have minor precognition and a sixth sense." Soulful stopped in the corridor, "They said that's why I'm always able to pick through data for the best targets with minimal risk and why I can sometimes spot things before they happen."

"That's great, Soulful," Bright Heart put a hand around his friend's shoulders then looked him in the face, only to see his downcast expression, "What's wrong?"

"I just...I wish I'd known I could do this sooner, maybe I could have stopped..." He took a deep breath.

Bright Heart put a hand on Soulful's shoulder, "Soulful, don't worry about 'what ifs' we're here now and we can make a difference. When we win this war then you can worry about it, or even refine it."

"If we win," Soulful said.

Bright Heart winced slightly, "Let's get some lunch, OK?"

Soulful nodded, "OK."


Take Care had stayed late in sick bay, even eating her supper at her desk. She was just putting the empty tray and dishes into the matter recycler when she heard the nanite healing chamber's alarm go off.

"Finally ready to come out," Take Care walked over to the chamber's console. She shut off the IV sedative and started injecting a mild stimulant to bring her around, monitoring her vitals as she slowly came around; as soon as Cassandra was at the edge of consciousness, Take Care unlocked the lid and let it lift open.

"Rise...and...Shine?" Take Care's snark quickly changed to confusion as Cassandra Avalon stirred awake. Cassandra held a hand to her forehead as her vision cleared. She took a deep breath and sat up, then drew a hand over her face.

Cassandra grinned, "Feels like it worked." She saw Take Care's shocked expression as she slid off the edge to stand up, "Is there something on my face? I mean other than skin and fur now."

Take Care regained her composure, "Not on your face. Looks like the holes I plugged in your DNA had an unexpected effect."

"Unexpected? What?" Cassandra looked down and started.

"Hold on. I'll get a mirror," Take Care went into her office and a quick command to her replicator later wheeled out a full-length mirror on wheels for Cassandra to get a look at herself.

Cassandra no longer had the teddy bear-like appearance of other Care Bears. She was much slimmer all around, about one head taller than she used to be; her body looked toned instead of plush, her two tails were a bit longer and she had visible breasts. She prodded her chest just to make sure she wasn't seeing things.

"Wow, I mean damn I did not expect this," she ran her hand over the newly grown skin on her left eye. There were some scars surrounding where the burnt gore had been but the nanites had at least done their intended job properly. She reached up to her left ear, feeling the tear where a chunk of her ear was still missing, "I think it missed a spot though." She looked towards her stomach through the mirror, "I still have my tummy symbol," indeed the blue ribbon with a red heart was still where it had always been. She turned around and looked over her shoulder at her back, the same slimming and toned changes present there as she swished her twin tails, "Not bad," she smirked, "I actually kinda like it." She turned to Take Care, "So why did this happen?"

Take Care had been piecing together 'why' as she observed the fennec's examination of her new body and she answered with what she had surmised, "The psionic injury you took damaged some of your DNA and I didn't have a digital scan of you without the damaged DNA so they weren't able to fix you unless I patched over the damaged data with something similar. I copied some of the data from Fara's medical file, with her permission, to fill in the gaps and the nanites seem to have interpreted it as a chance to 'fix' other aspects of your body it saw as wrong." She walked over to the chamber and checked the readout on the screen, "Looks like it even fixed your endometriosis and the damage that was done after the operation I gave you when Miracle Heart was born."

Cassandra stared over her shoulder at Take Care for a moment, then chuckled, then outright laughed. Take Care turned to her with a look mild distaste until Cassandra spoke.

"Sorry, it's just the irony. I have a hot body now and the one thing that stopped me from having kids is gone, but now there's no one I want to show this off to or have kids with." She wiped a tear from her left eye that had come out during the laughter. "So what am I? I'm still a Care Bear but I look like a Lylatian."

"Based on these results, something of a cross of both now," Take Care looked up from the report, "Nevertheless you're cleared to go back to your quarters for now but you're still grounded until I say otherwise."

"Right," Cassandra looked to where her uniform had been hung on the wall. She walked over to and touched the all-black outfit, "Don't think this is going to fit anymore and the computer doesn't have my new measurements. Hmm..." A thought struck Cassandra and she turned to leave. "Recycle it. I have something to do."

Take Care blinked as Cassandra left. She'd have to have a talk with her later.


Amanda, Faye and Slippy were all working on the Mechwing's arm when Cassandra strode into the docking bay, more naked than they had ever seen her. They all stopped and watched as she walked past them and to the fabricator where she started punching in a sequence on the main machine.

Faye had yet to actually meet Cassandra and she just stared at the Fennec, "That's not Fara. Who is that?"

"That's Cassandra, she's been in a nanite healing chamber since you came on board," Slippy leaned over and spotted her tummy symbol, "That's definitely her, but she didn't look like that when she went in."

"Take Care mentioned something about patching damaged portions of her DNA with Fara's, maybe this is the result." Amanda said.

"What's she doing?" Faye walked away from the arm and over to Cassandra as she finished and something was being printed and assembled in front of them. "Hi, I'm Faye Spaniel and you are?"

Cassandra turned and gave her a smile, "Cassandra Avalon. Are you new here?"

Faye nodded, "Yep. You picked me up a couple week ago, before we came here."

"Right before I went in the chamber." Cassandra turned back to what was being assembled, a sewing machine, and pulled it out before entering another design into the machine.

"What are you doing?" Fay asked.

"I need to make a new uniform, my old one won't fit and the computer doesn't know my measurements anymore," Cassandra looked down at her bust and smirked, "I don't know myself anymore. Should be fun to find out." The fabricator finished it's second order, an adjustable dressing doll. "I can replicate all the fabric I need in my quarters. Talk later, Faye." She picked up the sewing machine and dressing doll and headed out of the docking bay. Faye was a stunned that she could carry them so effortlessly.

Fara entered the docking bay and stopped as Cassandra passed her. "What the?" She watched the Care Bear Fennec's two tails swishing behind her as she headed for the elevator, then shook her head, "I'll ask later."

"Ahh, Fara," Slippy stood up, "Ready for another Psychonite system test?"

Fara nodded, "Yes, I am."


Cassandra heard her door buzz but didn't stop her work, "Who is it?"

"Get Well Bear. Can I come in?"

Cassandra stopped her work, "Alright." She turned around in her chair as Get Well entered.

Like everyone who had seen her since she woke up, Get Well was startled by Cassandra's appearance, but did a better job of hiding that fact. "You've been holed up in here for a couple days. What are you doing?"

Cassandra slid aside to reveal the sewing machine and pointed to the dressing doll, "Making a new uniform," she ran her hands down her body, "My old one doesn't exactly fit anymore."

Get Well ignored the fennec's actions as she looked at the dressing doll, "I didn't know you sewed."

"I haven't had a chance to in a while," Confidence turned back to her sewing machine, "But the old skill never leaves really, after a few false starts."

"Do you want to talk about any of this?" Get Well sat down on Cassandra's bed.

Cassandra hovered her foot over the machine's pedal, then withdrew it. "Did your mom send you here to talk to me."

"No, I volunteered," Get Well said. "Cassandra, how do you feel about all of this?"

Cassandra sighed, "Better than I have in years. My face doesn't hurt anymore but this new body feels... both weird and great at the same time." She smirked, "If I wasn't a martial artist I'd probably have trouble staying upright." She turned around, "Is this a therapy session?"

"I'm not as good at that as I'd like to be. Not enough practise. But I thought you'd talk to me more than mom," Get Well said.

"You're right. But I want to focus on this," Cassandra pointed to the sewing machine, "Can we talk later?"

Get Well sighed and stood up, "If you want, just don't shut us out again."

"I won't." Cassandra smiled and went back to her work.


Defender Bear stood in the docking bay and stared at the Mk V that had just been assembled. His new fighter.

"Penny for your thoughts, dad?" Hope Bear stepped up alongside Defender.

Defender kept his eyes on the ship as he answered, "Just thinking, a lot. We've had two weeks with nothing to do but wait and fly simulator missions, and I can't help but wonder when this is going to end."

"I know dad," Hope leaned up against her father, "I've had too much time to think lately, just watching if the nebula is breaking through the ship plating." She stood up, "And I've been practising something, look," she held up her hand as Defender turned to her. A tiny flame appeared in the middle of her hands.

"Hope! That's amazing," Phoenix smiled, "I mean I didn't think you'd inherited anything like that from me."

Hope smiled and looked up, "It's not much, but I want to learn more if I can."

Phoenix put hands on Hope's shoulder, "I'll try, but I've never tried to teach someone who wasn't already gifted."

"Like Uncle Truth Bear?"

"Like Uncle Truth," Phoenix nodded.


It was a couple days later when Cassandra finished her new uniform, including a trip down to the docking bay (once again unclothed) to make a new mask.

She stepped into the rear observation lounge and strode to the nearest replicator, deliberately trying to draw attention from everyone as she swished her twin tails behind her. Her new uniform consisted of mustard-yellow military pants with pouches halfway down the legs and a currently empty holster for a blaster pistol at each hip, a shirt made of black segments and separated by bright yellow lines which included the zipper down the middle right up to shaped yellow cups that covered her breasts but left a visible amount of cleavage exposed above a black trim and black straps over her shoulders but no sleeves; it was topped off by a standard white Star Fox flight jacket that had a yellow bar around the collar. Her new mask retained the one-way lenses she had worn before but now was much small and had tighter curves around the side of her muzzle and yellow trip along the top and bottom edges and around the top of her muzzle with a few yellow splotches here and there.

Cassandra smirked at the looks she was getting as she ordered a large bowl of cream of potato soup with bacon and two large pieces of sourdough bread then walked over to where Bright Heart, Slippy, Faye and Amanda were seated.

"So, how goes the upgrades," she grinned as she started eating.

"They're going well," Bright Heart coughed slightly, "You're looking nice, I mean well." Bright Heart blushed slightly as he refocused on his food.

"The Mechwing should be ready in a couple days and the simulator is all ready for tests. Bright Heart can show you when we're done here," Faye gave a sly smirk.

Cassandra noticed too and smirked, "That would be great too."

Slippy either didn't notice or didn't care about the tension between the two, "Cassandra, why are you still wearing that mask? I thought our nanite healing chamber fixed that."

"It did," Cassandra removed the mask, showing her healed but scarred face and green eyes.

"So why still wear it?" Amanda asked.

Cassandra smirked, "Because it makes me look mysterious and bad ass."

"It does," Bright Heart said, then averted his eyes and focused on his food.

"Thank you, although," Cassandra looked down at her half-full bowl of food, "I don't know if this is right, I mean being called Cassandra."

"What?" Bright Heart looked up at her.

"I mean...I still hurt and I feel...different, more like my old self, but I'm not I mean look at me?" she slid her chair back to show off her changed body and the two tails that poked through the gap at the back of her chair. "I'm not Confidence Heart Fennec even, though I feel like it, and I definitely don't feel like Cassandra Avalon, who just hid her emotions, so I think...I need a new name, sort of."

"Like what?" Bright Heart asked.

The Fennec put her hand on her chin for a moment, "I think...Confidence Heart Kitsune."

Bright Heart smiled, "Sounds good."

"Alright," Confidence Heart Kitsune tore into her food with incredible speed, tearing off hunks of bread and drinking down her soup before she donned her mask again, "So shall we, Bright Heart?"

Bright Heart nodded, "OK. I'll show you the pod we modified." He took her hand and led her out of the observation lounge, and Confidence didn't object.

"I smell love in the air," Faye giggled.

"Really?" Slippy said.

"Maybe not love, but I think they're going to be seeking companionship soon, and they'll need it," Amanda surmised.


"...and this is the transformation button. We spend a few days tweaking it to make sure it was as accurate as possible." Bright Heart stepped back from the controls of the modified simulator pod.

"Thanks, I've always wanted my own giant robot," Confidence Heart grinned.

"Well, I'll leave you to it," Bright Heart turned to walk away, until Confidence grabbed his arm.

"Wait, Bright Heart, we should talk."

Bright Heart turned back around, "What about?"

"Well, I saw how you looked at me. What? never seen a sexy Care Bear before?" Confidence Heart's expression behind her mask was immutable but her voice carried a hint of coyness.

"Well umm...I thought Gentle Heart was sexy but I mean..." Bright Heart stumbled over his words.

Confidence Heart released his arm and she removed her mask, her eyes were a bit pleading, "Sorry, that's a bit much. But we were friends before all this happened and now..." she placed her hand over her heart, "I was trying too hard to avoid it, but I'm lonely now. I don't think I've ever made any friends with the others on this ship, and..."

"I know. I feel lonely too even with the friends I have made." Bright Heart scuffed the deck plating with his boot, "Look, I know this sounds sudden but I..."

"Want to come back to my quarters tonight?" Confidence asked.

"What? I mean..."

"Too much?" Confidence Heart sat back and sighed, "Let's just eat dinner later and see where it goes from there. Even if you just want some intimacy, besides," she looked down at her body and smirked, "I want to see how this new bodies handles," she gave a wink to Bright Heart.

Bright Heart turned beet red, "I..." his voice dropped to a whisper as he spoke but Confidence's sensitive ears heard every word, "I want to see what it feels like too."

"Good then, I'll see you later, maybe even let you squeeze," she snickered and put her mask back on before engaging the simulator. Bright Heart hurried away, deciding to distract himself with work until dinner time came.