Hit the Mat

Story by Tayu on SoFurry

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A commission for avatar?user=62026&character=0&clevel=2 Vintcient

This was definitely a fun one to write! I hope everyone enjoys it.

Let me know what you think of the story! And if you really love it, toss a snack my way >> https://ko-fi.com/Y8Y6CGBX <<

Feel free to come hang out, brain storm, and talk shop about writing in my NSFW Telegram chat! https://t.me/joinchat/CPoeZhclggenrOEh0yYwvg


"Oof." I hit the mat a lot harder than I thought I would and the breath was knocked out of me as a couple hundred pounds of bear landed atop me.

Chuck laughed at me and stayed on me for a few seconds, keeping me pinned beneath him. "You have to work on your footing. You're kind of too tall for this, and your center of gravity is easy to exploit."

"Thanks," I muttered, pushing at the muscled shoulders and trying to get him up off of me. "I work on the height thing after you leave."

The bear rolled his eyes and got up, pulling me to my feet. "I'm just saying. It's going to be harder for you at first. You've got the reach because you're taller, but guys in your weight class are going to be able to take advantage of your center and throw you like I did."

I narrowed my eyes and gave Chuck a mocking once-over. "I don't think we're in the same weight class." I was about six and a half feet tall, and Chuck was a foot shorter than me. I had a long, lanky build with the beginnings of muscle finally starting to develop where the bear outweighed me by a few stone and had ropey, sinewy muscle along his stocky frame.

The bear laughed and jabbed a quick punch at my stomach which I was able to avoid. "Dick. I'm just saying."

"I know, I know... it's just hard, you know? I always liked watching wrestling, and this is as close as I can get to that, and it's just so different." I wandered to the side of the small alcove where I had a water bottle sitting on the bench.

"You know all that TV stuff is fake, right? They pull punches and just kind of act it all out. Even the drama is fake." Chuck joined me at the bench and took a big drink from his own bottle.

I rolled my eyes and leaned back against the wall. This was an argument we had had in the past, and where I was a huge fan of the big, showy TV wrestling shows, he always made fun. "I know it's fake, but it's still fun to watch for me. I like the ridiculous acting, and the moves, and the costumes. It's no different than like... a soap opera."

Chuck grunted and shook his head. "Not helping your cause. Soap operas are kinda gay."

That made my spine straighten and I was glad that our workout had my face already flushed from exhaustion and sweating. I'd known I was gay for a few years now, but I hadn't told any of my friends for fear of how they'd react. Logically, I knew that Chuck wouldn't care at all, but a part of me still found it too strange to tell him. "Whatever. I just think it'd be fun to get to act and wrestle, and act crazy like that sometimes."

"I'd pay to see that. It's hard to imagine you trying to be an over-the-top actor who is going crazy in the ring and being so loud and silly. You take everything else so seriously most of the time that I wouldn't believe it unless I saw it."

The bear got up from the bench and stretched both hands up over his head, his compact, muscled belly showing to me under his shirt until his arms fell to his sides. "It's getting late and I think the place closes in thirty minutes. I'm going to grab my stuff and head out."

"Yeah," I muttered, still lost in my own thoughts. What he'd said kind of disturbed me the more I thought about it. I wondered if maybe I was too serious and reserved to do something as extroverted as wrestling. To be honest, I didn't know why I even liked watching it; it was just one of those guilty pleasures.

"Hey, you okay?" Chuck's large, brown paw smacked my shoulder and pulled me out of my reverie.

"Hm? Oh, yeah, just tired. I'll head out in a minute. Think I might do some running to just clear my head. I'll catch up with you tomorrow?"

Chuck shook his head and started off towards the front door, grabbing his bag from the far side of the mat. "Nah, got a date with Jess. You'll have to wrestle yourself."

I threw my water bottle at him and he knocked it away with the smack of his left paw. "Jerk. Ditching me for some girl. What about bros before hos?"

"Hey, you aren't gonna give me head," he teased.

He turned away before he could see my eyes go wide. He didn't know that I probably would if he'd have asked. I'd done a few things with some college guys I'd found on an app, but as far as Chuck knew, I was still a complete virgin.

"Anyway, see you later," he called as he left me alone at the side of the mat.

True to my word, I wandered over towards the treadmills, sticking earbuds in so I could drown out my surroundings and focus on running. It was yet another thing I wasn't too exceptional at, given my size. Mass increases more rapidly than height does, and I might have looked thin, but I had more weight to carry around than bigger guys that were shorter. Still, it helped clear my mind, and wear me out so I'd be able to fall asleep when I got home.

This late at night there were only a couple other people in the gym, and even they filtered out until it was just me. My mind was back on wrestling, and the tryouts that were coming up next week. I wasn't certain if I'd improved enough with my own technique, and physical shape to make the team. It wouldn't be the end of the world, but I'd definitely be bummed out. Chuck was a good teacher, and I'd learned a lot from him, and I knew he was right about my height causing an issue. I don't think anyone else at our school, or that I'd seen in meets were as tall as me. Shame I didn't like basketball.

I kept going until I hit the fifteen minute mark and then hopped off of the machine, my grey workout shirt now soaked through with sweat. The place was empty except for the owner who was going over paperwork before closing up. I felt a little bad about being the last one out, but the place was still open another five minutes. I snatched my bag and made my way to the door, nodding at the large lion behind the counter.

He glanced up from his paperwork and then tossed it aside. "Hey, hold up. It's Tahj, right?" he asked, walking out from around the counter.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah, Tahj," I said, feeling a bit awkward as I stumbled over my words.

Mac wasn't as tall as me, but he must have out-weighed me by double; it was all muscle. There probably wasn't an ounce of fat on that lion, and as thickly as he was built, he didn't look grotesque like you see in most of those competitions. His fur was a dark bronze with a deep, russet-red mane that had been trimmed from his chin and face so that it just was a mess about his ears and the back of his head. He had a youthful look about him that made me think he could be as young as his mid to late twenties, but based on conversations I'd overheard him having, I suspected he was at least forty.

"I saw you practicing with your friend the last few days. Looking at getting into wrestling?" he asked, leaning back against the counter and crossing his arms over his broad chest.

"Oh! Yeah, tryouts are next week and I want to give it a shot," I said, smiling wide, but a bit embarrassed that he'd noticed. I hoped I hadn't looked too stupid.

Mac laughed and nodded a few times, looking back to the mats in the corner. "Well, I think you'll make it. Your technique still needs work, but they don't expect you to know everything before you join. Your height-"

"Will be a challenge, I know." It was getting old hearing it, but to my surprise he just grinned at me.

"Yeah, but if you get good, it'll become a challenge for them, too. Don't sweat it."

He had a nice smile, and I returned it in kind. "Well, thanks. Honestly, I want to get into professional wrestling. It's... kind of a guilty pleasure of mine."

Mac's arms uncrossed and he clapped his paws together, laughing again. "Oh man, that fake stuff on TV?"

My smile turned brittle and he must have noticed because he reached out and clapped my shoulder. "No no no, it's not a bad thing. I love watching it. I didn't mean to make you feel bad!"

That made my eyebrows raise and I blinked at him in surprise. "You're serious? You're not just saying that?"

"Nah, kid. My favorite wrestlers were The Wall, Brutalizer, Mr. Foo, Flaming Spark..." He counted off on his fingers while naming names and I couldn't help but grin like an idiot. "I grew up with four brothers. We watched the shit out of wrestling. Broke so much furniture, knocked pictures off the wall, broke vases. Good times."

"Oh man, I know of those guys but haven't seen them. I think my favorites are probably Hailstorm, Jagged Edge, and Beast Mode. I wish I'd had brothers to wrestle with growing up."

Mac nodded and looked behind him to the clock on the wall. "Well, hey, it's kind of late now, but if you want some extra practice with wrestling, I could always show you a thing or two tomorrow evening after we close up."

My ears perked up and I must have looked like a dopey idiot with a grin on my face. "Really? Yeah! I'd love to! My friend is busy tomorrow night, so the practice would be helpful.

Sure thing, kid. Would be fun to teach someone a bit of what I know." He nodded a few times before clapping his paws against his thighs. "Well, I'm going to get some of my shit done and get on out of here. I'll see you tomorrow night?" he asked, moving back behind the counter to grab the paperwork he'd been dealing with earlier.

I nodded enthusiastically and waved to him as I headed out the door. "I'll see you then!"

My subconscious mind, however, had other thoughts for what tomorrow night might bring. Mac and I were sparring in the middle of a big, open ring with hundreds of people shouting and cheering from the seats. The lion was in one corner of the ring, dressed in a pair of tight, black wrestling trunks and nothing else. I was dressed in similar fashion, and feeling very out of place.

Without any warning, Mac was suddenly on me, picking me up and slamming me down into the mat. I tried to fight back, and to get ahold of him, but he was much stronger. My dream flashed by with me being thrown into the ropes, slammed into the ground, until I was completely exhausted and defeated.

Dream-Mac picked me back up and put me on the ropes for support, then ripped a hole in my trunks to give him access to my hole. Before I could think to struggle, I felt him pushing into me. Then I woke with a start and a raging hard-on that demanded attention.

I hardly paid any attention in class the next day because I was so excited about getting to practice with Mac at the gym. It led to a few embarrassing erections as I thought about him grappling me or pinning me to the mat and fucking my brains out. I hadn't even thought about anything like that the night before, but now it was all I could think of.

I got to the gym with a little over an hour until closing to get in a lot of my normal routine before my wrestling session with Mac. The lion had only nodded in a greeting when I came in and the casualness of it helped put some of the more libidinous thoughts to rest. If he didn't seem interested, then I wouldn't need to worry about being interested either.

The last patron left the gym a quarter til closing and I watched from the bike I was using as Mac wandered to the front door and locked it, turning off the "Open" sign that was on the front window. When he looked my way I quickly averted my gaze, pretending to be too into my own workout to notice what was going on.

Perhaps I was pretending too hard because I jumped out of my skin when he appeared in my field of vision, mouthing something to me. I stopped cycling and pulled my earbuds out, cheeks flushed from a mix of exertion and embarrassment.

"Are you ready?" he repeated, chuckling to himself.

"Oh, yeah! Course," I told him, hopping up off the bike and doing a few squats to get my muscles relaxed from being in that position.

Mac nodded and held up two bundles of cloth, throwing one to me. I caught it and unfolded it to find a wrestling singlet there. "Put that on. If we're gonna practice, might as well be wearing the right gear for it, eh?" He started off towards the alcove where all the mats were and tugged off his shirt with no preamble, showing off the lines of muscle along his back.

I followed, face heating up further as I watched. "Uh, you sure? I don't even know if this will fit."

"It'll fit. My youngest brother was your height and I had it laying around at home with our old gear. Go ahead," he said, turning to face me as he unbuttoned his shorts and kicked them off along with his boxers.

I suppose working in the gym for so long, and having grown up in a large family, had gotten rid of any body shyness. I quickly turned away as his dick flopped out into the open, despite my desire to stare. A few quick, shallow breaths helped steel my nerves and I pulled off my clothes with my back to him, standing naked for only a few seconds before tugging the singlet up onto my frame. He was right, too, if fit rather well, despite the odds.

When I turned back around the lion was standing in his own white and blue singlet, same color as my own. His, however, looked to be just a tad on the small side, and the muscles in his chest were outlined quite nicely for my viewing pleasure. His junk was also quite obvious and I allowed myself a brief glance, noting how obscene it looked in that tight fabric.

"Damn. I thought I'd still fit in this, but I think I've put on too much muscle since I last wore it," he said, looking down at himself and running a paw over some of the contours.

"I've never actually worn one of these," I admitted, adjusting some of the hems and glancing down to see if my sheath bulged out like his did; nope.

Mac walked over to me and casually adjusted the straps on my shoulders. "Looks good. Ready to learn a thing or two?" he asked.

I nodded and pursed my lips. "Yup. Thanks, again, for offering."

"No sweat, kid."

No sweat was a lie.

We wrestled for nearly a full hour, and I learned plenty of new ways to get thrown about, pinned down, or grappled. My body was aching as he slammed me down into the mats over and over. Once or twice I managed to at least break free and get ahold of him, but he always wound up on top. I was covered in a thin patina of sweat as he landed atop me, sitting on my hips with his paws pinning my arms at either side of my head.

"You look beat," he said, grinning down at me. I could feel his tail lashing back and forth behind him, against the insides of my legs.

I couldn't even lift my head to sneer at him and I just nodded wordlessly, panting for a few more seconds. "I don't think I'm cut out for this."

"Hah, I'm just a lot stronger, and a lot more experienced. But you're good. Not great, and you still need help with the basics, but you're getting the hang of it. He released my arms and stood up, stretching his arms above his head.

This time I managed to roll to my side before pushing myself up to my knees, wiping sweat off on the back of my arm. "Do you really think so?"

One of those big, bronze paws came down between my ears and ruffled my damp hair, scritching behind my ears. "Yeah, kid. You'll do fine. You sure you wanna spend all that time grinding against a bunch of sweaty guys?"

If I hadn't been so tired, maybe I would have caught the obvious, rhetorical joke. Maybe I would have deflected it with disgust, or tried to play it off as a dumb, jock joke. But, fatigue had addled my brain and I closed my eyes as I mumbled. "That's part of the fun, right?" As soon as those words left my mouth, my eyes snapped open and I looked up at him, ready to explain myself, but only found a devious grin on his face.

"I was hoping you'd say that," Mac growled, that paw finding its way between my ears once more. Instead of tousling my hair, though, his fingers tangled in the mess and pulled my face against him.

My face was suddenly smushed in against the crotch of his wrestling singlet where I could smell the heady aroma of his musk. It soaked through the fabric and into my fur and I let out a low whine. My paws scrambled to grab onto his thighs, pushing away from him in surprise.

He didn't hold me there and I pushed away, falling onto my back. I didn't say anything, I just stared up at him from where I lay, my chest rising and falling with more exhilaration than fatigue at this point.

The big lion laughed and bent over, gripping his shins as he stretched. "Oh boy, you better get used to that. Guys are gonna have their junk pressed into your face. Into your stomach. Into your butt. Into YOUR junk. And sometimes it's gonna be hard as a rock," he teased, standing back upright. "Though, maybe you're into that." That big paw pointed down between my legs.

I didn't have to look as I could feel my length throb, still sheathed and confined by the singlet. "I-I, uh. I mean, it just kind of happened." I muttered dumbly.

Mac ran a couple fingers down next to the fem of his wrestling singlet and he tugged the leg up and to the side to let his big, uncut dick flop out into the open. "Happened because this was on your face?" he asked, giving me one of those dopey, jock grins.

I hadn't really seen it when he'd disrobed earlier, and this time I could do nothing but stare openly- hungrily, at it. It was thicker than any guy I'd been with, and uncut, too. His dark, gold foreskin covered the entirety of his soft head and those massive, bronze-furred balls looked like they weighed a ton. My mouth watered, and felt dry at the same time.

"Well?" he asked, gripping the base of his cock and shaking it a few times before tugging back his foreskin. It pulled back to reveal the crimson head and a thick bead of pre welled at the tip, even if he was still soft. It hung down a few inches from his cock, swaying slightly.

My cock throbbed between my legs and I nodded slowly, eyes locked onto that bead of pre as it drooped lower before the weight of it finally caused the strand to snap. "Damn," I whispered.

Mac, for his part, shrugged, as if this was nothing to be impressed about. "Yeah. Can be a bitch if I get worked up in public somewhere," he said, stroking himself a couple times. "How about you help me out with this."

I didn't need much more encouraging. Even though my muscles were worn out, I found the strength to scurry back onto my knees and scoot over to him, burying my face in against those musk-rich balls. I inhaled his scent as he ran a paw down between my ears, his heavy cock resting over the bridge of my gold-furred muzzle.

"Ahh, that's it," he whispered, fingers playing with my ears and lightly teasing claws in against my skin.

I let my tongue loll out of my muzzle and tested the weight of those balls before my impatience had me moving onto what I'd really wanted. I traced a thick vein along the underside of his cock and then nuzzled his shaft a few times. I brought a paw up to hold it steady, feeling it throb against my pads. It swelled with every beat of his heart and my fingers worked his skin back and forth experimentally.

I'd watched enough porn to know what I wanted to try, and I pressed my lips to the head of his cock, kissing it obscenely with my tongue tracing the ridge of his head. My fingers drew upwards on his shaft and his foreskin rolled back up, covering his head and my tongue so I could swirl it around inside. He had an earthy, sweet taste to him and I let myself bask in his scent.

"Damn, kid, you're not new to this at all." His voice had an appraising, sly quality to it. If I'd looked up at him, I'm sure he'd have been grinning lecherously at me.

He was rock solid at this point and I quit the teasing to get to what we were both waiting for. My lips parted and took him halfway into my maw, balking at the sheet thickness of it. I could feel the corners of my maw pop as he pushed forward a couple more inches, forcing me to take him until my lips were nearly to the base.

My eyes watered as I struggled to breath and he let me pull off him, the head of his cock swelling as it popped free of my lips. "D-damn," I said, coughing once and shaking my head. "I've never tried to do that with someone your size."

"Well, you're free to practice with me more often," he chuckled. "Do you think you could take it if I eased into you?" he asked, stroking himself a few times before my paws took over.

I lowered my muzzle back onto him, sucking on what I could, drooling over it and feeling it pulse on my tongue. He let out soft, encouraging words and let me work at my own pace. When I pulled off him again, I just nodded. "Y-yeah. I think I can. Do you have lube?"

"Tch," he smacked the bridge of my snout with his dick and grabbed his shorts from the floor, pulling out a small tube of it. "I wasn't sure how things would turn out, but figured I should have it handy in case. Take off that singlet for me."

I blushed as I watched how nonchalant he was about all this. I felt like a bumbling fool; anxious, excited, worked up. He just was as cool as a cucumber about all of this. Perhaps I'd get like that someday.

He stripped out of his singlet and kicked it aside, watching me as I slowly pulled the straps off my arms and then worked the tight fabric down and off my body. Without the lyrca compressing my bits to my body, half of my cock slipped right on out into the open, wet with pre.

"Mm, you know, I always envied you canine types," he muttered, reaching down to give my sheath a squeeze, stroking it back up over my shaft.

I gasped and gripped his sides with both paws, toes curling. "A-ah! Why's that?" I asked, sliding a paw down to squeeze his shaft as well, thumb teasing over the head as more pre seeped out onto my pads.

"Just like the idea of being able to shove that thick knot into someone over and over." Mac pushed down on one of my shoulders and I lowered to the ground. "On your back. I wanna watch your face."

I obeyed, laying out on my back with my arms resting limply at my sides. He popped open the tube of lube and liberally poured it over his paw, working every inch of it along his shaft to get it slick. I had my reservations about taking someone that size, but he'd been really helpful and I wanted to try.

Mac got onto his knees and shoved two fingers down beneath my balls, smearing my hole with the slick lube. I relaxed and one of those fingers slid into me with ease before the second joined. I hissed in discomfort, but it faded quickly as he wiggled both fingers against my prostate.

"Damn, kid." Mac sounded impressed by something, and I lifted my head to peer up at him. I followed his gaze down to my own cock where it lay against my stomach, a large jet of pre against my stomach.

"O-oh, yeah. That happens a lot when I have something in me," I admitted, a sheepish smile over my face.

The lion quirked an eyebrow and pressed both fingers up against that sweet spot again and my head rolled back as another spurt of pre landed on my stomach. "Fuck. That's incredible," he muttered, mostly to himself.

Those fingers pulled out of me and then the thick, lubed head of the lion's shaft pressed right up against my pucker. For a moment I thought he was going to just shove straight on it, but he paused and gave me a chance to relax.

He lifted both of my legs up and wrapped them around his waist before slowly leaning forward into me. With how much lube he'd slathered on himself there was only a moment's resistance before my pucker parted around the head of his shaft. And boy, was he thick.

I briefly wondered if I'd bitten off more than I could chew as he slid further and further into me. My claws dug at the mat beneath me and I arched my back as he pressed forward, not stopping until he had bottomed out inside me. I realized I'd been holding my breath the entire time and let it out in a slow exhale, my body beginning to relax around the intruder.

"Like a glove," Mac said, leaning over me and running both of his large, bronze paws down my chest, tweaking my nipples and making me shudder. "Doing okay?"

My passage squeezed down on his cock and I let out a soft groan at the sheer feeling of it. "Y-yeah. Just haven't felt this... full, before," I mumbled, rolling my head to the side and taking a deep breath. I squeezed on him again and pulled him closer with my legs around his hips.

Mac uttered a low grunt and rolled his hips in a smooth motion, grinding his shaft inside me and making my cock bounce on my stomach, firing more pre onto my increasingly-damp fur. Encouraged by my reaction he did so again, then again. Slowly increasing the pace of these short, deep thrusts that pushed and pulled me along the mat beneath.

I could only hold onto him with my legs, my paws grasping at the mat for purchases. Not that he was about to let me go anywhere. His paws gripped my shoulders, pulling me back into his thrusts as he worked towards a quicker speed. Heavy, dark-furred balls were beginning to slap against my upturned ass, the only other sound in the gym except for our groans and moans of pleasure.

A paw enveloped my iron-hard length just beneath my knot, squeezing hard and giving a few jerks that sent my hips into an uncontrolled jerking motion. He tightened one paw on my shoulder to keep me in place as he hammered into me, panting above me. "Come on, kid. I wanna see you shoot..."

He probably could have gotten me off even without playing with my knot, but that paw drove me right past the edge without any warning. In seconds my head rolled back and I spasmed hard in his grip, cock spraying jet after jet of milky, white cum in an arc over my head to land on the mat before the rest emptied out across my muzzle, neck, and chest.

My passage clamped down rhythmically on his shaft, making him feel ten times bigger. My claws dug into the mat, tearing small holes into the recycled rubber. I could hear Mac saying something above me, groaning as he squeezed and stroked over my spurting cock. My head swam and every hair on my body suddenly tingled, my entire body suddenly on edge.

The lion released my shaft, letting it flop wetly onto my stomach as he wrenched himself backwards, pulling his cock free and grabbing it in both paws. The sudden absence of his shaft made me lift my head up to watch, and I saw him rapidly pawing at his length, sliding his foreskin back and forth over his engorged head.

Eyes half-lidded, lips curled up in a fierce snarl, he came hard. Ropes of hot, sticky lion seed shot out and the first hit me square in the chin, marking me with his musk. He wasn't as prolific as I had been, but still unloaded a healthy few ropes over my chest and stomach, a couple landing across my sensitive cock. I could only lay there, trying to catch my breath as cum soaked into my fur, leaving me an absolute mess that would be hell to clean later.

Mac was panting pretty good, too, and he collapsed next to me, laughing to himself. "Damn, kid. If you ever wanna do that again... whew."

My face was flushed, and this time it wasn't from embarrassment. The dopiest grin was over my muzzle and I rolled my head towards him. "Maybe after tryouts... I wanna be able to walk for them."

The lion roared out a laugh and pulled me over atop him, hugging my back to his chest. Cum smeared into his arms but he didn't seem to mind one bit as he just lay there, exhausted and content.

A week later I wandered into the gym, bag over one shoulder with the most pitiful look on my face I could manage. Mac saw me as I came in and walked around the counter to talk to me. "You okay?"

I shrugged and rubbed a paw over the back of my neck. "Yeah, I'm okay. Tryouts were today."

Mac frowned and clapped a paw on my shoulder, giving it a tight squeeze. "Damn. I thought you'd make it. Next year?"

My face broke into a grin and I returned the clap to his shoulder. "I MADE IT! Practice starts on Monday!" I said, beaming like an idiot.

The lion's eyes widened, and then narrowed as he shoved me away. "You ass. I was actually kinda sad for you for a second. Now I'mma beat your ass."

"Better do it while you still can. I wanna get good at this," I said, rubbing my shoulder where he'd shoved me. It was going to be a good year. My dreams of becoming a wrestler were one step closer, and I'd give it everything I got.

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