Saint Demon: Part 1 The parasite lives

Story by ScalieCrystal on SoFurry

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I wonder from time to time what it means when people talk about destiny and whether or not we can alter or change destiny on our own... These thoughts weren't important to me at first but now with all that has happened I start to wonder of those things that never once seem to matter at all till now. Hi, I use to be normal like you and I use to live life happily unaware of what happened around me in fact I didn't care or I just never thought much of anything till my life was dragged into a living hell that was painted in the most lovely shade of heaven. To begin I'll start with the fact that life was discovered on other planets except they came to us, mankind never went that far into the stars and in that we found that life was not as we had thought, a species like hers is the kind you see in bad sci-fi movies that don't really catch your attention. When mankind first encountered them we thought how similar we were to them hoping that we had found the reason to why we looked the way we did it was like looking in a mirror, a reflection of something deep and dark with in each of them. At first we tried to coexist they seemed fine at first allowing us to trade and share many culture differences that intrigued us as well as horrified us, then it happened and to this day not many humans know how or why it took place but no one forgets that day. There are few of us now since they started hunting us humans we had become a food source to them they devoured countless towns and cities as if we were nothing more than livestock... I guess in a sense we deserve it for being so cocky but I myself still don't understand why it happened the way it did but that isn't important what matters now is what I have learned and what I can finally tell others of my kind. I was born in one of the many colonies that were scattered a cross the infinite heavens beyond our home Earth, my mother like many women in the colonies had no husband my father was a man who came to the colonies and then one day left. I didn't know who he was I never talked to him nor did he leave a picture I could look at the only thing I knew was that for some reason or other my mother actually loved the bastard. I grew up poor like everyone else till the day my mother died and I left the colonies stowing away on a ship bound for one of the alien planets that is where it all began. I was only 14 but I felt like I could take on anything in the universe I figure most boys at that age would believe there was nothing that could stop me, I was on an Ave planet thankfully their kind were ones who tolerated humans a fact I'm thankful for. I was walking down a street looking for a job as a delivery boy or a hired hand anything that would get me money, a place to stay and if lucky some good food, I had been on the planet for a week and had the luck of the Ave's kindness that was well known. I stopped in front of a restaurant with luck at my side the window had a help wanted sign, I went in and strolled straight into the kitchen without a word I looked for an office or anything close to it which was simple to find strolling in I sat in a small chair and looked at the Ave that sat at a small desk. He looked at me confused as I cleared my throat then proclaim in my best Ave "I am qualified for job I will take it" the Ave male looked at me hard for a few moments then laughed and called for one of the cooks to get me started on cleaning, like I said luck was at my side and the Ave's were kind creatures who helped others in any way they could. I got an apron along with a broom and started cleaning up, the first thing I did was get the trash out then they put me on the dishwasher. The rest of my day was spent behind the dishwasher as I watched people come in and leave trying to keep up with the flow of work that came my way. Finally after a few hours an ave came in and took over telling me my shift was over for the day I needed to return here at eight in the morning to be assigned my job for the day, I nodded and went over to the cooks who gave me a plate of food directing me to where I could get my drink. I sat in an empty booth in the back finally getting a hot meal after all the time I had spent here to say it tasted good was an understatement the taste was incredible and filling as I took care to enjoy and savor the flavor it had as it hit my tongue and excited my taste buds. I went back to the office and asked for my days pay to the ave who sat behind the desk, he looked up at me and asked me in a gruff yet soft tone "You have nowhere to go do you?" I sighed a bit nervous at the statement and shook my head which caused him to sigh "Here. Go to this place and take this with you." He turned and grabbed at a pile of clothes my new uniform for as long as I would work here this would be what I would wear along with a card that had an address on it. I trudged down the street pocket full of money my backpack now heavy with my uniform, after an hour of walking around I found the place a small apartment complex that was tall and looked like it had no elevator. Just my luck. I stepped forward and opened the door that reveled a large room with a desk facing the door, a young ave women with green and dark blue feathers sat looking at me as I entered. "Can I help you?" Her tone was soft and maternal reminding me of my own mother as I approached the desk I handed her the card my boss had given me, standing so close to her I could see that she wasn't as young as I had originally thought she had a few wrinkles around her eyes that made her seem approachable. She looked the card over after a few moments she looked back at me and smiled as she got up and reached for a key behind her, I was surprised when she took me by the hand and lead me up a set of stairs. I didn't protest or try and stop her just followed till we reached the third floor and stood in front of a tall wooden door, the white paint pealing off the sides as she unlocked it and pushed it open. Inside was a nice room she walked in and I followed behind a bit timid of all that was happening as I looked around I saw that it was a bit small but it a least had a widow and as I went over a saw the small city of lights dance before me as the night came over painting this place in beautiful colors that I had never seen or imagined possible. I felt a hand come down on my shoulder bringing me back to the present as I turned and looked back at the women who was holding a towel robe. "Here the bathroom is a communal one so it's at the far end of this floor. No one is using it so you can clean up in there. Goodnight little one." she winked at me and left I could hear the soft thumping of her feet as she went back down stairs and left me with a key to the room and one that opened the front door of the building. I put my backpack down and pulled out some of my clothes and underwear and dashed for the bathroom thankfully there was enough hot water for me to get fully clean which was a great feeling when I was younger I had refused to bath and now I look back and wonder if it was just my thought pattern that determined how I would act and do things or was I just reluctant to shower because I thought it would change me, I tried to avoid change as much as I could change was what had taken my mother away and to me time seemed to move slower without her. I finished my shower and washed the few clothes I had with me and returned to the room to set them to dry. I sat on the bed looking out at the lights of the town not sure if I was dreaming it seemed strange to find such luck yet when it came to the Ave I guess this was their way. I lay myself on the pillow and drifted off to sleep not much on my mind till the morning as I got up and got dressed walking to the restaurant was easy once I got my bearings, I went in and was pointed to a chart of what needed to be done in before the place opened. I went to work right away cleaning the booths before sweeping the front section of the restaurant watching as people passed by not really paying attention to what goes on around them in everyday, I finished a little after noon as the first customers entered. I sat in the back eating quickly before starting my duty on dish pit. The day seemed to go fast and I had many things to keep me occupied till it was quitting time I wondered as I walked down the street to the hotel where I dared to leave my backpack with some of my belongings that I knew I could not do with out in this world, as I neared the door I half expected to be locked out yet as I tugged the door opened all the way as if it were loose. I looked into the door wondering if someone had been about to go out no one just the women Ave behind the desk writhing some paper work till she looked up at me and smiled "Welcome back." she warmly greeted me as I walked in a bit nervous as I waved at her then dashed as fast as I could up to the room panting by the time I had reached my door pulling off the key I had tied to a string on my neck and pushed in finding that the room still contained all of my belongings nothing moved nothing changed. I couldn't take change anymore not after what had happened to my mother yet I wanted so badly to leave my home that I had left on a whims notice not telling anyone a word then again who would I tell. I sat down on the bed and placed the food I had taken from my job my boss had insisted that I had dinner tonight so I wouldn't show up half starved at work. He was a kind Ave and I'm grateful for his generosity as I let myself fall backwards into the soft pillow of the small yet comfortable bed that I was now mine in a sense I wondered how many others had he helped and why take a chance on a human most Ave's aren't fond of us yet they help anyone they can even if you do them wrong they won't turn their backs on nobody. I wish humans could have been that way I remember bitterly how my own kind rather ignore me and my mother than try and help us it was because of that behavior that my mother ended up dying if anyone had given a damn about her or me she wouldn't have suffered that long with her illness. I shut my eyes tight forcing my mind away from the sorrow that suddenly threatened to shed tears for a person I loved so much I didn't get to mourn her properly since I tried to force those feelings away from the surface I knew one day I would have to deal with it but the longer I could put it off the better I would get at controlling my emotions. I sighed and rolled over to fall asleep I was tired and the day was now turning to night I looked out the window to see lights come a blaze turning the dull city into a place that shone bright with magical feel to the scenery I could learn to love a place like this where someone actually cared that others were taken care of. I closed my eyes for what seemed like a few moments but was suddenly awoken by the bright warmth of the suns caress that told me it was already morning I felt so warm but I knew I had to get up and go to work again. I took off my shirt and grabbed a clean one from a pile of clean clothes that sat near the table as I sat and put on my sneakers as I yawned and stretched as I walked over to the door and took the key off the hook placing it around my neck once more as I headed out for another day at the restaurant I took my time going down the stairs as I felt lazy still wanting to be in the comfort of the bed that even from the front door seemed to call me wanting me back. I gave one last look at the front door and headed off to work once more at least the next two days I would be able to rest but for now I would just go to work.

This would set the tone for the remainder of the time I had in my temporary home. I would do all this everyday for only four years before it all went down hill...

I was promoted to cook status on my second year here working with the Ave's my friend was my boss and two of my co-workers who didn't consider me lame because I was a human most Ave's just gave me strange glances or not even bother with me. That day I remember clearly yet some details are still to much to think of, I was cooking some Bakhtain which was a favorite food of the Ave's mainly consisted of cooked vegetables with some meal worms... yum... I sighed and stretched a bit as I finished up the dish and went to take a quick smoke break I nasty habit I picked up from my boss he couldn't stop me and he felt that at least it was better then other things I could be doing, I sat on an empty crate out in the back taking my time as I enjoyed the cold sensation in my throat as I breathed it in feeling my tension leaving. Recently there had been reports that their were certain individuals that were contaminating others how I wasn't sure but hey I didn't pay that much attention to what they blabbed about on the news at the time and now that I think about it even if I had payed attention none of it would have changed how and why I came to her. I finished my smoke and stepped on it as I went back in to work off the rest of the afternoon till the early evening as I walked back to my apartment as I rounded the corner I saw her the down fall of me she was a human women and I being awkward around most was stunned as she smiled at me and asked me the one thing I never thought I would hear. "How about you and I go to your place?" well unfortunately I jumped on the opportunity hey a women a human one on a planet full of birds that considered me some freak so this was a golden opportunity for me to. I sat in my bed with an more than eager face as she began to take off her clothes this was it I was going to lose my virginity at least that's what I thought would happen as I quickly stripped off my pants I felt so awkward as I climbed on the bed but all my joy was suddenly taken away as I felt pain hit me hard and fast. She had hit me hard enough to make me bleed as I battled the darkness around me I saw a man come in before I lost to the shadows that came down on me hard and fast I didn't stand a chance. I felt awareness hit me hard in a quick blow of pain I opened my eye's to see something I couldn't understand wasn't my arm suppose to have a hand... pain over took my sense as I felt my flesh tearing off of my leg, pain I didn't know existed was shooting white hot as I felt bile raising in the back of my throat as I felt my leg give way with a strange popping noise. I felt myself getting colder as I knew that I was dying I didn't get it how could I just die like this my life had finally been good I had something to look forward to, I was going to make a life for myself here even if I didn't have all the things I wanted or needed but I was so close to just having a life. I cried... I cried for the life I was suppose to have I cried for all that I could have had, a home of my own, maybe even a family... well that one would be a bit strange, but I cried for that and I cried for my mother. All that I had forced myself to keep within me all the things that I couldn't bear now I was drowning in them letting it just fill me with something more than emptiness at this point I wanted to feel anything but the icy grip of death that was now crawling all over my skin. So this was it I was going to die alone where no one would ever find me in this cold darkness... I don't know how long I was like this yet suddenly I felt something new around me it was hard to identify but suddenly I felt my tongue dancing behind my lips as I wanted to reach up for whatever it was I wanted it I needed it so badly a force that was undeniable to me, I didn't care that I was missing a hand or who knows how much of my body was missing I had to get to it at any cost. I dragged myself along the ground for what seemed like hours getting closer to it I could hear whispers all around me some where barely audible I didn't pay attention to the sounds that began to rise around me there was something trying to stop me from getting to it but I wouldn't be deterred so easily, I could hear it calling to me now I was so close I knew this would save me nothing was more important to me than getting to this my salvation was here... yet I wasn't sure why I didn't feel it or noticed what it really was as I looked up I heard a sweet voice whispering "I love you..." I blinked as the light blurred suddenly become a figure that I couldn't escape, I saw blood or at least what I thought was blood flowing all around it the warm light I had seen was now gone replaced with a dark glow of red. Dark shadows fled around this creature who's hand was out stretched toward me I didn't know if I was sure that this was what I wanted but I couldn't go back out of cowardice I came to this not wanting to die not wanting my life to end... I reached out to this devil that had lured me in with a promise of life and I took the bait without thinking of what I was doing maybe that was my excuse that I didn't want to die that I was half dead and in other circumstances I would have ran but I now except that she and I were destined. I felt a cold ice grip take me away blurring my pain, my sight till all was lost to a feel of ice with relief and a sudden emptiness that made my hearth ache what had I just given to live. I let go and let the darkness give me peace as I felt a thick yet cold liquid going down my throat it was a bitter taste that pooled in the back of my throat and as it hit my stomach it suddenly warmed me I felt little sparks going all over my body concentrating on my arm and my left leg. I felt this for a while then it died down and I slept empty dreams with nothing to them except the darkness that was now too close to me to lose or run from, now the darkness was part of me that I couldn't refuse slowly integrating into the very core of my being. I awoke suddenly as I felt short of breath and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get air into my lungs I looked around seeing a few tables around me and some medical equipment I panted loudly till I heard the soft noise of a monitor beeping in the background as other noises came into focus, I turned as I heard a soft click to my right where light flooded in as a person stood bathed in the light till she closed the door and to my astonishment a child came over to me a smile from ear to ear. "I was wondering when you were going to come around, she said you would died in a couple of days. She thought you were just a waste of time. Usually she don't like human men that much I don't blame her, you Nigens are all the same." I sat baffled staring this child who had just called me a parasite I sat there looking for my voice yet it wouldn't come to me. She smiled and went over to a cabinet "Your throat hurts don't it, it should those Lagnitez ripped out your voice box your leg was chewed up you had little to no body left. They ripped you like a rag doll. I thought you were dead till you crawled at me." I blinked looking at her trying to remember what happened as I watched her move I could feel a warmth coming off of her "I got scared I thought you were like a zombie, it's happened that you get rabies and attack before you die. She got you and gave you a big dose of TaNk.... you drank it down fast!!! I thought I was going to throw up, so gross" she continued as she got out a bottle full of clear liquid and came up to me offering me the bottle "here some water should help." I grabbed it and downed it fast and with that it sat in my stomach hard and before I know it it was coming back up with out much of a warning "What a waste" she grabbed a near by cloth and threw it on top of what I had just brought up the water was tainted a mix of black and red I coughed till I felt something dislodge from my throat. I spit up in my hand... I didn't want to think what it was but it looked like bone and flesh mashed together, I was uneasy I had to get out of here I had to get to a doctor right now. I got up and felt my legs give under me the instant that I put my weight on them "Oh yeah your going to need her help to move I'll go get her!" with that she left skipping leaving the door wide open, I slide and dragged myself across the floor trying to reach the door and get out the floor felt cold on my bare skin... I looked down to see I was indeed completely in my birthday suit... No time for that thought I had to get out of here I was finally at the door and now I was going to be killed as I saw teeth and an angry dog. I backed away slowly not wanting to anger him more than he already seemed to be "Good doggie, don't bite...." I scooted back into the room and he followed me in as I got a better look at him I was stunned to see him. He looked like a king doberman pincher, if I were standing up I don't doubt he would reach up to my waist, in body size and color but that is where it ended for on the top of his head he had horns that curled backwards and his tail was long reminding me of a whip that ended with two blades that looked like scythes. This was no ordinary breed of dog and truth be told he wasn't a dog per say their breed was know as the Forelorne Hope they are a type of lion dog which makes them dangerous they were slowly dying out and if there was one here I now had a suspicion that this wasn't a place I should be. I was beginning to feel a dark force approaching me and my breath left as it came into the room and I was able to see her... Her hair was long and swept past her feet slightly dragging on the ground it was the color of blood, danger, and lust. Her eyes were the same taint of red luminous yet cold within her, her skin was white perfect white the only color on her face were her lips full and tempting to any who would lay eyes on her and the temptation didn't end there. Her body was curves that flowed into dipped into contours teasing the eyes leading to parts that would lead any to think of how sweet it would be to taste her and know her unfortunately I was now lost to my lust as she stood tall enough for me to just lean forward and taste her woman's heat in that sweet hidden place that few men could get access to unless they were a lover. Her hands were on me checking me over grabbing at me roughly all over, her hands were covered in gloves that were all the way to her shoulders and with what little she wore I hadn't noticed till she touched me. Suddenly my legs were up in the air spread apart and now I know how animals feel when you try to find out what gender they are... I felt violated was the least I could say. I grabbed at myself covering what I could "Hey what is wrong with you!" her eyes looked at me cold and flat "Don't complain Nigen. Ugh what a waste." She shook her head and let go of my legs and I rolled away I couldn't get to far as the dog suddenly came up to me growling "Down Kujo" as I said that I got kicked hard in the side with a boot that had steal making me groan in pain as I held my side "You will respect Julian he is your superior." Julian growled at me as she turned and began to leave "Hey! What the hell is your problem?" I yelled at her yet she ignored me "What the hell did you do to me!!!" She turned ant kicked me in the face my bones broke yet as suddenly as I felt the bone shatter it came back together and the pain was gone "What... Oh god...." I looked up at her barely realizing what I was facing this women was not a women she was a dark creature that had no sympathy for any and I was tainted with her blood in my system "You were crying begging for what I had and I gave you what you wanted another chance at life. You should be on your knees thanking me... Another parasite lives." I gritted my teeth "Yeah. Your a real saint of Demons aren't you" I spat at her sarcastically. She grabbed at my shoulders and lifting off the ground with ease "Listen Nigen I gave you back your life now you are going to pay me back ... with your body." My brain blanked out "..." then it dawned on me as she smirked "I have many who would pay good money to have sex with a human. You animals are fun to mess with." it suddenly came to me that I was now a whore... and she would be putting me to work..