Kerin The Dragoness, Chapter One: Kerin's Discovery

Story by Seiku on SoFurry

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Forgive this small edit. But strongly encourage critique and other reviews. Forgive me, but they will help greatly on chapter two. Simply to see what I did wrong and such, and so i don't make the same mistake twice. Thanks.


This story contains oral sex between a young female furry and a young hermaphrodite dragoness. If you are under the age of 18, or dislike the fact that i wrote about these subjects, please do not read. If you do not think you will be caught by your parents... Then good luck young ones.. Just remember Ol' Santa Clause is watching eh?


Kerin Snow, a beautiful dragoness. She had shimmering white hair and white scales that glow in the light. She is fourteen years old.

Chapter 1

Kerin's Discovery

"I don't know..." Kerin said quietly, looking at her friend, Natalie, a beautiful skunkette with a beautiful fluffy tail with a white stripe going from her back to the tip of her tail, and deep blue eyes, along with a smile that shimmered. "It's simple but... It's just so embarrassing.." Kerin continued before being cut off by Natalie.

"But you know he likes you, and he's proven it hasn't he?" Natalie asked quietly, looking over at the feline boy, Kai, a boy who wanted to prove his love for Kerin, and has attempted many times. He had deep blood red eyes and black fur, so black in fact that he would not be seen in a dark room or at night. "I mean seriously; He loves you for gods sake.. Just go out with him.. He looks good, he has wonderful eyes.." Natalie trailed off as Kai walked towards them slowly.

"H-Hi Kerin..." he said gently, looking at the ground. He quickly held out a beautiful red rose, it's petals brightened by the light in the cafeteria. He was rather embarrassed as the other school boys laughed at him, thinking he was a wuss. "I-I got this for you.." he said quietly and looked up into Kerin's eyes. "Will you... Go on a date with me..?" he was trembling from embarrassment because of the other boys.

Kerin looked at Natalie with a frown then looked back up at Kai. "I will..." She said with a deep sigh, knowing she may have just created a monster. She looked at the rose gently and took it from his and just as softly. "Thank you, Kai..." she said and smelled the rose, "It's wonderful..."

Kai was dumbfounded and smiled widely, "G-Great!" He exclaimed quietly, "W-When..." he started but was cut off by Natalie.

"Go to her house at nine, her parents will be asleep, then you two can go out." she said happily, and smiled at Kerin. She stood up and pushed Kai into her own seat, waking his face with her tail as he turned and walked away.

Kerin kept her eyes on the rose. Too nervous to actually talk with the feline boy. She looked up at him and smiled weakly, "So... What do you have planned, Kai?" She asked, looking at his shoulder length hair cover his face. She thought he was adorable with his embarrassment and his eyes. She put her hands on her lap, making her chest look slightly smaller, forcing laughs from other kids around.

Kai looked up at Kerin kindly, "I- I don't know... Maybe we could.. Get something to eat.. Watch a movie or something..." he said to her, unsure of what else to say to the albino dragoness. "Is that okay with you? I mean we could do something that you choose.." he started to trip over himself, getting more nervous from the eyes on him.

Kerin stood and smirked at the kids around them. She walked over to Kai and put her arms around his neck, "Sounds good... See you at nine..." she said and kissed him gently on his lips, making the other kids scoff and turn back to their lunches. She smiled at Kai gently before walking out of the cafeteria and towards her next class, which was Gym.

She sighed deeply as she walked into the girls locker room and took her shirt off and replaced it with a school gym shirt. She looked at the other girls, something she had never done before, and noticed their vaginal area was way different from her own. She grit her teeth tightly and walked into the stall before changing her pants.

Kai sat there, shocked at what just happened, his heart beating a thousand miles an hour. His furred face covered his deep blush. He stood and walked towards his Geometry class. He couldn't get Kerin out of his mind though, he was finally getting a date with her, and she had kissed him; but only to show off to the other kids. "Maybe she actually likes me..?" he asked himself, getting a bit more comfortable with his plans.

After School

After school, Kerin was walking home with Natalie, Kai had taken the bus. "Natalie.. Do you think it's wise that I go on a date with Kai?" she asked, "I mean... Well.. We'll talk when we get to my house, okay?" she said, her tail dragging behind her.

Natalie looked at her friend as though she had three heads, "What do you mean?" she asked curiously, "You're a perfect girl.. If I didn't have my tail, I'd be jealous of you!" she said and fluttered her tail in Kerin's face. She giggled lightly as she walked next to the albino dragoness.

Kerin rolled her eyes at Natalie's antics and smirked, "You'll find out once we get to my house, okay?" she said as she began to run. While she was in Gym, she had noticed the other girls didn't have the same parts as her, so who else to talk about it to then her best friend?

Kerin lead Natalie to her home, walking through the door and being greeted by her mother, Sharon Snow, a platypus. "Welcome home dear, Good day at school?" she asked, kissing her adopted daughter on the cheek.

Kerin looked at her mother with a serious face, "I need to talk to you later, mother..." she said as she walked up the stairs and into her room, leaving the door open for Natalie. Natalie smiled, "I'll talk to you later Mrs. Snow!" she said with a smile before rushing up the stairs after Kerin.

Kerin was sitting on the side of her bed, her hands on her chest and sliding down to her crotch, making her grit her teeth. "Natalie, close the door, and lock it please." she said to her friend, of whom obeyed slowly. After the door was shut, Kerin stood up and looked into the mirror curiously, still moving her hand over her crotch.

Natalie walked over to Kerin and looked at her oddly, "What are you doing, Kerin?" she asked out of pure curiosity. She looked over Kerin's shoulder and peered into the mirror, her eyes fixed on what Kerin was doing to herself.

Kerin sighed and turned to the young skunkette and smiled weakly, "Do me a favor.. And take off your clothes, Natalie." she said cutely.

Natalie stared at her friend and covered her chest with her right arm and her crotch with her left, "Why?!" she asked loudly, causing Kerin to "Shush!" her, "But why would you want me to get undressed for you, Kerin?"

Kerin sighed as she looked at Natalie and shook her head, "I'm different from the other girls..." she said turning back to the mirror and slowly unbuttoning her jeans and sliding them down to her knees along with her panties. Natalie gasped lightly as she looked at Kerin's private parts on the mirror, "See? I can't have a boyfriend if I'm not like other girls.." Kerin said with a pouting voice.

Natalie couldn't help but stare at Kerin's erect, seven inch penis. "Y- You have a..." Natalie started before cupping her hand over her mouth. She smirked deviously before reaching out and gently grasping Kerin's cock in her paw, her tail fluttering around wildly. As soon as she took Kerin's cock inter her paw, a moan escaped from Kerin's mouth.

"What.. Are you doing?" Kerin asked quietly, though a bit worried by the feeling as the skunkette had a grip on her cock. She moaned a little bit more as Natalie started to stroke her cock slowly, and thrust gently into her hand. "S- Stop Natalie..." she whispered through a moan.

Natalie looked up at her friend's troubled face and lifted up. "Boys like that..." she said, "So you should too, right?" She finished then lifting her cock to see her cunt. "Wow.. You have both private parts.." Natalie gasped slightly. She pulled up and smiled at Kerin deviously, "Perhaps I can help you with the erection.."

Kerin looked at Natalie as if she was crazy, "W- What do you mean??" she asked and looked down at her raging boner. "How could you help me with it?"

Natalie smirked and pulled her over to the bed and pushed Kerin onto it. She smiled lustfully, being a dirty skunkette, and knowing all about the sexes. She gripped Kerin's cock again and started jacking her cock off slowly, forcing another small moan from the young dragoness. "Does it feel good?" Natalie asked Kerin.

Karin moaned and gasped as he bucked her hips up occasionally into Natalie's paw. "I- I don't know..." she said as premature ejaculate slowly started to flow out of her cock. She looked at Natalie and smiled weakly, urging Natalie to continue.

Natalie watched the pre cum flow before lapping it up with her tongue. It tasted salty, a little bitter, but she liked it. She smiled widely and took the head of Kerin's dick into her mouth and suckled on it gently, making Kerin moan and thrust into Natalie's mouth, needing more than what she was being given.

Natalie continued sucking on Kerin's cock head, then moved a bit more into her mouth. She nipped Kerin's head and played with the shaft with her tongue, causing Kerin to moan a bit louder. Kerin gasped as she arched her back and sprayed her load of cum into Natalie's waiting mouth, of which she swallowed as fast as she could.

Natalie lifted up from her friend's cock and smiled at her, "You're welcome, Kerin.." she said, "I just hope Kai doesn't mind you being a hermaphrodite..." she said, pushing Kerin's panties up, along with her jeans.

Kerin panted madly, "W- Wow..." she said, "I.. I never felt like that.. Before..". She was panting hard, but softening slowly as she came to her senses. "A what?"

Mean While

Kai sat on the computer, his ears twitching gently from the air conditioner's breeze. He typed blindedly, unable to get Kerin off of his mind. It was more than just puppy love, her knew she was the one for him. He sighed deeply as he shut down the computer. "What time is it...?" he asked himself, looking at the clock, 5:42 PM, "Man, why does time move so slow..."

Kai stood and pushed in the chair. He walked to the door and outside. "Maybe... I'll go to her house now..." he said then stopped, "No... I .. I'm going!".

Kai walked down the street, the darkness already creeping into the sky. He sighed to himself as he walked. He had two miles to walk, and it was going to be lonesome. He stopped for a moment and looked at the sky. The autumn breeze freezing his ears quickly. He put his hands on his pointy ears to warm them as he walked. "What if she gets mad at me for showing up early.. What if her parents don't like me... what if her parents don't allow me to speak to her?!" he asked himself, worrying himself quickly, starting to run towards her house.

Kai stopped in front of Kerin's house as Natalie walked out. "Kai? What are you doing here so early?" she asked walking up to her, and wiping her mouth of the excess liquid. "You aren't supposed to be here until nine!" Natalie crossed her arms at him scoldingly.

Kai grit his teeth and backed up slowly, "I- I was only passing by.." he lied quietly, hiding his embarrassment and shyness. "I- I'm going to a friend's house..." He looked up at Kerin's window and sighed, "Okay... I couldn't wait..."

"Well, Now's not the best time, Kai... She's having a talk with her parent over... something" Natalie explained, "Perhaps you aught to be in there too.. If you truly love Kerin Snow.." She smirked deviously as she ran behind him and shoved him into the house, pushing him into the den where The family were speaking. They all turned to Natalie and Kai.

Natalie grinned widely "Here's the one who love's Kerin!" she exclaimed, "Shouldn't he know about it, if he really loves her, he shouldn't mind right?" Her tail flicked around widely out of excitement.

Kai grit his teeth and struggled to run out of the out, but Natalie held him, tightly. He looked at Kerin's mother then her father. Her father was an eagle, and a handsome one at that. Her mother was a platypus, a very beautiful one. "Hi..." he said nervously, looking at the ground.

David, Kerin's father, stood up slowly and walked towards Kai slowly. "My boy, what is your name?" he asked sternly, as if he was angered, but he wasn't.

Kai whimpered softly and looked up at David, "K- Kai.." he said nervously, his tail flicking behind him wildly. "I.. I am sorry for being here... I'll just leave now.."

Kerin's father put a hand on his shoulder, "Not at all, Kai. You do need to hear this. To see if you truly love my daughter, or if it is just puppy love." he said and led him to a chair. "How long have you known my daughter, Kai?" He asked sternly as he sat in a chair across from Kai.

Kai looked at David and shrugged lightly, "Since I was in the third grade... five years.." he said quietly, "I... She's beautiful in my eyes and..." he was cut off by a giggle from Sharon, Kerin's mother.

"Why, if he isn't the cutest, most nervous boy I have ever seen.." she said, "Well.. We have some news for you, Kai." She looked at her daughter's cherry red face and smiled, "Kerin is a hermaphrodite.. A person that has a penis, a vagina. and breasts.."

Kai looked up at Sharon, his mouth hung open, unable to think of the right words to speak.

David kept his eyes on Kai, studying his expressions, "Does that bother you, boy?" He asked, his feathers fluttering as if her were irritated, of which he was, "Because if that ruins your plans with my daughter tonight, you can leave."

Kai looked at David and whimpered gently, "I-- I don't care.. It's just a shock..." He said, recollecting his thoughts and senses. "It doesn't matter to me... I love her..."

Kerin looked up at Kai, her flushed face still cherry red. She smiled weakly at him, forcing herself now to cry in embarrassment.

Natalie at the entrance to the den, leaning on the frame of the entrance. "Wow, is it a major case of puppy love, Doctor? Indeed it is, Nurse!" she said jokingly, getting a book thrown at her by Kerin.

"Kerin!" her mother scolded, "Don't throw books in the house.. Take it outside." She smiled at her daughter and rubbed her hand on her scaly cheek, "He's a sweet boy, do you like him?" she asked quietly.

Kerin looked at Sharon and nodded slowly, "Yes, mother..." she said and looked back at Kai, "and we have a date, so we're leaving..." she said, standing up and walking out of the den, grabbing Kai's wrist on her way out, "We'll be back later mother, father, bye!" she walked out of the door, dragging the poor feline boy out behind her.

Sharon and David both sighed and looked at one another and then to Natalie, "Well... That was cute.." Sharon said with a delighted smile.

David stared at his wife, "I just don't think it's right though. Why would he accept that fact so easily?, without giving it any thought?"

Natalie giggled, "True love, Mr. Snow.." she said before walking out of the house, closing the door behind her.